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St. Gallen


Course 59 E

Date : 20.01.2017

1. Scope of problem:

The scope was to analyze an unknown flour, to determine its quality and to find
out whether it is treated or not. The analyses were carried out during the practical
afternoons and full-days in the laboratory at the SMS.
The results and the conclusion from these are to be basis for the discussion at
the final oral examination in laboratory technique.

2. Conclusion:

The flour analyzed can be classified as Biscuit flour. The ash content value
and the protein content lies within the range of the Biscuit flour. It is a weak
(baking) flour with low gluten quality and quantity which is within the range of
biscuit flour which could be seen through the gluten (wet, dry and gluten index)
tests and sedimentation analysis. The falling number value, SD-matic value and
maltose values are also in-line with the range of the biscuit flour.

The higher energy, higher ratio, higher resistance and lower extensibility
exhibited by the Extensograph and the higher energy (e) and (Le) from the
Alveograph during further analysis are indications of the possible addition of
ascorbic acid.

Flour sample no “6” could be the reference flour of this flour sample. This
was concluded base on the information given above and will be explained in the

3. Discussion on the results:

From the basic knowledge of laboratory analysis learnt during SMS, I believed
the major differences that will be noticed if Ascorbic acid was added to a flour
sample will be visible to a greater extent in the Extensograph, Alveograph, and
possibly Farinograph. Addition of ascorbic acid could also be visible during
baking process, especially the rise in the volume of the baked bread.

Extensograph (90 min)

 Result: Energy: 95cm2; Resistance: 869 EU; Extensibility: 88mm; Ratio: 9.9
 Interpretation: The energy, resistance and ratio are higher than the values of
a biscuit flour and also the reference flour while the extensibility is lesser.
This is a strong indication of a likely presence of ascorbic acid and more
forces will be required to extend the dough.


 Result: P: 91mm; L: 43mm; P/L: 2.12; Ie: 44%; W: 156 x 10-4J.

 Interpretation: The elasticity index “Le” and dough strength “W” is higher
than that of the refrerence flour while the length (extensibility) is supposed
to be lower to indicates the stiffening effect of the presence of ascorbic acid
but my result is higher- this may probably be as a result of over dosage of
ascorbic acid. Also, discrepancy in the values was noticed the ratio P/L and
the maximum pressure “P” which are meant to be slightly lower compared to
the reference flour.


 Result: Water absorption (14% moisture basis):56.2%, development time:

1.3mins, stability:4.29 mins, weakening: 51FU.
 Interpretation: The result shows that the water absorption (50FU/14% basis)
and the development are the same as compared to the reference flour. The
weakening of the dough is also slightly lower which is an indication of a
strong gluten brought about by likely addition of ascorbic acid.

 Result: Max. Viscosity 1200AU; temp. Max. viscosity 88.10C
 Interpretation: Viscosity is exactly the same with the biscuit flour which is in
line with the high falling number result and eventually leads to the final
conclusion of a low enzyme (amylase) activity.


 The moisture is 12.70%. This is okay but from a commercial point of view, it
could be increased to about 14% for increase in profits while from a Baker’s
point of view, it is very good as more water can be absorbed to increase the
dough yield.


 Result: 0.47% DM
 Interpretation: The ash determined is in the range for biscuit flour.

Protein test

 Result (dry matter basis): 12.1%

 Interpretation: The amount of protein determined is within the range for
biscuit flour.

Wet and Dry Gluten test

 Results (14% moisture basis): Wet gluten: 25.5%, Dry gluten: 8.24%
 Interpretation: The results are within the range for biscuit flour.

Gluten index test

 Results (14% moisture basis): 97%

 Interpretation: The high gluten index value is an indication of the gluten
quality (i.e. how strong the gluten is). The result is also within the range for
biscuit flour No 6.

Sedimentation test

 Result (14% moisture basis): 30.54ml
Interpretation: The sedimentation value gives an indication of the gluten quality
and quantity for a biscuit flour. The result is in the range for biscuit flour.

Falling number

 Result (14% moisture basis): 420s

 Interpretation: The high falling number indicates a low amylase activity which
leads to lower gas production. The result is within the range for biscuit flour.


 Result (14% moisture basis): 2.1

 Interpretation: The maltose test result is in the range of biscuit flour.

SD-Matic test

 Result (14% moisture basis): 21.8

 Interpretation: The SD-Matic test result is in the range of biscuit flour.


 Result: Volume: 385cm3; Specific Volume: 2.65; Bread crumb: Elastic; Crust
Colour: Pale Golden; Crumb Colour: Creamy white; Pore Size/Distribution:
more small pores and less big pores; Elasticity: Very elastic.
 Interpretation: The sample yielded a good baking quality. Normally, ascorbic
acid helps in the rising of dough, however, in this case, it had the opposite
effect. Temperature and time lapse may be the cause or parallax error while
taking the height of the bread volume.

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