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Volume 10, Issue 9, October 2016

KP Ezine October 2016 1

Volume 10, Issue 9, October 2016

Sl.N Par culars Author Page

1 Baluchistan: Is there any chance for one more Kanakkumar Bosmia 4

separation in Pakistan?

2 Mirror Effect of KP Sumanadasa Namarathna 6

3 Which Ayanamsha will work for Donald Trump’s Tin Win 11

horoscope KP or Lahiri?

4 My astrology article will be accepted Gunti Nagaraju 15

for publication?

5 Can I ever become an actor? If yes, then when? Kanakkumar Bosmia 18

6 When Reinstatement? Dr. Abha Jain 20

7 RPs are Apatkala Bandhus in KP VSN. Murthy 23

8 Job when? Kanakkumar Bosmia 28

9 Question & Answer Tin Win 31

10 Book Review -KP & Astrology 2016 Tin Win 36

11 Planetary Position for October 2016 Generated from 38

KPAstro 4.1TM

KP Ezine October 2016 2

Volume 10, Issue 9, October 2016

Arvind Gupta
Contain advisor


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KP Ezine October 2016 3

Baluchistan: Is there any chance for one more
separa on in Pakistan?
By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613– P.B. Parekh Tower
Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165. Phone: +91-7925460376
Email : ;

Short History:
As we know since last month, we are continuously hearing media news about the Baluchi-
stan Issue. I realized that we need to check this issue in a different way. Hence, I tried with
my new rule for examining separation (break up) within a state or country.

Partition of a country or state
If 7th (undergoing separation) CSL signifies 8 th (being apart), 6th (separation, division), 11th
(gain to supporter/fan), then alone we can see any separation/division during DBAS of the
significators of 6-8-11.

Birth Date: 14/08/1947; Thursday Birth Time: 00:00:00 AM

Birth Place: Karachi; Long/Lat: 240 N 52’, 670 E 03’
Aynamsha: 230.02'.08" Dasa days: 365.25

Cuspal Sub lord

7th cusp (Libra 230.20’.40’’): The cuspal sub lord of the 7th house is Saturn. Saturn is in
the star of Mercury and sub of Venus. Saturn is occupant of 4, owner of 10-11. Star lord
Mercury is occupant of 4, owner of 3-6. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 4, owner of 2-7. No
planet is in the star of Venus, and Venus is the CSL of 2-3. Thus 7th cusp sub lord Saturn is
the significator of 4-3-6 and is connected with 4-10-11-2-7-3. Saturn indicates 6-11, hence
Partition is sure.

Joint Period
At the time of judgment, balance dasa is Venus up to 15-11-2027. At this time the joint pe-
riod of Venus-Rahu is running up to 15-01-2018.

Dasa lord Venus is in the star of Mercury and in its own sub. Venus is occupant of 4, owner
of 2-7. No planet is in the stars of Venus, and Venus is the CSL of 2-3. Star lord Mercury is
occupant of 4, owner of 3-6. Thus, dasa lord Venus signifies 4-3-6, and is connected with 4-
2-7-3. Dasa lord indicates 6, so partition is sure during this dasa.

Bhukti lord Rahu is in the star of Sun and sub of Mercury. Rahu is occupant of 1. Rahu is
in Taurus sign, hence represents Venus. Venus is occupant of 4, owner of 2-7. No planet is
in the stars of Venus, and Venus is the CSL of 2-3. Star lord Sun is occupant of 4, owner of
5. Sub lord Mercury is occupant of 4, owner of 3-6. Thus, dasa lord Venus signifies 4-5, and
is connected with 1-4-2-7-3-6. Bhukti lord indicates 6, so partition is sure during this

My opinion: There can be a separation (break up) in Pakistan, and Baluchistan would be-
come an independent country before 15-01-2018.

KP Ezine October 2016 4

Sun Rise: 06:35:02 AM Sun Set: 07:37:43 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Vajra Hora: Saturn Karana: Taitil Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Bharani(4) Ma Ve Sa Ma Me
2 Rohini(4) Ve Mo Ve Ra Ma
3 Aridra(3) Me Ra Ve Mo Su
Ruling Planets - 23/Sep/2016 01:02:03 PM 4 Pushyami(3) Mo Sa Su Ra Mo
6 Hasta(2) Me Mo Ju Sa Ju
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Visakha(2) Ve Ju Sa Ra Ju
Lagna Ju Ke Mo Ma Me 8 Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Su Su Sa
Moon Me Ma Su Ke Ve 9 P.Ashada(1) Ju Ve Su Sa Sa
Day Lord: Venus 10 Sravana(1) Sa Mo Mo Sa Ve
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ju Me Me
12 U.Bhadra(4) Ju Sa Ra Ve Ju
Ma 02:06:53:02 XII 11:14:22:43
II 01:21:34:26 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Ra 01:05:12:32 Su Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Ju Ve Ra
III 02:15:53:00 I 00:23:20:40 Mo Aridra(4) Me Ra Mo Ve Ra
XI 10:09:12:21
Mo 02:19:04:17 2 12 Ma Aridra(1) Me Ra Ra Ra Ve
3 11 Me Pushyami(3) Mo Sa Mo Ve Ju
Ju Visakha(2) Ve Ju Ke Ve Ra
Ve Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Ve Me Sa
Sa Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Ve Ra Mo
IV 03:10:33:02 X 09:10:33:02 Ra Krittika(3) Ve Su Me Me Ve
Me 03:11:58:56
Ke Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Sa Ju Sa
Sa 03:20:25:53 1
Ve 03:21:24:45 Significators - Planets View
Su 03:27:06:52 4 10
7 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 4 4 3, 6 5
Mo+ 1 3 4
Ju 06:25:52:47 Ma+ 1 2 1, 8
V 04:09:12:21 VII 06:23:20:40 IX 08:15:53:00 Me 4 4 10, 11 3, 6
Ke 07:05:12:32 Ju 7 7 9, 12 9, 12
5 9 Ve+ 4 4 3, 6 2, 7
6 8 Sa 4 4 3, 6 10, 11
Ra 4 1 5
VI 05:14:22:43 VIII 07:21:34:26 Ke+ 4 7 10, 11
Rahu acts as agent for: Ve. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

I 23:20:40 Ra 05:12:32 Ma 06:53:02 Dasa Summary

II 21:34:26 III 15:53:00
Mo 19:04:17 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
15-Nov-1930 - 15-Nov-1948 15-Nov-1948 - 15-Nov-1964 15-Nov-1964 - 15-Nov-1983
Rahu 15-Nov-1930 Jupiter 15-Nov-1948 Saturn 15-Nov-1964
Jupiter 29-Jul-1933 Saturn 03-Jan-1951 Mercury 18-Nov-1967
Saturn 22-Dec-1935 Mercury 17-Jul-1953 Ketu 29-Jul-1970
XII 14:22:43 Mercury 28-Oct-1938 Ketu 22-Oct-1955 Venus 06-Sep-1971
Name: Pakistan IV 10:33:02 Ketu 17-May-1941 Venus 27-Sep-1956 Sun 06-Nov-1974
Gender: Female Me 11:58:56 Venus 04-Jun-1942 Sun 28-May-1959 Moon 19-Oct-1975
Date: Thursday, 14/Aug/1947 Sa 20:25:53 Sun 05-Jun-1945 Moon 16-Mar-1960 Mars 20-May-1977
Ve 21:24:45 Moon 29-Apr-1946 Mars 15-Jul-1961 Rahu 29-Jun-1978
Time: 12:00:00 AM SID: 20:23:35 Mars 29-Oct-1947 Rahu 21-Jun-1962 Jupiter 05-May-1981
Su 27:06:52
Lat: 24:52:00 N Lon: 67:03:00 E
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 15-Nov-1983 - 15-Nov-2000 15-Nov-2000 - 15-Nov-2007 15-Nov-2007 - 15-Nov-2027
Place: Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan Mercury 15-Nov-1983 Ketu 15-Nov-2000 Venus 15-Nov-2007
XI 09:12:21 Ketu 13-Apr-1986 Venus 13-Apr-2001 Sun 17-Mar-2011
V 09:12:21 Venus 10-Apr-1987 Sun 13-Jun-2002 Moon 17-Mar-2012
Ayanamsa: 23° 2' 8" Sun 09-Feb-1990 Moon 19-Oct-2002 Mars 15-Nov-2013
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Moon 16-Dec-1990 Mars 20-May-2003 Rahu 15-Jan-2015
Star: Aridra, Pada 4 Mars 16-May-1992 Rahu 16-Oct-2003 Jupiter 15-Jan-2018
Star Lord: Rahu Rahu 14-May-1993 Jupiter 03-Nov-2004 Saturn 15-Sep-2020
Jupiter 01-Dec-1995 Saturn 10-Oct-2005 Mercury 15-Nov-2023
Lagna: Aries Lagna Lord: Mars
Saturn 08-Mar-1998 Mercury 19-Nov-2006 Ketu 15-Sep-2026
Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dvadasi
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
X 10:33:02 Bal. Dasa: Rahu 1 Y, 3 M, 1 D 15-Nov-2027 - 15-Nov-2033 15-Nov-2033 - 15-Nov-2043 15-Nov-2043 - 15-Nov-2050
VI 14:22:43 Sun 15-Nov-2027 Moon 15-Nov-2033 Mars 15-Nov-2043
Moon 04-Mar-2028 Mars 15-Sep-2034 Rahu 12-Apr-2044
Mars 02-Sep-2028 Rahu 16-Apr-2035 Jupiter 30-Apr-2045
Rahu 08-Jan-2029 Jupiter 16-Oct-2036 Saturn 06-Apr-2046
Jupiter 03-Dec-2029 Saturn 15-Feb-2038 Mercury 16-May-2047
Saturn 21-Sep-2030 Mercury 16-Sep-2039 Ketu 12-May-2048
Mercury 03-Sep-2031 Ketu 15-Feb-2041 Venus 08-Oct-2048
VIII 21:34:26 Ju 25:52:47 Ketu 09-Jul-2032 Venus 16-Sep-2041 Sun 08-Dec-2049
IX 15:53:00 Ke 05:12:32 VII 23:20:40 Venus 14-Nov-2032 Sun 18-May-2043 Moon 15-Apr-2050
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2016 5
Mirror Eff ect of KP
By: Sumanadasa Namarathna
(Sunaparantha Kalyan)
Ex-Accountant, Justice of Peace
No.22/1, Udugampola Road, Marapola, Veyangoda,

A neighboring lady wanted me to make a natal chart for her daughter, since the original
Palm Leave Horoscope has been misplaced. She is, however, not sure of the exact birth
time and she could only remember that the Lagna was Leo (Simha). Further, she told me
that the birth occured about 11.50 am on the particular day. When the chart for the given
time is erected, the Lagna falls in Virgo (Kanya). Due to her unwavering insistence that Leo
was the Lagna, she sought the assistance of the record room of the hospital, where all the
births and deaths are recorded, and according to the record room the birth occured at
11.13 am. She is not willing to accept this as the correct time of birth. As per my observa-
tion, the Lagna appeared as Leo for 11.13 am and I told her that it is not difficult to check
the correctness of the time by applying the ruling planets theory of Krishnamurti Padhdhati.
Also if the time is correct, it should disclose any life event of the daughter using Leo Lagna
that appears at 11.13 am. The most recent life event affecting her was the death of her fa-
ther by heart failure. This happened on the 14th of April 2016.
The chart erected for the time given by the hospital has reflected the said sorrowful event
faced by the daughter. I further fine-tuned the time to 11. 13. 43 am with the help of the
ruling planets. Below are the birth details.

Name: Daughter, Female, Date: Friday, 28/Jun/1991, Time: 11:13:43 AM SID:

05:26:22, Place: Negombo, Western, Sri Lanka, Lat: 07:13:00 N, Lon: 79:50:00 E, Aya-
namsa: 23° 38' 53", Lagna: Leo, Star: Poorva Ashada, Pada 4, Bal. Dasa: Venus 03 Y,
03 M, 01 D, (SW used KPAstro 4.1)

To check the correctness of the birth time, using the most recent life event as reference, the
9th cusp (Bhava) should be scrutinized. If separation from father is indicated from the natal
chart of the daughter, in accordance with KP rules, the birth time could be considered as

Why 9th Bhava?

"Hindus attribute the 9th house to father because the ninth house of the Zodiac Dhanus
(Sagittarius) is ruled by Guru, the preceptor and spiritual teacher. In ancient times, the father
was invariably the spiritual preceptor or "Guru" of the children to whom he did initiate Brah-
ma Upadesam and transmit his siddhis or physic powers. Counting the 9th house as the 1st,
we find that the fifth therefrom indicate the native. Some persons advocate the 4th house and
the 10th house for father. It is incorrect. Always take the 9th house for father." – KP Reader 2,
page 304

KP Rule for separation from father

If the 9th cuspal sub lord is a significator of 8, 12, separation from father is indicated. – KP
House Grouping – Part 1, by Sri Tin Win ji, KPE-Zine Oct. 2007

KP Rule for short life of father

If the 9th cuspal sub lord is a significator of 8, 10, 3, Badhaka, short life of father is indicat-
ed. – Ibid
The 9th cuspal sub lord is Rahu who is in 5 conjoined with Moon the lord of 12. Rahu is in
Sagittarius sign representing Jupiter the lord of 5,8. Rahu is in the star of Venus and in the

KP Ezine October 2016 6

Sun Rise: 05:57:41 AM Sun Set: 06:29:47 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Indra Hora: Mars Karana: Taitil Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Mo Ju Ju
2 Chitra(2) Me Ma Sa Ve Sa
3 Visakha(3) Ve Ju Mo Mo Ve
Ruling Planets - 05/Oct/2016 12:56:10 PM 4 Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Ke Me
6 Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Ju Me Ju
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Ve Ra Ma
Lagna Ju Ve Ve Ve Ve 8 Revati(4) Ju Me Sa Ve Sa
Moon Ma Sa Me Me Ve 9 Krittika(1) Ma Su Ra Ju Ju
Day Lord: Mercury 10 Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Sa Ke Me
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Ve Mo Su
12 Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Ju Me Ju
II 05:28:53:31 Ve 03:26:54:25
XII 03:26:48:36 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 04:27:40:25 Su Aridra(2) Me Ra Sa Ju Ke
III 06:29:31:32 Mo P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Me Ve Ra
XI 02:27:13:02
6 4 Ma 03:25:49:07 Ma Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ra Su Ve
3 Ju 03:20:10:52 Me Punarvasu(2) Me Ju Me Ra Ve
Ju Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Ve Ra Ju
Ve Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Ju Ke Su
Sa[R] Sravana(1) Sa Mo Ma Mo Sa
Mo 08:24:29:51 X 01:28:37:45 Ra P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Ke Ve Me
Ra 08:26:02:53 Ke 02:26:02:53
Ke Punarvasu(2) Me Ju Ke Mo Ve
IV 07:28:37:45 5 Me 02:25:09:45
Su 02:12:24:29 Significators - Planets View
8 2
11 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 5 10 1
Mo 12 5 3, 10 12
VII 10:27:40:25 Ma+ 11 12 2, 11 4, 9
Sa[R] IX 00:29:31:32 Me 11 11 5, 8 2, 11
09:11:51:09 Ju 11 11 2, 11 5, 8
V 08:27:13:02 9 Ve 11 12 2, 11 3, 10
10 12 Sa+ 5 5 12 6, 7
Ra 12 5 3, 10
VI 09:26:48:36 VIII 11:28:53:31 Ke+ 11 11 5, 8
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Mo, Me,(A)
Ju. - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Mo, Me. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

IX 29:31:32 X 28:37:45 Su 12:24:29 Dasa Summary

Me 25:09:45
Ke 26:02:53 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
XI 27:13:02 Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
29-Sep-1974 - 29-Sep-1994 29-Sep-1994 - 29-Sep-2000 29-Sep-2000 - 29-Sep-2010
Venus 29-Sep-1974 Sun 29-Sep-1994 Moon 29-Sep-2000
Sun 29-Jan-1978 Moon 17-Jan-1995 Mars 31-Jul-2001
Moon 29-Jan-1979 Mars 19-Jul-1995 Rahu 01-Mar-2002
VIII 28:53:31 Mars 29-Sep-1980 Rahu 23-Nov-1995 Jupiter 30-Aug-2003
Name: Daughter Ju 20:10:52 Rahu 29-Nov-1981 Jupiter 17-Oct-1996 Saturn 30-Dec-2004
Gender: Female Ma 25:49:07 Jupiter 29-Nov-1984 Saturn 05-Aug-1997 Mercury 31-Jul-2006
Date: Friday, 28/Jun/1991 XII 26:48:36 Saturn 30-Jul-1987 Mercury 18-Jul-1998 Ketu 31-Dec-2007
Ve 26:54:25 Mercury 29-Sep-1990 Ketu 25-May-1999 Venus 31-Jul-2008
Time: 11:13:43 AM SID: 05:26:22 Ketu 30-Jul-1993 Venus 30-Sep-1999 Sun 31-Mar-2010
Lat: 07:13:00 N Lon: 79:50:00 E
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 29-Sep-2010 - 29-Sep-2017 29-Sep-2017 - 29-Sep-2035 29-Sep-2035 - 29-Sep-2051
Place: Negombo, Western, Sri Lanka Mars 29-Sep-2010 Rahu 29-Sep-2017 Jupiter 29-Sep-2035
VII 27:40:25 Rahu 26-Feb-2011 Jupiter 11-Jun-2020 Saturn 17-Nov-2037
I 27:40:25 Jupiter 15-Mar-2012 Saturn 04-Nov-2022 Mercury 30-May-2040
Ayanamsa: 23° 38' 53" Saturn 19-Feb-2013 Mercury 11-Sep-2025 Ketu 04-Sep-2042
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Mercury 30-Mar-2014 Ketu 30-Mar-2028 Venus 11-Aug-2043
Star: P.Ashada, Pada 4 Ketu 28-Mar-2015 Venus 17-Apr-2029 Sun 12-Apr-2046
Star Lord: Venus Venus 24-Aug-2015 Sun 17-Apr-2032 Moon 29-Jan-2047
Sun 24-Oct-2016 Moon 12-Mar-2033 Mars 30-May-2048
Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun
Moon 28-Feb-2017 Mars 10-Sep-2034 Rahu 06-May-2049
VI 26:48:36 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dvitiya
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
Sa[R] 11:51:09 Bal. Dasa: Venus 3 Y, 3 M, 1 D 29-Sep-2051 - 29-Sep-2070 29-Sep-2070 - 29-Sep-2087 29-Sep-2087 - 29-Sep-2094
II 28:53:31 Saturn 29-Sep-2051 Mercury 29-Sep-2070 Ketu 29-Sep-2087
Mercury 02-Oct-2054 Ketu 26-Feb-2073 Venus 26-Feb-2088
Ketu 12-Jun-2057 Venus 23-Feb-2074 Sun 27-Apr-2089
Venus 22-Jul-2058 Sun 23-Dec-2076 Moon 02-Sep-2089
Sun 21-Sep-2061 Moon 30-Oct-2077 Mars 03-Apr-2090
Moon 03-Sep-2062 Mars 31-Mar-2079 Rahu 30-Aug-2090
V 27:13:02 Mars 03-Apr-2064 Rahu 27-Mar-2080 Jupiter 18-Sep-2091
Ra 26:02:53 Rahu 12-May-2065 Jupiter 14-Oct-2082 Saturn 24-Aug-2092
Mo 24:29:51 IV 28:37:45 III 29:31:32 Jupiter 18-Mar-2068 Saturn 19-Jan-2085 Mercury 02-Oct-2093
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2016 7
sub of Kethu. Venus being the lord of 10 and 3 is in 12. Sub Lord Kethu is in 11 conjoined
with Mercury the lord of 11 & 2.
Since both the above KP rules are satisfied, the birth time is considered as correct.
Now we can go further to see whether the cause of the death of father is also indicated in
the daughter's chart (Rotated).
Cause of the death of the father is insufficient blood pumping due to heart enlargement as
per the post mortem verdict. Commonly, it is known as heart disease. There is no doubt
about this marvelous KP system to guide us to see the cause of death even in the daughter's

General Rules for Health

a. If the Sub Lord of the Lagna be the significator of 1 or 11 health is normal;
b. If the Sub Lord of the Ascendant be the significator of 6, 8, 12, it is ill-health;
c. If the Sub Lord of the 6th, be the significator of 6, 8, 12 and connected with 1, native
may suffer from disease;
d. If the sub lord of the 8th or 12th cusp be the significator of 6, 8, 12 and connected with
1, the native suffers from serious illness or chronic disease. (Horoscope and diseases, by
Sri C. R. Bhatt, page 82)

Heart Disease
a. In Medical Astrology, the 4th house rules over the heart and breasts. The 5th sign of the
natural zodiac, Leo, governs heart in general. The Moon rules over the heart. Sun rules
diseases of the heart. Mars controls the blood circulation. The Watery signs Cancer,
Scorpio and Pisces rule over the blood. If Mars and 4th (Heart) house are connected with
the 8th house or Saturn, karaka for longevity, in any manner, they may inflict death
upon the person due to heart disease. Planet of Expansion is Jupiter. (Condensed
from Medical Astrology for All by Sri K.subramaniam)
b. All the FIXED signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius tend to affect and influence heart
and its action for good or ill. Abnormal increase in the size or part of an organ (Swelling/
Enlarge/Expansion/Hypertrophy) is a Mars disease due to the tonic or plus action of
c. Also, Jupiter presides over the Hypertrophic processes. Its influence tends to an en-
larged heart by the formation of fat and adipose tissue.
(Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by Dr. H.L.Cornell MD, DA)

(1) Generally, Leo, Sun, 4, 5 houses and 6th CSL are connected with 6,8,12, Maraka &
Badhaka, houses.
(2) 1st (physical constitution) and 6th (physical disorder/ disease) cuspal sub lords
are found connected by their significations.
(3) Mars, a ‘trigger’ planet causing sudden things to happen like a cardiac arrest,
also representing muscular parts, blood, and circulatory system of the body, is
connected to Leo, Sun, 4,5 houses and 6th CSL.
(4) 6th CSL is connected to Leo (Sun), 4,5 houses and 6th CSL.
(5) Uranus, so-called ruler of unexpected, shocking and traumatic things taking
place, is connected with Leo (Sun), 4,5 houses and 6th CSL.
- A study of 12 charts in KP E-zine Nov. 2010, By Sri Tin Win ji

Scrutinizing the Rotated Chart

Let's see whether this health problem of the father, and the planetary causes for the
disease, are reflected in the daughter's chart by rotating it to the 9th cusp to represent the
Ascendant of the father.
In the rotated chart, Ascendant falls in Aries sign, the lord of which is Mars+ (Ruler
of Blood, Karaka for unnatural death), who also possesses lordship of the 8th house, with
no planets in its stars is deposited in the 4th (Ruling sign of Heart/End of Life) in conjunc-
tion with Venus the lord of 2 and 7 (Marakasthanas). Ascendant sub Lord is Rahu, in the
star of Venus and in the sub of Kethu+ (Moksha), and Rahu is conjoined with Moon the

KP Ezine October 2016 8

lord of 4 (Ruling sign of Heart/End of Life). Venus the lord of 2 & 7 (Marakasthana) is in
the 4th (Ruling sign of Heart/End of Life).. The sub lord Kethu (the planet of Mitigating,
Blocking & Disturbing) is in 3 in conjunction with Mercury, lord of 3 & 6.
The sub lord of the 6th house of the rotated chart is Saturn(R) (Karaka for Longevity) and
Saturn is also the cuspal sub lord for 2 (Maraka), 6 (disease), 8 (Critical Illness, Danger to
life) and 12 (Hospitalization, Moksha or salvation, Renunciation, end of everything) having
no planet in its stars. By being the lord of 10 (Karmasthana, Paralok Sadhana, Treatment
not effective, Retirement from this world) and 11 (Badhakasthana for Aries born), Saturn is
posited in the 9th (Fate), in the star of Moon (4,9) and in the sub of Mars (1,4,8) . Moon and
Mars, as discussed above, are responsible for heart and blood.

General Health
Lagna cusp sub lord Rahu (2,4,6,7) is not a significator for good health at all as described
above. In addition, the sub lord of 6, 8 & 12th cusp is Saturn lord of 11 (Badhaka), in the
star of Moon for 4,9 and in sub of Mars for 1, 4, 8 indicating that the life of the native is in
danger from chronic disease.
This is supported by the reasons given below:

A) Mars (lord of watery & fixed sign Scorpio) the lord of 8th is in the 4th and in opposition to
the 6,8,12th CSL Saturn;
B) Jupiter the planet of enlargement is in Cancer (Heart) sign causing heart enlargement. It
is the lord of 9 (Fate) and 12 (Moksha), in the star of Mercury (3, 6), and in the sub of Venus
C) Connections with 6, 8, 12, Maraka & Badhaka
Leo Sign : Sign lord Moon is for 12 and it is occupied by Mars for 8, Jupiter for 12 and Ve-
nus for 2,7.
Sun : Sun (Heart & Blood) in 2 Maraka is in the sub of Saturn which is the cuspal sub lord
of 6, 8, 12 having no planet in its stars and hampers the function of the heart by restricting
the circulation of blood.
4th House: This is occupied by Venus, the lord of 2 & 7 (Maraka & Badhaka) and Mars for
8 is alost on the 4th cusp.
5th House : 5th CSL Moon is in the star of Venus for 2,7 and in sub of
Mercury for 6.
6th CSL : Saturn is the 11 Badhaka lord and also the strong significators of 2 (Maraka), 6
(disease), (8 (Death), 12 (Moksha) by sub-lord-ship of these houses having no planet in its

Dasa, Bukthi, Anthar and Shooksama lords on the date of the death are Mars, Venus, Jupi-
ter and Mercury.

Dasa lord Mars the lord of Lagna and 8 in 4 was transiting in its own sign Scorpio the 8th
house of the rotated chart, in the star of Saturn (2,6,8,10,11,12) and sub of Rahu (4,12).

Bukthi lord Venus, the lord of 2, 7 (Maraka) was travelling in the 12th house in the star of
Saturn (2,6,8,11 Bdk,12) and in the sub of Jupiter (12).

Anthara lord Jupiter, the lord of 9 & 12, was travelling in the sign Leo (Heart), the 5th
house of the rotated chart in the star of Venus (2,7) the Bukthi lord and in its own sub.

Shooksma lord Mercury, the lord of 6 (disease) was transiting in the Lagna house in the
star of Venus (2,7) and in the sub of Rahu (4,12).

Thus all the DBAS lords are in mutual connection with each other, together with Badhaka
lord Saturn. Death came during the conjoined dasa period of significators of primarily
Badhaka (11), Maraka (2,7), Moksha (12), along with houses 4 = end of everything including

KP Ezine October 2016 9

life, 6 = disease, 8 = serious ailment, 10 = retirement from this world or life danger to
lifeording to the KP death rule.

The death of the father of this daughter is clearly mirrored by her natal chart. It is the KP,
the sub lord theory which can pin point the death of father from his daughter’s natal

My Pranams at the Lotus Feet of Sri K.S. Krishnamurti Guruji and my KP Guru Sri Tin
Win ji.

KP Ezine October 2016 10

Which Ayanamsha will work for Don-
ald Trump’s horoscope,
KP or Lahiri?

By: Tin Win


KP Ayanamsa

Donald Trump (KP Ayanamsa): 14/Jun/1946, Friday, 10:54 AM, hr 5 west, Jamaica, New
York, USA, 40n41, 73w48, KP Ayanamsa: 23° 1' 10", Asc. Leo 06:56:52, Mercury Dasa bal.2
Y, 3 M, 23 D.

By using the KP ayanamsa for Donald Trump’s chart, the running dasa sequence on the
election day, Nov 8, 2016, will be Ju-Ju-Ju-Me.

Dasa-Bhukti-Antra lord Ju is in house 2, lord of houses 5,9, in the star of Ma in house 12,
lord of house 4, and in the sub of Ra in house:10, Conj Su+:in house 10, lord of houses 1,2,
Aspt by Ju in house 2, lord of houses 5,9, Sgl Ve+:in 11, lord of house 10, being the signifi-
cator of houses 6+, sub-lord-ship of these houses having no planet in its stars, in
Ju: 2, 5-9, is in the star of Ma:12,4, and in sub of Ra:10, Conj Su+:10,1,2, Aspt Ju:2,5,9,
Sgl Ve+:11,10,6+,12+.
Me:11,3-11 is in the star of Ra: 10,1,2,5.9,11,6+,12+, and in sub of Ve+:11,10,6+,12+.

Since the DBA lord Ju is indicating the main losing houses 5th (12th to 6= win over oppo-
nent), 9 (12th to 10= power) and 12 (loss), he would lose the presidential election.

Lahiri Ayanamsa

Donald Trump (Lahiri ayanamsa), Friday, 14/Jun/1946, 10:54 AM, hr 5 west, Jamaica,
New York, USA, 40n41, 73w48, Lahiri Ayanamsa: 23° 6' 16", Asc. Leo 06:51:45, Mercury
Dasa bal.2 Y, 5 M, 2 D

By using the Lahiri ,ayanamsa for Donald Trump’s chart, the running dasa sequence on the
election day, Nov 8, 2016, will be Ra-Ma-Mo-Me.

Ra:10, Conj Su+:10,1,2, Aspt Ju:2,5,9, Sgl Ve+:11,10,6+, in the star of Ma:12-4, and
in sub of Ju:2,5-9.
Ma:12,4 is in star of Ke:4,Conj Mo+:4,12,8+,11+,Aspt Ma:12,4, and in sub of
Mo+:4,12,8+,11+ is in the star of Me:11,3-11, and in sub of Sa+:11,6,7,8,3+,9+.
Me:11,3-11 is in the star of Ra: 10,1,2,5,9,11,6+,12+, and in sub of Ve+:11,10,6+,12+.

If it is still in the Ra Dasa, he has a good chance to win the presidential election as he was
nominated as the Republican presidential candidate on July 21, 2016 during the running
dasa sequence of Ra-Ma-Ke-Sa.

Ra:10,1,2,5.9,11,6+,12+ is in the star of Ma:12-4, and in sub of Ju:2,5-9.

Ma:12,4 is in star of Ke:4,12,8,11, and in sub of Mo+:4,12,8+,11+.
Ke:4,12,8,11 is in the star of Me:11,3-11, and in sub of Ju:2,5-9.
Sa+:11,6,7,8,3+,9+. is in the star of Ju:2,5-9, and in sub of Ma:12-4.

KP Ezine October 2016 11

Donald Trump
Sun Rise: 05:23:33 AM Sun Set: 08:27:01 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Shubha Hora: Mars Karana: Bav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Magha(3) Su Ke Ra Ve Ma
2 U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Ra Sa Ma
3 Chitra(2) Me Ma Sa Sa Ju
Ruling Planets - 22/Dec/2015 03:23:29 PM 4 Visakha(4) Ma Ju Ra Ra Ra
5 Moola(2) Ju Ke Ra Sa Ma
Maryland, USA
6 U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ve Ra Me
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl 7 Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ra Ra Mo
Lagna Ve Mo Sa Ve Ra 8 P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Mo Sa Ve
Moon Ve Su Ju Ve Me 9 Revati(4) Ju Me Sa Sa Ju
Day Lord: Mars 10 Krittika(2) Ve Su Ju Ju Ve
11 Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Mo Me Ju
Nirayana Bhava Chalit
12 Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Ve Mo Ke
Ju[R] 24:25:58 XII 08:43:54
II 29:59:54 Ma 03:45:24 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 06:56:52 Su Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Sa Ju Su
III 28:11:49 Mo Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Sa Ju
Me 15:50:23
5 4 XI 06:20:01 Ma Magha(2) Su Ke Mo Mo Su
3 Ve 02:43:08 Me Aridra(3) Me Ra Ve Mo Ke
6 Sa 00:47:46
Ju[R] Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Ju Ju
Ve Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Ve Ma
Sa Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ma Ju Mo
IV 01:20:50 Su 29:54:33 Ra Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Ju Ra Sa
Ke 27:44:14 Ra 27:44:14 Ke Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Ju Ra Sa
Mo 28:11:04 5 X 01:20:50

8 2 Significators - Planets View

11 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 12 10 4 1, 2
Mo+ 11 4 3, 11 12
VII 06:56:52 Ma 4 12 4
V 06:20:01 IX 28:11:49 Me 10 11 3, 11
Ju 12 2 4 5, 9
9 12 Ve+ 2 11 5, 9 10
10 11 Sa+ 2 11 5, 9 6, 7, 8
Ra 12 10 4
VI 08:43:54 VIII 29:59:54 Ke 11 4 3, 11
(A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Mo, Ju, Ve.
Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Mo, Ma. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

X 01:20:50 XI 06:20:01 Dasa Summary

Ra 27:44:14 Me 15:50:23
Su 29:54:33 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
07-Oct-1931 - 07-Oct-1948 07-Oct-1948 - 07-Oct-1955 07-Oct-1955 - 07-Oct-1975
Mercury 07-Oct-1931 Ketu 07-Oct-1948 Venus 07-Oct-1955
Ketu 05-Mar-1934 Venus 05-Mar-1949 Sun 06-Feb-1959
Venus 02-Mar-1935 Sun 05-May-1950 Moon 06-Feb-1960
IX 28:11:49 Sun 01-Jan-1938 Moon 10-Sep-1950 Mars 07-Oct-1961
Name: Donald Trump Sa 00:47:46 Moon 07-Nov-1938 Mars 11-Apr-1951 Rahu 07-Dec-1962
Ve 02:43:08 Mars 07-Apr-1940 Rahu 07-Sep-1951 Jupiter 07-Dec-1965
Gender: Male
XII 08:43:54 Rahu 05-Apr-1941 Jupiter 25-Sep-1952 Saturn 07-Aug-1968
Date: Friday, 14/Jun/1946 Jupiter 23-Oct-1943 Saturn 01-Sep-1953 Mercury 07-Oct-1971
Time: 10:54:00 AM SID: 03:28:00 Saturn 28-Jan-1946 Mercury 11-Oct-1954 Ketu 07-Aug-1974
Lat: 40:41:00 N Lon: 73:48:00 W Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
Place: Jamaica, New York, USA 07-Oct-1975 - 07-Oct-1981 07-Oct-1981 - 07-Oct-1991 07-Oct-1991 - 07-Oct-1998
VIII 29:59:54 Sun 07-Oct-1975 Moon 07-Oct-1981 Mars 07-Oct-1991
VII 06:56:52 Moon 25-Jan-1976 Mars 07-Aug-1982 Rahu 04-Mar-1992
Ayanamsa: 23° 1' 10" Mars 25-Jul-1976 Rahu 08-Mar-1983 Jupiter 22-Mar-1993
Ma 03:45:24 Rahu 30-Nov-1976 Jupiter 07-Sep-1984 Saturn 26-Feb-1994
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus I 06:56:52 Jupiter 25-Oct-1977 Saturn 07-Jan-1986 Mercury 07-Apr-1995
Star: Jyeshta, Pada 4 II 29:59:54 Saturn 13-Aug-1978 Mercury 08-Aug-1987 Ketu 03-Apr-1996
Star Lord: Mercury Mercury 26-Jul-1979 Ketu 07-Jan-1989 Venus 30-Aug-1996
Rasi: Scorpio Rasi Lord: Mars Ketu 31-May-1980 Venus 08-Aug-1989 Sun 30-Oct-1997
Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun Venus 06-Oct-1980 Sun 09-Apr-1991 Moon 07-Mar-1998
Tithi: Poornima Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
VI 08:43:54 Bal. Dasa: Mercury 2 Y, 3 M, 23 D
07-Oct-1998 - 07-Oct-2016 07-Oct-2016 - 07-Oct-2032 07-Oct-2032 - 07-Oct-2051
Rahu 07-Oct-1998 Jupiter 07-Oct-2016 Saturn 07-Oct-2032
Ju[R] 24:25:58 Jupiter 20-Jun-2001 Saturn 25-Nov-2018 Mercury 10-Oct-2035
III 28:11:49 Saturn 13-Nov-2003 Mercury 08-Jun-2021 Ketu 20-Jun-2038
Mercury 19-Sep-2006 Ketu 13-Sep-2023 Venus 29-Jul-2039
Ketu 08-Apr-2009 Venus 19-Aug-2024 Sun 28-Sep-2042
Venus 27-Apr-2010 Sun 19-Apr-2027 Moon 10-Sep-2043
Sun 27-Apr-2013 Moon 06-Feb-2028 Mars 11-Apr-2045
Mo 28:11:04 Moon 21-Mar-2014 Mars 07-Jun-2029 Rahu 21-May-2046
Ke 27:44:14 Mars 20-Sep-2015 Rahu 14-May-2030 Jupiter 27-Mar-2049
V 06:20:01 IV 01:20:50
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: KP Ezine October 2016 12
Donald Trump (Lahiri)
Sun Rise: 05:23:33 AM Sun Set: 08:27:01 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Ruling Planets - 29/Sep/2016 08:57:34 PM
Nithya Yoga: Shubha Hora: Mars Karana: Bav Maryland, USA
Given Time: Same Date & Time Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Lagna Ve Mo Me Ve Ra
Moon Me Su Ju Ra Ve
Day Lord: Jupiter

X 01:15:44 XI 06:14:55 Cuspal Positions

Ur 24:47:19 Me 15:45:17 Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Ra 27:39:08 1 Magha(3) Su Ke Ra Ve Ve
Su 29:49:26
2 U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Ra Sa Ve
3 Chitra(2) Me Ma Sa Sa Ma
4 Visakha(4) Ma Ju Ma Su Ve
5 Moola(2) Ju Ke Ra Sa Ve
IX 28:06:43
6 U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ve Ra Ju
Name: Donald Trump (Lahiri) Sa 00:42:40 7 Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ra Ra Ve
Gender: Male Ve 02:38:01 8 P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Mo Ju Ra
Date: Friday, 14/Jun/1946 XII 08:38:48
9 Revati(4) Ju Me Sa Sa Ma
Pl 16:56:16
Time: 10:54:00 AM SID: 03:28:00 10 Krittika(2) Ve Su Ju Ju Sa
Lat: 40:41:00 N Lon: 73:48:00 W 11 Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Mo Me Ve
VIII 29:54:48 Place: Jamaica, New York, USA 12 Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Ve Mo Ju
VII 06:51:45
Fo 05:08:17
Ayanamsa: 23° 6' 16" Ma 03:40:18
Planetary Positions
[Lahiri] - Placidus I 06:51:45 Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Star: Jyeshta, Pada 4 II 29:54:48 Su Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Sa Ju Me
Star Lord: Mercury Mo Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Sa Mo
Rasi: Scorpio Rasi Lord: Mars Ma Magha(2) Su Ke Mo Mo Mo
Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun Me Aridra(3) Me Ra Ve Mo Ra
Tithi: Poornima Ju[R] Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Ra Ve
VI 08:38:48 Bal. Dasa: Mercury 2 Y, 5 M, 2 D Ve Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Ve Ve
Sa Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ma Ra Ma
Ne[R] 12:44:15
Ju[R] 24:20:52 Ra Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Ju Ra Ra
III 28:06:43 Ke Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Ju Ra Ra
Ur Mrigasira(1) Ve Ma Ra Sa Ke
Ne[R] Hasta(1) Me Mo Ra Sa Ju
Pl Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Me Ke Ke
Mo 28:05:58
Fo Dhanishta(4) Sa Ma Su Ju Sa
Ke 27:39:08
V 06:14:55 IV 01:15:44

Dasa Summary
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
16-Nov-1931 - 16-Nov-1948 16-Nov-1948 - 16-Nov-1955 16-Nov-1955 - 16-Nov-1975
Mercury 16-Nov-1931 Ketu 16-Nov-1948 Venus 16-Nov-1955
Ketu 14-Apr-1934 Venus 14-Apr-1949 Sun 18-Mar-1959
Venus 12-Apr-1935 Sun 14-Jun-1950 Moon 18-Mar-1960
Sun 10-Feb-1938 Moon 20-Oct-1950 Mars 16-Nov-1961
Moon 17-Dec-1938 Mars 21-May-1951 Rahu 16-Jan-1963 Significators - Planets View
Mars 18-May-1940 Rahu 17-Oct-1951 Jupiter 16-Jan-1966
Rahu 15-May-1941 Jupiter 04-Nov-1952 Saturn 16-Sep-1968 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Jupiter 02-Dec-1943 Saturn 11-Oct-1953 Mercury 16-Nov-1971 Su+ 12 10 4 1, 2
Saturn 09-Mar-1946 Mercury 20-Nov-1954 Ketu 16-Sep-1974 Mo+ 11 4 3, 11 12
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Ma 4 12 4
16-Nov-1975 - 16-Nov-1981 16-Nov-1981 - 16-Nov-1991 16-Nov-1991 - 16-Nov-1998 Me 10 11 3, 11
Sun 16-Nov-1975 Moon 16-Nov-1981 Mars 16-Nov-1991 Ju 12 2 4 5, 9
Moon 05-Mar-1976 Mars 17-Sep-1982 Rahu 13-Apr-1992 Ve+ 2 11 5, 9 10
Mars 03-Sep-1976 Rahu 18-Apr-1983 Jupiter 02-May-1993
Sa+ 2 11 5, 9 6, 7, 8
Rahu 09-Jan-1977 Jupiter 17-Oct-1984 Saturn 07-Apr-1994
Jupiter 04-Dec-1977 Saturn 16-Feb-1986 Mercury 17-May-1995 Ra 12 10 4
Saturn 22-Sep-1978 Mercury 17-Sep-1987 Ketu 13-May-1996 Ke 11 4 3, 11
Mercury 04-Sep-1979 Ketu 16-Feb-1989 Venus 09-Oct-1996 Ur 12 10 4
Ketu 11-Jul-1980 Venus 17-Sep-1989 Sun 09-Dec-1997 Ne 4 2 12
Venus 15-Nov-1980 Sun 19-May-1991 Moon 16-Apr-1998 Pl 11 12 3, 11
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Fo 12 6 4
16-Nov-1998 - 16-Nov-2016 16-Nov-2016 - 16-Nov-2032 16-Nov-2032 - 16-Nov-2051
Rahu 16-Nov-1998 Jupiter 16-Nov-2016 Saturn 16-Nov-2032 Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Mo, Ju, Ve.
Jupiter 30-Jul-2001 Saturn 04-Jan-2019 Mercury 19-Nov-2035 Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Mo, Ma.
Saturn 23-Dec-2003 Mercury 18-Jul-2021 Ketu 30-Jul-2038 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Mercury 29-Oct-2006 Ketu 23-Oct-2023 Venus 07-Sep-2039 (B) - Occupant of house
Ketu 18-May-2009 Venus 28-Sep-2024 Sun 07-Nov-2042 (C) - Planets in Owner's stars
Venus 06-Jun-2010 Sun 30-May-2027 Moon 20-Oct-2043 (D) - House Owner
Sun 06-Jun-2013 Moon 17-Mar-2028 Mars 21-May-2045
Moon 30-Apr-2014 Mars 16-Jul-2029 Rahu 30-Jun-2046
Mars 30-Oct-2015 Rahu 22-Jun-2030 Jupiter 06-May-2049
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2016 13

If the KP ayanamsa works for his chart, he will start clearly loosing in the presidential elec-
tion campaign after Jupiter Dasa begins on October 7, 2016, i.e after the second presiden-
tial debate on October 9, 2016.

If the Lahiri ayanamsa works for his chart, he can win the presidential election.

Good luck!

KP Ezine October 2016 14

My astrology ar cle will be accepted
for publica on?

By: Gun Nagaraju KP astrologer CAIIB, Retired Bank officer
12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar,
Tarnaka, Secunderabad- 500 017;
Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371

Horary number given is 92/249 on 5-july-2016 in the morning hours.

The horary chart is erected on 5-7-2016 @7-03-55 AM @ Tarnaka Secunderabad, Telangana state.

What does K.P rule say in this regard----if 11 th cusp sub lord signifies 11th and relevant houses under
consideration that is 3rd-publication, printing, writing and communicating, or 11th –accomplishing
one’s desire, or 6th- success in one’s attempt of getting published against competition, and connected
to either Jupiter or Mercury, the event of publishing is assured during the conjoined period of the
significators of 3,6 and 11 houses.

Points to be remembered---A).11th cusp sub lord should not be in retro motion or B).in the star of a
planet which should not be in retro motion.

Analysis of the Chart---

1. 11th cusp sub lord and 3rd cusp sub lord are one and the same that is Saturn. No planets are
posited in Saturn’s stars. Thus, Saturn strongly signifies 3 and 11 at the sub lord position itself.
Saturn as the lord 6 and 7 in 4 th cusp, is in Mercury star and Mercury sub. Mercury is the lord of
2 and 11 in 11th cusp. Mercury is not in retro motion. Thus, Saturn+ signifies 6 and 11 at its star
level and 11 at its sub lord level.
2. 6th cusp sub lord is Rahu. Rahu is in lagna with Jupiter. Rahu is in Venus star and Jupiter sub.
Venus is the lord of 3 and 10 in 11th cusp with Mercury. Sub lord Jupiter is lord of 5 and 8 in
lagna cusp. Thus, Rahu signifies 3 and 11 at its star level and 1,v5,v 8 at its sub level. Rahu rep-
resents Jupiter, Saturn and Sun. Jupiter and Saturn are already discussed above. Sun is the
lord of the lagna and is posited in 11th with Mercury, Saturn and Moon.

From the above analysis it has become clear that the article in question will be accepted for
publication in the magazine for August 2016.

When is the question

Significators of 3-6-11 houses
3rd house=Mars-Jupiter-Rahu-Venus/ 6th house= SATURN./

Ruling planets at the time of judgment—(5 July 2016-@7-03-55 A.M)

RAHU represents SUN,JU,VEN/ KETHU represents SAT AND JUP.
Common fruitful significators--- =JUP-RAHU-VEN-SAT-MERC.

Dasa analysis--
Dasa Lord Jupiter is up to 2023 and Jupiter signifies 3 and 11 at its star level and 6 and at its sub
lord level.
Bhukthi lord Venus is up to Feb 2018. Venus signifies 3 and 11 at its star level.
Antara Lord Rahu is from 8/06/2016 to 1/11/2016. Rahu signifies 3 and 11 at its star level.
Sun will be transiting in sun sign Leo in Kethu star (Kethu represents Jupiter dasa lord and Saturn)
from 17/8 to 31/8.

Sookshma Lord Saturn runs from 19/7/2016 to 11/8 /2016. Saturn signifies 6 and 11 at its star
level and 11 at its sub lord level.
So the magazine is expected to come in to our hand on or before 11/8/2016.

Post analysis and a relook on the issue “why I failed in my prediction?

KP Ezine October 2016 15

Horary No. 92/249
Sun Rise: 05:47:36 AM Sun Set: 06:54:32 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Siddhi Hora: Mercury Karana: Badreva Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 92 1 Magha(4) Su Ke Me Me Me
Question : Submission of article 2 Hasta(1) Me Mo Mo Ra Me
3 Swati(2) Ve Ra Sa Ke Su
Ruling Planets - 08/Jul/2016 07:03:55 AM 4 Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Ma Ma Ra
6 Sravana(1) Sa Mo Ra Ra Ju
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Satabhisha(2) Sa Ra Sa Ve Sa
Lagna Mo Sa Ve Su Ke 8 U.Bhadra(3) Ju Sa Ve Ke Su
Moon Su Ke Ra Ma Su 9 Aswini(4) Ma Ke Sa Ra Su
Day Lord: Venus 10 Rohini(1) Ve Mo Ra Ra Ve
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Aridra(2) Me Ra Sa Ra Ma
12 Pushyami(3) Mo Sa Mo Ve Ra
II 05:10:14:00 XII 03:11:57:20
Mo 04:07:32:38 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 04:11:26:40 Su Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Sa Me Ju
III 06:11:06:39 Ra 04:21:35:57 Mo Magha(3) Su Ke Ra Ma Su
Me 02:23:27:01
Ma 06:29:30:16 6 Ju 04:24:04:44 4 Su 02:22:20:03 Ma Visakha(3) Ve Ju Mo Mo Me
3 XI 02:12:16:16 Me Punarvasu(2) Me Ju Sa Ra Me
7 Ve 03:00:52:53
Ju P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Me Me Ve
Ve Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ma Sa Ve
Sa[R] Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Me Me Mo
IV 07:12:07:00 X 01:12:07:00 Ra P.Phalguni(3) Su Ve Ju Ma Ve
Sa[R] 07:16:47:39
Ke P.Bhadra(1) Sa Ju Ju Ra Sa
8 2 Significators - Planets View
11 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 1 11 5, 8 1
Mo+ 7 12 12
Ke 10:21:35:57 Ma+ 1 3 5, 8 4, 9
V 08:12:16:16 VII 10:11:26:40 IX 00:11:06:39 Me 1 11 5, 8 2, 11
Ju 11 1 3, 10 5, 8
9 1 Ve 1 11 5, 8 3, 10
10 12 Sa+ 11 4 2, 11 6, 7
Ra+ 11 1 3, 10
VI 09:11:57:20 VIII 11:10:14:00 Ke 1 7 5, 8
(A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Mo, Ju, Sa.
Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ju, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

IX 11:06:39 X 12:07:00 XI 12:16:16 Dasa Summary

Su 22:20:03
Me 23:27:01 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
24-Jul-2012 - 24-Jul-2019 24-Jul-2019 - 24-Jul-2039 24-Jul-2039 - 24-Jul-2045
Ketu 24-Jul-2012 Venus 24-Jul-2019 Sun 24-Jul-2039
Venus 20-Dec-2012 Sun 22-Nov-2022 Moon 10-Nov-2039
Sun 19-Feb-2014 Moon 22-Nov-2023 Mars 11-May-2040
VIII 10:14:00 Moon 27-Jun-2014 Mars 24-Jul-2025 Rahu 16-Sep-2040
Name: Submission of article Ve 00:52:53 Mars 26-Jan-2015 Rahu 23-Sep-2026 Jupiter 10-Aug-2041
Gender: Male XII 11:57:20 Rahu 24-Jun-2015 Jupiter 23-Sep-2029 Saturn 30-May-2042
Date: Friday, 08/Jul/2016 Jupiter 12-Jul-2016 Saturn 23-May-2032 Mercury 12-May-2043
Saturn 18-Jun-2017 Mercury 23-Jul-2035 Ketu 17-Mar-2044
Time: 07:03:55 AM SID: 01:53:41 Mercury 28-Jul-2018 Ketu 24-May-2038 Venus 23-Jul-2044
Lat: 17:27:00 N Lon: 78:30:00 E
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 24-Jul-2045 - 24-Jul-2055 24-Jul-2055 - 24-Jul-2062 24-Jul-2062 - 24-Jul-2080
Ke 21:35:57 Place: SECUNDERABAD, ANDHRA Moon 24-Jul-2045 Mars 24-Jul-2055 Rahu 24-Jul-2062
VII 11:26:40 PRADESH, India Mars 24-May-2046 Rahu 20-Dec-2055 Jupiter 05-Apr-2065
Mo 07:32:38 Rahu 23-Dec-2046 Jupiter 07-Jan-2057 Saturn 29-Aug-2067
Ayanamsa: 23° 59' 51" I 11:26:40 Jupiter 23-Jun-2048 Saturn 14-Dec-2057 Mercury 06-Jul-2070
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ra 21:35:57 Saturn 23-Oct-2049 Mercury 23-Jan-2059 Ketu 23-Jan-2073
Star: Magha, Pada 3 Ju 24:04:44 Mercury 24-May-2051 Ketu 20-Jan-2060 Venus 10-Feb-2074
Star Lord: Ketu Ketu 23-Oct-2052 Venus 17-Jun-2060 Sun 10-Feb-2077
Venus 24-May-2053 Sun 17-Aug-2061 Moon 05-Jan-2078
Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun
Sun 22-Jan-2055 Moon 23-Dec-2061 Mars 07-Jul-2079
Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Chaturti
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
VI 11:57:20 Bal. Dasa: Ketu 3 Y, 0 M, 14 D 24-Jul-2080 - 24-Jul-2096 24-Jul-2096 - 24-Jul-2115 24-Jul-2115 - 24-Jul-2132
II 10:14:00 Jupiter 24-Jul-2080 Saturn 24-Jul-2096 Mercury 24-Jul-2115
Saturn 10-Sep-2082 Mercury 27-Jul-2099 Ketu 20-Dec-2117
Mercury 24-Mar-2085 Ketu 05-Apr-2102 Venus 17-Dec-2118
Ketu 30-Jun-2087 Venus 15-May-2103 Sun 17-Oct-2121
Venus 05-Jun-2088 Sun 15-Jul-2106 Moon 24-Aug-2122
Sun 03-Feb-2091 Moon 27-Jun-2107 Mars 23-Jan-2124
Moon 22-Nov-2091 Mars 26-Jan-2109 Rahu 19-Jan-2125
Sa[R] 16:47:39 Ma 29:30:16 Mars 24-Mar-2093 Rahu 07-Mar-2110 Jupiter 08-Aug-2127
V 12:16:16 IV 12:07:00 III 11:06:39 Rahu 28-Feb-2094 Jupiter 11-Jan-2113 Saturn 14-Nov-2129
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2016 16
I feel that failure can be attributed to the following reasons
Under Jupiter dasa, Venus bhukthi, Rahu anthara period since Rahu and Jupiter sookshma periods
had already elapsed, I chose Saturn as sookshma lord in my analysis.

1) The sookshma lord Saturn is in Mercury star and Mercury sub which signifies only 6 and 11 but
not 3rd house (printing and publications). Though not mandatory, it is an important and a main
2) Apart from this, Saturn as sookshma lord signifies 2 nd a negative to 3rd house at both star and
sub levels. This may be an important reason for negation of the event.
3) Moon was transiting, on 10 august 2016, in Sun sign Venus star Rahu sub and Sun sub sub up
to 10:51:32 am (time of the release of the magazine by email). Sun is not among the fruitful sig-
On 12 August 2016 when I re-examined the past analysis, and its post- mortem, I thought of arriving
at the correct prediction of the event.

A re-look in to the past analysis and present correction--

And from analysis of the running period of Jupiter dasa, Venus bhukthi and Rahu anthara, since I
have failed during Saturn sookshma, I thought I should proceed further for the appropriate
sookshma period from among the remaining sookshma period lords---

Next in the list of sookshma lords, Mercury as a fruitful significator is available from 12/8/2016 to
1 /9/2016. Mercury signifies 11 at its star (RAHU) level and 3 and 11 at its sub (VENUS) level. So
Mercury as S/L should give before 1 Sep 2016. But, since it has been observed that the release of the
magazine is taking place mostly after the first week of every month, I think even if I can go for Mercu-
ry sookshma period, it will not give.

Next S/L is Kethu from 1/9/2016 to 9/9/2016. Kethu cannot be taken as it is not in the list of fruit-
ful significators.

Next is Venus S/L from 9/9/2016 to 4/10/2016. Venus is in the list of fruitful significators. Venus
signifies 3 and 11 at both levels.

Moon will be transiting on 9/Sep/2016 Friday on Mercury star Venus sub and sub sub from
9:34:34 A.M to 13:59:56 hours and I feel it should materialize on or after 9 Sep 2016.

KP Ezine October 2016 17

Can I ever become an actor? If yes, then when?
By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613– P.B. Parekh Tower
Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165.
Phone: +91-7925460376
Email : ;

Question 1. Can I ever become an actor? If yes, then when?

Number. 8 (out of 249).
Date of Judgment: 30-10-2014, Thursday; Time of Judgment: 10.12.46 PM IST
Place of Judgment. 23° N 00', 72° E 36'; Aynamsha 230.58’.26”; Dasa days: 365.25

1)If the cuspal sub lord of the 5th cusp be the significator of 5th (art), 6th (efficiency in work),
10th (business/job/reputation), and connected with Mercury (art of presentation), Venus
(art, creativity), one can get success as a cinema actor.
2)If the significator of 6th and 10th be connected with 5th, then during their joint period one
gets success as a cinema actor.

Cuspal Sub Lord

5th Cusp. (Cancer 270.10’.50”): The sub lord of the 5th cusp is Jupiter. Jupiter is in the
star of Mercury and in its own sub. Jupiter is occupant of 5, owner of 9-10-12. Star lord
Mercury is occupant of 6, owner of 3-4-6. Hence 5th cusp sub lord Jupiter is the significator
of 5-6 and 10th, and connected with Mercury (art of presentation). Thus, success as a cine-
ma actor is promised.

Significators of 6 & 10 are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and
Ketu, all nine planets.

Significators of 5 are Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu (Rep Mercury) and Ketu (Rep Mars
and Jupiter).

Common significators from both the above significators and RPs are: Moon, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Rahu (Rep Mercury) and Ketu (Rep Mars and Jupiter).

Joint period

Now you are running Sun dasa up to 07-11-2017 and Sun is not among the common

Next dasa will be Moon, and Moon is also not among the common significators. This dasa
will be up to 07-11-2027. But, Moon is not among the ruling planets.

My opinion: I don’t see any chance of becoming an actor. But, yes, as 5th sub lord indicates
a positive cusp, you are good in acting.

Outcome: Prediction come correct, She was started study in higher education in Australia.

KP Ezine October 2016 18

Horary No. 8/249
Sun Rise: 06:43:28 AM Sun Set: 06:02:50 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Dhrti Hora: Jupiter Karana: Vanij Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 8 1 Aswini(3) Ma Ke Sa Sa Sa
Question : Can I ever become actor? If yes then when? 2 Krittika(4) Ve Su Ve Ke Ve
3 Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Su Sa Ve
Ruling Planets - 30/Oct/2014 02:40:26 PM 4 Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Mo Ju Ju
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Ju Ve Sa
6 U.Phalguni(2) Me Su Ra Ve Mo
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Swati(1) Ve Ra Ju Me Ra
Lagna Sa Ra Ra Ve Ke 8 Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Ve Sa Ju
Moon Sa Su Sa Sa Ra 9 Moola(2) Ju Ke Ma Me Sa
Day Lord: Jupiter 10 U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Ra Ju Ra
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Ju Ve Sa
12 P.Bhadra(4) Ju Ju Ma Ra Ra
II 01:09:53:03 Ke 11:24:16:50
XII 11:00:36:10 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 00:09:20:00 Su Swati(2) Ve Ra Me Ke Ju
III 02:05:15:37 Mo U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Sa Sa Ra
XI 09:27:10:50
2 12 Ma Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Mo Ve
3 10 Me Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Ju Mo
Ju Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ju Ju Ve
Ve Swati(3) Ve Ra Me Sa Sa
Sa Visakha(3) Ve Ju Mo Ra Ve
Ju 03:26:15:23 X 08:29:47:11 Ra Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Ra Me
IV 02:29:47:11 Mo 09:03:16:50
Ke Revati(3) Ju Me Ra Ra Me
3 9 Significators - Planets View
7 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 6 7
Mo+ 7 10 5
Sa 06:29:42:44 Ma 12 9 1, 8
V 03:27:10:50 Ve 06:14:11:18 Ma 08:08:56:30 Me 9 6 1, 8 3, 4, 6
Su 06:12:53:41 IX 08:05:15:37 Ju 6 5 3, 4, 6 9, 10, 12
4 VII 06:09:20:00 9 Ve+ 6 7 2, 7
6 8 Sa+ 5 7 9, 10, 12 11
Ra 9 6 1, 8
VI 05:00:36:10 VIII 07:09:53:03 Ke 6 12 3, 4, 6
Ra 05:24:16:50
Rahu acts as agent for: Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Me 05:24:36:01
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Me, Ju. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

I 09:20:00 II 09:53:03 III 05:15:37 Dasa Summary

IV 29:47:11
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
07-Nov-2011 - 07-Nov-2017 07-Nov-2017 - 07-Nov-2027 07-Nov-2027 - 07-Nov-2034
Sun 07-Nov-2011 Moon 07-Nov-2017 Mars 07-Nov-2027
Moon 24-Feb-2012 Mars 07-Sep-2018 Rahu 04-Apr-2028
Ke 24:16:50 Mars 25-Aug-2012 Rahu 08-Apr-2019 Jupiter 22-Apr-2029
XII 00:36:10 Rahu 31-Dec-2012 Jupiter 08-Oct-2020 Saturn 29-Mar-2030
Name: Acting in Cinema Ju 26:15:23 Jupiter 25-Nov-2013 Saturn 07-Feb-2022 Mercury 08-May-2031
Gender: Male V 27:10:50 Saturn 13-Sep-2014 Mercury 08-Sep-2023 Ketu 04-May-2032
Date: Thursday, 30/Oct/2014 Mercury 26-Aug-2015 Ketu 07-Feb-2025 Venus 30-Sep-2032
Ketu 01-Jul-2016 Venus 08-Sep-2025 Sun 30-Nov-2033
Time: 02:40:26 PM SID: 16:35:17 Venus 06-Nov-2016 Sun 10-May-2027 Moon 07-Apr-2034
Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 07-Nov-2034 - 07-Nov-2052 07-Nov-2052 - 07-Nov-2068 07-Nov-2068 - 07-Nov-2087
Rahu 07-Nov-2034 Jupiter 07-Nov-2052 Saturn 07-Nov-2068
Jupiter 21-Jul-2037 Saturn 26-Dec-2054 Mercury 10-Nov-2071
Ayanamsa: 23° 58' 26" Saturn 14-Dec-2039 Mercury 08-Jul-2057 Ketu 21-Jul-2074
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Mercury 20-Oct-2042 Ketu 14-Oct-2059 Venus 29-Aug-2075
Star: U.Ashada, Pada 2 Ketu 09-May-2045 Venus 19-Sep-2060 Sun 29-Oct-2078
Star Lord: Sun Venus 27-May-2046 Sun 20-May-2063 Moon 11-Oct-2079
Rasi: Capricorn Rasi Lord: Saturn Sun 27-May-2049 Moon 07-Mar-2064 Mars 12-May-2081
Moon 21-Apr-2050 Mars 07-Jul-2065 Rahu 21-Jun-2082
Lagna: Aries Lagna Lord: Mars
Mars 21-Oct-2051 Rahu 13-Jun-2066 Jupiter 27-Apr-2085
XI 27:10:50 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Saptami
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
Mo 03:16:50 Bal. Dasa: Sun 3 Y, 0 M, 8 D 07-Nov-2087 - 07-Nov-2104 07-Nov-2104 - 07-Nov-2111 07-Nov-2111 - 07-Nov-2131
VI 00:36:10 Mercury 07-Nov-2087 Ketu 07-Nov-2104 Venus 07-Nov-2111
Ra 24:16:50 Ketu 05-Apr-2090 Venus 05-Apr-2105 Sun 09-Mar-2115
Me 24:36:01 Venus 02-Apr-2091 Sun 05-Jun-2106 Moon 09-Mar-2116
Sun 01-Feb-2094 Moon 11-Oct-2106 Mars 07-Nov-2117
Moon 08-Dec-2094 Mars 12-May-2107 Rahu 07-Jan-2119
Sa 29:42:44 Mars 08-May-2096 Rahu 08-Oct-2107 Jupiter 07-Jan-2122
X 29:47:11 Ve 14:11:18 Rahu 06-May-2097 Jupiter 26-Oct-2108 Saturn 07-Sep-2124
Ma 08:56:30 Su 12:53:41 Jupiter 22-Nov-2099 Saturn 02-Oct-2109 Mercury 06-Nov-2127
IX 05:15:37 VIII 09:53:03 VII 09:20:00 Saturn 28-Feb-2102 Mercury 11-Nov-2110 Ketu 07-Sep-2130
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: KP Ezine October 2016 19
When Reinstatement?
By: Dr. Abha Jain
36, Bajaj Nagar Enclave,
Opp. Gandhi Nagar Railway Station, Tonk Road, Jaipur,
Rajasthan Email:
Mobile: 9829463000

Horaray no. : 95/249
Female: Miss Kamla
Judgement date,time and place: 15 April 2016, 14:37.12 ,
Gopalpura , Jaipur ,Rajasthan
Query: When will I be reinstated in service?

Native is a government officer and she was suspended 2 years ago. She asked the question
in April 2016.

If the 10th cusp signifies 2, 6, 10 and 11, then reinstatement is sure during the DBA of the
significators of 2, 6, 10 and 11, provided there are no exceptions.

Present case
Analysis of the 10th cusp: Saturn is the sub lord of the 10th cusp. It occupies 4 and owns 6
and 7. Saturn is in the star of Mercury and sub of Sun. Mercury occupies 9 and owns 11
and 2. Sun occupies 8 and owns 1. Thus, the 10th cusp is connected with 2,6 and 11. There
is a sure chance of reinstatement despite delays because of Punarphoo in RP as stated fur-

Significators Planets of 2, 6, 10 and 11

Cusp Planet in oc- occupant Planet in House owner
cupant star Owner star
2 - - Saturn, Venus Mercury
6 - - Moon, Mars, Saturn
10 - - Mercury Jupi- Venus
ter, Rahu
11 - - Saturn, Venus Mercury

Significator planets of 2, 6, 10 and 11 are Saturn, Venus, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter
and Rahu. Ketu represent Mars.

Ruling planets at the time of judgement on 15.4.16 at 14: 37:12 at Jaipur, Gopalpura, Ra-
jasthan, are:

Ascendant sign lord: Sun

Ascendant star lord: Ketu
Ascendant sub lord: Rahu
Moon sign lord: Moon
Moon star lord: Saturn
Moon sub lord: Jupiter
Day lord: Venus.

KP Ezine October 2016 20

Horary No. 95/249
Sun Rise: 06:05:36 AM Sun Set: 06:50:45 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Shula Hora: Mercury Karana: Kaulav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 95 1 P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Mo Mo Mo
Question : When Reinstatement? 2 Hasta(2) Me Mo Ra Mo Me
3 Swati(3) Ve Ra Me Ju Ra
Ruling Planets - 15/Apr/2016 02:37:12 PM 4 Anuradha(4) Ma Sa Ju Ke Ra
GOPALPURA, JAIPUR, RAJASTHAN, India 5 P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Mo Me Ma
6 Sravana(3) Sa Mo Sa Ra Sa
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Ve Ra Ke
Lagna Su Ke Ra Ra Me 8 U.Bhadra(4) Ju Sa Ra Sa Ra
Moon Mo Sa Ju Mo Me 9 Bharani(1) Ma Ve Ve Ma Mo
Day Lord: Venus 10 Rohini(2) Ve Mo Sa Sa Sa
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Aridra(4) Me Ra Ve Sa Ju
12 Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Me Ve Sa
II 05:13:43:02 XII 03:17:16:58
Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 04:16:13:20 Su Aswini(1) Ma Ke Ve Ra Ve
III 06:14:07:38 Ju[R] 04:20:08:34 Mo Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ju Mo Me
XI 02:16:57:28
Ma 07:14:52:45 6 Ra 04:26:02:01 4 Mo 03:16:14:36 Ma Anuradha(4) Ma Sa Ra Ma Su
7 3 Me Bharani(3) Ma Ve Ju Ve Ju
Ju[R] P.Phalguni(3) Su Ve Ju Ju Sa
Ve Revati(1) Ju Me Me Ra Su
Sa[R] Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Su Me Ju
IV 07:15:42:42 X 01:15:42:42 Ra P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Ke Ve Sa
Sa[R] 07:22:03:10
Ke P.Bhadra(2) Sa Ju Ke Mo Me
8 2 Significators - Planets View
11 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 7 8 1
Mo+ 4 12 6, 7 12
Ke 10:26:02:01 Ma+ 4 4 6, 7 4, 9
V 08:16:57:28 VII 10:16:13:20 Me 00:21:08:37 Me 8 9 3, 10 2, 11
IX 00:14:07:38 Ju 8 1 3, 10 5, 8
9 1 Ve 9 8 2, 11 3, 10
10 12 Sa 9 4 2, 11 6, 7
Ra+ 8 1 3, 10
VI 09:17:16:58 Ve 11:17:57:15 Ke 1 7 5, 8
VIII 11:13:43:02
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ju, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Su 00:01:50:12
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Su 01:50:12 X 15:42:42 XI 16:57:28 Dasa Summary

IX 14:07:38
Me 21:08:37 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
24-Nov-1997 - 24-Nov-2016 24-Nov-2016 - 24-Nov-2033 24-Nov-2033 - 24-Nov-2040
Saturn 24-Nov-1997 Mercury 24-Nov-2016 Ketu 24-Nov-2033
Mercury 27-Nov-2000 Ketu 22-Apr-2019 Venus 22-Apr-2034
Ve 17:57:15 Ketu 06-Aug-2003 Venus 18-Apr-2020 Sun 22-Jun-2035
VIII 13:43:02 Venus 15-Sep-2004 Sun 16-Feb-2023 Moon 28-Oct-2035
Name: Reinstatement Mo 16:14:36 Sun 15-Nov-2007 Moon 24-Dec-2023 Mars 28-May-2036
Gender: Male XII 17:16:58 Moon 27-Oct-2008 Mars 25-May-2025 Rahu 24-Oct-2036
Date: Friday, 15/Apr/2016 Mars 28-May-2010 Rahu 22-May-2026 Jupiter 11-Nov-2037
Rahu 07-Jul-2011 Jupiter 09-Dec-2028 Saturn 18-Oct-2038
Time: 02:37:12 PM SID: 03:45:02 Jupiter 13-May-2014 Saturn 17-Mar-2031 Mercury 27-Nov-2039
Lat: 25:20:00 N Lon: 75:30:00 E
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 24-Nov-2040 - 24-Nov-2060 24-Nov-2060 - 24-Nov-2066 24-Nov-2066 - 24-Nov-2076
Ke 26:02:01 Place: JAIPUR, RAJASTHAN, India Venus 24-Nov-2040 Sun 24-Nov-2060 Moon 24-Nov-2066
VII 16:13:20 Sun 24-Mar-2044 Moon 13-Mar-2061 Mars 24-Sep-2067
I 16:13:20 Moon 24-Mar-2045 Mars 12-Sep-2061 Rahu 24-Apr-2068
Ayanamsa: 23° 59' 39" Ju[R] 20:08:34 Mars 23-Nov-2046 Rahu 18-Jan-2062 Jupiter 24-Oct-2069
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ra 26:02:01 Rahu 23-Jan-2048 Jupiter 12-Dec-2062 Saturn 23-Feb-2071
Star: Pushyami, Pada 4 Jupiter 23-Jan-2051 Saturn 01-Oct-2063 Mercury 23-Sep-2072
Star Lord: Saturn Saturn 23-Sep-2053 Mercury 12-Sep-2064 Ketu 22-Feb-2074
Mercury 23-Nov-2056 Ketu 19-Jul-2065 Venus 23-Sep-2074
Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun
Ketu 24-Sep-2059 Venus 24-Nov-2065 Sun 23-May-2076
Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Navami
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
VI 17:16:58 Bal. Dasa: Saturn 0 Y, 7 M, 7 D 24-Nov-2076 - 24-Nov-2083 24-Nov-2083 - 24-Nov-2101 24-Nov-2101 - 24-Nov-2117
II 13:43:02 Mars 24-Nov-2076 Rahu 24-Nov-2083 Jupiter 24-Nov-2101
Rahu 22-Apr-2077 Jupiter 06-Aug-2086 Saturn 11-Jan-2104
Jupiter 10-May-2078 Saturn 30-Dec-2088 Mercury 25-Jul-2106
Saturn 16-Apr-2079 Mercury 06-Nov-2091 Ketu 31-Oct-2108
Mercury 26-May-2080 Ketu 26-May-2094 Venus 07-Oct-2109
Ketu 23-May-2081 Venus 13-Jun-2095 Sun 06-Jun-2112
Sa[R] 22:03:10 Venus 19-Oct-2081 Sun 13-Jun-2098 Moon 25-Mar-2113
IV 15:42:42 Sun 19-Dec-2082 Moon 08-May-2099 Mars 25-Jul-2114
V 16:57:28 Ma 14:52:45 III 14:07:38 Moon 26-Apr-2083 Mars 07-Nov-2100 Rahu 01-Jul-2115
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2016 21
Common significators among the significators of 2,6,10 and 11 and the RPs are Ketu, Rahu,
Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.

Running Dasha
Saturn (24.11.97 to 24.11.16). Dasa nath is a common effective significator. Reinstatement
is promised before 24.11.16.

Bhukti nath is Jupiter (running between 13.5.14 and 24.11.16). Jupiter is also a common
effective significator.

Running Antara is Moon (running between 27.2.16 and 15.5.16) which is left out because of
Punarphoo effect in the RPs despite Moon being a common significator. Next antara is that
of Mars (which runs between 15.5.16 and 8.7.16). This, too, is left out because it is not a
common significator. The Next antra is that of Rahu (from 8.7.16 until 24.11.16). Rahu is a
common effective significator. We can conclude that reinstatement is promised during Rahu

Prediction came true. I learnt from the native that her reinstatement order had been re-
ceived today on 23rd September 2016.

Advance Analysis for finding Sookshma period:

As in the present case we see that the antara of Rahu is for approximately for 4 months, I
tried to find the effective Sookshma. Rahu antara consists of the following
Rahu Sookshma (8.7.16 to 28.7.16)
Jupiter Sookshma (28.7.16 to 16.8.16)
Saturn Sookshma (16.8.16 to 7.9.16)
Mercury Sookshma (7.9.16 to 26.9.16)
Ketu Sookshma (26.9.16 to 5.10 16)

Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn are planets that have already been selected as Dasha, Bhukti
and Antara lords. Next is Mercury which is not a common significator. However, her rein-
statement order was issued on 23.9.16. If I follow the same procedure and method, as I fol-
low in other cases, then Ketu Sookshma was appropriate and it is next in the list commenc-
ing after 3 days. But after practicing, I realised that finding Sookshma is still a subject of
research. Most astrologers seek the help of transits in arriving at this. But there are no hard
and fast rules for this in the “divine” science, so continuing to practice is the only way, and
sharing true experiences, that will help us to uncover the secret for finding the exact date of
any event and the use of Sun’s transit.

Thanks to my respected first teacher Shri Kanak sir who continues to guide in conducting
real research.

KP Ezine October 2016 22

RPs are Apatkala Bandhus in KP
By: VSN. Murthy, (K.P. Astro Consultant)
#404, Teja Garden Apartments, Prakashnagar,
KURNOOL- 4. (AP) Mobile:- 09440220874.

One of my relatives asked me to cast the birth chart of his daughter in K.P. Method by fur-
nishing the following particulars:-
Date of Birth = 31-07-1986;
Time of Birth = 08-45-00 AM;
Place of Birth= Hyderabad.
Lagna = Simha; Birth Star=Uttarashada;

I sat before the Laptop for erecting the natal chart of my relative’s daughter with the help of
K.P.Astro 4.1 of Mr. Rangarajan Krishanamurthy of Chennai exactly at 09-29-00 AM on 12-
08-2016 at my residence in Kurnool. Immediately the chart is erected for the given birth
particulars and it is also attached.
Lagna falls in Leo sign (22-41-51=Sun/Venus/Saturn/Venus).
Moon falls in Taurus sign (11-18-49=Venus/Moon/Mars/Jupiter) in Rohini Star.
Lagna is tallied. OK.
But the birth star arrived at does not tally with the given birth star. Given birth star is Utta-
rashada, whereas the birth star reflected in the chart is Rohini.

Then an idea flashed in my mind about the involvement of Ruling Planets to rectify it.

Ruling Planets are as follows:-

RP. Date=12-08-2016; Friday; RP. Time=09-29-00 AM; RP. Place=KURNOOL (AP);
Lagna falls in Virgo (14-34-22=Mercury/Moon/Jupiter/Mercury)
Moon falls in in Scorpio (11-18-30=Mars/Saturn/Moon/Rahu)
Daylord is Venus.
RP chart (TIME CHART) is also enclosed.
I have taken only the following 5 Ruling Planets as said by our Guruji Late KSK ji. (Strength
-wise serially):-
1. Lagna Star lord =Moon;
2. Lagna Sign lord=Mercury;
3. Moon Star lord=Saturn;
4. Moon Sign lord=Mars; and
Day lord = Venus

KP Ezine October 2016 23

for 1985
Sun Rise: 05:55:11 AM Sun Set: 06:49:36 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Priti Hora: Saturn Karana: Badreva Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 P.Phalguni(3) Su Ve Sa Ve Me
2 Hasta(4) Me Mo Ve Me Ve
3 Visakha(1) Ve Ju Sa Mo Ma
Ruling Planets - 05/Oct/2016 01:11:57 PM 4 Jyeshta(3) Ma Me Ma Ra Ve
6 Sravana(4) Sa Mo Su Ve Ra
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 P.Bhadra(1) Sa Ju Sa Su Sa
Lagna Ju Ve Mo Ve Ra 8 Revati(2) Ju Me Mo Mo Me
Moon Ma Sa Me Me Ju 9 Bharani(3) Ma Ve Sa Su Mo
Day Lord: Mercury 10 Mrigasira(1) Ve Ma Ma Ra Ve
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Punarvasu(2) Me Ju Sa Ra Sa
12 Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Mo Ve Ke
Ke 06:20:24:11 XII 03:23:16:29
II 05:22:17:21 Me[R] 04:01:20:30 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 04:22:56:18 Su Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ra Ve Ra
III 06:23:00:25 Mo U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Sa Ra Sa
XI 02:23:23:01
Sa 06:27:55:30 6 4 Su 03:14:18:11 Ma Pushyami(3) Mo Sa Ve Ke Ju
3 Ma 03:10:17:06 Me[R] Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Mo Sa
Ju[R] Sravana(3) Sa Mo Me Ra Ve
Ve Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Ve Ju Sa
Sa Visakha(3) Ve Ju Ve Ju Ma
IV 07:23:28:02 X 01:23:28:02 Ra Bharani(3) Ma Ve Ju Sa Me
Ve 02:03:52:36
Ke Visakha(1) Ve Ju Ju Sa Mo
8 2 Significators - Planets View
11 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 3 11 6, 7 1
Mo 11 5 1 12
VII 10:22:56:18 Ma 3 11 6, 7 4, 9
Mo 09:04:38:01 IX 00:23:00:25 Me+ 3 12 2, 11
Ju[R] Ju 5 5 12 5, 8
09:19:01:50 9 Ve 11 10 4, 9 3, 10
V 08:23:23:01
10 12 Sa 5 3 5, 8 6, 7
Ra+ 10 9 3, 10
VI 09:23:16:29 VIII 11:22:17:21 Ke 5 3 5, 8
Ra 00:20:24:11
Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ve, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Ra 20:24:11 X 23:28:02 Ve 03:52:36 Dasa Summary

IX 23:00:25 XI 23:23:01
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
30-Dec-1981 - 30-Dec-1987 30-Dec-1987 - 30-Dec-1997 30-Dec-1997 - 30-Dec-2004
Sun 30-Dec-1981 Moon 30-Dec-1987 Mars 30-Dec-1997
Moon 19-Apr-1982 Mars 30-Oct-1988 Rahu 29-May-1998
Mars 19-Oct-1982 Rahu 31-May-1989 Jupiter 16-Jun-1999
VIII 22:17:21 Rahu 23-Feb-1983 Jupiter 29-Nov-1990 Saturn 22-May-2000
Name: for 1985 Ma 10:17:06 Jupiter 18-Jan-1984 Saturn 30-Mar-1992 Mercury 30-Jun-2001
Gender: Male Su 14:18:11 Saturn 05-Nov-1984 Mercury 29-Oct-1993 Ketu 28-Jun-2002
Date: Wednesday, 31/Jul/1985 XII 23:16:29 Mercury 18-Oct-1985 Ketu 31-Mar-1995 Venus 24-Nov-2002
Ketu 25-Aug-1986 Venus 30-Oct-1995 Sun 24-Jan-2004
Time: 08:45:00 AM SID: 05:03:39 Venus 31-Dec-1986 Sun 30-Jun-1997 Moon 30-May-2004
Lat: 17:22:00 N Lon: 78:28:00 E
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 30-Dec-2004 - 30-Dec-2022 30-Dec-2022 - 30-Dec-2038 30-Dec-2038 - 30-Dec-2057
Place: HYDERABAD, ANDHRA Rahu 30-Dec-2004 Jupiter 30-Dec-2022 Saturn 30-Dec-2038
VII 22:56:18 PRADESH, India Jupiter 12-Sep-2007 Saturn 17-Feb-2025 Mercury 02-Jan-2042
Me[R] 01:20:30 Saturn 05-Feb-2010 Mercury 31-Aug-2027 Ketu 11-Sep-2044
Ayanamsa: 23° 33' 56" I 22:56:18 Mercury 12-Dec-2012 Ketu 06-Dec-2029 Venus 21-Oct-2045
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ketu 01-Jul-2015 Venus 12-Nov-2030 Sun 21-Dec-2048
Star: U.Ashada, Pada 3 Venus 19-Jul-2016 Sun 14-Jul-2033 Moon 03-Dec-2049
Star Lord: Sun Sun 19-Jul-2019 Moon 02-May-2034 Mars 04-Jul-2051
Moon 12-Jun-2020 Mars 01-Sep-2035 Rahu 12-Aug-2052
Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun
VI 23:16:29 Mars 11-Dec-2021 Rahu 07-Aug-2036 Jupiter 19-Jun-2055
Ju[R] 19:01:50 Tithi: Poornima
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
Mo 04:38:01 Bal. Dasa: Sun 2 Y, 4 M, 29 D 30-Dec-2057 - 30-Dec-2074 30-Dec-2074 - 30-Dec-2081 30-Dec-2081 - 30-Dec-2101
II 22:17:21 Mercury 30-Dec-2057 Ketu 30-Dec-2074 Venus 30-Dec-2081
Ketu 28-May-2060 Venus 29-May-2075 Sun 01-May-2085
Venus 25-May-2061 Sun 28-Jul-2076 Moon 01-May-2086
Sun 24-Mar-2064 Moon 03-Dec-2076 Mars 31-Dec-2087
Moon 29-Jan-2065 Mars 04-Jul-2077 Rahu 02-Mar-2089
Mars 30-Jun-2066 Rahu 30-Nov-2077 Jupiter 02-Mar-2092
Sa 27:55:30 Rahu 27-Jun-2067 Jupiter 19-Dec-2078 Saturn 31-Oct-2094
III 23:00:25 Jupiter 14-Jan-2070 Saturn 25-Nov-2079 Mercury 31-Dec-2097
V 23:23:01 IV 23:28:02 Ke 20:24:11 Saturn 20-Apr-2072 Mercury 03-Jan-2081 Ketu 31-Oct-2100
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2016 24
for 1986
Sun Rise: 05:55:06 AM Sun Set: 06:49:42 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Vridhi Hora: Sun Karana: Badreva Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 P.Phalguni(3) Su Ve Sa Ve Ve
2 Hasta(4) Me Mo Ve Sa Ve
3 Visakha(1) Ve Ju Sa Ve Sa
Ruling Planets - 05/Oct/2016 01:13:51 PM 4 Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Mo Ve Sa
6 Sravana(4) Sa Mo Su Sa Ve
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 P.Bhadra(1) Sa Ju Sa Ve Ra
Lagna Ju Ve Ma Sa Me 8 Revati(2) Ju Me Su Me Ra
Moon Ma Sa Me Me Ju 9 Bharani(3) Ma Ve Sa Ve Ma
Day Lord: Mercury 10 Rohini(4) Ve Mo Su Ve Ve
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Sa Mo Ve
12 Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Mo Ke Ve
Ke 06:01:03:44 XII 03:23:02:11
II 05:22:02:24 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 04:22:41:51 Su Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ra Ke Ke
Sa[R] Ve 04:28:06:08 Mo Rohini(1) Ve Mo Ma Ju Me
XI 02:23:09:05
07:09:31:27 6 4 Su 03:14:03:28 Ma[R] P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Sa Mo
III 06:22:45:47
3 Me[R] Me[R] Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Ke Ju
7 03:02:34:15
Ju[R] P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Ve Ke Ju
Ve U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Mo Me Ju
Sa[R] Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Ve Ju Ra
Ma[R] 08:18:51:54 X 01:23:13:59 Ra Aswini(1) Ma Ke Ve Ve Sa
IV 07:23:13:59
Ke Chitra(3) Ve Ma Me Ra Ra
8 2 Significators - Planets View
11 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 3 11 6, 7 1
Mo 9 9 12 12
Ju[R] 10:28:43:54 Ma 1 4 3, 10 4, 9
V 08:23:09:05 VII 10:22:41:51 IX 00:22:45:47 Me+ 7 11 5, 8 2, 11
Mo 01:11:18:49 Ju 7 7 5, 8 5, 8
9 1 Ve 11 1 1 3, 10
10 12 Sa 3 3 6, 7 6, 7
Ra+ 2 8
VI 09:23:02:11 VIII 11:22:02:24 Ke 4 2 4, 9
Ra 00:01:03:44
Rahu acts as agent for: Ma. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ju, Ve. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Ra 01:03:44 Mo 11:18:49 XI 23:09:05 Dasa Summary

IX 22:45:47 X 23:13:59
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
06-Aug-1985 - 06-Aug-1995 06-Aug-1995 - 06-Aug-2002 06-Aug-2002 - 06-Aug-2020
Moon 06-Aug-1985 Mars 06-Aug-1995 Rahu 06-Aug-2002
Mars 06-Jun-1986 Rahu 02-Jan-1996 Jupiter 18-Apr-2005
Rahu 05-Jan-1987 Jupiter 20-Jan-1997 Saturn 11-Sep-2007
VIII 22:02:24 Jupiter 06-Jul-1988 Saturn 27-Dec-1997 Mercury 19-Jul-2010
Name: for 1986 Me[R] 02:34:15 Saturn 04-Nov-1989 Mercury 05-Feb-1999 Ketu 05-Feb-2013
Gender: Male Su 14:03:28 Mercury 06-Jun-1991 Ketu 02-Feb-2000 Venus 23-Feb-2014
Date: Thursday, 31/Jul/1986 XII 23:02:11 Ketu 05-Nov-1992 Venus 30-Jun-2000 Sun 23-Feb-2017
Venus 06-Jun-1993 Sun 30-Aug-2001 Moon 18-Jan-2018
Time: 08:45:00 AM SID: 05:02:42 Sun 04-Feb-1995 Moon 05-Jan-2002 Mars 19-Jul-2019
Lat: 17:22:00 N Lon: 78:28:00 E
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 06-Aug-2020 - 06-Aug-2036 06-Aug-2036 - 06-Aug-2055 06-Aug-2055 - 06-Aug-2072
Ju[R] 28:43:54 Place: HYDERABAD, ANDHRA Jupiter 06-Aug-2020 Saturn 06-Aug-2036 Mercury 06-Aug-2055
VII 22:41:51 PRADESH, India Saturn 23-Sep-2022 Mercury 09-Aug-2039 Ketu 02-Jan-2058
I 22:41:51 Mercury 06-Apr-2025 Ketu 18-Apr-2042 Venus 30-Dec-2058
Ayanamsa: 23° 34' 46" Ve 28:06:08 Ketu 13-Jul-2027 Venus 28-May-2043 Sun 30-Oct-2061
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Venus 17-Jun-2028 Sun 28-Jul-2046 Moon 06-Sep-2062
Star: Rohini, Pada 1 Sun 16-Feb-2031 Moon 10-Jul-2047 Mars 05-Feb-2064
Star Lord: Moon Moon 05-Dec-2031 Mars 08-Feb-2049 Rahu 01-Feb-2065
Mars 06-Apr-2033 Rahu 19-Mar-2050 Jupiter 21-Aug-2067
Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun
Rahu 13-Mar-2034 Jupiter 24-Jan-2053 Saturn 27-Nov-2069
Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dasami
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
VI 23:02:11 Bal. Dasa: Moon 9 Y, 0 M, 5 D 06-Aug-2072 - 06-Aug-2079 06-Aug-2079 - 06-Aug-2099 06-Aug-2099 - 06-Aug-2105
II 22:02:24 Ketu 06-Aug-2072 Venus 06-Aug-2079 Sun 06-Aug-2099
Venus 02-Jan-2073 Sun 05-Dec-2082 Moon 23-Nov-2099
Sun 04-Mar-2074 Moon 05-Dec-2083 Mars 25-May-2100
Moon 09-Jul-2074 Mars 06-Aug-2085 Rahu 30-Sep-2100
Mars 08-Feb-2075 Rahu 06-Oct-2086 Jupiter 24-Aug-2101
Rahu 07-Jul-2075 Jupiter 06-Oct-2089 Saturn 13-Jun-2102
Jupiter 25-Jul-2076 Saturn 05-Jun-2092 Mercury 26-May-2103
V 23:09:05 IV 23:13:59 III 22:45:47 Saturn 01-Jul-2077 Mercury 05-Aug-2095 Ketu 31-Mar-2104
Ma[R] 18:51:54 Sa[R] 09:31:27 Ke 01:03:44 Mercury 09-Aug-2078 Ketu 06-Jun-2098 Venus 06-Aug-2104
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: KP Ezine October 2016 25
RP Chart
Sun Rise: 06:02:06 AM Sun Set: 06:43:16 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Indra Hora: Saturn Karana: Kaulav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Hasta(2) Me Mo Ju Me Ra
2 Swati(3) Ve Ra Ke Ke Ve
3 Anuradha(4) Ma Sa Ra Ve Sa
Ruling Planets - 05/Oct/2016 01:14:40 PM 4 P.Ashada(1) Ju Ve Ve Ma Mo
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 Sravana(2) Sa Mo Ju Sa Me
6 Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Ke Ra Sa
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 U.Bhadra(4) Ju Sa Ra Su Me
Lagna Ju Ve Ma Me Sa 8 Bharani(1) Ma Ve Ve Ra Ma
Moon Ma Sa Me Me Ju 9 Rohini(2) Ve Mo Ju Me Me
Day Lord: Mercury 10 Aridra(3) Me Ra Me Ju Ra
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ra Ve Ve
12 P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Ve Sa Sa
Ma 07:09:53:55 Me 04:22:49:02
Mo 07:11:18:30 Ra 04:19:44:20 Planetary Positions
II 06:14:26:55 XII 04:14:48:15
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Ju 05:00:11:13
I 05:14:34:22 Su Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ra Mo Ju
III 07:14:25:10 Mo Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Mo Ra Mo
Su 03:25:52:50
Sa[R] 7 5 XI 03:14:12:21 Ma Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Ve Me Me
4 Ve 04:14:00:50 Me P.Phalguni(3) Su Ve Sa Ve Ra
Ju U.Phalguni(2) Me Su Ra Me Ve
Ve P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Ve Ma Ra
Sa[R] Anuradha(4) Ma Sa Ju Ve Ve
IV 08:14:07:15 X 02:14:07:15 Ra P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Ra Su Mo
Ke Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Ma Ke Ma
9 3 Significators - Planets View
12 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 12 11 1, 10 12
Mo+ 3 3 5, 6 11
VII 11:14:34:22 Ma+ 3 2 5, 6 3, 8
V 09:14:12:21 IX 01:14:25:10 Me 12 12 2, 9 1, 10
Ju+ 11 12 12 4, 7
10 2 Ve 12 12 2, 9 2, 9
11 1 Sa 3 3 5, 6 5, 6
Ra 12 12 2, 9
VI 10:14:48:15 VIII 00:14:26:55 Ke+ 12 6
Ke 10:19:44:20
(A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Me, Ve, Sa.
(B) - Occupant of house
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Me, Ve, Sa.
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VIII 14:26:55 IX 14:25:10 X 14:07:15 Dasa Summary

Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
31-Mar-2005 - 31-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024 - 31-Mar-2041 31-Mar-2041 - 31-Mar-2048
Saturn 31-Mar-2005 Mercury 31-Mar-2024 Ketu 31-Mar-2041
Mercury 03-Apr-2008 Ketu 28-Aug-2026 Venus 28-Aug-2041
Ketu 12-Dec-2010 Venus 25-Aug-2027 Sun 27-Oct-2042
VII 14:34:22 Venus 21-Jan-2012 Sun 25-Jun-2030 Moon 04-Mar-2043
Name: RP Chart XI 14:12:21 Sun 23-Mar-2015 Moon 02-May-2031 Mars 03-Oct-2043
Gender: Male Su 25:52:50 Moon 04-Mar-2016 Mars 01-Oct-2032 Rahu 01-Mar-2044
Date: Friday, 12/Aug/2016 Mars 03-Oct-2017 Rahu 28-Sep-2033 Jupiter 20-Mar-2045
Rahu 11-Nov-2018 Jupiter 16-Apr-2036 Saturn 24-Feb-2046
Time: 09:29:00 AM SID: 06:35:21 Jupiter 18-Sep-2021 Saturn 22-Jul-2038 Mercury 04-Apr-2047
Lat: 15:50:00 N Lon: 78:03:00 E
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 31-Mar-2048 - 31-Mar-2068 31-Mar-2068 - 31-Mar-2074 31-Mar-2074 - 31-Mar-2084
Ke 19:44:20 Place: KURNOOL, ANDHRA PRADESH, Venus 31-Mar-2048 Sun 31-Mar-2068 Moon 31-Mar-2074
VI 14:48:15 India Sun 31-Jul-2051 Moon 19-Jul-2068 Mars 30-Jan-2075
Ve 14:00:50 Moon 31-Jul-2052 Mars 18-Jan-2069 Rahu 31-Aug-2075
Ayanamsa: 23° 59' 56" XII 14:48:15 Mars 01-Apr-2054 Rahu 25-May-2069 Jupiter 02-Mar-2077
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ra 19:44:20 Rahu 01-Jun-2055 Jupiter 19-Apr-2070 Saturn 01-Jul-2078
Star: Anuradha, Pada 3 Me 22:49:02 Jupiter 01-Jun-2058 Saturn 05-Feb-2071 Mercury 30-Jan-2080
Star Lord: Saturn Saturn 30-Jan-2061 Mercury 18-Jan-2072 Ketu 02-Jul-2081
Mercury 31-Mar-2064 Ketu 24-Nov-2072 Venus 31-Jan-2082
Lagna: Virgo Lagna Lord: Mercury
Ketu 29-Jan-2067 Venus 01-Apr-2073 Sun 01-Oct-2083
Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Navami
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
V 14:12:21 Bal. Dasa: Saturn 7 Y, 7 M, 19 D 31-Mar-2084 - 31-Mar-2091 31-Mar-2091 - 31-Mar-2109 31-Mar-2109 - 31-Mar-2125
Ju 00:11:13 Mars 31-Mar-2084 Rahu 31-Mar-2091 Jupiter 31-Mar-2109
I 14:34:22 Rahu 28-Aug-2084 Jupiter 12-Dec-2093 Saturn 19-May-2111
Jupiter 15-Sep-2085 Saturn 06-May-2096 Mercury 30-Nov-2113
Saturn 22-Aug-2086 Mercury 13-Mar-2099 Ketu 06-Mar-2116
Mercury 30-Sep-2087 Ketu 30-Sep-2101 Venus 10-Feb-2117
Sa[R] 15:46:54 Ketu 27-Sep-2088 Venus 18-Oct-2102 Sun 12-Oct-2119
III 14:25:10 Venus 23-Feb-2089 Sun 18-Oct-2105 Moon 30-Jul-2120
Mo 11:18:30 Sun 25-Apr-2090 Moon 12-Sep-2106 Mars 29-Nov-2121
IV 14:07:15 Ma 09:53:55 II 14:26:55 Moon 30-Aug-2090 Mars 12-Mar-2108 Rahu 05-Nov-2122
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2016 26
Date of Birth Time of Place of Birth Lagna falls Moon falls in Jupiter falls
Birth in same sign in
31stJuly 1982 08-45-00 Hyderabad Leo 22-43-18 Scorpio sign Libra=08-31-
AM 21-33-25= 15
31stJuly 1983 08-45-00 Hyderabad Leo 22-28-48 Pisces Sign Scorpio=07-
AM 21-41-33 = 32-12
31stJuly 1984 08-45-00 Hyderabad Leo 22-10-45 Leo Sign Sagittari-
AM 21-11-07= us=10-55-49

31stJuly 1985 08-45-00 Hyderabad Leo 22-56-18 Capricorn Sign Capricorn

AM 04-38-01 = =19-01-50
31stJuly 1986 08-45-00 Hyderabad Leo 22-41-51 Taurus Sign Aquarius =
AM 11-18-49 = 28-43-54
31stJuly 1987 08-45-00 Hyderabad Leo 22-27-26 Virgo Sign Aries =05-30-
AM 12-11-40 = 12.
Hastha -1

NOTE:- When the lagna is tallied, we need not worry about the change of date and month
of the birth as there will not be any change . So we have to change the year only for check-
ing Jupiter’s position.

Our Guruji said that to arrive at the matters/events to happen within a few hours we
have to do it by moving the Lagna ; within a few days by moving Moon; within
months by moving Sun; and in years by moving Jupiter.

With the help of the above Ruling Planets, I want to check up the position of Jupiter. Jupi-
ter is in Aquarius sign in the erected chart as per the details furnished by the native. Its
sign lord is Saturn which has appeared among the Ruling Planets as Moon Star lord. But
the birth star has not tallied.

NOTE:- Saturn is not only the sign lord of Aquarius but also of Capricorn
sign. Therefore, Jupiter should be placed in Capricorn sign.
If Jupiter is placed in Capricorn, then the year of birth has to be changed to 1985. Then
alone Jupiter will appear in Capricorn sign. If the chart is erected by changing the year of
birth (31-07-1985, 08-45 AM; Hyderabad), the birth star will be reflected correctly as Utta-
rashadha -3 and the Lagna as Leo. (Uttarashadha star-2, 3, 4 quarters + Sravana star
complete 4 quarters + Dhanishta star 1,2 quarters are reflected in Capricorn Sign). Based
on these assumptions, the natal chart is erected for 31-07-1985 instead of 1986 (which is
also attached).

After arriving at Uttarashadha-3 as the birth star, I immediately phoned the father of this
girl and informed him that the year of birth is not 1986 but should be 1985. Then he ac-
cepted his fault in giving the birth particulars in a hasty mood. He also asked me to pardon
him for his shortcoming. I then told him not to take it seriously, for to err is human.

Thus the natal chart is correctly erected with the help of Ruling Planets which is propound-
ed by our late Sri KSK ji. This is nothing but the efficacy of the Ruling Planets. So we must
be grateful and thankful to our Guruji.

Note from editor: Apatkala Bandhus = Helping friend

KP Ezine October 2016 27

Job when?
By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613– P.B. Parekh Tower
Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165.
Phone: +91-7925460376
Email : ;

Question 1: After a long break, I am in the process of job search now to pursue my career.
I would like to know when I will get the job? And how successful I will be in my career?
DOB: 24/07/1984. Tuesday: TOB: 18:36:15 PM IST
Place of Birth. Coimbatore-TN Long/Lat: 11° N 00', 76° E 58’,
Aynamsha 230.33'.05"; Dasa days: 365.25

If the cuspal sub lord of the 6th or 10th be the significator of 2, 6 or 10 service or earning is
promised during the joint period of the significators of 2, 6 and 10.

Cuspal Sub lord

6th Cusp. (Gemini 080.58’.07”): The sub lord of the 6th is Jupiter. Jupiter is in the star of
Ketu and sub of Mercury. Jupiter is occupant of 12, owner of 3-12. Star lord Ketu is occu-
pant of 11. Ketu represents Mars. Mars is occupant of 10, owner of 4-11. No planet in the
stars of Mars and Mars is CSL of 11. Sub lord Mercury is occupant of 7, owner of 6-9. 6th
sub lord signifies 11-10-4 and connected with 12-3-7-6-9. Thus job is sure.

10th cusp. (Libra 140.47’.23”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Ketu. Ketu is in the star of
Saturn and sub of Venus. Ketu is occupant of 11. Ketu represents Mars. Mars is occupant
of 10, owner of 4-11. No planet in the stars of Mars and Mars is CSL of 11. Star lord Saturn
is occupant of 10, owner of 1-2. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 7, owner of 5-10. No planet
in the stars of Venus and Venus is CSL of 4. Thus 10th sub lord Ketu signifies 10-1-2, and
is connected with 11-10-4-7-5. So there is a chance for getting a job.

Joint Period
At the time of judgment, you are running Jupiter dasa up to 11-03-2030. Running joint pe-
riod is Jupiter-Jupiter-Mars up to 03-01-2016.

Dasa-Bhukti lord Jupiter is in the star of Ketu and sub of Mercury. Jupiter is occupant of
12, owner of 3-12. Star lord Ketu is occupant of 11. Ketu represents Mars. Mars is occu-
pant of 10, owner of 4-11. No planet in the stars of Mars and Mars is CSL of 11. Sub lord
Mercury is occupant of 7, owner of 6-9. Dasa-Bhukti lord Jupiter signifies 11-10-4-11, con-
nected with 12-3-7-6-9. Thus job is sure.

Running antra is Mars and it ends on 03-01-2016, within a few days. Thus, I check next
antra of Rahu from 03-01-2016 to 29-04-2016.

Running antra is Rahu, which ends on 26-07-2015. Thus, I go for next antara of Jupiter,
from 26-07-2015 to 04-12-2015.
Antra lord Rahu is in the star and sub of Moon. Rahu is occupant of 5. Rahu is conjoined
with Moon, hence represents Moon. Moon is occupant of 5, owner of 7. Star and sub lord
Moon is occupant of 5, owner of 7. Antra lord Rahu does not indicate 2-6-10. Thus, there is
no chance of getting a Job during this period.
This is the last Antra, and the bhukti changes to Saturn.
First Saturn bhukti-Saturn antra from 29-04-2016 to 23-09-2016.

KP Ezine October 2016 28

Sun Rise: 06:09:00 AM Sun Set: 06:48:02 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Vridhi Hora: Saturn Karana: Balav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Me Ma Ve
2 Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ju Sa Mo
3 U.Bhadra(3) Ju Sa Ra Ra Su
Ruling Planets - 24/Dec/2015 03:59:01 PM 4 Bharani(1) Ma Ve Ve Sa Sa
6 Aridra(1) Me Ra Ju Sa Me
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Me Su Su
Lagna Ve Su Ve Me Sa 8 Magha(3) Su Ke Ju Ra Ra
Moon Ve Ma Ra Sa Ra 9 Hasta(1) Me Mo Ra Ke Ju
Day Lord: Jupiter 10 Swati(3) Ve Ra Ke Ra Ju
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Ma Mo Mo
12 Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Ma Ma
II 10:09:04:04 Ju[R] 08:11:33:21
XII 08:08:58:07 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 09:06:08:26 Su Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Ve Ve Ra
III 11:13:08:03 Mo Rohini(3) Ve Mo Sa Ma Ve
XI 07:12:49:30
11 9 Ma Visakha(2) Ve Ju Me Ju Me
12 8 Me Magha(2) Su Ke Mo Sa Ju
Ju[R] Moola(4) Ju Ke Me Me Su
Ve Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Ke Ra Ra
Sa Swati(3) Ve Ra Ve Ra Ve
Ra 01:10:05:35 Ma 06:25:19:00 Ra Rohini(1) Ve Mo Mo Ma Ma
IV 00:14:47:23 Sa 06:16:15:10
Ke Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Ve Me Ra
10 X 06:14:47:23
Ke 07:10:05:35 Significators - Planets View
1 7
4 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 10 7 1, 2 8
Mo 5 5 7 7
Ve 03:18:52:59 Ma+ 12 10 3, 12 4, 11
V 01:12:49:30 Su 03:08:14:42 IX 05:13:08:03 Me 11 7 6, 9
Mo 01:17:09:28 VII 03:06:08:26 Ju 11 12 3, 12
2 Me 04:04:18:39 6 Ve+ 7 7 6, 9 5, 10
3 5 Sa 5 10 1, 2
Ra 5 5 7
VI 02:08:58:07 VIII 04:09:04:04 Ke 10 11 1, 2
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ve. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

IV 14:47:23 Ra 10:05:35 VI 08:58:07 Dasa Summary

V 12:49:30
Mo 17:09:28 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
11-Mar-1979 - 11-Mar-1989 11-Mar-1989 - 11-Mar-1996 11-Mar-1996 - 11-Mar-2014
Moon 11-Mar-1979 Mars 11-Mar-1989 Rahu 11-Mar-1996
Mars 10-Jan-1980 Rahu 08-Aug-1989 Jupiter 22-Nov-1998
Rahu 10-Aug-1980 Jupiter 26-Aug-1990 Saturn 17-Apr-2001
III 13:08:03 Jupiter 09-Feb-1982 Saturn 02-Aug-1991 Mercury 22-Feb-2004
Name: VII 06:08:26 Saturn 10-Jun-1983 Mercury 10-Sep-1992 Ketu 11-Sep-2006
Gender: Female Su 08:14:42 Mercury 09-Jan-1985 Ketu 08-Sep-1993 Venus 29-Sep-2007
Date: Tuesday, 24/Jul/1984 Ve 18:52:59 Ketu 11-Jun-1986 Venus 04-Feb-1994 Sun 29-Sep-2010
Venus 10-Jan-1987 Sun 06-Apr-1995 Moon 24-Aug-2011
Time: 06:36:15 PM SID: 14:23:52 Sun 09-Sep-1988 Moon 11-Aug-1995 Mars 22-Feb-2013
Lat: 11:00:00 N Lon: 76:58:00 E
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
Place: COIMBATORE, TAMIL NADU, India 11-Mar-2014 - 11-Mar-2030 11-Mar-2030 - 11-Mar-2049 11-Mar-2049 - 11-Mar-2066
Jupiter 11-Mar-2014 Saturn 11-Mar-2030 Mercury 11-Mar-2049
II 09:04:04 Saturn 29-Apr-2016 Mercury 15-Mar-2033 Ketu 08-Aug-2051
Ayanamsa: 23° 33' 5" Me 04:18:39 Mercury 10-Nov-2018 Ketu 22-Nov-2035 Venus 04-Aug-2052
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus VIII 09:04:04 Ketu 15-Feb-2021 Venus 01-Jan-2037 Sun 04-Jun-2055
Star: Rohini, Pada 3 Venus 22-Jan-2022 Sun 02-Mar-2040 Moon 10-Apr-2056
Star Lord: Moon Sun 22-Sep-2024 Moon 12-Feb-2041 Mars 09-Sep-2057
Rasi: Taurus Rasi Lord: Venus Moon 11-Jul-2025 Mars 13-Sep-2042 Rahu 06-Sep-2058
Mars 10-Nov-2026 Rahu 22-Oct-2043 Jupiter 26-Mar-2061
Lagna: Capricorn Lagna Lord: Saturn
Rahu 17-Oct-2027 Jupiter 29-Aug-2046 Saturn 01-Jul-2063
Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Ekadasi
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
I 06:08:26 Bal. Dasa: Moon 4 Y, 7 M, 17 D 11-Mar-2066 - 11-Mar-2073 11-Mar-2073 - 11-Mar-2093 11-Mar-2093 - 11-Mar-2099
IX 13:08:03 Ketu 11-Mar-2066 Venus 11-Mar-2073 Sun 11-Mar-2093
Venus 08-Aug-2066 Sun 11-Jul-2076 Moon 29-Jun-2093
Sun 07-Oct-2067 Moon 11-Jul-2077 Mars 29-Dec-2093
Moon 12-Feb-2068 Mars 12-Mar-2079 Rahu 06-May-2094
Mars 12-Sep-2068 Rahu 12-May-2080 Jupiter 30-Mar-2095
Rahu 09-Feb-2069 Jupiter 12-May-2083 Saturn 16-Jan-2096
Ma 25:19:00 Jupiter 27-Feb-2070 Saturn 10-Jan-2086 Mercury 28-Dec-2096
Ju[R] 11:33:21 XI 12:49:30 Sa 16:15:10 Saturn 03-Feb-2071 Mercury 12-Mar-2089 Ketu 04-Nov-2097
XII 08:58:07 Ke 10:05:35 X 14:47:23 Mercury 13-Mar-2072 Ketu 10-Jan-2092 Venus 12-Mar-2098
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2016 29
Bhukti-Antra lord Saturn is in the star of Rahu and sub of Venus. Saturn is occupant of
10, owner of 1-2. Star lord Rahu is occupant of 5. Rahu is aspected by Mars occupant of 10.
Sub lord Venus is occupant of 7, owner of 5-10. Antra lord Saturn signifies 2-10 = OK

My opinion: Between 29-04-2016 to 23-09-2016, you will get a job.

Outcome: Prediction came correct. She got a job offer on Aug 8th 2016, and joining date is
Aug 22nd 2016.

KP Ezine October 2016 30

Ques ons & Answers
By: Tin Win

Question 1: Rotation of the Horary Chart

I am regularly going through your KPEzine.
I am continuously and interestingly following your QUESTION AND ANSWERS.

I am sorry to comment that your answers are some times confusing me as

different answers are given to the for the same question discussed at different times.

For Example:
Question No:3 in KPEzine, February 2011, your answer is:
" In such a case with strong urge of querent and astrologer, it is reasonable to proceed the
analysis by just considering the 5th house as the lagna of the child ".

Question No:1 in KPEzine March 2012. Your answer is:

" No rotation of the KP horary could be tried, if the querent is very keen to know the result of
the closed relatives like daughter or son.

One of my client came to me and asked for the marriage of his son (first issue) and daughter
(second issue) and given two different horary nos.

IN view of above, which option should I consider?

1. straight away take the nos. and draw the charts for analysis,
2. Take 5th house as lagna for eldest one (in this case-son) for the no. given and
take 7th house as lagna for second issue(in this case-daughter)for the no. given
I request your advise.

Answer 1:
The answers depend on the specific questions. In your case it is advisable to take the second

Rotation of Horary Chart

In general as written in the article “Rotation of the KP Horary Chart” in KP-Ezine Nov. 2012
issue, a KP horary chart is for the person who gives the hoary number. (KP Reader VI, pp
89, 253, 269-270). If the query is for someone else other than the horary number giver, the
KP horary chart is rotated in the KP Reader VI (pp 160, 174, 213, 257, 259-260, 309),
based on the relation between the querent and the person in question.

This practice of chart rotation is followed by , Chandrakant R. Bhatt (Prashna Jyotish,

Chart no. 1, 2, 3, 39, 52, 53, 54, 55 and 56), M.P. Shanmugam (Astro secrets and Krishna-
murti Padhdhati, Part I, p 260), K.P. Kuppu Ganapathi (KPE-zine Feb 2007 issue), Astro
secrets & Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Part II, p 215), K. Subramaniam (Medical Astrology for
All, p 224), K. Hariharan (How to Judge Longevity, pp 35, 97), Dr. Arastu Prabhakar (New
Dimensions of K.P. Astrology - Horary, example 29), T. Rajendra Kumar (KP & Astrology
Year Book 2010, pp 59, 60, 61; 2012, p 58) etc.
The same chart rotation is done in the Western horary by William Lilly (Christian Astrology
p 127), Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson (Simplified Horary Astrology, p 75), Anthony Louis (Horary

KP Ezine October 2016 31

Astrology Plain & Simple, pp 15, 41, 124), Deborah Houlding (Learning Horary Astrology)

No Rotation of Horary Chart

There is a view of no rotation of the KP horary chart in the circumstances below:
1) The astrologer would like to know the result for his own interest. For example, “Will PM
Indira Gandhi win the parliamentary elections?” (Chandrakant. R. Bhatt: Prashna
Jyotish, Chart 42)
2) There is no need to rotate the chart as the horary number is meant for the person about
whom query is put for, reflecting the anxiety of the querent for his near-dear (like daugh-
ter or son). (Dr. K.R. Kar: K.P. & Astrology Year Book 2003, p 66)

Bottom Line
Generally it is to rotate the horary chart if the query is for someone else other than the ho-
rary number giver. In the case of astrologer’s own interest or if the querent is very keen to
know the result of the closed relatives like daughter or son, no rotation of chart may be
tried up to the preference or experience of astrologer.

Question 2: Field of Horary

I am a learner of KP System.
Some astrologers is of the opinion that HORARY is to be used for temporary issues like, school
admission, train coming etc and not for permanent issues like marriage etc.,
I request for your opinion in this regard.

Answer 2:
Generally horary is resorted for those who have no horoscope or who doubt the correctness
of their horoscopes. Horary can answer all questions and clear all doubts. (KP Reader VI, p
15) But horary is not the substitute of natal horoscope. Horary cannot give what is not
promised in the natal chart.

Question 3: Golden Rule in KP

"Once you posted a question about the planet in it's own star and no planet in its star, planet
in it's own star and other planets in it's star" .

I could not find this. If you have this post on your Timeline then please reshare that post. Will
you help me in this regard??

You responded to the question of partha ji by posting this answer..

I asked partha ji, hope he will reply.
Meanwhile, I ask you to share that post if you can.

Answer 3:
Important Rule: If there is no planet in the stars of a planet, that planet is the strong sig-
nificator of houses for which it is the cuspal sub lord.

A planet with no planet in its stars has not only positional status but also is the strong sig-
nificator of the houses under its sub lordship because there is no planet in the star level to
give its result.

The validity of this useful rule is tested by practicing KP astrologers like PS Rao, Vikari
Ramamurthi, Kuppu Ganapathi, R. Mukunda Rajan, Kanak Bosmia etc.

This rule is the same as the Golden Rule in KP: If a planet is a cuspal sublord of any house
and is untenanted, it becomes the strong significator of that house. . " X cusp sublord is Ra-
hu. No planet is in the star of Rau. Therefore Rahu is a strong significator of the X house,
even though he occupies the IX … (Astro secrets & KP Part II, p 197)

KP Ezine October 2016 32

Other possibilities related to this rule:
a. If the planet is not the cuspal sub lord of any house, it will have only positional status,
i.e. it will be the strong significator of the house occupied by that planet.
b. A planet in its own stars having no planet in its stars can have positional status but
cannot be the strong significator of the houses under its sub lordship because that plan-
et has to give the result of own in the star level.
c. A planet in its own stars also having any other planet(s) in its stars can have neither po-
sitional status nor the role of strong significator of the house(s) under its cuspal sub
lordship because that planet has to give the results of own and other planet(s) in the star

The only reference available is explanation of the following same chart in the KP Redear III
in the 1971 edition and new addition as given under:

"3rd, 7th and 9th cusps fall in the sub of Saturn. Hence Saturn is very prominent. Saturn
rules Pyshyam, Anusham and Utharapa thra. Only Saturn is Anusham. Hence take Saturn
too as take Saturn too as a very strong significator" (for foreign going) (KP Reader III, 1971
Edition, Practical Part p 151)

"Please note that Saturn is the sublord of 3rd and 9th cusp and no planet is tenanted in his
star except himself. So as I mentioned in the beginning of the article, Saturn
has emerged as a strong significator in the above case(for foreign going), by owning the sub
of relevant cusps and not from analysis of bhavas." (KP Reader III, New Edition, p 316)

Question 4: Correct casting of Donald Trump’s Chart

Astrdata bank uses EDT h4w (is daylight saving time) and PVR author of J
Hora also used TZ 4 hrs while predicting on face book as per information to
list. You are stating 5 hour west. TZ should be confirmed to arrive at correct chart.

Donald Trump: 14/Jun/1946, Friday, 10:54 AM DST, TZ hr 5 west, Jamaica, New York, USA,
40n41, 73w48, KP New Ayanamsa: 23° 1' 10", Asc. Leo 06:56:52, Mercury Dasa bal.2 Y, 3 M,
23 D, calculated by KPAstro 4.1.

With the data you write here, I get Lagna of Trump at 18*48' Leo and not 6* 57' Leo as you
say. Something wrong somewhere. Or One hour correction is to be applied?

Answer 4:,_Donald
Name Trump, Donald Gender: M
Birthname Donald John Trump
born on 14 June 1946 at 10:54 (= 10:54 AM )
Place Jamaica, New York, 40n41, 73w48
Timezone EDT h4w (is daylight saving me)

Rodden Ra ng AA
Data source BC/BR in hand
Collector: Rodden

data 22°56' 21°12 Asc. 29°58'

Time Zone is hr 5 west minus DST 1 hr = net TZ hr 4 west is as shown in the above link.
Also as shown in the above link, sayana Asc. Leo 29:58 minus KP ayanamsa 28:02 = nira-
yana Asc, Leo 6:56.

KP Ezine October 2016 33

The main reason for getting the incorrect Lagna is that two things are wrong in using JHora
Firstly JHora 8.0 doesn’t adjust the Day Light Saving time (DST) like in KPAstro 4.1. (So the
DST adjusted TZ 4 hr should be entered in place of 5 hr which appears in the data entry.)
Secondly when “Jamaica, New York” entered, it shows Jamestown, New York, with different
Lat & Lon.
That is why the wrong Lagna 14 Le 48' 29.66" is got.

JHora 8.0
Natal Chart: Donald Trump
Date: June 14, 1946
Time: 10:54:00
Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)
Place: 79 W 14' 08", 42 N 05' 49"
Jamestown, New York, USA
Ayanamsa: 23-00-45.13 (KP)
Sidereal Time: 4:06:25
Lagna - 14 Le 48' 29.66"
Sun - - 29 Ta 57' 57.77"
Moon - 28 Sc 41' 25.79"

2. It’s still inaccurate Lagna 3 Le 09' 05.09" after adjusting TZ to 4hr because Jamestown
automatically appears for Jamaica in the data entry. .

JHora 8.0
Natal Chart: Donald Trump
Date: June 14, 1946
Time: 10:54:00
Time Zone: 4:00:00 (West of GMT)
Place: 79 W 14' 08", 42 N 05' 49"
Jamestown, New York, USA

Ayanamsa: 23-00-45.12
Sidereal Time: 3:06:15
Lagna- 3 Le 09' 05.09"
Sun - 29 Ta 55' 34.55"
Moon -28 Sc 11' 46.46"
Mars - PiK 3 Le 46' 26.69"
3. Now old JHora 7.0 provides Lat & Long for Jamaica and after adjusting TZ to 4.0 hr, the
correct Lagna 6 Le 56' 41.39" is got as given by KPAstro 4.1.

JHora 7.0
Natal Chart: Donald Trump
Date: June 14, 1946
Time: 10:54:00
Time Zone: 4:00:00 (West of GMT)
Place: 73 W 48' 22", 40 N 41' 29"
Jamaica, New York, USA

Ayanamsa: 23-01-10.66
Sidereal Time: 3:27:58

Lagna- -6 Le 56' 41.39"

Sun - - 29 Ta 54' 51.58"
Moon -28 Sc 11' 03.49"

KP Ezine October 2016 34

KP Ezine October 2016 35
Book Review
KP & Astrology 2015

By: Tin Win


KP & Astrology 2015

Editor K. Subramaniam, Krishman & Co., 257 pages

This year book is for last year but I could order it recently. So it is presented here for rec-
ord. In the Guruji K.S.K’s article, it is mentioned, “As the significators are many, beneficial
significators are to be selected, rejecting the useless ones. To select the beneficial significa-
tors, there are two methods and both are to be scrutinized.
A. Note the ruling planets at the time of judgment;
B. Note the sub lord of signifcators. If the sub lord is one of the significators, then the
planet deposited in such a sub is beneficial, otherwise not.”

In the article “Cuspal sub lord diverts Dasa lord”, it is just considering of the planet, its
star lord, sub lord and up to 4th step- sub’s star lord in the way of K.M. Subramaniam’s
“Sublord Speaks”. It is not the way we have learnt “Cuspal sub lord diverts Dasa lord” from
the Astro secrets book.

In the article “K.P. astrology produces computer professionals.”, the following rules are
tested on the 20 charts of computer professionals.

Rule 1:
A. 3rd/5th cuspal sub lord (CSL) should signify 4,9,11.
B. 3rd/5th CSL should be connected well to Ketu and Mercury.
Rule 2:
A. 10th /6th CSL should signify 3,4,5 and 9.
B. 10th /6th CSL should be well connected to Ketu and Mercury.
Rule 3:
Amatyakaraka planet should be well connected to educational houses (4,9,11), computer
educational houses (3,5), professional houses (2,6,10) and the computer planets (Ketu and
Rule 4:

KP Ezine October 2016 36

Dasamaarudha or Rajiyaarudha Lagna lord should be well connected to 4,9,11; 3,5; 2,6,10
and also to Ketu and Mercury.

1. Twin birth- Education and health – K. Subramaniam
2. Love marriage- KP explains – Katakam Ramasamy
3. Health care- KP takes care – N. Mylvaganam
4. Power of sub lord – X - V.S. Mahesh Iyer
5. How to find a planet as a strong and weak significator in KP system - V.S. Mahesh Iyer
6. House purchase – an astrological study – G. Subramaniam
7. Lagna – the kingpin of horoscope – S.A. Koteswara Rao
8. KP case study – Subash Nair
9. Saturn is ever our guest. – Late Prof. KSK
10. Further end from son’s chart – Dr. Nimai Chandra Gorai
11. Time for loan – Murugadas Ravikumar
12. Death of father foreseen from son’s horoscope – P.P. Ramachandra Upadhyaya
13. Lottery and luck – by Late Prof. K.S.K.
14. KP and marriage – Sudhakar Panda
15. Marriage when? – S.N. Sardar
16. Hud-hud super cyclone – Dr. V.V. Ravi & V. Bhanumathi
17. Missing person and his return – Y.S.N. Murthy
18. Predicted date and time through KP – C.B. Narnauli
19. K.P. and Vatsu astrology - C.B. Narnauli
20. Punarphoo and marriage problem – Pankaj Himvan
21. Astrology and romance – Late A. Sivapatham
22. Cuspal sub lord diverts Dasa lord - G. Sadasivan
23. Marriage – magic of 7 – K.P. reveals the secret – K.P. Kuppu Ganapathy
24. When will be the marriage? - Kalidass
25. Astrology proved itself as a pure science. – Krishna Kornginnaya
26. Prediction techniques and timing – Vijayajit Singh
27. Unmarried horoscopes – Dr. T.D. Kamalanabha Sarma
28. Marriages made in K.P. – A. Balasekar
29. K.P. astrology produces computer professionals. - V.S.N. Murthy
30. Transit of Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars in 2015
31. Transit of slow moving planets in 2015
32, Moon’s transit in 2015
33. Nirayana position of planets for 2015
34. Daily guide for 2015
35. Predictions for the year 2015

KP Ezine October 2016 37

Planetary Positions
For O5.30 AM Ahmedabad
October 2016

Date SID Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
01/Oct/2016 05:31:02 Vi 14:14:34 Vi 14:09:22 Sg 08:24:36 Le 26:41:59 Vi 10:38:09 Li 14:59:47 Sc 17:36:57 Le 17:05:51 Aq 17:05:51
02/Oct/2016 05:34:58 Vi 15:13:36 Vi 26:11:27 Sg 09:04:28 Le 27:58:53 Vi 10:51:07 Li 16:12:51 Sc 17:41:20 Le 17:02:40 Aq 17:02:40
03/Oct/2016 05:38:55 Vi 16:12:39 Li 08:07:39 Sg 09:44:30 Le 29:20:55 Vi 11:04:04 Li 17:25:53 Sc 17:45:48 Le 16:59:29 Aq 16:59:29
04/Oct/2016 05:42:51 Vi 17:11:45 Li 19:59:51 Sg 10:24:40 Vi 00:47:26 Vi 11:17:01 Li 18:38:54 Sc 17:50:20 Le 16:56:18 Aq 16:56:18
05/Oct/2016 05:46:48 Vi 18:10:53 Sc 01:50:16 Sg 11:05:00 Vi 02:17:47 Vi 11:29:58 Li 19:51:55 Sc 17:54:56 Le 16:53:07 Aq 16:53:07
06/Oct/2016 05:50:44 Vi 19:10:02 Sc 13:41:41 Sg 11:45:29 Vi 03:51:23 Vi 11:42:53 Li 21:04:53 Sc 17:59:37 Le 16:49:57 Aq 16:49:57
07/Oct/2016 05:54:41 Vi 20:09:14 Sc 25:37:24 Sg 12:26:07 Vi 05:27:39 Vi 11:55:48 Li 22:17:51 Sc 18:04:22 Le 16:46:46 Aq 16:46:46
08/Oct/2016 05:58:37 Vi 21:08:27 Sg 07:41:17 Sg 13:06:52 Vi 07:06:08 Vi 12:08:43 Li 23:30:47 Sc 18:09:11 Le 16:43:35 Aq 16:43:35
09/Oct/2016 06:02:34 Vi 22:07:42 Sg 19:57:38 Sg 13:47:46 Vi 08:46:22 Vi 12:21:36 Li 24:43:42 Sc 18:14:04 Le 16:40:24 Aq 16:40:24
10/Oct/2016 06:06:31 Vi 23:06:59 Cp 02:30:56 Sg 14:28:48 Vi 10:27:58 Vi 12:34:29 Li 25:56:35 Sc 18:19:01 Le 16:37:14 Aq 16:37:14
11/Oct/2016 06:10:27 Vi 24:06:17 Cp 15:25:34 Sg 15:09:58 Vi 12:10:37 Vi 12:47:20 Li 27:09:27 Sc 18:24:02 Le 16:34:03 Aq 16:34:03
12/Oct/2016 06:14:24 Vi 25:05:38 Cp 28:45:15 Sg 15:51:15 Vi 13:54:00 Vi 13:00:11 Li 28:22:17 Sc 18:29:07 Le 16:30:52 Aq 16:30:52
13/Oct/2016 06:18:20 Vi 26:05:00 Aq 12:32:26 Sg 16:32:39 Vi 15:37:52 Vi 13:13:00 Li 29:35:06 Sc 18:34:16 Le 16:27:41 Aq 16:27:41
14/Oct/2016 06:22:17 Vi 27:04:23 Aq 26:47:29 Sg 17:14:11 Vi 17:22:02 Vi 13:25:48 Sc 00:47:52 Sc 18:39:28 Le 16:24:30 Aq 16:24:30
15/Oct/2016 06:26:13 Vi 28:03:49 Pi 11:27:56 Sg 17:55:49 Vi 19:06:18 Vi 13:38:34 Sc 02:00:37 Sc 18:44:45 Le 16:21:19 Aq 16:21:19
16/Oct/2016 06:30:10 Vi 29:03:17 Pi 26:28:14 Sg 18:37:34 Vi 20:50:32 Vi 13:51:19 Sc 03:13:21 Sc 18:50:04 Le 16:18:08 Aq 16:18:08
17/Oct/2016 06:34:06 Li 00:02:46 Ar 11:39:53 Sg 19:19:26 Vi 22:34:36 Vi 14:04:03 Sc 04:26:02 Sc 18:55:28 Le 16:14:58 Aq 16:14:58
18/Oct/2016 06:38:03 Li 01:02:18 Ar 26:52:37 Sg 20:01:25 Vi 24:18:26 Vi 14:16:45 Sc 05:38:42 Sc 19:00:55 Le 16:11:47 Aq 16:11:47
19/Oct/2016 06:42:00 Li 02:01:52 Ta 11:56:04 Sg 20:43:29 Vi 26:01:56 Vi 14:29:26 Sc 06:51:21 Sc 19:06:26 Le 16:08:36 Aq 16:08:36
20/Oct/2016 06:45:56 Li 03:01:28 Ta 26:41:34 Sg 21:25:41 Vi 27:45:02 Vi 14:42:06 Sc 08:03:58 Sc 19:12:00 Le 16:05:25 Aq 16:05:25
21/Oct/2016 06:49:53 Li 04:01:07 Ge 11:03:14 Sg 22:07:58 Vi 29:27:42 Vi 14:54:43 Sc 09:16:33 Sc 19:17:37 Le 16:02:15 Aq 16:02:15
22/Oct/2016 06:53:49 Li 05:00:48 Ge 24:58:29 Sg 22:50:22 Li 01:09:54 Vi 15:07:19 Sc 10:29:07 Sc 19:23:18 Le 15:59:04 Aq 15:59:04
23/Oct/2016 06:57:46 Li 06:00:31 Cn 08:27:32 Sg 23:32:52 Li 02:51:36 Vi 15:19:53 Sc 11:41:39 Sc 19:29:02 Le 15:55:53 Aq 15:55:53
24/Oct/2016 07:01:42 Li 07:00:16 Cn 21:32:37 Sg 24:15:27 Li 04:32:47 Vi 15:32:24 Sc 12:54:09 Sc 19:34:50 Le 15:52:42 Aq 15:52:42
25/Oct/2016 07:05:39 Li 08:00:04 Le 04:17:12 Sg 24:58:09 Li 06:13:26 Vi 15:44:54 Sc 14:06:38 Sc 19:40:40 Le 15:49:32 Aq 15:49:32
26/Oct/2016 07:09:35 Li 08:59:54 Le 16:45:10 Sg 25:40:56 Li 07:53:33 Vi 15:57:22 Sc 15:19:05 Sc 19:46:34 Le 15:46:21 Aq 15:46:21
27/Oct/2016 07:13:32 Li 09:59:45 Le 29:00:21 Sg 26:23:50 Li 09:33:09 Vi 16:09:47 Sc 16:31:30 Sc 19:52:31 Le 15:43:10 Aq 15:43:10
28/Oct/2016 07:17:29 Li 10:59:39 Vi 11:06:06 Sg 27:06:48 Li 11:12:13 Vi 16:22:10 Sc 17:43:53 Sc 19:58:30 Le 15:39:59 Aq 15:39:59
29/Oct/2016 07:21:25 Li 11:59:35 Vi 23:05:17 Sg 27:49:53 Li 12:50:45 Vi 16:34:30 Sc 18:56:15 Sc 20:04:33 Le 15:36:48 Aq 15:36:48
30/Oct/2016 07:25:22 Li 12:59:34 Li 05:00:08 Sg 28:33:03 Li 14:28:47 Vi 16:46:48 Sc 20:08:35 Sc 20:10:38 Le 15:33:37 Aq 15:33:37
31/Oct/2016 07:29:18 Li 13:59:34 Li 16:52:25 Sg 29:16:18 Li 16:06:19 Vi 16:59:04 Sc 21:20:52 Sc 20:16:46 Le 15:30:26 Aq 15:30:26
KPEzine October 2016 38

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