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From: Ron Phillips

“A year ago, I had a dream, Jesus came riding on a beautiful white

horse, with a handsome white caring bag on his shoulder, with the
words written on it, "Promises Fulfilled." I looked up and there were
innumerable angels riding behind him with the same bag and the
same words written upon them.”

“As the Lord came riding up to me he looked down at me and smiled.

I smiled back and as I was looking up at Him I saw an official
document in the folds of His robes. I asked Him: Lord what is that
document in your robe? He smiled and reached down and pulled it
out and with a big smile He handed it to me and said. "It is your
Promises Fulfilled." I awoke with such joy I was in tears.”

Then I get this article today, it is long, but please real it all.

For I believe that 2018 is the year of "Promises Fulfilled."

Johnny Enlow

March 5 at 9:31pm ·

“Promises Fulfilled” wins Fountain of Youth!

This remarkable headline made the news March 4th (March forth) as an
18-1 odds horse won the pre-Kentucky Derby race called, Fountain of
Youth. Everything about this race is so prophetic that is just has to be noted
and acted on. Remarkably for about the last 3 weeks the Lord has been
speaking to me the phrase “Fountain of Youth” and I have been planning to
write on that. Then last night, I was awakened and spoken to about how
God is re- energizing his more seasoned sons and daughters. Today I was
awakened to the news of this under the radar horse race that speaks
volumes. Meanwhile March 2, the day before the race, here at our
California home we experienced our most exhilarating experience ever with
rainbows and double rainbows as we literally had rainbows from sun-up to
sun-down in the most brilliant hues. One rainbow did not move for three
hours and I could not stop taking pictures all day. We all knew that the
rainbow speaks of His promises and so were encouraged - but the news of
Promises Fulfilled winning took it all to another level of catalytic excitement.

Good Magic was the Overwhelming Favorite

Part of the noteworthy story line of this race was that a horse named Good
Magic was the overwhelming favorite while Promises Fulfilled was an 18-1
underdog. Good Magic came in third almost 5 lengths behind Promises
Fulfilled and a horse named Strike Power came in second. What a story
line, Promises Fulfilled beats out Good Magic and Strike Power to win the
2018 Fountain of Youth race! It is not by might nor my power but by My
Spirit says the Lord. If we needed to know the timing on when we should
see Promises Fulfilled winning the Lord is saying that it is 2018. Don’t worry
about the odds being against you- because in 2018, 18-1 odds makes you
a runaway winner.

Romans is the Trainer

As part of God’s wonderful story-telling capability that always amazes me, I

also took great delight in noting that a man named Dale Romans was the
trainer for Promises Fulfilled. It is Romans 8 that speaks of creation
groaning and travailing for the sons and daughters of God to arise and
shine and reveal the kingdom. It is Romans 15:8 that says “Now I say that
Jesus Christ has become servant to the circumcision for the truth of God, to
confirm the PROMISES made to the fathers.” Father God is the Promise
Maker and through Jesus He is the one that makes Promises Fulfilled. This
is a message to all of us but an additional message regarding Israel cannot
be missed as the Jews in a practical way were “the circumcision”. Abraham
and the patriarchs received many promises and this passage in a primary
way was speaking into God’s specific promises to the fathers regarding
Israel. As we approach Israel’s 70th birthday since resurrection from the
"cemetery of nations" we see this verse and the message of this race
carrying great relevance. In May our President will go to Israel as the
United States confirms Jerusalem as Israel’s eternal capital, by opening an
embassy there. It reverberates in the spirit-realm and is why the still
rebellious nations of the world raised a massive protest.

The Fountain of Youth is Open

It was truthfully almost more than I could handle in a good way to see that
the race won was a race called Fountain of Youth. This because God has
been speaking to me of how Caleb regenerated through vision and faith
and saw his 85 year old body be as strong as his 40 year old body (Joshua
14). Caleb had the strength and courage to go to Joshua and say “give me
my mountain” and then asked for the toughest mountain to take. I believe
that the Lord has a Fountain of Youth opened up in the spirit-realm and He
is inviting all His sons and daughters to come drink. This Fountain of Youth
carries a new living water that not only can extend life but can extend it at a
high quality level. You drink of this Fountain of Youth when you buy into
God’s present day narrative of this being Kingdom Age advancement time
as opposed to buying into the tired and worn out narrative of “we are just
hanging on until Jesus rescues us.” Promises Fulfilled doesn’t win by sitting
in the stands speculating on when it’s all going to end. Promises Fulfilled
wins by running his race. Promises Fulfilled doesn’t win by assuming that
the enemy has all the Magic and all the Power and therefore no sense
even getting in the race. If you keep reading all the conspiracy theories out
there you won’t even run. Promises Fulfilled, however, wins by being
trained by the prophetic declarations of Romans and then expecting to be a
part of those declarations.

Who Said 80 is Old?

I was reading this morning about Marilyn Hickey and that at age 86 she has
been having the most remarkable meetings in Pakistan. In her last set of
meetings she spoke to over 1 million and she saw thousands and
thousands of miracles as she taught about a relationship with Jesus. Now
Pakistan is not for the faint of heart even if you're 40, but Marilyn Hickey
doing this at her age makes her truly a Wonder Woman. She is getting
almost no persecution because the Muslims see her as a powerless
woman and she declares "even the terrorists think she is just a stupid old
woman”. However many Pakistanis are calling her the “Mom” of Pakistan
and she has made some great friendships even with Imam’s and other
Muslim leaders. In her own words “Muslims love me”. Somebody forgot to
tell Marilyn that retirement was over 20 years ago.

One of the worst things you can do is retire. There is no retirement for a
child of the King who has any understanding of his or her call. Retirement is
in Heaven and it will be unbeatable luxury, joy, presence etc. On this side
you are only to Refire. When you think or speak retirement over yourself
your body picks up the cue to begin shutting down its engines. Get your
Caleb-vision awakened and find your next Kingdom assignment even if it is
not in your prior marketplace. When the world tosses you out as too old,
God says, "I have your best days yet before you- if you will stay in the

To Those Born 1929-1947 (age 70-89)

Last night, again before hearing about Promises Fulfilled, the Lord was
speaking to me about various age groups. To those born during the Great
Depression Years /World War 2 era of 1929-1947 the Lord says, "I have
yet a grace on you to release into society. Whereas you were born in the
very days of lack and war, what I have for you to release is abundance and
peace. If you will choose courage and faith, I yet have exciting kingdom
adventures we can experience together. When your IRA’s and such might
fail you I will be your sustenance. Keep Me as your Most High Trust
Account. I even have the next level of financial abundance for you and
through you- if you will stay in faith. I will come alive in you and allow you to
carry Revival, Healing and Finances to this generation. I am your Fountain
of Youth, drink of me and be revived.”

To Those Born 1948-1967 (age 50-69)

“You were born in the years of the prophetically spoken restoration of Israel
and in an age of great change. Many of you I have called to be great
Change Agents through Prayer, Intercession and Prophetic Decrees. Your
days of greatest authority and greatest fulfillment are yet ahead. Do not
step out of your race and do not allow your faith to slacken. I am going to
allow you to be a part of releasing the greatest kingdom shifts on earth
ever. Do not get old in your mind nor in your thoughts- and keep drinking of
Me your Fountain of Youth.”

To Those Born 1968 and On (under 50)

“You I have wired with a passion to see your cities and nations
transformed. You I have wired with a new level of love for the unlovely. You
are poised to be Reformers and catalysts for the greatest Era of
Renaissance ever. As you drink of Me, you will carry all the previous
generations have carried but your assignment and your capacity is
expanded to see Me made great in society. This is the day you live in and
do not plan short term. Think, operate and plan long term. The best is yet to

Now some of you in these age brackets will find yourself more identifying
with a different age bracket and that has to do with your call to assist in
leading and inspiring those in that bracket. This is all just a general word
designed especially to exhort the over 50 to begin drinking of the Fountain
of Youth. God is going to allow us to reverse aging and going to allow us to
cure sicknesses we are presently being buffeted by- but we are going to
have to be intentional about drinking from Him and His narrative for today.
Also, I hear a question arise from those over 90, “So am I done?” and the
answer from the Lord is this “If you can ask that question you still have
enough Caleb in you to still bear fruit. You can still kill a giant. You can still
take a mountain. Drink of My Fountain of Youth and even you can see new
Promises Fulfilled.” For ALL, the time is NOW for Promises to be Fulfilled
and the time is NOW to drink of Me Your Fountain of Youth.”

Isaiah 40:31 “But they that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength; they
will mount up with wings as eagles; they will run and not be weary, and
they will walk and not faint.”
Psalm 87:7 “Both the singers and the players on instruments say, ALL my

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