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in evatebi ts ssonable oa Delnincieysler Crpestion sander snd wpctetoe are fc onganset ‘bck visema or engieae DAIMLERCHRYSLER CORPORATION Document Number: PS-1, Process Standard Date Published: 2006-06-16. Category Code: D-3 ‘Change Level:, AV EASL Requirement. Yes RESTRICTED: No HEAT TREATMENT - QUENCH AND TEMPER AND AUSTEMPER 1.0 GENERAL, 1.1 Purpose “This standard covers the quench and temper and austemper (atmosphere, nor-almosphere open air, and salt bath) heat treatment of ferrous parts in a fumace. The heat treatment process is performed to improve mechanical properties. 4.2 Coverage ofthis Standard “The quench and temper and austempering processes consist of heating parts to an elevated austentizing ‘temperature in a furnace eilher in a protective atmosphere, in a neutral salt bath environment, or in open air. The parts are then quenched and tempered to produce the specified mechanical properties and. ‘metallurgical structure, This standard covers parts designed/specified/purchasedireleased as Chrysler Group parts having a Chuysler Group part number and Engineering Heat Treat Process Standard PS-1<$> called out on the Engineering Drawing/CATIA Model or referenced as a requirement in other Chrysler Group Material or Process Standards, 4.3 Limitations on Usage ‘This standard does not cover or include ODD Box/Black Box parts or any other industry standard parts, designed and released or specified by PS-7000 ODD Box or Black Box suppliers for the Chrysler Group Using non Chrysler Group, ter one internal, andlor foreign or generic industry heat treat standards. This standard is a generic process standard. Itis not possible nor is it intended to cover every heat treat problem or possibilty for each and every part. Individual part and heat treat standards/specifcations and requirements are detailedfisted on the Chrysler Group Engineering Drawing/CATIA Model for each individual part. That information must be provided fo the heat treater by the part manufacturerftier one supplier. Those specific part requirements and control plans developed by the heat treater provide more details than what is covered in this standard, "Nothing in this standard is to be construed or interpreted as relieving the part manufacturer/supplier of any or all responsibilty for meeting all Chrysler Group part requirements, Engineering Standards and Drawing/CATIA ModeUData Sheet requirements. The receipt of a heat treat certification or acceptance of any other heat treater or sub-supplier data is not a waiver of responsibily for the part manufacturerisuppler. ‘This standard is not intended for statistical lot or lot control testing, 1.4 Location of Defintions/Abbreviations/Acronyms. Defintions/Abbrevietions/Acronyms can be found in Section 6.0 toward the end of this standard, PS-1, Change AV, 2006-06-16, Page 1 Copyright OaiiorGhryter Corporation ete20) napewertrain com, December 04, 208 06:25 Fo BSED for the curt vsraion oF eh document methods for determining actual carbon potential to verify the accuracy of other methods of carbon potential monitoring and control, Results must be recorded. Proper ASM Handbook and manufacturer recommended methods must be used. ‘An automated carbon potential alarm warning system tied into the atmosphere controller must be installed Con continuous belt furnaces used for heat treating externally threaded fasteners (exceptions must be approved by the Chrysler Group Materials Engineering Heat Treat Lab) Externally threaded fastener and washer heat treaters must have on site and use daily a gas analyzer as a back-up to verify each generator and furnace almosphere. Zero and span gas correlation checks to a certified span gas for gas analysis accuracy are recommended daily and shall be performed and recorded weekly at a minimum, Infrared Temperature Pyrometers are required at the exit end of continuous belt furnaces running threaded fasteners to monitor for under temperature parts. ‘The temperature alarm must be set above the Upper critical temperature (Ac3) of each steel grade and should be within 50 F or 28 C of the furnace exit fend temperature. Results should be strip charted or continuously data logged. 3.3.1. Quick Disconnects for Ammonia Lines *** ‘A quick disconnect must be in any ammonia line going to a furnace. This line must be disconnected after carbonitriding (or any other process using ammonia) before another heat treating operation not specifying ‘ammonia begins. An alternative three-valve ammonia “fail-safe” vent system is permitted. This procedure ‘must be in the work instructions and documented on tha furnace aperation logiwork sheet or on the work order. 3.32 Fumace Atmosphere Oxidizing Burnouts and Furnace Preparation for Neutral Hardening Fasteners, ‘Washers and Small Stampings ‘Any furnace used for heat treating fasteners, washers, or small stampings which was previously used for carbonitriding (PS-B) or any other process using ammonia, shall be purged of any residual ammonia by utilizing a 3 hour oxidizing burnout prior to starting a new heat treat process cycle not uflizing ‘ammonia. Tris is to be a documented plant procedure. Burnouts shall be documented in the plant furnace operation Jog or work sheets with burnout times including start and finish recorded. Records or logs are required. 3.4 Quenching, Quench Oil, Synthetic Quenchants, and Salt Bath Maintenance *** Al parts shal be quenched as soon as possible to obtain proper transformation. Delayed quenching, we resus the fommation of decompesiion prouts of austenite, may be detrimental 0 part performance ands speciicaly prohibited Allparts shall be at a temperature of at least 50 F or 28 C above the upper critical temperature (Ac3) of the base material immediately prior fo quenching unless otherwise specified. Quenching oil must be checked a minimum of every three months for water content, quench severity and cooling curve, viscosity, sediment, flash point and other physical characteristics deemed necessary by the oil supplier. Data must be recorded. Where ollis specified as a quench medium, a water soluble polymer or synthetic quenchant may be used as an option. Concentration, temperature and agitation of this solution must be controlled to obtain the desired quench severity. Synthetic quenchants must be checked periodically per the manufacturer's, recommendations and the data recorded. This may be daily. Additions must be recorded. Periodic synthetic quenchant checks at a minimum shall include concentration, temperature, sediment, and. viscosity and shall be done semiannually at a minimum unless the manufacturer recommends a more frequent interval. Synthetic quenchants can not be directly exposed to a protective furnace atmosphere. PS.1, Change AV, 2008-08-16, Page 4 Copyright Dailerchysler Corporation rissinoom, Decembsr 94 ” nt version ofthis document Marquenching using molten salt is a satisfactory quench under special conditions and may be used as an alternate to oll to minimize part distortion or to obtain unique metallurgical properties. Salt bath analysis, activation of rectification shall be performed according to the salt manufacturers’ recommendations. ‘Additions must be recorded. Test results must be documented and assure conformance to heat treat specification requirements ‘When hot cil quenching or marquenching using molten salt is required by Engineering; the specific ‘quenching details must be included on the CATIA Mode/Engineering Drawing/Data Sheet of the part ‘Where the quench medium is stated as "water or solution,” the latter has reference to brine or caustic solutions. Concentration, temperature and agitation must be maintained to obtain the desired quench severity. Concentration or specific gravity shall be checked daily. Suspended solids shall be checked semiannually. These quenchants can not be directly exposed to a protective furnace atmosphere. Quench bath temperatures must be maintained within specified limits recommended by the ‘manufacturer/supplier or that required in the control plan (if tighter). Heaters and coolers may be required. Quench bath temperatures must be recorded. Quench systems must be provided with sufficient forced agitation to assure a quench severity and uniformity to meet the metallurgical requirements of the surface and core. This must be documented in a procedure. Quench cracks are not allowed in parts. Any parts containing quench cracks must be scrapped. A root cause analysis must be performed for any part that is quench cracked, Furnaces having loads not automaticaly quenched shall have a timer and warning system to let the. ‘operator know itis time to quench the load. Fumaces having an integral quench system must have a signal or alarm to let the operator know that a tray has hung up or been delayed between the furnace and the quench. Quench cil or salt must be washed off the parts prior to tempering, 3.5 Tempering Furnace Time, Temperature arid Time from End of Quench to Start of Temper ** All parts shall be tempered as soon as possible. The maximum allowable end of quench to beginning of temper time delay or wait is per the heat treat control plan or, not specified, a maximum of one hour, ‘After quenching, all parts shall be tempered in a re-circulating airtype furnace or in a quid bath for sufficient ime at the tempering temperature fo meet the requirements of the CATIA Model/Engineering Drawing. Tempering time or duration, which includes both total furnace time and the actual parttime including the core at actual furnace temperature, is to be specified on the work order or control plan. The: {temperature in the last zone of the furnace or in the last part ofthe tempering cycle shall be maintained within +/- 15 F oF +-9 C of the fumace set point and be recorded by continuous strip chart recorders or data loggers, Induction or'selective ‘snap tempering’, or stress relief as shown in the tempering operations code, if and wien allowed, must be specified for the part on the Engineering Drawing/CATIA Model and shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of PS-5. 36 Mechanical Hardness Tests All work processed for the Chrysler Group must be checked on a lot or equivalent basis by the heat treater {or heat treated hardness per the appropriate heat treat standards and pait specification requirements. Hardness checks must include at a minimum surface hardness and core hardness. Hardness normally is determined by the standard Brinell (HB, 3000 kgload) and Rockwell "C" (150 kg- oad) procedures. Where part, design, necessity andlor process limitations prohibit use of these standard PS-1, Change AV, 2006-06-16, Page 5 Copyright DainerChesler Corporation loads, use of other scales and conversions to lighter loads in accordance with the recommended ASTM E> 18 and E-140 procedures are acceptable. Equipment used in the past to measure hardness includes. ‘machines using scales such as Rockwell, Tukon, Vickers, Knoop, Wilson Microfcial, etc. This does not preclude the use of newer machines or scales to determine the hardness equivalent to HRC as long as, the equipment manufacturer and user can demonstrate proper correlations to HRC. The equipment user ‘must have machines periodically maintained and calibrated. Hardnesses/hardness equivalent readings for the various heat treat codes are listed in Section 5.0 HEAT TREAT PROCESS CODING REQUIREMENTS - CROSS REFERENCES below. Routine surface and core hardness checks are not a substitute for checking microstructure nd do not satisfy the requirement to check microstructure noted in Section 3.7 below. 3.7 Microstructure *** ‘The normal quench and tempered steel! microstructure typically is to be prédominately tempered martensite. Retained austenite may also be present unless otherwise specified as an exception or as a ‘maximum on the print. Checking methods) must also be specified. Austempered steel parts shall have a bainitic microstructure, It must be noted that this standard is a genetic heat trest standard that cannot define what is acceptable or not for every part, stee! grade, hardenabilty and heat treat possibilty. If required, additional more detailed microstructure requirements or other requirements should be defined during development of the part and noted ether on the CATIA ModelEngineering Drawing/Data Sheet or in the Control Plan for the part. Decarburization (total andlor partial) or carbon enrichmenticarbon pickup may be detected by ‘metallographic evaluation. While a part surface hardness values may indicate a change in surface carbon, its not normally or necessarily a sensitive enough test to accurately detect many unacceptable changes in the surface carbon level and overall microstructure condition (ie., decarburization, carbon enrichment, excessive retained austenite, carbides, apparent grain size, etc). Microstructural quality for Chrysler Group work shall be checked according to the schedule listed below with the results recorded in a log or on the job order. The microstructural characteristics evaluated need to include base or core microstructure, surface structure, any decarburization or carbon pickup present, surface carbides (free or grain boundary), estimated percent retained austenite, etc. as required by the CATIA Model/Engineering Drawing/Data Sheet and specifications as appropriate for the heat treat process specified. The minimum rate of microstructure checking for Chrysler Group parts isto be as follows: = Continuous fumaces - a minimum of once a shift, or once per day if basically the same cycle and part loading is run for the entire day. ~ Alot processed in a batch furiace which requires several loads to complete - once per day minimum. ~ Alot processed in a batch furnace completed in one load - once for that load. ~ Fasteners heat treated in batch furnaces - each load processed. - Fasteners heat treated and induction tip hardened - once per lt (minimum of once a day). Routine surface of core hardness checks are not a substitute for checking microstructure and do not satisfy the microstructure checking requirement. The results obtained from the checks must be recorded ina log, on the order, with a photomicrograph, or on another preprinted form and maintained for future reference,” The results must be noted as pass/fail or ok/nat ok 3.8 Fumace Instrumentation, Controllers, Temperature Recorders, Service Thermocouples, and Calibration *** ‘Austenitizing and tempering furnace temperatures and generator temperatures shall be continuously strip charted or continuously data logged. A contingency plan shall be in place to ensure the data is collected incase of equipment malfunction. Furnace instrumentation including controllers and recorders shall be calibratedi/checked at least every PS-1, Change AV, 2006-06-16, Page 6 Gopyight DaimleCryster Corporation Print by mite December 0 three months by outside certified instrument service personnel from companies accredited under the calibration standards of ISO 1702S or intemally by qualified instrument service personnel who are in ‘compliance with ISO 17025 guidelines and who mest the qualifications and intent of the ISO 17025: standard. Records shall be kept of training and qualifcations of internal personnel. Fumace instrumentation shall be checked/ealibrated tothe manufactures recommendations forthe particular instrument and shall meet the original manufacturer's accuracy standards, ‘Service control thermocouples shall be checked or replaced monthly for fumaces operating at or above 1400 F (760 C) and quarterly for furnaces operating below 1400 F (760 C) by outside certified instrument service personnel from companies accredited under the calibration standards of !SO 17025 or internally by {ualified service personnel who are in compliance with ISO 17025 guidelines and who meet the qualifications and intent ofthe ISO 17025 standard. Records shall be kept of training and qualifications of internal personnel. Test thermocouples and verification instruments shall be certified and traceable fo NIST. When thermocouples are checked, thermocouple protection tubes shall also be checked and replaced ifnecessary. The maximum allowable range for service control thermocouple checks is +/- 10 F or 4-6 C, otherwise corrective action is required, All newly installed service control thermocouples shall bbe verified and checked in-place prior to use. Records shall be kept. “Service control thermocouples shall be separate from over temperature thermocouples. Infrared Temperature Pyrometers are required at the exit end of continuous belt fumaces running cextemally threaded fasteners to monitor for under temperature parts. The temperature alarm shall be set above the upper crilical temperature (Ac3) of each steel grade and shall be within 50 F or 28 C of the furnace exit end temperature actually used, Results should be strip charted or continuously data logged. |R units shall be calibrated annually to a black body standard at a minimum. Periodic instrument verifications shall be performed according to a schedule, if possible with the particular instrument 3.9 Plant Process Control and Record Keeping Effective control ofthe heat treat process is essential to the attainment of the part metallurgical specifications. Process Equipment, including furnaces, generators, thermocouples, instruments and other ‘control devices, should be serviced, calibrated and maintained on a scheduled basis, Sufficient checking frequency should be used to control the metallurgical quality of the parts being processed. All inspection results, processing data, and conditions that affect product quality must be Fecorded for future reference. Heat treat plant records for Chrysler Group Parts must include the following information: ~ Fumace and other equipment used to process specific Chrysler Group parts and lots ~ Fumace loading citeria/scale records and cycte/push times = Fumace and generator atmosphere analysis control results (results must be strip charted or computer data logged) ~ Fumace austentizing temperature and generator temperature (results must be stip charted or computer data logged) = IR Temperature Pyrometer Recorders andlor Alarms (for Continuous Belt Furnaces Running Extemally ‘Threaded Fasteners) = Quenching bath temperature (minimum each shit) = Quench fo temper time = As quenched hardness, if possible ~ Fumace tempering temperature (resus must be strip charted or computer data logged) = Tempered hardness each lot ~ Microstructural quality evaluation Plant management andlor representatives must review the furrace monitoring systems daily and document that this was performed, Management must document and address deficiencies in any of the above data. PS-1, Change AV, 2006-06-16, Page 7 ‘Copyright Darierchystr Corporation comn.c20) leace rofor to ESSD forthe current version ofthis document 3.10 Fumace Temperature Uniformity Surveys/Thermal Profiles ** Fumace temperature uniformity surveys shall be performed on an annual basis and after any major furnace repair, modification or rebuild, if at all physically possible. New furnaces shall be qualified before production use begins. Tests shall be run with a normal production size and load weight.. Operating Conditions during the test shall be representative of those used in production. Test thermocouples and verification instruments shall be certified and traceable to NIST. The surveys are to be done per the latest versions of ASTM A-991/991M by outside cerifed personnel from companies accredited under the calibration standards of ISO 17025 or internally by qualified personnel who are in compliance with [SO 17025 guidelines and who meet the qualifications and intent of the ISO 17025 standard. Records shall be kept of training and qualifications of internal personnel. Austenitizing or high temperature (above or = to 11400 F or 760 C) furnace thermocouple survey temperatures must be within a +/-25 F or #/-14 C range along with the set point for 10 continuous minutes minimum at the austenitzing temperature. Tempering (oF low temperature (below 1400 F or 760 C) furnace thermocouple survey temperatures shall be within a ++#-20 F or #/-11.C range along with the set point for 20 continuous minutes minimum at the tempering temperature(s). Temperature readings/data shall be automatically recorded at a maximum of 30 second intervals, 3.11 Hold Areas Rejected parts must be adequately separated from acceptabie parts and located in a designated and identified hold/eject area. A hold/reject area log must be maintained along with the reason for the hold ‘and date in along with disposition/date out. A policy must be in place designating the responsible person {or release of material from hold status. All material in the hold/reject area must be identified and ‘documented, 3.12 Reprocessing/Reheat Treating of Parts” Parts judged reheat treatable and/or needing re-tempering must have a new processing control sheet issued by qualified technical personnel denoting the necessary heat treat modifications. Parts must be reheated at a temperature at least 50 F of 28 C above the upper citical temperature (A.3) of the base steel composition. If heat treating originally was done in a protective atmosphere, reheat treating must also be done in a protective atmosphere. Re-tempering separately is also permed to reduce high hardness. All CATIA Model/Engineering Drawing and specification requirements must be met. The fact that a lot has been reheat treated must be noted and traceable in the records along with the original heat treat data for the same lot, Reheat treating must be done according to approved procedures developed and documented by the heat treater ina control plan or work procedures. 3.13 Alnor or other Atmosphere Checking Equipment Maintenance and Use “* Alnors or other mosphere measuring equipment (including digital dew pointers) must be cleaned and calibrated by an outside instrument company at least once every six months. Gas analysis equipment must be calbrated per the manufacturer's recommendation (ypicaly 1 year maximum). Zero and span ‘938 corelation checks to a certified span gas for gas analysis accuracy are recommended daily and shall be performed and recorded weekly at amirimum. Individuals using dew point or gas analysis equipment must be trained according to written instuctions. Manufacturers instructions must be followed 3.14 Hardness Tester Calibration and Tensile Testing Hardness Testers must be calibrated a minimum of every six months by an outside instrument service company and have a sticker attached indicating the service date and the due date for the next service. Hardness testers must be checked every day they are used with cerified standard test blocks per ASTM E-18 and the results, including block identity and tolerance, recorded and passifal or ok/not ok noted. ASTM E-18 requires three usable hardness readings at a minimum be taken. These must be recorded. PS-1, Change AV, 2006-06-16, Page 8 (Copyright Datmlerchyster Corporation coos Flease efor to ESED for the currant vatoion of this document Any laboratory doing tensile testing must be accredited. This is defined as a lab registered to ISO 17025 ‘accredited forthe testing denoted by a recognized outside organization such as AZLA, NVLAP (National Voluntary Lab Accreditation Program) or NADCAP (National Aerospace & Defense Contractors Accreditation Program). 3.45 Instrument Servicing All serviced heat treat instruments and equipment must have a sticker attached indicating the last service dale and the next calibration due date. Sight glass ports must be clean. 3.16 Process Specifications, Control Plans and Process FMEA's All heat treaters doing Chrysler Group work must have at a minimum a generic AIAG (Automotive Industry ‘Action Group) format Control Plan and Process FMEA (Failure Mode Effects Analysis) for each furnace type and each heat treating process type. These documents must be up-to-date and reflect the processes Used, The item with the highest Risk Priority Number must be addressed with an action plan. Specific Chrysler Group parts may require a part specific Control Plan and Process FMEA. There must be a process specification for each Chrysler Group part, This may consist ofthe job order and work structions and include the appropriate Chrysler Group standards, specific heat treat parameters, including load rates, cycle times, temperatures, time, quench time and temperature, almosphere and carbon potential, gas flow settings where applicable, etc. 3.17 Heat Treat Standards/Specifications and Certifications Chrysler Group designedispecified/purchased andlor released parts sent out by the manufacturer/supplier andlor subcontracted to outside heat treaters (or purchased as finished parts andlor placed in an ‘assembly and reshipped to Chrysler) must be identified as Chrysler Group parts with the relevant Chrysler ‘Group pat identification and part number. The part manufacturer/supplier doing the part subcontracting ‘must notiy the heat treater/subeontractor of the appropriate Chrysler Group Engineering Standards for the part, including any and all applicable Chrysler Group Material (MS's) and Process Standards (PS's). The part manufacturer/supplier can do this by noting that the part is a Chrysler Group part, the part number ‘and including all appropriate Chrysler Group Engineering Standards and specifications on the purchase ‘order or shipping order to the heat treater/subcontractor, This also applies to in-house or captive heat ‘eaters whether or not at the samme location. Its recommended that, ifat all possible, the part ‘manufacturer/supplier provide a Chrysler Group Engineering Drawing/CATIA Mode! of the part and the associated data sheets detaling all the Chrysler Group Engineering Standards to the heat ‘reater/subcontractor. Copies ofthe latest appropriate Chrysler Group Engineering Standards may also need to be provided I the heat treater/subcontractor does not have the latest copies available internally. Part hardness ranges such as 42-52 HRC extracted from Chrysler Group parts/drawings and Engineering standards such as MS-2501, MS-389, or PS-1-0753 by the part manufacturer/supplier and provided fo the heat treaterisubcontractor without mentioning the fact that the partis a Chrysler Group part ‘and noting the appropriate Chrysler Group material, heat treat process andlor heat treat standards such ‘as MS-2501, MS-389 and PS-1-0T53 do not satisfy this requirement. it should be noted that the heat treat code Z and 00 as often found as in PS 1-0Z00 or other Chrysler Group heat treat standards means PS-1 with the Z and 00 meaning the details as shown on the body of the Engineering Drawing/CATIA. This specific heat treat data must be provided to the heat treater. A part ‘manufacturer!supplier redrawing the Chrysler Group part Engineering Drawing/CATIA Model and leaving offal ofthe Chrysler Group Engineering Standards and heat treat references also does not satisfy this requirement. The heal trealer/subcontractor can not necessarily meet Chrysler Group Engineering ‘Standards ifthe heat treater doesn't know the partis a Chrysler part and what the appropriate Chrysler Group Engineering Standards are. This requirement is not meant to preclude additional data such as the ‘actual heat chemistry, or SAE steel grade used by the part manufacturer/supplier (or the actual Chrysler Group hardness range, a restricted hardness range, case depth range, etc. required by the part ‘manufacturer/supplier) being provided to the heat treater/subcontractor. PS-1, Change AV, 2008-08-16, Page 9 Copright DeinierCheyster Cosperatin Frinted by mike berhey, Oacember 64, 2009 06:25 Pi Plesoerefar fo ESS0 fer th currant version ofthe document ‘The commercial heat treater must provide heat treat certfcations to the part manufacturer/supplier with ‘some actual test data on the certifications along with reference to the appropriate Chrysler Group Engineering Standards. 3.18 Heat Treat Management/Supervision, Heat Treat Manager, Metallurgist "* ‘All hat treat locations doing PS-1 heat treatment, captive and commercial including Chrysler Group, (OEM, Tier 1 suppliers and all sub-ters, shall have a dedicated and qualified heat treat supervisorimanagement member knowledgeable of or responsible for heat treating on staff. All heat treaters shall have a dedicated and qualified heat treat manager and/or plant metallurgist/metallurgical tengineer to make daily decisions regarding technical aspects of heat treatment, equipment, operations, ‘metallurgy, and part quality. Knowledge of applicable microstructures is required. A Plant Manager, Quality Control Manager, Heat Treat Manager, Production Supervisor or Metallurgist not knowledgeable of ferrous metallurgy and heat treat from formal education or practical experience with ferrous heat treating and metallurgy does not quali “The position(s) shall be on organizational chart, Qualifications shall be defined in the job description(s) “The jab description(s) shall contain elements that show evidence of metallurgical and heat treat knowledge. This evidence shall include a minimum of 5 years experience in heat treat operations or a combination of a minimum of § years of formal metallurgical education and heat treat experience. 3.19 Preventative Maintenance ‘A preventative maintenance program shall be in place, This must include an analysis of unscheduled downtime. The program must include, but is not limited to combustion and burner systems, atmosphere systems and controls including flowmeters, thermocouple protection tubes and thermocouples, quench systems, washers, conveyors and belt systems along with drives, loading systems, pumps and motors, and alarm systems. 4.0 QUALITY Refer to CS-9801 for general quality requirements, 5.0 HEAT TREAT PROCESS CODING REQUIREMENTS - CROSS REFERENCES *** Coding - All Chrysler Group CATIA Models/Engineering Drawings/Data Sheets for parts requiring PS-1 heat treatment carry a process standard number and secondary coding to indicate the prescribed heat treat processing. The general classification of heat treatment specified is designated by the first digit in the ‘cade number. For quench and tempering and most austempering, the code number is PS-1-. A ‘second digit number is used immediately following the Process Standard Number 1, safety symbol , and the dash -to indicate preliminary heat treatment. The PF SAFETY symbol is not counted as ‘a digit for purposes ofthis explanation. A third digit using a capita etter follows the second digit, indicating the austentizing and quenching part of the heat treatment. The tempering stage, if any, of the heat treatment operation and the final hardness specification are designated by a two digit number in the fourth and fith digit position following the capital letter. An example of a finished code number is PS- 1-2N12. Following is a coding chart showing the meaning of the letters and digits, Complete coding instructions are described in Process Standard PS-Z-1 (Supplement) CODING CHART Preliminary operations (second digit in code number) just after PS-1- PS-1, Change AV, 2006-06-16, Page 10 Copyright aierChryter Corporation Flenea refer to S60 forte currntvaraion ef tis document 0- No heat treatment prior to quench and temper operation 1 Isothermal anneal fo desired structure, Heat treat cycle, microstructure and hardness detalls to be noted as needed on the preliminary/forging drawing, if one exists. Otherwise, details should go on the Controt Pian, Purchase Order, manufacturing drawing or CATIA Model/Engineering Drawing/Data Sheet for the part 2 Anneal or normalize to desired structure. See example curves in Process Standard PS-2-2 (Supplement). Heat treat cycle, microstructure and hardness details to be noted as needed on the preliminaryforging drawing, if one exists. Otherwise, details should go on the Control Plan, Purchase (Order, manufacturing drawing or CATIA ModelEngineering Drawing/Data Sheet for the part 5 - Control cool from forging temperature to give desired structure and hardness. Heat treat cycle, ‘microstructure, and hardness details to be noted as needed on the preliminary/forgingldrawing, if one exists. Otherwise, details should go on the Control Plan, Purchase Order, manufacturing drawing or CATIA ModelEngineering Drawing/Data Sheet for the patt. 9 As shown on the drawing. Heat treat cycle, microstructure, and hardness details to be noted as, needed on the preliminary/forging drawing, if one exists. Otherwise, details should go on the Control Pian, Purchase Order, manufacturing drawing or CATIA ModeVEngineering Drawing/Data Sheet for the part Generally, all the above heat treat specifics for codes 1 through 9 should be detailed on a forging or other preliminaryfintermediate drawing, if one exists, using the appropriate PS-4 code, especially when normalizing, annealing, or control cooling from forming/forging for machining/manufacturing purposes. If ro preliminary part drawing exists, the preliminary heat treat or operation details should go on the Control Plan, Purchase Order, manufacturing drawing or CATIA Model/Engineering Drawing/Data Sheet for the part Where the preliminary heat treated microstructure (prior to final heat treatment) is @ factor in ‘manufacturing performance (such as forming or machining), itis subject to negotiation between the producerisupplier and the user/using plant and can be specified on a Purchase Order or be detailed on the Engineering Drawing/CATIA ModeVData Sheet, ‘The preliminary heat treat code is used on the finished part drawing heat treat callout to make people and the final manufacturing plant aware that a preliminary heal treal/processing operation is required, {generally prior to machining. ‘This preliminary heat treat callout on the finished part drawing has no significance regarding who performs this preliminary heat treaiment/processing. That is controlled by Procurement and Supply and the production plant. These preliminary heat treat processes are normally required for manufactufing purposes and generally are not ciassical Engineering requirements. They typically ae listed on CATIA Models/Engineering Drawings/Data Sheets for information purposes so that, if and when suppliers are switched by Procurement and Supply, these preliminary processes are quoted ‘as part ofthe price and are not forgotten. Failure to include or properly perform these preliminary processes could interrupt or detrimentally affect production and quaity. TABLE 2: AUSTENITIZING OR HARDENING OPERATIONS (Capital Letter or Third Digit In Code Number) F 75 to 850 C (1425 to 1550 F) oi _ PS-1, Change AV, 2006-06-16, Page 11 opi DaimlerCmysler Corporation 20) Prine by rive erkayem Pleses refer (9 ESS0 for Se current version of his eoeur TABLE 2: AUSTENITIZING OR HARDENING OPERATIONS (Capital Letter or Third Digit In Code Number) cope | AUSTENTZNG TEMPERATURE INDEGREES | auenci MEDIUM ont 01 w 507 or Ho emo ma56 (asi 1257 of 1 [8 ta506 e000 18607) pte amaenhow [4 (| soiears 628 07 on W600 850. (25 18507) on ae TT wi Oso 675 cea w 007) on FR [a7 9006 (100 E508) oo 5] 010 t 108 (150 187 Fy pach aasiro | Wie Tonio ato caw 80 pete ameptee | Sat Bah 50 400 ROTO Worst 6 eto 110F on Z__[ As stom nrg ne eo NOTE: Austenitizing temperatures coded on some Chrysler Group CATIA Modals/Engineering Drawings/Data Sheets or in other standards are incorrect for the steel grades used. In these instances, use an austenitizing temperature adequately (at least 50 F or 28 C) above the upper critical temperature ‘Ac3 of the stee! grade to obtain proper austenitizing and quenching to the desired structure, The hardness and all other specifications must be met. TABLE 3: TEMPERING OPERATIONS (Last Two Digits In Code Number) ‘CODE Hardness or Hardness Equivalent per ASTM-E-18 per below 0 183 (0217 brine 4 207 to 255 brine 2 228 10 256 brine 3 225 to 269 brine 14 241 to 269 brine! _ 16 255 to 286 brine 76 255 to 302 brine 7 269 0 321 brine 18 285 to 321 brinell 18 285 to 341 brine 20 [302 to 341 brine 2 3630 401 brnel 2 386 to 444 brine 2 215 to 451 brine 24 235 to 246 brine PS-1, Change AV, 2006-08-16, Page 12 Copyright Daemerchryster Corpration Printed by mike Berkey @magnapowertrsincom, Cecember 04,2906 08:25 Fit ESD tortha current version ef this document TABLE 3: TEMPERING OPERATIONS (Last Two Digits In Code Number) ‘CODE Hardness or Hardness Equivalent per ASTM-E-18 per below 25 187 t0 229 brinell 28 285 to 321 brine 2 2269 1 302 brinal 28 32 fo 388 brine 29 477 10534 brine 30 444 to 495 brinal 40 30 to 35 Rockwell “C* a 2210 47 Rockwell “C" a 45 1065 Scleroscope a "72 minimum Scleroscope 4 7510.90 Scleroscope 45 27 10.94 Rockwell “C a 36 to 40 Rockwell “O° a7 34 fo 38 Rockwell “Cr 6 60 fo 64 Rockwell “C" «0 25 to 30 Rockwell “C" 50 4410.49 Rockwel “G a 150 to 55 Rockwall “C" 2 ‘30 10 40 Rockwell “Cr 3 47 to 52 Rockwell “C" Ey ‘3210 37 Rockwell “C° 55 [4010 60 Rockwell “7 — 56 '36 10-42 Rockwell “C™ 7 No temper As shown on drawing 0 ‘Ae shown on drawing NOTE 1: Temper at temperature necessary to give the required hardness. NOTE 2: Tempering in the range from above 400 F to 700 F (205 C- 370 C) should be avoided unless specified or required by the Eng. Drawing 6.0 DEFINITIONS/ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS. ‘Not applicable. 7.0 GENERAL INFORMATION Three asterisks “**" after the section/paragraph header denotes multiple technical changes to the PS-1, Change AV, 2006-06-16, Page 13, ‘Copyright Dainserchyste Corporation ented by mite berkeygSmegnsposertrin om, December 04, 2008 05:28 Fi lence reforto ESSD forthe curnnt vera of tle document ‘section/paragraph. Certain important information relative to this standard has been included in separate standards. To-assiire the processes submitted meet all of DaimlerChrysler requirements, itis mandatory that the requirements in the folowing standards be met. (CS-9800 - Application of this standard, the subscription service, and approved sources (CS-2003 - Regulated substances and recyclabity Within Engineering Standards, the Regulatory (Government-mandated) requirements are designated by - and which correspond to Safety and Emission Shields respectively. The DCC-mandated requirements are designated by and correspond to the Diamond symbol respectively For specific information on this document, please refer to the contact person shown in the “Publication Information” Section of this document. For general information on obtaining Engineering Standards and Laboratory Procedures, see CS-9800 or contact the Engineering Standards Department at, 8.0 REFERENCES “* DaimlerChrysler] ASTM 50 ‘SAE Federal Standards Standards Standards ‘Standards Standards ‘CS-9003 [ASTM ASST | 11SO 17025 - ‘cS-9800 ASTM E 18 [ CS.8801 ‘ASTM E 140 MS-389<5> MS-2501 MS-6149 PSZA PS22 SASH PS5 PS.8 PS-7000, PF-SAFETY_| Quality and Reliability Documents Other Documents 9.0 ENGINEERING APPROVED SOURCE LIST Commercial heat treating services in the USA and Canada shall be purchased only from the commercial heat treat sources that appear on the Chrysler Engineering Office Approved Source List (EASL) included with this standard. There is no Engineering Approved Source List for commercial heat treaters outside the USA or Canada, Commercial heat treaters outside the USA or Canada are the responsiblity of Procurement and Supply, Supplier Qualily, the releasing Engineering area, along with the primary tier one ‘and any sub-tier part supplie(s) using the commercial heat treater. Extemally threaded fastener commercial heat treaters in the USA and Canada shall be specifically approved by Chrysler Group Materials Engineering and are designated by the prefix (1) or (2). All Engineering standards and specification requirements on the Engineering Drawing/CATIA Model must be met. PS-1, Change AV, 2006-06-16, Page 14 ‘Copyright OaieChyser Corporation Planes re, Oecamber 04, 2008 0:26 FIA D forthe cusrent version ofthis decument ‘There is no Chrysler Group Materials Engineering Approved Source List requirement for captive heat treaters anywhere owned or controlled by parts manufacturers. ‘This is the responsibilty of Procurement ‘and Supply, Supplier Quality, the releasing Engineering area, along with the primary tier one and any sub= tier part suppliers) using the commercial heat ireater. All Engineering standards and specification requirements on the Engineering Drawing/CATIA Model must be met. This Chrysler Group Materials Engineering Approved Source List (EASL) does not cover or include ODD Box/Black Box part suppliers heat treaters or parts designed and released or specified by PS-7000 ODD Box or Black Box for the Chrysler Group. There is no Materials Engineering Approved Source List (EASL) for ODD Bow/Black Box part suppliers¢neat treaters under this standard, ‘The Chrysler Group Engineering Approved Source List names the commercial heat treat sources in the USA and Canada currently approved for this Chrysler Group process standard. By fumishing ths ist, DaimlerChrysler in no way assumes responsibilty for the performance of any named suppliers or sub- sources and specifically reserves all rights to insist on full nd complete performance of all Chrysler Group purchase orders in addition to the Engineering Drawing, CATIA Model andlor specification requirements. Inclusion inthis or any other ist, or being surveyed or accredited by any registrar or accreditation agency for any quality standard(s) or heat treatment process does not relieve any supplier, whether OEM, tier one cf a subcontractor, from their responsibilty to meet any and all Chrysler Group Engineering requirements for parts as detailed on Engineering Drawings/CATIA Model/Data Sheet, APGP, PER or PPAP requirements and is nota substitute for quality, process control and continuous improvement. TABLE 4 ENGINEERING APPROVED SOURCE LIST - QUENCH AND TEMPER AND AUSTEMPERING - PS-1 - COMMERCIAL HEAT TREATERS - USA AND CANADA, Materials and Processes covered by this standard shall only be purchased from those sources listed in this table. ‘SUPPLIER ‘SUPPLIER CODE | PHONE NUMBER ‘Advanced Heat Treating, Ine, St Marys, PA 15657 eiarerares (1) Alex Heat Treat, Deo, MI 48207 319-267-2100) ‘red Heler Heat Treating Co, Citon, NI O7O11 {[_ o73.772-4200 (@)AMAC Enterprises, ne, Parma, OH #4130, 16640 216962.1880 ‘erica See Treating, me, Pembina, ON A366) ‘a19874-2044 ‘opled Process, ne, voi Mi 48150 734-464-2030 ‘Aimosphere Anweaing Ne, Lansing, a 48910 sara 517-485-5246 (Non Atmosphere en) 517.482.1374 ‘Almosphere Heat Treating, ne, Wixom, Mi 40989 77630 248 96504700 ‘Austemper, ne, Cieion Twp, Ml 48035 506-205-4864 1.8 W Heat Treabng Corp. Kichener, Ont, NZ AWS 20825 S10. 7405204 Bodyeoie Thermal Processing, Gan, CT 05037 350.725.7693 [Bodycote Thermal Processing, Canon, M4167 To AS12204 Bodyesie Thermal Processing, Cncnnal, OH 45204 519.821.2300 Bodycote Theral Processing, neonapot, IN 46202 51123 Sir 48 ~~ | sia 7eea01 Bodycote Thermal Processing, Kichener, Onl, NZB 2E ceeoneey Bodycote Thermal Processing, Lansing, 8 48947 02565 517407 4089 PS-1, Change AV, 2006-06-16, Page 15 Consign OaimlerChysie Corporation Printed by mike berkeyim Ploseo coir to .Desarber 04, 2008 0 Pat fs curant version ofthis aacument TABLE & ENGINEERING APPROVED SOURCE LIST - QUENCH AND TEMPER AND AUSTEMPERING - PS-1 - COMMERCIAL HEAT TREATERS - USA AND CANADA, Materials and Processes covered by this standard shall only be purchased from those sources listed i this table. SUPPLIER ‘SUPPLIER CODE | PHONE NUMBER (2 Badycco Thermal Processing, Maple Heghis, OH 4137 216.475.0400 ‘Bodycote Thermal Processing, New Ban, Wt 53151 BERT (2 Bodycote Thermal Processing, New Merkel Ont, L3¥ 4X7 905.0532500 ‘oayete Thermal Processing, Rochester NY 14614 oo Ti6436-7075, Croina Commercial Heat Teaing, he, Fountain nn, SC 20644 354-062 9576 Century Sun Meta Treating, Traverse Cty, Ml 49696 sooo ee 231-941-7000, Cortes Heat Treating, ne, W. Carton, OF 45849 097 05-0265 | (@). Chem Pata ndutes, ne, Ok Grove Voge, 60007 347 50-1600 (@ Commercial Steel Treating, Madeon Hgts, Wl 45074 aow2a 246 500-3300| (()Eim Pati Company, Jackson 140203 air7e2 8164 ie Stel, id, Toledo, OF «9013 1687 ee PM Heat Tear, Ek Grove Vitooe it 60000 ear 2505 (@ FP ipsen feat Teaing, Chery Vay, 61016 e16-332.4961 H&M etal Processing, Cuyahoga Fats, OH 44222 530-028-0024 orbor Metal Treating Co. Berton arbor, 49022 250.095 3282 Heat Tea Spake, Logansport, IN 48047 war 2014 eat Treating ine, Spingtied, OF 45806 57 258121 Hoa Treating Services, Poise, Ml 46055 73678 7240-452 7302 eat Treating Technolgies, ne Lina, OF 45804 er) HiTech Stee Treating, Saginaw, 48601 200.995.6258 ‘@HTerp, ne, Noth Lake 6OTEe 708-345-5000 @) Hudapack Weta Teaing, ENor, W 8H21 2527335 TMT - York LLG, York 8 20745 o03-6042548| (2 indus Stoo Treating Co, Jackson 48202 518 Sir ToT 6912 (JM Pang, Rocko, 61104 ers0ea575 ‘Meil imrovement Co, Coumbus,OH 43207 era t101 Metric! Pressing Co, Warren, 48091 ua? 596-758-3100 {2 Metatgical Processing, ne, Ft Wayne, N 45054 ora 700:425-1691 (2) Melex Heat Treating Lid, Brompton Ontario, LST 4M2 605.459.5700| ‘oder inductee, ne, Ee, PA 16512 35136 614-455-80651 (2) Paso Products Co, Mureesbor, TN 57730 615-086-1905 Paulo Produce Co, Nashvile TN 37207 1520-2525, PS-1, Change AV, 2008-06-16, Page 16 Copyright DaimerChyster Corporation 4 by rive aris meat 5 06, 2008 08:25, Fletea refer to £560 for tne sunrort vorsion of thie docu TABLE & ENGINEERING APPROVED SOURCE LIST- QUENCH AND TEMPER AND AUSTEMPERING - PS-1 - COMMERCIAL HEAT TREATERS - USA AND CANADA Materials and Processes covered by ths standard shall only be purchased from those sources listed in this table. SUPPLIER SUPPLIER CODE | PHONE NUMBER Pennoni na Hea Teale, SU Marys PA 15857 wrarerazee (@ Perecbon Se! Tesi, Deo M 48250 7018 ‘ss64000| Phoenix Heat Treing, ie, Phoerc AZ @5005 02258-7751 Presson Heat Treating Co, Kalamazoo, Ml 49005 769.982.4060, rection Hea Teaing Com, FL Wayne, IN 45855 O85125 RMT Woodworth ne, South I 48094 “5008 meas 729 (0) Roches Heat Testing, Rochester, 40078 SAD (2 Sere Heat Tesng, ne, Miveikws, WI 55224 "366-1020, (1) South Holand Metal Treating Co, Monee 1 600 Tona3608e2 Speco Stel Testg, ne East Granby, CT 05020 se eooeea770 Specaly Sel Tea, ne, Farmingon Hs, 40996 ecesa | aor 3000 Sposa See! Testy, ne Freer, MI 4802 a 5662505555, (2) Steel Processing Company, Waren Ml 48069, 07723310 ‘Sikes Stet Treating Co Fit M1 48605 ~ 102063675, errr aeee Sun Stet Tata ne, Soun Lyon, Mt 48178 cons cravat “eis ¥ Fo Fone, SAe Gv. Meo Gy 3505902 52953 “Thema Treatment Cote, Welle, OH 4082 [arr Bees “Hy Hea Treat Go Rock and 6204 3097062609 “Tes inues, ne, Spegfil OF 45802 _ 7a NOTE Exeray Tees Fastener — NOTE 2 ExemayThreoed Fasteners and General Hest Test NOTE: Spring clips, washes, and inlematy threaded fasteners donot have a separate Engineering Approved Source Lis. Ary toute ltd above corre approves 10.0 PUBLICATION INFORMATION ContacuPhone No: M. E. Dilley, (248) 512-4846 ‘Alternate Contact/Phone No: NIA Department Name & Department Number./Tech Club/Organization: Chassis & Powertrain Materials Engineering, Dept. 5810 Date Standard Originally Published: 1936-07-30 Date Published: 2006-08-16 Change Notice: Not required Description of Change: = Editorial + Updated EASL = _ Revised to Conform to New Format and Template Guidelines dated 2006-03-20 © Added, Updated and Clarified Paragraph Sections 3.0,3.2, 33, 3.3.1, 34,3.5, 37,38, 3.10,3.12,3.13, PS-1, Change AV, 2006-06-16, Page 17 Copyright DaimlerChryter Corporation m.03204 3.18, 6.0, 8.0 and 90. Decemer 24, 2006 08:25 Pkt rent version ef this document Pletoe refer fo E880 forthe anHee PS-1, Change AV, 2006-06-16, Page 18 Copyright OairerCrytor Corporation

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