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Big Question

How many forms of

tourism can be

Overall Expectations

C1: Impacts of Travel and

Tourism: assess impact of
tourism and different modes
of travel from a geographical

C2: Sustainable Tourism and

Stewardship: analyze
strategies for the protection
of natural and cultural
resources that are essential to
tourism, and assess their
effectiveness. What is Tourism?
Focusing on what is tourism and the impact it can have from a
Specific Expectations
geographic perspective, this lesson will provide a based line for inquiry
into the subject of sustainability and interrelationships between
C1.1: assess the impact of humans and the natural world.
tourism, both positive and
negative on the natural
environment. Today we will learn… Success Criteria:
• What different types of I can: identify different types
C1.2: assess the impacts of
tourism, both positive and tourism exist  
 of tourism and the motivations
negative on cultural to participate in them.
resources • What I believe to be the
C1.5: assess the impacts of impact, both positive I can: evaluate the impact a
tourist travel on the and negative of certain form of travel has on
environment and on human particular form of the community it is visiting.

C2.2: explain the
responsibility of tourists to • To consider the I can: define the
respect the artistics, cultural responsibility tourists responsibilities tourists have
heritage, social norms and
environment of destinations. have when visiting other when visiting new places. 


Key Words Minds on:  Motivational Hook / Engagement /
Beach Tourism
Nature Tourism

Sport Tourism

Cultural Tourism
Teacher Does: Student Does:
Event Tourism
Where Have I Been: Hook Where Have I Been:
Family & Friends Tourism

(10-15 min)
Religious Pilgrimage

Eco Tourism

Service Tourism
In the form of a scavenger Using their previous
Rural & Agriculture Tourism
hunt, students will knowledge, students will
circulate the classroom and engage in a scavenger hunt to
find different students who find as many students who fit
Where Have I Traveled Handout have participated in the different categories of
- Hook
different types of tourism. tourism. If there are students
Chart Paper & Markers  

Students will be provided who have not traveled

Handout of Questions and
Facts to Consider for the Main with different types of anywhere, have them write
forms of Tourism
tourism on the board. on others sheets the places
PowerPoint with Definitions Instructions are provided they would go & what form
on the Where Have I Been of tourism
Assessment for Diagnostic: Carousel Mind Maps  & Scavenger Hunt Exit Cards
Learning: Diagnostic: Scavenger
Written/ Do Formative: Students will make Anchor Charts about a Hunt List
Assessment As Learning: particular form of tourism, its pros, cons and how it can be
Written/Say sustainable based on their current knowledge.
Assessment As Learning:
Written Formative: Exit Card on what they have learned

Action:  During /Working on It

Teacher Does: Student Does:

Carousel Activity: (12 minutes) Carousel Activity:

Dividing the class into 10 groups, on chart Students will travel around the classroom
paper have students spend 1 minutes at each and write as much as they can. If they can
station writing on a mind map, what they not think of characteristics they should also
believe a particular form of tourism is all be encouraged to write destinations or

about. Complete it in the form of a mind map, groups that support these forms of travel.
and stress that ideas are not to be reported. Students should be thinking about the
1. Beach Tourism different types of tourism they are
2. Nature Tourism interested in.
3. Sport Tourism
4. Cultural Tourism
5. Event Tourism
6. Family & Friends Tourism
7. Religious Pilgrimages
8. Eco Tourism
9. Service Tourism
10. Rural & Agriculture Tourism
(But not limited to the above)
PowerPoint: ( 10 minutes) (Tourism Definition
Handout) Students should be listening attentively and
thinking of questions regarding the
Providing students with a handout encourage different types of tourism. Employ the note
students to listen to the different official making method, where they do not write
definitions of tourism. down what they are shown but write down
questions that they think of.

Anchor Chart Creation:

Anchor Chart Creation (25 min)
Students answer the questions provided
In 7 Groups students will make anchor charts
and add any more that stick their interest
for 7 of the most prominent forms of tourism.
while they were listening to the
You can decide from the 10 that were used in
the carousel activity.  Here they will answer
the following questions:
Suggested Topics
- Compare the pros and cons of this form of
1. Beach Tourism
travel? To the culture, environment,
2. Sport Tourism
community etc.
3. Cultural Tourism
- Why is this form of tourism attractable?
4. Event Tourism
- What do you think could be the ways it can
5. Family & Friends Tourism
be made sustainable to support the natural
6. Ecotourism
world and human interests? 

7. Nature Tourism

Consolidation & Connection

Sustainability Exit Card (5- 15 min)

Before students leave read to them the definition of sustainability by the UNESCO WORLD
HERITAGE SITES: (Place this Definition on the PowerPoint)

Sustainable approach to tourism refers to the reality that neither the natural environment nor the
socio-culture of the host communicates are impaired. Sustainability implies that tourism
attractions and resources should be used by future generations and should not be compromised.

From that reading and it posted on the screen or black board, have students reflect on their
learning and to providing a diagnostic understanding what students know about sustainability.

• Do you agree that sustainability is important when we discuss tourism. Why or Why Not?
• Do you agree or disagree with the definition of sustainable travel. If no, explain why and
provide a different definition.
• Name 2 things you learned and 1 thing you want to learn more about, and how will you do

Tourism Definitions

Beach Tourism: referring to the 3 S’s, this form of tourism is looking for sun, sand and sea.

Typically, a form of mass tourism, beach tourism occurs in coastal towns where the weather

conditions are sunny and weather is mild. Near these areas, business is planned around the tourist

in mind with many hotels and leisure activities available.

Nature Tourism: a product that is representative of a diverse set of activities focusing on a

particular natural attraction. Attractions can include unique natural features, landscape, or

wildlife. Features such as these may be protected by a nature park or preserves.

Sport Tourism: sport tourism can include traveling to participate in a particular type of sport in

a particular region or natural formation. This form of tourism can be for people for participate in

the sport at home and vacation to visit new sensory or course. It can also include hunting and

fishing as a form of sport under its umbrella.

Cultural Tourism: Considered to be one of the broadest forms of tourism, cultural tourism

encompasses a vast range of attractions and activities and overlap with other form of tourism. In

general, the purpose of cultural tourism is to experience other cultures and cultural attractions.

Event Tourism: Based on special events as a category of attraction, event tourism is when

people travel away from home to visit a country or city because an particular event is being held

in that location. They can be annually or one time only but events can include: sports (Olympics,

World Cup), concerts, festivals, ceremonies etc.

Family & Friends Tourism: One of the most common products in which most people

participate. Linking places of origin to families and friends, the purpose of this form of tourism is

to visit family and spend time with them rather than seeing the country or city they are living.

Religious Pilgrimages: Often considered an historic form of tourism, religious pilgrimages

were more common during the Middle Ages. Today, you can see it in the form of people

traveling to places they consider to be holly such as the Vatican, Jerusalem or Mecca. Tours and

guides are based around these pilgrimages to help people feel connected towards their religion.

Eco Tourism: responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the

well-being of the local people, and involves interpretation and education (TIES, 2015).

Service Tourism: Traveling to a place to volunteer one's time providing aid, assisting with local

development contributing to conservation efforts, participating in research, etc. This form of

tourism usually sees transit from a more developed country to a less developed country. This is

sometimes considered a form of tourism for the explorer who wants to go to out of the ordinary


Rural & Agriculture Tourism: Hard to define rural tourism often refers to participating in

activities such as scenic drives, country picnics or hunting. It can also include participating in

horseback riding, and hiking. Agriculture is also put into this form of tourism because of

similarities which include tourist taking part in “farm” life like pick your own food.

Where Have I Been
There are many different reasons why we travel around the world or
within our own country. We might take a journey to another city or travel to
other countries.

Individually, think about a journey that you have made in the last couple
of years. Once you have filled in a few boxes, circulate around the room and
find different people who have traveled to different places. Record your
answers below.

Where did you Who was What was the Predict the
travel? travelling? reason for the Type of
journey? Tourism.


Do you agree that sustainability is important when we discuss tourism? Why or

Why Not?

Do you agree or disagree with the definition of sustainable travel? If no,

explain why and provide a different definition.

Name 2 things you learned and 1 thing you want to learn more about, and how
will you do so?


Do you agree that sustainability is important when we discuss tourism? Why or

Why Not?

Do you agree or disagree with the definition of sustainable travel? If no,

explain why and provide a different definition.

Name 2 things you learned and 1 thing you want to learn more about, and how
will you do so?


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