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For teachers assigned to Cafeteria Duty:

1. Be on time to the cafeteria and stay for the duration of the lunch(es) you are
2. Make your presence known by roaming around the cafeteria
3. Students leaving the Cafeteria
i. One staff member will be stationed at the desk by cafeteria
entrance (Whoever has this responsibility, always carry your
chromebook to fill in the student who is leaving the cafeteria. A
Google Sheet was created to document which students leave the
Cafeteria. It is tabbed Period 3A, Period 3B, and Period 3C. When
a student leaves, please document the following: Last name, First
Name, Date, Time Out, Time Return. Also, this staff is responsible
for retrieving the walkie-talkie from Guidance)
ii. One staff member remain by the ramp to ensure no students leave
the cafeteria via the ramp, or attempt to go into the Opportunity
Center (Room 5).
iii. Remaining teachers circulate around the cafeteria, and not
congregate in one location.
4. While in the cafeteria, you should always be checking for:
a. IDs
i. If they have their ID visibly hanging around their neck
ii. If their ID is not visible around their neck and they have it on
them, have them put it on.
iii. If they state they do not have it on them, send them down to the
Attendance Office to see Mrs. Colon for a temporary or to Mrs.
Pikulin to purchase a new one.
b. Dress Code Violations
i. Please ensure that students do NOT have hats on, hoods up, or
bandanas on their head.
ii. Also, students should NOT have their book bags with them.
i. If you cannot rectify the situation, send them to the Attendance
Office to see the Assistant Principals.

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