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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Academic and Research Vice-rector

Activity 3 – Writing Task

1. General description of the course

Faculty or Vicerrectoría de Relaciones Internacionales

Academic Unit
Academic Level Professional, specialization, master
Academic Field Common basic interdisciplinary training
Course Name English B1+
Course Code 900004
Course Type Methodological Can be yes ☐ No ☒
Number of Credits 3

2. Description of the activity

Type of the Individ Collabora Number

☐ ☒ 4
activity: ual tive of weeks
Moment of Intermed
Initial ☐ ☒ Final ☐
evaluation: iate:
Delivery Environment:
Evaluative score:
Monitoring and Evaluation
Starting date: February 27 , th
Closing date: April 01st, 2018
Competence to develop:
Build different sentences according to the topics seen, the student will
construct this with the support of the E-Tutor and e-students. Through
this exercise, the student will recognize and ownership the contents of
the units, their environment and the context to express themselves
according to their level.
Topics to develop:
Unit 1- Giving Reasons
Compound Adjectives
Present Progressive
Wh Questions Request
Phases of the learning strategy to develop:
Central task - Writing assignment - Production
Phase 1: Students work in collaborative groups to plan, prepare and
correct the sentences / paragraph
Phase 2: Students present a document with their presentation and
the sentences.
Phase 3: Students give feedback and reflection on the task.
Activities to carry out:
A. Introduce yourself and select role: Each student will share
IN ENGLISH the following information on complete sentences:
Also, you have to select a ROLE for the collaborative work


B. Check grammar structures/vocabulary: Each participant will
select ONE Grammar topic to COMPLETE the chart in the forum
with the explanations of such grammar topics.
La idea de esta fase, es que con sus propias palabras
explique el tema, no que busque en internet y copie la
información, no, esa no es la idea.



C. Practice: Each participant will select ONE practical exercise.

Exercise 1: Write 3 complete sentences in affirmative, 3 complete
sentences in negative and 3 complete questions, using the present

Example: The girl in purple coat is ice skating

Exercise 2: Write a complete question with each “WH” word, with the
respective answer.
Example: Who is the man over there?
A/: The man over there is my uncle.

Exercise 3: Rewrite the sentences in the correct form and underline
the modal verb.

I – ask – may – her - ?

Doctor – go – they – the – should – to
Round – she – corner – be – the – must
Feel – it – can – they
Louise – not – Sophia – swim – and – must
Can – the – she – violin – play - ?
Laura - the - should –and - piano – play – Isabella
Dance -not – Juan – must – disco - in – the
Diego –in– attention – class – pay - had better – the
Opera – and - ? - can - Raul - sing - Raquel


We can jump on the bed.

Exercise 4: Write complete sentences in present perfect (noun +
auxiliary + verb + complement) with the following information

She – drive (affirmative)

They - eat (negative)
We – jump (question)
He - dance (affirmative)
It – bark (negative)
I – travel (question)
You – teach (affirmative)
She – write (negative)
We – drink (question)
It – feel (affirmative)

Exercise 5: Complete the following questions using the tag question.

She is a very god doctor, ________?

________________, do we?
He was the best in his class, _________?
________________, didn’t you?
They didn’t pay the bill, __________?
_______________, are they?
We can’t drink beer, _________?
________________, shouldn’t we?
I am really drunk, __________?
________________, is he?

Sophia is writing a poem, isn’t she?


D. Complete the story: In group, you are going to complete the
parts of the story:

Once upon a time, in a village far away, there lived six blind men. One
day the villagers were very excited, and when they asked what was
happening they told them,

And so they decided, "Even though we will not be able to see it, we
can feel it. Let's
go." ____________________________________________________
_________________________________________, and each of them
touched it:

"Hey, ________________ is a pillar," said the first man, touching its


"Oh, no! it is like a rope," said the second man, who was touching the

"Oh, no! it is like the branch of a tree," said the third man, touching
the ______________________.

"It is like a big hand fan" said the fourth man, who was touching

"It is like a huge wall," said the fifth man, touching the

"It is like a pipe," said the sixth man,

touching the____________________________.

They began to argue about what the ______________ was like, and
each of them insisted that he was right.

They were getting angry, and fists were about to fly, when a wise
man, who had come to see the _________________ asked what the
matter was.

They replied, "We cannot agree what this _____________ looks like,"
and each of them told the wise man what he thought the
____________ was like.

The wise man smiled and calmly explained to them, "You are all
correct. The reason that each of you experienced it differently is
because you touched a different part of _____________. Actually the
____________ has all these features: Its _________ are like pillars,
its ________ is like a rope, its __________ are like the branches of a
tree, its __________ are like a fan, and it has a ____________, that
is just is like a pipe.

"Oh!" the blind men said, and there was no more fighting. They felt
happy that they had all been right.

What is the moral of this story?


E. Correcting, feedback and publishing: Each participant will

write, correct and feedback the different parts of the final text,
along with the help of the tutor

for the Collaborative Learning
In the Evaluation and monitoring environment,
upload the Final Document in PDF FORMAT with the
Products to following information:
deliver by 1. First page: Cover (complete names, IDs and
student Date)
2. Chart with Grammar explanations
3. Answers of the practical exercises
4. Complete the story and answer the final question

General guidelines for the collaborative work

Planning of Each student has to contribute in the forum as

activities for follows:
the 1. Salutation and role selection
development 2. Contribution for grammar
of 3. Contribution for practice
collaborative 4. Contribution for completing
work 5. Contribution for writing the text
6. Contribution to turn in the final PDF document
Roles to
Each student has to write at least two significant and
perform by
objective comments regarding the opinions of other
the student
members of the group.
in the
The comments should remark mistakes, aspects to
improve and contribute to the debate.
Collector: Articulate the contributions of all the
participants of the collaborative group in order to
consolidate the final paper; including only those who
took part of the whole process.

Reviewer: To verify that the final paper and process

meet all the requirements stipulated by the teacher.

Evaluator: To verify that the final paper meets the

criteria stipulated by the rubric. The evaluator must
Roles and
inform the group about any corrections or
adjustments regarding the quality of the document.
es for the
delivery of
Submissions: To keep track and inform the group
about the submission time, upload the final paper on
time, using the link provided by the teacher or
stipulated by the activity guide. To notify the group
members the final paper was submitted.

Alerts: To notify all the group members about

changes or news related to the submission or
elaboration of the final paper. To notify the teacher
through the collaborative forum and the course
messaging that the final paper was submitted.
It is necessary to use the APA standards in order to
Use of
provide a bibliography of the sources cited in the
According to Diccionario de la Real Academia Española
“Plagiarism is the action of substantially copying other
people's works, presenting them as own creation."
Therefore, plagiarism is a serious offense;
academically speaking it is equivalent to theft. A
student who plagiarizes does not take his education
seriously, and does not respect the intellectual work of

There is no small plagiarism. Using any portion of

another person's work, without acknowledging the
author or source is plagiarism. Now, it is evident that
we all take some ideas from others when it comes to
presenting ours, and that our knowledge is based on
someone else’s knowledge. But when we rely on the
work of others, academic honesty requires that we
explicitly announce the fact that we are using an
external source, either by citing or by paraphrasing
(these terms will be defined below). When we cite or
paraphrase, we clearly identify our source, not only to
give recognition to its author, but also to allow the
reader to look up in a reference text.

There are certain academic events in which it is not

acceptable to quote or paraphrase the work of others.
For instance, if a teacher assigns his or her students a
task in which they are clearly required to answer
using their own ideas and words, then the student
should not consider external sources regardless if they
are properly referenced.
4. Evaluation rubric

Evaluation rubric
Activity Individual Collaborative
☐ ☒
type: Activity Activity
Moment of
the Initial ☐ Intermediate ☒ Final ☐
Performance levels of the collaborative
Assessed Scor
Aspect e
High score Media score Low score
participations There is
are relevant, minimum
articulated participation in
and contribute the writing
to the forum, besides it There is not
Participatio construction of neither meets forum
n the final the participation at
& document. requirements of all.
interaction The the guide and
contributions schedule nor the
are posted netiquette
according to standards.
the schedule.
(Up to 20 (Up to 5 (Up to 0
points) points) points)
The written
outcome The grammatical
The proper contains some structures used
use of grammatical are simple, they
grammar inconsistencies do not match
Use of shows a good and the the difficulty
grammar knowledge of simplicity of the level according
the structures sentences show to the contents
difficulties in the of the course
(Up to 10 (Up to 5 (Up to 0
points) points) points)
The document
The written
shows The ideas and
final document
inconsistencies sentences
contains a
in the written in the
organization and document look
construction of
construction of disorganized,
sentences and
Coherence ideas; however, they are not 15
the objective or articulated, or
making use of
main point of do not have a
view is clear objective.
(Up to 15 (Up to 10 (Up to 0
points) points) points)
Although the
The final vocabulary used
document in the final The vocabulary
contains wide document is very limited
variety of matches the and does not
words which difficulty level match the
are used according to the difficulty level
Vocabulary coherently, contents of the according to the 15
with course, it is contents of the
appropriate limited and has course
spelling. some spelling
(Up to 15 (Up to 10 (Up to 0
points) points) points)
The final
document is
The final
delivered in
document is not
the Link
delivered in the The final
established for
proper link or document is not
Final PFD that purpose
lacks some delivered at all 10
delivery and contains
dispositions in
all the
the final version
for that matter
(Up to 10 (Up to 5 (Up to 0
points) points) points)
Final score 70

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