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Facilitation and Management i gical and Medical Missions the Department of Health Bureau of International Health Cooperation Administrative Order No. 2012-0030 Guidelines on Foreign Surgical and Medical Mission (FSMM) Program in Support of Universal Health Care (Kalusugan Pangkalahatan KP) Guiding Principles: + FSMMs shall be aligned with existing health strategies in support of UHC/KP + FSMM priority are underserved communities + All medical and surgical services shall be provided at no cost to the beneficiaries + Only qualified foreign health professionals shall perform medical and surgical procedures + Linkages and networks shall be established with all stakeholders involved in the implementation of FSMM Features of Revised AO = FSMM asa full program at DOH = Creation of FSMM Unit under BIHC = Maintenance of FSMM Website under = No need for DOH and medical societies’ endorsements for the issuance of STPs = Clear roles and responsibilities of agencies stakeholders involved = System for monitoring and evaluation Implementing Mechanisms Roles of Involved Agencies and Organizations BIHC -Acts as the central coordinating body for the implementation of the FSMM Program in the country DOH Regional Offices (ROs) -Oversee the conduct of FSMM at identified areas/hospital under their areas of responsibility; and assist in monitoring and evaluating all conducted FSMMs PhilHealth -Develops policies, programs and systems to maximize reimbursements should there be hospital services incurred during the FSMM implementation Implementing Mechanisms Roles of Involved Agencies and Organizations Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) -Regulates the practice of profession in the country and facilitates the issuance of a Special Temporary Permit (STP) to qualified foreign health professionals for the conduct of FSMMs Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO) -Assists the DOH and PRC in coordinating with foreign missioners on matters pertaining to the overall conduct of FSMMs in the country Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) -Provides logistical support in the conduct of FSMM through municipal or provincial offices Implementing Mechanisms Roles of Involved Agencies and Organizations Local Partner (LGU, Local NGO, Local Hospital) -Confirms partnership with Foreign missioners to DOH -Leads in community preparations and provision of logistical support -Prepares and submits Post-Mission Report to DOH -Provides long-term follow up care to all beneficiaries, especially referred patients due to post-operative complications Foreign Individual/Mission Group -Designates a Leader who shall be accountable and responsible for the selection of team members, and monitoring of overall group performance during the FSMM -Secures all documentary requirements needed for the issuance of STPs from PRC -Oversees the actual conduct and implementation of FSMM in chosen venue -Assists the Local Partner in accomplishing the Post-Mission Report DOH Endorsed FSMMs 2013-2016 70 63 60 50 40 35 30 28 20 10 B 3 | | a 2013 2014 2015 201610 ELOWCHART on the Proces: Documentary Requirements: A. For Temporary License: 1. Letter of Request 2. Authenticated Velid/current license fromthe country of origin 3. Authenticated copy of Passport 4. Duly accomplished ‘Application Form for SIP 1. For FDA clearance: 1 Latter of Request 2 Itemized lst ofitems donated 3, authenticated Copy of Deed of donation 4 Shigping Documents 5. Allocation List of Foreign Su Mission (FSMM) a Step 1. International Organizations, Local NGOs, Local Government Units/Center for Health Developments submits letter of request together with the requirements to BIHC/DOH. Step 2, BINC-DOH reviews request and coordinates wit the aferent stakeholders for the conduct of FSNAM: 2.a. PRC for issuance of Special Temporary Permits (STPs) 2b. FDA -for lesuance of clearance for medicines, supelias and equioment brought for the mission or ‘or donations step 3 BINC issues an Endorsement Letter to CHDs/ROs for monitoring and technical assistance step 4. Head of Mission submits post mission report to DOH BIHC maintains and updates database of missions | conducted * Under Adopt a Hospital Program a MOA shall be forged among concerned parties and the same flow shall be followed in the implementation of activities 1. Processes and Steps One- time Conduct of FSMM Letter of Intent (LOI) The Local Host/Partner shall submit an LOI to DOH-BIHC indicating the type, date and exact venue of mission at least four (4) months before mission. *Special Temporary Permits All foreign missioners shall submit documentary requirements for the application of Special Temporary Permits through the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). Issuance of STPs take a lead time of 10 working days at the PRC Letter of Confirmation/Acceptance The Local Host/Pariner shall confirm to DOH-BIHC the place, date, time and duration of the mission together with confirmed list of foreign missioners at least one (1) month before mission Post Mission Reports The Local Host/Partner shall submit to the DOH Representative a post-mission report within 15 working days for onward transmittal to BIHC. Processes and Steps One- time Conduct of FSMM *Documentary Requirements for Special Temporary Permits Letter of Request for the issuance of STP with undertaking that no fees shall be charged to patients. The letter must indicate the specific date, venue and type of humanitarian mission (medical, surgical, dental) Authenticated Copy of applicant’s valid passport as proof of citizenship Authenticated Copy of valid professional license issued from the country of origin with official English translation, if necessary Duly accomplished and notarized STP application from Processes and Steps Adopt A Hospital (AAH) Program Letter of Intent (LOI) The foreign missioner / group submits an LOI to DOH-BIHC expressing their intent to participate in the AAH program Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) All concerned parties shall identify and perform their respective roles and responsibilities as outlined in the MOA as approved by all stakeholders

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