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ADR155c Setup Guide

Initial ADR Setup at Installation.

Connect serial cable to ADR “COMM” port. Note serial port setup parameters are same
as Ceragon Terminal port, i.e. 19200-8-N-1, no flow control.
Hit “Enter” key a few times to get login screen.

There is no password as default, so just pres “Enter” again for access

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ADR155c Setup Guide

Note Supervisor Access granted

Follow on-screen prompts

Select “1” to setup Equipment IP address

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ADR155c Setup Guide

Enter ADR’s “Equipment IP Address” from “Inband IP Configuration” spreadsheet

supplied by Ceragon.
Save & return to main menu following the on-screen prompts.
Don’t select re-boot option as you have another IP address setting required to set up that
also requires reboot also.

Select main menu item 2, “Ethernet Interface Configuration”

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ADR155c Setup Guide

Enter ADR’s “Ethernet IP Address” parameters from “Inband IP Configuration”

spreadsheet supplied by Ceragon.
Save & return to main menu following the on-screen prompts.
Follow prompts to reboot system.
Ensure ADR re-starts with all changes configured.

Now use your PC Browser to access ADR via your Ethernet port.
Full setup guide follows.

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ADR155c Setup Guide

ADR Setup after installation (IP addressing completed)

Use IE to login after VT100 serial setup. Note to ensure multiple popup windows are
allowed otherwise you’ll get nothing but a blank IE screen.

Default password is nothing, just “Enter”

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ADR155c Setup Guide

You’re presented with the “shelf view” screen

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ADR155c Setup Guide

First setup name & time on ADR, click the “Equipment” hypertext link

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ADR155c Setup Guide

Select “Name”

Enter site name of ADR & click apply

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ADR155c Setup Guide

Confirmation page of action is displayed.

Select “Shelf View” hypertext link on top right of screen to go back to main screen.

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ADR155c Setup Guide

Select “Equipment” then “Date & Time” hypertext links

Press apply ensuring your PCs time accurately reflects the time zone you are working in,
then go back to “Shelf View”

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ADR155c Setup Guide

To tell the ADR which cards to expect in which slot, click on a white part of card in slot
A (repeat for B, C & D) to see following screen

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ADR155c Setup Guide

Select “Expected card” hypertext link to configure Expected Card

The ADR will tell you which card is inserted at the top of the page, but you have to check
the list choice that confirms that. The hit “Apply.” Go back to “Shelf View,” click on
white part of same card again.

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ADR155c Setup Guide

Select “Service”

Check “Service” & hit “Apply”

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ADR155c Setup Guide

Go back to “Shelf View” & click on “SYNC” connector on ADR lower left

Set up synchronisation per Ceragon plan. In general priority 1 clock “P1” is taken from
the HQ direction. Priority 2 clock “P2” is the internal oscillator. At HQ we try to use a
clock input from the MSC/BSC, usually via a nominated E1.
Set all unused sources to Quality = DNU and T0 Priority = Dis.
Ensure that Minimum Quality in T4 table (lower right part of screen) is set to SEC.
Don’t forget to “Apply” for changes made to each table on screen

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ADR155c Setup Guide

To set up cross-connects, select hypertext link from “Shelf View” screen

Click on card you want to make cross-connections from (using diagram in top right
corner of screen). This will show you all available circuits on the card: 63 for a STM-1
card, 21 for a 21E1 card, 21 for the Motherboard’s 21E1s

Select a circuit for mapping by clicking the blue “Output” number in the left-most
column of the main screen, then click the “Configure” hypertext link

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ADR155c Setup Guide

You can then choose the “Input Port” using the drop-down box. It displays all available
circuits (not already mapped) from all cards installed in the ADR.
Press “Apply” when you have selected the circuit.
Repeat for as many circuits as you need to map.
You can also use “Multiple Connections” to make repetitive mapping easier.

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ADR155c Setup Guide

To set up in-band management, click on “ETH” connector on “Shelf View” screen

This screen tells you which management connections are configured, which are working
& which are failed.

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ADR155c Setup Guide

Select “Interfaces Configuration” hypertext link

Per the Ceragon IP Planning Spreadsheet, set up each port.

ETH port should be set up already (this was done during initial setup via the serial port
using Hyperterminal session). Ensure OSPF Route Protocol is selected.
PPP ports should only be activated where required. Any activated will be “Unnumbered”,
mapped to a DCCm path & use OSPF.
Click “Apply” to execute changes.

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ADR155c Setup Guide

Select “Monitoring” hypertext link

Set all Severity entries to “Non-Alarmed”

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ADR155c Setup Guide

Select “Routing Table” hypertext link.

Ensure all other IP addresses on the network are now shown, accessible via the
appropriate PPP port. This table automatically fills up as the ADRs “find out” this
information by using the OSPF protocol.
If you cannot see you other ADR IP addresses its probably a configuration error at a ADR
of the fact that there is no STM-1 connection to the other ADRs.

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ADR155c Setup Guide

To monitor E1 alarms (see yellow [minor-alarm] or red [major-alarm] border around the
E1 Input/Output ports on the “Shelf View” screen) click the appropriate E1 connector.

Alarm status of ports is shown across table at top of page. Clicking on the relevant port in
the upper table (numbered 1-21, left to right across table) selects the port & shows all
alarm data in main part of screen. Usual problems are PPI LOS (PDH Physical Interface
Loss Of Signal) or PPI AIS (PDH Physical Interface Alarm Indication Signal).

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ADR155c Setup Guide

To monitor STM-1 alarms (see yellow [minor-alarm] or red [major-alarm] border around
the STM-1 TR or REC ports on the “Shelf View” screen) click the appropriate STM-1 TR
or REC connector.

Usual problem is SPI LOS (SDH Physical Interface Loss Of Signal).

Use the online help to help decipher the acronyms.

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