Daily Thoughts - Inspirational - CDI ENGLISH SPEAKING COURSE LUCKNOW

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There are two kind of people

in the world
Givers & Takers
The takers may eat better
but givers sleep better

Thought for the Day
Learn from Zero

Staying at the Back

Giving own power & Support

To those who are in front &

Still being Egoless

If you focus on Results
You will never Change
Instead if you focus on Change
You will get Results

Thought for the Day
Always take extra care of

3 things in your life

Trust, Promise & Relationships

Because they don’t make a noise

When they break but hurt the most.

Ability determines
What you are capable of doing
Motivation determines
How much more you can do
But Attitude determines
How well you can do
So have a Positive Attitude everyday

Thought for the Day

Productivity is never an accident.

Its always the result of

Commitment to excellence,

Intelligent planning & Focused Effort

Essence of Management Lies in
Dropping the last Alphabet of the word
MANAGE MENt – i.e Manage the Team
Still better, drop the last two alphabets
i.e Manage our own selves.

Thought for the Day

Life sometimes takes unknown turn.

Don’t be afraid to travel it.

Someday that turn will take you to

Untouched heights on the top of the World.

Worrying does not reduce yesterday’s
But it empties today’s strength

Thought for the Day
Time is the only Capital of the Human race

Which he cannot increase as per his wish

So ultimately

It is the only capital which

he cannot afford to loose.

Spend your time carefully……

Challenges are High, Dreams are New
The World out there is waiting for You

Dare to Dream, Dare to try

No Goal is too Distant, No Star is too High.

Thought for the Day
People make mistakes.

We are allowed to make mistakes.

But the actions we take while in a rage

will haunt us forever.

"Good Life starts only when
You stop wanting a better One"

Thought for the Day
If You fall don’t see
The place where you fell
But see the place where you slipped
Success is all about
Correcting the mistakes.

We Believe
Erasers are for People who make errors
But the Fact is
Erasers are for the People
Who are willing to correct their Mistakes
Learn to Learn from you Mistakes.

Thought for the Day

Success is a measure as decided by others.

Satisfaction is a measure as decided by you

Challenges are High, Dreams are New
The World out there is waiting for You
Dare to Dream, Dare to try
No Goal is too Distant, No Star is too High.

Thought for the Day

Success is Neither
Magical nor Mysterious
Success is the natural consequence of
Constantly applying basic fundamentals.

Treat everyone with politeness
Even those who are rude to you,
Not because they are not nice
But because you are nice !!!

Thought for the Day
All the right things are not possible always

All the possible things are not right always

Be true to both your mind and heart

You’ll never go wrong.

Never search your happiness in others
It will make you feel alone,
Rather search it in yourself
you will feel happy
Even if you are left alone !!!

Thought for the Day
Challenges are like
Trees seen through a running train
As you approach them
They grow bigger
Once you pass them
They become smaller and
Ultimately Vanishes…

Always have a positive attitude in life.

There is something positive in every person.

Even a stopped watch is right twice a day

Thought for the Day

Essence of “Management” lies in

Dropping the last alphabet of the word =
Still better,
Drop the last two alphabets = “MANAGE ME” –
i.e. Manage Self

Happiness always looks small
When we hold it in our hands.
But when we learn to share it,
We realize
How Big and Precious it is!

Thought for the Day

Destiny is simply the strength of our desires

If we cry at troubles it grows double
But if we laugh at trouble it disappears like a

Never cry for any relation in life

Because the one who makes you cry

does not deserve your tears

And the one who deserves

Will never let you cry.................

Thought for the Day

If you have 8 hours to chop down a tree with a

blunt axe,
It is wise to spend 6 hours in sharpening the axe.

Work Smarter & Not Harder

A Single Finger which Wipes out your Tear
During Your Failure
Deserves more Appreciation than

10 Fingers which comes together

To clap for your Victory

Thought for the Day

When building a Team

Always search for the people
Who love to Win
If you cant find any,
Look for the people
Who hate to loose

An Arrow can be Shot
Only by dragging it Backward
So whenever Life Pulls You Backward
Don’t Worry -
It is an indication of a path
Leading You towards Victory

Thought for the Day

People who
Never do any more than they get paid for
Never get paid for any more than they do

Expect less Give more…

Life is an echo, All comes back
The Good, the Bad, the False, and the True.

So, Give the World the Best you have

The Best will come back to u.

Thought for the Day

The past has gone, forget about it,

The future will come.
What you do in present will predict future.
If you want the best of your future –
make the best of the present.

Don't compare yourself
with anyone in this world.
If you do so,
you are insulting yourself

Thought for the Day
Everything is Pre-Written
Nothing can be Re-Written
So Live the Best
Leave the Rest
You are not responsible for
What people think about you.

But you are responsible for

What you give them to think about you

Thought for the Day
If you find yourself walking alone
on a new untrodden path
Don’t give up nor withdraw yourself
from the path.
Go On & Reach your dreams
The reason why you find yourself alone
is the World is following you
Without your involvement
You can't Succeed.
With your involvement
You can't Fail.

Thought for the Day

A Simple Way for Happy Living

Forget Two Things in Life
First : The good you do for others
Second : The Bad others do to you

You may get delayed
To reach your Targets.
But every step you take
Towards your target is
EQUAL to Victory.

Thought for the Day

It is better to loose your Ego

To the one you love
Than to loose the one you love
Because of your ego
An Arrow can be Shot
Only by dragging it Backward
So whenever Life Pulls You Backward
Don’t Worry -
It is an indication of a path
Leading You towards Victory

Thought for the Day

Excellence has always been achieved

By those who dared to believe
That something inside them is
Superior to the Circumstances

We are not defeated but we are finished

Only when we give up and quit

So never give up

Because winners never quit

And quitters never win

Thought for the Day

The Shortest solution of every problem

Is to minimize the distance
Between your knees and floor.
Those who kneel down to God
Can stand up to anything!

Life is like having a cup of tea.
You sit by the side of the window,
lift the cup and take a careless sip,
Only to realize, somebody forgot to put the sugar.
Too lazy to go for it
you somehow struggle through the sugarless cup.
Until you discover
un-dissolved sugar crystal sitting at the bottom...
--That's Life---

Thought for the Day
The Road of Life Twists and turns
And no Directions are ever the same
Yet our lessons
Come from the journey
And not the destination
Victory is always possible
for the person
Who refuses to stop fighting

Thought for the Day

The Greatest Barrier

To success is the fear of Failure

Expecting the world to treat you
Because you are a good person is like
Expecting the lion not to attack you
because you are a vegetarian

Thought for the Day

The most determinative sentence

To be followed in life ~
The race is not yet over
Just because
You haven't Won it Yet
Do or die is an old saying
Do it before you die is the latest saying

Thought for the Day

Sincere effort is always Rewarded

For every Confident step
Taken against Failure
Success comes one step closer by itself.

This word makes you tired,
irritates you and sometimes demoralizes you
But it gives you
the elegant reward of life time called

Thought for the Day
Delay is the enemy of Efficiency
Waiting is the enemy of Utilisation
So Don’t delay anything
Don’t wait for anything

Life is a collection of changes
so don’t avoid changes.
Take every change as a challenge,
Some change give success
and some act as
the stepping stone to success

Thought for the Day
You can never have everyone praise you,
Nor will everyone condemn you.
Never in the past,
Not at present,
Never will be in the future.

We live in our dreams but dreams may die
Don’t get shattered & never every cry.
Because the world is big and has lots to give
So pick up a new dream and walk ahead
– that’s the way to live

Thought for the Day

Good Life starts

Only when you stop

Wanting a better One

Luck is not in your hands,
But work is in your hands
Your work can make luck but
luck cannot make your work
So Always trust yourself more than your luck

Thought for the Day
Life is an echo, All comes back
The Good, the Bad, the False and the True.
So, Give the World the Best you have &
The Best will come back to You.

Satisfy the person who expects from you
Rather than surprising the person
who never expected anything from you.

Thought for the Day

Chance Favors the

Prepared Mind.

A clever person is the one who
believes only half of what he hears

A brilliant person is one who

knows which half to believe

Thought for the Day

You can’t direct the wind,

but you can adjust your sails .

Be true to your self and others.
Don’t try to appear
better or lesser or greater than what you are
Because it is better to be hated
for what you are rather than to be loved for
what you are not

Thought for the Day

Even a Correct Decision is Wrong

When it is taken too late

Never lose hope in people you care for
Because they may have been the reason
why your heart aches
But who knows
They might also have been the reason
why your heart beats

Thought for the Day

Vision without action is Day Dream


Action without a vision is a nightmare

Never be proud not depressed for what you are
and the position you hold in the society
Remember after the game of chess is over
the king and pawns go in the same box

Thought for the Day
Two Aspects of Life :
If We become too Sentimental
It is too hard to lead life
If we become too practical
It is too tough to respect relations
Birth was not your choice
Death will not be your choice
But yes the way you live your life
Between these two terminals is only
YOUR choice

Thought for the Day

Good Life starts only when

You stop wanting a Better One

Life is not worth living
Until you have some one to die for
And life is not worth dying
Once you have someone to live for

Strange but true.

Thought for the Day

Be nice to people on your way up,

Because you will meet them
On your way down

Give thousand chances to your enemy
To become your friend
But never give a single chance to your friend
For becoming your enemy

Thought for the Day
We Believe
Erasers are for People who make errors
But the Fact is
Erasers are for the People
Who are willing to correct their Mistakes
Learn to Learn from you Mistakes.
It is an indication of a path
Leading You towards Victory

No sound in this world
can be more louder than silence
And if someone cannot understand your silence,
They can never understand your words

Thought for the Day

No one knows less than

The one who Thinks
He knows all !

Always be the reason of someone’s happiness
Never be just a part of it.
Always be a part of someone's sadness
But never be the reason for it

Thought for the Day

One who lacks the courage to start,

Is already finished .

Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat

Thought for the Day

The future is
purchased by
the present !
Being a good person is like being a goal keeper –
No matter how many goals we save
People will remember only the ones we missed

Thought for the Day

Life Is
10% What Happens To Us
90% How We React To It

Coincidence decides
Whom you meet in you life,
Your heart decides
Whom you want to stay in your life
Destiny decided
Who will get to stay in your life

Thought for the Day

People don’t fail

They give up !

Some day some how
Whatever you prayed for will come true
It may not be in the exact package you wanted
But it will be what God thinks is the best for you

Thought for the Day

Life Isn’t Worth Living Unless

You’re Willing To Take Some
Big Chances

Ask the successful person how to finish a work
Ask the experienced person how to start the work

Thought for the Day

Live As If There Is No Tomorrow,

Learn As If You Were To Live Forever

Even if you are on the right track,
You will get run over
If you just sit there
So keep moving towards your goal

Thought for the Day

We make a Living by what we get

We make a Life by what we Give

The best way to succeed in life
is to act on the advice we give to others

Thought for the Day

Learn To Get In Touch

With Silence Within Yourself,
And Know That
Everything In This Life Has A Purpose

Think about all that you speak
But don’t speak about all that you think
You will never get a second chance
to make a first impression

Thought for the Day

Success is more
Attitude than Aptitude !

We live in our dreams but dreams may die
Don’t get shattered, never ever cry
The world is big and has lots to give.

Pick up a new dream that’s the way to live.

Thought for the Day

Once you start believing in Yourself

There’s absolutely nothing that
You can’t do.

Although tongue weights very little
Only few people can hold it.

Thought for the Day

The important thing

Not to stop questioning.

Life itself cannot give you anything
unless you really work for it
Life just gives you time and space
Its up to you to fill it as much as possible.

Thought for the Day

Imagination is
more important
than knowledge

A Strong and a positive attitude creates
more miracles than any other thing
Life is 10% how you make it and
90% how you take it

Thought for the Day

Failure is the path of

least persistence !

Four things never come back
The triggered bullet,
The spoken word,
The wasted time and
the neglected opportunity

So think twice act wise…

Thought for the Day

Trouble Is A Part Of Your Life –

If You Don’t Share It

Real attitude to live life :-
Laugh like you have never cried,
Play like you have never lost
Love like you have never been hurt
And live today like there is no tomorrow

Thought for the Day

Every Human Being Should Be Taught

His First Duty
Is To Take Care Of Himself

Laugh so hard that
even sorrow smiles at you

Live life so well that

even death loves to see you live

Fight so hard that

even fate accepts its defeat.

Thought for the Day

Life Is Like Riding A Bicycle,

You Don’t Fall Off
Unless You Plan To Stop Peddling

A Paper flying in air is due to luck
But a bird flying in air is due to its efforts
So let’s be a bird and
Struggle with the hurdles to be successful.

Thought for the Day

Do Not Dwell In The Past,

Do Not Dream Of The Future,
Concentrate The Mind

On The Present Moment

Yesterday is History,
Tomorrow is a Mystery
Today is a gift

That is why we call it as “Present”

Thought for the Day

It Is Not The Length Of Life,

But The Depth Of Life That Matters

The way to get started is
To quit talking and begin doing

Thought for the Day

The Tragedy Of Life

Is Not That It Ends So Soon,
That We Wait So Long To Begin It

Victory is not the property of brilliants
It is the crown for those
Who bow in front of hard work and confidence

Thought for the Day

It Is Our Choice
And Not The Opinion Of Good Or Evil
That Determines Our Character

Greatest gift you can give to someone is your time
Because when you give someone your time
You have given them a portion of your life
that you will never get back

Thought for the Day

The Greatest Test Of Courage On The Earth

Is To Bear Defeat Without Losing Heart

Never pray for an easier life -
Pray to be a stronger person
Never pray for tasks equal to your power
But always pray for
Power equal to conquer your tasks

Thought for the Day

A Man Would Be A Fool

To Take His Luck For Granted

Winners are too busy to be sad,
Too Positive to be doubtful
Too optimistic to be fearful
Too determined to be defeated

Have a winning attitude always….

Thought for the Day

The Way To Develop The Best

That Is In A Person Is
By Appreciation And Encouragement

To achieve something which we never had before
We need to do something better
Which we have never done before

Thought for the Day

Even If You’re
Not Responsible For Your Situation,

You’re Certainly
Responsible For Your Reaction To It

Never change your originality for the sake of others

Because in this world

No one can play your role better than you

Thought for the Day

When You Were Born,

You Cried And The World Rejoiced,

Live Your Life In Such A Way

So That
When You Die The World Cries

And You Rejoice

Sometimes road traveled
turns out to be more beautiful
than the destination reached

Enjoy leading your life

No matter what it turns out to be

Thought for the Day

Promise Yourself
To Live Your Life As A Revolution
And Not Just
As A Process Of Evolution

Don’t Let yesterday
Take up too much of today

Thought for the Day

Time Is The Coin Of Your Life

It Is The Only Coin You Have

Only You Can Determine How It Will Be Spent
Money may not talk
but its absence screams

Thought for the Day

If We Think Happy Thoughts,

Life Will Be Happy,
If We Think Miserable Thoughts,
Life Will Be Miserable

No body notices what you do
until you don’t do

Thought for the Day

All Animals Except Man

Knows That
The Ultimate Point Of Life Is
To Enjoy It

To Believe in something
in which every one believes is "BELIEF"
To believe in something
in which nobody believes is "CONFIDENCE"

Thought for the day
The desire to succeed is meaningless
In Absence of the Will to prepare!

It is better to Fail in Originality
than to Succeed in Imitation!!!

Thought for the Day
First - Do Not Regret
Having Lost Yesterday
Second - Do Not Fear That
You Will Lose Tomorrow

Third - Enjoy Today

Never Pray for an easier life,
pray to be a stronger person
Never pray for tasks equal to your power,
But pray for power to conquer your tasks!!!

Thought for the Day

If We Don’t Change,

We Don’t Grow,
If We Don’t Grow -

We Aren’t Really Living

There is only 1 difference between dream and aim.

Dream requires effortless sleep

whereas aim requires sleepless efforts.
It is up to you – what to choose!!!

Thought for the Day

Don’t Cry Because It’s Over,

Smile Because It Happened

Life is like a Flute
It may have several holes and emptiness
but if we work on it
the same flute produces magical melodies

Think positive It makes wonders

Thought for the Day

The Beginning of All And End Of All

- Life

Should Not Be To Get Rich,

But Enrich The World

When your are successful
They will call you lucky
However, it is not luck that makes the leader
But the leader who makes the luck

Thought for the Day

Our Own Life Is The Instrument

With Which
We Experiment The Truth

Time is always with the people
who have courage to fly
Not with the people
who stand on ground and watch the sky
Keep up the spirit of life

Thought for the Day

Life Is Easier Than You’d Think,

All That Is Necessary Is
To Accept The Impossible,
Do Without The Indispensable,
And Bear The Intolerable

The illiterate in the 21st Century
wont be those who cannot read or write
but those who cannot change

Thought for the Day

There Is Only One Success –

To Be Able To Spend Your Life
In Your Own Way

It is not always you get to
hit the iron when it is hot
But it is an achievements when you
hit the iron so hard that it gets hot

Thought for the Day

Learn From Yesterday,

Live For Today,
Hope For Tomorrow

Definition of Status
It is the money we spend
which we don’t have
to buy the things we don’t need
to impress the people we don’t know
Strange but true

Thought for the Day

Life Is Not A Problem To Be Solved,

But A Reality To Be Experienced

No and Yes are short words
which need long thought.
Most of the troubles in life
are the result of saying
Yes too soon or No too Late

Thought for the Day

Risks Must Be Taken,

Because The Greatest Hazard In Life
Is To Risk Nothing

Nothing in nature is for itself
Rivers don’t drink their own water
Trees don’t eat their own fruit
Sun doesn’t give heat for itself
Moon doesn’t ever go on honey moon
Flower don’t spread fragrance for themselves
Living for others is the way of life

Thought for the Day

Change And Growth Takes Place

When A Person Has Risked Himself
Dares To Become Involved
With Experimenting With His Own Life

The worst thing in life is attachment,
It hurts when you lose it
The best thing in life is loneliness
It teaches you everything
when you loose it you get everything

Thought for the Day

If Life Doesn’t Offer A Game Worth Playing,

Then Invent A New One

Life may not be the way we want
But we can live it as best as we can
There is no perfect life
but we can fill it with perfect moments

Thought for the Day

There Are Three Ingredients

In The Good Life :
Enjoying What You Do

To be born with a personality
is an additional gift from parents
But to die as a personality
is an achievement of our own

Thought for the Day

Life Consists

Not In Holding Good Cards

But In Playing Well Those You Hold

Time is a rare luxury
which can never be purchased at any cost
So when someone spends it for you
It defines the depth of care and love for you

Thought for the Day

What Matters More in Life

Is Not Where We Are,

But In What Direction We Are

Memories play a very confusing role
They make us laugh
when we remember the times
we have cried together
But they make us cry
when we remember the times
we laughed together

Thought for the Day

There Are No Mistakes, No Coincidences,

All Events Are Blessings Given To Us

To Learn From


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