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Case Study


Grace to be born
Maternity Home and
Submitted by:
Palad, Philip Kyle V.
Grade 12-St. Francis

Submitted to:
Paul John V. Gabay
I. Introduction
In this world there is a lot of situation, we all have an different issues in life, being left,
abandoned and etc, and that can cause a lot of problems not only physically but specially in
mentally problems. There are so many people that have different status in life. Many are poor
and only few are fortunate. Too many babies are being born every day, many of the have their
whole family and few of them have no left behind, some are being adopted by different people
and some of them are being thrown away until death came. We cannot predict what will happen
for the next hours. All we can do is to help them on the best way that we can.

II. Background

Grace to Be Born was a place for unwed pregnant and as an orphanage for the children
that was born there. It was established in 2008 by Bo Sanchez Rey Ortega, and Betty Roxas-
Chua. The couple Basti and Betty renovated their Pasig building and lent it rent-free to Grace to
be born.

The Grace to be born become a haven for the young ones to be born in, and a place
where their mothers have a chance for emotional and spiritual birth.

III. Alternatives/Proposed Solutions

The Grace to be born should not only focus on the pregnant mothers but also consider the
street children and give them a chance to experience how is life when someone was taking care
of them, loving them and giving importance to them. If this will happen the Grace to be born
will be a big help to those street child and babies that was left behind on the street. They should
perform the fair treatment for every child not only on the child that was being carried by the
mothers on their womb but also for the child on the street because they are also a child of God
who deserve to be love also.

IV. Recommendations

The campaign of Grace to be born should expand not only on the side of Pasig but they
also conduct a campaign to the other places in the country because this campaign can help to
lessen the numbers of the mother and child that was being abandoned and dead, because the
main goal of this campaign is to take care to the mother and to its child and to continuously
spread the loves to everyone.

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