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uauumu urgamzanon types Social organizations

Three main types of international • Address social issues that confront people,
nations, and regions: ....
· (!)Socia.I · ~Povedy --- CA.JZE:
-(2)£conaroic • Faccl ~ wa.te.r
~r:>ot,:6ca) • Ma:i('ca./ - D 'NB

Economic organizations
• ref'vqee.s - l'RC
• May be government supported or privately
• Aid in facilitating -cmde funded. OR BOTH
• Provide financial assistance to poor
World Bank
I. Help poor countries get CbO ae y for
• Low ,·oteresl ca:;..nS i01pmvemeo-t
• ~ ttleS disputes
2. Combat pave cty
• Helps with development
3. Improve J ivio';} cand1't1'0Q9.round the
Economic blocs and treaties world.

· trnnpea.n Lln ion Treaties

• Common market of
European nations
• Defense agreement between united states, Canada,
• Integrated economies
and western European nations
• Nacth ArnedcM i7 cee • 19(;, I Ao±c.c+ic. :b--a; ~
Twde ~~ment
_ lVAFTA"'\ • Freedom of scientific investigation
• Free trade agreement • Non-militarization
between United States,
• A0cica.n ,2o ioo
Canada, and Mexico
• Promote peace and rights of African nations
• --rmosfhci±i'c Rk±~~ • Protect sovereignty and economies of African
• Trade agreement b: een
Pacific rim nations
• United States c , i ~
• Bi - lo. -1-e ca. l a.__g ree. rri erYt3
2017. • Agreements between two nations

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