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Unit Title: Fitness Testing

Teacher Name: Mr. Victor Celaya

Date: 03/26/18- 03/30/18

Grade/Class: 8th grade

Space Needed: Soccer or football field with open space and track space

California State Model Content Standards to be Addressed

3.1, 3.3, 3.5

California Teacher Performance Expectations Addressed

TPE 3b

Equipment Needed:

Clipboard, whistle, stopwatch, sit-and-reach box, white board, white board markers, eraser

Provisions for Students with a Disability:

My student with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) will be provided with written descriptions of each test
and provided with individual demonstrations of each test prior to being tested. This student may also be
allowed to repeat tests if any directions were misunderstood or mis-conveyed prior to administering the
Unit Block Plan

Name of Unit: Fitness testing

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

03/26/18 03/27/18 03/28/18 03/29/18 03/30/18

• Discussion of how • Discussion of how • Discussion of how Body composition • Make up tests
previous units previous units previous units introduction and • Review of test
prepared us for prepared us for prepared us for discussion scores on
this this this individual basis
• Walk test • Curl-up test • Sit and reach test • Bioelectrical • Class discussion
• Pacer test • Trunk lift • Shoulder stretch impedance on how to
• Push-up test test analyzer device improve results
used to measure over time
body composition
Standards: 3.1 Standards 3.1 • Results recorded
Standards: 3.1 Standards: 3.1, 3.3, 3.5
and analyzed by

Standards: 3.1

SCHOOL: Emerson Middle School

DATE: 03/28/18

TEACHER: Mr. Victor Celaya




TPE 3b

UNIT / THEME: Fitness Testing ACTIVITY: Group Discussion, Sit and Reach,
Shoulder Stretch test

TIME / PERIOD: Period 3- 9:55- 10:45

TEACHING STYLE: Command Style and Inquiry Style GRADE: 8th grade LESSON #3 OF 5

EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES: 55 polyspots, 2 sit and reach boxes, stopwatch, clipboard


Lesson Learning Objectives

For each domain, do not write what the students will be doing…write
specifically what the students will be learning.

1. CA PE Standards (Psychomotor):
Psychomotor Domain Objectives
3.1 Assess the components of health-related physical fitness (muscle strength,
muscle endurance, aerobic capacity, flexibility, and body composition) by using a
scientifically based health-related physical fitness assessment.

Students will participate in fitness assessment of their flexibility using the sit and
reach method and shoulder stretch method.

Sequence of Skill Assessment

Lesson Components
(Lesson does not necessarily have to follow this order specifically):

• Transition to Learning Area

o Students go to poly spots


• Warm up: Provide a list of activities and a description for each • Students are preassigned to specific poly spots and have
o Students perform the following warm up exercises in 30 second been trained to quickly move to their poly spot
▪ Jogging in place
▪ Jumping jacks
▪ Jump Squats Warm up
▪ Large forward arm circles
▪ Large backward arm circles • Instructor will lead students through warm up exercises
▪ Small forward arm circles using command style instruction and observing student
▪ Small backward arm circles engagement from the front of the class.
▪ Burpees • Student misbehavior is addressed through proximity
▪ March in place control or moving students to different places
• Transition
o Student sit on polyspots

• Introduction
o A discussion will be facilitated on the following prompt:
▪ What type of exercises have we learned so far this year?
▪ How are these exercises applicable to flexibility?
▪ How is flexibility applicable to today’s fitness
▪ Why is flexibility an important component of fitness?
▪ How can flexibility be improved over time?
▪ Why did we have to warm up today?
• Transition
o Students divide into two groups and line up for sit and reach
o test or shoulder stretch test based on groups • Instructor will lead the class through the discussion by posing
the general questions listed in the methods section. Student
responses will be voluntary initially and may become
involuntary if there is low levels of participation.
• Student misbehavior will be dealt with using proximity, stern
• Activity warning, and time out of discussion if necessary.
o Students complete sit and reach test and shoulder stretch test
recording the best of 3 attempts
o Students waiting in line perform self-checks of heart rate using
carotid pulse and perform student choice exercises to keep
heart rate elevated Transition

• Stations for sit and reach and shoulder stretch will be pre
set up and students will have predetermined groups and
orders to proceed in.


• Instructor will be near both stations to record student

results. Students who are not being tested will be expected
to monitor their heart rates and keep them above resting

• Transitions within activity

o Once students are tested at one station they will transition to • Students will have the freedom to use any exercise
the other learned in the individual fitness unit
o Students who complete both stations will practice yoga balance • Students who do not engage in exercise or do not meet
poses covered in previous units heart rate requirements will be moved to the front of the
line and assigned specific exercises and intensities to work

Transitions within activity

• Once students complete one test they will get into line for
the other test and continue performing exercises to keep
heart rates elevated.
• Students who complete both tests will be expected to
perform yoga balance poses from either of the previous
• Cool down yoga units at a predesignated yoga station
o Guided meditation session • Students who do not follow instructions will be assigned
specific poses to exercise and placed near the instructor to
be monitored closely

Cool down

• Students will sit at the predesignated yoga station and

listen to a guided meditation recording, following all
• Students who do not follow instructions will be given
stern warning and moved to the front of the class
• Closure • Students who continue to disrupt or fail to participate in
o Students will discuss methods to improve or maintain the guided meditation will be removed from activity and
results they achieved today spoken to independently after the meditation session


• Instructor will use inquiry style discussion again to lead

students to discuss general feelings regarding their results
and methods or exercises that can be used to improve
results or maintain current flexibility level

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