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EM Critical Care



Practical Aspects Of Postcardiac Volume 3, Number 3

Arrest Therapeutic Hypothermia


David A. Pearson, MD, FACEP, FAAEM

Assistant Professor, Carolinas Healthcare System; Associate
Residency Program Director, Department of Emergency
Abstract Medicine, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NC
Alan C. Heffner, MD
Neurologically intact survival following cardiac arrest remains a Director, Medical ICU, Director, ECMO Services Pulmonary
and Critical Care Consultants, Department of Internal
challenge of modern medicine. Internationally, the rate for survival Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, Carolinas
of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest has hovered at a disappointingly Medical Center; Clinical Associate Professor, University of
North Carolina School of Medicine, Charlotte, NC
low 6%. Over the past decade, the early postcardiac arrest period
has emerged as a critical window for therapeutic intervention to Peer Reviewers

minimize cerebral injury and improve recovery. Therapeutic hypo- Jon Rittenberger, MD, MS, FACEP
thermia is a cornerstone of this early postresuscitation care. Despite Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine,
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; Attending
accumulating evidence and widespread endorsement, adoption Physician, Emergency Medicine and Post Cardiac Arrest
of therapeutic hypothermia is incomplete. This review focuses on Services, UPMC Presbyterian Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
overcoming barriers to enable practical application of this life-saving Scott D. Weingart, MD, FCCM
Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine,
treatment. Director, Division of Emergency Department Critical Care,
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY
Note From The Editor-In-Chief CME Objectives
Readers of EM Critical Care will recall our 2012 issue by Ritten- Upon completion of this article, you should be able to:
berger et al that emphasized the guiding principles of cardiocerebral 1. Describe the indications and contraindications of
resuscitation in the emergency department after cardiac arrest. In therapeutic hypothermia in postcardiac arrest.

this issue, we will expand on the discussion of the use of therapeutic 2. Describe the most effective strategy to implement
therapeutic hypothermia in your institution.
hypothermia after cardiac arrest and will address a number of the 3. Troubleshoot or prevent common complications of
challenges and logistical considerations for implementing hypother- therapeutic cooling.
mia. More than a decade after the landmark trials by Bernard et al
Prior to beginning this activity, see the back page for faculty
and the Hypothermia After Cardiac Arrest (HACA) Study Group, disclosures and CME accreditation information.
there remain challenges with uptake, implementation, and inclu-
sion/exclusion criteria for therapeutic hypothermia. This issue by
Pearson and Heffner succinctly addresses the spectrum of questions
and complexities that have evolved since therapeutic hypothermia’s
powerful benefit was demonstrated. Enjoy! - Rob Arntfield
Editor-in-Chief Clinical Research Director, Andy Jagoda, MD, FACEP Julie Mayglothling, MD Emanuel P. Rivers, MD, MPH, IOM
Robert T. Arntfield, MD, FACEP, Center for Resuscitation Science, Professor and Chair, Department Assistant Professor, Department Vice Chairman and Director
FRCPC, FCCP Philadelphia, PA of Emergency Medicine, Icahn of Emergency Medicine, of Research, Department of
Assistant Professor, Division School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Department of Surgery, Division Emergency Medicine, Senior
of Critical Care, Division of Lillian L. Emlet, MD, MS, FACEP Medical Director, Mount Sinai of Trauma/Critical Care, Virginia Staff Attending, Departments of
Emergency Medicine, Western Assistant Professor, Department of Hospital, New York, NY Commonwealth University, Emergency Medicine and Surgery
University, London, Ontario, Critical Care Medicine, Department Richmond, VA (Surgical Critical Care), Henry
Canada of Emergency Medicine, University William A. Knight, IV, MD, FACEP Ford Hospital; Clinical Professor,
of Pittsburgh Medical Center; Assistant Professor of Emergency Christopher P. Nickson, MBChB, Department of Emergency
Program Director, EM-CCM Medicine, Assistant Professor of MClinEpid, FACEM Medicine and Surgery, Wayne State
Associate Editor Fellowship of the Multidisciplinary Neurosurgery, Medical Director - Senior Registrar, Intensive Care University School of Medicine,
Scott D. Weingart, MD, FCCM Critical Care Training Program, Emergency Medicine Mid-Level Unit, Royal Darwin Hospital, Detroit, MI
Associate Professor, Department Pittsburgh, PA Provider Program, Associate Darwin, Australia
of Emergency Medicine, Director, Medical Director of Neuroscience Isaac Tawil, MD, FCCM
Division of Emergency Department Michael A. Gibbs, MD, FACEP ICU, University of Cincinnati Jon Rittenberger, MD, MS, FACEP Assistant Professor, Department
Critical Care, Icahn School of Professor and Chair, Department College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care /
Medicine at Mount Sinai, New of Emergency Medicine, Carolinas OH of Emergency Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine,
York, NY Medical Center, University of North University of Pittsburgh School Director, Neurosciences ICU,
Carolina School of Medicine, Haney Mallemat, MD of Medicine; Attending Physician, University of New Mexico Health
Chapel Hill, NC Assistant Professor, Department Emergency Medicine and Post Science Center, Albuquerque, NM
Editorial Board of Emergency Medicine, University Cardiac Arrest Services, UPMC
Benjamin S. Abella, MD, MPhil, Robert Green, MD, DABEM, of Maryland School of Medicine, Presbyterian Hospital, Pittsburgh,
FACEP Baltimore, MD PA
Research Editor
Assistant Professor, Department Amy Sanghvi, MD
Professor, Department of
of Emergency Medicine and Evie Marcolini, MD, FAAEM Department of Emergency
Anaesthesia, Division of Critical
Department of Medicine / Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Icahn School of
Care Medicine, Department of
Section of Pulmonary Allergy Emergency Medicine and Critical Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York,
Emergency Medicine, Dalhousie
and Critical Care, University of Care, Yale School of Medicine, NY
University, Halifax, Nova Scotia,
Pennsylvania School of Medicine; Canada New Haven, CT
Case Presentations Critical Appraisal Of The Literature
A 63-year-old male experienced a witnessed, out-of- The PubMed database was searched for articles
hospital collapse. The patient’s wife called 911 and initi- published from 1950 to August 2012. The terms
ated CPR. Ventricular fibrillation was recognized upon used in the search included English publications
paramedic arrival, but it was resistant to initial biphasic containing 1 or more of the following key words:
countershock. ROSC was ultimately achieved 21 min- therapeutic hypothermia, induced hypothermia, car-
utes following cardiac arrest. Hypotension (BP of 92/42 diopulmonary resuscitation, and cardiac arrest. This
mm Hg, MAP of 59 mm Hg) and persistent coma (GCS search revealed over 440 publications. The results
score = 3) are noted upon arrival to the ED. The nurse were reviewed, and relevant citations from each
asks you if this patient is a candidate for the therapeutic study were searched manually. An Internet search
hypothermia protocol, despite his prolonged downtime. for practice guidelines and clinical policies identified
A short time later, EMS brings in a 39-year-old woman the following:
with a history of asthma who called 911 for shortness of • American Heart Association: 2010 International
breath. When EMS arrived, the patient was in severe Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
respiratory distress. During transport, her respiratory status and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science
worsened, and she became unresponsive. The monitor re- With Treatment Recommendations
vealed a bradycardic idioventricular rhythm, and the patient • Australian Resuscitation Council: Adult Ad-
was noted to be pulseless. ACLS was started by EMS, and vanced Life Support Guidelines 2006
ROSC was achieved following 10 minutes of resuscitation. • Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians,
The patient remains comatose upon arrival to the ED. The Critical Care Committee: The Use of Hypother-
exam reveals symmetric diffuse expiratory wheezes, and her mia After Cardiac Arrest
chest x-ray is negative for pneumothorax. You continue to • Scandinavian Society of Anesthesiology and
aggressively treat the status asthmaticus and initiate consul- Intensive Care Medicine: Task Force on Scandi-
tation with the critical care team. You consider postcardiac navian Therapeutic Hypothermia Guidelines,
arrest therapeutic hypothermia, but you wonder whether you Clinical Practice Committee
should cool this patient following PEA arrest? • The Hong Kong Society of Critical Care Medi-
cine Position Statement: The Use of Hypother-
Introduction mia After Cardiac Arrest

Over 300,000 patients per year in the United States Efficacy Of Therapeutic Cooling
experience sudden cardiac arrest.1 Despite initial
resuscitation, neurological injury sustained dur- Evidence For Cooling Patients With
ing cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death and Ventricular Tachycardia And Ventricular
contributes to the historic survival rate of only 6% Fibrillation
to 8%.1,2 Additionally, 30% of survivors have perma- Therapeutic hypothermia is the only neuroprotec-
nent neurological injury. tive therapy that demonstrates neurological and
Therapeutic hypothermia has emerged as the survival benefit following cardiac arrest.11-13 A decade
only effective intervention to ameliorate anoxic brain of supportive investigation culminated in comple-
injury and improve neurological outcome.3 Despite tion of 2 multicenter randomized trials of therapeutic
strong evidence and endorsement by the American hypothermia in 2002. Both trials enrolled comatose
Heart Association, therapeutic hypothermia remains survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with a
an underutilized modality, with implementation first recognized rhythm of ventricular tachycardia
rates as low as 30% to 40%.4-8 and ventricular fibrillation (VT/VF).11,12 Nonshock-
Perceived barriers to implementation of able rhythms were excluded to avoid experiment
therapeutic hypothermia include lack of treatment confounding. Both trials showed improved survival
awareness, premature negative prognostication, and with good neurological outcome. (See Table 1.) The
perceived high workload demands.9,10 Regardless of Hypothermia After Cardiac Arrest (HACA) study
the reason, failure to implement this evidence-based defined a Cerebral Performance Category (CPC) score
therapy deems its ineffectiveness absolute. of 1 (patient is alert with normal cerebral function) or
This review focuses on the practical aspects of 2 (patient is alert and has sufficient cerebral function
implementing therapeutic hypothermia for post- to live independently and work part time) as a good
cardiac arrest patients, regardless of practice locale, neurological outcome. The Bernard study defined
and highlights the key resuscitation adjuncts in a “good” outcome as normal or minimal disability
the immediate and early postresuscitation phase (able to care for self; discharged directly to home). A
of illness that provide the greatest opportunity to powerful treatment impact was demonstrated with 1
achieve the goal of neurologically intact survival of survivor, with good neurological outcome achieved
cardiac arrest victims. for every 6 patients treated (ie, the number needed

EMCC © 2013 2 • Volume 3, Number 3

to treat [NNT] was 6).14 Consensus guidelines and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest regardless of initial
a systematic review endorse the use of cooling in rhythm. 15-18,25-27 Detractors of such a strategy
patients after arrest with an initial rhythm of VT/VF point to the absence of a randomized trial sup-
as a Level IA evidence-based practice.3, 4 porting use in this group. However, the hetero-
A number of institutional observational studies geneity of patient and arrest factors resulting in a
confirm the feasibility and effectiveness of thera- first-identified rhythm of PEA and asystole make
peutic hypothermia applied outside of strict re- this a challenging subset of patients to study, and
search protocols.15-19 Furthermore, these experiences future trials risk the ethical dilemma of random-
demonstrate the feasibility of supporting the use of izing patients to normothermia in light of our
therapeutic hypothermia in high-risk patients that current evidence.
were systematically excluded in the controlled trials. Many institutions with therapeutic hypother-
mia protocols cool patients regardless of arrest
Evidence For Cooling Patients With An rhythm. This affords the postarrest patient the best
Initial Rhythm Other Than Ventricular chance at neurological recovery with minimal risk.
Tachycardia And Ventricular Fibrillation Therapeutic hypothermia represents a cost-effective
One challenge to improving outcomes after cardiac resource that should be deemed part of comprehen-
arrest is the epidemiologic trend of patients present- sive postresuscitative cardiac arrest care;28 thus, we
ing with nonshockable rhythms, which is indepen- encourage cooling regardless of initial arrest rhythm.
dently associated with worse prognosis.20 Whether
or not patients with nonshockable primary arrest Evidence For Cooling Patients With
rhythms (pulseless electrical activity [PEA] and Nonprimary Cardiac Events
asystole) are eligible for therapeutic hypothermia Death due to brain injury represents the final com-
remains controversial. To date, no randomized trials mon pathway of patients experiencing anoxic or
have focused on therapeutic hypothermia for these hypoxic injury, regardless of the inciting event.
patients. Champions for this group highlight strong Thus, the best available evidence supports ex-
biologic plausibility and irrelevance (to the brain) trapolation of therapeutic hypothermia to patients
of the nonperfusing rhythm that initiated the injury. experiencing nondysrhythmogenic arrest, includ-
Observational evidence regarding therapeutic hypo- ing patients with asphyxia or traumatic nonexsan-
thermia in this patient group is conflicting.21-24 guinating arrest. (See Table 2.) Neuroprotective
We believe that defining cardiac arrest pa- cooling should not be withheld due to the lack of
tients by primary arrest rhythm is an overly sim- an “ideal” candidate, as the potential neurologi-
plistic approach that does little to discriminate cal benefit of cooling outweighs the potential risk
individual patient acuity and physiology. Re- of hypothermia in these patients. Neurological
gardless of the rhythm, once ROSC is achieved, recovery is the primary limiting factor to a positive
neurological outcome—not the illness precipitat- outcome in most of these circumstances.
ing cardiac arrest—is the primary limitation for
patient recovery and survival. In contrast to the Inclusion And Exclusion Criteria For
strict criteria we would expect of clinical trials, Therapeutic Cooling
real-world implementation should aim to exclude Institutions have slight variations of criteria for
fewer potential candidates for cooling, given the inclusion and exclusion to their postcardiac arrest
low risk and low cost of this treatment and the care bundle. Our institution’s criteria are described
absence of an alternative postarrest treatment in Tables 3 and 4 (page 4). In this protocol, cardiac
that is proven to improve survival. Multiple arrest patients are cooled regardless of initial rhythm
guidelines support application of cooling for all or arrest location (inhospital or out-of-hospital).
comatose cardiac arrest victims regardless of the Patients with severe or terminal illness and those un-
initial rhythm or arrest precipitant. 4,14 These rec-
ommendations were based primarily on observa-
tional trials showing benefit of cooling following Table 2. Nonprimary Cardiac Events That
May Benefit From Therapeutic Hypothermia
Table 1. Survival After Cardiac Arrest With • Airway obstruction
Good Neurological Outcome In Landmark • Anaphylaxis
Trials • Asphyxia
• Carbon monoxide poisoning
Hypothermia Control P
• Commotio cordis
HACA12 75/136 (55%) 54/137 (39%) .009 • Drowning
Bernard et al11 21/43 (49%) 9/34 (26%) .046 • Drug overdose (ie, narcotics, cocaine) or other toxicological poison-
Abbreviation: HACA, Hypothermia After Cardiac Arrest trial. • Hanging/strangulation • Volume 3, Number 3 3 EMCC © 2013

likely to survive the intensive care unit (ICU) based Traumatic arrest: Traumatic arrest is often listed
on comorbid disease (irrespective of cardiac arrest) as a contraindication to cooling due to the concern for
are poor candidates for cooling. hypothermia-induced coagulopathy in the setting of
The relative contraindications of therapeutic life-threatening hemorrhage. However, cardiac arrest
hypothermia (listed in Table 4) are discussed below. is a frequent precipitant of trauma. A fall or motor
Age: The sentinel trials focused on adults, but vehicle collision precipitated by cardiac arrest is a
therapeutic hypothermia also improves cerebral common scenario, so ascertaining historical events
outcomes following perinatal hypoxia. Although accurately is imperative. Patients who have nonhem-
a gap in the evidence for pediatric patients re- orrhage-related traumatic hypoxia or arrest should
mains,29,30 selected use in children is endorsed and also be considered for therapeutic hypothermia. Some
widely adopted.4 centers are utilizing therapeutic hypothermia after
Pregnancy: Successful therapeutic hypothermia gaining full control of the bleeding source in patients
of pregnant patients, although a rare circumstance, experiencing traumatic arrest from hemorrhagic
emphasizes the favorable risk-reward ratio of shock; however, little is known about the application
therapy in this situation.31-32 of therapeutic hypothermia in this setting.36
Hemodynamic instability: Hemodynamic Systemic infection: Hypothermia-associated
instability and postcardiac arrest shock are common. immune suppression warrants weighing the
Postcardiac arrest shock complicates management of perceived risk and benefit of cooling patients who
half of all comatose patients and is directly associated have cardiac arrest due to sepsis.37 Acute aspiration
with the length of cardiac arrest. Although patients pneumonia should not be considered a contraindi-
in shock were excluded from early trials of therapeu- cation to hypothermia.

tic hypothermia, accumulating evidence supports Bleeding: Since hypothermia induces coagu-
the safety and efficacy of therapeutic hypothermia lopathy, active bleeding is a relative contraindica-
among patients with serious hemodynamic instabil- tion. Therapeutic hypothermia induces platelet
ity, including those requiring catecholamine support dysfunction at temperatures ≤ 35°C and inhibi-
and intra-aortic balloon pump for severe cardiogenic tion of the coagulation cascade at temperatures ≤
shock.33 As such, shock is no longer considered a 33°C.38 Thus, some experts advocate for cooling at a
contraindication to therapeutic hypothermia induc- slightly higher temperature range of 34.5°C to 35°C
tion. New evidence also shows that therapeutic in patients with suspected or active bleeding.39
hypothermia may be associated with a reduced need Additionally, cooling is under investigation to help
for vasopressor and inotropic support in patients with treat traumatic and vascular cerebral hemorrhage.
cardiogenic shock.34,35 Patients ineligible for therapeutic cooling war-
rant active measures to avoid post-ROSC hyperther-
mia due to its potential to exacerbate brain injury.40
Table 3. Inclusion Criteria For Postcardiac Moderate-to-severe accidental or spontaneous
Arrest Therapeutic Hypothermia hypothermia associated with cardiac arrest warrants
rewarming to the goal mild hypothermia tempera-
• ROSC < 60 min after cardiac arrest ture range (32°C-34°C).
• Inhospital or out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
• Time at induction < 6 h from ROSC
• Coma (GCS score ≤ 8)
Timing Of Therapeutic Cooling
• Patient intubated and mechanically ventilated
In addition to the primary ischemic insult during
Abbreviations: GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; ROSC, return of sponta- no-flow and low-flow cardiac arrest, a second insult
neous circulation. of cerebral reperfusion injury evolves over hours
to days.41,42 This window affords an opportunity
Table 4. Exclusion Criteria For Postcardiac for initiating targeted neuroprotective therapies to
Arrest Therapeutic Hypothermia mitigate the reperfusion insult and improve neuro-
logical outcome.
Absolute Contraindications
• Severe terminal illness or Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) / Do Not
Prehospital Cooling
Intubate (DNI) order Animal studies demonstrate that cooling that is initi-
ated early results in improved survival and neuro-
Relative Contraindications logical outcome, while delays negate the beneficial
• Age < 18 y effect.43-47 The potential benefit of early therapy has
• Pregnancy led to prehospital adoption of cooling. This provides
• Hemodynamic instability the earliest possible initiation for most patients,
• Traumatic arrest
and it is most commonly achieved with ice packs
• Severe systemic infection
or cold intravenous (IV) fluids. A prospective study
• Clinical bleeding

EMCC © 2013 4 • Volume 3, Number 3

of 142 patients documented a 20% increased risk of nonreusable and costly equipment (ie, catheters or
death for every hour of delay in cooling initiation.48 surface pads costing thousands of dollars), cold IV
Additionally, a retrospective study of 172 patients fluids and ice packs are effective initial measures
revealed increased odds of poor neurological out- while exploring candidacy of individual patients.
come with each 5-minute delay in the initiation of
cooling.49 Garrett et al evaluated 551 patients after Transfer
cardiac arrest and showed that prehospital intra- Postcardiac arrest interventions are time sensitive, so
arrest cooling via 4°C normal saline was associated early initiation of treatment is essential. Facilities that
with improved ROSC (36.5%) when compared to do not have percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
normothermia resuscitation (26.9%).50 and therapeutic hypothermia capabilities are encour-

In contrast, 3 prospective randomized trials aged to initiate therapeutic cooling prior to transfer.
showed no difference in neurological outcome be- Induction of cooling can be achieved with cold IV flu-
tween the prehospital and inhospital cooling groups, id infusion and surface ice packs applied to the neck,
despite the prehospital group reaching the target groin, and axillae. Proactive development of clinical
temperature more rapidly.51-53 pathway criteria in conjunction with the development
The optimal timing of the initiation of cooling of protocols for referral to a cardiac arrest center will
to maximize benefit remains unclear. However, the help ensure smooth transitions of care.
general consensus is that early cooling should be
prioritized as a part of resuscitation. Techniques For Therapeutic Cooling
Cooling In The Emergency Department Therapeutic cooling is divided into 4 phases. These
It is important to note that prehospital cooling does include: (1) induction; (2) maintenance; (3) rewarm-
not mandate continued therapy, since many prehos- ing; and (4) controlled normothermia. In the ED,
pital protocols are designed to ensure consistent and the induction phase of therapeutic cooling will be
wide implementation. Upon arrival to the emer- the primary focus. This may represent initiation of
gency department (ED), patients should be individu- the cooling process or continuing the cooling efforts
ally evaluated for candidacy for therapeutic hypo- started by prehospital providers. The maintenance,
thermia based on institutional guidelines and the rewarming, and controlled normothermia phases
potential risk and benefit of continued treatment. If a will primarily be done in the ICU, but it is important
patient is deemed inappropriate for cooling, gradual to understand the clinical caveats of these phases,
rewarming is advised due to the potential for delete- as it may be necessary to maintain or rewarm the
rious electrolyte shifts, hemodynamic instability, and patient in the ED at times.
cerebral injury associated with rapid rewarming.54,55
The landmark trials for therapeutic hypother- Cooling Induction
mia reached the goal temperature in a mean of 2 to Induction of therapeutic hypothermia with cold
8 hours.11,12 One approach for treating cardiac arrest (4°C) isotonic fluid is safe, inexpensive, and effec-
patients with therapeutic cooling would be to achieve tive.56,57 Application of surface ice packs augments
a target temperature of 32°C-34°C in 6 hours, with the induction and may be required for patients who are
goal to cool as rapidly as possible. However, cooling intolerant of volume loading. Two benefits of cold
may offer benefit up to 24 hours after cardiac arrest fluids and ice packs are their low cost and their ease
(and possibly beyond), so delayed initiation of cool- of use (including in the prehospital setting). The con-
ing or delays in reaching target temperature does not comitant use of cold IV fluids, ice packs, and servo-
necessarily diminish the potential benefit. Given the controlled automated cooling devices for rapid cool-
potential neurological and cardiac benefit of early ing is helpful. Overshooting the goal temperature
initiation of cooling, we advocate for the earliest pos- range (< 32°C) to a point that it poses significant risk
sible induction time. Additionally, cooling should be is rare and should not make the provider hesitate
considered in all cardiac arrest patients, even in the to be aggressive with cooling measures during the
setting of delayed induction. induction phase.
Reliable core temperature measurement is an
Avoiding Delays important element for monitoring, and it provides
For inhospital arrests (ED or hospital inpatients), sup- essential feedback for the servo-controlled automat-
plies to allow rapid initiation cooling (ie, prechilled ed cooling systems. Core temperature measurement
4°C IV fluids) should be readily available; we recom- should be initiated upon arrival to the ED. Bladder
mend maintaining bags of normal saline in refrigera- or esophageal temperature sensors are most com-
tors that are easily accessible to the ED or ICU. monly used for core temperature monitoring. Newer
Extensive delays in the initiation of cooling due temperature-sensing Foley catheters do not require
to concerns over patient candidacy should be avoid- urinary flow; instead, they sense bladder outlet
ed. Since many commercially available devices have temperature. However, esophageal temperature • Volume 3, Number 3 5 EMCC © 2013

monitoring is preferred because bladder and rectal vasodilation can lead to hypotension, requiring
temperature measurements more slowly reflect core fluid and/or vasopressor support. Rapid rewarm-
temperature during rapid cooling. Oral or axillary ing causes potassium to move extracellularly, which
temperature measurements are not recommended, risks hyperkalemia.38 However, we caution against
as they may not reflect core temperature adequately, aggressive correction of potassium during rewarm-
especially when used in patients experiencing rapid ing. Low-dose repletion for potassium < 3.5 mEq/L,
temperature changes.58,59 with frequent electrolyte reanalysis, is recom-
Sedation and analgesia should be employed for mended. Equally important, cerebral injury has been
all comatose postarrest patients in order to attenuate associated with rapid rewarming and is the basis for
adrenergic response, hypermetabolism, and shiver- slow, controlled rewarming rates.54,55
ing during cooling.60 Adjunctive measures to control
shivering are often employed; these measures are Controlled Normothermia
discussed in the Troubleshooting Therapeutic Cool- The brain remains vulnerable to heat stress for sev-
ing section of this article. eral days following initial injury. Hyperthermia after
Commercially available cooling systems utilize warming is common and can lead to neurological de-
either external (noninvasive) or internal (endovascu- terioration. If feasible, keep the cooling device in place
lar) devices to complete the induction phase and tran- to maintain normothermia after completing cooling.
sition to the maintenance phase.61 (See Table 5.) There This fourth phase of controlled normothermia is often
are important logistical issues to consider regarding continued for 2 to 3 days after rewarming.
setup and use for both invasive and noninvasive cool-
ing devices, and when compared to each other, nei- Additional Considerations For
ther is superior with regard to survival or neurologi-
cal outcomes.62-64 New devices continue to emerge for Therapeutic Cooling
rapid induction. The RhinoChill® (Benechill, Inc., San
Diego, CA) delivers a coolant to the nasopharyngeal Troubleshooting Therapeutic Cooling
passages, whereas the Thermosuit® (Life Recovery The most common challenge during the induction
Systems HD, LLC, Kinnelon, NJ) uses cold-water im- phase of therapeutic hypothermia is failure to reach
mersion to induce rapid hypothermia.53,65 goal temperature in a timely fashion. Unrecognized
shivering plays a significant role. Shivering is often
Cooling Maintenance difficult to discern on examination. Failure to reach
Therapeutic cooling for 12 to 24 hours at a goal or maintain goal temperature may be an impor-
temperature of 32°C to 34°C is recommended based
on the protocols of the landmark trials. The optimal
depth and period of cooling is currently undergo- Table 5. Cooling Methods And Devices
ing investigation. Surface cooling with commercially
available water-circulating blankets or gel pads and
Noninvasive Cooling Devices
intravascular cooling appear to be more effective than
• Arctic Sun® 2000 and 5000 (by CR Bard, formerly Medivance Inc.,
conventional cooling (eg, ice packs and cold fluids)
Louisville, CO)
and air-circulating blankets.66 These new-generation • Stryker (formerly Gaymar) Medi-Therm® III (Stryker, Orchard Park,
devices provide automated control to prevent tem- NY)
perature fluctuations and to facilitate slow, controlled • Phillips InnerCool STx Surface Pad System (Phillips Healthcare,
rewarming (< 0.5°C/h). There is no clear advantage Andover, MA)
between invasive and noninvasive units. Cost is com- • Blanketrol® III Body Temperature Regulation System (Cincinnati
parable among the commercially available surface de- Sub-Zero Products, Inc, Cincinnati, OH)
vices and intravascular cooling devices. Selection of a
cooling strategy should involve the multidisciplinary Invasive Cooling Devices
team caring for these patients.62,64 • Philips InnerCool RTx Endovascular System, Accutrol® catheter
(Phillips Healthcare, Andover, MA)
• ZOLL (formerly Alsius) Intravascular Temperature Management
Rewarming (IVTM™) system CoolGard 3000® device & Cool Line®, ICY®, and
Early rewarming prior to completing the hypother- Quattro® catheters (ZOLL Medical Corporation, Chelmsford, MA)
mia treatment time period is rare. In such cases, slow
controlled rewarming (0.3°C/h to 0.5°C/h) to a safe Cooling Adjuncts
or normal core body temperature is recommended.59 • Ice packs and cold saline (4°C normal saline is most commonly
The induction and rewarming phases tend used)
to be higher-risk periods for the complications of • EMCOOLS, refrigerated surface pads (EMCOOLS, Vienna, Austria)
therapeutic hypothermia, so they require judicious • Thermosuit® (Life Recovery Systems HD, LLC, Kinnelon, NJ)
• RhinoChill® intranasal cooling system (Benechill, Inc., San Diego,
monitoring for dysrhythmia, potassium shifts,
CA (At the time of publication, this device was not yet available for
and hemodynamic instability. Warming-associated
sale in the United States.)

EMCC © 2013 6 • Volume 3, Number 3

tant clue to subclinical shivering. Persistently low hypothermia have not been observed.11 Regardless,
cooling-unit temperatures required to maintain the postarrest patients have a notable risk of pulmo-
goal temperature is another important clue to ther- nary infection due to a high incidence of aspira-
mogenesis due to shivering. Adequate sedation is tion.68,69 Temperature control obscures fever as a
paramount to control shivering, especially during marker of infection, which has been linked to delay
induction. Since hypothermia decreases medica- in antibiotic administration. Thus, early empiric an-
tion metabolism and clearance, short-acting agents tibiotics are frequently employed for patients with
such as midazolam (Versed®), fentanyl (Abstral®, evidence of aspiration (ie, pulmonary secretions,
Actiq®, Fentora®), dexmedetomidine (Precedex®), radiographic infiltrates). Changes in the water tem-
remifentanil (Ultiva®), and propofol (Diprivan®) perature of the cooling bath within the commercial
are preferred to long-acting agents that may con- cooling device can act as a surrogate marker for
found neurological assessments after rewarming. fever and should be routinely monitored.
Additionally, neuromuscular blockade in the form Coagulopathy is a known complication of
of boluses of vecuronium or other nondepolar- therapeutic cooling, but it rarely results in spontane-
izing paralytic agents are often given routinely at ous bleeding. Conventional anticoagulant medica-
induction and then, as needed, to control clinical tions should be used when indicated.70 Additionally,
shivering. These agents halt thermogenesis due thrombolytic therapy for pulmonary embolism and
to shivering and facilitate the achievement of goal STEMI should be used when necessary, despite the
temperature. Thereafter, paralytics should only be anticipated need for cooling. Significant tempera-
used to combat refractory shivering that impacts ture-related coagulopathy is unusual above 33.5°C.
maintenance temperature control. IV magnesium Patients with severe coagulopathy or suspected
and skin counterwarming (ie, socks and gloves) are bleeding may be preferentially maintained above this
additional adjuncts for shivering control.67 threshold. Additionally, subcutaneous desmopressin
(DDAVP®) reverses hypothermia-induced platelet
Complications Of Therapeutic Cooling dysfunction, and it should be considered as a thera-
The unique physiological changes of therapeutic peutic adjunct for patients with active bleeding.71
cooling can occasionally lead to complications. (See Life-threatening bleeding not amenable to surgical
Table 6.) In this section, the hypothermic response hemostasis warrants rewarming.
on the cardiovascular, immune, hematologic, meta- Hyperglycemia is common following cardiac
bolic, and endocrine systems will be reviewed. arrest.72 Decreased insulin secretion and sensitivity
Sinus bradycardia, typically in the range of 40 to occur with hypothermia and may exacerbate hyper-
50 beats/min, is expected, and it indicates that the glycemia. IV insulin infusion is recommended to
patient undergoing therapeutic hypothermia is being maintain moderate glucose control (< 180 mg/dL).73
properly managed. If sinus bradycardia is not seen, Complications may also occur due to the cooling
inadequate sedation or incomplete hemodynamic devices used. The use of invasive cooling devices
resuscitation may be the cause. Rarely, severe bra- may result in an increased risk of bleeding, infec-
dycardia resulting in hypoperfusion during cooling tion, vascular puncture, and venous thrombosis. In
will warrant mild elevation of the target temperature. contrast, surface cooling devices, especially if placed
Concurrent use of negative chronotropes such as beta incorrectly, may lead to skin breakdown. Evidence is
blockers and amiodarone (Cordarone®, Pacerone®) limited with regard to device-specific complications.
should be avoided unless strongly indicated. Therapeutic cooling may impact lactate pro-
Hypothermia suppresses immune system func- duction and diminish clearance. Serum lactate
tion; however, increased infection rates and sep- is increasingly used as a prognostic marker and
sis in postarrest patients undergoing therapeutic resuscitation endpoint in acute critical illness. The
expected kinetics of lactate in patients undergo-
ing therapeutic cooling following cardiac arrest
Table 6. Potential Adverse Physiologic remains to be clarified.74,75
Responses And Complications Associated
With Cooling Early Postarrest Prognostication
Prognostication of neurological outcome in the ED
• Coagulopathy and thrombocytopenia remains a challenge. No physician desires a futile
• Cold diuresis resuscitation; however, premature negative prognos-
• Dysrhythmias (sinus bradycardia during cooling is most common) tication remains an obstacle to optimal care.76 There
• Electrolyte abnormalities (K, Mg, Phos) is no evidence to support accurate early neurological
• Hypotension (including vasodilation with rewarming prognostication. Pre-arrest and intra-arrest param-
• Infection (and masked signs of infection) eters such as duration of arrest, bystander CPR, or
• Insulin resistance and hyperglycemia
presenting rhythm are unreliable prognosticators
• Pancreatitis
alone or in combination. For reference, the median
• Shivering • Volume 3, Number 3 7 EMCC © 2013

Clinical Pathway: Adult Patients After Cardiac Arrest
With Return Of Spontaneous Circulation

Assess inclusion & exclusion criteria for postcardiac arrest resusci- • Perform and document neurological examination.
tation bundle. • Consult interventional cardiologist for assessment for coronary
• VT / VF arrest (Class I) angiography. (Induction of cooling should be performed concur-
• PEA / asystole arrest (Class II) rently with preparation for PCI.)

Goals: Critical care considerations:

• Cooling goals: • Central venous catheter to assess CVP & ScvO2 (avoid left
Achieve 32°C-34°C (Class I) in 60 min.
l subclavian catheter, as this may be the preferred site for a pace-
• Hemodynamic and ventilatory goals: maker/defibrillator).
Maintain MAP ≥ 70 mm Hg (the preferred vasopressor is
l • Echocardiogram to assess myocardial function
norepinephrine). • Arterial monitoring line
Minimize FiO2 while maintaining oxygen saturation > 95%.
l • Glucose control
Maintain PaCO2 38-42 mm Hg.
l • Seizure control
• Evaluate and address etiology of arrest

Induction: Maintenance:
• Infuse cold IV fluids. • Goal temperature of 32°C-34°C.
• Administer NS 30 cc/kg IV bolus as tolerated. • Continue cooling for 24 h.
• Apply ice packs to groin, axilla, and neck. • Assess for shivering: short-acting analgesia or sedation (paraly-
• Maintain early sedation and paralysis until goal temperature sis if shivering uncontrolled with these measures).
achieved. • Assess electrolytes.
• Initiate cooling device for 33°C. • Monitor fluid status: input & output.

Controlled normothermia:
• Rewarm approximately 0.5°C/h. (Class I)
• Keep the cooling device in place for 2 to 3 days after rewarming
• Assess electrolytes closely.
to maintain normothermia (37°C).
• Assess neurological status once at normothermia.

Abbreviations: CVP, central venous pressure; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; IV, intravenous; MAP, mean arterial pressure; NS, normal saline; PaCO2,
partial pressure of carbon dioxide; PEA, pulseless electrical activity; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; ScvO2, central venous oxygen satura-
tion; VT/VF, ventricular tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation

Class Of Evidence Definitions

Each action in the clinical pathways section of EM Critical Care receives a score based on the following definitions.
Class I Class II Class III Indeterminate sentatives from the resuscita-
• Always acceptable, safe • Safe, acceptable • May be acceptable • Continuing area of research tion councils of ILCOR: How to
• Definitely useful • Probably useful • Possibly useful • No recommendations until Develop Evidence-Based Guide-
• Proven in both efficacy and • Considered optional or alterna- further research lines for Emergency Cardiac
effectiveness Level of Evidence: tive treatments Care: Quality of Evidence and
• Generally higher levels of Level of Evidence: Classes of Recommendations;
Level of Evidence: evidence Level of Evidence: • Evidence not available Guidelines for cardiopulmonary
• One or more large prospective • nonrandomized or retrospective • Generally lower or intermediate • Higher studies in progress resuscitation and emergency
studies are present (with rare studies: historic, cohort, or case levels of evidence • Results inconsistent, contradic- cardiac care. Emergency
exceptions) control studies • Case series, animal studies, tory Cardiac Care Committee and
• High-quality meta-analyses • Less robust randomized con- consensus panels • Results not compelling Subcommittees, American Heart
• Study results consistently posi- trolled trials • Occasionally positive results Association. Part IX. Ensuring
tive and compelling • Results consistently positive Significantly modified from: The
Emergency Cardiovascular Care effectiveness of community-wide
Committees of the American emergency cardiac care. JAMA.
Heart Association and repre- 1992;268(16):2289-2295.

This clinical pathway is intended to supplement, rather than substitute for, professional judgment and may be changed depending upon a patient’s individual
needs. Failure to comply with this pathway does not represent a breach of the standard of care.
Copyright © 2013 EB Medicine. 1-800-249-5770. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any format without written consent of EB Medicine.

EMCC © 2013 8 • Volume 3, Number 3

downtime between collapse and ROSC for many of and modifiable phase of illness. (See Tables 8 and 9
these patients is > 20 minutes.12 In a recent obser- on page 10.) For a detailed review on the postcardiac
vational study of therapeutic hypothermia, 36% of arrest syndrome, see the October 2012 issue of EM
patients with an arrest interval > 30 minutes expe- Critical Care titled, “Postarrest Cardiocerebral Resus-
rienced a good neurological outcome.48 Although citation: An Evidence-Based Review.”
advanced age generally worsens prognosis, 30% of
patients > 75 years of age had good neurological out- Reperfusion Therapy For Postcardiac Arrest
come in the same series. The immediate postarrest Patients
neurological examination (including low Glasgow Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are the most
Coma Scale [GCS] score, poor motor examination, common cause of sudden cardiac arrest in adults.
and absent brainstem reflexes) does not reliably pre- The rate of acute coronary occlusion in patients
dict neurological outcome.48 Prediction of prognosis with ACS is estimated to be 30% to 50%.83,84 Un-
based on neurological examination becomes more fortunately, clinical history is often limited, and
reliable after at least 72 hours following resuscita- the electrocardiogram after ROSC can be nondi-
tion.77 Given these limitations, early neuroprotec- agnostic in discriminating acute coronary occlu-
tive measures should be strongly considered for all sion requiring emergent PCI.84 Revascularization
potentially eligible patients. is independently associated with survival and
should be considered for all patients with strongly
The Postcardiac Arrest Syndrome suspected acute coronary disease or electrocardio-
A discussion involving the practical implementation gram evidence of ST-segment elevation myocardial
of therapeutic hypothermia necessitates the contex- infarction (STEMI).85 PCI is the preferred method of
tual background of the postcardiac arrest syndrome. revascularization and was safely performed con-
One cannot simply expect to cool a patient as an current with therapeutic cooling in 2 prospective
isolated therapy without addressing the multitude observational studies.86,87 With appropriate coor-
of other resuscitation therapies that define contem- dination of cooling and PCI priorities, induction
porary postcardiac care, including acute coronary of hypothermia does not delay cardiac catheteriza-
interventions and goal-directed critical care. (See the tion.70 PCI should not be delayed due to an uncer-
Clinical Pathway.) tain neurological prognosis.16
The postcardiac arrest syndrome is a unique Thrombolysis is an acceptable reperfusion strat-
multiorgan condition.78 (See Table 7.) The complex egy for STEMI if PCI is not immediately available.
immunological cascade that ensues from reperfusion Thrombolysis is associated with improved survival
after a transient period of total body ischemia results and neurological outcome, while the hemorrhagic
in a systemic inflammatory response that mimics risk is comparable to patients not thrombolysed.88
severe sepsis.79,80 Clinically, this is reflected in he- Coadministration with therapeutic cooling does not
modynamic instability and early organ dysfunction. appear to increase the risk of significant bleeding.89
For ease of targeting the unique clinical aspects of
the illness, the International Liaison Committee on
Resuscitation categorizes the syndrome in the fol- Table 7. Postcardiac Arrest Syndrome
lowing way14: Pathophysiology
• Postcardiac arrest brain injury
• Postcardiac arrest myocardial dysfunction Acute Myocardial Dysfunction
• Systemic ischemia-reperfusion response • Acute coronary syndromes
• Persistent precipitating pathology • Myocardial stunning

Brain Injury
By targeting these clinical components of the
• Anoxic brain insult
postarrest state with a comprehensive resuscitative
• Impaired autoregulation
protocol, the emergency physician can have the • Ischemic reperfusion injury
greatest impact on improving outcomes.
Therapeutic cooling is only one aspect of an ef- Persistent Precipitating Pathology
fective, multipronged resuscitative protocol.81,82 The • Decompensated cardiomyopathy
early postarrest period is an opportunity to address • Myocardial ischemia
additional priorities for effective cardiocerebral re- • Pulmonary embolism
suscitation. Priorities of the postarrest period include
stabilization of organ perfusion and oxygenation, Systemic Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
identification and treatment of reversible causes • Dysregulated coagulation
• Early organ dysfunction
of cardiac arrest, and initiation of neuroprotective
• Impaired microvascular function
therapy. As such, contemporary emergency care now
• Inappropriate vasodilation
emphasizes intensive support during this vulnerable
• Systemic inflammatory response syndrome • Volume 3, Number 3 9 EMCC © 2013

Adjunctive aspirin and heparin are recommended patients receive this neuroprotective therapy is
for suspected or confirmed ACS. Withholding acute most important.
beta-blocker and angiotensin-converting enzyme Rate of cooling: Another challenge involves iden-
(ACE)-inhibitor therapy should be considered due tifying the ideal rate of cooling, with several studies
to the potential for hemodynamic deterioration and showing that patients who experienced a faster rate
shock in postarrest patients. of cooling had a less favorable outcome.93,94 One
Based on a similar mechanism as neuroprotec- hypothesis to explain this is that more severely brain-
tive benefit, cardioprotective effects of hypothermia injured patients may lose their ability to thermoregu-
are under exploration. Animal models show benefit late, and, thus, they cool more quickly. However,
with early cooling.90,91 Early trials in noncardiac-ar- Mooney et al found no association between outcomes
rest patients with STEMI who received hypothermia and time to goal temperature among 140 postcardiac
prior to PCI showed decreased infarct size, without arrest patients.48 Nonetheless, given that animal
significant treatment delay.92 studies show improved outcomes with faster cooling,
rapid cooling should remain the goal until contradic-
Summary Of Controversies In tory evidence is unveiled.43-47
Initiation of cooling: Additionally, the ideal
Therapeutic Cooling time to initiate cooling remains controversial. Three
prospective randomized trials showed no difference
While therapeutic hypothermia has recognized between cooling initiated prehospital or inhospital,
value, there remain controversies in regard to
despite reaching target temperature more rapidly.51-53
timing and techniques; these issues are summa- Conversely, Mooney et al found that every hour of
rized below. Additional controversy surrounds the delay in the initiation of cooling led to an increase in
effectiveness of prehospital cooling and the role of mortality of 20% per hour.48 Another study revealed
therapeutic hypothermia in patients experiencing increased odds of poor neurological outcome with
PEA of asystolic arrests; well-designed prospec- each 5-minute delay in initiation of cooling.49
tive studies with adequate power are needed in
order to resolve these debates.
Devices for cooling: There continues to be
debate over the best way to cool (invasive or non- Table 9. Early Hemodynamic Resuscitation
invasive). Studies demonstrate improved tempera- Goals Following Cardiac Arrest
ture control with invasive devices compared to
Resuscitation Monitor and Goal Therapy
older generation noninvasive cooling pads.38,59,69
Comparison of newer hydrocolloid gel-pad-based
1. Preload optimi- Response to fluid Fluids
surface cooling devices and endovascular cooling
zation challenge; fluid ther-
devices is limited. What is key to remember is that
apy is guided by:
the execution of a cooling strategy to ensure that • CVP: 8-12 mm Hg
• Echocardiogram:
cardiac function
Table 8. Early Postresuscitation Priorities and IVC variation
• Markers of SVV

• Provide adequate oxygenation and ventilation. 2. Perfusion MAP 65-100 mm Hg • Norepinephrine*

l Avoid hyperventilation (goal PaCO2 of 38-42 mm).* pressure • Epinephrine
l Avoid hyperoxia (titrate FiO2 to SpO2 > 95% [or PaO2 > 70 mm • Vasopressin
Hg].* 3. Perfusion Global perfusion • Dobutamine
• Reverse shock and stabilize hemodynamics. optimization markers: • Milrinone
• Identify and treat reversible cause of cardiac arrest. • ScvO2 > 70% • IABP
• Apply neuroprotective therapies (ie, therapeutic hypothermia). • Lactate clearance • PRBC transfu-
• Correct metabolic disturbances. Clinical perfusion sion
*The solubility of gases (ie, PaCO2 and PaO2) changes as a function • Urine output > 0.5
of temperature.38 At goal temperature, a patient’s PaCO2 may be up cc/kg/h
to 8 mm Hg lower than reported on the blood gas warmed to normal • Peripheral skin
temperature. Unfortunately, the clinical impact of temperature correc- perfusion
tion via pH-stat methodology is unclear. In the absence of clear data,
targeting high-normal PaCO2 may avoid unintended cerebral vasocon- *First-choice vasopressor
striction stemming from arterial hypocapnea. Abbreviations: CVP, central venous pressure; IABP, intra-aortic bal-
loon pump; IVC, inferior vena cava; MAP, mean arterial pressure;
Abbreviations: FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; PaCO2, partial ScvO2, central venous oxygenation saturation; IABP, intra-aortic
pressure of carbon dioxide; PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen; SpO2, balloon pump; PRBC, packed red blood cells; SVV, stroke volume
oxygen saturation by pulse oximeter . variation.

EMCC © 2013 10 • Volume 3, Number 3

Duration of cooling: Finally, the optimal care, and resources for postarrest patients will need
duration of cooling has yet to be determined. In to share in this endeavor. Additionally, essential
the landmark cooling trials, the period of cooling systems of care include a supportive community,
once at goal temperature was 12 to 24 hours. Based protocol-driven emergency medical services, and
on these recommendations, current American transferring hospitals.
Heart Association guidelines recommend cooling At present, several prehospital systems (eg,
between 12 to 24 hours;14 however, it is unclear Charlotte, New York City) prioritize out-of-hos-
whether extended periods of cooling offer addi- pital cardiac arrest patients to designated cardiac
tional neuroprotective benefit. arrest centers despite the availability of more
proximate facilities. The challenge lies when one
Disposition considers catchment size and regions with longer
transport times, resource allocation for prehospital
The disposition of postcardiac arrest patients de- systems with limited ambulances and personnel,
pends on whether the facility has comprehensive and the fact that not all cardiac arrest patients are
postcardiac arrest care capabilities. If your hospital good candidates for aggressive care. In our opin-
already has therapeutic hypothermia capability ion, the best means to address these challenges is
but does not have a protocol in place, your goal is via predetermined treatment protocols that take
aggressive resuscitation that focuses on initiation of the unique aspects of each prehospital system and
therapeutic hypothermia and hemodynamic optimi- regional resources into consideration. Although
zation while considering and addressing the pos- exploration of the ideal regionalized system of
sible causes of the arrest. If your facility has limited care is just beginning, lengthy critical care trans-
resources or infrequently cares for postcardiac arrest port is safe and feasible.85
patients, a transfer protocol that includes cooling Some regions have a transfer-destination hospi-
initiation is recommended. tal model in order to provide a larger catchment area
with access to comprehensive postarrest care. The
Regionalization Of Postarrest Care Minneapolis Heart Institute receives patients from a
Many obstacles make the comprehensive manage- network of 33 hospitals from a catchment area of 150
ment of a successfully resuscitated cardiac arrest miles.48 Another example is our cardiac resuscitation
patient challenging. An important consideration center, which receives patients from many regional
prior to establishing a hypothermia protocol is to hospitals within a 100-mile radius via a postcardiac
assess your hospital resources and volume of cardiac arrest care pathway known as CODE COOLTM.19
arrest patients. The relative infrequency of applying Transferring facilities have a transfer protocol
the intervention, equipment costs, emergency nurs- whereby cooling is initiated with cold fluids and the
ing resource allocation, and the multidisciplinary patient is subsequently transferred to the cardiac
specialized team required all make a postcardiac ar- resuscitation center for resuscitative care, including
rest care bundle difficult to implement effectively.10 therapeutic hypothermia. Table 10 (page 12) shows
Effective management of the unique aspects of the the guidelines from the CODE COOLTM poster that
postcardiac arrest syndrome, beyond therapeutic is distributed to all outlying facilities to serve as a
hypothermia, must be considered. There exists a guide to ease the resuscitative and transfer process.
well-defined relationship between increased patient
volume or procedures and improved outcomes for Summary
other complex, time-sensitive disorders. Higher-vol-
ume centers treating patients after cardiac arrest are Therapeutic hypothermia is an effective therapy
associated with improved survival.95 Regional sys- to improve chances of neurological recovery af-
tems of care have been successfully established for ter cardiac arrest. Ensuring broader utilization of
STEMI, trauma, burns, and stroke, and the rationale therapeutic cooling is essential to improving out-
for regional systems of care for postcardiac arrest pa- comes. Successful execution of therapeutic cooling
tients is analogous to the need for these centers.96,97 must consider the hospital’s capabilities as well as
The American Heart Association recommends the complexities of the postcardiac arrest syndrome.
transporting postarrest patients to a comprehensive Design and implementation of a postcardiac arrest
postcardiac arrest treatment system that is capable resuscitation protocol emphasizing hemodynamic
of acute coronary interventions, goal-directed critical resuscitation, neuroprotective cooling, and critical
care, and therapeutic hypothermia.82 care support will enable centers to optimize cerebral
No external certification for designation of a recovery following cardiac arrest.
cardiac arrest center currently exists. These regional
centers should not be restricted to academic medical
centers. Academic and community-receiving hospi-
tals with adequate patient volume, multidisciplinary • Volume 3, Number 3 11 EMCC © 2013

Risk Management Pitfalls For Case Conclusions
Therapeutic Hypothermia In The With the prehospital cold fluids continuing to infuse in the
Emergency Department first patient, you note that he fits the demographics (VF/VT
of presumed cardiac origin) and arrest intervals (downtime
1. Delaying initiation of cooling due to exces- of 21 min) of the largest prospective therapeutic hypother-
sive imaging. Computed tomography head and mia trial; therefore, cooling this patient has Level 1 evi-
chest imaging is frequently performed to assess dence. Given that your facility does not have PCI or cooling
for precipitants of arrest and early brain injury.
Unfortunately, these tests provide uncertain
benefit and frequently delay attention to thera- Table 10. Postcardiac Arrest Resuscitation:
peutic cooling. Focused attention to the details Carolinas Medical Center CODE COOLTM
of the patient’s decompensation and arrest Transferring Guideline
event, along with simple bedside tests (electro-
cardiogram, echocardiogram, blood analysis), Inclusion Criteria
are frequently sufficient to establish a short • Adults (age ≥ 18 y)
list of differential diagnoses. When cooling is • ROSC within 60 min of arrest
indicated, imaging should not delay initiation of • Persistent coma: inability to follow commands and/or GCS score
cooling. <9
2. Leaving the patient on 100% FiO2. Too little
oxygen is bad for the brain; however, too much Exclusion Criteria
• Absolute: severe or terminal illness with anticipated nonaggressive
oxygen may also cause harm. Hyperoxia is as-
sociated with increased mortality in postcardiac
• Relative: active hemorrhage; systemic infection/sepsis; severe
arrest patients.98 Rapidly titrate oxygen to 30% refractory shock
FiO2 (as tolerated) to maintain oxygen saturation
> 95%. Resuscitation Priorities
3. Assuming a poor prognosis. Arrest intervals • Airway
> 20 minutes, postarrest GCS score of 3 to 4, l Intubation
and age > 70 do not equate to a dismal progno- • Breathing
sis. Recognizing the major limitations to early l Avoid hyperventilation (goal PaCO2 of 38-42 mm Hg).
prognostication is the first step in avoiding the l Avoid hyperoxia (rapidly decrease FiO2 to maintain SpO2 > 95%).
therapeutic nihilism that occurs when patients • Circulation
Goal MAP is > 70.
are excluded from the very treatment that may

Anticipate and avoid hypotension.

improve their outcome.

Norepinephrine is the preferred vasopressor.

4. The patient not reaching goal temperature. Oc-

Screen for STEMI using ECG.

cult shivering is common and frequently thwarts

effective induction to goal temperature. Seda- Cooling Induction

tion and paralysis should be routine to assist • Initiate cooling as soon as possible after ROSC.
in reaching goal temperature—at which point, • Administer refrigerated (4°C) NS 30 cc/kg IV bolus as tolerated.
most patients can be maintained on sedation • Ice packs to groin, axilla, and neck.
alone. Additionally, supplementing ice packs • Control shivering with propofol 10 mcg/kg/min.
and additional boluses of cold IV fluids may be • Paralyze patient with vecuronium 0.1 mg/kg q1h.
necessary to ensure rapid induction.
5. Not establishing a postcardiac arrest care plan
• Initiate transfer early.
and protocol. If your hospital does not have a
• Use paralytics during the induction phase of cooling.
predetermined plan for managing postarrest pa- • Document the time of arrest, time of ROSC, and neurological
tients, now is the time to create one. Assess your examination.
current ED and hospital resources and deter-
mine whether your patients can be comprehen- Do Not
sively managed or whether they require transfer • Delay cooling for CT scanning or extensive testing before transfer,
to a regional PCI-capable and hypothermia- unless clinically indicated.
capable cardiac resuscitation center for optimal
care. If transfer is preferred, create a “transfer Abbreviations: ECG, electrocardiogram; FiO2, fraction of inspired
protocol” such that cold fluids or ice packs are oxygen; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; IV, intravenous; MAP, mean
arterial pressure; NS, normal saline; PaCO2, partial pressure of
readily available for use and cooling is initiated
carbon dioxide; ROSC, return of spontaneous circulation; SpO2,
early. Coordination with an established destina-
oxygen saturation by pulse oximeter; STEMI, ST-segment elevation
tion ensures a smooth transfer of care. myocardial infarction.
Used with permission from Carolinas Medical Center.

EMCC © 2013 12 • Volume 3, Number 3

capability, you initiate the transfer protocol and place ice 3. Walters JH, Morley PT, Nolan JP. The role of hypother-
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501. (Prospective observational; 220 patients) tive review; 361 patients)
20. Teodorescu C, Reinier K, Dervan C, et al. Factors associ- 36. McGrane S, Maziad J, Netterville JL, et al. Therapeutic hy-
ated with pulseless electric activity versus ventricular pothermia after exsanguination. Anesth Analg. 2012;115(2):
fibrillation: the Oregon sudden unexpected death study. 343-345. (Case report)
Circulation. 2010;122(21):2116-2122. (Retrospective; 1277 37. Todd MM, Hindman BJ, Clarke WR, et al. Mild intra-
patients) operative hypothermia during surgery for intracranial
21. Testori C, Sterz F, Behringer W, et al. Mild therapeutic aneurysm. N Engl J Med. 2005;352(2):135-145. (Prospective
hypothermia is associated with favourable outcome in randomized controlled; 1001 patients)
patients after cardiac arrest with non-shockable rhythms. 38. Polderman KH. Mechanisms of action, physiological ef-
Resuscitation. 2011;82(9):1162-1167. (Retrospective cohort; fects, and complications of hypothermia. Crit Care Med.
374 patients) 2009;37(7 Suppl):S186-S202. (Review)
22. Kim YM, Yim HW, Jeong SH, et al. Does therapeutic hy- 39. Rittenberger JC, Polderman KH, Smith WS, et al. Emergen-
pothermia benefit adult cardiac arrest patients presenting cy neurological life support: resuscitation following cardiac
with non-shockable initial rhythms?: a systematic review arrest. Neurocrit Care. 2012;17 Suppl 1:S21-S28. (Review
and meta-analysis of randomized and non-randomized article)
studies. Resuscitation. 2012;83(2):188-196. (Systematic 40. Zeiner A, Holzer M, Sterz F, et al. Hyperthermia after
review) cardiac arrest is associated with an unfavorable neurologic
23. Pfeifer R, Jung C, Purle S, et al. Survival does not improve outcome. Arch Intern Med. 2001;161(16):2007-2012. (Retro-
when therapeutic hypothermia is added to post-cardiac ar- spective; 151 patients)
rest care. Resuscitation. 2011;82(9):1168-1173. (Retrospective 41. Neumar RW. Molecular mechanisms of ischemic neuronal
review; 210 patients) injury. Ann Emerg Med. 2000;36(5):483-506. (Review)
24. Henry TD, Sharkey SW, Burke MN, et al. A regional system 42. Li D, Shao Z, Vanden Hoek TL, Brorson JR. et al. Reperfu-
to provide timely access to percutaneous coronary inter- sion accelerates acute neuronal death induced by simu-
vention for ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Circulation. lated ischemia. Exp Neurol. 2007;206(2):280-287. (Bench
2007;116(7):721-728. (Prospective observational; 1345 research)
patients) 43. Kuboyama K, Safar P, Radovsky A, et al. Delay in cooling
25. Bernard SA, Jones BM, Horne MK. Clinical trial of induced negates the beneficial effect of mild resuscitative cerebral
hypothermia in comatose survivors of out-of-hospital car- hypothermia after cardiac arrest in dogs: a prospective
diac arrest. Ann Emerg Med. 1997;30(2):146-153. (Prospec- randomized study. Crit Care Med. 1993;21(9):1348-1358.
tive nonrandomized interventional; 44 patients) (Animal model)
26. Busch M, Soreide E, Lossius HM, et al. Rapid implemen- 44. Nozari A, Safar P, Stezoski SW, et al. Critical time win-
tation of therapeutic hypothermia in comatose out-of- dow for intra-arrest cooling with cold saline flush in a
hospital cardiac arrest survivors. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. dog model of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Circulation.
2006;50(10):1277-1283. (Prospective interventional; 27 2006;113(23):2690-2696. (Animal model)
patients) 45. Abella BS, Zhao D, Alvarado J, et al. Intra-arrest cooling
27. Don CW, Longstreth WT Jr, Maynard C, et al. Active improves outcomes in a murine cardiac arrest model.
surface cooling protocol to induce mild therapeutic hypo- Circulation. 2004;109(22):2786-2791. (Animal model)
thermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a retrospective 46. Sterz F, Safar P, Tisherman S, et al. Mild hypothermic car-
before-and-after comparison in a single hospital. Crit Care diopulmonary resuscitation improves outcome after pro-
Med. 2009;37(12):3062-3069. (Retrospective; 491 patients) longed cardiac arrest in dogs. Crit Care Med. 1991;19(3):379-
28. Merchant RM, Becker LB, Abella BS, et al. Cost-effective- 389. (Animal model)
ness of therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest. Circ 47. Boddicker KA, Zhang Y, Zimmerman MB, et al. Hypo-
Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2009;2(5):421-428. (Cost-effec- thermia improves defibrillation success and resuscita-
tiveness analysis) tion outcomes from ventricular fibrillation. Circulation.
29. Jacobs S, Hunt R, Tarnow-Mordi W, et al. Cooling for new- 2005;111(24):3195-3201. (Animal model)
borns with hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy. Cochrane 48. Mooney MR, Unger BT, Boland LL, et al. Therapeutic hy-
Database Syst Rev. 2007;(4):CD003311. (Review) pothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: evaluation of
30. Edwards AD, Brocklehurst P, Gunn AJ, et al. Neurological a regional system to increase access to cooling. Circulation.
outcomes at 18 months of age after moderate hypothermia 2011;124(2):206-214. (Prospective descriptive study; 140
for perinatal hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy: synthesis patients)
and meta-analysis of trial data. BMJ. 2010;340:c363. (Meta- 49. Sendelbach S, Hearst MO, Johnson PJ, et al. Effects of vari-
analysis) ation in temperature management on cerebral performance
31. Rittenberger JC, Kelly E, Jang D, et al. Successful outcome category scores in patients who received therapeutic hy-
utilizing hypothermia after cardiac arrest in pregnancy: pothermia post cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2012;83(7):829-
a case report. Crit Care Med. 2008;36(4):1354-1356. (Retro- 834. (Retrospective review; 172 patients)
spective; 272 patients) 50. Garrett JS, Studnek JR, Blackwell T, et al. The associa-
32. Wible EF, Kass JS, Lopez GA. A report of fetal demise dur- tion between intra-arrest therapeutic hypothermia and
ing therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest. Neurocrit return of spontaneous circulation among individuals
Care. 2010;13(2):239-242. (Case report) experiencing out of hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation.
33. Hovdenes J, Laake JH, Aaberge L, et al. Therapeutic hy- 2011;82(1):21-25. (Retrospective observational; 551 pa-
pothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: experiences tients)
with patients treated with percutaneous coronary inter- 51. Bernard SA, Smith K, Cameron P et al. Induction of
vention and cardiogenic shock. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. therapeutic hypothermia by paramedics after resuscitation
2007;51(2):137-142. (Prospective descriptive; 50 patients) from out-of-hospital ventricular fibrillation cardiac arrest:
34. Zobel C, Adler C, Kranz A, et al. Mild therapeutic hypo- a randomized controlled trial. Circulation. 2010;122(7):737-
thermia in cardiogenic shock syndrome. Crit Care Med. 742. (Prospective randomized controlled clinical study;

EMCC © 2013 14 • Volume 3, Number 3

234 patients) 68. Gajic O, Festic E, Afessa B. Infectious complications in sur-
52. Bernard SA, Smith K, Cameron P, et al. Induction of pre- vivors of cardiac arrest admitted to the medical intensive
hospital therapeutic hypothermia after resuscitation from care unit. Resuscitation. 2004;60(1):65-69. (Retrospective
nonventricular fibrillation cardiac arrest*. Crit Care Med. cohort; 56 patients)
2012;40(3):747-753. (Prospective randomized controlled 69. Perbet S, Mongardon N, Dumas F, et al. Early-onset
clinical study; 163 patients) pneumonia after cardiac arrest: characteristics, risk factors
53. Castren M, Nordberg P, Svensson L, et al. Intra-arrest and influence on prognosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med.
transnasal evaporative cooling: a randomized, prehospital, 2011;184(9):1048-1054. (Retrospective cohort; 641 patients)
multicenter study (PRINCE: Pre-ROSC IntraNasal Cooling 70. Batista LM, Lima FO, Januzzi JL Jr, et al. Feasibility and
Effectiveness). Circulation. 2010;122(7):729-736. (Prospec- safety of combined percutaneous coronary intervention
tive randomized; 200 patients) and therapeutic hypothermia following cardiac arrest. Re-
54. Suehiro E, Povlishock JT. Exacerbation of traumatically suscitation. 2010;81(4):398-403. (Prospective observational;
induced axonal injury by rapid posthypothermic rewarm- 90 patients)
ing and attenuation of axonal change by cyclosporin A. J 71. Ng KF, Cheung CW, Lee Y, Leung SW. Low-dose desmo-
Neurosurg. 2001;94(3):493-498. (Animal study) pressin improves hypothermia-induced impairment of
55. Suehiro E, Ueda Y, Wei EP, et al. Posttraumatic hypother- primary haemostasis in healthy volunteers. Anaesthesia.
mia followed by slow rewarming protects the cerebral mi- 2011;66(11):999-1005. (Prospective randomized; 52 pa-
crocirculation. J Neurotrauma. 2003;20(4):381-390. (Animal tients)
study) 72. Beiser DG, Carr GE, Edelson DP, et al. Derangements in
56. Bernard SA, Buist M, Monteiro O, et al. Induced hypo- blood glucose following initial resuscitation from in-hospi-
thermia using large volume, ice-cold intravenous fluid tal cardiac arrest: a report from the national registry of car-
in comatose survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a diopulmonary resuscitation. Resuscitation. 2009;80(6):624-
preliminary report. Resuscitation. 2003;56(1):9-13. (Prospec- 630. (Retrospective review; 17,800 patients)
tive interventional; 22 patients) 73. Padkin A. Glucose control after cardiac arrest. Resuscita-
57. Polderman KH, Rijnsburger ER, Peerdeman SM, et al. tion. 2009;80(6):611-612. (Editorial)
Induction of hypothermia in patients with various types 74. Stayer SA, Steven JM, Nicolson SC, et al. The metabolic
of neurologic injury with use of large volumes of ice-cold effects of surface cooling neonates prior to cardiac surgery.
intravenous fluid. Crit Care Med. 2005;33(12):2744-2751. Anesth Analg. 1994;79(5):834-839. (Prospective random-
(Prospective interventional; 134 patients) ized; 22 patients)
58. Weingart S, Mayer S, Polderman K. Rectal probe tempera- 75. Starodub R, Abella BS, Grossestreuer AV, et al. Associa-
ture lag during rapid saline induction of hypothermia tion of serum lactate and survival outcomes in patients
after resuscitation from cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2009; undergoing therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest.
80(7):837-878. (Case report) Resuscitation. 2013 Feb 8. [Epub ahead of print] (Retrospec-
59. Holzer M. Targeted temperature management for comatose tive; 199 patients)
survivors of cardiac arrest. N Engl J Med. 2010;363(13):1256- 76. Hemphill JC III, White DB. Clinical nihilism in neuro-
1264. (Review) emergencies. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2009;27(1):27-viii.
60. Badjatia N, Strongilis E, Gordon E, et al. Metabolic impact (Review)
of shivering during therapeutic temperature modula- 77. Wijdicks EF, Hijdra A, Young GB, et al. Practice parameter:
tion: the Bedside Shivering Assessment Scale. Stroke. prediction of outcome in comatose survivors after cardio-
2008;39(12):3242-3247. (Prospective observational; 50 pulmonary resuscitation (an evidence-based review): re-
patients) port of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the Ameri-
61. Seder DB, Van der Kloot TE. Methods of cooling: practical can Academy of Neurology. Neurology. 2006;67(2):203-210.
aspects of therapeutic temperature management. Crit Care (Practice guidelines)
Med. 2009;37(7 Suppl):S211-S222. (Review) 78. Negovsky VA. Postresuscitation disease. Crit Care Med.
62. Tomte O, Draegni T, Mangschau A, et al. A comparison of 1988;16(10):942-946. (Review)
intravascular and surface cooling techniques in comatose 79. Adrie C, dib-Conquy M, Laurent I, et al. Successful cardio-
cardiac arrest survivors. Crit Care Med. 2011;39(3):443-449. pulmonary resuscitation after cardiac arrest as a “sepsis-
(Prospective observational; 167 patients) like” syndrome. Circulation. 2002;106(5):562-568. (Prospec-
63. Haugk M, Krizanac D, Stratil P, et al. Comparison of tive; 107 patients)
surface cooling and invasive cooling for rapid induction 80. Adrie C, Laurent I, Monchi M, et al. Postresuscitation dis-
of mild therapeutic hypothermia in pigs--effectiveness of ease after cardiac arrest: a sepsis-like syndrome? Curr Opin
two different devices. Resuscitation. 2010;81(12):1704-1708. Crit Care. 2004;10(3):208-212. (Review)
(Animal model) 81. Hinchey PR, Myers JB, Lewis R, et al. Improved out-
64. Gillies MA, Pratt R, Whiteley C, et al. Therapeutic hypo- of-hospital cardiac arrest survival after the sequential
thermia after cardiac arrest: a retrospective comparison of implementation of 2005 AHA guidelines for compressions,
surface and endovascular cooling techniques. Resuscitation. ventilations, and induced hypothermia: the Wake County
2010;81(9):1117-1122. (Retrospective cohort; 83 patients) experience. Ann Emerg Med. 2010;56(4):348-357. (Prospec-
65. Howes D, Ohley W, Dorian P, et al. Rapid induction of tive observational; 1365 patients)
therapeutic hypothermia using convective-immersion 82. Peberdy MA, Callaway CW, Neumar RW, et al. Part 9:
surface cooling: safety, efficacy and outcomes. Resuscita- post-cardiac arrest care: 2010 American Heart Association
tion. 2010;81(4):388-392. (Prospective observational; 24 guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emer-
patients) gency cardiovascular care. Circulation. 2010;122(18 Suppl
66. Hoedemaekers CW, Ezzahti M, Gerritsen A, et al. Com- 3):S768-S786. (Practice guidelines)
parison of cooling methods to induce and maintain 83. Spaulding CM, Joly LM, Rosenberg A, et al. Immediate
normo- and hypothermia in intensive care unit patients: a coronary angiography in survivors of out-of-hospital car-
prospective intervention study. Crit Care. 2007;11(4):R91. diac arrest. N Engl J Med. 1997;336(23):1629-1633. (Prospec-
(Prospective observational; 50 patients) tive observational; 84 patients)
67. Badjatia N, Strongilis E, Prescutti M, et al. Metabolic 84.* Garot P, Lefevre T, Eltchaninoff H, et al. Six-month
benefits of surface counter warming during therapeutic outcome of emergency percutaneous coronary interven-
temperature modulation. Crit Care Med. 2009;37(6):1893- tion in resuscitated patients after cardiac arrest compli-
1897. (Prospective observational; 50 patients) • Volume 3, Number 3 15 EMCC © 2013

cating ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Circulation. CME Questions
2007;115(11):1354-1362. (Prospective observational; 186
85. Hartke A, Mumma BE, Rittenberger JC, et al. Incidence of Take This Test Online!
re-arrest and critical events during prolonged transport of
post-cardiac arrest patients. Resuscitation. 2010;81(8):938-
942. (Retrospective; 248 patients) Current subscribers can receive CME credit
86. Wolfrum S, Pierau C, Radke PW, et al. Mild therapeutic absolutely free by completing the following test.
hypothermia in patients after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest This issue includes 3 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
due to acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction Online testing is now available for current and
undergoing immediate percutaneous coronary interven- Take This Test Online!
archived issues. To receive your free CME credits for
tion. Crit Care Med. 2008;36(6):1780-1786. (Prospective
observational; 33 patients) this issue, scan the QR code below or visit
87. Knafelj R, Radsel P, Ploj T, et al. Primary percutaneous
coronary intervention and mild induced hypothermia
in comatose survivors of ventricular fibrillation with
ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction. Resuscitation.
2007;74(2):227-234. (Prospective observational; 72 pa-
88. Richling N, Herkner H, Holzer M, et al. Thrombolytic
therapy vs primary percutaneous intervention after ven-
tricular fibrillation cardiac arrest due to acute ST-segment
elevation myocardial infarction and its effect on outcome.
Am J Emerg Med. 2007;25(5):545-550. (Retrospective; 147
89. Schefold JC, Storm C, Joerres A, et al. Mild therapeutic 1. Which of the following statements is currently
hypothermia after cardiac arrest and the risk of bleeding true about therapeutic hypothermia for VT/VF
in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Int J Cardiol. arrest?
2009;132(3):387-391. (Prospective observational; 62 pa-
a. The practice is performed often but has no
90. Shao ZH, Chang WT, Chan KC, et al. Hypothermia- known benefit.
induced cardioprotection using extended ischemia and b. It is endorsed by consensus guidelines, but
early reperfusion cooling. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. implementation remains a challenge at
2007;292(4):H1995-H2003. (Bench research) some centers.
91. Yannopoulos D, Zviman M, Castro V, et al. Intra-cardio-
c. The practice has a prohibitively large
pulmonary resuscitation hypothermia with and without
volume loading in an ischemic model of cardiac arrest. number needed to treat.
Circulation. 2009;120(14):1426-1435. (Animal model) d. It is not as effective as cooling a PEA/
92. Gotberg M, Olivecrona GK, Koul S, et al. A pilot study asystolic arrest.
of rapid cooling by cold saline and endovascular cooling
before reperfusion in patients with ST-elevation myocar-
2. Regarding patients that are candidates for
dial infarction. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2010;3(5):400-407.
(Prospective randomized; 20 patients) therapeutic hypothermia:
93. Haugk M, Testori C, Sterz F, et al. Relationship between a. PEA arrest is an absolute exclusion criteria.
time to target temperature and outcome in patients treated b. Asystolic arrest is an absolute exclusion
with therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest. Crit criteria.
Care. 2011;15(2):R101. (Retrospective cohort; 588 patients)
c. Severe terminal illness is an exclusion
94. Italian Cooling Experience (ICE) Study Group. Early-ver-
sus late-initiation of therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac criteria.
arrest: preliminary observations from the experience of 17 d. ROSC < 5 minutes after arrest is an
Italian intensive care units. Resuscitation. 2012;83(7):823- exclusion criteria.
828. (Prospective observational cohort study; 122 pa-
3. Why is traumatic active bleeding a contraindi-
95. Carr BG, Kahn JM, Merchant RM, et al Inter-hospital
variability in post-cardiac arrest mortality. Resuscitation. cation for therapeutic hypothermia for VT/VF
2009;80(1):30-34. (Retrospective; 4674 patients) arrest?
96.* Nichol G, Aufderheide TP, Eigel B, et al. Regional systems a. Patients that are cooled cannot get
of care for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a policy state- transfusions.
ment from the American Heart Association. Circulation.
b. Patients that are hypotensive should not be
2010;121(5):709-729. (Policy statement)
97. Lick CJ, Aufderheide TP, Niskanen RA, et al. Take Heart cooled.
America: A comprehensive, community-wide, systems- c. Patients with a sympathetic surge are at
based approach to the treatment of cardiac arrest. Crit Care greater risk for shivering.
Med. 2011;39(1):26-33. (Prospective observational) d. There is a concern that hypothermia will
98. Kilgannon JH, Jones AE, Shapiro NI, et al. Associa-
induce coagulopathy.
tion between arterial hyperoxia following resuscitation
from cardiac arrest and in-hospital mortality. JAMA.
2010;303(21):2165-2171. (Multicenter cohort; 6326 patients)

EMCC © 2013 16 • Volume 3, Number 3

4. The authors suggest cooling for ____ at a goal
temperature of ____ .
a. 6 to 12 hours, 34°C to 38°C Coming Soon In EMCC
b. 12 to 24 hours, 34°C to 36°C
c. 12 to 24 hours, 32°C to 34°C
d. 24 to 48 hours, 34°C to 38°C Ventilator Management
e. 24 to 48 hours, 32°C to 34°C In The Intubated Emergency
5. The rewarming phase increases the patient’s
Department Patient
risk for which of the following?
a. Hypertension and hypokalemia AUTHORS:
b. Hypertension and hyperkalemia SAMANTHA L. WOOD, MD
c. Hypotension and hypokalemia Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Tufts
d. Hypotension and hyperkalemia University School of Medicine, Boston, MA; Attending
Physician, Department of Emergency Medicine, Maine
6. Which of the following statements is true
Medical Center, Portland, ME
regarding patients with cardiac arrest and signs
a. Therapeutic hypothermia is not advised. Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Tufts
b. Therapeutic hypothermia should be University School of Medicine, Boston, MA; Director,
undertaken after PCI. Medical Critical Care, Maine Medical Center; Medical
c. Priority should be given to hypothermia; Director, MaineHealth Vital Network, Portland, ME
PCI is not indicated.
d. Therapeutic hypothermia has been safely Emergent airway management is one of the defining
performed along with PCI in 2 studies. skills of the practice of emergency medicine.
e. A patient who receives thrombolytic therapy Emergency physicians must be comfortable
should not be cooled because they have a with the initial intubation and stabilization of
significantly higher risk of bleeding. these patients as well as with ongoing ventilator
management during the patient’s stay in the
7. What is the most common dysrhythmia en- emergency department. A retrospective review of
countered during cooling? a large national data set found that patients who
a. Third-degree block require mechanical ventilation represent only 0.23%
b. Atrial fibrillation of emergency department visits, but they have an
c. VF inhospital mortality rate of 24%. The same study
d. Sinus tachycardia found that 75% of mechanically ventilated patients
e. Sinus bradycardia spent >2 hours in the emergency department,
and 25% were there for >5 hours. Retrospective
8. Strategies that can be used to avoid postcardiac studies have found that an emergency department
arrest syndromes include: boarding time of >2 hours before transfer to the
a. Avoiding hyperventilation with a goal ICU is associated with increased ventilator days
PaCO2 of 45 to 50 mm Hg and hospital length of stay, and boarding time of
b. Avoiding hyperoxia by not allowing SpO2 >6 hours is associated with increased mortality.
to exceed 90% Close attention to the optimal management of
c. Allowing hypotension at a MAP mechanically ventilated patients in the emergency
between 40 to 50 mm Hg, as this is department may help improve outcomes.
cardioprotective Upon completion of this article, you should be able to:
d. Correcting metabolic disturbances
1. Summarize the data behind low-tidal-volume
ventilation, and describe which patients should
and should not receive such therapy.
2. Describe treatment approaches for a crashing
intubated patient, a patient with urgent
ventilation or oxygenation difficulty, and a patient
with ventilator dyssynchrony.
3. Cite situations in which patients may be
extubated in the ED. • Volume 3, Number 3 17 EMCC © 2013

The EM Critical Care Archives
Title Publication Date # Of Free CME Credits

Resuscitation Of The Patient With Massive Upper April 2013 3

Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Therapeutic Uses Of Hypertonic Saline In The Critically February 2013 3 (trauma)

Ill Emergency Department Patient

Critical Care Of Severe Thermal Burn Injury December 2012 3 (trauma)

Postarrest Cardiocerebral Resuscitation: An Evidence- October 2012 3

Based Review

Air Transport Of The Critically Ill Emergency Department August 2012 3


Supportive Management Of Critical Illness In The June 2012 3

Pregnant Patient

Emergency Management Of Coagulopathy In Acute April 2012 3 (stroke)

Intracranial Hemorrhage

Emergency Ultrasound In Patients With Respiratory February 2012 3


Complications Of Acute Coronary Syndromes December 2011 3

High-Risk Scenarios In Blunt Trauma: An Evidence- October 2011 3 (trauma)

Based Approach

Noninvasive Ventilation: Update On Uses For The August 2011 3

Critically Ill Patient

Respiratory Monitoring In The Emergency Department June 2011 3

To view these articles, go to

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Erratum CME Information
Date of Original Release: June 1, 2013. Date of most recent review: May 1,
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EMCC © 2013 20 • Volume 3, Number 3

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