Optimizing Survival Outcomes For Adult Patients With Nontraumatic Cardiac Arrest

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October 2016

Optimizing Survival Outcomes Volume 18, Number 10

For Adult Patients With


Julianna Jung, MD, FACEP

Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Medical Education,

Nontraumatic Cardiac Arrest Department of Emergency Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD

Peer Reviewers
Abstract William J. Brady, MD
Professor of Emergency Medicine and Medicine; Chair, Medical
Emergency Response Committee; Medical Director, Emergency
Patient survival after cardiac arrest can be improved significantly Management, University of Virginia Medical Center, Charlottesville, VA
with prompt and effective resuscitative care. This systematic Faheem Guirgis, MD, FACEP
review analyzes the basic life support factors that improve survival Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Florida Health
outcome, including chest compression technique and rapid defi- Jacksonville, Department of Emergency Medicine, Division of Research,
Jacksonville, FL
brillation of shockable rhythms. For patients who are successfully
CME Objectives
resuscitated, comprehensive postresuscitation care is essential. Tar-
Upon completion of this article, you should be able to:
geted temperature management is recommended for all patients
1. Describe the elements of high-quality basic life support.
who remain comatose, in addition to careful monitoring of oxygen-
2. Discuss the evidentiary basis and current guidelines for advanced
ation, hemodynamics, and cardiac rhythm. Management of cardiac life support interventions.
arrest in circumstances such as pregnancy, pulmonary embolism, 3. Describe essential considerations in postresuscitation care following
opioid overdose and other toxicologic causes, hypothermia, and restoration of spontaneous circulation.
4. List modifications to standard resuscitation protocols that may be
coronary ischemia are also reviewed. considered in special resuscitation situations.

Prior to beginning this activity, see “Physician CME Information”

on the back page.

Editor-In-Chief Daniel J. Egan, MD Eric Legome, MD Robert Schiller, MD International Editors

Andy Jagoda, MD, FACEP Associate Professor, Department Chief of Emergency Medicine, Chair, Department of Family Medicine,
Peter Cameron, MD
Professor and Chair, Department of of Emergency Medicine, Program King’s County Hospital; Professor of Beth Israel Medical Center; Senior
Academic Director, The Alfred
Emergency Medicine, Icahn School Director, Emergency Medicine Clinical Emergency Medicine, SUNY Faculty, Family Medicine and
Emergency and Trauma Centre,
of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Medical Residency, Mount Sinai St. Luke's Downstate College of Medicine, Community Health, Icahn School of
Monash University, Melbourne,
Director, Mount Sinai Hospital, New Roosevelt, New York, NY Brooklyn, NY Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY
York, NY Nicholas Genes, MD, PhD Keith A. Marill, MD Scott Silvers, MD, FACEP
Research Faculty, Department of Chair, Department of Emergency Giorgio Carbone, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of
Associate Editor-In-Chief Emergency Medicine, Icahn School Emergency Medicine, University Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL Chief, Department of Emergency
Kaushal Shah, MD, FACEP of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Medicine Ospedale Gradenigo,
of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New Corey M. Slovis, MD, FACP, FACEP Torino, Italy
Associate Professor, Department of York, NY Pittsburgh, PA
Emergency Medicine, Icahn School Professor and Chair, Department
Charles V. Pollack Jr., MA, MD, Suzanne Y.G. Peeters, MD
of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New Michael A. Gibbs, MD, FACEP of Emergency Medicine, Vanderbilt
FACEP Emergency Medicine Residency
York, NY Professor and Chair, Department University Medical Center, Nashville, TN
Professor and Senior Advisor for Director, Haga Teaching Hospital,
of Emergency Medicine, Carolinas Ron M. Walls, MD The Hague, The Netherlands
Interdisciplinary Research and
Editorial Board Medical Center, University of North
Clinical Trials, Department of Professor and Chair, Department of
Hugo Peralta, MD
Saadia Akhtar, MD Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Emergency Medicine, Brigham and
Hill, NC Emergency Medicine, Sidney Kimmel Chair of Emergency Services, Hospital
Associate Professor, Department of Medical College of Thomas Jefferson Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical
Italiano, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Emergency Medicine, Associate Dean Steven A. Godwin, MD, FACEP University, Philadelphia, PA School, Boston, MA
for Graduate Medical Education, Professor and Chair, Department Dhanadol Rojanasarntikul, MD
Program Director, Emergency of Emergency Medicine, Assistant Michael S. Radeos, MD, MPH Critical Care Editors Attending Physician, Emergency
Medicine Residency, Mount Sinai Dean, Simulation Education, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, King Chulalongkorn
Medicine, Weill Medical College William A. Knight IV, MD, FACEP Memorial Hospital, Thai Red Cross,
Beth Israel, New York, NY University of Florida COM-
of Cornell University, New York; Associate Professor of Emergency Thailand; Faculty of Medicine,
Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL Medicine and Neurosurgery, Medical
William J. Brady, MD Research Director, Department of Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Professor of Emergency Medicine Gregory L. Henry, MD, FACEP Emergency Medicine, New York Director, EM Midlevel Provider
and Medicine; Chair, Medical Clinical Professor, Department of Hospital Queens, Flushing, NY Program, Associate Medical Director, Stephen H. Thomas, MD, MPH
Emergency Response Committee; Emergency Medicine, University Neuroscience ICU, University of Professor & Chair, Emergency
of Michigan Medical School; CEO, Ali S. Raja, MD, MBA, MPH Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Medicine, Hamad Medical Corp.,
Medical Director, Emergency
Medical Practice Risk Assessment, Vice-Chair, Emergency Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College, Qatar;
Management, University of Virginia Scott D. Weingart, MD, FCCM
Inc., Ann Arbor, MI Massachusetts General Hospital, Emergency Physician-in-Chief,
Medical Center, Charlottesville, VA Associate Professor of Emergency
Boston, MA Hamad General Hospital, Doha, Qatar
Calvin A. Brown III, MD John M. Howell, MD, FACEP Medicine, Director, Division of ED
Clinical Professor of Emergency Robert L. Rogers, MD, FACEP, Critical Care, Icahn School of Medicine Edin Zelihic, MD
Director of Physician Compliance, FAAEM, FACP
Credentialing and Urgent Care Medicine, George Washington at Mount Sinai, New York, NY Head, Department of Emergency
University, Washington, DC; Director Assistant Professor of Emergency
Services, Department of Emergency Medicine, Leopoldina Hospital,
Medicine, Brigham and Women's of Academic Affairs, Best Practices, Medicine, The University of Senior Research Editors Schweinfurt, Germany
Inc, Inova Fairfax Hospital, Falls Maryland School of Medicine,
Hospital, Boston, MA Baltimore, MD James Damilini, PharmD, BCPS
Church, VA
Clinical Pharmacist, Emergency
Peter DeBlieux, MD Alfred Sacchetti, MD, FACEP
Shkelzen Hoxhaj, MD, MPH, MBA Room, St. Joseph’s Hospital and
Professor of Clinical Medicine, Assistant Clinical Professor,
Chief of Emergency Medicine, Baylor Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ
Interim Public Hospital Director Department of Emergency Medicine,
College of Medicine, Houston, TX
of Emergency Medicine Services, Thomas Jefferson University, Joseph D. Toscano, MD
Louisiana State University Health Philadelphia, PA Chairman, Department of Emergency
Science Center, New Orleans, LA Medicine, San Ramon Regional
Medical Center, San Ramon, CA
Case Presentations Survival to hospital discharge is better overall for
shockable rhythms, with more than 33% of patients
Shortly after starting your night shift, you get STAT surviving VF/VT arrests compared to approximate-
paged to bed 34. You rush to the room and find the nurses ly 10% for PEA and asystole.8,9
giving chest compressions. You wrack your brain to
remember sign-out – wasn’t this the man who came in Critical Appraisal Of The Literature
with chest pain, no ECG changes, but a concerning his-
tory? He was stable, just waiting on an inpatient bed! The body of literature on cardiac arrest is vast, with
Not anymore, you sigh. You hold compressions to take a more than 40,000 articles in PubMed. Fortunately,
look at the monitor, and see V-fib. “Charge to 200 joules,” the International Liaison Committee on Resuscita-
you say. “Clear!” calls the tech. The patient jumps with tion (ILCOR) regularly reviews the literature and
the force of the electricity. The nurse resumes compres- synthesizes it into practice guidelines for its member
sions, but a few moments later, the patient moans, moving organizations, including the American Heart Associ-
his hand to his chest. As you hold on compressions and ation (AHA). The AHA publishes guideline updates
continue to stabilize the patient, you wonder if he would every 5 years, and these are the “gold standard” in
be a good candidate to go to the cath lab . . . cardiac arrest science. The guidelines summarize
Shortly afterward, you get a call from paramedics clinical resuscitation protocols and their evidentiary
about a young man who collapsed suddenly while danc- basis, as well as noting areas where scientific evi-
ing at a nightclub. “He’s in full cardiac arrest,” they say, dence is lacking. The 2015 updates, published on
and you rush back to the critical care bay. You arrive in October 15, 2015 in the journal Circulation, served
the resuscitation bay just as EMS arrives. “It’s V-fib,” as the starting point for this review, with additional
the paramedic tells you. “He got 1 shock on the way over, targeted literature searches performed to address
and we’re due for a rhythm check now. EMS had them specific clinical questions.
doing CPR at the scene, and they were doing a pretty The 2015 AHA guidelines emphasize the im-
good job. It’s only been about 10 minutes since the 911 portance of immediate, continuous, high-quality
call– the club is right around the corner from here.” You cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and early
pause CPR and glance at the monitor. It’s still V-fib, so defibrillation, while recognizing the relative paucity
you deliver a shock at 200 joules and one of the nurses of evidence supporting more “advanced” interven-
takes over CPR. “Great compressions,” you tell him, and tions. Key points from the 2015 guidelines include
you mean it - just the right depth and rate, and no pauses the following:10
for nonsense. “I’ve got access, Doc,” says the technician. • Prehospital care
“Perfect,” you respond, “let’s give a milligram of epi.” l
Expansion of recommendations for emergency
You sound like you’re in control, but your mind is racing medical services (EMS) dispatchers to instruct
Why V-fib in a seemingly healthy young man? bystanders in compression-only CPR for all
cases of suspected cardiac arrest
Introduction • Basic life support (BLS)
Continuation of emphasis on all aspects of
Cardiac arrest refers to the abrupt cessation of ef- CPR quality, especially rate and depth of chest
fective mechanical function of the heart. It may be compressions, as these are the most common
caused by a variety of cardiac and noncardiac dis- errors made by CPR providers
eases.1 There are more than half a million adult car- l
Addition of an upper limit for chest compres-
diac arrests in the United States each year, with ap- sion rate (100-120/min)
proximately 325,000 outside the hospital and 200,000 l
Addition of an upper limit for chest compres-
in the hospital. There is a slight male predominance, sion depth (2-2.4 in)
with 57% of cases occurring in men.2 Cardiac arrest l
Emphasis on decreasing preshock pauses in
occurs in all age groups, though incidence increases chest compressions
with age.2 l
Addition of a specific goal for chest compres-
Survival to hospital discharge occurs in approxi- sion fraction (> 60% of total resuscitation time)
mately 10% of out-of-hospital arrest cases overall, • Advanced/hospital-based life support
though survival rates are more than 30% for by- l
Continued recommendation that healthcare
stander-witnessed cases.3 In-hospital arrest survival workers provide both compressions and
is approximately 20%,4,5 though this estimate varies breaths for all arrest victims, regardless of
substantially by hospital6 and time of arrest.7 The etiology
presenting cardiac rhythm is an important predictor l
Addition of specific respiratory rate after intu-
of outcome in cardiac arrest. The first documented bation (1 breath/6 sec)
rhythm is ventricular fibrillation (VF) in 17% of l
Recommendation to maximize inspired oxy-
cases, ventricular tachycardia (VT) in 7%, pulseless gen during resuscitation
electrical activity (PEA) in 37%, and asystole in 39%.8 l
Recognition of the potential utility of ultra-

Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 2 Reprints: www.ebmedicine.net/empissues

sound, with the caveat that it must not inter- patient is in arrest: they are unresponsive, with ap-
fere with CPR or defibrillation nea and no palpable carotid pulse. However, carotid
Removal of vasopressin from arrest algorithms
pulse assessment is not always accurate,14-17 and
Addition of rhythm-specific guidelines for
agonal gasps may be confused with normal respira-
timing of epinephrine tion,18 potentially clouding the diagnostic picture.
Shockable rhythm: after defibrillation, as
AHA guidance has focused on minimizing “type II”
this is the first priority error; ie, failing to diagnose arrest when it is actu-
Nonshockable rhythm: as soon as possible
ally present. It is critical to avoid this type of error
• Postarrest care in cardiac arrest, as arrest patients have virtually
Recommendation to consider percutaneous
no chance of survival without prompt resuscitative
coronary interventions (PCI) in all successfully care, meaning that false-negative diagnoses are uni-
resuscitated arrest patients with suspected versally fatal. For this reason, cardiac arrest has be-
coronary syndromes come a diagnosis of assumption: one should assume
Recommendation for targeted temperature
it to be present in appropriate patients until proven
management at 32°C-36°C for at least 24 hours otherwise. To this end, pulse checks were completely
postarrest removed from lay rescuer protocols in 2000, and
Recommendation to avoid prognostication of
have been de-emphasized for health professionals as
neurologic outcome until 72 hours after return well.19 Similarly, EMS dispatchers have been trained
of spontaneous circulation to encourage bystander CPR for all cases of suspect-
ed cardiac arrest rather than confirming arrest before
Etiology And Pathophysiology beginning resuscitation.20
Some experts have questioned this approach,
Both inside and outside the hospital, sudden cardiac expressing concern about the dangers of unneces-
arrest in adults is attributable to primary cardiac sary CPR. While it is true that CPR is associated with
disease in approximately 60% to 80% of cases.11,12 high rates of skeletal chest wall injuries, these inju-
Among cardiac causes of arrest, acute coronary ries rarely lead to internal organ damage, and are
syndromes (ACS) are the most common, account- not life-threatening.21 Furthermore, many experts
ing for 35% to 40% of cases.11,13 In cardiac arrest due believe that patients who receive needless CPR are
to coronary syndromes, VF or VT is most often the likely to revive in response to this stimulus, enabling
initial rhythm,2 caused by the direct effects of myo- rescuers to stop before inflicting injury.19 While CPR
cardial ischemia on electrical conduction. Less com- is not entirely benign, it is clear that the consequenc-
monly, a massive myocardial infarction may cause es of withholding needed CPR are far more dire than
severe contractile dysfunction leading to insufficient those of performing it unnecessarily, and in the face
cardiac output to generate a pulse, despite preserved of clinical uncertainty, it is safest to assume cardiac
electrical conduction. Under these circumstances, a arrest is present.
PEA arrest ensues. In addition to ACS, other cardiac Once arrest has been diagnosed, knowledge
diseases can also lead to VF/VT arrest. Patients with of the underlying cause (which can have a broader
valvular lesions may develop ischemia leading to differential diagnosis) may be helpful for optimizing
a rhythm disturbance. Patients with cardiomyopa- treatment. Arrest etiology is strongly correlated with
thies and electrical conduction abnormalities are cardiac rhythm. VF/VT arrests are usually attribut-
at increased risk for developing potentially lethal able to primary cardiac etiologies, most commonly
ventricular dysrhythmias. coronary syndromes. PEA has a much broader dif-
Among noncardiac causes of arrest, hypoxia is ferential diagnosis, often referred to as the “Hs and
the most common, accounting for approximately 20% the Ts.”22 (See Table 1.)
of cases.11,13 Other frequent causes include hypovo- Formerly known as electromechanical dissociation,
lemia, pulmonary embolism, pericardial tamponade, PEA was once thought to be the result of uncoupling
and sepsis.11 PEA is the rhythm most often associated of electrical conduction from mechanical contrac-
with arrest due to noncardiac causes, and has been tion in the heart. However, studies demonstrating
linked to a wide range of systemic derangements.2
Asystole is the end-stage rhythm for all forms of Table 1. The "Hs And Ts" In Pulseless
cardiac arrest, regardless of etiology. Every rhythm Electrical Activity
will eventually deteriorate to asystole if resuscitation
Hs Ts
is unsuccessful.
Hypovolemia Tension pneumothorax
Hypoxia Tamponade, pericardial
Differential Diagnosis
Hydrogen ion (acidosis) Toxins

As a diagnosis, cardiac arrest does not have a wide Hyper/hypokalemia Thrombosis, coronary
differential diagnosis, as it should be clear when a Hypothermia Thrombosis, pulmonary

October 2016 • www.ebmedicine.net 3 Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

preservation of myocardial contraction during PEA protocol ensures that dispatchers identify the vast
challenged this belief, suggesting that, in many cases, majority of cardiac arrest cases and provide ap-
PEA is indistinguishable from severe cardiogenic propriate bystander CPR instruction.26 Dispatcher
shock.23,24 In some causes of PEA, such as hypo- instruction increases rates of bystander CPR perfor-
volemia, tamponade, and tension pneumothorax, mance, thereby increasing likelihood of survival.27
myocardial contraction may not be impaired at all. While any CPR is better than no CPR, the
In these cases, cardiac output is decreased because of quality of CPR is a critical determinant of survival
either inadequate circulating volume or obstruction of outcome in cardiac arrest. Though many health pro-
cardiac filling. In other cases, myocardial contraction fessionals think of CPR as a simple skill, inadequate
may be reduced or entirely absent. Regardless of the CPR performance is extremely common. It is essen-
cause of PEA, successful resuscitation depends on ef- tial that EMS personnel provide high-quality CPR
fective treatment of the underlying cause, in addition for all arrest patients for the full duration of prehos-
to standard resuscitative measures. pital care. There are 5 core elements of CPR quality
identified by the AHA:28
Prehospital Care 1. Minimize interruptions in chest compressions
2. Maintain appropriate compression rate
Two-thirds of cardiac arrests occur outside of the 3. Ensure adequate compression depth
hospital, and effective prehospital care is crucial 4. Allow full chest wall recoil between compressions
to the survival of arrest patients. The difference in 5. Avoid excessive ventilation
survival rates between witnessed and unwitnessed
out-of-hospital arrests underscores the pivotal role Emergency Department Evaluation
that prehospital care plays in determining arrest
outcome. BLS is the cornerstone of out-of-hospital For all cardiac arrest patients, the first priority is
cardiac arrest care, and it includes rapid recogni- initiation or continuation of BLS, including high-
tion of arrest, activation of EMS, performance of quality CPR and defibrillation, if indicated. Gather-
CPR, and defibrillation when indicated for shock- ing clinical information is a secondary consideration.
able rhythms.25 These interventions are prioritized A single team member should be designated to
because of their critical and time-sensitive nature; obtain history so that the rest of the team can focus
CPR provides perfusion to vital organs pending on resuscitation. For out-of-hospital cardiac arrests,
more definitive intervention, and defibrillation history will usually be obtained from EMS, though
restores normal electrical conduction in cases of VF/ family may sometimes be available. Essential history
VT. Recognition of the lifesaving potential of BLS for all arrests includes:
has led to widespread training of laypersons in CPR • Time of arrest (or time of EMS call if arrest time
and increasing availability of automated external is unknown)
defibrillators (AEDs) in public places. • Whether arrest was witnessed
In a registry of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests, • Whether bystander CPR was performed
only 33% of patients received bystander CPR, and • First cardiac rhythm
only 4% received bystander defibrillation before • Treatments prior to arrival
EMS arrival. Arrests that were witnessed and/or oc- • Availability of airway and/or vascular access
curred in public places were more commonly treated
with bystander CPR. There were significant racial While additional history is always beneficial,
disparities in bystander CPR performance, with 40% it is particularly important in cases of PEA arrest.
of whites receiving bystander CPR compared to 33% As discussed earlier, PEA is associated with a wide
to 34% of blacks and Hispanics. Unsurprisingly, the variety of systemic and noncardiac etiologies, in con-
subgroup with the highest survival rate (30%) con- trast to VF/VT, which is typically caused by cardiac
sisted of patients with witnessed arrests, bystander events. The broader differential diagnosis that must
CPR, and shockable rhythms.12 be considered in PEA necessitates a thorough history
Current guidelines emphasize the importance of for elucidating the cause and directing treatment.
ensuring that EMS dispatchers recognize all possible Given the emergent nature of cardiac arrest, it may
cardiac arrest cases, and provide bystander instruc- be unrealistic to collect this information immediate-
tion in compression-only CPR. Bystanders com- ly, so the input of EMS, family, friends, and bystand-
monly misreport agonal gasps in arrest patients as ers should be sought as soon as feasible. Important
signs of life, thereby impeding the initiation of CPR additional history includes:
instruction.18 Rather than asking whether breathing • Events immediately prior to the arrest
is present in an unconscious patient, EMS dispatch- • Recent illnesses or symptoms
ers are now instructed to ask whether breathing is • Pertinent past medical and surgical history
“normal,“ as unconscious patients with abnormal • Daily medications, and whether overdose or
breathing are likely to be in cardiac arrest.25 This medication error are suspected

Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 4 Reprints: www.ebmedicine.net/empissues

• Allergies to medications or severe environmen- Ultrasound has become a popular modality of
tal allergies assessment in cardiac arrest, mostly for diagnosing
• Tobacco, alcohol, and/or illicit drug use potential causes of arrest and assessing myocardial
contractility. A small trial recently demonstrated
In cardiac arrest, the only essential physical that ultrasound could successfully identify revers-
examination maneuvers are pulse check and obser- ible causes of arrest, but survival outcomes were the
vation for signs of life, which occur during regularly same regardless of the use of ultrasound.29 Other
scheduled pauses in CPR for cardiac rhythm as- studies have shown that ultrasound is particularly
sessment. In the absence of a pulse and/or signs of useful in PEA for diagnosing treatable conditions
life, cardiac arrest may be assumed to be present, such as hypovolemia and pericardial tamponade,
and resuscitation should proceed accordingly. That but only case reports suggest that this information
said, some physical examination findings may help changes outcome.30,31 There is evidence that ventric-
elucidate the underlying cause of cardiac arrest, and ular standstill on ultrasound is a useful prognostic
may help direct treatment, particularly in PEA. (See indicator, as it is strongly associated with failure of
Table 2.) resuscitation and may be helpful in making deci-
sions regarding termination of care.32,33 The 2015
Diagnostic Studies AHA guidelines state that ultrasound may be used
as an adjunct to standard assessment methods, but
Cardiac arrest is a clinical diagnosis. No diagnostic they explicitly stipulated that it may not be permit-
tests are indicated for confirmation, and treatment ted to interfere with CPR, defibrillation, or other
should be initiated based on clinical assessment. essential interventions.22 We recommend using diag-
The only laboratory study that should be routinely nostic ultrasound in the assessment of cardiac arrest
considered is a fingerstick blood glucose test to patients, but limiting it to 10-second intervals during
determine whether hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia rhythm checks so as not to interfere with CPR. Chest
may be implicated in the etiology of arrest. While compressions offer unequivocally proven survival
hypokalemia or hyperkalemia may be implicated benefit, while diagnostic ultrasound, though poten-
in cardiac arrest, this should be suspected based on tially useful in some cases, does not.
clinical history and electrocardiogram (ECG) mor-
phology and treated empirically, rather than relying Treatment
on laboratory confirmation. Additional laboratory
and imaging studies should be deferred until spon- Basic Life Support
taneous circulation has been restored. High-quality BLS is the cornerstone of resuscita-
tion both inside and outside of the hospital. For
out-of-hospital arrests, the emergency department
Table 2. Physical Examination Findings And (ED) care team should ensure seamless continu-
Possibly Related Causes Of Arrest ation of prehospital resuscitation, minimizing
interruptions in CPR and ensuring appropriate
Physical Examination Finding Possibly Related Cause of
timing of rhythm checks and defibrillation. For in-
hospital arrests, the team should promptly initiate
Unilaterally absent breath Tension pneumothorax resuscitation. In all cases, care should be taken to
optimize CPR quality, as this is a critical determi-
Neck vein distension Pericardial tamponade, tension nant of survival. CPR quality metrics include the
following goals and guidelines:
Mottled, cold extremities Hypoperfusion states (ie, shock
of any etiology) Chest Compression Rate Goal: 100-120
Dry mucous membranes, skin Hypovolemia compressions/min
tenting Inappropriate compression rate is among the most
Evidence of trauma or gastroin- Hemorrhage common resuscitation errors.10 The 2010 AHA guide-
testinal bleeding lines required compression rates of > 100/min, but
Unilateral leg swelling Pulmonary embolism new data suggest that excessively fast rates are just
Signs of recent surgery Pulmonary embolism, hemor- as detrimental to survival as slow rates.34,35 The 2015
rhage guidelines have, therefore, added an upper limit on
Gravid uterus Pulmonary embolism, hypoxia compression rate, and providers should now deliver
related to seizure/eclampsia 100 to 120 compressions/min. From a physiologic
Needle track marks, pill bottles/ Toxic ingestion/overdose standpoint, this makes sense, as fast rates decrease
paraphernalia filling time, thereby reducing cardiac output. Fur-
Arteriovenous fistula/graft, Hyperkalemia, acidosis thermore, there is evidence that compression depth
dialysis catheter suffers at rates > 120 compressions/min,35 thereby

October 2016 • www.ebmedicine.net 5 Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

reducing stroke volume. Rates of 100-120 compres- Avoid Excessive Ventilation
sions/min maximize cardiac output, ultimately There are no human studies regarding the impact of
improving likelihood of survival. hyperventilation on survival, but there is evidence
that this is a common error in resuscitation.28 Animal
Chest Compression Depth Goal: 2 to 2.4 inches literature suggests that positive pressure ventilation
Incorrect compression depth is another very com- may raise intrathoracic pressure, decrease coronary
mon resuscitation error.10 The 2010 AHA guidelines perfusion pressure, impair cardiac output, and
required a compression depth of > 2 inches, but the negatively impact survival.45 In light of the adverse
current 2015 guidelines have also added an upper physiologic effects of positive pressure ventilation,
limit of 2.4 inches.22 There is clear evidence that com- current guidelines advise limiting respirations to 1
pression depths > 2 inches produce better survival breath every 6 seconds in intubated patients, or 2
outcomes than shallower ones.36,37 In a study of more breaths following each cycle of 30 compressions in
than 9000 patients, optimal survival was observed nonintubated patients.25 Rescuers should only insuf-
with compression depths of 1.6 to 2.2 inches, with flate enough volume to produce minimal chest rise.28
no benefit or detriment for greater depths.37 How-
ever, another study demonstrated that injuries are Defibrillation
more likely to occur with compression depths > 2.4 In addition to quality CPR, it is essential that rescu-
inches.38 While the injuries observed were not life- ers rapidly defibrillate all patients with shockable
threatening, the lack of clear benefit to deep compres- rhythms. Delays in defibrillation are associated with
sions combined with the possibility of harm led to lower rates of survival from cardiac arrest.46 For this
the establishment of an upper boundary on depth. In reason, the 2015 AHA guidelines recommend that
actual practice, excessively shallow compressions are defibrillation be performed as quickly as possible
far more common than excessively deep ones,37 so following the identification of a shockable rhythm.25
ensuring adequate depth is still the primary consider- The dose-response curve for defibrillation is not
ation when monitoring CPR quality. known and more data are needed to determine the
best means of current delivery to the heart in cardiac
Chest Compression Fraction Goal: > 60% Of arrest. In the absence of this information, current
Resuscitation Time recommendations are to administer the first defibril-
CPR continuity is commonly measured as the chest lation at 200 J if a biphasic defibrillator is used, and
compression fraction (CCF), which refers to the to consider this dose or higher (up to the device's
percentage of total arrest time during which compres- maximum energy) for all subsequent shocks. If a
sions are ongoing. There is considerable evidence monophasic defibrillator is used, the dose of all
that CCF correlates with clinical outcome in cardiac shocks in cardiac arrest is 360 J.
arrest patients. One study of patients with shock- There has been speculation that a period of CPR
able rhythms observed the highest rates of survival prior to defibrillation might improve the metabolic
to hospital discharge among patients with CCF of status of the heart, making successful defibrillation
60% to 80%,39 while another study of patients with more likely. Several high-quality studies have shown
nonshockable rhythms demonstrated a linear in- no benefit to this approach in terms of survival,47-49
crease in return of spontaneous circulation as CCF meaning that there is no reason to delay defibril-
increased.40 Studies specifically examining perishock lation in order to perform CPR beforehand. When
pauses in CPR have demonstrated an association a defibrillator is not immediately available, CPR
between shorter pause lengths and improved survival should be initiated pending defibrillation.
outcome.41,42 A few studies have shown conflicting In order to ensure rapid defibrillation, it is essen-
results,43,44 though the preponderance of the evidence tial that rescuers quickly identify shockable rhythms.
suggests that CPR continuity is an important contrib- For safety reasons, BLS-level rescuers are required to
utor to survival. For this reason, the 2015 AHA guide- use automated defibrillators for rhythm identifica-
lines encourage minimizing interruptions in CPR, tion. Higher-level rescuers are permitted to defibril-
particularly in the perishock period, and striving for a late in manual mode, which requires the rescuer to
CCF of at least 60% for all resuscitations.25 visually identify the rhythm and decide whether
to deliver a shock. Operation of the defibrillator in
Allow Full Chest Wall Recoil Between Compressions manual mode has been shown to decrease the dura-
There are no human studies on chest wall recoil tion of CPR interruptions,50,51 and, in one study, was
in cardiac arrest patients, but it makes physiologic associated with increased return of spontaneous
sense to avoid leaning on the chest, in order to circulation.51 For this reason, it is recommended that
optimize cardiac filling between compressions, and health professionals master rhythm interpretation
animal studies show that leaning decreases coronary and manual defibrillator operation in order to maxi-
perfusion pressures. It is therefore recommended to mize CCF and potentially improve clinical outcome.
allow full recoil following each compression.25

Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 6 Reprints: www.ebmedicine.net/empissues

Shockable rhythms are: it may be assumed that oxygen stores have already
• Ventricular fibrillation (See Figure 1) been depleted, necessitating immediate respiratory
Randomly fluctuating electrical activity support in order to provide tissue-level oxygenation.
No organized QRS complexes Consequently, the precise point in cardiac arrest
Always pulseless resuscitation at which respiratory support becomes
• Ventricular tachycardia (See Figure 2) necessary will vary according to the patient’s prear-
Rate > 150 beats/min and regular rest physiologic state and the cause of cardiac arrest.
Wide, bizarre QRS complexes Even for patients with nonasphyxial arrest, the
May be pulseless, unstable, or stable optimal timing for initiation of respiratory support
has not been established. For these reasons, health-
Airway Management And Ventilation care professionals are expected to provide both chest
The 2010 AHA guidelines stipulated that compres- compressions and ventilations for all patients in
sions should be initiated before ventilations, in cardiac arrest. While compression-only CPR has be-
recognition of the primary importance of restoring come the standard for layperson bystanders, health-
circulation in adult arrest patients.52 From a physi- care professionals should consider the likely cause
ologic standpoint, patients with nonasphyxial causes of arrest when deciding when and how to initiate
of arrest may be assumed to have normal arterial respiratory support. While a brief period of com-
oxygen concentrations, providing a reservoir that pression-only CPR may be appropriate for a patient
temporarily permits continued oxygen delivery who collapses suddenly from a presumed cardiac
despite absence of ongoing respiration. Restoration event, this approach is not appropriate for a victim
of circulation will therefore enable continued tissue- of drowning or choking, in whom effective ventila-
level oxygenation until this reservoir is depleted. tion is of the utmost importance. In the out-of-hos-
After this occurs, respiratory support is necessary to pital setting prior to EMS arrival, mouth-to-barrier
reoxygenate the blood and permit ongoing oxygen or mouth-to-mouth ventilation may be required in
delivery. For patients with asphyxial causes of arrest, situations where respiratory support is necessary.

Figure 1. Electrocardiogram Of Ventricular Fibrillation

Source: en.ECGPedia.org. Available at: http://en.ecgpedia.org/index.php?title=File:Rhythm_ventricular_fibrillation.png. Used with permission.

Figure 2. Electrocardiogram Of Ventricular Tachycardia

Source: en.ECGPedia.org. Available at: http://en.ecgpedia.org/index.php?title=File:Vtach.png. Used with permission.

October 2016 • www.ebmedicine.net 7 Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

In the ED, ventilation is an integral part of Pharmacologic Interventions
resuscitation, and may be accomplished via bag- Overall, there is little evidence that any pharmaco-
valve mask, supraglottic airway, or endotracheal logic intervention substantially impacts long-term
intubation. The 2015 guidelines leave the choice of survival outcome in cardiac arrest. For this reason,
how to perform ventilation to the discretion of the the AHA has placed relatively less emphasis on drugs
practitioner, as there is no evidence that airway man- compared to CPR and defibrillation in recent itera-
agement approach influences patient outcome.22 If tions of the guidelines. A large prehospital study
noninvasive ventilation is used, then compressions found no difference in survival among patients
and breaths must be coordinated using a 30:2 ratio. treated with only BLS interventions (ie, chest com-
If an advanced airway is placed, this is unnecessary, pressions, noninvasive ventilation, and defibrillation)
and breaths should be delivered every 6 seconds.22 It compared to those treated with “advanced” inter-
should be emphasized that advanced airway place- ventions, including vascular access and parenteral
ment requires considerable skill and carries a signifi- drugs.58 That said, drugs are still included in ad-
cant risk of interrupting BLS. It should be attempted vanced life-support algorithms, and the evidentiary
only if it can be accomplished with minimal impact basis for their use merits consideration. These medi-
on chest compressions and defibrillation. cations may augment basic measures in some cases,
If intubation is performed, it is essential to and certain niche applications can be considered.
confirm and monitor placement of the endotracheal
tube. Misplacement and dislodgement of endotra- Vasopressors
cheal tubes are common during CPR, and esopha- Vasopressor agents are used in cardiac arrest to
geal intubation can be a fatal error. The 2015 AHA increase peripheral vascular resistance, thereby
guidelines recommend use of continuous waveform optimizing perfusion of central organs, including
capnography for confirmation and monitoring of the heart and brain. Epinephrine is the most com-
airway placement.22 This approach is highly specific monly used vasopressor in cardiac arrest. The ben-
for confirmation of endotracheal tube placement, efits of epinephrine stem from its alpha-adrenergic
though sensitivity is poor in cardiac arrest, as false- (vasoconstrictor) effects, while its beta-adrenergic
negative results are quite common due to cessation effects are potentially deleterious, as they increase
of normal cellular carbon dioxide production.53,54 myocardial work and may be arrhythmogenic.
For this reason, noncapnographic methods of confir- It is currently unknown whether epinephrine is
mation may be required in some cases. harmful, beneficial, or neutral in the management
of cardiac arrest.
Vascular Access A recent placebo-controlled randomized trial
The 2015 AHA guidelines did not address specific demonstrated beneficial short-term effects of epi-
vascular access techniques, though they did empha- nephrine, with substantially more patients achieving
size that vascular access is of secondary importance return of spontaneous circulation in the epinephrine
compared to BLS interventions, and should not be group compared to the control group.59 No long-
permitted to impede CPR or defibrillation.22 The term survival benefits were observed in this study,
2010 guidelines also did not advocate for a single though it was stopped early due to ethical concerns,
optimal approach to vascular access, though they and was therefore insufficiently powered to detect
discussed the relative merits of peripheral, intraos- this finding. The early termination of this trial is vex-
seous, and central access. Intraosseous access was ing, as it was the first randomized trial comparing
recommended as a reasonable option in cases where epinephrine to placebo, and had the potential to add
peripheral access was not readily available. Central considerably to the understanding of the optimal
access (subclavian or internal jugular) was noted role for this drug in cardiac arrest. There is some evi-
to offer pharmacodynamic benefits, but carries dence that high-dose epinephrine improves short-
substantial risk of interrupting CPR.55 There is no term outcome compared to standard-dose epineph-
known relationship between choice of vascular rine,60 but no evidence that it improves long-term or
access approach and patient outcome, and there is neurologic outcome.61,62 The 2015 AHA guidelines
far more evidence supporting the survival benefits recommend continued use of standard-dose epi-
of CPR than of parenteral drugs. It therefore seems nephrine (1 mg every 3-5 min) in cardiac arrest, but
appropriate to select an access strategy that is simple high-dose regimens are not recommended.22
and minimally disruptive of BLS interventions, such While there is nothing new in the guidelines
as peripheral line followed by intraosseous needle if about epinephrine indications or dosing, there are
unsuccessful. There is evidence that tibial intraosse- updated recommendations regarding the timing
ous placement yields higher success rates and faster of epinephrine administration. Two recent studies
access times compared to humeral intraosseous or of patients with nonshockable rhythms demon-
peripheral line placement.56,57 strated time-dependent benefits of epinephrine
administration, with better survival and neurologic

Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 8 Reprints: www.ebmedicine.net/empissues

outcome among patients receiving epinephrine while not harmful for treatment of asystole or
early in resuscitation compared to those receiving it bradycardic PEA, has not been found to produce
late.63,64 These data have prompted a recommenda- clear clinical benefit and is no longer recommended
tion that patients in nonshockable rhythms receive for adult cardiac arrest. Studies of bicarbonate have
epinephrine as soon as is feasible.22 For patients in produced mixed results, with some evidence of
shockable rhythms, defibrillation remains the first clinical harm. While not recommended for routine
resuscitative priority. cardiac arrest, bicarbonate may still be warranted
The potential adverse effects of epinephrine on in cases of pre-existing severe metabolic acidosis,
myocardial oxygen consumption and dysrhythmia hyperkalemia, or tricyclic antidepressant overdose.
have prompted interest in alternate vasopressors Calcium has never been shown to be beneficial in
for use in cardiac arrest. Vasopressin is a power- cardiac arrest and should not be used routinely,
ful vasoconstrictor that does not act on adrenergic although, like bicarbonate, it may be useful in cases
receptors, and thus lacks the potentially harmful of hyperkalemia.55
effects of epinephrine. While there is some evidence
for benefit of vasopressin compared to epinephrine Immediate Postarrest Care In The
in select patients,65 a large meta-analysis failed to Emergency Department
demonstrate any difference in survival outcomes Patients who are successfully resuscitated from
between the drugs.66 Another study showed no cardiac arrest require meticulous monitoring and
benefit of combination therapy with vasopressin stabilization to prevent recurrent arrest and to opti-
and epinephrine compared to epinephrine alone.67 mize neurologic outcome. Careful attention must be
Despite the theoretical benefits of vasopressin, there paid to ensuring adequate airway control, oxygen-
is no evidence that it yields superior outcome to ation, and ventilation. Continuous cardiac rhythm
epinephrine, and it was thus removed from the 2015 monitoring is necessary due to the high incidence of
AHA guidelines.22 postarrest dysrhythmias. Hemodynamic monitor-
ing is also warranted to ensure adequate systemic,
Antiarrhythmics cerebral, and coronary perfusion. In addition to
Antiarrhythmic drugs work through several physi- these basic stabilization procedures, there are some
ologic mechanisms, acting on ion channels to reduce specific interventions that merit consideration in the
automaticity of electrical conduction in the myo- immediate postarrest period.
cardium. Rather than directly converting VF/VT
to a perfusing rhythm, the goal of these drugs is to Pharmacologic Interventions
increase the likelihood of successful rhythm conver- It is intuitive that antiarrhythmics may be useful in
sion after defibrillation. Antiarrhythmics have been the postarrest period, as their effects on electrical au-
included in cardiac arrest algorithms based on their tomaticity may prevent recurrent dysrhythmias. Li-
theoretical benefits, despite a paucity of evidence docaine has been historically used for this purpose,
that they actually improve outcome. though there is conflicting evidence regarding its
Amiodarone is the most commonly used antiar- benefits. In 2013, a large observational study found
rhythmic drug for cardiac arrest. Two randomized that lidocaine does reduce postarrest dysrhythmias,
trials have established its benefit for return of spon- but had no significant impact on survival.71 We
taneous circulation and short-term survival.68,69 recommend use of antiarrhythmics in cases of recur-
Lidocaine, procainamide, and magnesium have rent postarrest ventricular ectopy despite limited
been studied in cardiac arrest as well, and there evidence of survival benefit, and generally prefer
is no evidence that they offer survival benefit.22 amiodarone for this purpose.
A recent multicenter randomized trial comparing Beta blockers are of interest in postarrest pa-
lidocaine, amiodarone, and placebo did not show tients, as they decrease catecholamine activity,
any benefit for survival to hospital discharge or potentially decreasing myocardial ischemia and
favorable neurologic outcome among patients with arrhythmia risk. In one study, use of postarrest beta
out-of-hospital shock-refractory VF/VT arrest.70 blockers was shown to be an independent predictor
The 2015 AHA guidelines recommend consider- of survival,72 and other studies suggest benefit from
ation of amiodarone for VF/VT that is refractory to these drugs during or after cardiac arrest.73 A small
CPR, defibrillation, and vasopressor therapy, stress- study of VF/VT arrest patients refractory to stan-
ing the limitations of the evidence underlying this dard care showed improvement in survival outcome
recommendation. Lidocaine may be considered as among patients treated with esmolol infusion during
an alternative to amiodarone.22 resuscitation.74 Despite this encouraging preliminary
data, there is currently inadequate evidence to sup-
Other Drugs port the routine use of beta blockers during or after
The 2010 AHA guidelines specifically recommend- cardiac arrest, and the 2015 AHA guidelines leave
ed against administration of several drugs that had this decision to individual providers.22
been historically used in cardiac arrest. Atropine,

October 2016 • www.ebmedicine.net 9 Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

Clinical Pathway Pathway
For For Management
Emergency Of Cardiac Arrest
Department Management Of Multiple
Shocks In The Emergency Department

Patient presents in cardiac arrest

• Assess ABCs
Check carotid pulse. Present? YES
• Perform further stabilization


• Begin high-quality CPR

• Attach monitor/defibrillator
• Assess cardiac rhythm

Patient is in VF/VT
Patient is in PEA/asystole
• Defibrillate at 200 J biphasic, 360 J
• Resume CPR for 2 min (Class I)
monophasic (Class I)
• Obtain IV/IO access
• Resume CPR for 2 min (Class I)
• Obtain IV/IO access

Assess cardiac rhythm/pulse. Return of

See Postarrest Care, Box A YES
Assess cardiac rhythm/pulse. Return of YES spontaneous circulation?
spontaneous circulation?

• Resume CPR for 2 min (Class I)

Still in shockable rhythm? • Administer epinephrine 1 mg every
3-5 min (Class II)
YES • Treat reversible causes

• Defibrillate at ≥ 200 J biphasic, 360 J

monophasic (Class I)
• Resume CPR for 2 min (Class I)
• Administer epinephrine 1 mg every
3-5 min (Class II)

Assess cardiac rhythm/pulse. Return of

See Postarrest Care, Box A YES
Assess cardiac rhythm/pulse. Return of YES spontaneous circulation?
spontaneous circulation?

• Resume CPR for 2 min (Class I)

NO • Administer epinephrine 1 mg every
Still in shockable rhythm?
3-5 min (Class II)
• Treat reversible causes

Box A. Postarrest Care:

• Defibrillate at ≥ 200 J biphasic, 360 J • Complete assessment • Begin targeted temperature management,
monophasic (Class I) • Secure airway 32°C to 36°C for 24 hours (Class II)
• Resume CPR for 2 min (Class I) • Ensure oxygenation • Consider need for emergent coronary inter-
• Administer amiodarone 300 mg • Optimize perfusion vention (Class II)
(Class III) • Consider need for rhythm management • Transfer to ICU setting (Class I)

Abbreviations: ABC, airway, breathing, circulation; CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation; ICU, intensive care unit; IO, intraosseous; IV, intravenous; PEA,
pulseless electrical activity; VF, ventricular fibrillation; VT, ventricular tachycardia.
For Class of Evidence definitions, see page 11.

Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 10 Reprints: www.ebmedicine.net/empissues

Hemodynamic Management hypothermia groups.88 A recent large study addressed
Myocardial dysfunction and shock are common this issue by rigorously controlling temperature in 2
after cardiac arrest, and vasopressor support is often groups; one at 33°C and the other at 36°C. This study
required to support systemic perfusion.75 Postar- found no differences in survival or neurologic out-
rest hypotension is strongly associated with adverse come between the two temperature groups,89 suggest-
outcome.76,77 There are no randomized trials to ing that careful temperature control and avoidance of
guide management of hypotension in the postarrest fever may be more important than the precise target
period, and optimal hemodynamic targets remain temperature selected. For this reason, the guidelines
undefined.78 A few observational studies have now advocate for targeted temperature manage-
evaluated care bundles that include other postarrest ment rather than therapeutic hypothermia. Targeted
interventions, such as therapeutic hypothermia and temperature management is recommended for all
PCI, in addition to goal-directed management of comatose postarrest patients, with selection and
hemodynamics. These studies have produced mixed maintenance of a single target temperature between
results, and it is impossible to discern the indepen- 32°C and 36°C for at least 24 hours.78
dent effect of hemodynamic management, if any.79-81 Selection of the appropriate temperature for
For this reason, the input provided by the 2015 AHA targeted temperature management is at the discre-
guidelines is quite limited, consisting of a recom- tion of the clinician, and may take individual patient
mendation to promptly treat systolic blood pressures factors into consideration. Patients with high bleed-
< 90 mm Hg, with the caveat that optimal blood ing risk (eg, those undergoing fibrinolysis) may
pressure varies between individuals. No guidance is be maintained at higher temperatures to minimize
offered regarding how to achieve this goal; however, coagulopathy. Patients with neurologic complica-
we recommend norepinephrine infusion for patients tions (eg, recurrent seizures) may benefit from more
with hypotension following cardiac arrest, as it is aggressive cooling and could be maintained at lower
less arrhythmogenic than alternative vasopressors.82 temperatures. Whatever temperature is selected, it
should be carefully monitored and actively main-
Targeted Temperature Management tained for a minimum of 24 hours. The 2015 AHA
There has been immense interest in postarrest guidelines offer no guidance regarding how temper-
therapeutic hypothermia since the first human ature regulation should be achieved, though there
study of this treatment was published in 2002. This is a specific recommendation against chilled fluid
study included 77 patients who remained comatose boluses in the prehospital setting.78 We recommend
following out-of-hospital VF/VT arrest, and found initiation of targeted temperature management in
better functional outcome among the group treated the ED for all postarrest survivors, through careful
with hypothermia compared to the normothermic temperature monitoring. Passive external cooling is
group.83 Conflicting outcomes have been observed typically sufficient to achieve target temperatures,
for therapeutic hypothermia among out-of-hospital though more aggressive cooling may be warranted
arrest patients with nonshockable rhythms.84-86 For for patients with fever.
inhospital cardiac arrests, a large study found that
hypothermia was not beneficial, but the results were Prognostic Indicators Of Outcome
confounded by high rates of inadequate temperature Prognostication of outcome is essential in cardiac
control in the treatment group.87 arrest management, as it guides the decision of
Studies of hypothermia have been criticized whether or not to continue resuscitative efforts. Pre-
for inadequately controlling hyperthermia, and for mature withdrawal of care in a patient with poten-
high rates of failure to achieve target temperatures in

Class Of Evidence Definitions

Each action in the clinical pathways section of Emergency Medicine Practice receives a score based on the following definitions.
Class I Class II Class III Indeterminate
• Always acceptable, safe • Safe, acceptable • May be acceptable • Continuing area of research
• Definitely useful • Probably useful • Possibly useful • No recommendations until further
• Proven in both efficacy and effectiveness • Considered optional or alternative treat- research
Level of Evidence: ments
Level of Evidence: • Generally higher levels of evidence Level of Evidence:
• One or more large prospective studies • Nonrandomized or retrospective studies: Level of Evidence: • Evidence not available
are present (with rare exceptions) historic, cohort, or case control studies • Generally lower or intermediate levels • Higher studies in progress
• High-quality meta-analyses • Less robust randomized controlled trials of evidence • Results inconsistent, contradictory
• Study results consistently positive and • Results consistently positive • Case series, animal studies, • Results not compelling
compelling consensus panels
• Occasionally positive results

This clinical pathway is intended to supplement, rather than substitute for, professional judgment and may be changed depending upon a patient’s individual
needs. Failure to comply with this pathway does not represent a breach of the standard of care.
Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. 1-800-249-5770. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any format without written consent of EB Medicine.

October 2016 • www.ebmedicine.net 11 Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

tial for survival is obviously a tragic error. Futile care gravid uterus can compress the aorta and inferior
consumes substantial resources, subjects patients to vena cava when the patient is supine, impairing
needless indignity, and may exert adverse psycho- venous return to the heart and decreasing cardiac
logical effects on loved ones and healthcare workers output. Manual left uterine displacement is recom-
alike. For these reasons, reliable prognostic indica- mended for all cardiac arrest patients with pregnan-
tors are needed to guide termination decisions. cy > 20 weeks’ gestation in order to alleviate aorto-
Several indicators have been studied, including end- caval compression and improve perfusion with CPR.
tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) and ultrasound. Resuscitation in the left lateral tilt position is not
recommended, as this technique compromises CPR
End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide quality.94 Evacuation of the uterus provides ultimate
CO2 is a by-product of cellular metabolism and is relief of aortocaval compression, and perimortem
excreted during exhalation. ETCO2 is most reliably cesarean delivery may benefit the circulatory status
measured using continuous waveform capnography. of the mother regardless of fetal viability. While
In cardiac arrest, ETCO2 is a surrogate measure of the there are no large studies, a case series showed high
cardiac output achieved by chest compressions, as rates of successful maternal resuscitation following
well as the presence of ongoing metabolic activity. Two perimortem cesarean delivery,95 and this treatment
studies have examined the prognostic value of ETCO2, modality should be considered in all pregnant arrest
both finding that values < 10 mm Hg are strongly as- patients > 20 weeks’ gestation. The 2015 AHA guide-
sociated with mortality.90,91 While these findings are lines stipulate that resources for perimortem cesar-
provocative, it should be emphasized that there are ean delivery should be mobilized as soon as cardiac
numerous sources of error in ETCO2 measurement, arrest is diagnosed in pregnant patients > 20 weeks,
including leaks and kinks in tubing, bronchospasm, and should be performed if standard resuscitation
pulmonary edema, and lung pathology. Additionally, with uterine displacement fails to restore circulation
these studies were conducted in intubated patients within 4 minutes.94
and cannot be extrapolated to patients who are man-
aged with bag-valve mask ventilation or supraglottic Pulmonary Embolism
airways. The 2015 AHA guidelines recommend that Thrombotic diseases such as myocardial infarc-
ETCO2 not be used as the sole prognostic indicator for tion or pulmonary embolism are common causes of
arrest patients, though it can be considered as part of cardiac arrest.11 This fact has sparked interest in the
the global clinical picture in intubated patients.78 role of fibrinolytic agents in cardiac arrest. The 2010
AHA guidelines discouraged the routine use of these
Ultrasound agents,55 primarily due to 2 trials that found no sur-
A few small studies suggest that ultrasound-diag- vival benefit for empiric administration of fibrinolyt-
nosed ventricular standstill may predict mortality ics in arrest patients,96,97 one of which demonstrated
in cardiac arrest.32,33 This method of prognostica- increased risk of intracranial hemorrhage in the treat-
tion merits further study, as it is readily available in ment group. Both of these studies used fibrinolytics
most EDs and provides information on physiologic without regard to arrest etiology, and thus may not
function that may not be otherwise available. The apply to patients with known or strongly suspected
appropriate use of ultrasound in this context was not pulmonary embolism. The 2015 AHA guidelines do
addressed in the 2015 AHA guidelines. not offer input regarding patients with suspected
pulmonary embolism, but for patients with cardiac
Termination Of Resuscitation arrest due to confirmed pulmonary embolism, they
There are no clear guidelines regarding termination specifically advocate for consideration of clot-directed
of resuscitation. In the past, studies have shown that therapy in the form of fibrinolysis, surgical embo-
longer resuscitations are associated with worse sur- lectomy, or catheter embolectomy.94 The decision of
vival outcome.92,93 However, with high-quality CPR, which therapy to pursue is left to the discretion of the
adequate organ perfusion may be maintained for a clinician, based on available resources and patient fac-
considerable period of time, and intact survival has tors. It should be noted that outcomes are extremely
been reported even after prolonged resuscitation. No poor in fulminant pulmonary embolism without clot-
single parameter can reliably predict survival, and de- directed therapy, and the need for emergent lifesaving
cisions regarding continuation of resuscitation must treatment may supersede concerns about contraindi-
be individualized, considering a variety of factors. cations to fibrinolysis.94

Special Circumstances Opioid Overdose

Opioid use disorders are common, and mortality
Pregnancy from opioid overdose is increasing.98 Depending on
Advanced pregnancy requires modifications to stan- the quantity ingested and the patient’s tolerance,
dard resuscitation techniques. In late pregnancy, the opioids may cause decreased level of consciousness,
respiratory depression, apnea, or hypoxic cardiac
Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 12 Reprints: www.ebmedicine.net/empissues
arrest. Distinguishing between these manifesta- Patients With Other Toxicologic Causes Of
tions of opioid toxicity may be impossible for first Arrest
responders, as pulse and respiratory assessment by Toxicologic causes of cardiac arrest may require
lay rescuers is known to be unreliable.14,15 For this specific treatments for the underlying physiologic
reason, treatment of opioid overdose by lay rescuers derangement caused by the toxin, in addition to
has, historically, not been recommended. However, standard cardiac arrest management. For example,
the opioid antagonist naloxone does not produce ad- alkalinization of patients poisoned with tricyclic
verse effects in patients without opioid dependence, antidepressants may be a reasonable adjunct to CPR
and the withdrawal it precipitates in opioid-depen- and vasopressor therapy. The 2015 AHA guidelines
dent patients is not life-threatening. Naloxone has only addressed 1 specific toxicologic etiology of ar-
become readily available to the public following the rest: local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST). LAST
United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a rare complication of regional anesthesia that is
approval of naloxone autoinjectors designed for most often associated with bupivacaine, and can
emergent treatment of opioid-induced respiratory cause cardiac arrest that is refractory to standard in-
arrest.99 It is therefore reasonable to consider nalox- terventions. Intravenous lipid emulsions have been
one as an adjunct to standard BLS interventions, as it recommended in the treatment of LAST. Addition of
carries very little risk and immense potential benefit lipids to the serum can sequester lipophilic medica-
for patients who need it. To this end, the 2015 AHA tions like local anesthetics, thereby decreasing their
guidelines support the empiric use of naloxone by physiologic effects. While there are no comparative
first responders as a standard part of BLS manage- studies, a systematic review of intravenous lipid
ment, provided that naloxone administration does emulsions for LAST showed benefit in all published
not interfere with CPR and defibrillation.94 Health human cases.100 For this reason, the 2015 AHA
professionals should continue using naloxone, as guidelines recommend considering intravenous
usual, for opioid-associated respiratory depression, lipid emulsions along with standard resuscitation
but no recommendations are offered for its use in in patients with LAST. Intravenous lipid emulsions
cardiac arrest.94 may also be considered in other toxicologic causes
of arrest (eg, tricyclic antidepressants, antihyperten-
Torsades de Pointe sives) that are refractory to standard measures.94
Torsades de pointe is a specific form of polymorphic
ventricular tachycardia. (See Figure 3.) Unlike mono- Hyperkalemia
morphic VT, torsades is commonly caused by noncar- Hyperkalemia that causes cardiac arrest occurs most
diac conditions like electrolyte abnormalities or toxic commonly in patients with impaired potassium ex-
ingestions. Torsades was not specifically addressed cretion due to renal insufficiency. Medical treatment
in the 2015 AHA guidelines, but previous iterations of hyperkalemia should be initiated in patients with
recommend treating cardiac arrest associated with cardiac arrest related to this etiology, along with
this rhythm like any other VF/VT arrest, using defi- standard resuscitative measures. The first priority is
brillation and CPR as first-line interventions.55 The stabilization of the myocardial membrane, which is
important difference in the treatment of torsades is accomplished with calcium chloride or calcium glu-
that magnesium sulfate (1-2 grams IV push) may be conate.55 The next priority is intracellularization of
considered as an antiarrhythmic therapy for torsades circulating potassium, which is accomplished with
related to QT-segment prolongation.55 sodium bicarbonate, intravenous short-acting insulin

Figure 3. Electrocardiogram Of Torsades de Pointe

Source: www.lifeinthefastlane.com; available at: http://lifeinthefastlane.com/ecg-library/tdp/. Used with permission.

October 2016 • www.ebmedicine.net 13 Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

(given with glucose to prevent hypoglycemia), and Controversies And Cutting Edge
nebulized albuterol, if feasible, depending on airway
management approach.55 These treatments are tem- Percutaneous Coronary Interventions
porizing, lowering serum potassium long enough to Coronary ischemia is a common cause of cardiac
bridge the patient to a more definitive intervention. arrest. Revascularization has become the standard of
Definitive treatments eliminate potassium from the care for ACS in the nonarrest setting, so it is natural
body, and emergent dialysis is the most appropriate that there would be interest in the role of revascu-
option in hyperkalemic cardiac arrest.55 larization following cardiac arrest. The 2010 AHA
guidelines recommended obtaining a 12-lead ECG
Accidental Hypothermia in all successfully resuscitated arrest patients, and
Accidental hypothermia presents a unique challenge performing PCI in those with ST-segment eleva-
in resuscitation, as patients with low core tempera- tion myocardial infarction (STEMI) patterns.55
tures may have depressed central nervous system However, STEMI patterns may not be present in all
and cardiac activity that is difficult to distinguish arrest patients with ACS. A recent study of coronary
from cardiac arrest. Furthermore, when cardiac angiography in cardiac arrest patients demonstrated
arrest does actually occur, hypothermia exerts a that 96% of patients with STEMI had acute coronary
neuroprotective effect, potentially enabling intact occlusions on angiography, but 58% of patients
survival even after prolonged periods without without STEMI also had acute coronary occlu-
perfusion. These observations have led to the adage sions.103 These findings suggest that ST elevations
that “you’re not dead until you’re warm and dead,” alone are insufficient to identify patients who may
meaning that hypothermic patients without signs of benefit from PCI following cardiac arrest, and that a
life should be transported, resuscitated, and actively more permissive strategy is needed when selecting
warmed regardless of the duration of their down- patients for angiography.
time. Accidental hypothermia was not addressed in A 2014 study of coronary angiography in non-
the 2015 AHA guidelines, but the 2010 recommenda- STEMI arrest patients found that more than a quar-
tions on this subject merit review. ter had acute coronary occlusions requiring PCI, and
There is a common misconception that resuscita- that early PCI was associated with reduced risk of
tive interventions may be dangerous in hypothermic death.104 A 2011 study focusing specifically on shock-
patients due to cardiac irritability. For this reason, able rhythm arrests also demonstrated high rates of
rescuers may be reluctant to begin CPR or perform coronary occlusion among patients without STEMI,
defibrillation, often completing prolonged assess- and improved survival among patients who under-
ments or attempting rewarming before addressing went PCI.105 A 2012 study correlated early coronary
the problem of cardiac arrest. The guidelines do not angiography with improved survival outcome,
recommend modifications to BLS in hypothermia, again noting that a significant proportion of patients
stipulating that chest compressions, rescue breath- requiring PCI had nondiagnostic ECGs.106
ing, and defibrillation should be completed as Because of the evidence linking early PCI to im-
normal, regardless of temperature. Airway manage- proved survival outcome, the 2015 AHA guidelines
ment, vascular access procedures, and vasopressor recommend that all patients successfully resuscitat-
administration should also proceed as for normo- ed from cardiac arrest of suspected cardiac etiology
thermic patients, though the role of antiarrhythmics should be considered for emergent coronary angi-
is less clear.55 ography. This recommendation applies regardless of
The major modification to resuscitation in hy- neurologic status or presenting arrest rhythm.78
pothermic patients is the addition of active core re-
warming techniques to standard therapies. Cardio- Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary
pulmonary bypass is the most effective rewarming Resuscitation
technique for patients in cardiac arrest. Successful Extracorporeal CPR (ECPR) refers to techniques that
use of bypass has been described in several case re- permit oxygenation and circulation of the blood to
ports, and a case series suggests reasonable chances occur outside of the body, including extracorporeal
of intact survival for patients treated this way.101 If membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and cardiopulmo-
bypass is not available, thoracic lavage may also be nary bypass. These techniques may allow additional
successfully used, and many case reports describe time to facilitate treatment for underlying causes of
intact survivors.102 Less-invasive techniques such arrest, but they require specialized equipment and
as administration of warm intravenous fluids or expertise that may not be routinely available even in
humidified air do not produce significant heat tertiary care centers. There are no randomized trials
transfer, and are considered adjuncts to more de- of ECPR, and observational studies yield mixed
finitive approaches.55 results. Some observational studies show promising
associations between ECPR and improved survival
and/or neurologic outcome,107-109 while others do

Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 14 Reprints: www.ebmedicine.net/empissues

Risk Management Pitfalls For Cardiac Arrest

1. “I followed the guidelines – how was I sup- 6. “I knew it was V-fib, but I couldn’t get the
posed to know why he was in PEA?” blasted defibrillator hooked up! It’s the tech’s
PEA is often caused by noncardiac conditions, job anyway.”
and will resolve only when these underlying It is common practice to delegate defibrillation
conditions are treated. Standard resuscitation to nursing staff, and physicians may run
interventions do not resolve physiologic dozens of resuscitations without ever touching
derangements causing PEA, and should be the defibrillator, leading to skill decay. As
viewed as a bridge to more definitive care. leaders, physicians must be the most competent
Know the Hs and the Ts, and hunt for the root members of the resuscitation team, and should
cause of PEA in every patient. thoroughly understand operation of lifesaving
equipment like the defibrillator.
2. “I was busy intubating – it’s not my fault that
chest compressions were too slow.” 7. “Sure, I didn’t ventilate – but everyone knows
Chest compressions are the single most that chest compressions are the only thing that
important intervention in cardiac arrest matters!”
regardless of etiology, whereas intubation Emphasis on the importance of CPR and
is not necessary in the majority of cases. defibrillation has led to a misconception that
Physicians must be meticulous about every respiratory support is irrelevant. While “hands-
aspect of compression quality. Compression only” CPR is acceptable for lay rescuers, health
rate can be monitored using the CPR quality professionals must provide ventilation along
feedback features available on many modern with chest compression in all resuscitations.
defibrillators, a metronome or timer, or even Advanced airway placement is not mandatory,
by singing (“Stayin’ Alive” has just the right but effective ventilation is. Every breath should
tempo). produce visible chest rise, and compressions
should be coordinated with ventilations in a 30:2
3. “I couldn’t compress any deeper – I was too ratio prior to advanced airway placement.
Achieving adequate compression depth is 8. “So I gave a few doses of sodium bicarbonate –
physically challenging for many rescuers, and as what’s wrong with that?”
fatigue worsens, compressions suffer. Physicians The only drugs that are included in resuscitation
must monitor their team members for signs of algorithms are epinephrine (all rhythms) and
fatigue and change compressors as needed to amiodarone (VF/VT – lidocaine is an acceptable
ensure quality CPR. alternative). Unless the patient has a specific
indication for bicarbonate, such as hyperkalemia
4. “I had no idea we stopped compressions for or tricyclic antidepressant overdose, this drug is
so long – I was having trouble getting a decent not warranted and may be harmful.
image on the ultrasound.”
Low chest compression fraction contributes to 9. “I got him back – it’s not my fault that he’s febrile.”
poor survival outcomes, and needless pauses Targeted temperature management in the range
in CPR are not to be tolerated. In cardiac of 32ºC to 36ºC is required for a minimum of
arrest, nothing is more important than CPR, 24 hours following successful resuscitation
and compressions should be halted only from cardiac arrest. Fever is common in the
for scheduled breaths and rhythm checks/ postresuscitation period, and is known to be
defibrillation. The guidelines specifically deleterious to outcomes, so temperature control
stipulate that ultrasound should not be allowed must be meticulous.
to interfere with CPR.
10. “Her ECG looked OK – how was I supposed to
5. “That monitor tracing was really weird – I know this was a STEMI?”
didn’t realize it was V-tach.” Acute coronary syndromes are common among
Defibrillation is the only effective treatment for cardiac arrest patients, and the ECG is not
VF/VT arrest, and it is essential for clinicians reliable for diagnosing coronary ischemia in the
to recognize these rhythms rapidly and reliably. postarrest period. Cardiac catheterization should
While manual defibrillation mode is preferred be initiated for all successfully resuscitated
for clinicians, automated mode may be used in patients with a suspected cardiac etiology of
the face of uncertainty about the rhythm. arrest.

October 2016 • www.ebmedicine.net 15 Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

not.110 The only prospective study demonstrated im- tients do not respond despite high-quality CPR
proved neurologic outcome among patients treated and effective management of underlying disease
with ECPR, but this study bundled ECPR with processes, then cessation of resuscitation should
therapeutic hypothermia and aortic balloon pump be considered. ETCO2 and ultrasound may be
placement, making it impossible to discern the inde- used as adjuncts in making this decision.
pendent contribution of ECPR.111 There is currently • Disposition successfully resuscitated patients
insufficient evidence to recommend routine use of effectively. Cardiac arrest patients with return
ECPR, but it may be considered for select patients, of spontaneous circulation require consider-
particularly in cases with reversible etiologies of able time and resources from the care team, and
arrest where time is needed to bridge the patient to are best managed in an intensive care setting.
definitive management.78 Patients with suspected cardiac causes of arrest
should be expeditiously transported to the cardi-
Steroids ac catheterization lab, and others should be sent
Inflammation may contribute to adverse outcome to the ICU for targeted temperature manage-
in cardiac arrest, and steroids have been studied as ment and other physiologic support.
adjunctive treatment in arrest patients. There is no
current evidence that steroids produce independent Case Conclusions
benefit, but 2 recent studies in which steroids were
bundled with vasopressin and epinephrine sug- In consultation with cardiology, the decision was made to
gest benefit of this combination over epinephrine send your first patient to the cath lab. In the meantime,
alone.112,113 While provocative, these studies were your young patient from the night club is a dilemma –
not designed to address the independent effects of why does a young man go into cardiac arrest? As CPR
steroids, and the guidelines do not recommend rou- continues, you hear sobbing behind you, and turn around
tine use of steroids at present.22 to see a tearful young woman standing in the hallway.
“It’s his girlfriend,” says the medic. You look at your
Disposition watch – you have 90 seconds before the next shock. You
ask what happened and if she knows anything that might
All patients who survive cardiac arrest should be help. “He had some weird thing with his heart,” she
managed in intensive care units. says. “He was supposed to get some kind of study, some
electricity thing, and they said he might need one of those
boxes that can shock you. He was totally freaked out about
Summary it, and he kept putting it off.” You turn to your student,
“Take a look in his record and see what you can figure
Cardiac arrest is a common problem that requires
out.” It’s almost time for the next rhythm check when you
prompt and effective intervention on the part of
notice his hand move. “Stop!” you say. The team pauses
healthcare providers. High-quality CPR and rapid
CPR and you see an organized rhythm on the monitor. It
defibrillation (when indicated) are, by far, the most
wasn’t just your imagination – he moves his hand again,
important interventions, and take priority over all
this time bringing it up to his chest and moaning a bit.
other treatments. Airway management and respira-
“We’ve got him back,” you say. "Let’s cycle a blood pres-
tory support should be provided as soon as feasible.
sure and grab a 12-lead.”
Advanced interventions such as intubation, vascular
“I’ve got his record!” cries your student. “You won’t
access, and parenteral medications are included in
believe it! Brugada syndrome! Picked up on a routine ECG,
cardiac arrest algorithms, though their importance
totally asymptomatic. He’s due in electrophysiology lab this
is minimal compared to basic interventions. Iden-
week.” You smile at your student. “Well I hope you were
tification of the underlying cause of cardiac arrest
paying attention – you won’t see this every day!” You go
is important for guiding therapy both during the
back to the bedside and find your patient with stable blood
arrest and after spontaneous circulation is restored.
pressure and oxygenation, now opening his eyes. “Please
Targeted temperature management and coronary an-
get cardiology on the phone right away,” you say.
giography should be considered for all successfully
“Don’t need to – they’re calling you,” says the nurse,
resuscitated arrest patients.
handing you a phone. “Hey, great timing!” you say. “Not
sure what you mean,” says the cardiologist, “I was just
Time- And Cost-Effective Strategies calling to tell you about that V-fib patient we cathed. You
wouldn’t believe it – a 99% LAD stenosis, with a totally
• Know when to terminate resuscitation: Futile normal ECG!” You smile. “The way my night is going,
resuscitation consumes considerable time and I’ll believe anything!” “He’s totally stable now,” says the
resources. While there are no guidelines regard- cardiologist, “normal vitals, following commands – what
ing termination of resuscitation, common sense a great save!” “I’m so glad to hear it,” you reply, “You
and medical judgment can be applied to decide won’t believe this, but I’ve got another one for you…”
when further efforts are likely to be futile. If pa-

Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 16 Reprints: www.ebmedicine.net/empissues

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72. Skrifvars MB, Pettila V, Rosenberg PH, et al. A multiple patients)
logistic regression analysis of in-hospital factors related to 87. Nichol G, Thomas E, Callaway CW, et al. Regional varia-
survival at six months in patients resuscitated from out-of- tion in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest incidence and outcome.
hospital ventricular fibrillation. Resuscitation. 2003;59(3):319- JAMA. 2008;300(12):1423-1431. (Prospective observational;
328. (Retrospective observational; 98 patients) 20,520 patients)
73. de Oliveira FC, Feitosa-Filho GS, Ritt LE. Use of beta- 88. Little NE, Feldman EL. Therapeutic hypothermia after car-
blockers for the treatment of cardiac arrest due to ventricular diac arrest without return of consciousness: skating on thin
fibrillation/pulseless ventricular tachycardia: a systematic ice. JAMA Neurol. 2014;71(7):823-824. (Editorial)
review. Resuscitation. 2012;83(6):674-683. (Systematic review) 89.* Nielsen N, Wetterslev J, Cronberg T, et al. Targeted tem-
74. Driver BE, Debaty G, Plummer DW, et al. Use of esmolol af- perature management at 33 degrees C versus 36 degrees C
ter failure of standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation to treat after cardiac arrest. N Engl J Med. 2013;369(23):2197-2206.
patients with refractory ventricular fibrillation. Resuscitation. (Randomized; 939 patients)
2014;85(10):1337-1341. (Retrospective observational; 25 90. Levine RL, Wayne MA, Miller CC. End-tidal carbon dioxide
patients) and outcome of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. N Engl J
75. Jentzer JC, Chonde MD, Dezfulian C. Myocardial dys- Med. 1997;337(5):301-306. (Prospective observational; 150
function and shock after cardiac arrest. Biomed Res Int. patients)
2015:314796. (Review) 91. Ahrens T, Schallom L, Bettorf K, et al. End-tidal carbon
76. Kilgannon JH, Roberts BW, Reihl LR, et al. Early arterial dioxide measurements as a prognostic indicator of outcome
hypotension is common in the post-cardiac arrest syndrome in cardiac arrest. Am J Crit Care. 2001;10(6):391-398. (Prospec-
and associated with increased in-hospital mortality. Resusci- tive observational; 127 patients)
tation. 2008;79(3):410-416. (Retrospective observational; 102 92. Ballew KA, Philbrick JT, Caven DE, et al. Predictors of sur-
patients) vival following in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
77. Beylin ME, Perman SM, Abella BS, et al. Higher mean arte- A moving target. Arch Intern Med. 1994;154(21):2426-2432.
rial pressure with or without vasoactive agents is associated (Retrospective observational; 313 patients)
with increased survival and better neurological outcomes 93. Shih CL, Lu TC, Jerng JS, et al. A web-based Utstein style
in comatose survivors of cardiac arrest. Intensive Care Med. registry system of in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation

October 2016 • www.ebmedicine.net 19 Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

in Taiwan. Resuscitation. 2007;72(3):394-403. (Prospective pulmonary resuscitation for patients with out-of-hospital
observational; 330 patients) cardiac arrest of cardiac origin: a propensity-matched study
94. Lavonas EJ, Drennan IR, Gabrielli A, et al. Part 10: special and predictor analysis. Crit Care Med. 2013;41(5):1186-1196.
circumstances of resuscitation: 2015 American Heart Associa- (Retrospective observational; 162 patients)
tion guidelines update for cardiopulmonary resuscitation 110. Lin JW, Wang MJ, Yu HY, et al. Comparing the survival be-
and emergency cardiovascular care. Circulation. 2015;132(18 tween extracorporeal rescue and conventional resuscitation
Suppl 2):S501-S518. (Guidelines) in adult in-hospital cardiac arrests: propensity analysis of
95. Katz V, Balderston K, DeFreest M. Perimortem cesarean three-year data. Resuscitation. 2010;81(7):796-803. (Retrospec-
delivery: were our assumptions correct? Am J Obstet Gynecol. tive observational; 122 patients)
2005;192(6):1916-1920. (Case series; 38 cases) 111. Sakamoto T, Morimura N, Nagao K, et al. Extracorporeal car-
96. Bottiger BW, Arntz HR, Chamberlain DA, et al. Thromboly- diopulmonary resuscitation versus conventional cardiopul-
sis during resuscitation for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. monary resuscitation in adults with out-of-hospital cardiac
N Engl J Med. 2008;359(25):2651-2662. (Randomized; 1050 arrest: a prospective observational study. Resuscitation.
patients) 2014;85(6):762-768. (Prospective observational; 454 patients)
97. Abu-Laban RB, Christenson JM, Innes GD, et al. Tissue plas- 112. Mentzelopoulos SD, Malachias S, Chamos C, et al. Vasopres-
minogen activator in cardiac arrest with pulseless electrical sin, steroids, and epinephrine and neurologically favor-
activity. N Engl J Med. 2002;346(20):1522-1528. (Randomized; able survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest: a randomized
233 patients) clinical trial. JAMA. 2013;310(3):270-279. (Randomized; 268
98. Han B, Compton WM, Jones CM, Cai R. Nonmedical pre- patients)
scription opioid use and use disorders among adults aged 113. Mentzelopoulos SD, Zakynthinos SG, Tzoufi M, et al.
18 through 64 years in the United States, 2003-2013. JAMA. Vasopressin, epinephrine, and corticosteroids for in-hospital
2015;314(14):1468-1478. (Survey study; 472,200 respondents) cardiac arrest. Arch Intern Med. 2009;169(1):15-24. (Random-
99. US Food and Drug Administration. FDA approves new ized; 100 patients)
hand-held autoinjector to reverse opioid overdose. Available
at: http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/
PressAnnouncements/ucm391465.htm. Released April 3, CME Questions
2014. Accessed November 2, 2015. (News bulletin)
100.* Jamaty C, Bailey B, Larocque A, et al. Lipid emulsions in the
treatment of acute poisoning: a systematic review of human
Take This Test Online!
and animal studies. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2010;48(1):1-27. (Sys-
tematic review) Current subscribers receive CME credit absolutely
101. Farstad M, Andersen KS, Koller ME, et al. Rewarming from free by completing the following test. Each issue
accidental hypothermia by extracorporeal circulation. A includes 4 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM, 4 ACEP
retrospective study. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2001;20(1):58-64.
Category I credits, 4 AAFP Prescribed credits, 4 AOA
(Retrospective observational; 26 patients) Take This Test Online!
102. Plaisier BR. Thoracic lavage in accidental hypothermia with Category 2A or 2B credits, and 4 ABIM MOC points.
cardiac arrest--report of a case and review of the literature. Monthly online testing is now available for current
Resuscitation. 2005;66(1):99-104. (Review) and archived issues. To receive your free CME cred-
103.* Dumas F, Cariou A, Manzo-Silberman S, et al. Immediate its for this issue, scan the QR code below with your
percutaneous coronary intervention is associated with better
survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: insights from the
smartphone or visit www.ebmedicine.net/E1016.
PROCAT (Parisian Region Out of hospital Cardiac ArresT)
registry. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2010;3(3):200-207. (Retrospec-
tive observational 714 patients)
104. Hollenbeck RD, McPherson JA, Mooney MR, et al. Early
cardiac catheterization is associated with improved survival
in comatose survivors of cardiac arrest without STEMI.
Resuscitation. 2014;85(1):88-95. (Retrospective observational;
269 patients)
105. Cronier P, Vignon P, Bouferrache K, et al. Impact of routine 1. You are attending a sporting event when you
percutaneous coronary intervention after out-of-hospital hear someone cry for help. You rush over and
cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation. Crit Care.
2011;15(3):R122. (Prospective observational; 111 patients)
find a young woman unresponsive on the
106. Strote JA, Maynard C, Olsufka M, et al. Comparison of role ground. She has no palpable carotid pulse and
of early (less than six hours) to later (more than six hours) or no obvious respiratory effort. You begin chest
no cardiac catheterization after resuscitation from out-of- compressions and call for an automated exter-
hospital cardiac arrest. Am J Cardiol. 2012;109(4):451-454. nal defibrillator (AED) while a bystander calls
(Retrospective observational; 240 patients)
107. Shin TG, Choi JH, Jo IJ, et al. Extracorporeal cardiopulmo-
EMS. Once the AED arrives, you apply it and
nary resuscitation in patients with inhospital cardiac arrest: it does not advise a shock. What is the most
a comparison with conventional cardiopulmonary resuscita- likely cause of this patient’s arrest?
tion. Crit Care Med. 2011;39(1):1-7. (Retrospective observa- a. Congenital cardiomyopathy
tional; 406 patients) b. Congenital conduction disturbance
108. Chen YS, Lin JW, Yu HY, et al. Cardiopulmonary resus-
citation with assisted extracorporeal life-support versus
c. Acute myocardial infarction
conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation in adults with d. Pulmonary embolism
in-hospital cardiac arrest: an observational study and pro-
pensity analysis. Lancet. 2008;372(9638):554-561. (Prospective
observational; 172 patients)
109. Maekawa K, Tanno K, Hase M, et al. Extracorporeal cardio-

Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 20 Reprints: www.ebmedicine.net/empissues

2. You rush to the bedside of a patient who has 5. EMS transports a 63-year-old man in ventricu-
collapsed suddenly after presenting with lar fibrillation (VF). Chest compressions and
mild dyspnea. The patient, a 72-year-old man, bag-valve mask ventilation are in progress,
had previously been stable on supplemental and 1 shock was administered prior to arrival.
oxygen. He is now apneic and unresponsive. The patient does not yet have vascular access.
Your intern palpates the carotid and says, “I Which statement regarding vascular access in
think there might be a weak pulse – I’m just this patient is TRUE?
not sure.” What is the most appropriate course a. A central line is the recommended form of
of action? access, as this approach ensures rapid
a. Palpate the carotid yourself for 30 seconds delivery of drugs to the heart.
to determine whether there is a pulse b. Tibial intraosseous access is inappropriate,
b. Perform ultrasound examination to see if as this approach is technically difficult and
there is myocardial movement less likely to succeed than other options.
c. Immediately begin chest compressions c. Vascular access is not necessary, as
d. Immediately begin bag-valve mask pharmacologic interventions are not
ventilation indicated for this patient.
d. A peripheral IV is acceptable, as this
3. You are supervising the resuscitation of a approach allows rapid administration
52-year-old man in pulseless electrical activ- of drugs, fluids, and other needed
ity (PEA) of unknown etiology. You want to interventions.
ensure optimal CPR quality, and you notice
that your new defibrillator has a CPR feedback 6. You are debriefing following the unsuccessful
feature. You check the readings on the monitor, resuscitation of an elderly patient who present-
and see the following information regarding ed in asystole. A team member asks why epi-
chest compressions: rate: 110; depth: 2.2; recoil: nephrine was given to this patient, stating that
complete; and chest compression fraction: 56%. he had read that it doesn’t make any difference
What advice should you give your CPR pro- and might even be dangerous in resuscitation.
vider? Which is the best response?
a. Push faster! Rate should be above 120. a. That’s correct – epinephrine has no proven
b. Don’t push so hard! Depth should only be 2 benefit and may actually cause harm,
inches. which is why it has been removed from
c. Lean more! You shouldn’t release pressure arrest algorithms.
on the chest wall. b. That’s incorrect – epinephrine improves
d. Get back on the chest! Decrease the both short- and long-term survival
frequency and length of pauses. outcome, which is why it is a mandatory
element of all arrest algorithms.
4. You are resuscitating a morbidly obese 48-year- c. That’s partly correct – epinephrine may
old woman in PEA. Your intern goes to the worsen ischemia and arrhythmias, but
head of the bed to manage the airway. What there is evidence that it increases return
instructions should you give her? of spontaneous circulation, so it is still
a. Don’t begin ventilations right now – chest recommended in arrest algorithms.
compressions are the top priority and we
don’t want to interrupt them for respiration. 7. You are resuscitating a 57-year-old man who
b. Use the bag-valve mask to give 2 breaths had a witnessed cardiac arrest with immediate
for every 30 compressions – and be sure to bystander CPR. The first rhythm was ventricu-
check for chest rise with each breath. lar tachycardia (VT), and the patient has re-
c. Get set up to intubate right away – we’ll mained in VT despite continuous high-quality
pause chest compressions so you can get a CPR, defibrillation, effective bag-valve mask
clear shot at the airway. ventilation, and epinephrine. What is the next
most appropriate course of action?
a. Administer amiodarone
b. Administer lidocaine
c. Administer magnesium
d. Perform intubation

October 2016 • www.ebmedicine.net 21 Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

8. You are providing medical direction for EMS 10. You have successfully resuscitated a 59-year-
in a rural area, and you receive a radio consult old woman with pulseless VT who had a
for a patient with witnessed VF arrest. The sudden, witnessed collapse in a shopping mall.
patient has been successfully resuscitated and She has a prior history of coronary artery dis-
now has stable vital signs, but remains coma- ease with a single coronary stent placed 3 years
tose. His current rectal temperature is 36°C. ago. She now has stable vital signs but remains
The EMT states that she still has an hour in comatose. Her 12-lead ECG shows ST segment
transit to the nearest hospital, and she’d like to depressions, but no STEMI. Which statement
begin “cooling him down.” What is the most regarding the role of cardiac catheterization in
appropriate response? her care is TRUE?
a. No – there is no proven benefit for targeted a. She should not undergo catheterization
temperature management for patients with because of her neurologic status.
out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. b. She should not undergo catheterization
b. No – his core temperature is already in because her ECG is nondiagnostic.
the acceptable range, so we can use targeted c. She should undergo catheterization because
temperature management to keep him at of her ischemic ECG changes.
36°. d. She should undergo catheterization because
c. Yes – targeted temperature management of her history and presentation.
is only beneficial when core temperature
is lowered to 32°, so we must begin cooling
d. Yes – targeted temperature management
Coming soon in

requires boluses of chilled intravenous
fluids to keep body temperature Emergency Medicine
between 32° and 36°.
9. A 68-year-old woman presents to the ED with
dyspnea and chest pain 2 days after undergo- Managing Hypokalemia And
ing knee replacement surgery. She is tachy- Hyperkalemia In
cardic, tachypneic, hypoxemic, and mildly hy- The Emergency Department
potensive on arrival. Pulmonary embolism is
strongly suspected, and CT angiography of the
John Ashurst, DO, MSc
chest confirms this diagnosis. A heparin drip is
Director of Emergency Medicine Residency Research,
initiated promptly, but the patient deteriorates Duke Lifepoint Memorial Medical Center, Johnstown, PA
and has a PEA arrest. Which statement regard-
ing this patient’s care is TRUE? Shane R. Sergent, DO
a. Fibrinolysis is absolutely contraindicated Department of Emergency Medicine, Conemaugh
due to her recent major surgery. Memorial Hospital, Johnstown, PA
b. Heparin would be expected to adequately Benjamin J. Wagner, DO
address her PE. Department of Emergency Medicine, Conemaugh
c. Fibrinolysis or other clot-directed therapy Memorial Hospital, Johnstown, PA
should be performed promptly.
d. Intracranial hemorrhage is not associated Potassium disorders are common and potentially deadly,
with appropriate treatment of cardiac arrest making early recognition and treatment fundamental
to quality emergency care. The symptoms that a patient
due to PE.
may experience with these disorders are typically vague
and difficult to distinguish. The emergency clinician
must have a heightened index of suspicion and low
threshold for testing and treating. Recent literature has
questioned several age-old practices and has challenged
the clinician to assess new practice paradigms, including
the routine ordering of serum magnesium levels in
those with hypokalemia, redrawing potassium levels in
a hemolyzed sample, proper blood drawing techniques,
and the utility of sodium polystyrene sulfonate and
bicarbonate in the treatment of acute hyperkalemia.
This issue of Emergency Medicine Practice provides a
systematic review of the newest evidence regarding
the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of
potassium-related emergencies.

Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 22 Reprints: www.ebmedicine.net/empissues

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Transient Ischemic Attack:

• A review of the latest guidelines from American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
• What you need to know to diagnose TIA quickly and accurately
• Is the ABCD2 Score still the best risk stratification tool?
• Current evidence on cardiac evaluation in TIA
• Echocardiography, CT, or MRI – which is the best choice for imaging?
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