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XXXX XX XX X X JROTC around Blythe

Palo Verde Valley Times
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Palo Verde
92nd YEAR
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Valley Times
$1 serving blythe,california Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Vice mayor says he won’t run again

By Cathyleen Rice
Times Reporter Tim Wade announces he will not seek re-election in November this coming election? Was there
one factor in particularly that broke
was 90 per- shared with the Times that he, Meeting with the Times on the proverbial camel’s back? If so,
After serving four years on what?
the Blythe City Council as vice cent sure too, will not run for re-election Monday, Wade discussed his
he wasn’t for city council this year. experience while serving on It was something that I wanted to try
mayor, Tim Wade said he will four years ago. Family members didn’t
going to With the mayoral and coun- council, his advice to the in-
not run in the November 2017 run again cil member election set for coming elected officials, his really want me to, but I wanted to make a
election. before Fri- Nov. 18, 2017, there are three hopes for Blythe’s future after difference and I tried it. It was fun, it was
Failing to file candidacy pa- day. seats are up for grabs in the his term is over and what lies OK, it was just not something I decided
perwork by the deadline date Wade’s upcoming election; leaving ahead in his future. to do again. I’m not sure what the future
of last Friday, Aug. 4, by 4 p.m., Vice Mayor Tim Wade announce- Mayor Joey Deconinck as the holds, but my wife wants to retire in less
three months before the city’s ment came moments after only incumbent running for Why have you decided not to run than two years, so I don’t know if we
next election, Wade said he Councilman Oscar Galvan one of the seats. for your incumbent council seat See wade/A9

Blythe & Suicide

At the Aug.
8 council
meeting,  the
council voted

Awareness, prevention
to amend a
services contract
and a gateway help with AMN
Key Solutions
By Uriel Avendano al suicide attempts from in an effort
Times Editor non-intentional self-harm to dump the
With the topic of suicide behaviors. Many suicide same council’s
generally stigmatized and attempts, however, go un- previous
too often avoided, the re- reported or untreated. Sur- discussions
alities of seeking help be- veys suggest that at least of a Transient
comes that much starker one million people in the Occupancy
when resources — and can- U.S. each year engage in Tax (TOT) and
dor — are seemingly out of intentionally inflicted self- explore a
reach. harm.” marijuana tax
“Data showed over a Earlier in the year, the measure in a
two year period (2012 — matter of suicide in Blythe 2018 ballot
2014), Blythe experienced came to the forefront of An-
instead. After
6 fatalities and 49 total tillon’s priorities in her at-
conducting some
injuries due to suicide,” tempt to bring preventative
and awareness training to preliminary work
stated Rebecca Antillon, a on this item,
Riverside County Public the rural community.
In the below Q&A inter- the consultant
Health Department Pro- advises that now
gram Coordinator. “45% of view, Antillon addresses
her department’s efforts, is not the best
these incidences occurred
among adults ages 25 — 44. the data, gatekeeper train- time to move
Although the factors that ing and formulating a last- forward with
contributed to these spe- ing plan moving forward: this type of tax
cific suicides are unknown increase,” stated
to us, some of the common Q: Thank you for taking the Interim City
risk factors of suicide in- time. Could you touch on who Manager Mallory
clude: depression, physical you are, what your organization Crecelius.
and mental illness, alcohol does?
and substance abuse, in- Antillon: My name is Rebecca Photo by Uriel
carceration, loss and oth- Antillon and I am a Program Coor- Avendano/Palo
er stressful life events or dinator with the Riverside University Verde Valley
changes.” Health System – Public Health De- Times
According to the Ameri- partment (RUHS-PH). I have worked

Council bury hotel tax in 2018,

can Foundation for Suicide with RUHS-PH for 15 years, specifi-
Prevention (AFSP), in the cally in the Injury Prevention Services
U.S., there is an average of branch. The mission of RUHS-PH is
121 suicides per day. to promote and protect the health of

eye marijuana and sales instead

“No complete count is all county residents and visitors. To
kept of suicide attempts assist with this mission, the Injury
in the U.S.; however, each Prevention Services (IPS) branch
year the CDC gathers data was established in 1994 to mitigate
from hospitals on non-fatal injuries occurring among county
injuries from self-harm,” residents. Our branch currently offers By Uriel Avendano increase and explore a AMN Key Solutions crease,” stated Interim
states the AFSP. “494,169 programs to address child passenger Times Editor marijuana tax measure to provide services re- City Manager Mallory
people visited a hospital safety, bicycle and pedestrian safety, initiative on a 2018 bal- lated to the feasibility Crecelius. “She be-
teen impaired driving, water safety, At the Aug. 8 Blythe
for injuries due to self- lot instead. of placing a Transit Oc- lieves the best strategy
harm. This number sug- and finally teen suicide. City Council meet- The city’s contracted cupancy Tax (TOT) on for the city would be
gests that approximately ing, the council voted measure consultant is the ballot. After con- to place a cannabis tax
12 people harm themselves Q: Earlier this year, you were unanimously to amend AMN Key Solutions ducting some prelimi- on the June 2018 ballot.
for every reported death by involved in formulating a grant a consultant services senior strategist Ann nary work on this item, It is recommended the
suicide. However, because application to the RAP (Regional contract with AMN Key Knock. the consultant advises council authorize the
of the way these data are Access Project) Foundation to Solutions to dump dis- “On January 10, that now is not the best city manager to execute
collected, we are not able help raise suicide awareness cussions of a Transient (2017,) Council entered time to move forward this first amendment
to distinguish intention- See suicide/A9 Occupancy Tax (TOT) into an agreement with with this type of tax in- See tax/A5

Blythe facility to be named in honor of John Dobbs

By Cathyleen Rice of John Dobbs,” the emo- nice in memory of John, loved resident of Blythe. ily, group or organiza- Blythe,
Times Reporter tional topic became a he asked for the item to “On July 26, we lost tion that has provided or •  Significant financial
discussion on what mea- be placed on the agenda John Dobbs, a devoted meets one or more of the contributions toward the
Last Tuesday’s city
sures the city could take and to see what others and respected member of following criteria: construction of a facility
council meeting brought to recognize Dobbs’ last- thought. the Blythe community,” of the city of Blythe, or an
• Extraordinary service
teary eyes and a few si- ing legacy. Opening the item for the agenda reads. to the city of Blythe as a endowment for mainte-
lent moments as people Presented before the discussion, Wade said, Seeking council’s ap- staff member or volun- nance for operating costs
collected their thoughts board and meeting at- “John and I were the same proval for naming a street teer, of a city of Blythe facility
on how to best honor the tendees, Vice Mayor Tim age, and we had been after Dobbs, Wade asked • Notable achievements or
late John Dobbs. Wade said after being friends over 40 years.” for everyone’s input. by a city of Blythe com- •  Geographical, histori-
Listed on the agenda as approached by a fellow Passing away after a According to the agen- munity leader who has cal, or ecological relation-
item number 16, “Nam- classmate on social media 19-month battle with glio- da, a facility can be named significantly contributed ships indigenous or of sig-
ing a city street in honor about doing something blastoma, Dobbs was a be- after an individual, fam- to the public service in See dobbs/A9

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