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Unit Title: Summer Olympic Games

Teacher Name: Mr. Victor Celaya

Date: 05/07/18- 06/01/18

Grade/Class: 8th grade

Space Needed: Track space, tennis courts, classroom with projector, soccer field or football field with
open space

California State Model Content Standards to be Addressed

1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.4, 4.6, 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7

California Teacher Performance Expectations Addressed

TPE 1b, TPE 4d, TPE 5b, TPE 11b

Equipment Needed:

Polyspots, cones, stopwatch, relay stick, crash pads, discus


Provisions for Students with a Disability:

My student with ASD (austism spectrum disorder) will be provided written instructions of their assigned
role and given additional video resources to use at home for independent study of events in this unit.
The student will be placed in a group with a student who has demonstrated excellent leadership and
cooperative skills throughout the school year in order to have access to a mentor while training for

Unit Objectives:


Students will demonstrate proficient sprinting and running form. Students will demonstrate competent
form when performing high jumps and long jumps. Students will demonstrate novice or approaching
competent form when performing discus throws.

How assessed:
Students will have their sprinting and running form assessed during competition through observation
and a checklist which lists qualities of proficient form and is graded in a pass/ no pass format. Students
will be peer evaluated based on a premade judge form when performing high and long jumps. Students
will be observed in discus throw and given ratings from1 to 5 with 1 being poor form and 5 being
excellent form.


Students will demonstrate knowledge of common summer Olympic events and the roles required to
administer the events. Students will demonstrate a mastery of health education content covered
throughout the school year.

How assessed:

Students will be given multiple choice quizzes throughout the unit on the various roles that are assigned
in this unit. Students will be required to present information about the Olympic sports presented in this
unit and will be assessed on accuracy of information. Students will participate in health education
jeopardy and be graded based upon ability to respond to questions accurately.


Students will demonstrate advanced ability to function within a group that is defined by specific roles
and responsibilities in the context of a game and activity. Students will demonstrate advanced
communication and cooperative abilities that foster an environment that is inclusive to individuals of all
ability levels.

How assessed:

Students will be observed during preparation for competition and participate in exit interviews that
discuss how the students felt about cooperation in this activity and how they feel their views on
cooperation and team work have changed or evolved over the year.

Scope and Sequence of Content /or Developmental Analysis

Scope and sequence (List skills, the order in which they will be taught (inter-task development) and the
manner in which each will be developed from simple to complex (intra-task development)

The Summer Olympics unit is the final unit for the school year and appropriately provides an end point
from which student growth and social development can be measured and reflected upon. This unit
requires advanced group cooperation in researching facts and history about their assigned country,
designing shirts that adequately represent their country, building a model of the flag of the country, and
assuming the cultural identity of their assigned country. Students then design unique plans to prepare
for each event using all of the resources and knowledge gained throughout the year. Students then
participate in Olympic style competition and celebrate their year long accomplishments with a medal
ceremony. This unit is the culminating activity that demonstrates the degree to which holistic student
growth has occurred as defined by the overarching program goals. It is justified in the standards and is in
line with the logical progression of student development over the school year.

Summer Olympics Sequence

1. Group Country Assignment

a. Research on exercises/ sports from assigned country

b. Determination of cultural identity in groups

c. Assignment of specific roles to students in each group

2. Aesthetic preparation

a. Basic shirt/uniform design

b. Shirt printing and construction

b. Flag research and design

c. Flag construction

3. Team identity formation

a. Selective a mascot native to country

b. Determining what exercise could represent animal

5. Opening ceremony

a. Marching footwork and technique

b. Marching in unison

c. Standing posture review

4. Olympic events

a. Tennis

I. Skill review from tennis unit

b. 100m sprint

I. Sprinting form

II. Distance visualized

III. Sprint practice

c. 4x 100m relay

I. Definition of relay race

II. Review of running technique from Walking and Jogging for health unit

III. Relay practice

d. Discus throw

I. Grip of discus

II. Technique and stance in preparation phase for throw

III. Following through on throw

IV. Preventing injury

V. Discus practice

e. Long jump

I. Landing mechanics (knee bend and footwork)

II. Preparation for jump phase form and technique

III. Jumping technique

IV. Preventing injury

f. High jump
I. Landing mechanics

II. Preparation for jump phase and technique

III. Jumping technique

IV. Mid-air phase technique

V. Preventing injury

e. Health education jeopardy

I. Review of material from Health Education unit

5. Proctoring events

a. Accurate measuring techniques for events

b. How to record results

Unit Block Plan

Name of Unit: Summer Olympic games

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

05/07/18 05/08/18 05/09/18 05/10/18 05/11/18

• Students placed • Students • Students • Students • Olympic events

into groups of 5 determine roles assemble determine mission revealed:
• Groups are based on sports uniforms and statement for their o Tennis
assigned a country education model flags in class country and o Discus throw
to represent • Students present with provided choose an animal o 100m sprint
• Task cards information on materials mascot to o 4x 100 relay
provided with 1 their assigned • “members of the represent them o Long jump
activity native to country press” role • Students o High jump
country and • Students students begin determine an o Jeopardy on
students perform demonstrate documenting exercise that health
task visually the sport process represents their education
demonstration to they chose from chosen animal units
class their country • Students perform • Teams begin
• Group project their exercises in planning for training
assigned: front of their peers
o Report on
history and
identity of
o Sports of
Standards: 5.2, 5.5, 5.6,
Standards: 3.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 Standards: 5.2, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7

Standards: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4,

2.5, 4.6, 5.2, 5.5, 5.7

Standards: 5.2, 5.5, 5.6,


05/14/18 05/15/18 05/16/18 05/17/18 05/18/18

Olympic training begins • Student group • Student group • Student group • Olympic games
choice event choice event training for: opening ceremony
• Tennis review and training for: training for: o Discus held:
practice 100m sprint and 100m sprint and throw o Students
• Teams design 4x 100 m or 4x 100 m relay o Long jump wear country
tennis training health education or health o High Jump uniforms and
tools jeopardy education hold their
jeopardy flag
Standards: 1.2, 1.4, 2.1, o Students
Standards: 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.2, 2.4, 3.4, 5.7 march in sync
Standards: 1.2, 1.4, 2.1, 3.4, 4.6, 5.7 Standards: 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, with each
2.2, 2.4, 3.4, 5.7 3.4, 4.6, 5.7 move in
Standards: 5.5, 5.7

05/21/18 05/22/18 05/23/18 05/24/18 05/25/18

Olympic Games Begin: o Medal matches o 100m sprint o Medal matches for o High jump qualifiers
for tennis qualifiers 100m sprint a 4x o Low jump qualifiers
o Tennis competition o Nonplaying o 4x 100m relay 100m relay o Nonplaying students
o Nonplaying students qualifiers o Nonplaying perform roles
students perform perform roles o Nonplaying students perform Standards: 2.1, 2.4, 3.4, 5.5,
assigned roles students roles 5.6, 5.7
perform roles
Standards: 1.2, 1.4, 2.2,
Standards: 1.2, 1.4, 2.2, 5.1, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 Standards: 2.1, 2.4, 3.4,
5.1, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 Standards: 2.1, 2.4, 3.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7
5.5, 5.6, 5.7

05/28/18 05/29/18 05/30/18 05/31/18 06/01/18

Holiday o Medal matches o Health education Last day of School No school

for high jump jeopardy
and long jump qualifiers
o Nonplaying o Health education o Closing
students medal matches ceremonies for
perform roles o Nonplaying Olympics and
students medal
perform roles presentation
Standards: 2.1, 2.4, 3.4, Standards: 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, Standards: 5.4, 5.7
5.5, 5.6, 5.7 5.5, 5.7

SCHOOL: Emerson Middle School

DATE: 05/07/18

TEACHER: Mr. Victor Celaya


3.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7


ELA Writing Standard 2d- Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.


TPE 5b, TPE 11b

UNIT / THEME: Summer Olympic Games ACTIVITY: Country Placement and

Exercise or Activity

TIME / PERIOD: Period 3- 9:55- 10:45

TEACHING STYLE: Guided Discovery and Peer teaching GRADE: 8th grade LESSON #1 OF 18

EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES: 55 polyspots, 35 cones, 1 stopwatch, 30 chrome books, 1 speaker with music device; gymnasium with open
court space or soccer field. NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 55

Lesson Learning Objectives

For each domain, do not write what the students will be doing…write
specifically what the students will be learning.

1. CA PE Standards (Psychomotor):
Psychomotor Domain Objectives
3.4- Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity a minimum of four days
each week.

Students will perform exercises or demonstrations of activities from their assigned

countries using approaching competent to competent technique.

2. CA PE Standards (Cognitive):
Cognitive Domain Objectives:

5.5- Accept the roles of group members within the structure of a game or activity.
Students will identify and define the unit roles: Cultural Ambassador, PR person,
Olympian, and Olympic Coach.

3. CA PE Standards (Affective):
Affective Domain Objectives:

5.6 Describe leadership roles and responsibilities in the context of team games and

5.7 Model support toward individuals of all ability levels and encourage others to
be supportive and inclusive of all individuals.

Students will explore the responsibilities associated with each role and develop
group-check methods to ensure each member is supported and on track to fulfill
role responsibilities.
Time Sequence of Skill Development / Practice MANAGEMENT CUE WORDS / PROMPTS
Beginning with the first What key words will you use
transition, EACH SECTION to help students learn and
(In this section, you MUST DESCRIBE specifically how you will TEACH and should have a defined understand the content?
MANAGE your stated objectives and Arrange the class for each of the management strategy. This can
following lesson components. be described and/or illustrated.

You cannot simply state what you will be doing during the lesson. You must
describe how you will be teaching and managing each of the following areas:

Lesson Components
(Lesson does not necessarily have to follow this order specifically):

• Transition to Learning Area

o Students will be instructed to go to designated group meeting
area with their assigned group, each group will be provided Transition
• Countdown from 10
with a chrome book will be used to • Hustle up!
9:55- facilitate speedy
10:00 transition

• Introduction
o Students are given individual cards and the following • Students will be Introduction
introduction: given individual
▪ You have just been placed in X country cards which explain • Read your cards
▪ Your role is (one of the four): Olympian, Olympic the task and the carefully and do not
coach, Public Relations, Cultural Ambassador unique lose them, you will
▪ You and your team must use your chrome book to learn responsibilities of need them
some basic history of your country and find 1 exercise their assigned role throughout this
or physical activity that is native to your country • Role trading will not entire unit!
▪ You will practice this task and present it to the class be allowed
• Activity: Research and Practice Phase Activity I
o With the assistance of the group, the assigned Cultural
Ambassador will use the chrome book to identify basic facts • Instructor will
about the groups assigned country: monitor student
▪ Country name, flag colors, capital city, population progress by rotating Activity I
o Cultural ambassador, with the help of the group, will identify between groups and
an exercise or physical activity that the group can perform. remind students of • I should hear talking
o The Olympic Coach will interpret the exercise or activity and the responsibilities of and collaborating
determine the best way to adapt it into something that can be their roles • I want to see you
demonstrated in class. start exploring your
o The Olympian(s) will take cues from the coach and practice the roles!
exercise or technique to prepare it for presentation • Proximity and stern
o The PR person will prepare a statement to present the exercise warning will be used
which includes: to keep students on
▪ The name of the exercise or activity task
10:30 ▪ What makes it unique
▪ What muscles or parts of the body are exercised by the
o The group will continue practicing until all PR people call press
conferences with the Olympic Chairman (instructor)
• Transition
o Students gather at center of room and sit in a horse shoe
formation near their country members

• Countdown from 5
used to facilitate
speedy transition
• Activity II: Group Presentation
o Countries will present in the following format:
▪ Cultural ambassador gives a brief introduction with the
earlier discovered basic country facts Transition
▪ PR person presents the name of the exercise and the
other above discussed facts • Really hustle here!
▪ Olympic Coach presents the Olympian(s) who will be 5…
Activity II
performing the task
▪ The Olympian performs the task to the best of their • Instructor will be
ability positioned behind all
other groups to
monitor student
engagement during
presentations and
prevent disruptions
• Closure
Activity II
o Groups offer positive and constructive feedback in the form of
10:30- commendations (things other groups did well) and • Members of the
10:31 recommendations (things to work on or be improved). international
o Each group is required to offer 1 commendation and 1 community, we must
recommendation. be cordial, well
o Respective PR people will document commendations and mannered audiences
recommendations made to their group while out colleagues
Closure speak! Failure to do
• Instructor will call on so will result in loss
groups who will offer of points!
their commendations
Evaluation / Assessment Procedures and
• Groups who cannot
Note: offer anything will be
10:31- deducted Closure
10:41 These assessment procedures must tie directly to the lesson objectives for all participation points
three previously described learning objectives. In other words, how will you • You can volunteer to
assess the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domain?) go first or be

You must describe an assessment tool that will be used for each domain

1. Psychomotor Assessment Method

(Include the Assessment Tool to be Used for this Domain Objective):
Students will be assessed using a checklist to verify that muscular engagement
and form of the exercise or activity is consistent with what was presented by
the PR person.

10:45 2. Cognitive Assessment Method:
(Include the Assessment Tool to be Used for this Domain Objective):
Students will receive the following quiz:
• Define and describe the responsibilities of the following roles:
o PR Person
o Olympian
o Olympic Coach
o Cultural Ambassador

3. Affective Assessment Method:

(Include the Assessment Tool to be Used for this Domain Objective):

Students will complete a vlog (video blog) on the following prompts:

What group-check methods will your group use to ensure every member is
meeting the requirements of their role? How do you feel about the prospects of
this project?

• (Include a method and strategy to modify the activity to include

students with disabilities)

The student with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) will be placed in a group
with students who possess strong leadership skills. These students will provide
individual attention to this student and moral support. The student will be
allowed extra time to complete the quiz by being pulled out of activity a few
minutes early.

• Include a strategy to address the learning needs of an ESL student.

Students learning English could use the chrome book to access google translate
and translate instructions to their native language. Ideally students will be
grouped with members who speak their native language, but if no such
speakers are available, translator apps and visual demonstrations will help this
student participate equally.
Alternate Activity

Describe what you will do in the event of inclement weather.

Do not simply say you will move your class into to the gym. Consider the
reality that you will likely be sharing the gym with 2-4 other classes. You need
to describe an alternate activity and a place where you will teach this activity.

Students can engage in this activity from a classroom, but instead of

Olympians demonstrating the exercise techniques, they would describe them in
detail and draw a diagram or provide some form of visual for the class to
Unit: Summer Olympic Games Name:
Psychomotor Assessment
Scored: 4-point grading scale: Student muscular engagement is consistent presentation:
0= does not initiate
1= initiates or partially completes task with poor form Student exercise form matches provided description:
2= partially completes task with proper form
3= completes task with proper form Student effort is appropriate for type of activity:

Other Notes:

Unit: Summer Olympic Games Name:

Cognitive Assessment

1. Define and describe the responsibilities of the following roles:

a. PR Person

b. Olympian

c. Olympic Coach

d. Cultural Ambassador

Unit: Summer Olympic Games Name:

Affective Assessment
Vlog (Video Blog)
Prompt: What group check methods will your group use to ensure every member is meeting the requirements
of their role? How do you feel about the prospects of this project?

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