Customs and Traditions of Japan

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“Customs and Traditions of Japan.

Student: Gonzalez Martínez Jose Emmanuel

Subject: English C1

Career: Computer Engineering

Most popular customs of Japan.
In this section you will get to know some of the most popular customs and also some of the most strange
that there in Japan.
#1 = Adoption of older adults.
Did you know that Japan is the country with the highest statistics for the adoption of the world?
But what is unusual is that the Japanese did not adopt children, but that they choose to adopt older
The 98% of adoptions are of adults 20 to 30 years of age; for example, if a head of family had no man
an heir to continue the family business, then adopt a child.
This also happens when it is considered that the heir does not meet the expectations as a child.

#2 = The people does not give tips.

One of their customs that have the japanese is that when someone is in a business like restaurants,
bars, etc. They are not accustomed to tip or similar things.
In this country there are almost no tips. Neither the
waiters, nor responsible for cleaning, or the taxi
drivers expect them don't let money tip, it is more,
many take the fact that give them extra money as an
As usual no one has to pay more for a good service,
since it is assumed that it is implicit in the price that
you pay for.
#3 = Sleeping on the job
This happens mainly in the work of the office. The Japanese consider that they are at work because
they have a hard work state and reach the point of not resisting more; This makes the bosses believe
that the worker is tired because of the amount of time he has devoted to work.
This practice is well regarded by the heads of your respective jobs ... of course if you live in Japan.

#4 = Misaligned teeth
In Japan one of the standards of beauty or good looks is: Having teeth misaligned.
Many women, and also girls, undergo surgeries to make the teeth go uneven. Because of this many
Japanese artists do this to improve their image and to be according to them more "beautiful".
Comparative with Mexico
All these customs in Mexico are not so common either because of the culture or why they are not so
common in Mexican society.
For example in Mexico it is very usual either in public or in crowded places a person will blow and wipe
his nose.
But likewise it is always done in a discreet way.
In Mexico it is customary to tip in restaurants, bars or in certain types of establishments where it is
customary to tip.
The restaurants always have a very nice and quiet atmosphere, Mexico is one of the countries in which
their food is very famous, which is one of the main reasons why many tourists from all over the world
come to try the food.
Compared to Japan, some Japanese dishes are somewhat peculiar as for example one of their hottest
sauces is the "wasabi" which is a seasoning that is placed on different dishes to give it a unique flavor.
In Mexico, the hottest sauce is the "habanero chile sauce". The seedlings in Japan are more rare than
in Mexico.

Misaligned teeth in Mexico are not normal, so when a person has de-alienated teeth, braces are often
placed to try to align their teeth. In Mexico, the oral aspect is more careful than in Japan.
In Mexico, the most famous sport is soccer. In Japan, soccer is not as famous as in Mexico.

Kimono's traditional dress is the most important in Japanese culture. Kimonos are made of silk and are
usually very expensive, so they are used only on special occasions, as a formality or a tradition.
In Mexico there are more types of traditional clothing that unlike Japan, they are very different in each
state of the Mexican Republic. In this case Mexico has more variety of traditional clothes than Japan.

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