Credit Rating Crisis 2010

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Research Summaries

The Credit Rating Crisis

Efraim Benmelech*

The credit crisis of 2008–9 was in classes of securities, known as tranches, bonds, making them an attractive invest-
many ways a credit rating crisis. Structured with prioritized claims against the collat- ment for rating-constrained investors.
finance products, such as mortgage-backed eral pool. In a tranched deal, some inves-
securities, accounted for over $11 trillion tors hold more senior claims than oth- The Collapse of Credit
dollars worth of outstanding U.S. debt. ers. In the event of default, the losses are Ratings during the Crisis
The lion’s share of these securities were absorbed by the lowest priority class of
highly rated -- for example, more than half investors before the higher priority inves- Jennifer Dlugosz and I examine
of the structured finance securities rated tors are affected. Naturally, the process of the rating performance of all structured
by Moody’s carried a AAA rating, the pooling and tranching creates some secu- finance securities issued in the period
highest possible credit rating that is typi- rities that are riskier than the average asset 1990–2008.1 We show that the deterio-
cally reserved for securities deemed to be in the collateral pool and some that are ration in the creditworthiness of struc-
nearly riskless. In 2007 and 2008, the cred- safer. tured finance products began in 2007.
itworthiness of structured finance secu- The structured finance market is a There were more than 8,000 downgrades
rities deteriorated dramatically: 36,346 “rated” market — the vast majority of in 2007 — an eightfold increase over the
Moody’s rated tranches — tranches are a securities issued are rated by at least one previous year. In the first three quarters
class of security with a prioritized claim rating agency. Given the complexity of of 2008, there were 36,880 downgrades,
against the collateral pool — were down- the underlying collateral and the asym- overshadowing the cumulative number of
graded, and nearly one third of the down- metric information between issuers of downgrades since 1990. Downgrades were
graded tranches bore the AAA rating. In these securities and investors, credit rat- not only more common in 2007 and 2008
November 2007 alone, there were 2,000 ings serve as a focal point for the quality but also more severe. The average down-
downgrades and many were severe: 500 of the securities. grade was 4.7 notches in 2007 and 5.8
tranches were downgraded more than 10 The interaction between credit rat- notches in 2008, compared to 2.5 notches
notches. The ensuing confusion about the ings and financial regulation was an in both 2005 and 2006. Meanwhile,
true value of these complicated securi- important driver of growth in securi- upgrades were less frequent and smaller in
ties, and the extent of exposure by finan- tization markets. The extensive use of magnitude on average.
cial institutions, incited a credit crunch credit ratings in the regulation of finan- Many of the downgrades in 2007 and
with effects beyond subprime mortgage- cial institutions created a natural clien- 2008 were tied to collateralized debt obli-
related investments. tele for highly rated — and in particular gations (CDOs) backed by assets that
AAA-rated — securities. Minimum capi- are themselves structured (ABS CDOs).
The Role of Credit Ratings in tal requirements at banks, insurance com- While initially ABS CDOs were diver-
the Process of Securitization panies, and broker-dealers, depend on sified and collateralized by assets from
the credit ratings of the assets on their a variety of sectors, they became more
Securitization is a broad term that balance sheets. Pension funds also face concentrated over time. Since 2003 the
encompasses several kinds of structures rating-based investment restrictions. The primary asset classes backing them were
by which loans, mortgages, or other debt process of securitization enabled these subprime and non-conforming residential
instruments are packaged into securities. investors to participate in asset classes mortgage-backed securities. Many of these
The essence of securitization is pooling from which they would normally be pro- ABS CDOs were downgraded during the
and tranching. After pooling a set of hibited. For example, an investor required crisis, leading to large selloffs of these secu-
assets, the issuer creates several different to hold investment-grade securities could rities and losses at financial institutions.
not directly invest in B-rated corporate Dlugosz and I show that in early 2009,
* Benmelech is a Faculty Research Fellow loans but could invest in a AAA-rated financial institutions around the world
in the NBER’s Programs on Corporate CLO security backed by a pool of B-rated wrote down more than half a trillion dol-
Finance and Development of the American
Economy and is an associate professor of corporate loans. Structured finance secu- lars, out of which more than 200 billion
economics at Harvard University. His pro- rities typically yield a higher interest rate dollars resulted from exposure to ABS
file appears later in this issue. than similarly rated corporate or sovereign CDOs that were severely downgraded.

 NBER Reporter • 2010 Number 1

Figure 11 that the tranche will be downgraded within
Number of Downgrades vs. Upgrades of Structured Finance Products a year after issuance is higher for tranches
Number of Downgrades vs. Upgrades of Structured Finance Products
rated by only one rating agency. Moreover,
tranches rated by only one agency are not
only more likely to be downgraded but also
35.000 experience more severe drops in creditwor-
thiness when compared to tranches that
are rated by more than one agency. Our
25.000 results also provide suggestive evidence
that the rating model used by S&P may
have been inflated and that rating shop-
15.000 ping may have played a role in the collapse
of the structured finance market. Industry
experts questioned the S&P rating model
5.000 and some of its underlying assumptions.
For example, on December 19, 2005, S&P
put 35 tranches from 18 different deals on

1/ /06
1/ /91

1/ 93

1/ /98
1/ 99
1/ /00

1/ /05
1/ /90

1/ 92

1/ 94
1/ /95
1/ 96
1/ /97

1/ 01

1/ 03
1/ /04

1/ 7
1/ 83
1/ 84
1/ /85

1/ 02
1/ 86

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1/ 89
1/ /87

negative watch following an update of its

1/ /0












rating criteria. Out of the 18 deals, 14 car-

DNGn UPGn ried ratings only from S&P — suggesting
that the issuers involved in these deals may
Why Did the Ratings Collapse? However there is little empirical evidence have “shopped” for their rating.
testing the rating shopping hypothesis. B. Rating Alchemy and the Failure of the
What led to the collapse of structured Dlugosz and I test whether “rating Black Box
finance credit ratings? Were the initial shopping” led to inflated ratings of ABS
credit ratings assigned to securitized bonds CDOs. We examine whether the number In “The Alchemy of CDO Credit
too high? Or was it the unforeseen eco- of agencies that rate a security can predict Rating,” Dlugosz and I study the underly-
nomic downturn and nationwide decline the probability of subsequent downgrades. ing collateral of CDOs secured by corpo-
in the housing market that led to the dete- Structured finance tranches are rated by rate loans.3 We find a striking difference
rioration in credit quality of these securi- Moody’s and S&P, and to a lesser degree by between the credit rating structure of the
ties? Put differently, did the credit rating Fitch, hence the number of raters can range CDO and the credit quality of the collat-
agencies make honest mistakes in estimat- from 0 to 3. We find that the probability eral pool.
ing default risk, or did they assign inflated Figure 2: CDO vs. Underlying Collateral Credit Ratings
credit ratings to risky securities? Figure 2
CDO creditRating
Credit rating vs.
Collateral rating (3,912Credit
Collateral tranches)
A. Rating Shopping
250000000 (3,912 Tranches)
Rating shopping occurs when an issuer
chooses the rating agency that will assign CDO Rating
the highest rating or that has the most lax
200000000 Collateral Rating
criteria for obtaining a desired rating. Most
rating agencies operate under an issuer-pays
revenue model where issuers solicit and pay
for their own bond ratings. If reputational 150000000

concerns are not strong enough to disci-

pline rating agencies, the issuer-pays model
can result in inflated ratings. Rating shop-
ping concerns are particularly pronounced
for structured finance bonds — as opposed
to corporate or municipal bonds— because
of the lack of public information on these 50000000

securities. Recent research has developed

models in which rating agencies trade-
off the value from inflating its client’s rat-
ing against an expected reputation cost.2 AAA AA+ AA AA- A+ A A- BBB+ BBB BBB- BB+ BB BB- B+ B B- CCC+ NR

NBER Reporter • 2010 Number 1 

While the average credit quality of the the issuers had access to the rating model that most issuers were using the model
loans being securitized is around B, more of the credit rating agencies. According to to target the highest possible credit rat-
than 70 percent of the dollar amount of this explanation, the rating agencies pro- ing at the lowest cost. If there were mis-
CDOs was initially rated as AAA. For vided issuers with their model, and issuers takes embedded in these credit rating
this mismatch to be appropriate, it would structured their CDOs accordingly. black boxes — those were probably com-
need to be the case that a pool of assets Anecdotal evidence suggests that pounded over the trillions of dollars that
with an average credit quality of B be able the rating agencies models indeed were were deliberately structured by CDO issu-
to withstand enough losses such that 70 known to CDO issuers and were pro- ers using this model.
percent of its liabilities will still remain vided to them directly by the rating agen-
default-risk free. cies. For example, the CDO Evaluator 1 E. Benmelech and J. Dlugosz, “The
We also document a large degree Manual — an optimization tool used by Credit Rating Crisis,” NBER Working
of uniformity in CDO structures. The S&P — enabled issuers to achieve the Paper No. 15045, June 2009, and NBER
CDOs that we study have very similar highest possible rating at the lowest pos- Macro Annual, 2009, forthcoming.
liability structures and very similar collat- sible cost. The model, for example, would 2 P. Bolton, X. Freixas, and J. Shapiro,
eral pools. There is little variation in the indicate to issuers when they had “excess “The Credit Ratings Game,” NBER
quality of the underlying collateral across collateral” and would advise issuers on: Working Paper No. 14712, February
different issuers; while we study around “the percentage of assets notional needs 2009; E. Damiano, H. Li, and W.
4,000 tranches they all seem to conform to be eliminated (added) in order for the Suen, “Credible Ratings,” Theoretical
to the same CDO model. What caused transaction to provide just enough sup- Economics, 3 (September 2008), pp.
the uniformity in CDO structures? port at a given rating level.” 325–65; F. Sangiorgi, J. Sokobin, and C.
One potential answer is that CDO Thus, the rating agencies may have Spatt, “Credit Ratings Shopping, Selection
issuers just follow market convention: served not just as monitors and evalua- and the Equilibrium Structure of Ratings,”
if some CDO structures have been per- tors of existing structures, but rather as NBER Working Paper No. 14712,
ceived as desirable, then other issuers will architects and creators of new securities. November 2008.
follow the same convention. However, Providing such models to issuers poten- 3 E. Benmelech and J. Dlugosz, “The
while this would explain the uniformity tially led to the creation of CDOs with Alchemy of CDO Credit Ratings,” NBER
in deal structures (that is, the amount the minimum possible collateral needed Working Paper No. 14878, April 2009,
allocated to each category), what explains to obtain an AAA credit rating. The uni- and Journal of Monetary Economics,
the uniformity of the underlying collat- formity across CDOs and the low credit 56(5) (July 2009), pp. 617–34.
eral? An alternative explanation is that ratings of the underlying collateral suggest

Measuring Returns to Healthcare

Joseph Doyle*

Healthcare spending in the are not associated with better measures particular level of care. With heteroge-
United States comprises 16 percent of of health-outcome.1 However, evidence neous returns, greater care is likely pro-
GDP — nearly 80 percent more than in from time series and panel data suggest vided to those with the highest returns.
the median OECD country and 45 per- that higher healthcare spending has gen- This would tend to bias results toward
cent above that of the second-highest erated benefits that, when converted to finding beneficial effects of treatment. At
spending nation, France. Across countries, dollar magnitudes in various ways, appear the same time, patients with the highest
and across markets within the United to exceed their costs.2 Of course, the type returns may be those in relatively poor
States, the vast disparities in spending of variation in treatment intensity differs health. Indeed, hospitalized patients who
* Doyle is a Faculty Research Fellow in the across these two types of comparisons, but receive more care are much more likely to
NBER’s Program on Aging and the Alfred the question remains: are the returns to die in the hospital, even after controlling
Henry and Jean Morrison Hayes Career healthcare large or small? for a host of observable characteristics:
Development Associate Professor of Applied Estimating such returns can be con- more care is provided to patients in worse
Economics at MIT’s Sloan School. His pro- founded because medical providers health. With the raw correlation between
file appears later in this issue. attempt to provide each patient with a treatment and health seemingly negative,

10 NBER Reporter • 2010 Number 1

standard economic model introduces both 1 For a survey see M. Golosov, A. in a Simple Perfect Foresight Model,”
analytical challenges and greater richness Tsyvinski, and I. Werning, “New Dynamic Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 28,
for the possible set of policies that might Public Finance: A User’s Guide,” in No. 1, 1985, and C. Chamley, “Optimal
be implemented. It is possible, for exam- NBER Macroeconomics Annual, D. Taxation of Capital Income in General
ple, to consider history-dependent poli- Acemoglu, K. Rogoff, and M. Woodford Equilibrium with Infinite Lives,”
cies, (taxes or transfers that depend on eds., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006; Econometrica, Vol. 54, No. 3, 1986.
past work and savings decisions), and and N. Kocherlakota, The New Dynamic 5 M. Golosov and A. Tsyvinski,
dynamic incentives such as asset-testing Public Finance, Princeton University “Optimal Taxation with Endogenous
improve incentives and redistribution. Press, forthcoming 2010. Insurance Markets,” Quarterly Journal of
Many unresolved questions lie ahead, 2 The general proof is provided in Economics, Vol. 122, No. 2, 2007.
and answering them will require both M. Golosov, N. Kocherlakota, and A. 6 E. Saez, “The Desirability of
a general algorithm that will allow us Tsyvinski, “Optimal Indirect and Capital Commodity Taxation Under Non-Linear
to solve quantitatively a broader set of Taxation,” Review of Economic Studies, Income Taxation and Heterogeneous
models and empirical work that provides Vol. 70, No. 3, 2003. Tastes,” NBER Working Paper No. 8029,
realistic distributions for earnings and 3 M. Golosov and A. Tsyvinski, December 2000, and Journal of Public
health shocks to individuals. It is also “Designing Optimal Disability Insurance: Economics, Vol. 83, No. 2, 2002; and P.
important to bridge the gap between the A Case for Asset Testing,” NBER Working Diamond, “Optimal Income Taxation:
research in this literature and the ear- Paper No. 10792, September 2004, and An Example with a U-Shaped Pattern of
lier research which addressed many sim- Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 114, Optimal Marginal Tax Rates,” American
ilar questions but did not incorporate No. 2, 2006. Economic Review, Vol. 88, No. 1, 1998.
dynamic elements.6 4 K.L. Judd, “Redistributive Taxation

NBER Profile: Efraim Benmelech

Efraim Benmelech is a Faculty Research of financial distress. He also studies the eco-
Fellow in the NBER’s Programs on Corporate nomics of terrorism. Currently, Benmelech
Finance and Development of the American is analyzing the relation between financial
Economy. He is also an associate professor of distress and labor relations, focusing in par-
economics at Harvard University. ticular on “pension dumping,” the process of
Benmelech received a B.A in economics terminating defined benefit pension plans in
and an M.B.A. from the Hebrew University the face of financial distress, and on the con-
at Jerusalem, and a Ph.D. in financial econom- sequences of underfunded defined-benefits
ics from the University of Chicago’s Graduate pension plans for wage renegotiations.
School of Business. He joined Harvard’s fac- Benmelech lives in Newton with his wife,
ulty when he graduated from the University Shikma, and their four children: Machol,
of Chicago in 2005. Shoham, Attar, and Millo.
Benmelech’s research is mainly in the
field of corporate finance, focusing on bank-
ruptcy, financial contracts, and the real effects

NBER Reporter • 2010 Number 1 15

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