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Rural Policy Events Calendar /

Calendrier des événements sur la politique rurale

July 26, 2010 / 26 juillet 2010


2010 ACE Institute (Association of Cooperative Educators)

July 27-30 – Cleveland, OHès/tabid/87/Default.aspx
This is the only annual conference dedicated solely to highlighting innovative programs in cooperative education. It
provides a unique opportunity to network with educators across cooperative sectors as well as national boundaries.


Third Hemispheric Forum for Young Agricultural Leaders

August 2-6 – Lincoln, NB
This conference will call attention to business opportunities in the rural sector as a proposed strategy for slowing
rural-urban migration, offering young leaders a global vision of agriculture. The central theme of this year’s Forum will
be agricultural entrepreneurship, which is being put forth as a business alternative in rural areas which would lead to
better living conditions in rural communities and slow the flow of so much talent to the cities.

The Planned World, Urban, Rural and Wild

August 5-7 – Vancouver, BC
The planned world is the world that surrounds us: in our cities, countryside, and wilderness. How do we conceive of
that world through our culture, society, and technology, and how do we relate to that world as urban planners,
architects, designers, policy planners and analysts, artists, writers, critics etc.? This interdisciplinary conference will
gather together researchers, scholars, students, and practitioners to address these questions.

73rd Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society: How Flat is Rural? Diversity in the Age of
August 12-15 – Atlanta, GA
The theme of the 2010 RSS meetings offers an opportunity to examine a great many aspects of rural life in the
context of globalization and growing diversity.

Propelling Economic Prosperity: The Annual Association of Ontario Municipalities

August 15-17 – Windsor, ON
This municipal sector Conference is the forum for learning, networking and analysis for elected officials, municipal
staff, policy analysts, media and anyone associated with the municipal sector.

FCM Sustainable Missions Tour

August 15-20 – Quebec
The conference will gather together researchers, scholars, students, and practitioners to address these questions and
others pertaining to the topic.
Innovation and Collaboration: Building Resilient Communities Atlantic Summer Institute / Innovation et
collaboration : Bâtir des communautés résilientes l’Institut d’été de l’Atlantique de 2010
August 17-20 – Charlottetown, PE
What makes communities resilient? How do people and communities thrive in spite of difficult circumstances? We
will explore the answers to these questions together as we learn from the fields of: social and economic development;
crime prevention and community safety; health and safety promotion; environmental sustainability.
Qu’est-ce qui rend les communautés résilientes; comment les individus et les communautés survivent-ils et se
développent-ils en dépit de situations difficiles? L’Institut proposera des réponses à ces questions, qui couvriront les
domaines suivants :développement social et économique; prévention du crime et sécurité des collectivités; promotion
de la santé et de la sécurité; durabilité de l’environnement.

Sustainable Regional Growth and Development in the Creative Knowledge Economy

August 19-23 – Jonkoping, Sweden
The theme encompasses and reflects wider European concerns about regional growth and development in the area
of globalisation and increased environmental awareness expressed in the Lisbon Agenda.

Advancing Sustainability in a Time of Crisis

August 22-25 – Oldenburg and Bremen, Germany
International Society for Ecological Economics biennial conference. Topics include climate change, land use,
governance and public policy and green business.

Institute of Public Administration of Canada’s Annual Conference : Guardians of Our Communities, from
Local to Global / Congrès annuel de l’Institut d’administration publique du Canada: Gardiens et gardiennes
de nos communautés : du niveau local à l’échelle mondiale
August 22-25 – Ottawa, ON
The conference will build understanding on how we define communities when they are no longer simply geographic or
cultural, but increasingly interest-based and virtual. It will build an understanding of who are the guardians, and define
the roles of public, non-profit and private sectors.
Le Congrès nous aidera à mieux comprendre comment nous définissons nos communautés lorsqu’elles ne sont plus
uniquement enracinées dans la géographie ou la culture, mais qu’elles se fondent de plus en plus sur des réalités
virtuelles et axées sur le bien commun. Il offrira une vision commune de qui sont les gardiens et gardiennes de nos
communautés, et aidera à définir les rôles des secteurs public, à but non lucratif et privé.

Forests for the Future: Sustaining Society and the Environment

August 23-28 – Seoul, Korea
Themes include: Forests and Climate Change; Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use of Forest Resource;
Forest Products and Production Processes for a Greener Future; Emerging Technologies in the Forest Sector;
Forests, Communities and Cultures; Forests, Human Health and Environmental Security.


Co-operatives contributions to a plural economy

September 2-4 – Lyon, France
Conference organized by the Research section of the International Co-operative Alliance with the CRESS Rhone-
Alpes and the University Lyon.
7th Circumpolar Agricultural Conference: Circumpolar Agricultural and Land Use Resources - Prospects and
Perspectives for Circumpolar Productions and Industries
September 6-8 – Alta, Norway
Issues will include: Global climate change - challenges and opportunities in Northern Agriculture and Land Use;
Unique qualities in circumpolar food products - a basis for Business development; Traditional knowledge as a basis
for commercial exploitation/business development of our natural resources and Rural Tourism Industries in
Circumpolar Areas Supporting multifunctional Agriculture.

ESTC 2010: Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism Conference

September 8-10 – Portland, OR
This conference focuses on sustainability in the tourism industry. The ESTC brings together innovative minds from
across the industry to discuss practical ideas and solutions that inspire positive changes. Advancing policies and
practices benefiting businesses and communities, the ESTC helps reinforce the roles of tourism in building a more
sustainable future.

Growing Power's National - International Urban and Small Farm Conference

September 10-12 – Milwaukee, WI
This international conference will teach the participant how to plan, develop and grow small farms in urban and rural
areas. Learn how you can grow food year-round, no matter what the climate, and how you can build markets for small
farms. See how you can play a part in creating a new food system that fosters better health and more closely-knit

Bridging Biology and Business: 10th Agricultural Biotechnology International Conference

September 12-15 – Saskatoon, SK
Features three streams: Energy, Health and Sustainability. The conference inspires and encourages the research,
development and commercialization of new biotechnologies to improve human health, create a sustainable food
supply and foster new energy sources for all nations, including the developing world.

Rural History 2010

September 13-16 – Brighton, England
Rural History 2010 is the first international meeting of rural and agricultural historians. Over 200 papers on aspects of
the agricultural and rural history of the last two millennia will be presented.

7th Annual Future of Canada's Infrastructure Summit

September 14-15 – Toronto, ON
Canada’s most comprehensive infrastructure event will address all of your current challenges with timely case studies
and real world presentations. It will allow you to develop infrastructure best practices through sustainability, innovation,
and performance measurement.

2010 Atlantic Association of CBDCs AGM and Conference

September 15-17 – St. John's, NL
To come.

Conférence AFMO (L’Association française des municipalités de l’Ontario) / Association of Francophone

Municipalities of Ontario (AFMO) Conference
Du 15 au 17 septembre – Kapuskasing (ON)
Ayant pour thème principal « La Gouvernance », le congrès, entre autres, mettra à l’avant-scène le mouvement de
décentrement de la prise de décision, les partenariats entre différents acteurs de notre société et l’interaction entre
nos gouvernements et la société.
Under the theme “The Governance”, this conference will hold discussions on such themes as the decentralization of
decision-making, the possible partnerships between the many players in our society and the interaction between
governments and society.

Challenge, Change and Progress: the Ontario East Municipal Conference

September 15-17 – Kingston, ON
Features a session on the inexorable demographic trends that are taking us into workforce territory few business
leaders understand and provides practical examples and suggestions on how leaders need to change how they
manage in order to navigate the difficult terrain ahead.

22e colloque du Réseau québécois de Villes et Villages en santé: Bâtir des communautés solidaires une
utopie possible
Du 16 au 17 septembre – Rivière-du-Loup (QC)
Dans un contexte social et économique en pleine ébullition, projets et stratégies se multiplient dans les milieux de vie
pour développer la participation citoyenne, le sens de la communauté et la solidarité. Le colloque 2010 du Réseau
québécois de Villes et Villages en santé souhaite susciter une réflexion sur le vivre-ensemble et sur nos tactiques
pour susciter l’engagement citoyen et la solidarité.

Building Resilience in Island Communities

September 17-18 – Lerwick, Shetland Islands, Scotland
An innovative and international conference presenting ideas on dealing with the challenge of future-proofing our
dwellings, infrastructure and communities. There will be a particular focus on remote and island communities in the
northern latitudes.

Innovation and Creativity : Key Drivers of Economic Development / Innovation et créativité: Principaux
moteurs du développement économique
September 18-21 – Québec, QC
The Economic Developers Association of Canada Annual Conference. Themes: Culture, cultural industries and
economic development; Technology, innovation and creativity and Integrating creativity and innovation into our daily
Conférence de l’Association canadienne de développement économique (ACDE). Thèmes : Créativité et
développement économique; Créativité et développement économique; Technologies, innovation et créativité;
Intégrer la créativité et l'innovation à son quotidien.

Identité, Qualité et Compétitivité Territoriale - Développement économique et cohésion dans les territoires
Du 20 au 22 septembre – Acoste (Italie)
Colloque de l'Association de science régionale de langue française. Le colloque portera plus particulièrement sur les
thématiques suivantes: Une comparaison des politiques de compétitivité territoriale (des districts et SPL aux pôles de
compétitivité ; comparaison des systèmes d'innovation) ; L’aménagement du territoire et les politiques de
développement durable ; L' économie des régions alpines et les politiques pour la montagne.

Littoral 2010: Adapting to Global Change at the Coast: Leadership, Innovation and Investment
September 21-23 – London, England
The aim of the conference is to develop a holistic view of the priorities for integrated management across the social,
political, economic and environmental divides that uniquely characterise the coast. The themes of the conference
reflect the three aspects of global change: Global change and managing environmental risk; Developing the marine
and coastal economy and Tackling inequality in coastal communities.
Landscape Ecology International Conference
September 21-27 – Braganca, Portugal
Ongoing changes driven by environmental, technological, political, economic and social factors produce additional
challenges for forest landscape ecologists. This conference aims to bring together scientists, planners, and managers
in order to share science and experiences on approaches, methods and tools to assess change, to forecast change in
structures and processes, and to optimize goods and services provided at multiscale-multifunctional levels.

Conférence internationale: Quel projet de société pour demain? Coopératives, mutuelles et territoires :
enjeux, défis et alternatives
Du 22 au 23 septembre – Levis (QC)
Coopératives, mutuelles et territoires : enjeux, défis et alternatives organisée par l’ARUC Développement territorial et
coopération - Conseil québécois de la coopération et de la mutualité.

9th Conference of the Canadian Rural Health Research Society

"Rural Health: Connecting Research and Policy"
September 23-25 – Fredericton, NB
Themes: Policy and rural health research; Clinical issues in rural health; Population issues in rural settings ;
Challenges to research in rural and remote settings; Aboriginal health; Partnerships and networking; Health
professional education in rural settings; Rural health issues in a linguistic minority context; Citizen engagement in
rural health settings.

New Paradigms: The Practice of Economic Development in a Changed Landscape: 2010 International
Economic Development Conference
September 26-29 – Columbus, OH
At the world's largest gathering of economic developers, we will discuss the new paradigms of economic development:
new tools for recovery, new uses to revitalize the economy, new ventures to combat unemployment, and new
directions in rapidly changing times.

Regional Land Use Planning in a Global Economy: Canadian Institute of Forestry Conference
September 27-29 – Jasper, AB
An opportunity to discuss land management issues in the heart of Jasper National Park.

Embracing Change: Council for the Advancement of Native Economic Development Officers Annual
September 27-30 – Niagara Falls, ON
The CANDO conference is an excellent opportunity to learn more about Aboriginal community economic development
and speak with the people directly involved in improving the economic viability of Canada’s Aboriginal communities.

The Working Waterways and Waterfronts National Symposium on Water Access

September 27-30 – Portland, ME
Across the United States, communities, water-dependent industries, and the public face conflicts over access to
beaches, shorelines, and waterways. Participants in 2010 will increase awareness of the economic, social, cultural,
and environmental values of waterfronts, and the important role of water-dependent uses in sustainable coastal

2010 Union of British Columbia Municipalities

September 27-October 1 – Whistler, BC
At the 2010 UBCM Convention, we will reflect on our relationships with our First Nations neighbours. We will discuss
the relationships that have been cultivated with community organizations, intergovernmental partners and other local
governments. We will use this coming together of BC's local leaders to share and learn from one another's
experiences, and gain ideas to move our own communities forward.

2010 Communities Collaborating Institute - Leading Together in Chaotic Times

September 27-October 1 – Kitchener, ON
This week-long learning event, provides a unique opportunity to join a dynamic learning community of practitioners
from across Canada and beyond who are committed to deepening their capacity to lead community collaborations.

The Economic Edge '10: It's Canada vs the World, are you in?
September 28 – Ottawa, ON
Presented by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the economic edge is a national business summit for Canada’s
most influential business leaders, politicians and academics. The successful 2009 inaugural event saw panellists
discuss Canadian competitiveness, the ability to innovate and become more productive, and the economic prosperity
of all Canadians.

The Sustainability of Australia’s Country Towns: The Third National Country Towns Conference
September 30-October 1 – Bendigo, Victoria, Australia
This conference will explore how the diversity of country towns across the nation are responding to the call for a
sustainable future. The many different perspectives will be used to build a framework that shows the choices
communities have to work together and with governments to realize this outcome.

Revitalize! Economic Renewal. Quality of Life. Heritage Buildings. 2010 Heritage Canada Foundation
Conference / Revitalisons! Relance économique. Qualité de vie. Bâtiments patrimoniaux. La conférence 2010
de la fondation Héritage Canada
September 30-October 2 – St. John's, NL
Join us on a voyage of discovery as we explore how heritage buildings, social innovation, civic engagement and
collaboration can work together to create prosperous and liveable communities.
Partez avec nous à la découverte! Nous explorerons des moyens de concilier patrimoine bâti, innovation sociale,
engagement citoyen et collaboration pour créer des communautés prospères où il fait bon vivre.

Les 69e Assises annuelles de la Fédération Québécoise des Municipalités

Du 30 septembre au 2 octobre – Québec (QC)
Ce thème se veut le reflet de la réalité de nos communautés qui font preuve de créativité et n’hésitent pas à y aller de
nouvelles façons de faire pour surmonter les défis auxquels elles sont confrontées et se tourner ainsi avec confiance
vers l’avenir. Le 26e Salon affaires municipales se tiendra les 30 et 1er octobre.


Climate Change and Communities: A Call to Action / Canadian Institute of Planners

October 2-5 – Montreal, QC
The conference will bring together planning professionals from Canada and other countries to address the effects of
climate change on communities and community planning. There will be four streams through the conference: Climate
change and natural environments; Climate change and built environments; Climate change and social environments;
and Climate change and the economy.

Justice and Migration: Paradoxes of Belonging 15th International Metropolis Conference

October 4-8 – The Hague, The Netherlands
This conference will deal with various aspects of belonging, the opportunities and challenges it poses in the context of
legitimacy and justification of processes of migration and integration, as well as their consequences for social policies.
It will contribute to a better understanding of how governments and international bodies can deal with different forms
of belonging in multicultural societies and a globalized world.

European Society for Rural Sociology Post-graduate Summer School

October 4-10 – Cordoba, Spain
Young scholars and specialists meet around a guiding theme that varies from year to year. The theme of the 2010
Summer School is ‘Looking at the rural, thinking about the global: New challenges and opportunities for rural studies
and rural agency’. The School’s activities will include students’ presentations, lectures given by guest specialists and
excursions that will allow the scholars to discover the characteristics of some rural areas in Córdoba.

Gateways to the Future: UK Economic Development Conference

October 6-7 – Hull, England
The Conference covers many of the different aspects of local and regional economic development and regeneration.
Its purpose is to identify changing policies and organisational responsibilities as well as to highlight what has worked,
the options available, and how policies and practice may change after the UK general election and given changing EU

2010 Arctic Aviation Experts Conference

October 12-13 – Fairbanks, AL
This conference plans to provide a snapshot of how climate change and increased activity in the Arctic affect aviation
by focusing on three themes: infrastructure, technology and policy. It will bring together experts from fields such as
Arctic aviation regulation and policy, weather and climate change; as well as airport, airplane and airline industries,
academic institutions and Arctic communities.

Circumpolar North Conference

October 13-15 – Whitehorse, YK
This three-day conference will bring together, for the first time, specialists in circumpolar statistics in order to better
understand trends and issues as they relate to the North. The conference will include delegates from Alberta, Alaska,
British Columbia, Greenland, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Quebec and
Yukon, as well as academic speakers specializing in Northern Studies.

Under Western Skies: Climate, Culture and Change in Western North America
October 13-16 – Calgary, AB
This interdisciplinary and cross-cultural gathering welcomes presentations on the environmental challenges now
faced by diverse populations, both human and nonhuman, in the Western lands of Canada, the United States, and

On the Bright Side, Rural Canada Works / Le Canada rural: ça marche! Découvrez ses atouts
October 14-16 – Brandon, MB
This conference features examples of practitioners, leaders, decision makers, and academics who are actively
designing rural futures – some do it yourself while others plan, and some are partnering. They are building on existing
infrastructure, navigating success by discovering and making better use of social, environmental, and economic
assets, and finding new ways to engage and enspirit people to sustain rural places.
Cette conférence nous présente des exemples des praticiens, des dirigeants, des décideurs, et des universitaires qui
conçoivent activement les avenirs ruraux – quelques-uns les actualisent pendant que d'autres les organisent, et
quelques-uns travaillent en partenariat. Ils construisent sur et rehaussent l'infrastructure existante, gèrent le succès
en découvrant et faisant un meilleur usage des atouts sociaux, environnementaux et économiques, et trouvent de
nouvelles façons de générer l’engagement des gens et de soutenir les localités rurales.
What if we are not planning to survive and who is planning our future anyway?
October 17-20 – Lake Louise, AB
Alberta association of the Canadian Institute of Planners. In a world that is constantly changing, building resilient
people and resilient communities is vital. We are inventive, resourceful, creative, skilful and clever people who notice
what is happening in our communities. We strive for purposeful decision-making and action. We see a better way to
create our future together.

Managing the Urban Rural Interface: Strategies and Tools for Urban Development and Sustainable Peri-urban
Land Use Relationships
October 19-22 – Copenhagen, Denmark
The conference aims to present the status of scientific approaches to assess the peri-urban land-use relationships
and associated effects on sustainability; to set the agenda for future research in the field, and to enhance international
research cooperation.

Unwrap the Research: What now for Fort McMurray and Wood Buffalo?
October 22-24 – Fort McMurray, AB
This conference offers a unique opportunity for social researchers and local residents to share and learn from
research conducted in Fort McMurray and the oil sands region of Alberta. These and other topics will be covered:
Education in a resource economy; Mobile workers; Immigrants in the service sector; Social meanings of environment

19th National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation: Bold Ideas, Big Challenges:
Rural and Urban Synergies
October 24-27 – Burlington, VT
The conference includes information on planning and design; policy, funding and finance; rural transportation in
today's operating environment; technology; and special issues in rural transportation.

Growing Saskatchewan 2010: Economic Development and Rapid Change

October 26-27 – Saskatoon, SK
Economic Summit partnership event with Saskatchewan Economic Development Agency and Community Futures

26th Annual Conference Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
October 28-30 – Calgary, AB
Themes: Entrepreneurship education; Social entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship and public policy; Family Business;
Financing start-up and post-start up ventures; Diversity in Entrepreneurship; Green Entrepreneurship and Resource
based Entrepreneurship.

17th Inuit Studies Conference: Inuit and the Aboriginal World / 17e Congrès d’études Inuit: Les Inuit et le
monde autochtone
October 28-30 – Val d'Or, QC
The intention is to mobilize the knowledge accumulated up to now in the perspective of exploring the common
preoccupations of the Inuit and the other Aboriginal peoples throughout the world, and particularly their neighbors, the
First Nations of Canada and of Alaska, the Sami and other circumpolar peoples. Sub-themes include: issues related
to languages and cultures, identity, the environment, climate changes, health, economic development and the
development of tourism as well as public services and public policy.

Outlook 2010: Are we more powerful together? Atlantic Canada's Business Outlook Conference
November 1 – Halifax, NS
November 2 – St. John's, NL
November 4 – Saint John, NB
November 5 – Charlottetown, PE
The Atlantic Provinces Economic Council's Outlook Conference will address these key questions: When will economic
conditions improve and what will be the key drivers behind the recovery? What long-term impacts will the current
recession have on Atlantic Canada’s economic prospects? How are Atlantic businesses positioning themselves to
take advantage of new growth opportunities?

BC's First Ever Social Enterprise MeetUP

November 4-5 – Vancouver, BC
Participants will come together to explore social enterprise's response to 21st century challenges within a stimulating,
inspiring environment encouraging conversation, innovation and partnerships. A quick-paced agenda features
speakers and panelists with a wealth of knowledge and experience specializing in cross-sectoral approaches to
solving social issues.

Recognizing Learning - Recognizing Skills: Innovative Assessment Practices to Support Sustainable

November 7-9 - Ottawa, ON
Sustainable development is a cross-cutting theme that impacts all people, organizations, communities and countries.
We are becoming more aware of climate change and the impact of wasting food, water and electricity. We know how
important it is to do our part to reduce, reuse and recycle. If sustainability requires people and organizations to
change their behaviour in a meaningful way, what must we do to make education, training, human resource
management, labour market, regulatory and career development systems more sustainable?

Rural Telecon '10: Rural Telecommunications Congress

November 10-12 – Mesa, AZ
Join local, state, and national leaders from across the public and private sectors for this hands-on collaborative
workshop to redefine broadband as critical infrastructure for economic opportunity and quality of life in the 21st

Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International

November 10-13 – Denver, CO
To be announced.

Building Sustainable Communities Conference: Fresh Outlook Foundation

November 14-18 – Kelowna, BC
Conference themes: Championing Change A Sustainability Planning Forum; Pollution Prevention and Mitigation
Green Economic Development and Community Sustainability.

Regional Development Agencies: The Next Generation Networking, Knowledge and Regional Change
November 17-19 – Volterra, Italy
Across Europe, regional development agencies (RDAs) have become a central feature of regional policy, both as
innovative policy-makers and as the implementers of programmes and initiatives originating from the national or
European level. The aim of the conference is to explore responses of RDAs to these changes in order to establish
current challenges and future opportunities.
A.D. Latornell Conservation Symposium. Biodiversity: Connecting People, Land and Water
November 17-19 – Alliston, ON
The theme of biodiversity will be explored through various Symposium’s sessions including: Watershed Management;
Water; Biodiversity; Inspiring Sustainability; Natural Heritage and Community Stewardship.

International Arctic Conference: Geopolitical Issues and Equations in the 21st Century
November 22-25 – Lyon, France
The Conference is organised around four themes - The Arctic: a geographic space in transformation; The Native
peoples, political actors; Frontiers and international law and Regional and international regulations.

Growing Beyond Oil: Delivering our Energy Future: 7th Annual Canadian Renewable Fuels Summit
November 29-30 – Gatineau, QC
The Summit attracts participants from all levels of the ethanol and biodiesel industries, including grain and cellulose
ethanol producers, biodiesel producers, Canada's leading petroleum companies, and agriculture associations.

Growing Solutions Connecting for the Future: GrowCanada Conference 2010

November 30-December 2 – Ottawa, ON
Canadians are well-served by having a diverse and sustainable agricultural sector. By harnessing agriculture's
collaborative spirit, we have the ability to provide sustainable solutions to some of our challenges like food security,
climate change and water scarcity.


5th Annual Conference - Arctic Frontiers: The Arctic in the Earth System perspective: the role of tipping
January 23-29 – Tromso, Norway
Policy section: Arctic Tipping Points January 24 -25. Research section: The Arctic in the Earth System perspective:
the role of tipping points January 26 - 28. Four themes are: Ice-ocean-atmosphere interactions in the Arctic; Marine
ecosystems and fisheries; Socioeconomic and institutional perspectives and People of the North.

National Infrastructure Summit

January 26-28 – Regina, SK
For this summit, all three orders of government and the private sector are invited and encouraged to engage in
discussions and workshops from experts in various fields on global best practices and new approaches to planning,
building and maintaining infrastructure. These discussions will lead to recommendations and commitments towards
new approaches of financing infrastructure, while managing public and political expectations. It will conclude with a
plan to move forward.

Polar World's Conference: Environmental and Social Sciences to Understand Observed Changes
January 26-28 – Paris, France
The focus of this conference is Conference is to account for observed changes in the polar regions with a joint
environmental and social perspective. By the use of interdisciplinary sessions, it will give an overview of certainties
and uncertainties in current mutations.

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