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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
A. identify the different views towards schooling as seen in the excerpt;
B. compare and contrast ideas on education; and
C. integrate the importance of education

Learning Competency: raise question and clarification on issues discussed in

the text listened to.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Excerpt from Kaffir Boy
Reference: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature, English 10, pp.460-
Instructional Materials: cartolina for class discussion and activity, envelopes,
manila paper and marking pen for activity.

III. Pocedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Response/Activity

A. Awareness
A1. Prayer
Please stand for the prayer. (standing)

Good morning class! Good morning ma’am.

Take your seats.

How are you feeling this morning class? We’re doing great for today ma’am.

A2. Checking of attendance

Who are absent for today?
Very good class! Everybody is here. Nobody is absent for today ma’am.

A3. Passing of Assignment To read and jot down the difficult words and
Class, what was your assignment? its corresponding meaning from the excerpt
of “Kaffir Boy”

Alright class. Pass your assignments to (passing the assignment)

the center aisle and then forward. Don’t
stand class.

A4. Recalling of Past Lesson Our lesson last meeting was all about
What was our lesson last meeting all American Psychological Association ma’am.
about Mr. Buenaflor?
Very good Mr. Buenaflor. Now class, do you
have any questions about our discussion last
meeting? None ma’am.

Alright. If there’s none, then we will proceed to

our next topic

Class, why are you here in this four-walled To learn and be educated ma’am.

Very good! For you, what is the importance of One student answers.

Thank you. Very good! Another answer?

Alright, great answer1

Class, education is an important medium of

acquiring skills and knowledge. It brings positive
changes in human life. It enhances our skill and

Now class, what is the title of the excerpt that Kaffir Boy ma’am.
you’ve read as part of your assignment?
Alright! Who is the author of kaffir Boy Miss
Evangelista? Mark Matabane ma’am.

Very good Miss Evangelista. So the author of

the excerpt Kaffir Boy is Mark Matabane.
(post visual aid)

B. Activity
So class, before we discuss the excerpt, let us
first unlock the difficult words. (post visual aid)
Who can come in front and match each word to
its corresponding meaning?
Yes. Mr?
Very good! What about the next one? The student answers.
Alright! The third one? One student answers.
Very good! The forth one? Another student answers.
Excellent! And the last one? One student answers.
Alright! Very good class. You really worked on Another student answers.
your assignments.

Since you have read the excerpt class, I will

group you into 4. I have here envelopes and (doing the activity)
inside these envelopes are questions and
written your answers in the manila paper. Then
after, choose one representative to explain
your work.

Start now class.

After a few minutes…
Alright class, post your answers now and let’s
start from group 1. (post their answer)
(Group 1 representative reports)

Thank you Group 1. Let’s give them a big hand.

Group 2 it’s your turn now.
A round of applause for group 2 class. Thank (Group 2 representative reports)
you group 2.
Group 3 now.
Thank you group 3. (Group 3 representative reports)
Alright. Last but definitely not the least, group
Very good class. Give yourselves a big round of (Group 4 representative reports)
applause. (applauding)

C. Analysis
Alright class, who is talking in the excerpt? Or in
other words what is the point of view? First person point of view ma’am.
Alright. Very good!
What is the tone of the excerpt class? It is sympathetic ma’am.
Why do you think so? Miss Ramos? Miss Ramos answers.
Brilliant Miss Ramos!
What is the boy’s initial attitude towards going
to school Mr. Delgado? Mr. Delgado answers.

Very good! What does the mother promise the The mother promise the boy that she’d do
boy? Yes miss? everything to keep the boy on track for

Excellent! Why wasn’t the father’s boy able to

go to school? (one student answers)
What about his mother? (one student answers)
Alright! Very good. Now class, what is the boy’s
realization at the end of the excerpt? (one students answers)

D. Abstraction
So class, the excerpt Kaffir Boy by Mark
Matabane is a story of a boy who disliked the
school at first and has a lot of questions in his
mind why his father and mother weren’t able to
get the opportunity of going to school. The boy
stopped asking himself after his mother
explained to him how important it is to go to
school and be educated.
The parent’s viewpoint about education before
in the excerpt class is that it was only a tool
through which white people are going to take
away from them and the parents were under
the sway of tribal traditions that it is
Unnecessary to educate females. While the
parents in the 21st century thought that
regardless of gender and socio-economic
status, their children have to go to school.

E) Application
So class, if you were the mother, would you as
well persuade your children to go to school?
Why or why not? (one student answers)
Ver good Miss/Mr.
If you were the boy, would you have also
Persuade by the mother’s viewpoint?
Why/why not? (another student answers)
Excellent answer.
Now class, from the excerpt, how important is (one student answers)
education to their lives and to yours?
Very good. Another answer? (another student answers)
Excellent answer.

So class, did you understand what the excerpt is Yes ma’am.

all about?
Do you have questions? None ma’am.
Alright if you don’t have questions, prepare one
half crosswise (preparing)
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Response/
A. Directions: In a one-half
crosswise, answer the
following questions directly.
1. What is the boy’s initial
attitude towards going to
2. What does the mother
promise the boy?
3. What is the boy’s realization
towards the end of the
B. Complete the venn diagram
by differentiating the
viewpoint of the parents in
the excerpt and in the 21st
(post the visual aid)

Alright class, start answering (answering the activity)


Class, pass your papers to

the center aisle and the
forward. Finish or not finish. (passing the papers)

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