Hashirama Senju Mito Uzumaki Hokage Konohagakure: Tsunade Gives Hashirama's Necklace To Dan

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Tsunade is the granddaughter of Hashirama Senju and Mito Uzumaki.

Because Hashirama was

the First Hokage of Konohagakure, Tsunade is called "Princess" (姫, Hime). Hashirama doted
on Tsunade when she was very young because she was his first grandchild, and found her
deviance and her adoption of his own gambling habits highly amusing;[7]Tsunade inherited
his necklace when he died. After she graduated from Konoha's Academy, Tsunade was
teamed with Orochimaru and Jiraiya under the leadership of Hiruzen Sarutobi. When Jiraya
failed to acquire a bell during the team's first bell test, Tsunade teased him, prompting him
to criticise her flat chest.[8] Despite this remark, Jiraiya had a certain interest in Tsunade
from their first meeting,[9] which only increased after her breasts developed; when she
nearly killed him for spying on her while she bathed, he was forced to be more discrete
about his interests.[10]

Tsunade gives Hashirama's necklace to Dan.

Tsunade's younger brother, Nawaki dreamed of someday becoming Hokage so that he could
protect Konoha, their grandfather's legacy. On Nawaki's twelfth birthday, Tsunade kissed his
forehead and gave him Hashirama's necklace in the hopes that it would help him achieve his
dream. He died the next day, a casualty of the ongoing Second Shinobi World War, thus
returning the necklace to her. Tsunade began advocating for the inclusion of medical-nin on
all four-man squads in order to avoid future deaths like Nawaki's. Hiruzen, the Third
Hokage, agreed with her arguments, but could not dedicate resources to the necessary
implementation due to the ongoing war. Dan Katō, on the other hand, shared her views,
and as their relationship developed he confided with her his dreams of becoming Hokage so
that he could bring change to Konoha and protect his loved one from death. Tsunade kissed
his forehead and gave him Hashirama's necklace in the hopes that it would help him achieve
his dream.

Hanzō dubs the Sannin.

Although their team under Hiruzen's leadership had disbanded, Tsunade, Orochimaru, and
Jiraiya continued fighting together during the Second Shinobi World War. During one such
fight in Amegakure, they were the only three to survive an encounter with Hanzō, for
which accomplishment Hanzō dubbed them Konoha's "Legendary Sannin".[11] In the aftermath
of the battle, Jiraiya opted not to return to Konoha so that he could train the Ame
orphans. Tsunade would go on to make her own independent contributions to the war,
frequently counteracting Chiyo of Sunagakure's poisons.[12] Although Tsunade's actions are
said to have won the war for Konoha,[13] Tsunade was unable to prevent Dan's death, and
her failure to stop his severe blood loss caused her to develop haemophobia.
With Dan's death, Hashirama's necklace returned to Tsunade once again, convincing some
that the necklace was cursed to kill anyone who wore it other than Tsunade. Tsunade
herself became convinced that achieving one's dreams was impossible and that to be Hokage
was a fool's job. She therefore left Konoha, taking Dan's niece, Shizune, with her to train
her as an apprentice. Due to her blood phobia, Tsunade retired from any direct involvement
in medicine or combat, instead relying on Shizune whenever a need for either came up.

Tsunade dreams of being with Dan.

Tsunade was very willing to believe in the attainability of dreams while Nawaki and Dan
were alive, and that by supporting and encouraging those dreams she might be able to help
achieve them. When both died gruesomely shortly after receiving her support, Tsunade lost
faith in the idea of dreaming for anything, believing that the mere pursuit would be doomed
from the outset. She becomes especially critical of wanting to be Hokage, as both Dan and
Nawaki died trying to attain the title and the past Hokage have all died prematurely and,
Tsunade argues, pointlessly because they held the position; she concludes that to be Hokage
is a fool's job.[14]
Tsunade is forced to reconsider her cynicism upon meeting Naruto Uzumaki, who
demonstrates two things to her: just because a goal seems impossible does not mean it
actually is, as Naruto is able to master the Rasengan unprecedentedly quickly despite any
seeming natural talent; just because the dreamer dies does not mean the dream itself does,
as Nawaki and Dan's desire to become Hokage lives on in Naruto. Because Naruto is so very
much an exception to how she thought the world worked, Tsunade puts her faith in dreams
once again, a desire so strong that she overcomes her fear of blood.[15] She becomes Hokage
herself, partly so that she can live Nawaki and Dan's dream for them, but also so that she
can pave the way for Naruto inevitably holding the title. Just as she once did, Tsunade
supports all other dreams that she can: when Rock Lee tells her he dreams of being a ninja
despite knowing he may die trying, she does not argue his decision and, in the anime, does
all that she can to ensure he survives.
As Hokage, Tsunade is committed to protecting Konoha and its villagers, willing to give her
life for her village and allies if necessary.[16] She does this because Nawaki and Dan loved
Konoha and so she keeps their dreams alive by doing so, but also because Konoha's continued
survival honours all those who gave their lives creating it and keeping it safe. Although her
reasons are somewhat different, the outcome is nevertheless consistent with the Will of
Fire. Tsunade is similarly optimistic about the next generation of Konoha's ninja, especially
Naruto, convinced that the village's future will be in good hands because of them. She in
fact becomes angry when others lack this same faith in Naruto and his peers, believing it is
better to let them try and then fail than to assume their failure is inevitable and thus
prevent them from trying.[17] Demonstrations of her own faith include:
congratulating Shikamaru Nara for his failed mission because at least none of his teammates
died;[18] not labelling Sasuke Uchiha a missing-nin because she trusts that Naruto can
someday convince him to return to Konoha.

Even as a child, Tsunade had a love for gambling.

Despite her many noble qualities, Tsunade is not without her faults. She is blunt and short-
tempered, prone to striking Naruto for his immaturity or Jiraiya for his perversion; she is
widely feared because of this tendency.[19] Her own behaviour isn't much better than theirs,
as she drinks constantly, sometimes sleeps on the job, and tries as much as she can to have
other people do her work for her. One of her favourite vices is gambling, which she acquired
from her grandfather, Hashirama Senju. Despite how often and how irresponsibly she
gambles, Tsunade has notoriously bad luck, causing those who have made huge profits off of
her to call her "The Legendary Sucker" (伝説のカモ, Densetsu no Kamo).[20] Tsunade is
fully aware of how unlucky she is, and so whenever she hits a winning streak she takes it as
a bad omen and prepares for the worst;[21] she has at times tried using her bad luck to her
advantage, betting on outcomes she doesn't want so that her unluckiness will prevent them
from happening.[22] Hashirama finds Tsunade's many bad habits highly amusing on a personal
level, but when he is told that Tsunade is Hokage he immediately worries about what
misfortunes she's brought upon Konoha.[7]
Jiraiya assumed that there was a mutual attraction between him and Tsunade from their
first meeting, a statement that only served to annoy and anger her. Despite his many
advances over the years, Tsunade never reciprocated his feelings, only ever loving Dan, even
decades after his death. Jiraiya wasn't discouraged by this and claimed that her repeated
rejections had not only made him stronger, but they've been excellent material for his Icha
Icha series of books. Though he concluded that to be happy wasn't his fate. Tsunade
doubted he believed his own words and she commented that he did not need to put on a
brave front when he returned from Amegakure.[22] When Jiraiya ended up dying during that
same mission, Tsunade privately mourned for the loss of her dear friend and team-
mate.[9] Her greatest desire was to be with her loved ones, while supporting Dan as he
lived out his dream of being Hokage.[23] Despite this, she chose not to have Dan and
Nawaki reincarnated when given the chance as she realised it would go against everything
they stood for

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