Yr 7 Revision

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1. (a) The diagrams below show an animal cell and a plant cell.

The lines from the boxes show the positions of two of the parts that
are present in both cells.
In the boxes, write the names of these two parts.
Give the names of two parts that are present in plant cells but not in
animal cells.

2. a) Methane can be a gas, a liquid or a solid. In the diagram below, arrows P,

Q, R and S represent changes of state.
The boxes on the right show the arrangement of particles of methane in the
three different physical states.
Each circle represents a particle of methane.
physical state of methane arrangement of particles






(i) Draw a line from each physical state of methane to the

arrangement of particles in that physical state.
Draw only three lines.

(ii) Arrows P, Q, R and S represent changes of

Which arrow represents:
evaporation ……………….

b) Methane is the main compound in natural gas. The scale below shows
the melting point and the boiling point of methane.
Methane has three physical states: solid, liquid and gas.
i) What is the physical state of methane at –170ºC?


ii) The formula of methane is CH4. The symbols for the two elements in
methane are C and H.
Give the names of these two elements.
Element C ……………………………….
Element H ………………………………

3. The back window of this car contains a heating element.

The heating element is part of an electrical circuit connected to the battery of
the car.

The diagrams below show two ways of connecting the circuit of a heating element.
circuit A circuit B

(a) Give the name of each type of circuit:

circuit A ……………………………….
circuit B ……………………………….
(b) A wire gets broken at point X on circuit A and at point Y on circuit B.

circuit A circuit B

When the switch is closed, how does the broken wire affect the
heating element in:
(i) circuit A? ………………………………………………………………….
(ii) circuit B? …………………………………………………………………
4. The diagram below shows two of the forces acting on the car when it
is moving.

(i)When the motor was switched off, the car slowed down and then

While the car was slowing down, which of the following was true?

Tick the correct box.

Friction was zero and the forward force was greater

than zero.

The forward force was zero and friction was greater

than zero.

Friction was zero and the forward force was zero.

The forward force and friction were both greater than


5. The drawings in parts (a), (b) and (c) show two teams of
pupils in a tug-of-war. There is a ribbon tied to the middle of
the rope.

(a) The sizes and directions of the forces of each team are shown.
1000 N 1000 N

The ribbon stays above point X on the ground. Give the

reason for this.

Draw an arrow on the rope to show the direction in which the ribbon will move.

Why did the ribbon move towards the left?

Team A practices

Less than More than

1200N 1200 N

6. Russell investigated the relationship between mass and

weight. He weighed five different masses using a force
His results are shown in the table.

(a)He plotted four of his results on a grid as shown below.

(i) Plot the point for the 150 g mass on the graph.

(ii) Draw a line of best fit.

(b) One of the points Russell plotted does not fit the pattern.
Circle this point on the graph.

(c) Use your graph to predict:

(i) the mass of an object weighing 6.5 N;

________ g

(ii) the weight of an object of mass 50 g.

________ N
(d) Give one reason why it is more useful to present the results as
a line graph rather than a table.

7. Jack compared the reaction times of ten different pupils in his
class. He dropped a metre ruler between each pupil’s finger
and thumb.
As soon as they saw the ruler begin to move, they had to catch
it as quickly as possible.

(a) Jack did not measure time to compare pupils’ reactions.

What did Jack measure to compare pupils’ reaction times?



(b) Why was it more accurate to use the ruler rather than a
stopwatch in this investigation?



(c )What factor did Jack change as he carried out his investigation? (the

independent variable)?

Give two factors he should have kept the same to make his test fair?


(c) What could he do to make his results more reliable?

8. The diagrams below show the symbols for three parts of the torch circuit.
(i) On the line below each diagram, give the name of the part.
__________________ _________________ ________________

(ii) In the space below, draw a circuit diagram to show how these three parts are
connected in a torch.

9. The photographs below show pupils investigating the movement

of objects on ramps.

Plan an investigation into the factors affecting the movement of objects on

You can use any objects and any surfaces you like, and any other equipment
you need.

In the box below, write a short draft of one question you could plan to
investigate about the movement of objects on ramps.
Use your draft to help you answer the following questions.

(a) Give one factor you could change as you carry out your
investigation (the independent variable).



(b) What factor would you observe or measure to collect your results (the
dependent variable) and what equipment would you use to measure

The factor I would observe or measure is __________________________


The measuring equipment I would use is __________________________


(c) Give one factor you should keep the same to make your test fair.


10. The diagram below shows muscles and bones of a human arm.

(a) Why is it important that the tendons do not stretch?


(b) The biceps and triceps are an antagonistic pair of muscles.

Explain what this means.



(c) The diagram below shows muscles and bones of a human leg.

(i) Which muscle contracts to move the foot in the direction shown
by the arrow?
Give the letter.
(ii) Which two pairs of muscles are antagonistic pairs? Tick the two
correct boxes.

A and B

B and C

C and D

D and A

11. The drawing below shows an astronaut in space.

He has four small jets attached to his space suit.
These jets produce forces on the astronaut in the directions A, B, C and D.

(a) The drawing below shows the size and direction of four
forces acting on the astronaut.


In which direction, A, B, C or D, will the astronaut move?

Give the letter.
(b) The drawing below shows the size and direction of four different
forces acting on the astronaut.


What will happen to the astronaut when the jets produce these four


Explain your answer.

The drawing below shows the size and direction of four different forces acting on the

Draw an arrow on the diagram below to show the direction in which

he will move.
12. (a) Draw a line from each electrical circuit to the correct circuit diagram. Draw only four

lines. circuit diagram

(b) In each circuit below, bulb 1 breaks and goes off.

Under each circuit diagram below, tick the correct boxes to show if bulb 2 and
bulb 3 are on or off.

1 2 3

circuit A circuit B

on off on off

bulb 1 bulb 1
✔ ✔
breaks breaks

bulb 2 bulb 2

bulb 3 bulb 3

(c) Give the name of the part that provides energy for each circuit.

(d) Why is copper used for wires in a circuit? Tick the correct box.

Copper does not stick to magnet

Copper is a good a.conductor of electricity.

Copper is a good conductor of heat

Copper is a brown metal.

13. (a) Draw a line from each change of state to the correct name.
Draw only four lines.

change of state name

solid to liquid evaporating

liquid to gas melting

gas to liquid condensing

liquid to solid freezing

(b) Kate made some ice cubes from pure water.

She used a sensor to measure the temperature of the ice.

What temperature will the sensor show when the ice is melting?

(c) Kate made some more ice cubes from salt solutions. She used a different
amount of salt in each ice cube.

The table shows the temperature at which the ice cubes melted.

mass of salt in temperature ice

each ice cube (g) cube melted (°C)

5 −4

10 −8
15 −11

20 −15
Look at the table above.
As the mass of salt increased, what happened to the temperature at
which the ice cube melted?

(d) In very cold weather a mixture of salt and sand is spread on roads.
Why are salt and sand used? Tick the two correct boxes.

Salt makes the roads white.

Salt makes water freeze.

Salt makes ice melt.

Sand dissolves in water.

Sand increases friction between car tyres and the road.

Sand makes water freeze.

14. The diagram below shows a plant cell.

(a) In which part of a plant would you find this type of cell?

(b) (i) Give the function of the nucleus.

(ii) Give the function of the chloroplasts.

(iii) Give the function of the cell wall.

(c) Give the names of two labelled parts that are not present in animal cells.


(d) Tick one box in each row to show whether the statement is true for photosynthesis or
for respiration.
statement photosynthesis respiration

carbon dioxide is produced

light is needed

it occurs in plants and animals

oxygen is produced

15. Diagram A represents a gas in a container.

The gas can be compressed by moving the piston to the right.


piston oxygen

diagram A
(a) (i) How can you tell that the substance in the container is a gas?
(ii) How can you tell from the diagram that the gas is pure?

(b) The piston is moved to the right as shown in diagram B.


diagram B
How can you tell, from diagram B, that the pressure of the gas has increased?

(c) Diagram C shows what happened to the molecules after the gas was
compressed more.


diagram C

(i) How can you tell that a chemical reaction happened when the gas was
(ii) The mass of the gas in both diagrams B and C was 0.3 g.

Why did the mass of the gas not change when it was compressed?

(iii) Complete the table below with the correct chemical formula of each
substance. Use the key to help you.

substance formula

16. Stefan is on holiday in the mountains. It is snowing.

(a) (i) Choose words from the box to complete the sentence below.

solid Liquid gas

A snowflake falls on Stefan’s nose and melts. When the snowflake

melts, it changes

from a to a .

(ii) Snow that falls on the ground melts slowly.

Snow that falls on Stefan’s nose melts very quickly. Give a reason for this.

(iii) In his hotel, Stefan sees some changes.

Are the changes below reversible? Write yes or no.

ice melting

wood burning

toasting bread

(b) (i) Stefan is snowboarding. Gravity acts on Stefan.

On the diagram below, draw an arrow to show the direction of the force of

(ii) When Stefan wants to slow down, he pushes one edge of the snowboard into the

What force between the board and the snow makes him slow down?
17. (a)Tasha puts a small block of wood on
a smooth surface.

She puts different forces on the block.The diagrams

below show the size and direction of these forces.
(b) (i) Which piece of equipment should Tasha
use to measure the forces

18. (a)The diagram below shows part of the periodic table of elements.



The shaded area contains only metal elements.

Two other areas also contain only metal elements.
Which areas contain only metal elements? Tick the two correct


(b) Copper is a metal.

At room temperature copper is a strong solid.

Give two other properties of copper that show it is a metal.



(c) When copper metal is heated it reacts with a gas in air.

What is the chemical name of the product formed when copper reacts with a gas in air?

(d) Which statement below describes what happens in a chemical change but not in a
physical change?

Tick the correct box.

The product is a solid.

The change only happens at a high


The atoms have combined in a different way

to make a new substance.

The types of atoms at the start are the

same as in the end product

19. Tom is doing a bungee jump from a bridge.

He is attached to one end of an elastic rope.
The other end of the rope is attached to the bridge. Tom jumps from the bridge.

(a) (i) What force makes Tom fall towards the ground?

(ii)Tom does not hit the river below the bridge.

What makes Tom stop falling before he hits the river?

(b) The next person to do a bungee jump is Jill.

Jill weighs less than Tom. When Jill jumps, the rope will stretch

did when Tom jumped.

Complete the sentence below using words from the box.

more than less than the same as

(c) Jill’s dad watches her doing the bungee jump.

He is standing a long way from the bridge.
Jill shouts ‘bungee’ at the same time as she jumps off the bridge. Jill’s
dad sees her jump before he hears her shout.


Jill’s dad

(i) Why does Jill’s dad see her jump before he hears her shout?

(ii) Tom is near Jill when she shouts. Her dad is far away.

Complete the sentence to describe how the shout will sound to Tom
compared with Jill’s dad. Use one word from the box.

louder higher Lower Quieter

The shout will sound to Tom.

(iii) What part of Tom’s ear vibrates when he hears Jill shout?

20. (a) Draw a line from each circuit symbol below to the correct name. Draw only four

circuit symbol name





(b) Fred made circuit 1 as shown below.

c A

Give the name of the part that is the energy source for the circuit.

(c) Fred then made circuit 2 as shown below.

Series parallel

circuit 1
circuit 2


In the table below, tick a box to show whether circuit 1 and circuit 2 are series
or parallel circuits. Tick only two boxes.

(d) What metal is usually used for wires in electric circuits?

21. The chemical formulae for four acids are shown in the table below.
sulphuric acid hydrochloric acid nitric acid ethanoic acid


(i) Give the name of the element that is present in all four acids.

(ii) Give the names of the two other elements present in sulphuric acid.

1. _______________________

2. _______________________
(iii) How many atoms are there in the formula HNO3 (nitric acid)?

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