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Hasil SPSS Dengan Metode Enter

Case Processing Summary

Unweighted Casesa N Percent

Selected Cases Included in Analysis 77 100.0

Missing Cases 0 .0

Total 77 100.0

Unselected Cases 0 .0

Total 77 100.0

a. If weight is in effect, see classification table for the total number of cases.

Dependent Variable Encoding

Original Value Internal Value

Tidak Susu Formula 0

Susu Formula 1

Categorical Variables Codings

Parameter coding

Frequency (1)

dukungan keluarga Tidak Mendukung 38 1.000

Mendukung 39 .000

Kategori Sikap Sikap positif 38 1.000

Sikap negatif 39 .000

Block 0: Beginning Block

Iteration Historya,b,c


Iteration -2 Log likelihood Constant

Step 0 1 90.316 .909

2 90.237 .980

3 90.237 .981

4 90.237 .981

a. Constant is included in the model.

b. Initial -2 Log Likelihood: 90,237

c. Estimation terminated at iteration number 4 because

parameter estimates changed by less than ,001.

Classification Tablea,b


Kategori Pemberian Susu Formula

Tidak Susu Percentage

Observed Formula Susu Formula Correct

Step 0 Kategori Pemberian Susu Tidak Susu Formula 0 21 .0

Susu Formula 0 56 100.0

Overall Percentage 72.7

a. Constant is included in the model.

b. The cut value is ,500

Variables in the Equation

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B)

Step 0 Constant .981 .256 14.693 1 .000 2.667

Variables not in the Equation

Score Df Sig.

Step 0 Variables Kategori_Sikap(1) 11.537 1 .001

Duk_Kluarga(1) 24.324 1 .000

Overall Statistics 29.925 2 .000

Block 1: Method = Enter

Iteration Historya,b,c,d


Iteration -2 Log likelihood Constant Kategori_Sikap(1) Duk_Kluarga(1)

Step 1 1 61.640 2.276 -.985 -1.785

2 54.895 3.588 -1.583 -2.738

3 53.577 4.452 -1.884 -3.413

4 53.469 4.770 -1.943 -3.694

5 53.467 4.812 -1.945 -3.734

6 53.467 4.813 -1.945 -3.734

a. Method: Enter

b. Constant is included in the model.

c. Initial -2 Log Likelihood: 90,237

d. Estimation terminated at iteration number 6 because parameter estimates changed by less

than ,001.

Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients

Chi-square df Sig.

Step 1 Step 36.769 2 .000

Block 36.769 2 .000

Model 36.769 2 .000

Model Summary

Cox & Snell R Nagelkerke R

Step -2 Log likelihood Square Square

1 53.467a .380 .550

a. Estimation terminated at iteration number 6 because parameter

estimates changed by less than ,001.

Hosmer and Lemeshow Test

Step Chi-square df Sig.

1 .265 2 .876
Contingency Table for Hosmer and Lemeshow Test

Kategori Pemberian Susu Formula = Kategori Pemberian Susu Formula =

Tidak Susu Formula Susu Formula

Observed Expected Observed Expected Total

Step 1 1 16 16.193 7 6.807 23

2 4 3.807 11 11.193 15

3 1 .807 14 14.193 15

4 0 .193 24 23.807 24

Classification Tablea


Kategori Pemberian Susu Formula

Observed Tidak Susu Formula Susu Formula Percentage Correct

Step 1 Kategori Pemberian Susu Tidak Susu Formula 16 5 76.2

Susu Formula 7 49 87.5

Overall Percentage 84.4

Variables in the Equation

95% C.I.for EXP(B)

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) Lower Upper

Step 1a Kategori_Sikap(1) -1.945 .719 7.329 1 .007 .143 .035 .585

Duk_Kluarga(1) -3.734 1.092 11.688 1 .001 .024 .003 .203

Constant 4.813 1.173 16.825 1 .000 123.099

a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: Kategori_Sikap, Duk_Kluarga.

Correlation Matrix

Constant Kategori_Sikap(1) Duk_Kluarga(1)

Step 1 Constant 1.000 -.489 -.872

Kategori_Sikap(1) -.489 1.000 .113

Duk_Kluarga(1) -.872 .113 1.000

Hasil SPSS Dengan Metode Forward (Wald)

Case Processing Summary

Unweighted Casesa N Percent

Selected Cases Included in Analysis 77 100.0

Missing Cases 0 .0

Total 77 100.0

Unselected Cases 0 .0

Total 77 100.0

a. If weight is in effect, see classification table for the total number of cases.

Dependent Variable Encoding

Original Value Internal Value

Tidak Susu Formula 0

Susu Formula 1
Categorical Variables Codings

Parameter coding

Frequency (1)

status bekerja ibu Tidak Bekerja 49 1.000

Bekerja 28 .000

Kategori Pengetahuan Pengetahuan Baik 44 1.000

Pengetahuan Buruk 33 .000

Kategori Sikap Sikap positif 38 1.000

Sikap negatif 39 .000

Kategori Akses Susu Formula Jauh 50 1.000

Dekat 27 .000

Kategori Dukungan Nakes tidak mendukung 38 1.000

mendukung 39 .000

dukungan keluarga Tidak Mendukung 38 1.000

Mendukung 39 .000

Kategori Pendidikan Ibu Lanjutan 34 1.000

Dasar 43 .000

Kategori Pendapatan Rendah 38 1.000

Tinggi 39 .000
Block 0: Beginning Block

Iteration Historya,b,c


Iteration -2 Log likelihood Constant

Step 0 1 90.316 .909

2 90.237 .980

3 90.237 .981

4 90.237 .981

a. Constant is included in the model.

b. Initial -2 Log Likelihood: 90,237

c. Estimation terminated at iteration number 4 because

parameter estimates changed by less than ,001.

Classification Tablea,b


Kategori Pemberian Susu Formula

Tidak Susu
Observed Formula Susu Formula Percentage Correct

Step 0 Kategori Pemberian Susu Tidak Susu Formula 0 21 .0

Susu Formula 0 56 100.0

Overall Percentage 72.7

a. Constant is included in the model. B. The cut value is ,500

Variables in the Equation

B S.E. Wald Df Sig. Exp(B)

Step 0 Constant .981 .256 14.693 1 .000 2.667

Variables not in the Equation

Score df Sig.

Step 0 Variables KategoriDapat(1) 5.631 1 .018

Kategori_Tahu(1) 6.684 1 .010

Kategori_Sikap(1) 11.537 1 .001

Kategori_Akses(1) .116 1 .733

Kategori_DukNakes(1) 5.631 1 .018

Kategori_Didik(1) .430 1 .512

Duk_Kluarga(1) 24.324 1 .000

Status_Kerja(1) 3.741 1 .053

Overall Statistics 33.875 8 .000

Block 1: Method = Forward Stepwise (Wald)

Iteration Historya,b,c,d


Iteration -2 Log likelihood Constant Duk_Kluarga(1) Kategori_Sikap(1)

Step 1 1 67.267 1.897 -2.003

2 62.727 2.821 -2.927

3 61.936 3.397 -3.503

4 61.876 3.612 -3.718

5 61.875 3.637 -3.743

6 61.875 3.638 -3.743

Step 2 1 61.640 2.276 -1.785 -.985

2 54.895 3.588 -2.738 -1.583

3 53.577 4.452 -3.413 -1.884

4 53.469 4.770 -3.694 -1.943

5 53.467 4.812 -3.734 -1.945

6 53.467 4.813 -3.734 -1.945

a. Method: Forward Stepwise (Wald)

b. Constant is included in the model.

c. Initial -2 Log Likelihood: 90,237

d. Estimation terminated at iteration number 6 because parameter estimates changed by less

than ,001.

Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients

Chi-square df Sig.

Step 1 Step 28.362 1 .000

Block 28.362 1 .000

Model 28.362 1 .000

Step 2 Step 8.408 1 .004

Block 36.769 2 .000

Model 36.769 2 .000

Model Summary

Cox & Snell R Nagelkerke R

Step -2 Log likelihood Square Square

1 61.875a .308 .446

2 53.467a .380 .550

a. Estimation terminated at iteration number 6 because parameter

estimates changed by less than ,001.

Hosmer and Lemeshow Test

Step Chi-square Df Sig.

1 .000 0 .

2 .265 2 .876

Contingency Table for Hosmer and Lemeshow Test

Kategori Pemberian Susu Formula = Kategori Pemberian Susu Formula =

Tidak Susu Formula Susu Formula

Observed Expected Observed Expected Total

Step 1 1 20 20.000 18 18.000 38

2 1 1.000 38 38.000 39

Step 2 1 16 16.193 7 6.807 23

2 4 3.807 11 11.193 15

3 1 .807 14 14.193 15

4 0 .193 24 23.807 24
Classification Tablea


Kategori Pemberian Susu Formula

Tidak Susu
Observed Formula Susu Formula Percentage Correct

Step 1 Kategori Pemberian Susu Tidak Susu Formula 20 1 95.2

Susu Formula 18 38 67.9

Overall Percentage 75.3

Step 2 Kategori Pemberian Susu Tidak Susu Formula 16 5 76.2

Formula Susu Formula 7 49 87.5

Overall Percentage 84.4

a. The cut value is ,500

Variables in the Equation

95% C.I.for EXP(B)

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) Lower Upper

Step 1a Duk_Kluarga(1) -3.743 1.064 12.377 1 .000 .024 .003 .191

Constant 3.638 1.013 12.893 1 .000 38.000

Step 2b Kategori_Sikap(1) -1.945 .719 7.329 1 .007 .143 .035 .585

Duk_Kluarga(1) -3.734 1.092 11.688 1 .001 .024 .003 .203

Constant 4.813 1.173 16.825 1 .000 123.099

a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: Duk_Kluarga.

b. Variable(s) entered on step 2: Kategori_Sikap.

Correlation Matrix

Constant Duk_Kluarga(1) Constant Kategori_Sikap(1) Duk_Kluarga(1)

Step 1 Constant 1.000 -.952

Duk_Kluarga(1) -.952 1.000

Step 2 Constant 1.000 -.489 -.872

Kategori_Sikap(1) -.489 1.000 .113

Duk_Kluarga(1) -.872 .113 1.000

Variables not in the Equation

Score df Sig.

Step 1 Variables KategoriDapat(1) .969 1 .325

Kategori_Tahu(1) 2.532 1 .112

Kategori_Sikap(1) 8.156 1 .004

Kategori_Akses(1) .037 1 .848

Kategori_DukNakes(1) 1.663 1 .197

Kategori_Didik(1) .058 1 .809

Status_Kerja(1) .030 1 .863

Overall Statistics 12.028 7 .100

Step 2 Variables KategoriDapat(1) 1.667 1 .197

Kategori_Tahu(1) .621 1 .431

Kategori_Akses(1) .078 1 .781

Kategori_DukNakes(1) 1.404 1 .236

Kategori_Didik(1) .513 1 .474

Status_Kerja(1) .046 1 .831

Variables not in the Equation

Score df Sig.

Step 1 Variables KategoriDapat(1) .969 1 .325

Kategori_Tahu(1) 2.532 1 .112

Kategori_Sikap(1) 8.156 1 .004

Kategori_Akses(1) .037 1 .848

Kategori_DukNakes(1) 1.663 1 .197

Kategori_Didik(1) .058 1 .809

Status_Kerja(1) .030 1 .863

Overall Statistics 12.028 7 .100

Step 2 Variables KategoriDapat(1) 1.667 1 .197

Kategori_Tahu(1) .621 1 .431

Kategori_Akses(1) .078 1 .781

Kategori_DukNakes(1) 1.404 1 .236

Kategori_Didik(1) .513 1 .474

Status_Kerja(1) .046 1 .831

Overall Statistics 4.843 6 .564

Hasil SPSS Dengan Metode Backward (Wald)
Case Processing Summary

Unweighted Casesa N Percent

Selected Cases Included in Analysis 77 100.0

Missing Cases 0 .0

Total 77 100.0

Unselected Cases 0 .0

Total 77 100.0

a. If weight is in effect, see classification table for the total number of cases.

Dependent Variable Encoding

Original Value Internal Value

Tidak Susu Formula 0

Susu Formula 1

Categorical Variables Codings

Parameter coding

Frequency (1)

status bekerja ibu Tidak Bekerja 49 1.000

Bekerja 28 .000

Kategori Pengetahuan Pengetahuan Baik 44 1.000

Pengetahuan Buruk 33 .000

Kategori Sikap Sikap positif 38 1.000

Sikap negatif 39 .000

Kategori Akses Susu Formula Jauh 50 1.000

Dekat 27 .000

Kategori Dukungan Nakes tidak mendukung 38 1.000

mendukung 39 .000

dukungan keluarga Tidak Mendukung 38 1.000

Mendukung 39 .000

Kategori Pendidikan Ibu Lanjutan 34 1.000

Dasar 43 .000

Kategori Pendapatan Rendah 38 1.000

Tinggi 39 .000

Block 0: Beginning Block

Iteration Historya,b,c


Iteration -2 Log likelihood Constant

Step 0 1 90.316 .909

2 90.237 .980

3 90.237 .981

4 90.237 .981

a. Constant is included in the model.

b. Initial -2 Log Likelihood: 90,237

c. Estimation terminated at iteration number 4 because

parameter estimates changed by less than ,001.
Classification Tablea,b


Kategori Pemberian Susu Formula

Observed Tidak Susu Formula Susu Formula Percentage Correct

Step 0 Kategori Pemberian Susu Formula Tidak Susu Formula 0 21 .0

Susu Formula 0 56 100.0

Overall Percentage 72.7

a. Constant is included in the model.

b. The cut value is ,500

Variables in the Equation

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B)

Step 0 Constant .981 .256 14.693 1 .000 2.667

Variables not in the Equation

Score df Sig.

Step 0 Variables KategoriDapat(1) 5.631 1 .018

Kategori_Tahu(1) 6.684 1 .010

Kategori_Sikap(1) 11.537 1 .001

Kategori_Akses(1) .116 1 .733

Kategori_DukNakes(1) 5.631 1 .018

Kategori_Didik(1) .430 1 .512

Duk_Kluarga(1) 24.324 1 .000

Status_Kerja(1) 3.741 1 .053

Overall Statistics 33.875 8 .000

Block 1: Method = Backward Stepwise (Wald)

Iteration Historya,b,c,d,e


-2 Log Kategori Kategori_ Kategori_ Kategori_ Kategori_D Kategori_ Duk_Kluarga Status_Kerja

Iteration likelihood Constant Dapat(1) Tahu(1) Sikap(1) Akses(1) ukNakes(1) Didik(1) (1) (1)

Step 1 1 57.900 2.660 -.611 -.467 -1.014 .028 -.409 .378 -1.288 -.047

2 50.120 4.345 -1.061 -.833 -1.586 -.004 -.660 .433 -2.012 .058

3 48.362 5.519 -1.336 -1.072 -1.910 -.033 -.841 .382 -2.673 .273

4 48.169 6.021 -1.432 -1.144 -2.025 -.046 -.919 .348 -3.034 .406

5 48.165 6.100 -1.445 -1.151 -2.039 -.047 -.930 .344 -3.100 .427

6 48.165 6.102 -1.445 -1.151 -2.040 -.047 -.930 .344 -3.102 .428

7 48.165 6.102 -1.445 -1.151 -2.040 -.047 -.930 .344 -3.102 .428

Step 2 1 57.899 2.685 -.615 -.464 -1.015 -.410 .371 -1.288 -.050

2 50.120 4.342 -1.060 -.833 -1.586 -.660 .433 -2.012 .058

3 48.365 5.487 -1.333 -1.077 -1.907 -.839 .394 -2.673 .281

4 48.172 5.973 -1.429 -1.152 -2.020 -.915 .367 -3.034 .418

5 48.168 6.051 -1.441 -1.159 -2.035 -.926 .364 -3.101 .440

6 48.168 6.053 -1.441 -1.159 -2.035 -.926 .364 -3.103 .441

7 48.168 6.053 -1.441 -1.159 -2.035 -.926 .364 -3.103 .441

Step 3 1 57.897 2.668 -.625 -.462 -1.014 -.409 .362 -1.304

2 50.141 4.361 -1.048 -.837 -1.586 -.660 .443 -1.993

3 48.511 5.543 -1.268 -1.107 -1.879 -.831 .435 -2.557

4 48.361 6.005 -1.320 -1.192 -1.953 -.890 .421 -2.839

5 48.358 6.067 -1.324 -1.199 -1.958 -.896 .419 -2.887

6 48.358 6.069 -1.324 -1.199 -1.958 -.896 .419 -2.888

7 48.358 6.069 -1.324 -1.199 -1.958 -.896 .419 -2.888

Step 4 1 58.331 2.820 -.758 -.402 -.963 -.347 -1.339

2 50.463 4.568 -1.199 -.787 -1.520 -.602 -2.036

3 48.783 5.766 -1.405 -1.061 -1.821 -.787 -2.608

4 48.627 6.233 -1.449 -1.148 -1.901 -.853 -2.896

5 48.624 6.296 -1.451 -1.155 -1.907 -.859 -2.945

6 48.624 6.298 -1.451 -1.155 -1.907 -.859 -2.946

7 48.624 6.298 -1.451 -1.155 -1.907 -.859 -2.946

Step 5 1 59.008 2.706 -.723 -.411 -1.011 -1.432

2 51.571 4.341 -1.153 -.819 -1.554 -2.173

3 50.098 5.404 -1.349 -1.100 -1.812 -2.749

4 49.972 5.791 -1.387 -1.178 -1.868 -3.019

5 49.971 5.840 -1.389 -1.183 -1.871 -3.062

6 49.971 5.841 -1.389 -1.184 -1.871 -3.063

Step 6 1 59.874 2.537 -.620 -1.125 -1.553

2 53.137 3.938 -.895 -1.749 -2.399

3 51.899 4.786 -.961 -2.032 -3.029

4 51.798 5.091 -.963 -2.084 -3.299

5 51.796 5.131 -.963 -2.086 -3.337

6 51.796 5.132 -.963 -2.086 -3.338

Step 7 1 61.640 2.276 -.985 -1.785

2 54.895 3.588 -1.583 -2.738

3 53.577 4.452 -1.884 -3.413

4 53.469 4.770 -1.943 -3.694

5 53.467 4.812 -1.945 -3.734

6 53.467 4.813 -1.945 -3.734

a. Method: Backward Stepwise (Wald)

b. Constant is included in the model.

c. Initial -2 Log Likelihood: 90,237

d. Estimation terminated at iteration number 7 because parameter estimates changed by less than ,001.

e. Estimation terminated at iteration number 6 because parameter estimates changed by less than ,001.

Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients

Chi-square df Sig.

Step 1 Step 42.071 8 .000

Block 42.071 8 .000

Model 42.071 8 .000

Step 2a Step -.003 1 .958

Block 42.068 7 .000

Model 42.068 7 .000

Step 3a Step -.190 1 .663

Block 41.879 6 .000

Model 41.879 6 .000

Step 4a Step -.266 1 .606

Block 41.613 5 .000

Model 41.613 5 .000

Step 5a Step -1.346 1 .246

Block 40.266 4 .000

Model 40.266 4 .000

Step 6a Step -1.826 1 .177

Block 38.441 3 .000

Model 38.441 3 .000

Step 7a Step -1.671 1 .196

Block 36.769 2 .000

Model 36.769 2 .000

a. A negative Chi-squares value indicates that the Chi-squares value

has decreased from the previous step.

Model Summary

Cox & Snell R Nagelkerke R

Step -2 Log likelihood Square Square

1 48.165a .421 .610

2 48.168a .421 .610

3 48.358a .420 .608

4 48.624a .417 .605

5 49.971b .407 .590

6 51.796b .393 .569

7 53.467b .380 .550

a. Estimation terminated at iteration number 7 because parameter

estimates changed by less than ,001.

b. Estimation terminated at iteration number 6 because parameter

estimates changed by less than ,001.
Hosmer and Lemeshow Test

Step Chi-square df Sig.

1 9.207 8 .325

2 8.741 7 .272

3 7.818 7 .349

4 5.113 8 .745

5 8.036 6 .235

6 .733 5 .981

7 .265 2 .876

Contingency Table for Hosmer and Lemeshow Test

Kategori Pemberian Susu Formula = Kategori Pemberian Susu Formula =

Tidak Susu Formula Susu Formula

Observed Expected Observed Expected Total

Step 1 1 8 7.101 0 .899 8

2 4 5.133 3 1.867 7

3 4 4.187 4 3.813 8

4 4 2.485 4 5.515 8

5 0 1.257 8 6.743 8

6 0 .515 8 7.485 8

7 1 .183 7 7.817 8

8 0 .081 7 6.919 7

9 0 .041 8 7.959 8

10 0 .016 7 6.984 7
Step 2 1 8 7.099 0 .901 8

2 6 6.899 4 3.101 10

3 3 3.526 5 4.474 8

4 3 2.051 5 5.949 8

5 0 .842 8 7.158 8

6 0 .343 8 7.657 8

7 1 .143 7 7.857 8

8 0 .065 8 7.935 8

9 0 .032 11 10.968 11

Step 3 1 8 7.065 0 .935 8

2 6 6.969 4 3.031 10

3 3 3.577 5 4.423 8

4 3 1.971 5 6.029 8

5 0 .794 8 7.206 8

6 0 .342 8 7.658 8

7 1 .172 7 7.828 8

8 0 .069 8 7.931 8

9 0 .041 11 10.959 11

Step 4 1 8 7.064 0 .936 8

2 6 6.886 4 3.114 10

3 3 3.988 6 5.012 9

4 3 1.928 6 7.072 9

5 0 .631 8 7.369 8

6 1 .308 8 8.692 9

7 0 .093 5 4.907 5

8 0 .062 8 7.938 8
9 0 .030 6 5.970 6

10 0 .009 5 4.991 5

Step 5 1 11 9.251 0 1.749 11

2 5 7.024 7 4.976 12

3 3 2.992 7 7.008 10

4 1 .804 5 5.196 6

5 0 .581 10 9.419 10

6 1 .184 6 6.816 7

7 0 .104 9 8.896 9

8 0 .061 12 11.939 12

Step 6 1 12 11.673 3 3.327 15

2 4 4.581 4 3.419 8

3 3 3.034 7 6.966 10

4 1 .824 5 5.176 6

5 1 .636 13 13.364 14

6 0 .183 12 11.817 12

7 0 .070 12 11.930 12

Step 7 1 16 16.193 7 6.807 23

2 4 3.807 11 11.193 15

3 1 .807 14 14.193 15

4 0 .193 24 23.807 24

Classification Tablea


Observed Kategori Pemberian Susu Formula Percentage Correct

Tidak Susu Formula Susu Formula

Step 1 Kategori Pemberian Susu Formula Tidak Susu Formula 15 6 71.4

Susu Formula 5 51 91.1

Overall Percentage 85.7

Step 2 Kategori Pemberian Susu Formula Tidak Susu Formula 15 6 71.4

Susu Formula 5 51 91.1

Overall Percentage 85.7

Step 3 Kategori Pemberian Susu Formula Tidak Susu Formula 15 6 71.4

Susu Formula 5 51 91.1

Overall Percentage 85.7

Step 4 Kategori Pemberian Susu Formula Tidak Susu Formula 15 6 71.4

Susu Formula 7 49 87.5

Overall Percentage 83.1

Step 5 Kategori Pemberian Susu Formula Tidak Susu Formula 16 5 76.2

Susu Formula 7 49 87.5

Overall Percentage 84.4

Step 6 Kategori Pemberian Susu Formula Tidak Susu Formula 16 5 76.2

Susu Formula 7 49 87.5

Overall Percentage 84.4

Step 7 Kategori Pemberian Susu Formula Tidak Susu Formula 16 5 76.2

Susu Formula 7 49 87.5

Overall Percentage 84.4

a. The cut value is ,500

Variables in the Equation

95% C.I.for EXP(B)

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) Lower Upper

Step 1a KategoriDapat(1) -1.445 .957 2.280 1 .131 .236 .036 1.538

Kategori_Tahu(1) -1.151 .944 1.489 1 .222 .316 .050 2.010

Kategori_Sikap(1) -2.040 .831 6.029 1 .014 .130 .026 .663

Kategori_Akses(1) -.047 .888 .003 1 .958 .954 .167 5.434

Kategori_DukNakes(1) -.930 .774 1.445 1 .229 .394 .087 1.797

Kategori_Didik(1) .344 .908 .143 1 .705 1.410 .238 8.356

Duk_Kluarga(1) -3.102 1.262 6.041 1 .014 .045 .004 .533

Status_Kerja(1) .428 1.049 .166 1 .684 1.534 .196 11.991

Constant 6.102 1.838 11.029 1 .001 446.884

Step 2a KategoriDapat(1) -1.441 .954 2.280 1 .131 .237 .036 1.536

Kategori_Tahu(1) -1.159 .933 1.545 1 .214 .314 .050 1.951

Kategori_Sikap(1) -2.035 .825 6.077 1 .014 .131 .026 .659

Kategori_DukNakes(1) -.926 .769 1.448 1 .229 .396 .088 1.790

Kategori_Didik(1) .364 .824 .195 1 .659 1.439 .286 7.240

Duk_Kluarga(1) -3.103 1.263 6.036 1 .014 .045 .004 .534

Status_Kerja(1) .441 1.021 .186 1 .666 1.554 .210 11.490

Constant 6.053 1.573 14.806 1 .000 425.190

Step 3a KategoriDapat(1) -1.324 .905 2.140 1 .144 .266 .045 1.568

Kategori_Tahu(1) -1.199 .920 1.696 1 .193 .302 .050 1.832

Kategori_Sikap(1) -1.958 .798 6.018 1 .014 .141 .030 .675

Kategori_DukNakes(1) -.896 .759 1.393 1 .238 .408 .092 1.808

Kategori_Didik(1) .419 .816 .264 1 .607 1.521 .307 7.527

Duk_Kluarga(1) -2.888 1.144 6.376 1 .012 .056 .006 .524

Constant 6.069 1.554 15.250 1 .000 432.070

Step 4a KategoriDapat(1) -1.451 .874 2.755 1 .097 .234 .042 1.300

Kategori_Tahu(1) -1.155 .905 1.629 1 .202 .315 .054 1.856

Kategori_Sikap(1) -1.907 .789 5.840 1 .016 .148 .032 .697

Kategori_DukNakes(1) -.859 .750 1.312 1 .252 .424 .097 1.843

Duk_Kluarga(1) -2.946 1.144 6.627 1 .010 .053 .006 .495

Constant 6.298 1.512 17.344 1 .000 543.283

Step 5a KategoriDapat(1) -1.389 .846 2.694 1 .101 .249 .048 1.310

Kategori_Tahu(1) -1.184 .890 1.768 1 .184 .306 .054 1.752

Kategori_Sikap(1) -1.871 .773 5.860 1 .015 .154 .034 .700

Duk_Kluarga(1) -3.063 1.128 7.378 1 .007 .047 .005 .426

Constant 5.841 1.394 17.564 1 .000 344.041

Step 6a KategoriDapat(1) -.963 .756 1.619 1 .203 .382 .087 1.682

Kategori_Sikap(1) -2.086 .751 7.728 1 .005 .124 .029 .540

Duk_Kluarga(1) -3.338 1.119 8.896 1 .003 .036 .004 .318

Constant 5.132 1.209 18.013 1 .000 169.283

Step 7a Kategori_Sikap(1) -1.945 .719 7.329 1 .007 .143 .035 .585

Duk_Kluarga(1) -3.734 1.092 11.688 1 .001 .024 .003 .203

Constant 4.813 1.173 16.825 1 .000 123.099

a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: KategoriDapat, Kategori_Tahu, Kategori_Sikap, Kategori_Akses, Kategori_DukNakes, Kategori_Didik, Duk_Kluarga, Status_Kerja.
Correlation Matrix

Kategori Kategori_ Kategori_ Kategori_A Kategori_Du Kategori_ Duk_Kluarga Status_ Kategori Kategori_Ta Kategori_ Duk_Klua
Constant Dapat(1) Tahu(1) Sikap(1) kses(1) kNakes(1) Didik(1) (1) Kerja(1) Constant Dapat(1) hu(1) Sikap(1) rga(1)

Step 1 Constant 1.000 -.446 -.274 -.365 -.515 -.323 -.404 -.423 -.096

KategoriDapat(1 -.446 1.000 .346 .215 .076 .112 .286 -.053 -.283

Kategori_Tahu(1 -.274 .346 1.000 -.104 -.157 -.047 -.171 -.142 .039

Kategori_Sikap( -.365 .215 -.104 1.000 .116 .175 -.060 .134 -.214

Kategori_Akses( -.515 .076 -.157 .116 1.000 .108 .418 -.005 .235

Kategori_DukNa -.323 .112 -.047 .175 .108 1.000 -.037 .004 -.075

Kategori_Didik(1 -.404 .286 -.171 -.060 .418 -.037 1.000 .123 -.032

Duk_Kluarga(1) -.423 -.053 -.142 .134 -.005 .004 .123 1.000 -.411

Status_Kerja(1) -.096 -.283 .039 -.214 .235 -.075 -.032 -.411 1.000

Step 2 Constant 1.000 -.476 -.420 -.358 -.312 -.240 -.497 .031

KategoriDapat(1 -.476 1.000 .365 .207 .102 .280 -.052 -.310


Kategori_Tahu(1 -.420 .365 1.000 -.089 -.033 -.117 -.144 .079


Kategori_Sikap( -.358 .207 -.089 1.000 .165 -.122 .135 -.250


Kategori_DukNa -.312 .102 -.033 .165 1.000 -.092 .004 -.103

Kategori_Didik(1 -.240 .280 -.117 -.122 -.092 1.000 .136 -.147

Duk_Kluarga(1) -.497 -.052 -.144 .135 .004 .136 1.000 -.423

Status_Kerja(1) .031 -.310 .079 -.250 -.103 -.147 -.423 1.000

Step 3 Constant 1.000 -.487 -.426 -.348 -.302 -.249 -.526

KategoriDapat(1 -.487 1.000 .396 .146 .065 .254 -.221


Kategori_Tahu(1 -.426 .396 1.000 -.076 -.002 -.105 -.124


Kategori_Sikap( -.348 .146 -.076 1.000 .126 -.160 .012


Kategori_DukNa -.302 .065 -.002 .126 1.000 -.114 -.054


Kategori_Didik(1 -.249 .254 -.105 -.160 -.114 1.000 .089


Duk_Kluarga(1) -.526 -.221 -.124 .012 -.054 .089 1.000

Step 4 Constant 1.000 -.442 -.468 -.412 -.357 -.525

KategoriDapat(1 -.442 1.000 .430 .203 .108 -.268


Kategori_Tahu(1 -.468 .430 1.000 -.094 .004 -.111


Kategori_Sikap( -.412 .203 -.094 1.000 .108 .028


Kategori_DukNa -.357 .108 .004 .108 1.000 -.034


Duk_Kluarga(1) -.525 -.268 -.111 .028 -.034 1.000

Step 5 Constant 1.000 -.444 -.496 -.386 -.578

KategoriDapat(1 -.444 1.000 .419 .192 -.243

Kategori_Tahu(1 -.496 .419 1.000 -.099 -.109


Kategori_Sikap( -.386 .192 -.099 1.000 .011


Duk_Kluarga(1) -.578 -.243 -.109 .011 1.000

Step 6 Constant 1.000 -.295 -.503 -.741

KategoriDapat(1 -.295 1.000 .245 -.222


Kategori_Sikap( -.503 .245 1.000 .017


Duk_Kluarga(1) -.741 -.222 .017 1.000

Step 7 Constant 1.000 -.489 -.872

Kategori_Sikap( -.489 1.000 .113


Duk_Kluarga(1) -.872 .113 1.000

Variables not in the Equation

Score df Sig.

Step 2a Variables Kategori_Akses(1) .003 1 .958

Overall Statistics .003 1 .958

Step 3b Variables Kategori_Akses(1) .023 1 .879

Status_Kerja(1) .187 1 .665

Overall Statistics .191 2 .909

Step 4c Variables Kategori_Akses(1) .133 1 .716

Kategori_Didik(1) .265 1 .606

Status_Kerja(1) .255 1 .613

Overall Statistics .455 3 .929

Step 5d Variables Kategori_Akses(1) .034 1 .855

Kategori_DukNakes(1) 1.347 1 .246

Kategori_Didik(1) .176 1 .675

Status_Kerja(1) .165 1 .684

Overall Statistics 1.775 4 .777

Step 6e Variables Kategori_Tahu(1) 1.839 1 .175

Kategori_Akses(1) .123 1 .726

Kategori_DukNakes(1) 1.490 1 .222

Kategori_Didik(1) .070 1 .792

Status_Kerja(1) .221 1 .638

Overall Statistics 3.632 5 .603

Step 7f Variables KategoriDapat(1) 1.667 1 .197

Kategori_Tahu(1) .621 1 .431

Kategori_Akses(1) .078 1 .781

Kategori_DukNakes(1) 1.404 1 .236

Kategori_Didik(1) .513 1 .474

Status_Kerja(1) .046 1 .831

Overall Statistics 4.843 6 .564

a. Variable(s) removed on step 2: Kategori_Akses.

b. Variable(s) removed on step 3: Status_Kerja.

c. Variable(s) removed on step 4: Kategori_Didik.

d. Variable(s) removed on step 5: Kategori_DukNakes.

e. Variable(s) removed on step 6: Kategori_Tahu.

f. Variable(s) removed on step 7: KategoriDapat.

 Memilih metode Backward (Wald)
 Hosmer and Lemeshow Test 0,876
Sig. 0,05
 Jadi, 0,0876 > 0,05 artinya ada kecocokan data dengan model atau variabel dependent dapat diprediksi dari variabel independent
 Rsquare = 0,550 = 55%
Sebesar 55% pemberian susu formula dipengaruhi oleh pendapatan ibu, pengetahuan ibu, sikap ibu, dukungan Nakes, pendidikan ibu,
dukungan keluarga, dan pekerjaan ibu. Dan sebesar 45% pemberian susu formula dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti.
 Sig. pada tabel variabel in the equation = 0,001 dengan alpha 0,05
Sehingga 0,001 < 0,05 = H0 ditolak, Ha diterima.
Dengan resiko 0,024 dengan derajat kepercayaan Lower = 0,035 dan 0,003. Upper = 0,585 dan 0,203

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