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Teacher Candidate: Kelly Wall Date:

Cooperating Teacher: Tracey Fiddler & Karen Bertsch Coop. Initials

Group Size: 20 Allotted Time 11:00-12:00 Grade Level 4th

Subject or Topic: Division 10-7 Section

Standard - CC.2.1.4.B.2

Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit


I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

 Students will be able to divide 4 digit numbers by one digit numbers by using
the standard algorithm

II. Instructional Materials

 Daily Nope
 Homework answer key
 Smartboard
 Envision math video (10-7)
 White board
 Dry erase marker
 10-7 Practice (22)
 10-7 Practice answer key
 Exit Slip (11)
 10-7 re-teaching (22)

III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, outline of
additional content)
A. Prerequisite skills
 Division of 2 digit by 1 digit
 Division of 3 digit by 1 digit
 Standard division algorithm
 How to use DMSCB to complete the steps of division
B. Key Vocabulary
 Dividend- the number being divided
 Divisor- the number time the dividend is divided
 Quotient- the answer to the division problem.
C. Big Idea
 Division of 4 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers follows the same
steps as division of 2 digit numbers and 3 digit numbers by 1 digit
D. Content
 Estimate your numbers first to see if your answer is reasonable
 DMSCB represents the steps to solving a division problem
o Divide 1 digit of dividend by the divisor
o Write answer on top of dividend (all the way right)
o Multiply answer by divisor. Write under the dividend
o Subtract dividend and new number
o Bring down the next number
o Divide that number by the divisor and repeat steps
 Once you can’t bring any more numbers down,
bring the final number up as the remainder.
o Multiply to check your answer

IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
Whole Group
 Ask students to take out their math homework from night before
 Check to see all student have completed it.
 Review answers
 Call on students to answer each problem ask them to tell you step
by step how they completed the problem.
 Write out answers on board if necessary
 Have students correct their work as they go
 Call students to sit by the smart board
 Show student the daily nope. If everyone got the answer correct from
day before, skip this step.
 Turn on the envision video
 Tell students “now that we know how to divide a two digit number by a
one digit number, we will learn how to divide a 3 digit number by a one
digit number.”

B. Development
 Watch video on smart board
o Stop to complete the steps of the problem.
 First estimate the answer, 600 is too much but closer to
the dividend than 500
 The answer will be less than 600 but close to
 Recite pneumonic device “Does McDonald’s Sell
Cheese Burgers while you write down DMSCB. This
will help students remember the steps they must take to
complete the problem
 Give students another problem on the smart board.
 Call on students to talk you through the steps
 What should I do first (divide)?
o What am I dividing?
o What is the dividend divided by the
divisor? Or what times the divisor will
get you closest to the dividend without
going over? can you divide the first
number, or do you have to look at the
second number?
o Where will I put the answer (above the
 What should I do next (multiply)?
o What am I multiplying?
o Where will I put the answer (Under the
dividend number)?
 What should I do next (Subtract)?
o What is my answer?
 What should I do next (compare)?
o Is the answer smaller than the divisor?
 Yes? Move on to next step
 No? Go back and check your
 What should I do next (Bring down/up)
o Do we have a number to bring down
o Where do it go?
 Now what? (repeat steps and divide)
 As steps are repeated, stop to check for
understanding with:
o What are you dividing?
o Which numbers are you multiplying?
 When you get to the “bring down/up step ask
“are we going to bring this number (answer to
subtraction) up? Why not? (bring down number)
 Repeat steps
 When you reach “bring down/ up” ask “do we
have anything to bring down? (No) so what
should we do? (bring the answer to the top as a
 Multiply to check answer
o Finish video
Small Group
 Divide students into three Homogenous groups
 Hand out practice worksheet 10-7
o Have students talk you through the problem as they solve
o Complete 2-3 problems as a group (or more if students need
more practice with prompts)
o Have students try one on their own. Have them show you the
answer when they are done
 If students are able to complete the problem on their
own, have them complete worksheet on their own.
 Check answers before they can move on to the next
activity. Have them correct any errors

C. Closure
 After students compete practice worksheet 10-7, hand them an exit
slip. Have students complete exit slip on their own.
 Collect exit slip and hand student their homework.
o Have student work on homework until subject change.
 At the end of the period, have student put away their math homework/
iPad and place their spelling folder onto their desk
o Line up for lunch.

D. Accommodations/Differentiation
 For ESL- When completing the first few problems together, write the
problem out step by step so student can follow along. When
completing independent problems pair student with another student so
that they can follow along if they do not understand.
 For Enrichment- have students complete 10-5 enrichment on goggle
 For students who have trouble following the steps continue to break
down the problem into steps and prompt each step.
 Follow all IEPs

E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative
 Exit slip (to be collected)
 Graded as a correct or incorrect answer

2. Summative
V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (Reflection on
student performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for
students who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement)

Remediation Plan

B. Personal Reflection (Questions written before lesson is taught. Reflective

answers to question recorded after lesson is taught)

VI. Resources (in APA format)

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