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Lee Ann McAdoo: We've been talking in recent weeks about a deep state coup underway to oust

Trump, but what does that look like? We've seen it happening in other
countries, but what does that look like here in the United States? How would
the people accept the overthrow of our democratically elected government
here in the United States? Well, obviously first you've got to get- make sure the
media and the people are in line with that plan and then you need to shut
[00:00:30] down any dissenting voices. And that great purge has already begun
and it's affected my guest today, investigative reporter, Lee Stranahan.

Lee welcome to the show. I want to get- uh, talk with you a little bit here in a
minute about that purge and h- how it's affecting you. They've started to shut
down your YouTube channel, but first I want to talk about that really bombshell
report that you dropped last night. Everyone needs to be following Lee on
Twitter. He can't even wait to post his articles the next day. He wants to give it
to you live via [00:01:00] Periscope-

Lee Stranahan: Yes.

Lee Ann McAdoo: ... so you can get that real news before everyone else. Uh, Lee Stranahan,
people can also find you, you're the co-host at Fault Lines on Sputnik and Saving
Journalism over at So welcome to the show. Uh,
give people just a little bit of an inclination of what we're dealing with here.

Lee Stranahan: Well, so, I've been following this. I w- I used to be the lead investigative reporter
at Breitbart News. I worked with Andrew Breitbart. I'm Steve Bannon's favorite
reporter and, uh, w- Steve directed a film [00:01:30] called Occupy Unmasked
back in 2012 that Andrew Breitbart and I co-narrated. And I've been following
this very specifically since then, the buildup of these groups. In the first term of
the Obama administration, you had the Occupy movement, in the second term
you had the Black Lives Matter movement, and now in the Trump
administration you have Antifa, the antifascist movement. But they're really all
the same thing. The black block techniques that they've used. And even the
people, [00:02:00] uh, one of the, I- one of the guys who was recently featured
in the Washington Post, Legna, uh, they, they did a picture of him with a
baseball bat. Okay? Well, that's a guy who I profiled back when he was at
Occupy DC.

So people have to understand this is a long-term movement. By the way, it goes

back much further. The battle for Seattle, this is the piece ... It's called the p-
they internally, they call it the Peace and Justice movement. Okay? And it's
Soros funded, everyone [00:02:30] who watches Infowars knows and
understands that. But the thing a lot of people have missed is, is how this has
affected things overseas. Once you understand how this ties into Ukraine, the
government of Ukraine, you start to understand why Russia has been
demonized. And I'll mention that I, I host a show on Fault Lines which is on
Sputnik. So if people don't think I'm the most objective source on Russia, that's
fine. Fact check me. Nothing I'm saying is at, [00:03:00] is conjecture. Everything

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I'm saying you can check for yourself. So don't take my word for anything. I
always tell people that.

Uh, but if you look at what's been going on in the Ukraine, I did a, I did at
Periscope before the guy crashed the car into the people saying that what I see
here is an agitation situation like we saw in Ukraine in 2013 and 2014. So real
briefly, let's look at who the players were. Okay? Hillary Clinton's State
[00:03:30] Department put a lot of resources into the Ukraine. George Soros
spent $100 million. The Obama Administration and Victoria Nuland were part of
it. John McCain went to Ukraine. Does that make sense? And the media covered
up what was actually going on there. What was actually going on there is the US
sponsored a coup that was funded by Soros, that was set up by the Obama
administration, set up through something ... People can [00:04:00] look up, uh,
Hillary Clinton's Civil Society 2.0 and they'll find a lot of material from the State
Department. That's where the, uh, Clinton's State Department trained cyber
activists. Okay?

Now, so what- Ukraine it's so- it's another country. What does that have to do
with anything? I want people to look up the, the Svoboda, S-V-O-B-O-D-A,
Svoboda. That is a right wing, neo-Nazi party in Ukraine. [00:04:30] Look up
Svoboda Torch March and you will find pictures from 2013, '14, '15 of Svoboda
doing these tiki torch marches exactly like we saw in Charlottesville. Yeah,
you're showing them right now. This is just a simple google search anyone can
do themselves. Now look at that top picture. Do you see a number of these
pictures have Red and black flags in them? See that black flag, red and black flag
up there? You see them right at the top of that picture [00:05:00] there. Okay?

Lee Ann McAdoo: Hmm.

Lee Stranahan: The red and black flags, that's a flag that represents blood and soil. Okay? Blood
and soil is neo-Nazi chant. Now this group, Svoboda is not a fringe political
party. Now try and do, try to do a search for Svoboda McCain and if you do that
you'll very quickly find pictures of John McCain with the leader [00:05:30]
Svoboda and you'll also find pictures of the Svoboda guy sieg heiling. Okay?

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). [crosstalk 00:05:37] So, neo-Nazis are fine there in the

Lee Stranahan: No, exactly right. So, so neo-Nazis are totally fine. Not just that, take- this is the
guy. Now, McCain came out with a statement condemning what happened in
Charlottesville. I'm going to condemn both of them. This guy, this Svoboda
party, is connected to a group called the Ukrainian Insurgent Army that goes
[00:06:00] back to World War II. Now when we talk about Nazis, these are
actual Nazi collaborators who killed about 60,000 Polish people and Jews, by the
way. The guy you see their sieg heiling, uh, hates, uh, Jews. He talks openly
about Jews and I'll, I'm going to point out one thing about these white
supremacists who were, who were doing something yesterday.

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Here's my view on Israel. I am broadly pro-Israel, but they're [00:06:30] not us,
but they're the best country in that region. Uh, they're the most western
country. So I'm pro-Israel broadly, but I'm not, I, but I don't just go along blindly
with anybody. These white supremacist groups are actually pro-Palestinian.
These groups, uh, are explicitly pro-Palestinian. David Duke is pro-Palestinian.
I'm definitely not pro-Palestinian. (laughs) Those are the Islamist. Okay? That's
who they are.

So I want to point [00:07:00] out what's going on here is first off, the people
behind this, McCain, Clinton, Obama, Soros and the media, all have a very
different tune on Charlottesville, very different tune. Now, here's what I think is
happening. If you look at what happened in Ukraine in 2013 and 2014, Oliver
Stone, who I don't agree with on a lot of stuff, but he produced a film called
Ukraine on Fire. Anybody can seek it out. It's on Amazon Prime. Watch the film.
He shows [00:07:30] that what happened in Ukraine was a giant protest in
Medan Square suddenly started to get violent. Now what happens when things
start to get violent is there's a police crackdown, right? Now the police
crackdown creates more violence, and by the way a group called Right Sector
were the people behind that in the Ukraine. The media here didn't report on

So here's what I see happening. [00:08:00] Um, remember the Woman's March
right after Trump was inaugurated? A million people in the streets, right? That
was a peaceful protest, but imagine if there started to be violence. See, because
I've been to so many protests, I can see what's happening. They want the
violence and they want to be able to blame the violence on the right. The right.
You know, if th- th- th- everybody in the media right now is trying to say Trump
is, is pro-white supremacist?

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: What's Trump's position [00:08:30] on Israel? Just ask yourself. What's Trump ...
Forget my opinion or your opinion. He's pro-Israel, right? These guys aren't pro-
Israel (laughs) so you can't you- you- you could go over position ... These guys
are openly socialist. Matthew Heimbach, he was one of the speakers at United
the Right. I've interviewed Matthew. He's with the Traditional Workers Party.
They're socialist. If you ask them, they're socialists. That's who they are. They're
against capitalism. So does this sound like [00:09:00] the right? You see what I'm

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

Lee Stranahan: What they do is they cherry pick certain positions. So a lot of people are worried
about immigration, so they cherry pick that position and they go, "Oh, well see,
these guys were opposed to immigrants and so are these guys." I'm not even
opposed to immigrants. I just want sanity. I'm opposed to illegal immigrants and
I'd like a sane immigration system.

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Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: Uh, but I'm fine with a certain number of immigrants and I think most people
are. Uh, but that's [00:09:30] what they do, they cherry pick. So what they're
trying to do is they're trying to set up a situation where they can blame the right
for this.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

Lee Stranahan: Now-

Lee Ann McAdoo: R- well, um-

Lee Stranahan: Where this goes-

Lee Ann McAdoo: Well, a lot of people are talking a lot about the stand down there and I know
you- we can kind of get into that in, in a minute because of course that allows,
allows them to, to use that optic of, "Hey Trump, these are your people." You
see all these-

Lee Stranahan: Right.

Lee Ann McAdoo: ... uh, r- racist white nationalists. But there was a stand down there and of
course, who is the governor there who benefits from that stand down? Um, but
I want to get back to you [00:10:00] were talking about these tiki torch marchers
and this, this slogan that they were chanting in the Ukraine. You pointed out,
uh, last night, so, you know, this is kind of that Soros handiwork happening in
the Ukraine, but now we're also seeing those same paid protestors here in the
United States. But then it also, these, uh, white nationalists in Charlottesville
were chanting this exact same slogan, the, um, blood and soil. And then they
had those same tiki torches. You pointed this out, Julian Assange noticed it as

Lee Stranahan: Yep.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Um, so is that [00:10:30] just a coincidence or what do you think about that?

Lee Stranahan: I don't think it's a coincidence. I think they're, I think it's a neo-Nazi chant. I think
that John McCain has no problem with it when he's standing on stage. And the
US government literally supported ... Anybody can look up that Victoria Nuland,
N-U-L-A-N-D, phone call where she said, "I don't want the head of the neo-Nazis
in the government, but I want them consulted four times a week." Can you
imagine if Donald Trump said, "We need to consult [00:11:00] Matthew
Heimbach from the Traditional Workers Party (laughs) four times a week?"

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

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Lee Stranahan: Right? Th- th- that would be, uh, th- the press would go insane. And by the way,
the Trump supporters would go insane. Right? So wat they're trying-

Lee Ann McAdoo: Well, you also point out.

Lee Stranahan: Yeah.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Sorry, you also point out how they, people would go absolutely insane if Trump
had had a campaign stop where he was meeting with openly white nationalist
groups like our former CIA operative that was also running [00:11:30] for the

Lee Stranahan: Yeah. So this is an important thing that I found in my research last night and it's
significant. So l- let's tie all this into another story I've been reporting on for
months, which is the Ukraine DNC interference in the election. I've talked with
David Knight about this a number of times. The short version is there's a, a
democratic operative named Alexandra Chalupa, her sister Andrea Chalupa's
also a Democrat operative. Her sister Irena Chalupa works for a Soros funded
organization. [00:12:00] Alexandra's an American. She worked in the Clinton
White House. She's a, a d- DNC operative for years. She met with the Ukrainian
government, the Ukrainian government then dropped a, uh, bombshell in
August. Paul Manafort, who was then the campaign manager for Trump, his
name was found in a secret ledger. Right? Shocking.

What they don't tell you is that on June 27th of this year, the same [00:12:30]
prosecutor who said Manafort was making, was getting secret cash payments
came out after the election said, "Oh, no, he wasn't getting cash payments. He's
not in the ... He's not mentioned at all. Oops." Now the New York Times and the
Washington Post is not reporting it, but anybody can see. Bloomberg did a story
June 27th Manafort's name was not in the ledger. Okay, here w- so who cares?
Right? I mean, this is important, but how does it tie into what we're talking

Andrea Chalupa [00:13:00] and Alex Chalupa aren't just Ukrainians. They're
associated with a group of American Ukrainians. Yeah, that's, that's it, r- This is
the only major story about this. It's a big deal. Look at- you can see the headline.
That's pretty clear, right?

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: Uh, no evidence. That's the same prosecutor. Why doesn't the Washington Post
or New York Times say ... Well, Infowars knows why. We know why. So they're,
they're hiding information. Okay. [00:13:30] September last year in Hartford,
Connecticut, there was a meeting of the American Ukrainian Congress. At that
meeting, they were greeted by Evan McMullin. Evan McMullin is the CIA,
Goldman Sachs person who was running as a spoiler against Trump. The whole
goal was to have them split Utah so that Hillary would win. Does that make
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sense? That was their strategy. They saw Trump was weak in Utah, [00:14:00]
McMullin's a Mormon. They thought they had a chance to split the vote. Hillary
wins Utah. They figured okay, that would win.

He addressed the Ukrainian Congress. If you look at th- who the Ukrainian
Congress is, these aren't moderates. This includes veterans of drum roll, the
Ukrainian Insurgent Army. It's right there in their own webpage. Now,
remember what I said, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army were Nazi [00:14:30]
collaborators who killed 60,000 Poles brutally and I, and when I say brutally,
they were murdering children. I want you to imagine ... Just, Lee Ann, picture for
a second if Donald Trump spoke to a group of people and it included former SS
officers, y- you think there might be some controversy there? Not only did Evan
McMullin speak at that group, but Andrea Chalupa spoke at that group c-
because she's part of it. And, [00:15:00] just as importantly, uh, a
representative, Hillary Clinton was physically there speaking to them. So what
I'm saying is, uh, this Svoboda group is not a fringe group. They're neo-Nazis, but
they're not a fringe group at all. They're not like, let's say, the white
supremacists who were in Charlottesville, (laughs) who have no polit- Those
guys have no political power whatsoever, right?

These guys are one of the big three political parties [00:15:30] in Ukraine and
they're supported by Democrats like Hillary Clinton, re- independent
Republicans like Evan McMullin, and, by the way, I want you to look up one
other thing. Look up Svoboda CIA. The CIA was actively involved in that Ukraine
coup. And, uh, you know, unfortunately I'm old enough to remember when the
media used to report on the CIA and the people like me, like ev- the people at
Infowars who were reporting on the CIA were considered mainstream reporters,
[00:16:00] not fringe conspiracy theorists, for pointing out the Jeff Bezos from
Amazon has a $600 million contract with the CIA, but he also owns the
Washington Post. Something anybody can look up, 100% true, uh, you don't
need Infowars or me to tell you that. It's out there in Reuters and the
mainstream media.

This is really frightening what's going on because we see the same players. It's
Hillary Clinton, it's Barack Obama, it's John McCain, it's the CIA, it's the media,
it's George Soros, all on one team. And unfortunately [00:16:30] it's patriotic
Americans on the other team.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right. And I know that you don't typically like to talk about false flags or
anything like that because-

Lee Stranahan: Well.

Lee Ann McAdoo: ... they are very generalized and you can make a lot of inferences. But here this
is something that's just, uh, very interesting. And we've seen on the, on the one
hand the sort of agent provocateurs on the left who will dress up as Nazis and
go to these Trump rallies and do the Nazi salute on camera so that CNN can

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kinda profile them or, or show them in the background, things [00:17:00] like
that. Um, so when you first, you said that you were kind of reporting on what
was going on w- on Charlottesville before the, the white terrorists-

Lee Stranahan: Yeah.

Lee Ann McAdoo: ... mowed down some people. What, what was going through your head as all
this is, is transpiring-

Lee Stranahan: I had just-

Lee Ann McAdoo: ... and you're seeing those Tiki torches and ...

Lee Stranahan: I had just watched Ukraine on Fire about four days earlier as part of my
research. And I not only watched it but I made, like, my wife watch. (laughs).
You know, you ever had that where you watch your film and you just want to
show all your friends?

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm- [00:17:30] hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: Now, again, you know, w- So I just seen it and I s- and look, again, I've covered a
lot of protests. Y- you know, you mentioned paid protestors before. I want to be
very clear on this. Most protesters are not paid. Most protesters are dupes, they
have no idea that they're part a scene. Let me tell you something else about, uh,
Ukraine on Fire. People can watch this. Uh, in that film, they talk very
specifically about how in the Maidon, they needed [00:18:00] martyrs. See, they
need someone dead.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: Does that make sense?

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: Because then they have a martyr. So you remember the footage of the, of, it's,
it's kind of amazing shot of the car speeding down the road. You know that
shot? It's by a guy named Brennan, uh, uh, I Cal- I've forgot- I'm forgetting his
last name. Gilmore? I think that's his last name. Brennan Gilmore. So it's come
out that Brennan Gilmore was worked with the US. The guy [00:18:30] who
happened to catch that shot was with the US State Department. Uh, he also
worked for a Democratic representative. But let me point out something else. If
you go to Brennan Gilmore's page, his Twitter page, you'll see he's got a picture
of the young woman who was murdered.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: And do you know what it says? Martyr.

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Lee Ann McAdoo: Wow.

Lee Stranahan: Literally it's, literally, it says martyr. You, you can't be more explicit than this. So
here's [00:19:00] what I'm saying, I'm not a big, uh, I'm not a conspiracy
theorist, I'm a fact based journalists. The facts are enough. However, the
Democrats have invested- investigated Trump for a lot less.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

Lee Stranahan: For a lot less. They've called for investigations in secret meetings. They've
convened the FBI. When you have this many things going on, uh, I think
someone really needs to investigate. Now, again, I don't like to jump to
[00:19:30] conclusions. I like to say, I'd like to ask some questions about who
this kid was, where he came from, what do we know, get it all out in the open.
But I'll also point out that we can't count on the media to do this. Yeah and if
you scroll-

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

Lee Stranahan: Keep scrolling. That's, this is the guy, Brennan Gilmore. And if you scroll down,
keep going a little bit. It's not too far. You'll see the photo of the, uh, of the
young woman. This is abs- When I saw this, uh, a, uh, I was shocked, [00:20:00]
but ... So a little below. You'll see it. See.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Keep going.

Lee Stranahan: Keep going, keep going.

Lee Ann McAdoo: You might even be able to click on his pictures too.

Lee Stranahan: Yeah. Yeah. If you click, that's probably a good way to do it. No, no, it's, uh,
yeah, it's a, it's ...

Lee Ann McAdoo: (laughs)

Lee Stranahan: Yeah.

Lee Ann McAdoo: If you go up to the top there where it says meet, uh, media, I think.

Lee Stranahan: Yeah, keep g- I did a screen cap of it because I was so ... Well, I, I think you
maybe ... Yeah.

Lee Ann McAdoo: we'll come back to it.

Lee Stranahan: It's in, in there somewhere.

Lee Ann McAdoo: But, but, kind of-

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Lee Stranahan: If you got through-

Lee Ann McAdoo: Talking-

Lee Stranahan: [00:20:30] Yeah.

Lee Ann McAdoo: T-

Lee Stranahan: And by the way, his, his bio, if you look at this guy's bio, it says he was with the
State Department.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: And the fact that he called her a martyr, now, again, I, I, I don't know.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

Lee Stranahan: (laughs) But this is clearly-

Lee Ann McAdoo: Well, we can-

Lee Stranahan: The way she's being used is she's a martyr for the cause.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

Lee Stranahan: And again, I'll tell people, watch this. I don't agree with everything in Ukraine on
Fire and Oliver Stone, because he's a leftist, does not tie in how [00:21:00] this is
the same as Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter. He mentioned Soros for
about 30 seconds. I would have spent five, 10 minutes on Soros.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: But you'll be, you'll be frightened. And let me point out what's happening. They,
uh, they win no matter what they do. Are they trying to get a coup? I think
clearly they are. But if they can't get a coup, they'll settle for impeachment. And
if they can't get impeachment, they'll settle for smearing Trump and his
supporters [00:21:30] so much that they're able to elect another elitist. Does
that make sense? So in other words, the, the-

Lee Ann McAdoo: Absolutely.

Lee Stranahan: ... consolation, the consolation prize is that they win ... See, because predicting
something like a coup is very difficult, right? Uh, there's a lot of factors that can
go in there, but it doesn't make any difference. If they can get the coup, they get
the coup. The best thing for them actually would be a straight electoral victory
because then that's a clean win. Th- actually the best thing for them would be
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Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: [00:22:00] If they can impeach Trump, which is what they're clearly trying to do,
and, and, and the media is clearly part of it. This is why it's so important, uh,
that sites like Infowars and audiences like Infowars report factual stuff and tell
their friends and neighbors about it. Because the media is never going to tell
them about this stuff. And, and that's why-

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

Lee Stranahan: ... I really appreciate you guys having me on and I, I, I really appreciate, uh,
[00:22:30] you guys staying strong through all this because as everybody knows,
there's a lot of pressure on people. Like Jake Tapper called for me to be
investigated by the FBI on Friday and my entire YouTube account was
terminated this weekend. But I've, I've been doing this 10 years and if I learned
one thing from Andrew Breitbart, it's never back down. So ...

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right. Well, that's when you know you really are over the t- target when you
have [crosstalk 00:22:56] people ... That's the thing that I don't understand is, is
Jake Tapper saying we need to investigate, [00:23:00] uh, people calling to fire
McMaster. But what about investigating those people who are calling to fire
Bannon? 'Cause that's going around as well. So all of a sudden the media likes
one of Trump's guys that he's gotten his administration, but it's still fine. And of
course we've seen they're using what's going on in Charlottesville to say that
this is the final straw. You absolutely need to drop Bannon now. They're totally
trying to take what's gone on in Charlottesville and let this be the big push. Now
everyone on the right [00:23:30] that doesn't disavow can be labeled as a Nazi
or a Russian agent or any other type of smear. Um, while they're not giving you
th- the facts. Th- it's a total doub- double standard there.

Lee Stranahan: Well-

Lee Ann McAdoo: Even this most recent article, uh, New York Times, they, they give you the string
of right wing attacks that lead up to Charlottesville, but I don't remember them
doing that exact same thing with the string of left wing attacks and violent
political activity that's been going on for the last year that led to a, [00:24:00] a,
a leftist going and shooting up the GOP, uh, representatives' baseball game.
That was, that was a story that just, that should have been a huge story and it
went to the wayside in a matter of days.

Lee Stranahan: It, it's actually the last 50 years. This is a 50 year plan. The same people in the
'60s, Angela Davis in the '60s, it w- was at the Woman's March. But let me give
an example of this, Lee Ann. I'm not trying to put you on the spot. Have you
ever listened to split Sputnik radio? Just be- Right?

Lee Ann McAdoo: No. Sorry.

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Lee Stranahan: Okay.

Lee Ann McAdoo: I mean, I've seen some of your stuff, but, yeah.

Lee Stranahan: [00:24:30] No, no, no. Don't be sorry, Lee Ann, but most people haven't listened
to it. From what you've heard in the media, what do you think its political
position on Trump would be? It's a Russian funded network. What do you think
its position on Trump would be?

Lee Ann McAdoo: I mean, I haven't really seen many journalists, uh, from there speaking highly of
Trump. I mean ... (laughs)

Lee Stranahan: Well, here's ... I'll, I'll tell you what it is. It's, it's, it's real simple. We have a r-
radio broadcast, a, a number of hosts. You're [00:25:00] looking at the entirety
of the pro-Trump radio broadcasters on Sputnik. I'm it. Everyone else-

Lee Ann McAdoo: Oh, okay. And, and you're a co-host though. (laughs)

Lee Stranahan: That's right.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Just only half.

Lee Stranahan: I'm a co- host. And everybody else is on the left. Okay?

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: Everybody else. And anybody don't take my word for it. Go look up Sputnik, go
listen to the shows, go through and you'll see there's shows like By Any Means
Necessary, which is a, a Green Party candidate socialist who's on ... By the way.
Nice guy. Eugene [00:25:30] is a nice guy. I don't agree with him politically. But
this is what Sputnik is doing that's so dangerous to the media. They actually
have a Trump supporter on. You see what I'm saying?

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: They actually ... And by the way, my co-host is a Bernie Sanders supporter, so
think about that. Uh, I think a lot of people would like to hear that show
because Trump and Bernie Sanders had the biggest audiences, right? It's not pro
Trump. I'm the, and I'm, by the way, [00:26:00] I'm only pro-Trump about 75%
of the time. I wasn't in favor of shooting missiles into Syria. I'm not in favor of
Jeff Sessions' policy on marijuana. I could go down the list, right? I'm not a tr- I
don't carry water for anybody. But if you heard the media talking about Russian
media and Sputnik and they're pro Trump. No, they're not. And all anybody-

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

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Lee Stranahan: ... has to do is do the bravest thing in the world right now, which is do the
research yourself. Go look it up yourself and you'll understand that the media
[00:26:30] is lying to you. And I think a lot of people are really starting to
recognize that the media is lying to- just flat out lying to them.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

Lee Stranahan: But they have to do the brave thing and look into it themselves. They have to do
a little bit of research, you know?

Lee Ann McAdoo: And just a little bit. It's all laid out there for you. It's not like back in the day
where you had to go in your encyclopedia to learn anything. It's right there on
Google. Most of the time other people, uh, like, such as Lee Stranahan have
already done that work for you. They've laid the foundation. You just got
[00:27:00] to dig a little bit and frankly it is the time to stand up and speak out
about this because we're all going to be labeled Nazis and Russian agents very
soon. It's, it's something that they're already starting to use to, uh, force Trump
to fire people in his administration because he doesn't want to be associated
with this white nationalist movement. Uh, Lee, let me ask you, what did you
think about the, the backlash for Trump's response to what happened in
Charlottesville? Did you think that it was a, a good response or a weak
[00:27:30] response? Do he think you should have chosen sides or disavowed
both equally?

Lee Stranahan: It's complete lying hypocrisy from the media. The media's, the media's goal in
this is to pressure Trump in a way that they never pressured McCain, distance
yourself from a Nazi. They never pressured Obama. Hey, why are you working
with a Neo Nazi?

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: Why did we overthrow the government in Ukraine? They never pressured them

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: Th- here's the game. It's, it's real simple. I played it when I was in college about
[00:28:00] a million years ago where I was a Libertarian in college, okay? And,
uh, y- you're supposed to ... See, here's the thing. It's, it's called guilt by
association. I'm supposed to-

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

Lee Stranahan: So here's, here's what we do with you. Well, gee, Lee Ann, did you agree with
Alex Jones when he said this or this? Right? Now, then what I do is I pressure
you and I get you into a corner, right? And then once you admit, right,
[00:28:30] something, then I don't go, "Okay, well thanks for admitting that.
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That was honest with you." I keep going. Then I say, "Well, gee, it took you 15
hours to admit." That's what they did with Trump. Trump clearly ... How many
times does he have to say he's not anti-semetic? How many times does he say
he's not associated with these groups? The left is never held to this standard.
Never, ever. And Barack Obama, who's ... Simple example. Remember when
Baltimore burned, (laughs) [00:29:00] right?

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: If you read Barack Obama's biography, if you read his own book, he talks about
reading a, uh, an author named Frantz Fanon, F-A-N-O-N. Frantz Fanon is a, he
wrote a book called Wretched of the Earth. He's one of the most important
writers of the Black Liberation movement. Obama talks about reading him.
Fanon said, "We have to allow," uh, he said, "Violence is a cleansing force for
oppressed people." I'm going to say that again. Fanon said, " [00:29:30] Violence
is a cleansing force."

So in Baltimore when they said, "We need people to g- have space to destroy,"
does that make sense? Remember that?

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

Lee Stranahan: That's straight-

Lee Ann McAdoo: Yeah, it's therapeutic for them.

Lee Stranahan: That's straight out of Fanon. Okay? Straight out of Fanon. If Donald Trump in Art
of the Deal said, "You know, I was reading the works of Adolf Hitler and as he
said in Mein Kampf," right?

Lee Ann McAdoo: (laughs)

Lee Stranahan: That, that would be all they'd talk about. But, but Fanon [00:30:00] was literally
in favor of violence. Again, cleansing. Go, go, look it up, go listen to Obama talk
about that. This is his background. He's never, ever called to account on that.
The thing that I've done, one, one of the reasons, uh, I'm a good, uh, researcher
is because I read Herbert Marcuse and the Frankfurt school and Fanon, right? I
can quote it as well as they do. So when these leftists, and by the way [00:30:30]
it ain't fun.

Lee Ann McAdoo: (laughs)

Lee Stranahan: It's not fun. It's, it's not fun reading. Uh, these are awful people who have been
responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of people. These, you know,
communists, they're horrible. They're awful people. And uh, and, but I, but I
study them because I want to know what they're talking about. I want to
decode what they're saying. So when they talk about, uh, uh, the Abolitionist
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movement, I know what they're talking about is literally getting rid of prisons.
[00:31:00] They want to make no prisons. And this goes back to the '60s Black
Panther or 10 Point Platform and Angela Davis and George Jackson. And this
connects to the Black Lives Matter movement because Eric Mann was the
mentor of Patrisse Cullors, who started the Black Lives Matter movement and
blah, blah. And I went through that stuff real quickly just to drop some names,
but anybody can look up what I said.

Patrisse Cullors, one of the founders of Black Lives Matter, her mentor is Eric
Mann. Eric Mann was w- part of the Weather Underground. He [00:31:30]
wrote a book on George Jackson. George Jackson was a thug who's the hero of
the Black Liberation Movement. So I can talk this language with leftists.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: Most conservatives don't know who George .. I mean, again, you're, you're a
smart ... Do you know who George Jackson is?

Lee Ann McAdoo: No. Not off at the top of my head.

Lee Stranahan: See? And you're, and you're a smart person-

Lee Ann McAdoo: (laughs)

Lee Stranahan: ... who does this for a living, and so I'm not saying that to make you feel badly.
I'm saying that so nobody feels badly because I didn't know who George
[00:32:00] Jackson was until a year ago when I dove heavily into this stuff. Spent
five weeks in Oakland, interviewed people who knew the Black Panthers and I,
you know, I, I, I live and breathe this stuff and it's not fun, but the reason I do it
is so I can, can kind of concisely explain it to other people. So I'm-

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right. Well, there's so much double speak lately-

Lee Stranahan: That's right.

Lee Ann McAdoo: ... and just a rearranging of meanings. It is important to know what we're
dealing w- with and the, the foundations that [00:32:30] they've been building
up for decades and training their people and, and we see it's still happening.
They're paying well paying jobs to be p- uh, professional, uh, protesters here.
Now, kind of-

Lee Stranahan: They're professionally organized.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Yes.

Lee Stranahan: Let's be clear. The organizers. And then, and then there's thousands of people
below them who aren't paid. Does that make sense?
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Lee Ann McAdoo: Right. Exactly. And, and also-

Lee Stranahan: It's really important-

Lee Ann McAdoo: ... the useful idiots as well who are so trapped in their identity politics, they've
got nothing else [00:33:00] going for them. They don't realize that they're also
useful idiots as well. A part of this overthrow of this country that they, uh, as far
as the white nationalist groups out there, they're being useful idiots and helping
to overthrow this country they think is so great and worth saving. You're
actually helping to destroy it. Uh, it's just so infuriating.

Lee Stranahan: Because they believe in identity politics. They're-

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

Lee Stranahan: All they've done is substitute black for white. They believe in identity politics.
They're socialists like Angela Davis. They're pro-Palestinian, right? They share a
[00:33:30] lot in common, uh, with these, with these groups. But they never talk
about that. And see, again, this is where the hypocrisy of the left comes in. They
w- they're ... White identity ... And this is where a l- frankly, this is where a lot of
regular people get very frustrated because they go ... Like the, like, I don't have
a problem with someone saying I'm proud of being black in the, in the way they
shouldn't be ashamed. No one should be ashamed of their race. Does that make
sense? [00:34:00] Nobody.

Lee Ann McAdoo: We have no control over it. Right. (laughs)

Lee Stranahan: You have no control over it. You shouldn't be ashamed of your gender.

Lee Ann McAdoo: It's not an accomplishment. Yeah, it's ... (laughs)

Lee Stranahan: That's right. And so I'm a dude. Right? I'm not, I'm just a dude. I'm a proud, I'm
proud. Have men done bad things? Absolutely. Does that have anything to do
with me? No, not his neighbor. You see what I'm saying?

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

Lee Stranahan: I'm responsible for me. And so, uh, I m- I have no problem with someone being
pr- proud of being black in the sense that I'm not going to be ashamed of being
black. And, [00:34:30] and, and let's face it, for a long time, some bl- black
people were ashamed of being black in the same way some white people in pink

Lee Ann McAdoo: Are-

Lee Stranahan: ... are ashamed of being white right now.

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Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

Lee Stranahan: Uh, but I'm not ashamed of being ... I just don't think about it. I'm, I'm Irish, I
guess, but I didn't grow up in a house where we cared. And I think a lot of
people don't. I think a lot of people just grew up in a house where they're mutts,

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

Lee Stranahan: Like, [00:35:00] I guess I'm I- I guess I'm Irish. I think there's some Swedish, but I
don't think about it, but I'm not ashamed of being white, but I don't make it my
whole identity.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

Lee Stranahan: And, and I, and the other area where these white, uh, th- these white nationalist
share something is they're victims. They want to talk about how victimized they

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: You know what? This is America. Uh, yes, affirmative action is unfair and, yes,
there is such a thing as racism. Yes, that's all true. But you know what? Suck it
up. Go out and work hard because [00:35:30] clearly in this country you can
succeed if you're black, white, Hispanic, Asian does make- Muslim, Christian,
atheist. You can succeed if you work hard.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

Lee Stranahan: If you're, if you act smart, you c- a- anybody. There's countless examples of
people who succeed in this country of every color of the rainbow, every sexual
orientation, everything you can imagine. Stop depending on your identity and
start taking some responsibility for yourself.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right. [crosstalk 00:35:58] [00:36:00] And knowing that you ha- thank you. And
knowing that you have to, um, you know, you have to be able to see yourself as
a victim in order to be, uh, to be a part of one of these groups with these
identity politics. It's so important to be a victim. So that's why we're really
seeing, um, just even, uh, the upholding of that by the media where they're kind
of playing into these SJW kind of identity politics because it's such a powerful
thing to, to move people who, uh, who that's, you know, really important to
them. Um, tell us a little bit about th- you [00:36:30] have a documentary
coming up, uh, that's going to be all about exposing George Soros. Tell us a little
bit about that and then I also want you to, uh, let people know where they can
find more information and follow you and support you. Especially since we see
YouTube now trying to shut down your channel. It actually I guess they did shut
you down.
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Lee Stranahan: They terminated my channel. I lost 10 years of work including reporting I did
from Lebanon. But let me just talk about the victimization thing.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Wow.

Lee Stranahan: We just rebuild. We move on. You know what, you don't, you don't act like a
victim. Uh, it's, it's [00:37:00] difficult, but we're going to appeal it. I'm going to
try to at least get my work back. Th- because literally I ... Uh, stupid example, we
lost ... My wife said we had videos of our kids up there from ... Because we were
using YouTube as a safe place to store them.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right. Wow.

Lee Stranahan: That's difficult. Right? But you know what? It's like, if you lose everything in a
fire. I'm in the Rudyard Kipling, if you can, you know, if, if you lose everything,
just start again. Shut up and [00:37:30] move on. Does that make sense?

Lee Ann McAdoo: Yeah.

Lee Stranahan: Don't be a victim about this stuff. So, uh, so that happened and it's difficult and
we're still figuring out what we've lost, but we're, we're moving on. Uh, I have a
website at that we started. I started that after I quit Breitbart when
they kicked me out of the White House, uh, for trying to ask a question about
Crowdstrike, who you're seeing right there., we do a lot of fact-based
reporting. And you can see right up top there we have stuff about the Soros
documentary. We're, we're, I'm a filmmaker. [00:38:00] I worked in Hollywood
for about 30 ... I've been doing video for about 40 years, which is frightening,
since I was 14 years old. And, uh, uh, I, I, and so we're working on a Soros
documentary that's meant ... This is really important to me. I'm not trying to do
this documentary to aim it at people who are already on our side. Does that
make sense?

Lee Ann McAdoo: Yes.

Lee Stranahan: This documentary is aimed at waking up people and moving the needle. That's
what it's aimed at. And if you go to, and by the way, [00:38:30] they keep
showing a picture of me drinking water. So that's my own fault. But, but-

Lee Ann McAdoo: (laughs)

Lee Stranahan: ... I'm trying to hydrate. But, um, but, but the reason we call it is
we're trying to outline the philosophy of populism. We're trying to do a
different kind of journalism. It's not left, it's not right. That's straight. factual,
right? And we're trying to expose new people to, uh, the reality that the media
is lying to them. So that's what we do there.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Hmm.

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Lee Stranahan: And we also have CitizenJournalismSchool. com. We also have [00:39:00] where I've laid out the factual case against
McMaster and I leave the White House phone number. And what else did you ...
You asked me about something else too?

Lee Ann McAdoo: Yeah, just different ways people can, can stay in touch with you and follow you
and support you.

Lee Stranahan: I'm very, I'm very active on Twitter and then Fault Lines is the show on Sputnik
and we, we broadcast that every day on Periscope. Uh, my sons helped me with
a lot of this stuff we hope. My wife and I were homeschooled for a long time.
Uh, so my 25 year old and my 16 year old son both work with [00:39:30] me. Uh,
and they're, they're, they're great. And, uh, come here, Jack. Wait, [crosstalk

Lee Ann McAdoo: A family affair. (laughs)

Lee Stranahan: He's, he's right [crosstalk 00:39:39]

Lee Ann McAdoo: Hey, Jack.

Lee Stranahan: This is my son Black Jack.

Lee Ann McAdoo: (laughs)

Lee Stranahan: Fine looking young man. And, uh, uh, Jack. So Jack helps me with stuff. We have
an office here in Washington DC and, uh, we're just trying to s- spread the truth
out here. I'm the guy who got Roger Stone into the, uh, I'm the guy who
introduced Roger Stone to [Gusifer 00:39:58]. Thank you. [00:40:00] Um, but,
Sputnik is the, the Russian network that I, that I work for and we have a show on
it. But again, listen to, you'll hear I'm the only pro-Trump guy on there.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Hmm.

Lee Stranahan: And, uh, and, uh-

Lee Ann McAdoo: What-

Lee Stranahan: And do you and, by the way, let me just say one other thing. D- do you know
why I'm the only pro-Trump guy on there? Because Republicans are chicken.
The people on the left are like, "Whatever. I'll work for Russia." People who are
Republicans, even if they think the Russia witch hunt is a load of BS, [00:40:30]
are afraid. 'Cause they're Like, "Oh, I don't want to be associated with that."
Does that make sense? Like-

Lee Ann McAdoo: Well, yeah. We've already seen how they've tried to demonize people for going
on RT.
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Lee Stranahan: That's right. And I, I've been on RT and I'll go in RT again. I'll go anywhere.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: Th- th- because here's the thing, they try to demonize you. They demonizes me
when I was at Breitbart. They're going to demonize me for appearing on

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

Lee Stranahan: I've been on CNN. I'll, any, any place with [00:41:00] a microphone that wants
me, I, I'll do ... This is true. I'm not joking. If people have a podcast and they have
10 listeners and they want to interview me, I'll do the podcast because I don't
keep two sets of books. In other words, I say what I say, wherever I say it.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: I don't look at the microphone and go, "No, wait, it's Infowars so I want to tell
them one thing." And, uh, "Oh, gee it's CNN so I want to be nice." You know,
right? I'm nice to everybody.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Cater to their audience, yeah. Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: Yeah. I mean, I [00:41:30] don't go on to bicker with Don Lemon and call out
everything he's ever done I think is bad. But if he says something that's not true
about people like Steve Bannon, I correct him forcefully.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: And uh, that's what I do. And so, uh, so I, I like to point that out because I, I, it's
very sad to me that Republicans are so skittish. And it's the same thing, you
know what it's like, you have people who won't appear on Infowars, right?

Lee Ann McAdoo: Absolutely. Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: Who are just like, "Oh, we don't wanna ..." It's silly. [00:42:00] It's silly.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: [crosstalk 00:42:01]

Lee Ann McAdoo: Lee.

Lee Stranahan: I don't agree with everything Infowars has said, but I don't need to and I don't
agree with everything everybody says so.

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Lee Ann McAdoo: Exactly. No, and that's how I feel. I, it, you have to have your own mind and, and
feel free and know that there are some outlets out there that are the only
outlets that are going to be giving you the, the information that they have
versus, um, just sort of selecting what you're allowed, what you're allowed to

Lee Stranahan: Amen.

Lee Ann McAdoo: ... in order to push certain narratives. So, Lee, just kind of closing [00:42:30]
comments, uh, with, with all of your, um, history and the research that you've
been doing with these, uh, the revolutions and the overthrows, what do you
want people to understand about what's happening with Steve Bannon and
McMaster and what does that look like for this country? If they are successful in
taking down Trump.

Lee Stranahan: That's a great question, Lee Ann. What I want people to know is that it's up to
them to do something about it. Sitting back and being cynical and saying, "Oh,
well, I guess it's over." [00:43:00] You're being a victim at that point. Pick up the
phone 202-456-1111. That's the White House phone number. It'll take you 10
minutes. Between 9:00 and 4:00 eastern, leave a comment. Tell the President
what you think. This is a president that nobody thought could win the primaries
and he did. Nobody thought he could win. You know what I mean by nobody?
The, the experts.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

Lee Stranahan: Right? That's what I mean by nobody. A lot [00:43:30] of us did. Uh, the reason
he won is because he heard the voice of the people. What they're trying to do
with Trump right now is separate him out from the people and from the people
like Steve Bannon who know what the people want. Trump supporters need to
make their voice heard. Pay attention to what the left does. Constant activism,
constant activism, and don't fall into their traps. [00:44:00] Don't be a hypocrite.
Don't be a liar, right? If, if they, if they refuse to call out the communists, that's
okay, that's them. You call out. Now I'm, I'm opposed to Nazis for the same
reasons that I'm opposed to Communists. I'm opposed to big state gover- you
know, status governments that murder people. Call me crazy.

Lee Ann McAdoo: (laughs)

Lee Stranahan: But any status government that murders people, I'm opposed to. Right? I'm
opposed to the deep state, I'm opposed to, to do an overreach, but [00:44:30]
I'm not opposed to law enforcement. I like police officers. It's not their fault if
the politicians tell them understand down. We cannot give up activism at this
point. You cannot get cynical. You cannot be the victim. And the other thing I
would say, and I say this as a reporter, uh, and as a, as a Christian without
getting theological, is don't give into hate. I just, I'm not telling, I just don't do it.
There's a zillion reasons. You don't, you don't need to be a Christian to say that,
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uh, but it helps. (laughs) [00:45:00] Uh, but don't give into hate. Don't give into
hate. You know what you're seeing in some cases people are really giving into
hatred and they're going, "Oh well this ..." And by the way, that's exactly what
they want. You have to understand.

Who do you think Barack Obama was trying to agitate, the left or the left and
the right? Do you think he was trying to, to make you mad too? Because he was.
He wasn't just trying to make the people in Baltimore mad, or the people in
Ferguson mad, he was trying to make the Republicans [00:45:30] mad. There's a
reason he didn't call it, them out. There's a reason he never did that. It's 'cause
they get people so frustrated that they lose it and kill people, uh, he left loves
that so much. They love it when you kill people. They love it. They love it when
you say racist stuff. You see what I'm saying? That's what they're waiting for.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

Lee Stranahan: So, uh, they, they love it. And what they do is they poke and they poke and they
poke and they poke and they poke, and then if they get [00:46:00] somebody
like this guy in, in, uh, in Charlottesville, apparently. We don't know, again, he's
not convicted yet, but he sure seems guilty to me, but it's still alleged. Right?
But okay, don't give into hate on that. Don't give into hate and just go, "Okay,
yeah, that guy was wrong." He's wrong because he's a collectivist. His ideology
was wrong. He's very similar to the Antifa people who were fighting him really.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Right.

Lee Stranahan: And let's, let's then move on and, and, and answer [00:46:30] this stuff with love
and reason 'cause that's the, that's the way to when old. I really believe that.

Lee Ann McAdoo: I think so too. I, I just myself, I think I know so many people who get so
frustrated yelling at a wall or yelling at people who are so attached dogmatically
to their ideology. I just kinda want to tap out most of the time. (laughs) But
that's part of the plan as well. Just, uh, exhaust people so much that they just
check out and say, "You know what? Fine, if you want this country, you can take
it. I don't even care. I'm just so tired." [crosstalk 00:46:59]

Lee Stranahan: ... [00:47:00] advice and get a fidget spinner.

Lee Ann McAdoo: (laughs)

Lee Stranahan: That's the thing they should clearly ... If people get frustrated, just get a fidget
spinner and dance around like Alex was. That was the best video, that video was

Lee Ann McAdoo: Yeah. Stay sane. (laughs) Well, Lee, thank you so much for giving us your time
today and we'll definitely stay tuned. Uh, if you got any more bombshells, we'll
be glad to have you back on.
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Lee Stranahan: We, we have more coming, actually. I have more stuff in Ukraine DNC I can't talk
about right now 'cause I have a source who's afraid quite frankly.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lee Stranahan: And, um, we'll have that coming very soon, Lee Ann. Th- [00:47:30] thanks so
much for the time. God bless. Thank you.

Lee Ann McAdoo: Thank you.

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