An Expandablećslottedćtubing, Fiberćcement Wellborećlining System

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An ExpandableĆSlottedĆTubing,

FiberĆCement WellboreĆLining System

R.B. Stewart, SPE, D.S. Gill,* and W.C.M. Lohbeck, Shell Intl. E&P B.V., and M.N. Baaijens, SPE, Shell U.K. E&P Ltd.

Summary HPHT exploration and development prospects to be drilled, eval-

An expandable-slotted-tubing, fiber-cement wellbore-lining sys- uated, and produced with adequately sized production tubulars.
tem has been developed. Its purpose is to temporarily secure the in-
tegrity of a wellbore section to allow drilling operations to continue Precursor Systems
through deeper overpressured or depleted zones. The lining is Van Vliet et al. summarized our earlier developments in the use of
installed below the previous casing with no or minimal reduction in cement borehole linings.1 They described the use of stabilization
hole diameter. and soft-centered cement plugs, and then went on to show how these
The technology makes it possible to realize major reductions in techniques could be made more effective with the use of fiber ce-
well costs by avoiding the use of certain intermediate and contin- ment. The highly advantageous characteristics of fiber cement with
gency casing strings. It also helps in high-pressure/high-tempera- respect to wear severity, friction coefficient, and stress/strain
ture (HPHT) well designs where the requirement for additional cas- (toughness) behavior were demonstrated. Details were also given in
ing strings may become excessive. this publication of a mathematical model that could be used to de-
The paper outlines the technologies involved and installation/ sign fiber-cement wellbore linings to comply with specified burst-
evaluation procedures. Details are given of onshore and offshore and-collapse pressure requirements. These practices, capabilities,
field trials in Europe and the U.S. and materials are now in routine use.
However, for the very demanding requirements of deep HPHT
Introduction applications, there was some doubt as to whether the standard soft-
Existing technology requires that we drill and complete wells in a centered technique would be sufficiently robust. For the specific
telescopic fashion with successively smaller casings/liners and case in question, it was expected that, below approximately 18,000
completion components being set at successively greater depths. As ft, three different formations could be encountered with pressure un-
a consequence, large-diameter top and intermediate holes have to be certainties of up to "800 psi. If encountered, they would have to be
drilled and cased to allow relatively small-diameter production cas- individually lined with an ABL. Because drilling might take place
ings and tubings to be run and installed. This is a wasteful process below the lowest ABL for weeks, the ABL’s would be required to
and a number of developments are in progress throughout the oil in- be sufficiently robust to maintain their seal integrity while being
dustry to make well designs more diameter efficient. Ideally we subjected to prolonged drillstring wear and impact forces. It was de-
would like to drill wells with one hole size from top to bottom and cided to increase wear/impact resistance of the ABL by using steel
line them with one size of casing. Alternative borehole linings reinforcement. Fiber cement would still be responsible for provid-
(ABL’s) are one step toward helping us to achieve this goal. ing the pressure seal, but the steel reinforcement would give it
The ABL system reported in this paper was developed to replace much-enhanced wear and impact protection.
selected intermediate casing strings and to do so without reducing
the diameter of the wellbore. The section of the wellbore to be lined Expandable Slotted Tubulars
is underreamed and a steel-reinforced, fiber-cement wellbore lining
An expandable slotted tube (EST) was selected to provide the steel
placed in the overgauge hole. The lining is designed to withstand
reinforcement. The EST2,3 is a pipe with a series of staggered, over-
1,000 psi pressure differentials between the borehole and the forma-
tion, in either direction, and to be sufficiently robust to maintain this lapping axial slots cut into it. This slot configuration allows the pipe
capability while drilling deeper formations. to be radially expanded more easily than a solid tube (Fig. 1). Expan-
sion is achieved by pushing a conical expansion mandrel through the
EST in an axial direction. The expansion forces required for an EST
Reasons for Development are an order of magnitude less than the force required to expand a
The business drive for this development was two-fold: to reduce similar unslotted tube, and are dictated by the slot configuration.
well cost and to remove deep HPHT well-design limitations. The EST can be expanded up to several times its initial diameter,
The penalty for incorporating a contingency casing string in a well depending on the slot geometry and dimensions. Moreover, the EST
design is high, and is not just the cost of the extra casing. All borehole expands to achieve an internal diameter greater than that of the ex-
sections and casings above the contingency casing section have to be pansion mandrel itself (typically by 10%).
one size larger in case the contingency casing is required. Most of For the specific development in question, an EST was designed
these cost penalties are incurred irrespective of whether the contin- (and tested in the laboratory) that could be installed through 8.5-in.
gency casing is used. Larger holes may take longer to drill and may drift casing and then expanded in the wellbore to provide an internal
involve more drilling trouble time. In offshore locations, larger risers drift diameter of 8.5 in. To allow for the wall thickness of the EST, the
may be required for the larger casings, and larger platforms for the drilling program for the openhole section to be lined required under-
larger risers. There is a strong cost incentive to be able to design a reaming to 10 or 11 in. A 6.6-in. outside diameter (OD), 0.275-in. wall
wellbore in such a way that no provision needs to be made in the de- thickness EST was found to provide the necessary expansion behav-
sign for contingency casing installation. If the need arises, an ABL ior to ensure a minimum cement sheath between the expanded EST
could be installed instead and no diameter-reduction penalty paid. and borehole of 0.6 to 1.6 in. and a drift diameter of 8.5 in.
In many deep HPHT wells, the requirement to install additional It was not expected, for the wells in question, that EST lengths of
casing/liner strings to secure narrow kick/loss windows at depth can greater than about 500 ft would be required. This was considered to
result in the target not being reached or being reached with a non- be too short a length to perform a reliable primary cementation. It
optimum production casing size. This was the main business drive was therefore decided to cement EST’s using a balanced-plug tech-
to develop the ABL system reported in this paper; i.e. to allow deep nique. After the cement had set, the cement inside the EST was
drilled out using a bit with poor gauge protection.
*Now at Shell Venezuela S.A.

Copyright 1997 Society of Petroleum Engineers

Fiber Cement
Original SPE manuscript received for review 6 October 1996. Paper peer approved 9 June
1997. Paper (SPE 36583) first presented at the 1996 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
When uniform linings of neat cement fail in tension, one or more
Exhibition held in Denver, Colorado, 6–9 October. large cracks are formed and the pressurizing fluid or mud easily

SPE Drilling & Completion, September 1997 163

Fig. 2—Stress-strain curves of cements under flexural loading.

(a) cement without fibers

Fig. 1—Comparison of forces required to expand solid and

slotted pipe.

flows through the crack(s). When fiber cements fail in tension, they (b) cement with 1% BWOC fibers
usually form large numbers of small cracks. The cement matrix fails
first by forming microcracks, and then the fibers take over the load-
ing. As the strain is increased, the fibers stretch and the microcracks
open. These fiber-laced cracks give a high resistance to fluid leak-
off. Figs. 2 and 3 compare typical stress/strain and leakoff data for
neat cement and fiber cement. The leakoff tests were conducted with
a hydraulic oil. In similar tests where mud was used (rather than hy-
draulic oil), the mud sealed the small cracks and leakoff was greatly
reduced. To date, most of the fiber cements we have pumped in op-
erations have used polypropylene fibers in concentrations of 1 to 1.5
wt%. Above about 250°F, nylon fibers are used.
When fiber-cement samples are subjected to high-impact loads, the
cement matrix shatters but the fibers hold the broken matrix together.
Structural integrity is therefore retained. This is not the case with nor-
mal cement formulations. It has been hypothesized that the reason fi- Fig. 3—Comparative leakoff characteristics of neat and fiber ce-
ber cements have high wear resistance is because of a similar phe- ments.
nomenon. The worn cement chip is kept in place in the cement matrix
by the fibers, and only a small new wear surface is exposed.
EST’s and associated running equipment were manufactured and
Yard Tests run by Petroline Wireline Services Ltd.
In a series of yard tests, 6.375-in.-OD EST’s up to 16 ft long were
cemented and expanded inside 10-in. casing using an 8.125-in. ex- Montrose Trial
pansion mandrel. The cement within the EST was drilled out in The first trial was undertaken in an onshore test well in Montrose,
Shell Intl. E&P’s (SIEP’s) 50-ton drilling machine (Fig. 4) and the Scotland. The openhole 8.5-in. section of the well was plugged back
hydraulic sealing capability of the lining was successfully tested. to 2,500 ft and 180 ft of the bottom section underreamed to 10-in. di-
ameter. Underreaming of the hard sandstone proved to be very diffi-
Field Trials cult with a polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) underreamer and
Three field trials were undertaken to evaluate the system: an on- a tricone insert tool was used to obtain the required hole diameter.
shore trial in a test well, an offshore trial from a large semisubmers- Caliper and array sonic auxiliary measurement sonde logs were re-
ible, and a final land trial to check that items identified as requiring corded to confirm the correct hole geometry. The installation and ex-
attention in the first two trials had been successfully attended to. pansion procedure is illustrated schematically in Fig. 5.

164 SPE Drilling & Completion, September 1997

rig (Henry Goodrich) in a North Sea environment and to confirm the
integrity of the fiber cement.
Problems with underreaming were again encountered, which
meant that only 137 ft of the planned 360-ft section could be under-
reamed to the minimum acceptable diameter of 10 in. It was also not
possible to achieve a baseline leakoff test because of the high
strength of the formation.
The EST 351 ft was installed over the 30° interval 11,125 to
11,476 ft, which had a dogleg severity of less than 0.1°/ft. Fiber ce-
ment was then displaced into this interval and the EST was then ex-
panded over the first 137 ft. Positive indication of the shearing of the
screws on the expansion mandrel was seen (at a set-down weight of
about 22,400 lbf). The expansion force was noted to be between
11,200 and 15,680 lbf. The pickup, installation, and expansion of
the EST was performed very smoothly.
When the top of cement was tagged after some 30 hours, it was
found to be soft and was washed out with relative ease. It was subse-
quently found that massive contamination of the cement had taken
Fig. 4—Drilled-out section of EST in fiber cement. place because of several factors, including the failure of the wiper-
plug system.
The top of the EST was connected to the expansion mandrel with The UBI log showed that the EST had expanded uniformly to give
shear screws and run into the well on drillpipe. A drillable and ex- the designed internal diameter. Modular dynamic formation tester
pandable aluminium shoe was connected to the bottom of the EST tests showed that the poor cement quality prevented the 0.6-in. ce-
with Allen screws to distribute loads, act as a receiver for cement ment sheath from providing a barrier against inflow of formation
darts, and allow circulation of the cement through the bottom of the brine. The lack of baseline data meant that a leakoff test would not be
EST to the annulus. Specially designed expandable bow centralizers meaningful. It was noted, however, that despite its poor quality the ce-
were installed on the EST to ensure an even cementation in the de- ment did prevent flow of drilling mud in the axial direction (behind
viated hole. To provide a minimum cement annulus after expansion, the 23.5-in. long packer) even with a 1,100-psi pressure differential.
0.31-in. studs were equally distributed over the EST. The EST was From this test it was concluded that the EST had performed up to
run into the deviated hole without incident until the final 300 ft (the expectations. However, it also reconfirmed that some fundamental
hole had 40° deviation with doglegs of over 0.304°/ft). The assem- work on hard rock underreamer design had to be done and that the
bly then stood up (on the drillstring stabilizers located above the cementation procedures/equipment were inadequate.
EST and expansion mandrel), mud circulated, and the set-down
weight increased to 15,000 lbf to pass the restriction (most likely a Texas Trial
severe dogleg). The EST was run in without further problems. Be-
cause expandable connections had not yet been developed, the A third field trial was conducted in a Texas land well to resolve prob-
EST’s on all three field trials were welded together on site. lems which had occurred with underreaming and cementation in the
To prevent bypass of the cement through the EST slots, a lost-cir- earlier trials. At our request, a new 11-in. underreamer and three-
culation pill was pumped to seal them. This was followed by a plug cement-placement system were developed. Both worked well,
spacer. Because of operational difficulties, a cement dart could not and good ABL inflow and leakoff performances were obtained.
be launched and the fiber cement (10% excess) was pumped and dis- Also, for the first time, the EST slots were filled with a polyurethane
placed as a balanced plug. resin to assist running and cementing operations.
The shear-screws on the expansion mandrel were set at 20,591 In the trial, 250 ft of EST was run in a vertical 11-in. underreamed
lbf. However, drag in the hole resulted in some jarring being re- section of hole just below the 9.625-in. casing at 8,300 ft. The EST was
quired to shear the screws. The EST was then expanded in compres- cemented, expanded, drilled out, and successfully pressure tested.
sion (designed expansion force of 5 to 7 tons) to bottom. Because Following this field trial, the technology has been commercial-
of friction, the force recorded on the Martin-Decker was somewhat ized through the normal service company channels.
higher (about 13 tons).
The expansion cone was pulled up inside the top 10 ft of the EST FollowĆUp to Field Trials
and the excess cement circulated out to mud. This practice was to The ABL system works. However, its full potential can only be real-
aid subsequent entry with the drill bit since the existing well design ized if its breadth of application can be increased. Steps have been
(8.5-in. drift casing) prevented the top of the EST from being tied taken to develop EST connectors and to identify cheaper steels; ex-
back into the casing string. Once the excess cement had been circu- pensive 316L-grade steel was used in the trials.
lated out, the cement was allowed to set for 24 hours. All ABL’s run to date could be considered to be wellbore patches.
The top of cement was tagged at 10 ft inside the EST and drilled It is our intention to run full strings of EST’s with the same lengths
out without difficulty. Caliper and ultrasonic borehole imaging as casings/liners. These would not necessarily be set in underreamed
(UBI) showed that the EST had expanded to the same diameter (8.5 holes. ABL’s would be run with normal hole clearances and then ex-
in.) as the casing and openhole section above (Fig. 6). panded after cementing. A slimmer telescopic well profile is obtained
It was not possible to confirm the increase in leakoff strength by that is much more diameter efficient than the conventional casing/lin-
this technique because the formation could not be fractured, even at er system. Since both the conventional system and the ABL system
a gradient of 1.3 psi/ft. A drawdown of 1,000 psi was applied to check are compatible, most ABL applications are likely to be in hybrid
the inflow seal capability of the ABL, and no flow was observed. Sim- wells; e.g., those containing both casing/liners and ABL’s. Cemented
ilar pressure differentials were applied over the length of test packers EST’s are seen as temporary devices and are always likely to be cased
and no axial flow through the annular cement was observed. off behind a cemented casing in the completed well.
From this test it was concluded that the EST had performed well Longer lengths of EST’s could be primary cemented rather than
but that there was a potential problem with underreaming hard sand- balanced-plug cemented, avoiding the requirement to drill out the
stone using PDC underreamers. cement after placement.
The system has been licensed to the service industry and made
North Sea Trial available for general use. In this way it is expected that competitive
The trial was repeated in an offshore well to see if any new problems third-party development initiatives will further improve the poten-
would occur when the system was installed from a semisubmersible tial of the system to the benefit of all concerned.

SPE Drilling & Completion, September 1997 165

Fig. 5—EST installation/expansion procedure.

Acknowledgments References
The authors wish to express their appreciation to Shell Intl. E&P B.V. 1. Van Vliet et al.: “Development and Field Use of Fibre-Containing Ce-
(SIEP) in The Hague and Shell U.K. E&P for permission to publish this ment,” OTC 7889, presented at the 27th Annual OTC, Houston, Texas,
1–4 May 1995.
paper. The authors wish to express their appreciation to the numerous
2. Lohbeck,W.C.M.: Method of completing an uncased section of a bore-
participants in this project, especially C.A.C. van der Valk (SIEP),
hole. Patent publication number: Wo 93/25800. Publication date: 23 De-
J.P.M. van Vliet (Brunei Shell Petroleum Co. Sdn. Bhd.), H. de Jong cember 1993.
(Shell Expro), G. Wright (Shell Expro), J. Simon (Shell Oil Co.), J. Ni- 3. Gill, D.S. et al.: Method of creating a casing in a borehole Patent No. PCT/
cholson (Shell Oil Co.), and Petroline Wireline Services Ltd. EP96/0000265. Filing date: 16 January 1995.

166 SPE Drilling & Completion, September 1997

SI Metric Conversion Factors
ft 3.048* E*01 +m
in. 2.540* E)00 +cm
psi 6.894 757 E)00 +kPa
lbf 4.448 222 E)00 +N
*Conversion factor is exact. SPEDC

Bruce Stewart coordinates the tubular expansion team at Shell's

Research and Technical Services establishment in The NetherĆ
lands, and was the project leader for the ABl project. Over the
last 20 years, he has supervised various drilling, completion, enĆ
gineering, and production engineering sections in Shell ReĆ
search and Shell operating companies. He has a BC (Hons) deĆ
gree in applied chemistry and a PhD degree from Strathclyde
U. Daljit Gill joined Shell Intl. E&P in 1991 upon completion of an
MBA degree. He has held various positions in production and
petroleum engineering with Shell and BP Exploration, his preĆ
vious company. He was responsible for EST systems and transĆ
ferred to Shell Oil after the first systems were successfully field
tested and commercialized. He is currently head of production
technology in Shell Venezuela. He has a PhD degree in chemisĆ
try from Bristol U. Wim Lohbeck is a technical physics graduate.
He joined Shell Research in 1973 and worked for 11 years on jet
drilling, PDCĆbit, downhole motor, and sand prediction research
before transferring to Shell Expro. He spent 4 years with them as
a wellsite operations engineer and project engineer. In 1987 he
returned to Shell Research to work on expandable tubular sysĆ
tems and invented the EST concept. Since 1996 he has been a
core member of the tubular expansion team. Photograph and
biography of M.N. Baaijens are unavailable.

Stewart Gill Lohbeck

Fig. 6—UBI log of cemented EST.

SPE Drilling & Completion, September 1997 167

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