Ludwing Van Beethoven

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Johanns Enmanuel Curisinche Cánez




In this essay we will study something important about the famous composer and

german pianist, Ludwing van Beethoven, who had done a great work between the

Classical and Romantic eras in Western classical music, and remains one of the most

famous and influential composers of all time.

Along Ludwing´s life everybody can understand the great blesses of God for

inspire to people who wants really improve their life, because Ludwing had lived in a

poor city, when his life didn´t be easy. However, but when he started to play the piano, he

never stopped to be the best composer.

In spite of have a careless family and economic problems, because he had a big

family, he never forgot that someone can change the world, if someone wants.

Nevertheless, all his partitures explain each event of his life (in some case).


Ludwing was born in Bonn, Germany, 16 December 1770. He was baptized in a

Roman Catholic service on 17 December 1770, and was probably born the previous day.

His parents were Johann van Beethoven (1740-1792) and Maria Magdalena Keverich

(1746-1787). Beethoven´s first music teacher was his father. Johann teaches to him the

piano in order to his son to be someone as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, because Mozart

played from his seven years and in those times they were contemporaries (the both were

living in the same time).

Thanks to Archduke Maximilian Franz of Austria, Beethoven achieves travel at

Vienna, apparently in the hope of studying with Wolfgang Mozart. But when pass just

two weeks he found out that his mother was severely illness and he was forced to return

at home. His mother died and his father lapsed deeper into alcoholism. As a result,

Beethoven became responsible for the care of his two younger brothers, and he spend the

next years in Bonn. Even though he was in serious problems, he continued with his great

dreams to be the best composer of the world. After he got a new opportunity to travel at

Vienna where he improved his works and he was dedicated to write sonatas, symphonies

and make concerts for noble people.


Some years after, he began to lose his hearing. He used to write to his friend

describing his symptoms and some difficulties they caused in both professional and social

setting. Really those moments were terrible for him, because he was used to writing and

got a salary for his works, now he was thinking what he should do if he loses his main

tool. The great composer was passing for difficult moments. However, he continued

working, because he used to remember sounds of the violin and piano.

When he lost his hearing of a way completed. He asks to an inventor for help him,

Johann Mäzel, who worked and prepared an acoustic horns and a system to listen to the

piano. Few years after, Mäzel finished his great work a “metronome”, this tool will help

to Beethoven to continued composing more works to his death.


The cause of his death is no sure. Some commentators say: alcoholic cirrhosis,

syphilis, infectious hepatitis, lead poisoning, sarcoidosis and Whipple´s disease have all
been proposed. Last studies say that Beethoven died because he used to drink water

contaminated of rivers, because when they studied a part of his brain they had found lead,

maybe this will caused his death.

He died on Monday, 26 March 1827, during a thunderstorm. His friend who was

with him before his death was the famous pianist and composer Franz Schubert. He was

wake three days, in his funeral assisted around of 20,000 Viennese citizens; this day was

on Thursday, 29 March. He was just fifty-seven when he had died.

Undoubtedly, Beethoven was one of the greatest composers all time. Despite of

his problems and critical situations he knew to get ahead and fulfill his dreams. He is a

typical case when people should got for improve in the worst situations. Obviously, God

allowed that Beethoven got this raw talent.




 There are some references about the movies which were filmed.

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