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cu») United States c2) Patent Application Publication co Pu ODUOR et al. oy oy ~ en @ G0) SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR CONTEXT-BASED DRIVER MONITORING Applicant: Inter Corporati tional Business Machines 1. Amaonk, NY (US) Inventors: ERICK NELSON ODUOR, Nairobi (KE, SAMUEL OMONDI, Nairobi (KE); MICHLAKE TATSUBORI, Nairobi (KE); AISHA WALCOTT. [Nairobi (KE JOHN MBARI WAMBURU, Nairobi (KF) Appl. Now 15/430,212 Filed: Feb, 10, 2017 Foreign Application Priority Data No.: US 2018/0060970 Al (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 1, 2018 US 2018006097081 Publication Classification GI) Incr. G60 dans (2006.01) GOIC 2134 (200501), Baw 1009 2006.01), (2) US. Cl. cr 6060 40/08 (2013.01). GOIC 21734 (013.01), B6oW” 253014 (2013.01); B6OI” 254030 (2013.01); BOW 2530/14 (2013.01), BOOW 40209 (2013.01) 6 ABSTRACT The disclosure provides electronic systems and methods for ‘monitoring and improving driver behaviour Driver manet- ver data is obtained and used along with contextual dat ia ‘order to determine enhanced estimates of driver and route Fiskiness. The output of the determination ean be used by’ @ Sep. 1.2016 (KE) KE/P/2016/2851 variety of users including insurance providers In-Vehicle In-vehicle Device < Sensor 100 110 a ————— Maneuver Detection system Context Driver Behaviour DB 210 Context Data Source 120 Road Hazard Map 150 Driver Score Module 250 > > v Context Based Driver Score 260 Recipient 900 Patent Application Publication Mar. 1,2018 Sheet 1 of 3. US 2018/0060970 Al In-Vehicle In-vehicle Device <-~ Sensor 100 110 Maneuver Detection System 200 4 Context Driver Driver Score Behaviour DB =—> Module 210 250 Context Data Source 120 Road Hazard Map 150 FIG. 1 Context Based Driver Score 260 Patent Application Publication Mar. 1,2018 Sheet 2 of 3 US 2018/0060970 A1 Distributed In-Vehicle DBaaS Device 130 100 ms Map Context-based Matching Driver Score 160 260 Maneuver Detection Get Context System 220 200 Context Data Source Context Driver Behaviour DB 210 120 FIG. 2 Patent Application Publication Mar. 1,2018 Sheet 3 of 3 US 2018/0060970 Al Sensor File e115) Detect Driver Behaviours 201 l Context Driver Behaviours DB 210 Sensor File 115 Detect Road Hazards 151 | Road Quality DB 152 oo Get Context 220 Context FIG. 3 Data Source 120 US 2018/0060970 AI CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED 'APPLICATIONS| 10001] This application claims foreign prorty to Kenyan Application KEZP/2016/2551 filed Sep. 1, 2016, the com- plete disclosure of which is expressly incorporated herein by reference in its entirety forall purposes, FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] _Inembodiments, the technical fed ofthe invention js electronic systems and methods for mositoring and Jmproving deiver behaviour BACKGROUND 10003], Usage-based insurance is widely used inthe trans- Portation industry, but is sub-optimally administered due t0 slack of relevant information and an inability to sulicently Jncomporate available information, among other reasons. Determination of coverage and premiums for vehiele insur- ‘ance may not incorporate driving coalext such as the con ditions in which a driver is driving driver skills and babits, ‘and so on. Furthermore, the insurance packages offered 10 driver: by the insurince industry tend to be relatively homogeneous, even though driving skills and driving envie ronments vary widely 10003] Typically, insurance includes 1wo types of cover age: private and commercial policies. Packages are rogu- Tated at valoation of the vehiele and may not account for driver behaviour 10005) In developing countries, policyholders and vehicle ‘owners may aot be the nominal drivers of insured vehicles Fathermore, roadways are dynamic with numerous modes ‘of transport requiring vehicles to execute mancuvers {0 avoid hazards such as pedestrians, motorbikes, and push ‘earls. All ofthese factors result in situations where policies and premiums are determined by Lactors that do not properly Jndicate the risk associated withthe insurance policy. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 10006] A goal ofthis invention isto provide a system 10 eam snd detect the conditions and driving context that resulted in drivers executing dangerous maneuvers. Using ‘contextual information, diver performance and behaviours ‘ean be determined and evahuated. Driver incident scores, Which are widely used in the insurance industry but are ‘ypically erudely determined, are calculated using driver behaviour weighted within driving context to beter predict Fisk associated with individual divers. Driver risk patterns ‘are determined relative wo other's performance within simi Jar context. Accordingly, the invention uses & cognitive method to reason across multiple domains, such as driver ‘behavior, oad quality, and traffic eonlitions- to understand ‘divers in any given context. Furthermore, the systems are ble to gather insights for dession support on how to drive in specific parts of rads und in ceeain conditionsicontext (oa, time of day, weather, etc) [0007] The sige-based automotive insurance industry, among others, is empossered by the methods and systems herein with an ability to rewand drivers behaving well. This furor encourages improved driver behaviour. In embodie ments, the systems can be used for pamifiction to improve Mar. 1, 2018 rivers’ driving and to rece risk, Accordingly the systems offer an aid for behavioural change and enforcement to ‘ultimately reduce the number of trallic-elated accidents and Titalities, The systems als aid insurance companies to ofr custom insurance packages (for drivers and owners), eval fate historical driver bebiviour, and predict new driver risk based in part on contextual data. The invention may allow insurance providers to expand their customer hase beyond vehicle owners to include drivers (where owners and drivers are different peoplelenitis). [0008] The systems may furter reduce the number of claims by encouraging improved driver behavior through recommendations over how to drive in certain contexts. The systems may further provide input to routing system Tor ‘minimal risk given curent driving context The systems may further auto-manufietures and producers of after market driver assistance devicessystems provide intelligent vehicle systems built fo account for driving context as well as traditional measures of risk. The systems may further aid road planning, maintenance and decision support for g0¥~ ‘emumeat to update roads that would improve overall deving conditions [0009] In an aspect, then, is 8 method for detemaining river behavior comprising: recording, by an in-vehicle sensor, a subject driver maneuver data and tagging. the subject driver maneuver data with subject metadata com- rising a subject time stamp and subject location stump: reteoving from a driver maneuver database relevant histor cal driver mancuver data, the relevant historical driver ‘maneuver data comprising tagged historical metedata com- prising ahistorical location stamp that corresponds within a threshold distance tothe subject location stamp; calculating ‘a single-incideat driver score by scaling the subject driver maneuver data aeconding to the relevant historical driver ‘maneuver data and tagged historical metadata; updating an ‘aggregate subject driver score based on the single incident ‘river score: and establishing a communication link with aa falomated insurance premium system and communicating the updated aggregate subject driver scone tothe automated Jnsurance premim system. In erabodiments [0010] the subject time stamp is provided by an in-vehicle clock or a GPS signal, and wherein the subject location Stamp is provided by # GPS signal or determined from & plurality of cellular signals: [O11] the subject maneuver data is determined fom plurality of in-vehicle sensors, [012] the historical metadata further comprises conte: ‘ual information selected from weather, time of day, and [0013] the updated agaregate subject driver score is in & ‘message configured o cause the automated insurance pre- ‘ium system to automatically alter an insurance product ‘based on the updated subject driver score, [0014] the driver maneuver database is stored and main- lained remotely on a remote server, wherein the remote server is eonfigured to receive subject driver maneuver data and subject metadata [0015] further comprising updating the driver maneuver database based on the subject driver maneuver data and subject metadata [0016] the tagged historical metadata futher comprises historical weather report, and wherein the method further ‘comprises obtaining a subject weather report corresponding US 2018/0060970 AI to the subject location tamp and ads report tothe subject metadata and 10017] further comprising adding a subject weather report to the subject metadata, the subject weather report corre- sponding within a threshold distance to the subject time samp and subject location stamp, and further comprising using the subject weather report in calculating the single- incident driver sore 10018] In an aspect is a system that determines and moni- tors driver behavior comprising: an in-vehicle device com- figured to obtain subject driver mancuver data by selectively palling at lest one in-vehicle sensor at @ predetermined ‘nerval or upon a maneuver event, wherein the subject driver maneuver data is tagged with metadata comprising a subject location stamp and subject tim stamp; processor ‘coupled toa memory and a wireless network and configured to store the subject driver maneuver data in the memory ‘along with relationship data that Tinks the subject driver maneuver data toa vehicle identifier, a wireless transceiver ‘configured to transmit the relationship data and subject driver manewer data through # mobile communication network that provides access (0 a distributed network: @ receiver configured to reeeive the relationship data and the ‘subject driver maneuver data via the distributed network: and a processor coupled tothe receiver and programmed to ‘calculate a single-incident driver score by sealing the subject driver maneuver data according to relevant historical driver ‘maneuver data and historical metadata corresponding to the relevant historical diver mancuver data, the relevant his- torical driver maneuver data coreating to the subject loea- tion, wherein the processor is further programmed to update ‘an aggregate subject driver score based on the caleulsted singleineident driver score, and wherein the processor is further programmed to generate and transmit across the distributed network an alert based om the single-incident “driver score or the aggregate subject driver seore. In embod 10019] the wireless transceiver comprises a single-chip cellular basoband processor, where the single-chip cellular baseband processor comprises integrated interlace drivers that enable auxiliary components comprising loidspeakers, ‘splay, and memory moxiules to connect directly to the single-chip: 10020] the relevant historical driver maneuver data is ‘obtained fiom a driver maneuver database comprising his torical driver maneuver data aid tagged historical metadata, the histori metadata comprising & time sismp and 3 location stamp: 10021] the singl-incident driver seoee is further deter mined by relevant road hazards, the relevant road hazards determined by receiving, by the processor, road hazard locations from a road hazard map, and correlating, the location of road hazards to the subject location: 10022] the alert is configured to cause one or more setions ‘elected from: an insurance system on the distributed net- ‘work to update an insurance premium forthe driver, rote recommendation system to alter a route recommendation; & route recommendation system to determine a route least Tikely to impact a driver score; and a oad maintenance suthority to initiate a needed road repair at the subject location: the subject weather Mar. 1, 2018 {0023} the processor is further configured 10 obtain a context data pring to the subjet driver mancuver data fn! use the context data in calelating the single incident diver seo [0024] the relevant historical driver mancwver data is contained within a driver maneuver database coupled othe processor, and {0028} the relevant historical driver maneuver data is contained within a driver maneuver database coupled tothe processor, and wsherin th processors Further configured to Update the river maneuver database hased an the ealcuated Singleincident driver score (0026) In an aspect is a method for determining and ‘monitoring driver behavior comprising: obtaining, via aa invehiele device, sobjct driver maneuver data by sele- tively poling atleast one ia-vehiele senor at a preter Inined interval or pon a maneuver event, whervin the Subjoot diver maneuver dais tagged wih metadata con Peising a subject location stamp aad a subject tose stamp Storing, va a processor, the subject driver maneuver data aun rolionship data in an inevelicle memory, wherein the ‘eltonship data Kinks the subject diver mane data @ “hile denier and a wireless newerk, transating Wireless tansceiver the reatonship data ad Imanetiver dat through a mobile communication network that provides acces toa distributed network; reeiving, via a receiver, the retonship data and the subject ceiver ‘maneuver data vi the dstbted network: calculating, via 4 processor coupled to the recive,» single-ncieat river Score by scaling the subject driver maneuver data accor to relevant historical driver mancover data, wherein the relevant historical driver maneuver daa is selected from a Gaver mancuver daabase an coreates to the subject Joeation, and wherein the processor is foree programme {© update an oggregate sujet diver score hase on the single-ineieat diver score; and generating and tansmiting across the distributed network alert based on the single incident driver score or the aggregate subject driver score [0027] In an aspect isa system eomprising: a processors dnd a memory coupled to the pressor. the memory con: figure © store program instructions for instueing the processor © cary out the mets as above [0028] These and ether aspects ofthe invention wil be npareat to one of skill in the at fom the description vied herei, including the examples and claims BRIEE DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 provides flow chart for collecting data and w an alert fo a recipient according to an aspect of the invention. [0030] FIG. 2 provides a flow char for collecting data and sdetermining a context-based diver score according tan aspect of the invention, [0031] FIG. 3 provides « low chart for processing sensor files according to an aspect ofthe invention, DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF VARIOUS EMBODIMENTS, [0032] In an aspect is a method for determining driver ‘behavior comprising: recording, by an in-vehicle sensor, a subject driver maneuver data and tagging the subject driver ‘maneiver data with subject metadata comprising «subject time stamp and subject location stamp: retieving from a US 2018/0060970 AI the relevant historical prising tagged historical metadata comprising « historical location stamp that corresponds within a threshold distance to the subject location stamp: calculating a single-ineident river score by scaling the subject driver maneuver data ‘acconting tothe relevant historical driver maneuver data and, tagged historical metadata: updating an aggregate subject

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