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ENGLISH359/Dr. Schuler
+ tfLo I 9712576

rt t( ,/r'{e;i?4
The ReligionssectionofUtopffi hastwo p""@ways of groupingUtopians,as

to a singularpersonor entity,most
"some" or as"they," aswell asconsistentreferences

oftenreferredto asa'he." B_ach.ot segroupings,from the singular'he,"to the

.*o"tiin tothes*
- ,r^:f
Utopianreligiouslife. e-"^Wi ,
ThoseUtopianswho constitutea "some"differ, notably,in their religiousbeliefs,

from Utopiannorms--butthey areharmless.Thesearethe "some"who worship"a god

,4! no, ( ),
the sun," or "a man of pastag2)AHarmless,becausentost of the Utopiansbelongto the
- n
f('wise )) .ft/
inany who
vYrDE rll4ll'wIIv worship
w\,IsurP a !ru49
a, powet. rPerhaps
singlePwYvr/rl l/rrr4PD because
vlw4Dw of this,
vr uu.' despitetheir.
uloyrlv their dcrriance
deviance , -.) . rt
. b4 ,to'
n' . lit
fiom Utopianno*., tr," '{fi-"')seern colourtuladditionsto Utopiansociety,and
+- i{: 4( A* ,,{'l^r
' perhapsmore: fsorrytrmakelqganingtulcontributions
to Utopranrelrglous '. ''
T , jofl"lil'
e: the
-,-/ - , . f f UJ.
,"9'. ) (t'1 l'l''r'r
urt.,,W ' like,forexample,"supposingth"rlR-"ra"naveimmortalsr
thought, ,,for example,"supposingthatarflfi-alstoo haveimmortalsouls." if'"r.'-
The "some" areharmlessbecausethey aresunoundedby the numerousmany-the

asthe embodimentof goodjudgpfient andbehaviour.

"they." The "thet'' arepresented 8?

of God'sj"d@"nt
For exampt",Jn4'tney'' havea reasonedunderstanding of a proper
way of fiein;!, andthuso'they''know whento celebrateandwhento mourn. "They''
sustain Utopian religion and society. However, "they believe in a single power,"

it is alsoa

-) The singlepoweris God;but in this sectionit is alsoJesus,andKing Utopus:eachof

I ir'' theseis a 'he." This is the orderin which they areofferedto us in the text too, so though

God may be morereal to readersthanKing Utopusis, thereseemsto be a sliding scaleof

of divine versushumannafure,that canall claim

"singular" entities,in their possession
ENGLISH359/Dr. Schuler PatrickMcEvoy-HalstonI 9712576

the "singular" powers of a"he." The 'he" is a "makerr" a leader: "he," as God,

'he," as King Utopus, "laid down these

"originates;" "he," as Jesus,createsmiracles;

rules." 66He"is always powerful and good, but the individual, the "person,'ocan be

the person who comesto believe that "the universe is

powerful and dangerou^s--especially

'he" has the

ruled by mere chance,rather than divine providence," because,apparently,

power to unravel the Utopian universe: "he" can influence the susceptiblemany, the
amX"H*'-';;2'i;"P d
Then there is the whole maffer of the "I" . . .

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