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The Animal World

Choose the correct answer

1. There are different kind of animals in this world ……

 Yes  No

2. Tick all the animals that are big …

 Lion  Cat  Dog  Giraffe  Mouse  Elephant  Bear

3. Tick all the animals that are small …

 Butterfly  Cat  Bee  Giraffe  Mouse  Elephant  Pigeon

4. Which is the biggest animal on land…

 Lion  Elephant  Giraffe  Rhinoceros

5. Which is the biggest animal on earth (land and water both)

 Dolphin  Whale  Elephant  Bear  Horse

The Learning Buddies Evolving Science 1

The Animal World
Choose the correct answer

6. Most land animals have _________ legs

 2 4  6 8  10

7. Monkeys , Mouse, puppies are …

 Big Animals  Small Animals

8. Most Birds fly in the sky …

 Yes  No

9. Tick all the birds…

 Pigeon  Peacock  Rat  Bee  Ants  Sparrow

10.Tick the birds that cannot fly high in the sky…?

 Peacocks  Pigeons  Ostrich  Crow  Penguins

The Learning Buddies Evolving Science 2

The Animal World

Choose the correct answer

11. Birds have _________ legs to walk, hop and run?

 2 4  6 8  10

12. Birds fly with their ….

 Wings  Fins  Beaks  Legs

13. Do birds have teeth?

 Yes  No

14. Birds eat their food with the help of their

 Wings  Fins  Beaks  Legs

15. Which of the following birds can swim in the water…..

 Parrot  Duck  Peacock  Swan

The Learning Buddies Evolving Science 3

The Animal World

Choose the correct answer

16. Insects are ….

 Big Animals  Very small animals

17. Which of the following are insects ….

 Flies  Bees  Mosquitoes  Butterflies  Spider  Lizard

18. All insects have ____________ legs

 2  4  6  8  10

19. Can insects have wings?

 Yes  No

20. Insects can fly with the help of their

 Wings  Legs  Antennas

The Learning Buddies Evolving Science 4

The Animal World
Choose the correct answer

21. Which of these insects cannot fly?

 Ants  Bedbugs  Mosquito  Butterfly

22. All birds can swim?

 Yes  No

23. All insects have 6 legs?

 Yes  No

24. Spider has _____________ legs

 6  8

25. Is spider an insect?

 Yes  No

The Learning Buddies Evolving Science 5

The Animal World
Choose the correct answer

26. Different animals live at different places?

 Yes  No

27. A Monkey lives in a cave?

 Yes  No

28. Polar bear lives in cold places?

 Yes  No

29. Camel lives in water?

 Yes  No

30. Elephant lives in a forest?

 Yes  No

The Learning Buddies Evolving Science 6

The Animal World
Choose the correct answer

31. Fish and dolphin live in?

 Land  Water  Trees  Den

32. Which of the following animals live on land?

 Elephant  Dolphin  Dog  Jellyfish  Lion

33. Which of the following animals live in water?

 Elephant  Dolphin  Dog  Jellyfish  Starfish  Octopus

34. Which of the following animals live in water and land?

 Frog  Dolphin  Turtle  Monkey  Crocodile  Fish

35. Do fish have legs?

 Yes  No

The Learning Buddies Evolving Science 7

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