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Allocation of resources How scarce Collective bargaining Negotiations Derived demand Occur s wher a
resources are distr ibuted among between a recognised trade union product or factor of productio-
producer s, and how scarce goods and employer/s. is not demanded for itself, bu, a
and services are allocated among Competition Where different firms dependent on the demand for=-=
consumers. are trying to sell to a consumer a product it helps to produce.
Asset Something that is expected to simil ar pr oduct. Determination of price The
provide a benefit to the owner in Competition policy A government in teraction of the free market
the fu ture. policy to promote competition. forces of demand and supply;:
Average cost (4CI The cost of Complen,ent Good or service that establish the general level of c- :=
producing a unit (unit cost of goes together w ith another, such for a good or service.
production]. as cars and fu el. Developed country A coun try
Average revenue IARI The revenue with hig h GDP per capita and
Consumer A person or organisation
per unit sold. developed industry and service
that directly uses a good or
service . sectors.
Balance of payments The record of
all financial transactions between Development The process of
Consumer price index {CPI)
one cou ntry and the rest of the increasing people's standard o'
Method used to calculate the r ate
world. living and wellbeing over time.
of inflation .
Balance of payments on the current Jirect Lax A ta x on income or wea.·-
Consumer sovereign y Throug h
account The total of net trade their purchase of goods and Diseconomies c,f scale When the
in goods and services, income services consumers are able average cost of production beg -
flows and transfers between one to influence to influence what to increase as a firm grows
country and the rest of the world. producers supply and thus how in size.
Balanced curren account Where resources are allocated. Disequilibrium Where the quant :_
the sum of expor ts plus the inflow Contraction of supply The demanded does not equal t he
of income and transfers is equal movement inwards along the quantity supplied.
to the sum of imports plus the supply curve, lead ing to a decrea se Di-sposable income Income
outflow of income and transfers. in both price and quantity. available after the effect of direc:
Balanced government budget Cost of Living The price level of taxes and benefits, often ca lled
When tax revenue is equal to goods and services bought (by net income.
government spending. the average family). Distribution of income How
Bank rate Rate set by the Bank of Currency The system of money incomes are shared out betwee ~
Engl and that in fluences all other used in a country or group of individuals and househol ds.
rates of interest in the country. countries. Distribution of wealth How weal;~
Boom A period of high economic Curren• account The record of is shared out between ind ividuals
activity and high levels of trade in goods and services, and househol ds.
employment. income flows and transfers Division of labour Where workers
Budget deficit When government between one country and the rest specialise in, or concentrate
spending is greater than tax revenue. of the world. on, one area of the production
Budget surplus When tax revenue Current account deficit Where the process.
is greater than government sum of exports plus the inflow Economic choice An option for the
spending. of income and transfers is less use of selected scarce resources
i:tuildir,g society A mutua l financial than the sum of imports plus the Economic growth Growth in GD P
institution that is owned by its outflow of income and transfers. [value of output) over ti me .
members. Its primary obj ectives Current account surplus Where the Economic problem How to best use
are to rece ive deposits from its sum of expor ts plus the inflow of limited r esources to satisfy the
members and to lend money for income and transfers is greater unlimited wants of people.
members to purchase property. tha n the sum of im ports plus the Economic sustainability The best
Capital The factor of production outflow of income and transfers. use of resources in order to create
that relates to the human -made Cyclical unemployment responsible development or
aid s to prod uction. Unemployment caused by a lack growth, now and for the fu ture.
Clainant Count The method of demand in the economy. Economies of scale Th e cost
of measuring unemployment Demand The w illingness and ability advantages a firm can gain
according to the number of people to pu rchase a good or service at by increasing the scale of
who are claiming unemployment- the given price in a given time production, l eadi ng to a fall in
rel ated benefits. period. average costs.
Effective demand The quantity of a External cost See negative Imports Goods and services bought
good or service that an individual externa lily. from abroad.
is both willi ng and able to buy at External economies of sc:ale Th e Income The rewa rd for the service
a range of prices in a given time cost advantages a fi rm can provided by a factor of production ,
period. gain by increasing the sca le of includ ing labour.
Efficiency Concerned with production . leadi ng to a fall in Income and wealt redistribut,o
the optimal production and average costs. Government actio n, using ma inly
distribution of scarce resources. Externality An effect of an taxation and benefits, to re duce
Elastic demand When the econom ic activity on a th ir d inequalities of income and wealth.
percentage change in quantity party. Income tu A tax levied directly on
demanded is greater tha n the Factor market Market in which persona l income, i.e . a tax on a
percentage cha nge in pri ce. the ser vices of the factors of person's wages.
Elastic supply When the percentage production are bought and sol d. Indirect tax A tax on spending,
change in quantity supplied is Factors ot production The often defin ed as a tax on goods
greater than the percentage resources in an economy that and ser vices.
change in price. can be used to make goods and Individual demand The demand for
Employment The use of la bour in services, e.g. land, labour, capital a good or service by an individual
the economy to produce goods and enterpr ise. consumer.
and services. Financial sector Consists of Individual supply The supply of a
Enterprise The fa ctor of production financial organ isations and their good or service by an individual
that takes a r isk in organising the products, and involves the flow of producer.
other three factors of production. ca pital. Inelastic demanc When the
The individual who takes this risk Fiscal policy A policy that uses percentage change in qua ntity
is known as an entrepreneur. govern me nt spending and dema nded is less than the
Enviro mental suStainabtllty taxation to affect the economy as perce ntage change in price.
The impact of development or a whole. Inelastic supply When the
growth where the effe ct on the fixed cost (FCI All the costs of the percentage cha nge in quantity
environment is small and possible firm that have to be paid even if supplied is less than the
to manage. currently and into the production is zero. The costs do percentage cha nge in price.
fu ture. not vary with output. Inflation A sustained rise in the
Equillbri um price and quantity Free trade agreement Free general price level over ti me.
Where the quantity su pplied movement of goods and services Insurance company Financia l
exactly matches the quantity between countrie s, without any institution that guarantees
demanded. restrictions. compensation for specified loss,
European Union (E.UI An economic Frictional unemployment damage, illness or death in return
and poli tical group of countries in Unemployment caused by time for an agreed premium.
Europe that have free trade with lags when workers move between Interest rate The price of borrowing
each other. jobs. mo ney, and the reward for saving
Excess dem md Where, at the GD P per capita GDP divided by the money.
current price, the amount popul ation. Internal economies of scale A
demanded is greater than the Globalisation The expansion of result of the growth of the firm
amount sellers are willing to supply. worl d trade in goods and services, itself, leading to a fall in average
Excess. sup11ly Where, at the curr ent together with capital flows, costs.
price, the amount supplied is leading to greater international lrterna ional rade The exchange
greater than the amount buyers interdependence. of goods and services between
are pr epared to purchase. Good A ta ngible product, i.e. that countri es.
=xchange The giving up of can be seen or touched. Investment The purchase of capital
something that the individ ual or Government A political authority goods that are used to produce
firm has, in return for someth ing that decides how a country is r un future goods and services. It
,hey wish to have but do not and manages its operation . is also an asset pur chased to
oossess. Government reven e The source of provide an income in the fu ture
= change rate The pri ce of one finance for governmen t spending. and/or to be sold at a profit.
:u rrency in ter ms of another Gross domestic product (GOP) The Invisible hand Unobservable
: urrency. tota l va lue added of goods and ma rket forc es assist dema nd and
~ oorts Goods and services sol d se rvices produced in the country supply of goods and se rvices in a
3broa d. in a year. free mar ket to move automat ica lly
= ;:iansion of suppLy The movement Gross income Income r eceived to an equilibrium position.
:utwards along the supply curve , before any taxes are taken or - dbour The fac tor of production
.eading to an increase in both benefits given. that is concerned w ith the
: rice and quantity. Gross pay The amount of money workforce of an economy in terms
= :ernal beneri See positive that an employee earns before any of both the physi ca l and mental
; xternality. deductions are made. effort involved in production.
Labour rarce (or workforceJ The economic objectives, par ticularly on third parties, al so known as
number of people who work in the pr ice stability. external benefi ts.
country. Money Anything that is generally Pr ce The sum of money you have
L bot.r "":larket Where workers accepted as a means of payment to pay for a good or service . It is
sell their labour and employers for goods and services. determined by the interaction of
buy the labour: it consists of onopoly A sol e producer or seller supply and demand.
households· supply of l abour and of a good or service. Price elasticity of demand lPEDI
firms' demand for labour. M'lnopoly po ,1er Where a firm has The responsiveness of quantity
Land The factor of prod uction that more than 25% of the market demanded to a change in the pr ice
is concerned with the natural share. of the product.
resources of an economy, such as c,rtgage An agreement wi th a ?rice elastici y of supply (PESI
farmland and mineral deposits. financial institution to borrow The responsiveness of quantity
Law of demand For most products money to purchase a property. supplied to a change in the price
the quantity demanded varies ovement a ong the demand curve of the product.
inversely with its price. When the price changes, leadi ng Price stability When the general level
Law of suppty For most prod ucts to a movement up or down t he of prices stays constant over time,
the quantity supplied varies existing demand curve. or grows at an acceptably low rate.
directly with its price. Movemen• al<,ng the supply curv"' PriMary sector The direct use of
Less developed country A country When the price changes leading natura l resources, such as t he
with a developing economy that to a movement up (expansion} or extr action of basic materials and
has lower GDP per capita, lower down [contraction) on the existing goods from land and sea.
level s of industrialisation and supply curve. PnYate enterprise See private sector
weaker indicators of wellbeing. M ltinational corporation ( CJ A Private sector Par t of the economy
Level of unemployment The firm that has its head office in one that is run by individuals, firms
amount of people in the working country, but has operations in a and organisations and not by
popul ation who are unemployed. numbe r of other countries. the government. Private sector
Lnss When a firm's revenue is less Nati<,nal insurance A contribution organisations are called private
than its costs, i.e. TR < TC. paid by workers, and their enter prises.
arket A way of bringing together employers, towar ds the cost of ?rivatisation The transfer of assets
buyers and sellers to buy and sell state benefits. such as businesses from the
goods and services. National Livi~ wage (NLWI Hig her public sector to the pr iva te sector.
ar 4a ena,d The total demand than th e NMW for workers over .,roducer A person, company or
for a good or service, found by 25. It is a legal requirement fo r country that makes, grows or
adding together all individual employers. supplies goods or services.
demands. National minimum wage INMW) Production The total output of
~1arket economy An economy The minimum pay per hour to goods and services produced by a
in which scarce resources ar e which wor kers are ent itled. firm or industry in a time period.
allocated by the market forces of f'leed Something a consumer has ProdudivHy One measure of
supply and demand . to have to survive. the degree of efficiency in the
Market failure When the market Nega ive exter,ality Harmful use of factors of production in
[through demand and supply) fails effect of an economic activity t he production process. It is
to allocate r esources in the best on t hird parties, also known as measured in terms of output per
interests of society as a whole. external cost. unit of input.
Mri<et force Factors that Ne income Income ava ilable after Product market Market in which
determine pr ice levels and the effect of direct taxes and final goods or services are offered
the availability of goods and benefits, often called disposable to consumers, businesses and the
services in an economy without income . public sector.
government intervention. 'Net oay The amount of money that Pro it The amount of money a
Market supp.f The total supply of an employee is left with after producer has left after all the
a good or service as a result of deductions are made from the costs have been paid, i.e. when
adding together all individual gross income . total revenue is greater than
producer s· supplies. o ninal ii,c 'lle Income in terms tota l cost.
M~ium o e'(change Anything of its money value. Profit maximisation Wher e the
that sets the standard of value of Oligop Ly Where a small number of difference between total revenue
goods and services acceptable fir ms control the larg e majority of and total cost is gr ea test. It is one
to all par ties involved in a market share. possible objective of a firm.
transaction. Pun:~asing rower The amount of
Opportunity cost The next best
He ·t goods See demerit goods. alternative given up when making goods and services that a given
1onatary policy A policy which a choice. amount of money will buy.
aims to control the total supply Positive e:d emality Beneficial Rate of mflaho"l The percentage
of money in the economy to try effect of an economic activity rise in the gener al pr ice level over
to achieve the government's time.
Rate of interest/inter-est ra e The existing supply curve either , otal cost ( TC) All the costs of the
cost of borrowing money, i.e. that ou tward [to the r ight] or inward [to firm added together.
which is paid to the lender. It is the left). Total revenue ( TRJ The total
also t he reward for saving. Societ sustaioaoilfty The impact income of a firm from the sale of
Rate of unemployment The of development or growth that its goods or services.
percen tage of the country's promotes an improvement in Trade union An organisation of
workforce that is unemployed. quality of life for all, currently and workers that is active on behalf
~ eat income Income taking the into the fu ture. of its members: for example,
effects of inflation into account, so Specialisation The process by increasing wages and salaries and
it is the purchasing power of the which individuals, firms, regions improvi ng working conditions.
money income. and whole economies concentrate Unemployment Occurs when
Real wag~ rate The level of wages on producing those products that wor ke rs able and willing to work
adjusted for inflation, i.e. the t hey are best at producing. at the current wage rates are
purchasing power of the money Standard of ,iving The social and unable to find employment.
wage. economic wellbeing of residents Unitary demand When the
RecMsion A period when t he in a country. percentage change in quantity
country's GDP falls for two [or Structural unemployment is the same as the percentage
morel consecutive quarters. Unemployment caused by a change in price.
Salary A yearly wage divided permanent decline of an ind ustry Unita y supply When the
equally i nto 12 [monthly) parts. or industries. percentage change in quantity
Savings The part of a person 's Subsidy An amount of money the is the same as the percentage
[d isposable) income which is not government gives directly to firms change in price.
spent on consumption. Savings to encourage production and Unlimited wants The infinite desire
are done by savers. consumption. for someth ing.
Scarce resources When there is an Substitute Good or service that can Variable cost IVC1 All the costs of
insufficient amount of something be used in place of another good production that change as outpu t
to satisfy all wants. or service. changes.
Seasonal unemploymen Supply The ability and wi llingness Wage ·ate The amount of money
Unemployment caused by a fall of firms to provide goods and paid to a worker per unit of time,
in demand during a particular services at each price in a given hourly, daily, weekly, or per unit of
season. time period. output (piecework).
Secondary sector All of the Supply of la.,our The total number Want Something a consumer wou ld
activities in an economy that of people who are willing and like to have, but which is not
are concerned with either eligible to supply their la bour, essential for survival.
manufacturing or construction. includ ing the unemployed. Wealth The market value of all the
Service An intangible product. i.e. Supply side policy Policy that assets owned by a person, group
that cannot be seen or touched. increases the productive potential, or country at a specific point in
which is the ability of the economy time. Wea l th is a stock of assets,
Shift of tht:. demand curve A
to supply more goods and services. e.g . money, houses and land,
complete movement of the
existing demand curve either Tax A compulsory payment to the whereas income is a flow over
outward [to the right] or inward [to government. time.
the left). Tertiary sector All activities in the
Shit of thii: suoply curve The economy that involve the idea of
complete movement of the a service.

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