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Installation Guide: for Windows XP 2008/11/14

/* Do the Installation at your Lab to get a high-speed Internet access is strongly recommended. */
/* Some figures are attached to illustrate you the part of installation. */
/* Your Hard drive should has at least 3GB available for installation. The whole process may take
you one hour or so. */
z The Zipped files for installation can be obtained from FTP site: with account = 
password = omnetpp.    You MUST read the “0. OMNeT++ Installation Guide” first and do it all 
by your own.   

1. Install Ghost View by running "1. gs853w32.exe" .

2. Install OMNeT++ by running "2. omnetpp-3.3-win32.exe" .

3*.Then you can run Demo simulation - although this is not a necessay installation step
Start(開始) Æprograms(所有程式) ÆOMNeT++
Select "Demo Simulations" (You may try Tictoc (the first recommended) or Aloha if you

* The is not the necessary step for installation.

4. Install VC2005 Express by executing "4. vcsetup2005.exe".

/* Use this version is a bit too OLD but it does work well with the OMNeT++ */
/* Make sure your PC/Laptop is connecting to the Internet since it is needed to download files
from network (to M/S website for M/S.NET Framework 2.0, 96MB in total) while installing.
/* You will be requested to RESTART your computer in the process of installation. Please do
so as instructed. */

5. Install Windows SDK by executing “Setup” under SDK2008_EN subdirectory in DVD

/* This process may take longer. Please seat back and wait patiently */

6. Restart your computer

7. Set Environment Variables and compiling:

(1)Start(開始) Æprograms(所有程式) ÆMicrosoft windows SDK v6.1
Select "CMD shell", then a DEBUG Build Environment window presented.
Type in: "cd bin" and then "SetEnv" (setting SDK environment)
/* Equivalently, execute “SetEnv.cmd” under "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs
\Windows\v6.1\bin" */
/* Ignore the error message: x86 compilers are not currently installed . . . */
Note: Do not close the Command Prompt (命令提示字元) after executing SetEnv. This is

very important for doing the following steps, 7.(2) and 8.

(2) Execute “vcvars32.bat” under (changing subdirectory to) "C:\Program Files\Microsoft

Visual Studio 8\VC\bin" .

8. Copy the whole "INET" subdirectory in DVD into drive C; (e.g. under C:\ or OMNeT++),
then make INET framework by executing "nmake -f" [from the INET
subdirectory where you placed in drive C:]

* Some useful info below is for your reference.   
z OMNeT++ official website     
z OMNeT++ installation     
z RFC 2581 – “TCP Congestion Control” 


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