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Who Am I?

Mr. Gruner
Early Life
Early Life
Early Life

Born - November 23, 1994

Hometown - Oakville, Ontario

Elementary School - St. Dominics

High School - St. Thomas Aquinas

Family Life

Mother - Deb Dagenais

Father - Peter Gruner

● Both parents grew

up near Montreal,
● Moved to Oakville to
raise their family
Family Life

Older sister - Caileigh

Younger sister - Tara

● We may fight
sometimes but we will
always be there to
protect and care for
each other
Major Accomplishments
● Graduated from the Outdoor
Recreation, Parks and Tourism
program at Lakehead University
Major Accomplishments

● Dominican Republic - H.O.P.E.

3 Interesting Facts

1. Cheerleading
3 Interesting Facts

2. Love the Outdoors

3 Interesting Facts

3. Wildland Firefighting
What is a Biography?

● About the life of a person, told by

someone else ● Can include:
● Nonfiction ○ Date of birth
○ Early Life
● Often told in chronological order ○ Family
● Detail about the person’s history and what ○ Major accomplishments
events throughout life made them who ○ Education
○ Hobbies
they were
○ Career
○ Interesting facts
○ Date of death

● (Author name, date) During a paragraph

● List of sources you used to get information; Alphabetical order

● No plagiarism!

● At the END of the paper on a separate page

● If you’re using a website, include the URL, author, date

○ Veteran Affairs Canada. (2017, July 19). Canadian Virtual War Memorial. Retrieved
November 21, 2017, from
etail/80000215?Joseph Edward Kilpatrick
Success Criteria
Goal: Write a biography of a soldier

● 4 paragraphs
○ Early Life
○ Family Life
○ Major Accomplishments
○ 3 Interesting Facts
○ Date of death
● Good detail and descriptive words
● Transition words
● Use your own words! No plagiarism!
○ Use quotations if you cannot use your own words
● Chronological order
● Bibliography
● Picture

Keaton Gruner was born in Oakville, Ontario on November 23, 1994. He lived in Oakville
with his mother (Deb), father (Peter), and two sisters (Caileigh and Tara). Even though they
sometimes fought, they all loved each other very much. His family spent a lot of time
together reading, going camping, and playing sports.

After graduating high school, Keaton decided to go to university somewhere new. He

travelled more than 15 hours away to his new home in Thunder Bay, Ontario. He spent four
years at Lakehead University working to get a degree in Outdoor Recreation. He is still
currently at Lakehead working to finish Teachers College.

Keaton enjoys being active and spending time outdoors. Luckily he gets to do both of
those things where he works in the summer as a forest firefighter. In his spare time, Keaton
enjoys volunteering, rock climbing, and cheerleading (Gruner, 2017).

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