Greenwood School District Superintendent Contract

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Revised 5-97

Revised 7-00
Revised 7-05
Revised 7-10
Revised 7-15
Superintendent of Schools Employment Contract
July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2020

The Greenwood School Board of Education believes that a thorough and effective school system is vital in providing the
best educational program for the pupils of the district and the taxpaying citizens who support public schools.

The Greenwood School Board of Education strongly supports the concept that a thorough and effective school system can
only exist if the day to day management of the schools is entrusted to a dedicated and competent person. Good
management relies on the abilities of an individual to perform the responsibilities of the position for which he/she was

It is therefore incumbent on the Greenwood Board of Directors to pursue a plan of compensation, based on responsibility
and performance, which will provide fair and adequate financial incentive for the superintendent of schools

The plan for compensation was built around the “AASA administrative evaluation model”, which involved a strong
management base concept.

The compensation plan is for salary only. All fringe benefits provided to teachers union members and ACT 93 members
are provided to the superintendent. Additional fringe benefits are included in this contract. The entire Board must vote on
the approved plan for implementation with each contract renewal.

The starting salary shall be $121,000 for the initial year of the contract. The salary increase each year shall be based on
the district superintendent evaluation tool. Each board member will individually evaluate the superintendent’s
performance using the approved tool. The superintendent’s score should be used as a guideline to the board when
determining salary increases in each year of the contract. The Chairperson of the school board personnel committee will
review the summary evaluation with the superintendent. The Board personnel committee chair will review the evaluations
and prepare a summary report. A full report will be presented to the entire Board. The Board will then decide to accept
or change the findings. The superintendent should be notified of the results of the evaluation and the salary increase for
the upcoming year by July 1 of the contracted year.

A satisfactory score of 150 points or higher will result in the Superintendent being eligible for the percentage increase that
is stipulated in most recent Greenwood Education Association Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Superintendent Rating Scale

The Board shall use the average teacher percentage increase from the Greenwood Education Association Collective
Bargaining Agreement to determine the salary increase percentage at the satisfactory rating. The following scoring
ranges should serve as a guideline to the Board:

0-125 = Unsatisfactory
126-149 = Needs Improvement
150-199 = Satisfactory
200- 230 = Exceeds Expectations
231-250 = Superior

Benefits and Obligations

1. The District Superintendent agrees to devote his full time, skill, labor and attention to the duties of the
superintendent during the term of the contract. The district superintendent, upon approval by the Board of
Directors, may undertake speaking engagements, writing, lecturing, or teaching a class as long as these
activities do not interfere with superintendent’s obligations to the district.

2. The board shall extend all other rights, benefits, and contract agreements as provided in the Greenwood
Education Association contract and ACT 93 agreement.

3. Superintendent is exempt from paying non-resident student tuition costs for their children to attend
Greenwood School District.

4. Superintendent is granted all holidays as allocated to the students and staff throughout the school year.

5. The Board shall reimburse the superintendent for the full cost of tuition for approved credits taken.
Credits are paid up front with the stipulation that each administrator must remain employed for one entire
year following the last class taken or reimburse the district at a pro-rated tuition cost.

6. Dues will be paid to a professional organization. AASA, PSBA. Other dues may be paid at the board’s

7. The Board shall pay the premium on a term life, accidental death, and dismemberment insurance policy in
the amount of two times the annual salary of the superintendent for the duration of their employment
within the district.

8. The superintendent may attend the National Convention of the Professional Organization or a particular
educational advancement conference with all reasonable expenses paid each year of the contract.

9. Vacation:
17 days year 1
1 additional day for years 2-5 to a max of 22
Paid at per diem rate for up to 5 unused vacation days per year
Superintendent can carry up to 5 days per year to a maximum of 22 days

10. One sick day per month for a total of 12 per year.

11. Superintendent will pay 12% of the total medical premium of the plan of their choice.

12. District Superintendent shall be subject to removal from office in accordance with applicable law.
District Superintendent shall have the right to receive written notice of the charges, notice of hearing and
a fair due process procedure before the Board of School Directors. Both the Board of Directors and the
Superintendent shall have the right to be represented by legal counsel. The total expense of any legal
counsel or requests will be the sole burden of the party the attorney represents.

13. The term of the contract will be July 1, 2015 until June 30, 2020. The salary for 2015-2016 will be set at
$121,000 (One Hundred and Twenty One Thousand Dollars).

Superintendent of Schools _______________________________________ Date: _____________

President, Board of Directors ___________________________________ Date: _____________

Secretary, Board of Directors _____________________________________ Date: ______________

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