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Published Quarterly by the

THE Union County Prosecutor’s Office

for the Law Enforcement

Volume 9 ‹ Number 1 January 2006
Message From The Prosecutor
Those of you who read Will government leaders, in the year 2103,
The Newsletter regularly understand why we worked so hard to dismantle
know that I am an avid organized gang activity, to combat Human
student of history, and Trafficking at all levels, to educate young people
that I have benefitted and health officials about Shaken Baby
immensely by studying the Syndrome and to create special units to handle
policies and programs Insurance Fraud, Child Abuse and defendants
established by the Union with special mental health issues?
County Prosecutors who One year ago, the opening of a new DNA
came before me in order to forensic laboratory in Westfield was but a dream,
continue the tradition of and we were only hoping to have a safe, modern
excellence here in this location to house our Intelligence Unit, our Gang
office. Unit and our Narcotic Strike Force. Now, in this
Theodore J. Romankow It should come as no year of 2006, those visions are a reality but there
surprise to learn that I was is still so much more to be done.
deeply honored to be present when the original One thing is certain. We are working, with
cornerstone of the Union County Courthouse set in the support of the freeholders and the county
the year 1903 was opened to reveal documents, manager, to bring our information, prosecution
newspapers, coins and schematic drawings from and investigation efforts into the twenty-first
our government as it operated a hundred years century with all the resources we can muster.
ago. Your continued assistance is both welcomed and
I was honored again over the holidays to select appreciated.
yet another series of items to be placed back into With that being said, let me extend to each of
the cornerstone to give county residents a you my best wishes for a safe, healthy and
historical snapshot of the Union County productive year.
Prosecutor’s Office when the cornerstone is re- Theodore J. Romankow
opened again in the year 2103.
I ordered that a specially bound copy of the In This Issue
history of the office, dating back to the creation of
Union County back in 1857, be included in the ALERT................................................................................... 2
cornerstone as well as annual narratives Crime Stoppers of Union County....................................... 3
describing our efforts and an album of our current
State v. James Badessa: Even Drunk Drivers Have
staff. A great many of achievements come from the
Constitutional Rights.......................................................... 3
partnerships developed within the 21 municipal
police departments, the Union County Sheriff’s What’s Growing In That House? Law Enforcement
Office, the Kean University Police Departments Needs A Warrant For Thermal Image Check,
and the Union County Police Department. Electric Power Usage.......................................................... 4
This unique opportunity gave me a chance to Gun Surrender Program Continues To Get Weapons
reflect on some of the progress we have made, Off The Streets..................................................................... 5
with your help and support.
Recent Legislation............................................................... 6
Will the citizens who look back one hundred
years from now know why it was important to Summary of Recent Cases................................................. 7
expand our abilities to detect, arrest and prosecute Roll Call!............................................................................... 8
hundreds of drug dealers, to take down one dozen
major importation networks that supplied our Gang Hotline Phone Number............................................. 9
citizens with heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, marijuana Union County Prosecutor’s Office:
and oxycontin in such enormous quantities? A Historical Perspective..................................................... 14
Weapons we wish were not manufactured or so readily available to the general public
and other dangers you should be aware of. Be Warned...Be Careful...Be Safe!
The listed items were submitted by Detective Paul Han, Union County Prosecutor’s Office Counter-Terrorism Office Coordinator
This 80mm x 30 mm weapon can appear like a common key ring, a vehicle
immobilizer or MP3 player, and can be carried in pockets or around the neck.
Made of aluminum alloy and steel, and unusually light-weight, it separates
into two parts: the double barrel (silver section) and the rear key ring firing
pin mechanism (black section), and has an effective (accurate) range up to
100 meters, with a maximum range of over 800 meters. The muzzle velocity
is .32 calibre (275 meters/second, though that is likely to be less due to the short 30 mm
barrels. The trigger mechanism is cocked by simply pulling the key-ring section to the rear,
raising the two trigger buttons which can be fired separately. This mechanism may be prone to unintentional discharges.
A recent police raid yielded over 900 of these items, which were ready for distribution. A further 2500 parts ready for
manufacture and assembly were also recovered. It is suspected that 50 of these firearms may be in circulation. These
items are difficult to detect or identify, especially if carried disassembled, or with numerous individuals carrying parts.
While the firearm does show in X-ray facilities, it is not readily discernable from other items being carried, especially if
the weapon is disassembled.
During a routine search in the common area of a This flashlight/stun gun was found
housing unit, officers came upon what appeared to be during a secondary search at one of
a standard package of size “C” batteries. the security checkpoints at Indianapolis
However, these photos document how one of the International Airport on October 14,
batteries had been altered and was being used to 2005. It looks and operates as a
conceal a weapon. flashlight, but when you take the cover
The hidden compartment in the battery contained off, and insert
four pieces of steel which screw together to make a the key at the
very effective 6” ice pick-type weapon. The metal was bottom, it
wrapped in tissue paper to eliminate noise, and the turns into a
top of the battery was firmly in place when discovered. stun gun.
A contraband scanner failed to display the
contraband when the battery was screened.


This belt buckle knife was confiscated
from a high school student. The knife is
constructed to fit into the main part of the
belt buckle, and could easily be drawn
and opened. The blade of the knife is
approximately 2” long and locks into
place. Officers should take note of the
construction and use caution when
dealing with subjects wearing oversized
belt buckles.

...continued on next page...

Page 2
ALERT! -- continued
The prominent rapper Young Jezzy may have started a new trend which is bound to start
spreading for a while: Snowmen T-shirts. He wears a snowman necklace, and then apparently
began sporting a t-shirt with a snowman on it. Snowman is slang for coke dealer, and Intel
indicates that some wear the t-shirts to indicate they deal cocaine. A sample of the snowman
shirt was taken from a student in Roselle Park and his mother was "shocked and surprised" to
learn what it meant with police officers explained.
Whether or not these shirts are representative of the Bloods’ dawg paws (three circles), Gang
Officers have been seeing a trend of juveniles wearing the black or white tees with a snowman
depicted on the front, or a snowman with a frown wearing a red or blue bandana (indicating
Blood or Crip, respectively.)
The t-shirts are sold by the same outlets selling “stop snitching” and “snitches get stitches”
More schools are banning the shirts, including some in Union County. Keep a lookout for
anyone wearing the shirts, and any businesses that are selling them.

State v. James Badessa -- Even Drunk Drivers Have Constitutional Rights

By Assistant Prosecutor Sara B. Liebman
Appellate Unit
Police officers who participate in sobriety checkpoint operations can take guidance from a recent New Jersey
Supreme Court case involving a motorist who fled a DWI checkpoint area.
In this case, the Supreme Court reversed the defendant’s conviction for refusing to submit to a breathalyzer test
because the refusal stemmed from an unconstitutional motor vehicle stop. Here are the facts. The Ventnor City
Police Department had set up a sobriety checkpoint. The officers were directed to stop every fifth car as well as any
illegally driven car, to check the drivers for signs of intoxication and to distribute literature regarding the dangers of
drunk driving.
There were signs indicating a DWI checkpoint and there were orange cones set up three blocks before the
checkpoint, forcing traffic into one lane. There were no signs or cones prohibiting turns onto the intersecting streets
immediately before the checkpoint. The officers were told to stop any car that tried to avoid the checkpoint after
entering the checkpoint zone, which began with the orange cones.
The defendant turned to avoid the checkpoint after the first sign indicating a DWI checkpoint ahead. This turn was
inside the checkpoint zone. The defendant was stopped and, based on the officer’s observations and the defendant’s
admission that he had had two glasses of wine with dinner, he was arrested for DWI. At headquarters, he was
advised that he was required to submit to a breathalyzer, and failure to comply would result in a summons for refusal.
The defendant twice refused to submit to the breathalyzer and, thus, was issued the appropriate summons.
At trial, the municipal judge denied defendant’s motion to suppress, and found defendant not guilty of driving while
intoxicated but guilty of refusal. On appeal, the Law Division upheld defendant’s conviction, holding that defendant
knew or should have known that once he entered the checkpoint zone, turning to avoid the checkpoint would result
in a stop. The court also held that even if the stop was unconstitutional, the defendant’s refusal was an independent
intervening act such that the exclusionary rule did not apply.
The Appellate Division differed from the Law Division, holding that there were not sufficient warnings that a lawful
turn onto an intersecting road would result in a permissible motor vehicle stop; thus, the initial stop of the defendant
was unlawful.
However, the court found that the defendant’s refusal was an independent, intervening act and, therefore, the
evidence supporting the request for the breathalyzer was admissible.
The Supreme Court disagreed, finding that the evidence of the defendant’s intoxication necessary to prove refusal
was directly connected to the unlawful stop and, therefore, not admissible. The Supreme Court did not rule on
whether notification that a turn to avoid the checkpoint would result in a motor vehicle stop would have made the
initial stop lawful.
However, based on Badessa, it seems prudent to insure proper notification that turns to avoid a checkpoint within
a certain zone are prohibited and will result in a motor vehicle stop.

Union County Crime Stoppers

Crime Doesn't Pay, But We Do!
Up to $5,000 for information leading to arrest and indictment of criminals
Call 908-654-TIPS (908-654-8477)
Page 3
What’s Growing In That House? Law Enforcement Needs A Warrant For
Thermal Image Check, Electric Power Usage
By Assistant Prosecutor Scott M. Kraus
Union County Narcotic Strike Force
A court case from 2005 has provided officers some additional guidance about search warrants and consent
Last May, the New Jersey Appellate Court’s decision in State v. Keith R. Domicz, 377 N.J. Super. 515 (A.D.
2005) ruled that the police may not ask for consent to search a home without a reasonable articulable
suspicion. The Court also ruled that a search warrant is needed to obtain utility records that disclose the
amount of electrical usage in a particular residence. Finally, the Court ruled that a search warrant is required
to conduct a thermal-imaging scan of a residence.
The facts of the case revealed that in January, 2000, law enforcement obtained information via subpoena
that defendant, Keith Domicz, received four packages of unknown size and content from a local business that
sells plant growth equipment. Law enforcement, suspecting that defendant might be growing marijuana in his
home, obtained a subpoena to compel the power company to produce records concerning defendant’s
residential use of electricity, as well as two similar houses for comparison purposes. In May 2000, a
warrantless thermal scan was conducted to Domicz’s home which did not demonstrate that an unusual amount
of heat was escaping from the residence. On July 27, 2000, several plain clothes, armed law enforcement
officers, entered the curtilage of defendant’s home, knocked on the door and eventually obtained defendant’s
signed, written consent to search the residence. The search revealed over 100 growing marijuana plants,
numerous plastic bags containing marijuana and a quantity of methamphetamine.
Defendant Domicz’s version was substantially different than that of the police. Defendant testified that the
police knocked on his door and stated that they had a search warrant. Defendant claimed the police did not
have permission to enter or search his home. Defendant further claimed that he was asked to sign a form that
he was not permitted to read (the consent to search form), only after the search was conducted.
It should be noted that the record did not reveal what the precise nature of the packages defendant obtained
from the merchant that sold plant growth equipment or why a subpoena was sought to obtain their records.
Also, the record failed to disclose what the subpoena of the power usage in defendant’s home, compared to
that of two similar houses revealed. Finally, the record did not contain any information on why law enforcement
initially undertook investigating Domicz or his residence. (Any experienced narcotic detective would be hard
pressed to believe that the police here did not have some information, whether from an informant or a
concerned citizen, that marijuana was being grown by defendant, and/or at the particular residence.)
In deciding that the thermal scanning of a residence constitutes a search within the meaning of the Fourth
Amendment, the Court noted that the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the thermal scanning of
a home may not be conducted without a search warrant in Kyllo v. United States, 533 US 27, 121 S.Ct. 2038,
1506 Ed.2d. 94 (2001). Although Kyllo was decided slightly more than a year after the thermal scan conducted
in this case, the Domicz court ruled that the Kyllo decision was foreseeable by New Jersey law enforcement.
In sum, the Court ruled a warrantless thermal scan of a residence unreasonably intrudes into the interior of a
In ruling that a search warrant was needed to obtain electrical usage records maintained by a power
company, the Court found that an individual had an expectation of privacy in utility records that were created,
maintained, and/or possessed by a third party. The Court rejected the State’s arguments that there was no
expectation of privacy in utility records that are created by and are in possession of a third party, and that the
records do not contain information that reveal private, personal or intimate details of what occurs in the
residence, but only the amount of electrical usage occurring in the home.
Finally, the Court ruled that law enforcement must have a reasonable and articulable suspicion that criminal
activity is occurring within a residence before requesting consent to search the residence. The Domicz Court
based this ruling on State v. Carty, 170 N.J. 632 (2002), which held that the police need a reasonable and
articulable suspicion before seeking consent to search a motor vehicle. The Domicz court ruled that it would
be inconsistent to allow law enforcement to obtain consent to search a residence without having a reasonable
and articulable suspicion when a reasonable and articulable suspicion is required to obtain consent to search
a motor vehicle, especially in light of the fact that an individual has a greater expectation of privacy in one’s
residence as opposed to one’s motor vehicle.
In sum, law enforcement needs to be cognizant that a search warrant is required to obtain utility records to
examine the usage of that utility and also need a search warrant to conduct a thermal imaging scan of a
residence. Also, law enforcement is required to have a reasonable and articulable suspicion before seeking
consent to search a residence, the same standard required to seek consent to search a motor vehicle.
As always, officers with search warrant questions concerning drug investigations should reach out for the
assistant prosecutors at the Union County Narcotic Strike Force for assistance.
Page 4
Gun Surrender Program Continues To Get Weapons Off The Streets
More than 200 guns have been collected
during the first year of the unique gun surrender
program that has allowed Union County
residents to turn in handguns and rifles in
exchange for certificates good for up to $50 for
food or sports equipment.
Prosecutor Theodore J. Romankow has been
encouraged by the results of the gun program,
which has resulted in the surrender of more than
200 weapons since it started last October.
Newspaper ads paid for with money from a
federal gun violence reduction grant have run in
local newspapers, and the rifles, shotguns and
pistols turned in are being checked carefully and
eventually melted down into useful items such as
manhole covers and metal fasteners.
“We really can’t lose when law abiding citizens
and others who have a gun and have really been
wondering how to get rid of it come in and help us avoid the possibility that these dangerous weapons can
ever be used for an illegal purpose in the future,” said Romankow, who said New York City officials were able
to retrieve thousands of guns several years ago with similar efforts.
“There comes a point in time when people have to take a stand,” said Plainfield Police Chief Edward
Santiago. “Here is a chance for residents to help law enforcement, maybe pick up a voucher to buy some
holiday gifts, or even put extra food on the table.” He explained that every handgun turned in leads to a $50
gift card that can be used in any Modell’s sporting goods store or a $50 certificate for a Supremo Supermarket.
Rifles or shotguns turned in at the new county police headquarters building yield a $25 payback at either
store, authorities said, adding the weapons that are brought in are carefully wrapped in a paper bag or tied
with string.
“I assigned three veteran officers who are expert firearms technicians,” said Union County Police Chief
Daniel Vaniska. “We know there are citizens who have guns in their house somewhere and have been looking
for a safe way to turn them in.” Officers in the past have received handguns that were inherited and sitting in
closets for years, a loaded revolver brought by two kindly ladies from Elizabeth and a sawed-off semi-
automatic rifle from a teenager in Plainfield.
In 2003, Romankow, 15 of the 28 murders in the county were committed with guns, while in 2002, ten of
the fifteen murders were shootings and eight of eighteen in 2001. Last year and this year at least a dozen
homicides involved handguns, police said.
Members of the freeholder board have also voiced their support for “a well-executed program that can save
lives and reduce crime in a unique way at no cost to taxpayers. Some of the guns, depicted in the photo
below, range from a cheap “Saturday Night Special” to elaborate and expensive collector’s guns.

Officers from the Union County

Police Department,
who have teamed up with the
Union County Prosecutor’s Office
on a unique gun surrender program,
pose with the 73 different firearms
collected at the most recent
target turn-in date.
From left to right are
Sergeant Michael Sandford,
Lieutenant Richard Puschel,
Captain Chris Hansen,
Detective Krzysztof Audinis
and Corporal Manuel Corte.

Page 5
Recent Legislation
Please note the following recently enacted legislation.
Please contact Executive Assistant Prosecutor Anne K. Frawley (908-527-4650)
in the event you have any questions or should you need copies of the text of these statutes.
Copies of all New Jersey legislation and statutes may also be obtained on the Internet @
All legislation is effective on the date signed unless otherwise noted.

Chapter 224, Laws of 2005 Effective September 22, 2005

This legislation amends N.J.S.A. 2C:21-2.1 and expands identity theft statutes to include the selling,
manufacturing, possessing or exhibiting false birth certificates. It also makes it a disorderly person offense where
a person uses the personal identifying information of another to illegally purchase alcoholic beverages or tobacco
products. This legislation also amends N.J.S.A. 2C:21-17 to include impersonating another to make an application
for services to avoid payment for prior services.

Chapter 225, Laws of 2005 Effective September 22, 2005

This legislation amends N.J.S.A. 2C:21-6.1 and makes it a crime of the fourth degree for a person to knowingly
possess with intent to utilize any device, equipment or software that is specifically designed or adapted for use as
a "scanning device or reencoder".

Chapter 226, Laws of 2005 Effective January 1, 2006

This new legislation will be known as the "Identity Theft Prevention Act" and was enacted as N.J.S.A. 56:11-
44 - 45 and N.J.S.A. 2C:21-17.6. N.J.S.A. 2C:21-17.6 allows the victim of identity theft to report such crime in the
jurisdiction in which they reside. This portion of the legislative changes will take effect immediately.

Chapter 230, Laws of 2005 Effective September 22, 2005

The legislation amends N.J.S.A. 2C:40-22 and designated as "Christopher's Law". This legislation now
includes persons whose drivers licenses have been suspended or an individual who has never obtained a drivers
license and is involved in a motor vehicle accident resulting in death is guilty of a third degree crime. If the victim
suffers serious bodily injury, the actor is guilty of a fourth degree crime. This statute also provides for the revocation
and suspension of the defendant's drivers license.

Count On The Holiday Spirit In Union County

For anyone who even thought there might not
be a real Santa, think again. The police officers
from PBA Local 19 in Plainfield came through
for the kids in need once more this year,
continuing their extremely popular "Officer
Santa" program with lots of city youngsters lined
up at the Plainfield Rescue Squad Building on
Spooner Avenue during Christmas week to pick
up a toy and some of them weren't getting much
Officer Andre Crawford, president of the
local, and the vice president, Officer William
Tyler, both expressed their gratitude to "the
good folks in the community and throughout the
county" who again donated hundreds of toys for
the children to receive from Santa as they
posed to take their picture with him.
"We know the kids really enjoy this and it's a
labor of love," said Crawford, who traveled to
Elizabeth with Tyler to pick up a truckload of
toys at the Union County Prosecutor's Office. Michele Capozzoli, who works on the fourth floor at the Ruotolo Justice
Building, organized a huge toy drive that was boosted by her colleagues Janet O'Donnell and Margaret Nagle at the Police
Desk. There, surrounding a perky Christmas tree, huge boxes of games, makeup kits, a pool table and teddy bears, police
cars and clothes donated by Prosecutor's Agent Dave Carney and Assistant Public Information Officer Karen Positan sat
piled high waiting for delivery to the Plainfield kids.
Meanwhile, downstairs on the second floor a huge box of special goodies for the children infected with HIV virus at the
St. Clare's Home for Children in Elizabeth waited to be delivered through the efforts of Wendy Davis and Beverly Hoptay.
With a "Giving Tree" loaded with toys for other kids in Union County, it all made Prosecutor Theodore J. Romankow beam
with pride at the way his employees took to the spirit of the holidays. "I feel really good about this and I know everyone
here does too," he said.
Page 6
Summary of Recent Cases
State v. Luis Perez, 185 N.J. 204 (2005)
In a unanimous opinion, the Supreme Court held that the head clerk of a formerly privatized motor vehicle
agency was a “public servant” as that term is defined in the Code, and thus could be found guilty of official
misconduct. The Court ruled that the term “public servant” is defined broadly, and encompasses individuals who
are authorized to perform governmental functions, regardless of whether they hold positions of public employment.
The Court determined that the clerk was a public servant, despite the fact that she was not a public employee,
because she exercised governmental authority in issuing State-authorized motor vehicle licenses and title and
registration documents. The Court stated that the clerk’s “perversion of the uniquely governmental authority that
she wielded is what the official misconduct statute is designed to prevent.” Hence, defendant was liable as well for
conspiring with the clerk in a scheme to obtain fraudulent motor vehicle documents.

State in re D.W. (A-1980-04T4)

In an opinion written by Judge Fisher, the Appellate Division reversed the juvenile’s criminal-sexual-contact
adjudication. The juvenile had touched a female classmate’s buttocks, and the trial court concluded that he had
done so for the purpose of degrading or humiliating the victim.
The Appellate Division disagreed, concluding that the evidence did not support the trial judge’s finding that
criminal sexual contact had occurred. The State had to demonstrate that the juvenile intentionally touched the
victim for the purpose of degrading or humiliating her, or for the purpose of sexually arousing or gratifying himself.
But the victim’s assertion that the juvenile’s touching embarrassed her was not sufficient to support a finding that
he had touched her with a purpose to humiliate or degrade her. The Appellate Division concluded that, because
the event occurred in a classroom in the presence of others and the touching was brief, the facts did not meet the
requirements of N.J.S.A. 2C:14-3b. The Appellate Division stated, “Common sense dictates that this conduct
represented nothing more than inappropriate horseplay between school mates, and did not rise to a level of
seriousness commensurate with the charge of criminal sexual contact.”

State v. Marquis Gilchrist (A-4561-04T5)

In an opinion written by Judge Graves, the Appellate Division reversed the trial court’s ruling requiring the
prosecutor to provide the defense with the rape victim’s photograph. Defendant was charged with sexually
assaulting the victim in her bedroom. DNA linked him to the crimes. Defendant claimed that he needed the victim’s
photograph to prepare his defense, and the trial court agreed. The Appellate Division disagreed, ruling that the
defendant had failed to articulate any legitimate pretrial basis for obtaining the victim’s photograph. The Court
further stated that should the matter proceed to trial, defense counsel would have the opportunity to cross-examine
the victim regarding her credibility. Defendant also failed to show how the victim’s photograph was relevant to his
claim of innocence, and he failed to explain how that photograph might be exculpatory.
Finally, the Court remarked that the Victim’s Rights Amendment to the state constitution mandates that a crime
victim shall be treated with fairness, compassion, and respect by the criminal justice system. In the view of the
Appellate Division, any possible benefits to defendant from a court-ordered photograph of his rape victim were
entirely speculative and outweighed by the victim’s rights.

State v. John O’Hagen, 380 N.J. Super. 133 (App. Div. 2005)
In this case, the Appellate Division upheld the DNA Act (N.J.S.A. 53:1-20.7 to .28). The Court ruled that the Act
did not subject defendants to unreasonable searches and seizures and did not violate their federal and state rights
to equal protection.

State v. Gary Fletcher, 380 N.J. Super. 80 (App. Div. 2005)

In an opinion written by Judge Grall, the Appellate Division reversed defendant’s armed robbery and related
convictions. Defendant made incriminating statements after coming to police headquarters in response to an
officer’s promise that he could make an “off-the-record” statement. At headquarters, another officer issued
defendant Miranda warnings, which he waived, but neither retracted the first officer’s promise nor explained the
conflict between defendant’s waiver and an off-the-record statement. Therefore the promise induced defendant’s
statements, which were not freely and voluntarily given.

State v. Atlantic City, 379 N.J. Super. 515 (App. Div. 2005)
In an opinion written by Judge Skillman, the Appellate Division affirmed the trial court’s ruling that a municipal
ordinance authorizing municipal health officials to distribute sterile hypodermic syringes to drug addicts conflicted
with the Code of Criminal Justice, which prohibits persons from using or assisting others in using controlled
dangerous substances pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:36-6. The statute preempted the ordinance, which was declared
Page 7
Roll Call!
New Faces at the Prosecutor’s Office
Akinyemi T. Akiwowo, the newest Detective Edward P. Hanewald
Assistant Prosecutor in the Union comes to the Prosecutor’s Office after
County Prosecutor’s Office, is a 13 years of service with the Union
graduate of the Seton Hall University County Sheriff’s Office, the last seven
School of Law where he not only as a key Physical Training Instructor at
served as president of the Student Bar the John H. Stamler Police Academy in
Association, he also managed a 3.43 Scotch Plains. Detective Hanewald, a
grade point average and garnered a graduate of William Paterson College,
Presidential Scholarship. He obtained is a certified Physical Training
a Claver Scholarship while attending Instructor who took over as Lead
Loyola College in Baltimore, where he graduated with a Instructor in 2002 while still serving in the Sheriff’s Office.
Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology in May of 2002. During his career there, he also served in the Court
Before joining the office, Akiwowo worked as a summer Security, Prisoner Transport and Fugitive Unit and was
associate at the Chatham law firm of Blume, Goldfaden, Sheriff’s Officer of the Year in 1998, when he also received
Berkowtize, Donnelly, Fried and Forte and was a Mediation the Sheriff’s Distinguished Service Certificate. Ed was the
Intern at the Consumer Protection Division of the Maryland 1990 New Jersey College Pitcher of the Year not long after
State Attorney General’s Office in Baltimore. graduating from Arthur L. Johnson High School and holds a
Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do.

Superior Officers Take Their Oath To Cheers And Applause

An overflow crowd packed the courtroom of Superior Court Judge Walter R. Barisonek, the county’s assignment judge,
to witness four veteran investigators from the Union County Prosecutor’s Office take new oaths of office at ceremonies in
honor of new Lieutenants Abdel Anderson and Carl Riley and Sergeant Dean A. Marcantonio and James Weinberg
at the courthouse complex in Elizabeth. Prosecutor Theodore J. Romankow, in ceremonies before Superior Court Judge
Joseph Donahue, described the experience and leadership qualities that led to the promotions before rows of proud family
members, office colleagues, police chiefs, municipal detectives and officers and friends.
Lieutenant Abdel Anderson, a 21-year veteran, joined the office in 1984 after four years as a
probation officer in Middlesex County and after playing professional basketball in Portugal and playing
on the most famous Rutgers University basketball team that went to the Final Four. Lieutenant
Anderson, who made more than 100 drug purchases when he worked in an undercover capacity years
ago, has served in the Grand Jury Unit, the Trial Team, the Narcotic Strike Force, the Juvenile Justice
Unit and at the Save a Life Today Community Prosecution Program in Plainfield. He and his wife,
Elaine, have two children and he continues to serve as Deputy Team Leader for the county’s Crisis
Negotiation Team, a position Lieutenant Anderson has held for the last 13 years. He is currently
commander of the Gang Task Force.
Lieutenant Carl Riley began his law enforcement career 16 years ago with the Shrewsbury Police
Department in Monmouth County where he was assigned to patrol and investigations. In September
of 2994, Carl joined the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office, where he was assigned to the narcotics unit
as an undercover detective and came to Union County four years later. The new lieutenant holds a
Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice Management and has attended the Penn State Justice and Safety
Institute’s Police Executive Development Program and has worked in the Child Abuse Unit, the Trial
Unit, the Narcotic Strike Force and the Homicide Unit, where he has been commander since January
of 2003.
Sergeant Dean A. Marcantonio began his career in law enforcement with the Plainfield Police
Division in 1987 serving in the Patrol Division and later as a detective for five years beginning in 1990
and conducting more than 500 criminal investigation. Sergeant Marcantonio also served in the United
States Naval Reserve from December of 1986 to December of 1992 as a Hospital Corpsman, attached
to a Marine Corp Unit and serving in Operation Desert Storm where he received numerous military
awards. He has served in the Homicide Unit, the Criminal Case Control Unit and in the Child Abuse
Unit, teaching an intense two-day course on Interviews and Interrogation at the John H. Stamler Police
Academy and a courtroom testimony course with Trial Supervisor Regina Caulfield. He is currently a
supervisor in the Homicide Unit.
Sergeant James Weinberg worked as a patrol officer, then as a detective in the Narcotics Squad at
the Detective Bureau of the Union County Police Department before joining the Union County
Prosecutor’s Office and has more than 23 years of total law enforcement experience. He has served
in the Child Abuse Unit, in the Domestic Violence Unit, at the Union County Narcotic Strike Force and
in the Trial Unit during his distinguished service and serves as a chief negotiator with the Hostage Unit
and the Union County Emergency Response Team (UCERT). He is currently assigned to the
Intelligence Unit. He recently headed to Louisiana to aid other law enforcement officers in assisting
victims of Hurricane Katrina with a large contingent that headed to the New Orleans area in three
separate contingents.
Page 8
Meet Ann Luvera, The First Female To Ever Head Up The UPCO Homicide Unit
Prosecutor Theodore Romankow, calling Luvera a powerful and effective trial attorney, said
he was proud to promote the 15-year veteran of the office who said she has wanted to be a
lawyer since she was 14 years old. Luvera , who worked as an appellate attorney in the
Division of Criminal Justice in the New Jersey State Attorney General's Office and most recently
served as legal supervisor of the Special Prosecutions Unit, is also a full-time mother to two
boys, ages 12 and 9. "I enjoy working homicide cases, particularly those involving interesting
legal issues such as Shaken Baby Syndrome cases and other acts of violence against
children," she said. "And this talented staff of detectives and support staff led by Lieutenant
Carl Riley is most competent and professional."
Brian Mahoney Named New Chief In Scotch Plains
Chief Brian Mahoney, sworn in as chief last month after
the untimely death of Chief Mark Zyla, will begin his 20th
year of service as a police officer as the chief law
enforcement officer in the township.
Mahoney, who becomes the tallest and the youngest
chief in Union County, joined the Scotch Plains Police
Department in June of 1987 after more than a year of
work at the Westfield Police Department.
The new chief was promoted to sergeant in June of
1995, served as a Juvenile Officer and was assigned as
Supervisor of Detectives in August, 1996. After being
promoted to lieutenant in July of 2002, Chief Mahoney
served as Administrative Division Commander and then
later as Patrol Division Commander when he was
promoted to Captain in May of 2004.
Chief Mahoney, shown here taking his oath of office on
November 29 with daughters Kelly, left, and Brianna, said
he was “extremely honored” to lead the department and
expects “to continue the fine tradition of service and
protection to the citizens of Scotch Plains” with the help of his colleagues. Union County Prosecutor Theodore J.
Romankow said the many supporters of Chief Mahoney who came out to celebrate his promotion “were indicative of
the recognition that the community embraces for his leadership qualities and contribution to the township.”
John Parizeau Named New Chief In Westfield
Police Chief John Parizeau, a 25-year veteran of the Westfield Police Department,
has been named top cop to succeed Bernard Tracy, who retired in the fall to begin
work at the school system in Linden. The new chief, who holds a four year bachelor's
degreee in Criminal Justice, has served as the Records Bureau Commander and
Media Officer.

Chief Parizeau graduated from the College of New Jersey, formerly Trenton State
College, before joining the department in March of 1981. He was promoted to the
rank of plainclothes detective on February 1, 1987 and served in the Juvenile
Detective Bureau before being promoted to Sergeant a year later. He became a
detective sergeant in 1997 and then to the rank of lieutenant a year later and then
made captain last February. "I am a team player, and I am looking forward to this
challenge," said the chief, adding he will be bringing improved technology to the
department by having computers in each police car and working to improve how each
officer can bring their efforts and talents to the department. Best of luck to you, chief.

(At right) Plainfield police officers support

the Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) campaign
by placing special red ribbon magnets on patrol vehicles
to remind motorists about
the dangers of driving while impaired.

Page 9
Hats Off and Good Luck to...
Garwood Police Chief Dennis K. Lesak is retiring this month after 28 years of
service to the borough, including more than five years as chief of police. The chief
is retiring to the Pocono Mountains area in Pennsylvania and is especially proud
that his father, who retired from the Garwood Police Department as a captain after
38 years on the job, got to hold the Bible when he was sworn in as a police officer
in 1978.
Chief Lesak, who supervised 16 officers and three civilian dispatchers in the
borough of a little over 4,000 residents, intends to take up golfing when he officially
steps down February 1. “It has been a wonderful career and I have been proud to
serve in my dad’s footsteps,” said the chief, who watched his dad as he served his
community and was part of the first father-and-son team in borough history.

In New Providence, Chief Douglas Marvin is stepping down as the borough’s top
law enforcement officer after a distinguished career that began when he served
citizens of in Chatham Borough as a Police Dispatcher in 1977 before coming to
New Providence in 1978 as a Patrolman. He was promoted through the ranks,
working in every position within the department, including detective, juvenile officer,
sergeant, lieutenant, captain and culminating with the Chief’s job in September of
“I am very proud of the accomplishments of the men and women of the
department, especially through our recent Accreditation by the NJ State Chief’s of
Police Association,” said Marvin, who considers himself I was fortunate to have
attended the FBI National Academy in 1991, the Certified Public Manager program
is 1993 and the West Point Command and Leadership program in 2003.
The chief said he did not have to move his office very far, since he left the job on
January 1 to become the borough administrator and is looking forward to new
challenges serving the residents of New Providence. “I feel truly blessed to have
been able to serve in law enforcement and especially blessed to have met and
come to know so many dedicated, caring men and women sharing the same
profession in Union County,” he told the editor of The Newsletter.

May you enjoy the fruits of your success, gentlemen.

Rulers available for Union County students!

Contact Executive Assistant Prosecutor Bob O’Leary at 908-527-4621 or

24/7 Gang Hotline Telephone Number

This taped hotline number allows callers to provide detailed information about gang activity.
If they desire, individuals can leave their name and telephone number for follow-up.

Gangs, Guns, & Drugs: The Movie

This 22-minute videotape was prepared by the New Jersey State Attorney General’s Office to help law enforcement
officers educate adults and middle / high school students. If you are interested in obtaining a copy, please call the
John H. Stamler Police Academy Video Studio: Karen Positan -- 908-889-9028 Š Charlie Cooper -- 908-889-6324
Page 10
Plainfield’s Lieutenant Donald B. Moye

Lt. Donald B. Moye walks out of Plainfield Police Division Police Headquarters for the last time
as fellow officers and co-workers gather to applause his grand exit after a great 30-year career.
The Lieutenant, who served for years as president of the Union County Juvenile Officers Association
and worked on many high profile investigations,
has started a new career as coordinator of the Homeland Security efforts
and school safety programs with the Plainfield Board of Education.
Way to go, Donald B.!

In Memorium
The Union County law enforcement community
mourns the sudden passing of
Scotch Plains Police Chief Mark E. Zyla
on October 13, 2005.

Congratulations to 2005 POMA Award Recipients

Two longtime dedicated employees at the Prosecutor's Office were selected to receive the 2005 Annual Prosecutor’s
Office Management Awards, it was announced recently by Prosecutor Ted Romankow.
The award recipients, who were honored at a special presentation in Mercer County in the fall, are Secretarial Assistant
Kathy Nelson and Principal Docket Clerk Janet O’Donnell (shown standing at a special reception given in their honor
at the courthouse complex in Elizabeth between Office Supervisor Dina Apuzzio, left, and Executive Assistant Prosecutor
Anne K. Frawley.)
Nelson, a nineteen year veteran of the office, is currently assigned to the Juvenile Justice Unit while Janet O’Donnell
has been with the Prosecutor's Office for over 35 years and is currently assigned to the Police Desk.
Both of these recipients, selected to receive the awards by the Office and Clerical Supervisors shown in the photo at
right, have proven time and time again to be assets to the UCPO. Congratulations Kathy and Janet for a job well done
and for your outstanding accomplishment honoring your service and dedication.

Page 11
New Promotions At The Hillside Police Department!
Hillside Police Chief Robert Quinlan
takes great pride in announcing the
promotion of six officers of the Hillside
Police Department to fill positions
created by recent retirements. At a
township committee meeting on
October 4, the officers took their oaths
of office to become promoted
John Frize, promoted to the rank of
Deputy Chief, is a 24 year veteran of
this department. During his career he
has held many positions such as shift
commander in the patrol division and
Commander of the Detective Bureau.
He is one of the most decorated
officers in the Hillside Police
Department. He has earned two Hillside’s newest superior officers standing proudly, from left to right,
Distinguished Service Awards, four are Lieutenant Louis Rufino, Detective Sergeant Vincent Ricciardi,
Meritorious Service Awards and three Sergeant Benjamin Niewinski, Captain John Robertson,
Excellent Police Duty Awards. and Deputy Chief John Frize.
John Robertson, promoted to the
rank of Captain, joined the force in 1988. During his career he has held many positions such as detective, shift
commander in patrol and commander of the traffic bureau. He was a member of the Union County Narcotics Strike
Force in 1990. He has received over 25 letters of commendation and recognition. His awards include four Excellent
Police Duty awards and a Meritorious Service Award.
Louis Rufino, promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, joined the force in 1985. During his career he received over 30
letters of commendation and recognition. He was assigned to the Union County Narcotics Strike Force in 1989. His
awards include the prestigious Valor Award, two Distinguished Service Awards, three Meritorious Service Awards,
and seven Excellent Police Duty Awards.
Vincent Ricciardi, promoted to the rank of Sergeant, joined the force in 1994. He has received over 10 letters of
commendation and recognition. Appointed to the Detective Bureau in 1999, he was assigned in 2005 as an
investigator to the Cyber Crime Squad of the FBI. In addition, he is the department’s Information Technology Officer
and is responsible for founding the department’s Honor Guard. Sergeant Ricciardi has earned an Excellent Police
Duty Award, Life Saving Award, and Chief’s Award.
Demetrios Katsoudas, promoted to the rank of Sergeant, Katsoudas joined the force in 1992. During his career
he has received 14 letters of commendation and recognition. He was cited for two Excellent Police Duty Awards.
Benjamin Niewinski, the third officer promoted to the rank of Sergeant, joined the force in 1998 and has been a
member of the patrol division since his appointment. He has received 7 letters of commendation and recognition. In
2004 he received the Excellent Police Duty Award.
“These men have earned their promotions through hard work, dedication to duty, and careers of outstanding
service to the residents of Hillside and they will continue to set the standards for others to follow,” said Chief Quinlan.

Prosecutor Accepts Remembrance Flag Marking Detective Daniel Seib III’s Tour of Duty
Union County Prosecutor’s Office Detective Daniel
Seib III presents Prosecutor Ted Romankow with a
special United States flag that flew over Iraq on April 24,
2005, to be permanently kept on display as part of the
detective’s personal remembrance of his service to our
Seib, who is currently assigned to the Trial Unit,on the
fourth floor of the Ruotolo Justice Building in Elizabeth, is
a former Berkeley Heights patrol officer who served for
many years on the Union County Emergency Response
Team and the Essex Union Auto Theft Task Force who
completed tours of duty in Iraq and Kuwait earlier this
“He know how proud we are of him and all the law
enforcement officers who put their lives on the line over
there then and now,” the Prosecutor said.
Page 12
93rd Basic Police Training Class Graduates from John H. Stamler Police Academy
Please join us in congratulating the 91 -- yes, 91 -- recruits who graduated from the John H. Stamler Police Academy
on Thursday, December 8th, at the Union County Arts Center in Rahway.

Berkeley Heights Police Roselle Park Police East Newark Police New York / New Jersey
Department Department Department Waterfront Commission
Š Edward Gaffney Joshua Medrano Michael P. Lucas Brian McGuinness
Michael O’Donnell Robin A. Morante
Cranford Police Department Scotch Plains Police Catherine Mulhern
Š Thomas Stiansen Department East Orange Police
Gerard J. Rites Department Alternate Route
Elizabeth Police Š Tyshon Bryant Š Joseph Balwierczak
Department Westfield Police Š Angela C. Concepcion (Kenilworth PD)
Sergio Alexandre Š Marcela Department Š Grover J. Lewis III Š Lauren M. Bauer (Union
Arriola Š Frank A. Impellizzeri Š Anthony D. Taylor County Sheriff’s Office)
Š Orlando M. Barros, Jr. Š John R. Tango Š Keith Christopher
Š Yoan Belon Jersey City Police (Springfield PD)
Š Ken A. Charlenea Union County Police Department Š Donald S. Domanoski
Š Anthony J. Chodan Department Š Yamileth Arroyo Š Albert Domizi (North
Š William J. Deegan, Jr. Giovanni T. Arlia Š Ryan Friend Plainfield PD)
Š Louis P. Demondo Christopher S. Decker Š Shanna K. Gamez Š Christian Eriksen (Summit
Š William Dilollo Joseph Ferraioli Š Andrew La Bruno PD)
Š Carmine Giannetta Edward Lowe Š Adalberto Rivera Š Michael P. Hand (New
Š Jorge I. Joaquim Stephen Repella, Jr. Š Michael Rodriguez Providence PD)
Š Craig B. Lovett Keith Tarulli Š Luz D. Rojas Š Michael J. Heller
Š James Lugardo Š Maria M. Sanchez Š Todd J. Herz (Garwood
Š Edward J. Pinkevicz, Jr. Union County Sheriff’s Š Salvatore Sellitto PD)
Office Š Caleb L. Hough
Linden Police Department David J. Krill Perth Amboy Police Š Richard Jacobs, Jr.
Christopher M. Guenther Ryan Mullenix Department (Union County Sheriff’s
Martin Jedrzejewski Andrew L. Pappas Brandon M. Bucior Office)
Matthew Jones Jeffrey Thomas Emma Cabrera Š Dmitriy Mazur
Jacyn Mcphail David Guzman Š Gerald Mc Dermott
Peter J. Mitros Kean University Police Pascal Medina (Summit PD)
Ivan A. Ordonez Department Mabner Terron Š Christopher Medina
Afstratios Zevlikaris Salvatore Valentino (Summit PD)
Piscataway Police Š Kimberly Raguse
Roselle Police Department Carteret Police Department Department (Springfield PD)
Helder Freire Thomas J. Kaminsky Michael K. Paiano Š John Rattigan (Springfield
Rafael Rivera, Jr. Michael M. Kazio Raymond S. Pilch PD)
Jason Oxner Š Leslie Sanchez (Edison
Charles F. Reiman, Jr. Middlesex County College PD)
Louis A. Reyes Police Department Š Octavio Tapia
Marcus A. Rosario Michael D. Methner Š Anthony R. Voorhees
(Springfield PD)
Page 13
Thanks for “Counting Your Blessings”
Some folks call it the ultimate
“labor of love” while others say it’s
just a nice way of giving thanks
for the people and things we we
have at Thanksgiving.
Either way, the 24th annual
delivery of more than two tons of
food to crime victims and their
families was a huge success.
It starts when victim witness
advocates from the Union County
Prosecutor’s Office begin putting
out colorful boxes for county
employees to drop off their food
donations, continues when Union
Police Detective Joseph Casalino
picks up dozens of turkeys LABORS OF LOVE—
donated by the Union County (Above) Getting the turkey, stuffing and
holiday fixings ready for delivery to crime
Juvenile Officers Association and victims and needy families are, standing
ends Monday when hundreds of from left, retired Prosecutor’s Office
items get sorted and stacked for Captain Sal Apuzzio, Clerical Supervisor
delivery to selected needy Dina Apuzzio, Juvenile Justice Victim
families from throughout the Witness Advocate Andrea Geraghty,
county. Coordinator Elaine O’Neal, Victim Witness
“We had close to 50 boxes Advocate Liza Giuliano and Prosecutor
and baskets containing more than Theodore J. Romankow, while support
two tons of food alone coming in staff members Carol O’Leary and Patricia
from an Elizabeth boy scout troop that comes through year after year,” said Scrudato kneel in front.
(Left) Elizabeth Detective Mike Kelly,
Prosecutor Theodore J. Romankow, who noted donations are generally president of the county juvenile officers
down statewide because of New Jersey’s participation in the nationwide association, and fellow officer Nereida Rey
hurricane relief efforts. “Everyone asks why we do this, but it’s just a small helped the holiday team deliver the baskets
way for good people to make sure that some families in need know others this year.
really do care,” said Prosecutor Romankow.
It’s become known as “Counting Your Blessings” and it is all made possible by the police officers, assistant prosecutors,
county workers and the scouts from Troop 23 and Pack 23 from Saint Genevieve’s Church in Elizabeth. From more than
a decade, Scoutmaster Dan Bernier has led the charge with the youngsters putting out paper bags and residents filling
them up for pickup throughout the city.
Elaine O’Neal, coordinator of the Victim Witness Advocacy Office, said her staff works for days to sort, stack and pack
the food so that it can be delivered in time for Thanksgiving with families selected from violent crime case files and
recommendations from police. “We like to bring these families, who might have little or nothing on the table for
Thanksgiving, a small measure of holiday cheer to supplement the services we provide,” she said. Included among some
of the families from Rahway, Linden, Roselle, Plainfield and Elizabeth is a family devastated by the murder of the family
breadwinner and a mother who lost a son to senseless street violence.
O’Neal, who runs a homicide survivors’ group meeting each month at Robert Wood Johnson Hospital in Rahway, said
twenty turkeys came from the juvenile officers group headed by Elizabeth Detective Michael Kelly and another ten donated
as part of retired Prosecutor’s Detective Captain Sal Apuzzio’s annual contribution.
Tiffany Wilson Selected To Represent Local Girl Scouts At Historic National Convention
Assistant Prosecutor Tiffany Wilson keeps herself busy in Plainfield,serving as community
prosecutor for the city, and as the Council President of the Girls Scouts Washington Rock Council. She
recently headed to Atlanta to take part in the 50th renewal of the Girl Scouts of the USA National
Council session, billed by GSUSA as one of the most important council sessions in history. The five
local delegates joined nearly 15,000 other Girl Scouts from the 50 states as well as representatives
from overseas.
In the midst of her first term at the helm of the local leadership scouting board, Wilson is a longtime
member of the GSWRC community, having come up through the ranks in Girl Scouting. A practicing
attorney, she served on the GSWRC Board for four years before becoming its President.
Founded in 1957, GSWRC serves nearly 11,000 girls and adults in 24 communities in a tri-county area.
The Council, under the umbrella of Girl Scouts of the USA, the country’s preeminent organization
dedicated solely to girls, is headquartered in Westfield.

We salute all those who serve our great nation,

and offer our prayers for their success and safe return.
Page 14
Union County Prosecutor’s Office: A Historical Perspective
Part 10: 1970 to 1975
During the Summer of 2003, intern John Russell extensively researched
the Union County Prosecutor’s Office from its creation on April 13, 1857 to the present
-- its leaders, their lives, and their accomplishments.
Each issue of The Newsletter will chronologically feature several profiles.

Karl Asch
1970 to 1975

Karl Asch graduated from Linden High School and Columbia University Law School.

In 1970 Republican Governor William T. Cahill signed into law legislation requiring full time
Prosecutors and Assistant Prosecutors in New Jersey's nine largest counties and appointed Mr.
Asch to be Union County's first full-time Prosecutor. During the next five years Mr. Asch battled
with municipal police departments and county freeholders and even obtained court orders to expand staff and start
specialized units in municipal corruption, narcotics, organized crime, and gambling. The Prosecutor's Office staff tripled
during Mr. Asch's term due to the conversion to full-time status of all staff with personnel reaching 42 Assistant Prosecutors
and 72 detectives and investigators. The budget increased from $900,000 in 1970 to $2.7 million in 1975.

The Municipal Corruption Unit, based in Garwood, indicted several public officials, the most powerful being James
J. Kenneally, a Union County Democratic chairman, on 16 counts charging conspiracy to cheat the Rahway Water
Department through kickbacks on vouchers. Kenneally, a former water department official, died before he was brought to
trial. Convictions were obtained against Michael J. DeMartino, former Elizabeth Democratic councilman, John J. Wilson,
former Clark business administrator and Democratic assemblyman, both on bribery charges stemming from alleged
payoffs, Thaddeus F. Gora, Elizabeth Democratic councilman, on bribery-perjury charges, and Arnold D'Ambrosa,
Democratic first-term assemblyman and suspended Rahway public works superintendent, on charges of embezzlement
and misconduct in office. Republican Freeholder Edward H. Tiller was indicted by a state grand jury in connection with an
alleged scheme to award a contract to a friend after an investigation started by the Prosecutor's Office. Asch also
investigated the sale of city-owned land in Elizabeth for a Holiday Inn on Route 1, across from Newark Airport that
contributed to the federal prosecution of U.S. Representative Cornelius Gallagher for accepting a $20,000 finder's fee.
Gallagher eventually pleaded to one count of tax evasion.

Mr. Asch started the first Narcotics Strike Force east of the Mississippi River, initially funded with state and
federal funds, that became a model for other counties in New Jersey. The Prosecutor's Office combined its own personnel
with that of the municipal police departments and instructed them in the use of tactical enforcement procedures such as
wiretapping, search procedures, and evidence collection.

Under Mr. Asch, Union County was the first Prosecutor's Office in the state to have its own lab which was used for
controlled substances. Previously, all evidence had to be sent to the State Police facility which created time lags and chain
of custody issues. Case management improved because the Prosecutor's Office could control the process without relying
on state labs thereby improving turnaround times, using the same experts to testify, and prioritizing lab efforts.

Mr. Asch prohibited Assistant Prosecutors from participating in any type of fund-raising efforts of local politicians.

After completing his term, Mr. Asch formed the law firm Asch, Asch and Whitken where he gained notoriety and wide
experience as a trial attorney.

Some of the Assistant Prosecutors included the following (showing hometown and original appointment date):
Š John Callahan (Summit -- 2/28/64) Š Stanley J. Kaczorowski (Scotch Plains -- 9/7/65)
Š John H. Stamler (Scotch Plains -- 1/1/68) Š Neil S. Cooper (Union -- 9/9/68)
Š Henry (Hank) Jaeger (New Providence -- 9/9/68) Š Peter L. Korn (Cranford -- 9/8/69)
Š Michael J. Mitzner (Elizabeth -- 9/8/69) Š Frederic Shauger (Elizabeth -- 9/8/69)
Š Stephen F. Juman (Union -- 12/1/69) Š Kenneth Siegel (Rahway -- 1/19/70)
Š Elson Kendall (who was terminated by Asch's successor Edward McGrath as part of a general reorganization in the new administration)

Page 15
Union County Prosecutor’s Office Telephone Numbers
Prosecutor Theodore J. Romankow............................................................................................................... 527-4510
First Assistant Prosecutor Albert Cernadas, Jr.............................................................................................. 527-4502
Executive Assistant Prosecutor Henry W. Jaeger......................................................................................... 527-4549
Executive Assistant Prosecutor Anne K. Frawley.......................................................................................... 527-4650
Executive Assistant Prosecutor Robert P. O’Leary........................................................................................ 527-4621
Investigations Supervisor David J. Hancock.................................................................................................. 527-4661
Trial Supervisor Regina Caulfield................................................................................................................... 527-4515
Chief of Investigations Robert T. Buccino...................................................................................................... 527-4615
Administrative Services Unit Major Crimes Unit
Sergeant Edgardo Ortiz................................. 527-4604 Deputy Chief Edward Johnson...................... 527-4591
Appellate Section Child Abuse
Assistant Prosecutor Steven J. Kaflowitz...... 527-4593 Assistant Prosecutor John Esmerado..... 965-3879
Asset Forfeiture Section Lieutenant Ronald G. Reale.................... 965-3885
Assistant Prosecutor Thomas Haluszczak.... 527-4578 Homicide
Auto Theft Task Force Assistant Prosecutor Ann M. Luvera...... 527-4689
Captain Joseph F. Vitelli................................ 298-7840 Sergeant Carl Riley................................. 527-4695
Detective Michael Melillo.................................298-7840 Media Relations & Public Information
Criminal Case Control Unit Exec. Asst. Prosecutor Robert P. O’Leary..... 527-4621
Lieutenant Guy Steward................................ 527-4606
Narcotic Strike Force
Domestic Violence Unit
Assistant Prosecutor Thomas K. Isenhour.... 709-6516
Assistant Prosecutor Susan Gleason............ 527-4580
Captain Edward Fitzgerald............................ 527-4534
Detective Damien Borges.............................. 558-2399
Elizabeth Project PDC Unit
Assistant Prosecutor Michael Sheets............ 558-2054 Assistant Prosecutor Thomas P. Simon........ 527-4526
Forensics Science Unit Plainfield Project
Sergeant Joseph R. Koury............................. 527-4521 Assistant Prosecutor Tiffany Wilson............. 226-0124
Gang Task Force Released Offenders Unit
Assistant Prosecutor Deborah A. White......... 709-6500 Assistant Prosecutor Sue Lewis.................... 527-4435
Lieutenant Abdel Anderson............................ 709-6536 Save A Life Today (S.A.L.T.) Unit
Exec. Asst. Prosecutor Robert P. O’Leary..... 527-4621 Assistant Prosecutor Tiffany Wilson.............. 791-7131
Grand Jury Unit Special Offenders Unit
Captain Patricia Leonard............................... 965-3899 Assistant Prosecutor Maureen O’Brien......... 527-4557
Assistant Prosecutor David Schneider.......... 527-4675 Special Prosecutions Unit
Insurance Fraud Unit Assistant Prosecutor William Kolano............. 527-4673
Assistant Prosecutor Eleanor R. Beaumont. 527-4670 Lieutenant Steven Siegel............................... 527-4658
Intelligence Unit Arson
Lieutenant Kevin Foley.................................. 709-6541 Sergeant Richard Stamler....................... 527-4914
John H. Stamler Police Academy
Bias & Hate Crimes
Chief Anthony J. Parenti, Director................. 889-6112 Sergeant Ana Zsak................................. 527-4619
Joint Counter-Terrorism Task Force Sergeant Vincent G. Gagliardi................ 527-4696
Deputy Chief Gregory Clay........................... 527-4657
High-Tech Task Force
Detective Paul K. Han................................... 527-4563
Exec. Asst. Prosecutor Anne K. Frawley. 527-4650
Critical Infrastructure Coordinator Sergeant Andre Banks.......................... 527-4508
Philip C. Spinelli...................................... 527-4724 Sex Crimes
Juvenile Justice Unit Assistant Prosecutor Robert Rosenthal.. 965-3808
Assistant Prosecutor Doreen Yanik............... 527-4631
Laboratory Victim / Witness Unit
Sergeant Joseph R. Koury............................. 654-9847 Coordinator Elaine O'Neal............................. 965-3897

Newsletter Editors
Editor-in-Chief.......................................................................... Executive Assistant Prosecutor Robert P. O’Leary
Recent Legislation................................................................... Executive Assistant Prosecutor Anne K. Frawley
Recent Case Law..................................................................... Assistant Prosecutor Steven J. Kaflowitz
Newsletter Layout & Production.............................................. Assistant Public Information Officer Karen E. Positan
Print Production....................................................................... Dora Ottaviano, Sign Shop
The Newsletter is published quarterly in January, April, July and October by the Union County Prosecutor’s Office for use by
law enforcement officers. The opinions and recommendations appearing in articles do not necessarily represent those of
the Union County Prosecutor’s Office unless otherwise stated. The submission of articles from law enforcement agencies is encouraged.

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