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Write the simple past tense of these words.

1. make 6. say

2. see 7. sell

3. come 8. pay

4. teach 9. speak

5. take 10. throw

Choose the correct answer.

1. The prince ( took , takes ) over the throne after the king died.

2. The elves ( leave , left )after they finished making five pairs of shoes.

3. The king ( tell , told )his people to work hard and live a better life this


4. The knight ( rides , rode ) on his horse to save the princess from the evil

queen last night.

5. The beautiful princess ( met, meet )her handsome prince and they lived

happily ever after.

Read the passage below. Change the verbs in the bracket to past tense.

Rosemary _________ ( read ) a book last night. It ______( is ) about the

elves and the shoemaker. The shoemaker __________ ( become ) very ill

and could not afford to make shoes. One night, two elves ________( come )

to make shoes. They __________( cut ) and sewed many pairs of beautiful

shoes for the shoemaker. They __________ ( put ) them on the shoe rack

for the shoemaker to see. The next morning, the shoemaker

____________ ( is ) surprised to see the shoes. He ___________( sell )

the shoes and had money to buy food. He _____________( make ) beautiful

clothes for the elves to repay them for their kindness.

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