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EE 5372/4395 Image Processing, SPRING 2018

HOMEWORK/Proj. #5 Expanded, new deadlines

ASSIGNED: 2/15/2018 (Thursday)
DUE: THEORY PART I: February 23, 2018 (Friday) by 6:30 PM under my office door or e-mail.
THEORY PART I-C: February 27, 2018 (Tuesday) by 4:30 PM bring to class.
MATLAB PART II: February 25, 2018 (Sunday) by 11:59 PM (e-mail your electronic report
to: )
 Date for Exam 1: Thursday March 1, 2018
 Plan for Feb. 27: Review for Exam 1
 The textbooks URL:
TO-DO FOR THIS HOMEWORK: READING: Chapter 4, Sects 4.7 – 4.9, Lim/Woods
Lecture Note supplements
I-A Problems from DIP3e:
For the problems from the DIP3e book, consider using this DSFT which is extension of the 2-D DFT definition
but u and v are continuous variables. Also, this DSFT has a period MxN.
This definition becomes the DFT for finite-support MxN images by making u, v integers and changing the
summation limits to the finite support.
~  
 j ( 2M ux  2N vy )
. F (u , v)    f ( x, y ) e period MxN ; u, v continuous variables
y   x  

#NOTE: This DSFT is different from these alternative definitions that we will use:
 
 j (1n1  2 n2 )
X (1 , 2 )    x(n1 , n2 ) e period 2x2 ; 1, 2 continuous variables
n 2   n1  
 
 j (2ux  2vy )
F (u , v)    f ( x, y ) e
y   x  
period 1x1 ; u, v continuous variables
 
 j ( Fx x   Fy y )
W ( Fx , Fy )    w( x, y ) e
y  x 
period 2x2 ; Fx, Fy continuous variables

4.27; You may use Matlab’s freqz2 command to illustrate the frequency responses which is the DSFT
of the impulse reponse associated with the mask.

4.28; You may use Matlab’s freqz2 command to illustrate the frequency responses. Clarification:
assume you will be computing the SUM of the two discrete derivatives.

4.29; You may use Matlab’s freqz2 command to illustrate the frequency responses



I-B Problems from Lim’s textbook: Here used this DSFT:

 
 j (1n1  2 n2 )
X (1 , 2 )    x(n , n ) e
n 2   n1  
1 2

Lim 1.1 a);

Lim 1.2;

1.7 a) only (do it manually, no Matlab, sketch the result manually);



1.25; Note: Problem 1.24 derives the inverse of an ideal low-pass circularly symmetric 2-D filter (also
given in Eq. (1.36) of Lim), which produces this impulse response:

Problem 5-A
Consider the short 2-D signal x(n1,n2) given below (this is Lim’s notation, the hollow circles have zero value an
all other values not shown are also zero).

a) Determine if this signal is separable, yes or no. If yes, plot the two contributions f(n1) and g(n2) to the
separable signal. If no, prove it. n

-1 1 -1 1

1 -1 1 -1

b) Determine expression for its DSFT X(1,2) using as many sines and cosines as possible!

I-C Problems from DIP3e:

4.12 Try downsampling it using Matlab starting with a high-resolution checkerboard, add
to Part II if you use Matlab.

Problem 5-B Using the definition of the 1-D continuous Fourier transform or its Inverse:
 
 j 2ux j 2ux
H (u )   h( x)e dx ; h( x)   H (u)e du
 
Determine the validity of the 1-D Gaussian Fourier transform pair (derive one from the other, your choice)


4.36 Using Matlab would be better, add this to Part II. Original image available on book
Web site (see it below)

Part II; Do Matlab Exercises:

A- Change (and re-name) the Matlab script in file Direct_DFTFilteringV2_EE5372.m to be able to perform
Direct DFT-domain filtering to re-do the example in Figs. 4.54 (ideal high-pass), and 4.56 (Gaussian high-pass
filter) on the image with letter “a” (Fig. 4.48 (a)). The textbook images are available on the textbook URL.

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