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Effects of sleep deprivation on cognition

Article in Progress in brain research · December 2010

DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53702-7.00007-5 · Source: PubMed


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1 author:

William D. S. Killgore
The University of Arizona


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G. A. Kerkhof and H. P. A. Van Dongen (Eds.)
Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 185
ISSN: 0079-6123
Copyright ! 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Effects of sleep deprivation on cognition

William D.S. Killgore*

Neuroimaging Center, McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Belmont, MA, USA

Abstract: Sleep deprivation is commonplace in modern society, but its far-reaching effects on cognitive
performance are only beginning to be understood from a scientific perspective. While there is broad
consensus that insufficient sleep leads to a general slowing of response speed and increased variability in
performance, particularly for simple measures of alertness, attention and vigilance, there is much less
agreement about the effects of sleep deprivation on many higher level cognitive capacities, including
perception, memory and executive functions. Central to this debate has been the question of whether sleep
deprivation affects nearly all cognitive capacities in a global manner through degraded alertness and
attention, or whether sleep loss specifically impairs some aspects of cognition more than others.
Neuroimaging evidence has implicated the prefrontal cortex as a brain region that may be particularly
susceptible to the effects of sleep loss, but perplexingly, executive function tasks that putatively measure
prefrontal functioning have yielded inconsistent findings within the context of sleep deprivation. Whereas
many convergent and rule-based reasoning, decision making and planning tasks are relatively unaffected by
sleep loss, more creative, divergent and innovative aspects of cognition do appear to be degraded by lack of
sleep. Emerging evidence suggests that some aspects of higher level cognitive capacities remain degraded
by sleep deprivation despite restoration of alertness and vigilance with stimulant countermeasures, suggest-
ing that sleep loss may affect specific cognitive systems above and beyond the effects produced by global
cognitive declines or impaired attentional processes. Finally, the role of emotion as a critical facet of
cognition has received increasing attention in recent years and mounting evidence suggests that sleep
deprivation may particularly affect cognitive systems that rely on emotional data. Thus, the extent to which
sleep deprivation affects a particular cognitive process may depend on several factors, including the
magnitude of global decline in general alertness and attention, the degree to which the specific cognitive
function depends on emotion-processing networks, and the extent to which that cognitive process can draw
upon associated cortical regions for compensatory support.

Keywords: Sleep deprivation; cognition; attention; vigilance; perception; emotion; executive function;
decision making

Corresponding author.
Tel.: +(617) 855-3166; Fax: +(617) 855-2770.

DOI:10.1016/B978-0-444-53702-7.00007-5 105

Introduction cognition is complex and higher order capacities

often build upon more elementary cognitive
Most of us will spend approximately one-third of functions, the chapter will begin with a discus-
our lives asleep. Despite the large proportion of sion of the effects of sleep loss on simple alert-
our existence that it consumes, there remains lit- ness, vigilance and attention, the foundation for
tle scientific consensus regarding the actual func- other aspects of waking cognition. We will then
tion that sleep provides. Scientific debate aside, focus on the consequences of sleep deprivation
even most non-experts would agree that without on various aspects of sensory perception, emo-
adequate sleep, nearly every aspect of waking life tion and long-term memory processes. Finally,
becomes more effortful, laboured and emotion- we will discuss the effects of sleep deprivation
ally less fulfilling. Nothing seems to bring as much on several of the most complex cognitive pro-
clarity to the function of sleep as spending a night cesses, including mental flexibility, planning
without it. When deprived of sufficient sleep, and sequencing, abstract concept formation and
most of us feel sleepy and physically drained, decision making. Many other cognitive capacities
our mood is noticeably flattened if not somewhat (e.g. language) would also be appropriate for a
dour, and our thinking feels sluggish and unfo- discussion of this type, but due to space limita-
cused. Even to the non-expert, sleep has obvious tions such coverage is beyond the scope of this
importance for sustaining normal functioning at chapter.
several levels, including basic alertness, emo-
tional experience and a host of complex cognitive
processes. Alertness, vigilance and simple attention
Despite common wisdom that sleep is important
for sustaining performance, in the daily bustle of Without some degree of alertness and attention, it
life, sleep is sometimes considered to be something is virtually impossible to engage in complex cogni-
of a minor nuisance – a perfunctory part of the tive processing. These basic capacities serve as the
daily routine, akin to bathing, oral hygiene and foundation for higher level cognition. Interest-
waste elimination. To the casual observer, sleep ingly, alertness and vigilance also appear to be
appears to be a state of unproductive dormancy – the cognitive capacities most consistently and dra-
time that might seem wasted and better devoted to matically impacted by insufficient sleep (Lim and
more productive, lucrative or entertaining pur- Dinges, 2008, 2010). During a normal day, alert-
suits. When work, school or social demands ness remains relatively stable throughout typical
encroach, people often trade sleep for additional waking hours in a healthy rested person. With
time to devote to such activities. Furthermore, sufficient sleep, even circadian (i.e. near-24-h)
insufficient sleep is often the norm among many fluctuations in alertness and more rapid variations
professions, such as medical residents, military per- (e.g. the post lunch dip) during normal waking
sonnel and shift-workers. Thus, scientific study of hours are trivial and difficult to detect without
the effects of sleep deprivation can provide unique extremely sensitive tests. Nevertheless, when the
insights, not only regarding the nature and function envelope of continuous wakefulness is pushed
of sleep but also of practical importance for beyond about 16 h, most individuals begin to show
enhancing the health and well being of workers a substantial slowing of reaction time (RT) and
who must perform optimally despite periods with worsening of performance accuracy on tests of
little to no sleep. psychomotor vigilance (Goel et al., 2009), declines
The present chapter presents a selective that continue to worsen as wakefulness is sus-
review of the effects of sleep deprivation on a tained throughout the night into the early morning
number of cognitive processes. Because human hours.

Psychomotor vigilance performance Total sleep deprivation is not necessary in order

to observe decrements in psychomotor vigilance
The most commonly used metric for evaluating response speed, however. In fact, restricting sleep
alertness and vigilance during sleep loss is the by only a couple of hours per night (e.g. 6 h per
Psychomotor Vigilance Test (PVT) (Dinges and night) can lead to significant slowing of response
Powell, 1985), a 10-min simple RT test that repeat- times that, if prolonged for up 2 weeks, can reach
edly presents a visual cue at pseudo-random inter- impairment levels that are comparable to about
vals ranging from 2 to 10 s. At each cue presenta- two nights of total sleep deprivation (Van
tion, the subject simply presses a button as quickly Dongen et al., 2003). Chronic sleep restriction to
as possible to register a response, clear the stimulus about 5 h per night appears to produce even
and start the next trial. The PVT is exquisitely greater decrements in psychomotor vigilance per-
sensitive to the slowing of RT and increased atten- formance, but these declines eventually level off at
tional lapses that occur during periods of total a substantially reduced level; further restriction to
sleep deprivation (Doran et al., 2001) or chronic less than about 4 h nightly appears to lead to con-
sleep restriction (Dinges et al., 1997). The PVT has tinued degradation in vigilance performance
become the ‘gold standard’ for assessment of the (Belenky et al., 2003; Van Dongen et al., 2003).
effects of sleep deprivation on cognition because it The second conclusion about psychomotor vigi-
is highly reliable, sensitive to prolonged wakeful- lance suggested in the review by Lim and Dinges is
ness and circadian influences, and shows very little that sleep deprivation leads to an increase in the
effect of learning (Dinges et al., 1997; Van Dongen number and duration of attentional lapses (i.e. per-
et al., 2003), making it ideal for repeated adminis- iods during which the subject fails to respond to the
trations over the course of a lengthy study. cue, usually defined as a response of 500 ms or
A recent review by Lim and Dinges (2008) out- longer) as well as an increase in errors of commis-
lined several general conclusions about the effects sion or false alarms (i.e. responses when no cue has
of sleep deprivation on vigilance performance as been presented or incorrect responses). Some have
measured by the PVT. First, they note that sleep suggested that longer lapses may actually repre-
deprivation leads to a general slowing of response sent ‘microsleeps’, or brief periods where sleep-
times, which includes a worsening of average RT like brain activity may momentarily interrupt
for all trials, as well as slowing of the fastest 10% of ongoing wakefulness (Peiris et al., 2008; Poudel
responses during the task. The latter point is et al., 2009). There is evidence that the number
important, as it suggests that sleep loss adversely of lapses at any particular time point is correlated
affects even the best performances, not just the with the duration of those lapses, suggesting that
typical responses. Measures of response speed this index is particularly useful as a measure of
are extremely sensitive to sleep loss, as demon- sleepiness (Lim and Dinges, 2008).
strated by Doran et al. (2001). They measured It is also true that the ability to sustain psycho-
PVT performance every 2 h in two groups over motor vigilance also decreases with the duration of
an 88-h period of sleep deprivation. One group the task (Lim and Dinges, 2008). This is known as
remained awake for the entire period, while the the ‘time-on-task effect’ (i.e. the progressive wors-
other group received a 2-h nap once every 12 h. ening of performance with sustained focus on a
In comparison to the group receiving only a short cognitive task) and is greatly exacerbated during
nap twice a day, those who remained awake the sleep deprivation. In fact, during even a single
entire time showed significant slowing of response night of sleep loss, decrements in performance on
times, greater variability in performance and a boring monotonous task can be seen within only
increased errors of omission and commission a few minutes (Gillberg and Akerstedt, 1998). The
(Doran et al., 2001). time on task effect appears to be strongly affected

by motivation and some evidence suggests that its dosage, speed of responding could be temporarily
effects can be mitigated by incentives or rewards restored to near baseline levels by these commonly
(Steyvers and Gaillard, 1993). The standard ver- used psychostimulants, even after two to three
sion of the PVT lasts 10-min, which appears to be nights of total sleep deprivation (Killgore et al.,
ample duration to induce time-on-task effects in 2008b; Wesensten et al., 2005).
sleep-deprived individuals. However, shorter var- Finally, psychomotor vigilance performance is
iants of the PVT have been used successfully to highly sensitive to the magnitude of homeostatic
show performance decrements during sleep loss. sleep pressure (i.e. the biological drive for sleep),
For instance, a series of studies from the Walter which accumulates with longer durations of wake-
Reed Army Institute of Research used a shorter fulness, as well as the normal diurnal fluctuations
5-min variant of the PVT to examine the effective- in alertness that occur throughout the day. These
ness of stimulant countermeasures such as latter observations comprise the two-process
caffeine, dextroamphetamine and modafinil at sus- model (Borbely, 1982), which posits that sleep pro-
taining alertness and vigilance during prolonged pensity and alertness are regulated by the com-
sleep deprivation (Killgore et al., 2008b; bined interaction of two biological processes
Wesensten et al., 2005). Even a 5-min variant of involving a homeostatic drive for sleep that accu-
the PVT appears to be of sufficient duration to mulates over time awake (process S) and an oscil-
elicit significant effects of sleep deprivation and is lating circadian process that modulates the level of
sensitive to the effects of stimulant countermea- alertness (process C) (see Fig. 1). Thus, the longer
sures. These studies showed that with sufficient an individual remains awake, the greater the


Fig. 1. Dynamic influences on cognitive performance by two key neurobiological processes: a homeostatic process and a circadian
process. The left panel shows a gradual increase of the homeostatic process across 62 h of total sleep deprivation, representing the
progressive build-up of pressure for sleep over time awake; and an oscillatory pattern of the circadian process with a period of
(approximately) 24 h, representing the waxing and waning of pressure for wakefulness over time of day. The right panel shows the
sum of these two influences as a model of performance impairment (grey curve), superimposed on actual measurements of performance
during 62 h of total sleep deprivation in a laboratory (black curve). The data shown in the right panel are averages (black circles) with one
standard deviation on each side (whiskers) over 12 healthy adults. Reprinted with permission from Van Dongen and Belenky (2009).

homeostatic pressure to fall asleep (S). However, of intentional wakefulness, the accumulating
this pressure will be either reduced or increased homeostatic pressure for sleep exists in opposi-
according to a 24-h sinusoidal pattern (C) through- tion to the individual’s motivation to remain
out the day. During sleep deprivation, perfor- awake. Motivational control over the waking
mance degradation will be most severe at the cir- state is presumed to be modulated by top-down
cadian nadir during the early morning hours cortical control systems, most likely involving
(Babkoff et al., 1991). prefrontal executive regions, whereas the invol-
untary drive for sleep emerges from bottom-up
systems involving brainstem and hypothalamic
Attention and motor tracking nuclei (Lim and Dinges, 2008), or possibly, from
emergent properties of local neuronal assem-
A particularly compelling and practically relevant blies as a function of prior use (Krueger et al.,
account of the decline in vigilance and attention was 2008). When sleep pressure is low, there is little
demonstrated by a simple but elegant study that tension in this system and waking alertness and
equated hours of wakefulness with blood alcohol vigilance performance remains stable. However,
concentration during a visual-motor tracking task as an individual attempts to sustain wakefulness
(Dawson and Reid, 1997). In that study, perfor- beyond about 16 h, the tension between the
mance on a simple test of hand–eye tracking and mounting homeostatic pressure for sleep and
coordination worsened in a linear manner during a motivated attempts to fight off sleep becomes
28-h period of overnight sleep deprivation. greater, leading to increased variability in alert-
Moreover, performances during sleep deprivation ness and progressively unreliable performance.
were statistically equated with those of the same This theory, known as the ‘wake state instabil-
subjects at various blood alcohol concentration ity’ hypothesis (Doran et al., 2001), suggests that
levels manipulated and measured on a different the hallmark of sleep deprivation is increased
day. Findings showed that after 10 h of continuous variability in performance due to the interaction
wakefulness, each additional hour awake was of reciprocally inhibiting neurobiologic systems,
equivalent to an increase of 0.004% blood alcohol one attempting to keep the individual awake and
concentration until about 26 h of wakefulness. In the other exerting pressure to fall sleep
practical terms, by 17-h of wakefulness perfor- (Goel et al., 2009). This instability is often most
mance was equivalent to a blood alcohol concentra- easily observed in performance lapses (i.e. PVT
tion of 0.05%, while 24 h awake was roughly equiv- reaction times longer than 500 ms), which
alent to performance at 0.10%, a level meeting or become more frequent and longer in duration
exceeding the legal limit for intoxication in all states as the period of continuous wakefulness is
in the United States. The implications are clear – on extended (Doran et al., 2001). Eventually, lapses
average, a person who has gone for even one single become so extreme in duration (e.g. 30 s or lon-
night without sleep is about as impaired on early ger) that they qualitatively shift from momen-
morning hand–eye coordination as an individual tary periods of inattention to what can be
drinking alcohol to the legal limit of intoxication. described as a functional sleep attack (Lim and
Dinges, 2008). According to Lim and Dinges,
these sleep attacks are virtually non-existent in
Wake state instability normally rested individuals, but begin to be
observed with greater frequency as the period
The longer a person remains awake, the stronger of wakefulness is extended beyond the normal
the biological pressure for sleep. During periods period of waking.

Neuroimaging correlates of default systems or may lead to a failure to effec-

tively allocate resources to task-relevant brain
What might be occurring in the brain during sus- regions when needed.
tained attention and what occurs during a lapse? Is Other fMRI studies have also shown that sleep
the process the same when a person is well rested deprivation is associated with reduced activation of
versus sleep deprived? Early neuroimaging studies frontal and parietal networks and altered function-
using positron emission tomography (PET) ing within the thalamus. Notably, Chee et al. (2008)
showed that sleep deprivation is associated with found that lapses following a night of sleep depri-
reduced metabolic activity within a network of vation were different from those that occurred dur-
brain regions important for attention, information ing rested wakefulness. While infrequent, lapses of
processing and executive control, including the attention do occur even in normally rested indivi-
prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate, thalamus, duals, usually during boring monotonous tasks.
basal ganglia and cerebellum, and the magnitude The occurrence of these lapses is believed to orig-
of declines in activity within the thalamus, pre- inate from transient disruptions in ongoing pre-
frontal and parietal regions is correlated with frontal cortical control systems. In contrast, lapses
measures of alertness and cognitive performance occurring after total sleep deprivation were not
(Thomas et al., 2000). More recently, studies cap- only associated with attenuated activation of fron-
italizing on the superior temporal resolution of tal controls systems but also showed significantly
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) reduced activation of parietal attention regions,
have supported the existence of a cortical network visual cortex and thalamus relative to lapses during
important for sustained attention and have shown the rested state (Chee et al., 2008). These findings
that the functioning of this network is altered dur- suggest that lapses during sleep deprivation are
ing sleep deprivation. For instance, Drummond qualitatively different from those that occur when
and colleagues used event-related fMRI to an individual is well rested, primarily as a function
examine the functional brain correlates of the of reduced visual sensory processing. Overall, neu-
PVT in healthy individuals when well rested and roimaging research suggests that sleep loss alters
again following 36 h of total sleep deprivation normal functioning of the sustained attention net-
(Drummond et al., 2005). Faster responses were work and leads to increased disengagement from
associated with activation within a cortical sus- external sensory input.
tained attention network including prefrontal,
motor and parietal cortical regions, and subcortical
structures such as the basal ganglia. In contrast, Individual differences
slow responses were associated with greater acti-
vation of medial prefrontal regions implicated in When it comes to the ability to sustain perfor-
the ‘default mode network’, a network of medial mance when sleep deprived, not all individuals
cortical regions that tends to be most active when are created equal. Some people appear to be little
external cognitive processing demands are affected or are well able to compensate for the
minimized. Following sleep deprivation, slow effects of sleep loss on alertness and vigilance,
responses were associated with even greater acti- whereas others seem to be much less resistant.
vation of default mode regions (Drummond et al., Moreover, these effects appear to be relatively
2005). Because the default mode network is gen- stable within individuals across different sessions
erally activated when subjects are awake but at of sleep deprivation (Van Dongen et al., 2004). In
rest, daydreaming, or not otherwise involved in their seminal study, Van Dongen and colleagues
goal-directed behaviours, the authors posit that reported that 67.5% of between-session variabil-
sleep loss may result in inappropriate activation ity in PVT performance, and more than 90% of

variability in subjective sleepiness ratings could perceptual processes. Some of the major findings
be explained by systematic individual differences. in this realm will be discussed next.
These authors have proposed that consistent
inter-individual differences in the susceptibility
to performance impairment from sleep loss are Visuospatial perception
so reliable within individuals as to reflect a trait-
like phenomenon (Van Dongen et al., 2004). It The effect of sleep deprivation on the ability to
has been suggested that prior sleep history, base- accurately perceive visual stimuli has been exam-
line cognitive functioning, standard blood and ined in several studies in recent years. Building on
urine laboratory test findings or psychological a large body of work in the field of cognitive neu-
traits such as personality do not significantly pre- ropsychology, Manly et al. (2005) studied visuo-
dict these individual differences (Van Dongen spatial attention biases in sleep-deprived individ-
and Belenky, 2009), although some recent studies uals. It has been well established that healthy
have reported such relationships (Killgore et al., rested individuals show a consistent bias to over-
2007e, 2008a, 2009a). While the specific criteria estimate the length of the left section of bisected
that define the basis for these individual differ- horizontal lines, a finding that has been attributed
ence traits are still being debated, there is emerg- to the dominance of the right cerebral hemisphere
ing evidence that variability in specific poly- for attention and spatial processing. Interestingly,
morphisms of human clock genes may play a Manly and colleagues showed that relative to
prominent role in sensitivity to the effects of sleep rested wakefulness, there was a rightward shift in
loss, sleep pressure and circadian influences (von attention following sleep deprivation, leading to an
Schantz, 2008). attenuation of the normal leftward bias. These
Interestingly, the effects of sleep deprivation on findings raised the possibility that sleep loss may
psychomotor vigilance appear to be moderated by particularly impair right hemisphere (i.e. left visual
the age of the individual (Duffy et al., 2009). A field) functioning and alter normal visuospatial
number of studies have shown that younger adults perception.
tend to show greater decrements in psychomotor When lateralized perceptual findings are
vigilance performance, including slowing of RT, observed, they tend to support the notion that
increased lapses and unintentional sleep episodes the right hemisphere may be more adversely
during periods of sleep deprivation, sleep restric- affected by sleep loss than the left. However, this
tion and forced desynchrony of sleep periods rela- finding has not been supported universally. For
tive to older individuals (Adam et al., 2006; Duffy example, evidence for a specific perceptual deficit
et al., 2009; Silva et al., 2010; Stenuit and Kerkhofs, in the left visual field was not found in a subsequent
2005). In general, while older adults may show study by Kendall et al. (2006), who examined visual
slightly slower baseline RT scores, they are less perception of small light flashes across a 150! hor-
impaired by a night or more of sleep loss than izontal visual arc during a divided attention para-
younger adults. digm. Rather than leading to lateralized visual per-
ception deficits, 31–35 h of sleep deprivation was
associated with a global worsening of response
Sensory perception omissions across the entire field of visual percep-
tion. In another study, Killgore and colleagues
In contrast to the voluminous literature on the examined the effect of 23 h of sleep deprivation
effects of sleep deprivation on alertness, vigilance on a standardized clinical neuropsychological test
and attention, surprisingly less research has of visuospatial perception (Killgore et al., 2007b),
focused on how lack of sleep affects sensory and the Judgement of Line Orientation Test (JLOT).

Contrary to their hypotheses, performance on the biasing signals from the prefrontal and parietal
JLOT did not decline as a function of sleep loss cortices. Chee and Tan (2010) recently tested these
despite highly significant impairments in PVT per- two competing hypotheses using fMRI and found
formance immediately following the task, suggest- greater support for the latter explanation, suggest-
ing that under conditions of free stimulus viewing ing that the visual deficits associated with sleep
and without time constraints, the simple visual abil- deprivation are primarily due to an attenuation
ity to judge the relative angle of lines does not of normal top-down attention biasing systems
appear to be degraded meaningfully as a function rather than a primary deficit in the functioning of
of one night of sleep loss. Furthermore, there was visual cortex.
no observed laterality effect on this task. Finally, a
recent study by Roge and Gabaude (2009) showed
Auditory perception
that a single night of sleep loss was sufficient to
reduce visual perceptual sensitivity on a comput-
Relative to visual perception, much less is known
erized visual perception task and led to more con-
about auditory perception during sleep depriva-
servative perceptual decisions in a manner that
tion. As with the studies of visual perception, the
paralleled changes that occur during the aging pro-
few available auditory studies also find a general
cess. Together these findings suggest that the effect
decline in the latency of responses to auditory sti-
of sleep deprivation on visual processes is subtle
muli, but these may also be attributable to deficits
and may be easily compensated for when time con-
in attention and vigilance rather than a specific
straints are not an issue and may be completely
deficit in auditory processing (Horne et al., 1983).
absent on less sensitive clinical measures, which
One aspect of auditory perception that does
are designed to measure the gross presence of
appear to be affected by sleep deprivation is audi-
tory temporal resolution – the ability to identify
Using sophisticated fMRI techniques, Chee and
which of two closely paired auditory stimuli occurs
colleagues have shown that during sleep depriva-
first in succession. This capacity is believed to rely
tion, there is a significant decline in visual task-
on the functions of the prefrontal cortex and, as
related activation within extrastriate regions of
such, might be particularly sensitive to sleep loss
the occipital cortex, which are primarily involved
(Babkoff et al., 2005). In fact, one night of sleep
in visual sensory processing, and this decline is
deprivation was found to reduce auditory temporal
particularly evident during lapses (Chee et al.,
resolution by over 28% (Babkoff et al., 2005), a
2008). A second study by the same group examined
finding which has possible implications for higher
the effect of sleep deprivation on brain function
level cognitive processes such as language compre-
during a visual memory task and a matched visual
hension. At present, the effects of sleep depriva-
perceptual load task. Findings clearly showed that
tion on auditory comprehension are virtually
sleep deprivation was associated with reduced acti-
unknown. Given the importance of auditory dis-
vation within visual processing regions of the
crimination as well as auditory sensory perception
occipital cortex, which correlated with poorer per-
thresholds for many dangerous work environ-
formance on both tasks (Chuah and Chee, 2008).
ments, this is an important yet understudied aspect
Reduced visual processing during sleep depriva-
of cognition during sleep deprivation.
tion might be due to use-dependent fatigue effects
or even localized sleep within visual regions that
are overly taxed during prolonged wakefulness. Tactile perception/pain
Alternatively, it is possible that the declines in
visual processing and deactivation of visual cortex At present, there are virtually no studies examin-
may simply emerge from weakened attention ing tactile sensation or perception during sleep

deprivation. Whereas available evidence suggests processes (Killgore and McBride, 2006). To
that there is no effect of sleep deprivation on sim- date, only two studies have examined the effects
ple detection thresholds for warm and cold tem- of sleep deprivation on the ability to accurately
peratures, there is compelling evidence to suggest discriminate and identify odours. Killgore and
that sleep deprivation is associated with a signifi- McBride (2006) found that performance on the
cant reduction in pain tolerance thresholds for cold Smell Identification Test (SIT), a standardized
and heat (Kundermann et al., 2004). A recent measure of olfactory discrimination, declined
study showed that total sleep deprivation was significantly following 24 h of sleep deprivation,
associated with significant increases in ratings of corresponding with declines in PVT perfor-
spontaneous pain, including general physical dis- mance. Because other aspects of complex
comfort, body pain, headache, muscle pain and cognition remained stable (i.e. mental flexi-
stomach pain (Haack et al., 2009). The exact bility and set-shifting on a temporally contigu-
mechanisms for hyperalgesia during sleep depriva- ous trail-making test), these findings were
tion remain to be determined (Lautenbacher et al., suggested to occur independently of global
2006), but it is conceivable that dysregulation of declines in alertness. These findings were repli-
affective processing systems may contribute to this cated in a second independent sample following
effect. 52 h of sleep deprivation (McBride et al., 2006).
Although statistically significant, odour identi-
fication declines were mild in both studies, with
Taste perception changes ranging between 5.2 and 6.3 percentage
points on average. In contrast to the studies of
One very early study suggested that sleep depriva- odour identification, no studies have yet exam-
tion is associated with increased sensory percep- ined odour detection thresholds during sleep
tual thresholds for sour tastes, but not for sweet or loss.
salty tastes at 24 and 48 h of total sleep deprivation
(Furchtgott and Willingham, 1956). The authors
pointed out that humans normally have a greater Emotional processing
range of sensitivity to sour tastes than for salty or
sweet tastes, suggesting that deficits in attention Other than the well-documented declines in vig-
during sleep deprivation may account for the ilance and attention, perhaps one of the most
reduced sensitivity. At present, no other studies universally observed effects of sleep loss is
have explored this aspect of perception during altered emotional functioning. Despite a volumi-
sleep loss. nous literature suggesting that mood consistently
declines during sleep deprivation, there has, until
recently, been very little focus on other more
Olfactory perception specific aspects of emotional processing during
sleep loss, such as emotional perception, control,
Olfaction is a particularly interesting sensory- comprehension and expression (Walker, 2009).
perceptual modality, as it is the only sense that Interest in emotion research in general has shown
initially bypasses thalamic input and may pro- a resurgence in recent years and it is now becom-
vide a direct assessment of the functional integ- ing clear that changes in emotional processing
rity of the orbitofrontal cortex, a brain region due to sleep loss can have profound effects on
that appears to be particularly affected by sleep a variety of higher level cognitive processes,
deprivation (Thomas et al., 2000) and is critical including memory, judgement and decision
to a number of emotional and cognitive making.

Self-report measures problems and symptoms of psychopathology

(Kahn-Greene et al., 2007). Relative to their base-
Anyone who has pulled an ‘all nighter’ or spent line responses, subjects deprived of sleep for 56 h
much time around someone who is lacking sleep is showed significant elevations on clinical scales
acutely aware of the general decline in mood and measuring depression, anxiety, paranoia and
increased irritability and emotional volatility that somatic complaints (Kahn-Greene et al., 2007).
rapidly ensues. For instance, even a single night of In general, when sleep deprived, these healthy sub-
sleep deprivation leads to a significant increase in jects were more likely to report increased feelings
negative self-rated mood scores compared to of worthlessness, inadequacy, powerlessness, fail-
subjects receiving a normal night of sleep ure, low self-esteem and reduced life satisfaction.
(Tempesta et al., 2010). Not only do sleep- Moreover, the change in scores was large enough
deprived individuals report worse moods on self- to meet criteria for a ‘clinically significant’ increase
report inventories, they also show evidence of in depression scores for 25% of the sample, while
more frequent and amplified negative cognitions 17% of subjects showed clinically significant eleva-
and intolerant responses to frustrating social situa- tions on scales measuring anxiety, mania and bor-
tions. For example, when asked to provide derline features (Kahn-Greene et al., 2007), sug-
responses to semi-projective cartoon scenarios of gesting that sleep loss has profound impacts on
various types of frustrating circumstances, individ- emotional functioning in healthy individuals.
uals who were sleep deprived for two nights
showed significant elevation in their tendencies
to redirect blame toward others for causing the Emotional perception
hypothetical predicaments and were less willing
to offer amends to bring about mutually satisfying Evaluation of emotional stimuli is also affected by
outcomes (Kahn-Greene et al., 2006). sleep deprivation. A recent study presented nor-
Not only does sleep deprivation affect emotional mally rested healthy subjects with a series of pleas-
responses to frustrating events, it also appears to ant, neutral and unpleasant photographs and asked
reduce self-reported coping capacities and emo- them to rate each of the images for emotional qual-
tional intelligence skills (Killgore et al., 2007a). ity (Tempesta et al., 2010). Subjects then rated a
Specifically, two nights of sleep deprivation were matched set of images again following either a night
associated with a reduced tendency to think posi- of normal sleep at home or one night of total sleep
tively, decreased willingness to take effective beha- deprivation in the laboratory. Interestingly, sleep
vioural action to solve problems, and a greater loss did not alter ratings of pleasant or unpleasant
reliance on unproductive coping strategies such images, but neutral images were rated significantly
as superstitious and magical thinking processes. more negatively following sleep deprivation, an
Moreover, total scores on an emotional intelligence effect that was independent of self-rated mood.
scale declined as a function of sleep deprivation, These findings suggest that sleep deprivation alters
particularly with regard to ratings of self-esteem, the affective perception of neutral stimuli, biasing
empathy toward others, understanding of interper- emotional processing toward greater negativity.
sonal dynamics, impulse control, and the ability to Perception of humour also appears to be affected
delay gratification (Killgore et al., 2007a). Thus, by sleep loss. The ability to appreciate humour is a
sleep-deprived individuals appear to be more easily highly complex cognitive capacity that requires the
frustrated, intolerant, unforgiving, less caring, and ability to integrate contextual information with
more self-focused than when fully rested. emotional processes (Killgore et al., 2006b). In
Sleep deprivation also appears to bring about an one study, healthy participants were deprived of
elevation of several dimensions of clinical mood sleep for two nights and then asked to choose the

‘funnier’ item among pairs of verbal (news head- The effect of sleep deprivation on cortico-limbic
lines) and visual (cartoons) stimuli. Sleep-deprived emotion regulation circuits was recently demon-
subjects scored approximately one standard devia- strated in an fMRI study. Yoo et al. (2007a) showed
tion below normative data for non-sleep-deprived emotionally evocative pictures to rested and sleep-
subjects on both types of stimuli, and this perfor- deprived volunteers as they underwent functional
mance was not significantly different in a compar- brain imaging. While normally rested subjects
ison group who received a large dose of caffeine, showed the expected pattern of increased amyg-
despite evidence of significantly higher alertness, dala activation to the unpleasant images, those
vigilance and lower subjective sleepiness who were deprived of sleep for about 35 h showed
(Killgore et al., 2006b). Because caffeine led to significantly greater magnitude and spatial extent
increased alertness and vigilance performance but of activation within the amygdala to the same emo-
did not improve humour ratings above placebo, tional images (see Fig. 2). Moreover, a functional
these effects do not appear to be accounted for connectivity analysis, which measures the strength
by a general deficit in alertness. of relationship among brain regions, showed that
sleep deprivation was associated with significantly
reduced functional connectivity between the
Neural correlates medial prefrontal cortex and the amygdala during
emotional processing relative to rested controls.
Why should sleep deprivation have such a dramatic This critical finding suggests that sleep deprivation
effect on affective processing? What areas of the weakens top-down inhibitory control over the
brain are affected by sleep loss and might account amygdala by the prefrontal cortex, leading to dys-
for these findings? Neuroimaging studies of the regulation of emotional processing. These findings
effects of sleep deprivation on brain function are are concordant with emerging evidence that sug-
beginning to clarify the processes involved. As gests that one critical function of sleep may be to
mentioned previously, early PET studies showed optimize neuronal connectivity (Krueger et al.,
significant declines in prefrontal metabolic activity 2008). Without optimal cortico-limbic connectivity,
during sleep deprivation, which correlated with the lower order emotional processing regions of the
declines in attention and cognitive processing limbic system may be effectively ‘cut-off’ from the
(Thomas et al., 2000). However, the prefrontal modulatory control regions of the prefrontal cortex
cortex is important for more than just regulating during periods of sleep deprivation.
attentional resources. Prefrontal regions also play
important roles in emotional processing and per-
sonality. For instance, the more ventral and medial Learning and memory
aspects of the prefrontal cortex appear to be
important for integrating lower-order somatic, vis- Some of the most essential cognitive capacities to
ceral and emotional inputs with higher order survival include the ability to acquire new infor-
abstract reasoning and decision making mation, commit such information to long-term
(Damasio, 1994). The medial prefrontal cortex also storage, and effectively retrieve that information
has extensive inhibitory connections with primitive when needed – in other words, learning and mem-
emotional processing areas such as the amygdala ory. A large and growing literature suggests that
and other limbic structures (Walker, 2009). Thus, sleep is critical to learning and memory, and when
reductions in medial prefrontal metabolic activity sleep is hindered, memory processing is corre-
might be expected to impair normal modulation of spondingly degraded (Diekelmann and Born,
emotion-related amygdala responses, leading to 2010; Goel et al., 2009; Walker and Stickgold,
elevations in negative affective processing. 2006). Sleep is hypothesized to play a number of

complex and important roles in memory proces- important following learning to facilitate the con-
sing but full explication of these theories is beyond solidation (i.e. stabilization) and integration (i.e.
the scope of this chapter. Interested readers are assimilation) of newly learned information into
referred to several excellent and comprehensive existing memory structures (Diekelmann and
reviews (Diekelmann and Born, 2010; Walker, Born, 2010; Walker, 2009). While many studies
2009; Walker and Stickgold, 2006). Briefly, sleep of sleep processes have focused on memory con-
appears to be important for memory processing in solidation, most studies of the effects of sleep dep-
two major ways. First, sleep is important before rivation on learning and memory have focused on
learning or encoding to prepare the brain to effec- the first issue, that is how sleep deprivation may
tively acquire new information. Second, sleep is impair the acquisition of new memories.


Fig. 2. Amygdala responses in rested and sleep-deprived groups. (A) Amygdala response to emotionally negative stimuli is shown for
the rested and sleep-deprived conditions. (B) Corresponding differences in intensity and volumetric extent of amygdala activation are
shown between the two groups (average W s.e.m. of left and right amygdala). (C) Group level differences in amygdala functional
connectivity (combined for left and right), including significantly greater connectivity in the medial-prefrontal cortex (circled areas) for
the sleep-control group, yet significantly stronger connectivity with autonomic brainstem regions in the sleep-deprivation group
(rectangle areas). Slice number (z-coordinate) displayed on all images. Effects are significant at p < 0.001; "5 contiguous voxels.
Reprinted with permission from Yoo et al. (2007a). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this book.)

Much of the work on the effects of sleep dep- cortices, may also be recruited to attempt to com-
rivation on memory has focused on declarative pensate for deficits and sustain performance.
memory, which involves memories that are con- Another aspect of memory, known as temporal
sciously accessible and either involve autobio- memory, involves the ability to remember when a
graphical memory for actual events in one’s past particular event occurred. One study examined the
(episodic memory) or memories for facts and effect of 35 h of total sleep deprivation on these
general knowledge (semantic memory). These types of temporal memory judgements (Harrison
types of memory are highly dependent upon the and Horne, 2000a). In that study, two series of 12
hippocampus and medial temporal lobe struc- facial photographs were shown, each series sepa-
tures during initial encoding. For instance, rated by 5 min. After a final 5-min delay, subjects
Drummond and colleagues found that 35 h of were shown the previously seen faces intermixed
sleep deprivation resulted in significantly with an equal number of new faces that served as
impaired verbal learning relative to rested wake- foils. Sleep-deprived subjects were no less accurate
fulness (Drummond et al., 2000). Moreover, at identifying previously seen faces than a non-
functional neuroimaging during memory task sleep-deprived control group. However, they were
performance revealed significantly reduced acti- significantly less accurate at identifying whether
vation within temporal lobe regions during sleep previously seen faces were from the distant (first)
deprivation relative to rested wakefulness, but set or the more recent (second) set, and were more
increased activation within prefrontal and parie- confident in their incorrect guesses. Because of the
tal cortices. Activation in these latter areas ordered sequencing nature of the task, the authors
appeared to be compensatory in nature, as raised the possibility that the deficit in temporal
greater activation within the parietal cortex was memory suggests that sleep deprivation may also
associated with better performance on the recall affect prefrontal executive aspects of memory
test during sleep deprivation. organization (Harrison and Horne, 2000a).
Similarly, in a recent study, Yoo et al. (2007b) When it comes to forming new memories, some
deprived a group of healthy participants of one types of material appear to be more easily remem-
night of sleep and then presented them with a bered than others. This is especially true for emo-
series of scenic photographs to encode while tional material. Walker and Stickgold (2006)
undergoing fMRI. A second group slept normally examined the effects of sleep and sleep deprivation
at home but underwent the scene-encoding proce- on memory for types of material differing in emo-
dure at the same time as the sleep-deprived sub- tional valence. Participants were first deprived of
jects. Memory retention was tested for both groups sleep for 36 h or allowed to sleep normally before
after two nights of normal sleep at home. completing an incidental memory-encoding task.
Functional imaging results showed that during The task included words that were either emotion-
encoding, the sleep-deprived group showed signif- ally positive, negative or neutral. After two addi-
icantly less activation of the posterior hippocam- tional nights of normal sleep at home, participants
pus relative to the normally rested group. When returned to the laboratory for a surprise recogni-
activation associated with subsequent recall suc- tion test. Overall, as shown in Fig. 3, sleep depri-
cess was examined, sleep-deprived subjects vation led to a 40% impairment in recognition
showed significantly lower activation of the ante- scores relative to those individuals who slept nor-
rior hippocampus (Yoo et al., 2007b). These find- mally prior to encoding. Clearly, the ability to
ings suggest that not only does sleep deprivation encode the material was impaired by lack of sleep.
adversely affect temporal lobe regions typically Even more striking, however, was the effect of the
involved in memory processing, other brain pre-encoding sleep deprivation on later recogni-
regions, particularly prefrontal and parietal tion of items from the three different emotion


Fig. 3. Sleep deprivation and encoding of emotional and non-emotional declarative memory. Effects of 38 h of total sleep deprivation
on encoding of human declarative memory (A) when combined across all emotional and non-emotional categories, (B) when
separated by emotional (positive and negative valence) and non-emotional (neutral valence) categories, demonstrating a significant
group (sleep, sleep deprivation) # emotion category (positive, negative and neutral) interaction. Post hoc t-test comparisons: yp = 0.08;
*p = 0.05; **p = 0.01; n.s. = not significant; d’ = d-prime (discrimination index). Reprinted with permission from Walker and van der
Helm (2009).

categories (positive, negative and neutral). For In summary, sleep appears to be necessary to
those subjects who slept normally prior to encod- prepare the brain for subsequent learning. When
ing, emotional words (positive and negative) were the brain is deprived of sleep, normal hippocampal
better remembered than neutral words, consistent functioning becomes impaired and the formation
with prior work showing that emotional content of new memories is hindered. Interestingly, the
often enhances memory. For those who were emotional content of the to-be-remembered infor-
deprived of sleep, however, memory for both neu- mation is also critical. Memories for negatively
tral and positive words was significantly disrupted. valenced material appear to be more resistant to
In fact, sleep deprivation led to a recognition def- sleep loss, whereas positive and neutral memories
icit of 59% for positive words relative to normal are more susceptible to disruption by sleep
sleep. Most notable, however, was the fact that deprivation.
retention of negative words was not significantly
degraded by sleep loss. Thus, while sleep depriva-
tion significantly impairs encoding and retention of Executive functions
positive and neutral stimuli, memory for negative
stimuli appears to be relatively impervious to sleep The term ‘executive functions’ is usually used to
loss (Walker and van der Helm, 2009). This may describe a broad and loosely defined category of
result in a bias favouring negative memories over complex cognitive processes involved in the con-
neutral and positive ones when sleep deprived, trol and coordination of wilful action towards
which could have implications for the development future goal states (Goel et al., 2009). These func-
and maintenance of pathological mood conditions tions involve a host of capacities, including the
such as depression. ability to focus attention while ignoring irrelevant

information; planning and sequencing thoughts buffer) (Goel et al., 2009). Without the capacity
and behaviours; updating information as contin- to hold and manipulate information in real time,
gencies change; inhibiting inappropriate thoughts complex cognition is virtually impossible. Simply
or actions; forming abstract concepts; shifting men- put, working memory capacity reflects the num-
tal set as appropriate; and thinking flexibly, diver- ber of information units that can be sustained and
gently, and innovatively, just to name a few. By juggled in the attentional spotlight at any given
definition, executive functions require complex moment, a facility that relies heavily upon the
integration of information and rely on the coordi- dorsolateral regions of the prefrontal cortex
nated interactions of cortical and subcortical net- (Vandewalle et al., 2009). Because the dorsolat-
works within the brain. Nevertheless, of all the eral prefrontal cortex shows significant declines
regions within the brain, the prefrontal cortex in metabolic energy consumption during sleep
appears to be the linchpin for carrying out many deprivation (Thomas et al., 2000), commensurate
of these highest and most complex cognitive deficits in working memory might be expected
processes. as well.
Based on evidence from neuroimaging and cog- A recent meta-analysis revealed that sleep
nitive studies, it has been suggested that the pre- deprivation does indeed adversely affect both
frontal cortex may be particularly vulnerable to the accuracy and response time during working mem-
effects of sleep loss due to its extensive use during ory tasks, with effect sizes generally in the mod-
normal waking (Harrison et al., 2000). During the erate range (Lim and Dinges, 2010). Impairment
course of normal social interactions and vocational in working memory during sleep deprivation is
activities, the prefrontal cortex is taxed continu- associated with corresponding reductions in pre-
ously as it plans, coordinates and adapts to chang- frontal activation, but may be even more suscep-
ing demands throughout the day. Accordingly, tible to declines in other cortical regions such as
sleep deprivation should particularly degrade com- the parietal cortex (Mu et al., 2005b). Some evi-
plex executive functions that rely on prefrontal dence suggests that the parietal cortex may play
regions (Harrison and Horne, 2000b; Harrison et an important compensatory role during sleep
al., 2000). Interestingly, this model has received deprivation (Drummond et al., 2000), and the
mixed support, with many studies reporting deficits emergence of declines in parietal functioning
on executive function tasks during sleep depriva- may be the final straw that leads to working mem-
tion (Jones and Harrison, 2001), while others fail to ory impairments. Of note, Tucker et al. (2010)
find such effects (Pace-Schott et al., 2009; Tucker recently examined dissociated aspects of working
et al., 2010). The challenge now facing researchers memory performance during sleep deprivation,
is to clarify which types of executive function tasks mathematically separating ‘executive’ from
are affected by sleep loss and to derive a unifying ‘non-executive’ components of working memory.
explanation of why some executive functions are Interestingly, that study showed that sleep loss
degraded while others appear relatively impervi- only impaired the ‘non-executive’ response time
ous to insufficient sleep. aspect of the task, but not the ‘executive’ aspects
such as working memory scanning efficiency and
resistance to proactive interference. These results
Working memory suggest that many studies finding working mem-
ory deficits during sleep deprivation may simply
One cognitive component that is universal to be reporting the well-established impairment of
practically all executive function tasks is working simple attention and vigilance rather than a spe-
memory (i.e. the ability to maintain and actively cific deficit in the ability to manipulate cogni-
manipulate information in a temporary memory tively held information.

Convergent thinking and logical deduction more perseverations on the Tower of London Test,
a measure that draws upon planning and sequenc-
Convergent thinking occurs when the solution to a ing and the ability to shift to alternative strategies.
problem can be deduced by applying established More recently, another study found that two nights
rules and logical reasoning. This type of reasoning of sleep deprivation led to below average perfor-
involves solving a problem within the context of mance on the number of moves taken to solve the
known information and narrowing down the solu- Tower of London Task (Killgore et al., 2009b), a
tion based on logical inference. Harrison and finding that was not improved by the administra-
Horne (2000b) reviewed an extensive literature tion of caffeine. Because caffeine restored psycho-
on the effects of sleep deprivation on decision mak- motor vigilance to baseline levels at roughly the
ing and concluded that these processes are not same point in time, it appears that deficits in plan-
significantly affected by sleep loss. Thus, complex ning and sequencing may not be fully accounted
cognitive processes, as quantified by broad intel- for by deficits in simple attention. Similarly,
lectual functioning or IQ tests, reading comprehen- Gottselig et al. (2006) examined the ability to
sion, logical deduction and critical reasoning pro- vocally generate and maintain a continuous series
cesses do not appear to be significantly degraded of random numbers and found that sleep depriva-
by even as much as two nights of sleep deprivation tion led to a significant increase in rule violations,
(Harrison and Horne, 2000b). This finding was response redundancy and stereotypy of responses.
supported by a recent meta-analysis that reported Furthermore, caffeine restored simple attention to
essentially no significant effect of sleep deprivation the task but failed to improve more complex
on reasoning and crystallized intelligence, includ- aspects of random number generation, suggesting
ing vocabulary, grammatical reasoning and non- that the observed executive deficits were not due
verbal problem-solving (Lim and Dinges, 2010). simply to impaired attention and vigilance.
Harrison and Horne (2000b) suggest that conver- Harrison and Horne (1999) asked participants to
gent thinking tasks tend to be less dependent upon play a complex marketing strategy game that
prefrontal resources than other types of executive required the ability to monitor ongoing events;
tasks, and may therefore, show little effect of sleep revise plans based on new and changing informa-
deprivation. tion; and think flexibly, innovatively and creatively
under pressure. Compared to their own perfor-
mances when normally rested, sleep-deprived indi-
Divergent and innovative thinking viduals demonstrated significantly greater rigidity
of thought, perseverated on previously successful
In contrast to the convergent thought processes strategies that were no longer proving effective,
discussed above, the ability to think laterally, inno- were inefficient at updating plans in light of new
vatively and flexibly appears to be significantly data, and were unproductive at developing inno-
impaired by sleep deprivation (Harrison and vative solutions. Ultimately, the game play of the
Horne, 2000b). For example, in one study, 32 h sleep-deprived group ‘collapsed’ and players
of sleep deprivation led subjects to produce less became financially insolvent as wakefulness
creative responses than normally rested controls, approached 32–36 h, whereas the performance of
as evidenced by generation of fewer unusual or the same individuals when normally rested
original ideas and reduced ability to shift strategy remained high as they continued to earn a profit
(Horne, 1988). This same study also showed that (Harrison and Horne, 1999). While the findings of
sleep deprivation reduced verbal fluency (i.e. the that study are provocative, the uncontrolled nature
ability to generate novel words to a phonemic cue) of the game makes it difficult to draw conclusions
and led to longer duration of planning time and regarding the specific cognitive processes that may

have been impaired by sleep loss. Nevertheless, the instance, when Tucker et al. (2010) separated the
broad implications point to the potentially devas- components contributing to performance on a pho-
tating effects that sleep deprivation can produce in nemic verbal fluency task, they found that sleep
complex real-world settings. deprivation appeared to adversely affect non-
While the aforementioned studies suggest that executive aspects of the task while actually leading
sleep deprivation can severely impair divergent to an improvement in the executive components.
thinking and mental flexibility, other evidence in Finally, these tasks are also often fun, interesting
this regard has been less consistent. For example, and challenging to subjects who are participating in
the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) is often long boring sleep deprivation studies, and this
used to identify deficits in divergent reasoning in increased novelty in itself may increase motivation
brain-injured patients. The task assesses the ability and alertness long enough to temporarily improve
to identify when simple rule contingencies have performance. While it is clear that many divergent
changed and adapt to the new rules. Damage to thinking tasks show impairment during sleep dep-
the prefrontal cortex frequently leads to deficits in rivation, more research is needed to identify what
the ability to recognize when the contingencies of component processes may be affected or whether
this task has been switched and make appropriate these may simply reflect a global decline in basic
behavioural adjustments. Based on findings alertness.
described thus far, one might expect that sleep
deprivation would lead to clear and consistent def-
icits on the WCST, but this is far from the case. As Cognitive control
reviewed by Jones and Harrison (2001), a number
of clinical and experimental studies of sleep- The ability to modulate cognitive processes, for
deprived individuals have found deficits on the example the ability to switch rapidly and flexibly
WCST, particularly with regard to perseveration between two different rule sets depending on the
on ineffective strategies, while others have found situation, is another aspect of executive function-
no significant effects. It must be borne in mind, ing. A recent study examined the effect of a single
however, that tasks such as the WCST were origi- night of sleep deprivation on this capacity by
nally developed for clinical evaluation of deficits calculating the ‘task-switch cost’ of alternating ran-
within patients suffering from tissue lesions or domly between two different cognitive tasks
other pathology of the brain. Such tasks may be that rely on exactly the same visual stimuli
well suited for detecting severe levels of brain (Couyoumdjian et al., 2010). Both tasks involved
injury, but may not demonstrate adequate sensitiv- a series of single-digit numbers presented on a
ity for detecting the subtle types of executive func- screen. In the first task, participants had to rapidly
tion deficits and instability of performance that make a key press to indicate whether the digit was
may accompany sleep loss. an odd or even number. In the alternate task, the
Another limitation of many executive function same key presses had to be made to indicate if each
tasks used in sleep deprivation studies is that they digit was either smaller or larger than 5. On some
are so complex that they rely on multiple cognitive trials, the task remained the same (i.e. trial type
processes (e.g. the marketing strategy game was repeated), while on other trials, the task
described earlier), a limitation referred to as the shifted randomly from one rule set to another
‘task impurity problem’ (Tucker et al., 2010). (i.e. the switch task). Compared to subjects allowed
Consequently, impairments on such tasks could to sleep normally, sleep-deprived individuals
be attributable to a breakdown in one or more of showed deficits on the switch task, suggesting that
the other component cognitive processes and not sleep loss reduced the capacity to modify behav-
necessarily the executive aspects of the task. For iour rapidly and flexibly to changing demands of

the environment. Furthermore, the deficit was only inferior lateral prefrontal cortex (Chuah et al.,
observed on task-switching trials but not on repe- 2006), a region that shows decreased metabolic
tition trials, suggesting that the effect was not due activity during sleep deprivation (Thomas et al.,
to a generalized effect of reduced alertness and 2000), and would, therefore, be expected to show
attention (Couyoumdjian et al., 2010). a decline in performance during periods of
Another cognitive control capacity is the ability extended sleep loss. Drummond and colleagues
to ignore irrelevant aspects of a task and reduce studied the effects of two nights of sleep depriva-
cognitive interference. This process is often mea- tion on response inhibition using a go/no-go task
sured with various forms of the Stroop interference (Drummond et al., 2006). Subjects were signifi-
paradigm. Sagaspe et al. (2006) administered three cantly impaired in their ability to withhold prepo-
different types of Stroop tasks to healthy subjects tent (i.e. automatic) responses in the face of ‘no-
at several time points over a 36-h sleep deprivation go’ stimuli when tested at 23, 32 and 55 h of sleep
period. Interestingly, no deficits were found for the deprivation, a capacity that returned to baseline
standard colour-word, emotional or sleep content- rates following recovery sleep. Of note, the ability
specific Stroop tasks, suggesting that sleep depri- to respond correctly to ‘go’ stimuli (simple atten-
vation does not reliably affect performance on tion and response speed) was not adversely
these types of conflict resolution problems. One affected by sleep loss until the 55-h test session.
possibility for differences between the findings These findings suggest that inhibitory control
for the switching and interference tasks may declined early in the course of sleep deprivation
involve the brain regions and networks involved despite relatively sustained ability to attend to and
for each. Evidence suggests that task switching respond to the stimuli (Drummond et al., 2006).
often relies heavily upon the ventral regions of These findings argue against a simple ‘global
the brain such as the orbitofrontal cortex, whereas decline’ in basic attention as an explanation, as
the Stroop paradigms often draw more heavily inhibitory processes showed deficits in the pres-
upon dorsal and caudal regions of the brain, such ence of intact attention to the stimuli during the
as the anterior cingulate gyrus. These regions may first night of sleep deprivation.
be differentially affected by sleep loss or differen- Neuroimaging may also provide some insight
tially capable of engaging in compensatory into the neural processes involved in the changes
recruitment. in inhibitory capacity following sleep loss. Chuah
and colleagues studied the effect of 24 h of sleep
deprivation on fMRI brain activation patterns dur-
Inhibitory control ing a go/no-go task (Chuah et al., 2006). As
expected, one night of sleep deprivation was asso-
The ability to inhibit inappropriate or maladaptive ciated with significant tonic reductions in task-
behaviour is another critical facet of executive related activation of anterior and ventrolateral
functioning. This includes behaviour that might prefrontal cortex. Moreover, the ability to success-
be highly adaptive or appropriate under one set fully inhibit responses during sleep deprivation was
of circumstances, but which may be better withheld associated with greater ability to recruit the right
under other circumstances. Most commonly, this ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and right anterior
capacity is measured with some variant of the ‘go/ insula. The authors speculate that the increased
no-go’ paradigm, in which a participant learns to activation of these regions may reflect a compen-
respond (i.e. ‘go’) to a frequently occurring stimu- satory response to sleep deprivation among those
lus but must withhold that response (i.e. ‘no-go’) to most able to resist its effects (Chuah et al.,
a less frequently occurring stimulus. This capacity 2006). Thus, these data suggest that there may be
appears to be modulated by predominantly right an identifiable neurobiological basis for the

inter-individual differences in vulnerability versus in many cases lead to more streamlined decisions.
resistance to sleep deprivation discussed earlier One of the most profound effects of sleep depriva-
(Mu et al., 2005a; Van Dongen, 2005). tion is an alteration in normal mood and emotional
functioning, which may affect the assessment of
risk and the types of judgements and decisions
Risk-taking, judgement and decision making people ultimately make. This was exemplified in
a study that examined the effects of 49 h of sleep
The effects of sleep deprivation on decision- deprivation on behaviour during an emotionally
making capacities are particularly complex. This guided gambling task that assessed the willingness
complexity arises because decision making often to relinquish immediate gratification to ensure
does not rely solely upon ‘cold’ cognitive pro- long-term success (i.e. the Iowa Gambling Task –
cesses, which are purely rational and free of emo- IGT) (Killgore et al., 2006a). As shown in Fig. 4,
tional influences. Rather, judgement and decision- normally rested subjects gradually learned to avoid
making processes are often biased by, and indeed exciting high-risk decks in favour of decks provid-
generally rely heavily upon, emotional factors that ing modest but more consistent payoffs. After two


Fig. 4. Performance on the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) at rested baseline and again following two nights of sleep deprivation. Data
reflect the net score difference between the number of selections from advantageous decks (i.e. decks C’ and D’) minus the number of
selections from disadvantageous decks (i.e. decks A’ and B’) for each block of 20 trials. At rested baseline (grey line with open circles),
participants gradually learned to avoid disadvantageous decks and chose more frequently from advantageous decks. In contrast,
following 49.5 h of sleep deprivation (black line with filled squares), the same subjects showed a significantly different pattern of
performance that was best characterized by a quadratic function, demonstrating a shift in behaviour towards advantageous decks in the
first half of the game followed by a reversal of behaviour towards progressively more choices from disadvantageous decks in the latter
half of the game. For comparison, the figure also shows a composite line calculated by extrapolating and summarizing IGT data
reported from previously published reports of patients with damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (dashed line with filled
triangles). Reprinted with permission from Killgore et al. (2006a).

nights of sleep loss, however, these same subjects Dickinson (2010) presented sleep-deprived indivi-
tended to prefer riskier selections, despite the duals with a series of ‘bargaining’ and ‘trust’
long-term losses that resulted. In fact, the pattern games, with actual financial consequences
of performance of the sleep-deprived volunteers (Anderson and Dickinson, 2010). Thirty-six hours
mirrored that typically observed among patients of sleep deprivation was associated with more
with lesions to the ventromedial (VM) prefrontal aggressive social exchanges in these games, as evi-
cortex. This same pattern was replicated in a sec- denced by reduced willingness to trust an unknown
ond study that extended the period of sleep depri- partner and greater rejection of bargaining offers
vation to 75 h (Killgore et al., 2007d) and was not perceived as ‘unfair’, even when such rejections
reversed by the administration of caffeine, suggest- knowingly led to financial losses for both parties.
ing that the impairments are unlikely to be due In other words, sleep-deprived subjects preferred
simply to global deficits in alertness and vigilance. to reject an unfair offer outright, even if it meant
Thus, sleep deprivation may specifically impair the earning no money for themselves from the deal,
capacity to effectively integrate emotional cues rather than accept a bargain whereby they would
into the decision-making process (Killgore et al., receive a sum of money that was significantly less
2006a, 2007d). than that received by the other party. These find-
The effect of sleep deprivation on risk-taking is ings are consistent with the reduced empathy and
also affected by the individual’s cognitive set (i.e. increased symptoms of paranoia and feelings of
whether the risk is framed in terms of gains or persecution discussed earlier, and suggest that
losses). If an outcome is presented in terms of a sleep deprivation increases the impact of emotion
potential gain, sleep-deprived subjects are more on decision-making processes in social situations.
likely to take risks than they would when rested, Sleep deprivation also affects emotionally
but are less likely to take risks than they ordinarily guided moral judgements (Killgore et al., 2007c).
would if an outcome is framed in terms of a poten- Killgore and colleagues presented healthy subjects
tial loss (McKenna et al., 2007). Recent neuroim- with a series of moral dilemmas when they were
aging findings suggest that sleep deprivation may well rested and a matched set of similar dilemmas
alter expectations of gains and losses by affecting following two nights of total sleep deprivation. For
activation within reward regions of the brain. each dilemma, a difficult decision-making scenario
When sleep-deprived subjects made risky deci- was vividly described and a proposed solution was
sions, they showed increased activation of reward given for each problem. Subjects simply judged
centres, consistent with an expectation of gains whether the proposed solution for each dilemma
(Venkatraman et al., 2007). By contrast, when was ‘appropriate’ or ‘inappropriate’. Three types
sleep-deprived subjects experienced losses, they of dilemmas were presented, which differed only in
show reduced activity in brain regions normally the emotional immediacy of the decision, ranging
associated with aversion and punishment. In other from benign to highly personal and emotionally
words, sleep deprivation may alter the normal intense. Interestingly, two nights of sleep depriva-
functional activity of brain networks involved in tion had little to no effect on the speed of decision
the evaluation of rewards and punishments, lead- making about benign situations or even moral
ing to changes in risk-related judgements that may situations with little personal emotional involve-
favour unrealistic expectations of gains and under- ment. However, compared to rested baseline, sleep
estimation of the consequences of losses. deprivation resulted in significant slowing of deci-
Finally, sleep deprivation appears to have par- sion making when the dilemma was highly emo-
ticularly salient effects on socio-emotional deci- tionally charged and required direct personal
sions that have implications for social exchange involvement (see Fig. 5). Individuals were also
and morally relevant behaviour. Anderson and more prone to violating their own moral positions


Fig. 5. Moral Personal Judgements are more affected by sleep loss than other types of judgements. (A) Median response times for
moral personal, moral impersonal and non-moral dilemmas at baseline and following 53.5 h of continuous wakefulness. (B) Mean
number of times various courses of action were judged as ‘appropriate’ for the moral personal, moral impersonal and non-moral
dilemmas at baseline and following 53.5 h of sleep deprivation by individuals with high versus average (or lower) levels of Emotional
Intelligence. Reprinted with permission from Killgore et al. (2007c).

when sleep deprived than when rested, and none of Conclusions

the findings were affected by the administration of
caffeine. Again, these findings support the propo- Sleep deprivation appears to have both global and
sition that sleep deprivation adversely affects exec- specific effects on cognition, presumably due to
utive function systems, particularly those involving differential susceptibility of various functionally
the ability to modulate emotional reactions and interdependent brain systems to sleep loss or dif-
effectively integrate affective information into the ferences in the extent to which particular regions
decision-making process (Killgore et al., 2007c). are taxed during waking. The most consistent

effects of sleep deprivation include reduced atten- Babkoff, H., Zukerman, G., Fostick, L., & Ben-Artzi, E. (2005).
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prefrontal cortex and parietal regions. To the Sing, H. C., & Redmond, D. P., et al., (2003). Patterns of
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deprivation also alters normal affective processing, Human Neurobiology, 1, 195–204.
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tory systems that allow emotional systems to run Neural activation characteristics of resistant and vulnerable
individuals. Neuroimage, 51, 835–843.
relatively unchecked, without appropriate modu-
Chee, M. W., Tan, J. C., Zheng, H., Parimal, S., Weissman,
lation or effective integration of emotion. This D. H., & Zagorodnov, V., et al., (2008). Lapsing during sleep
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tive emotional bias in mood, perception and mem- activation. Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 5519–5528.
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modulates visual task performance in sleep-deprived young
using emotion to adaptively inform decision mak-
adults. Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 11369–11377.
ing. A number of studies have shown that many of Chuah, Y. M., Venkatraman, V., Dinges, D. F., & Chee, M. W.
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