14 Sep 2010

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SURVEY NUMEROLOGICSI A majority of working couples in the city can only trust their parents to take care of their new-born child. Full-time jobs, ADVICE FOR
According to the Quality of Life Survey conducted
jointly by DNA and AZ Research, it was observed
that overall in Mumbai, 35% of the working
insecurity over their young ones’ welfare are overriding concerns. Arcopol Chaudhuri scopes out their worries PARENTS
couples are dependant on their parents to take

Grandma is the new mommy Parents must

care of their child. A significant number of
couples share the responsibility amongst
themselves. Relatives also play a major role in
looking after the child. Interestingly, the use of a
domestic help or that of a creche is rather
limited all over Mumbai.
make the
(Sample: 1200, SEC A/B, Age: 28-60 years, M/F) ne-year-old Pavitra’s par- most of
O ents are a regular working
couple. Her mother, Ni-
tisha Agrawal, works with an auto weekends
company; her father, Pradeep Ra-
jshekharan, is employed with a fi- Infants need
The following charts represent who couples
entrust their kids with when they are out for nancial services firm. a great sup-
work. Overall, 35% rely on their parents, 31% Both leave together for work port system
said that either of the spouses takes charge. from their Chembur residence right from
by 8.30am after which Pavitra the begin-
spends the rest of the day with ning. Ideal-
her grandmother. There’s also a ly, its the
maid who is always around dur- parents who should pro-
ing the day and helps ensure that vide it, but considering the
the little girl’s playful antics city’s lifestyle and its limi-
don’t get messy. For Pavitra, tations, it is a good idea if
hanging out with parents is the in-laws of either the fa-
more of an evening and weekend ther or mother stay with
phenomenon. the kid while the parents
Overall are at work during day-
time. A paid help or a nan-

35% ny can also take care of the

kid, but you can’t com-
pletely trust them, since
most of them are not
trained professionals.
There have also been inci-
dents reported of sexual

Swapnil Sakhare DNA

abuse involving the baby-
sitter and the kid and par-
ents understandably are
Some miles away, at Ambar- extremely concerned about
nath, Surojeet and Hina Mitra’s these issues. With the
parents take on a similar role for trend of nuclear families,
Mumbai one-year-old Shreyan, after both while it may be initially
leave for work on weekdays. When Nitisha Agrawal and Pradeep Rajshekharan (in the background) are at work, Pavitra spends time with her grandmother. uncomfortable to have

34% Both Pavitra and Shreyan are

typical of Mumbai life, where
parents of working adults are in-
family is really well-endowed,
neither spouse can afford to relax
year old Shikhar, agrees. She
says, “I would love to spend all
have her mother come over. She
says, “After my father passed
does a good job, I won’t trust my
child exclusively with her. I’ve
your in-laws stay with you,
but the compromise is
worth it. They obviously
creasingly taking on the mandate at home. And once they become my time with him. A mother can away last year, my mother’s been read some disturbing stories in care a lot more for the child
of daytime guardian for kids parents, the dilemma is not an make a lot of difference, but both more than happy to stay with us. newspapers about maids hand- than a nanny would. They
since neither parent can devote easy one to deal with, especially my husband and I are drawing I’m glad that she’s around.” ing over children to beggars and can also teach him/her the
all his/her time towards the for the mother. Agrawal says, “I healthy salaries currently and Mitra shares the same senti- such news does make me anx- same values that they
child. think no Indian woman would even if one of us takes a break, ment. He and his wife spend close ious. My parents’ presence is a taught their own kids. Par-
The Quality of Life survey want to resume her full-time job, it will bring a rather drastic to four-and-a-half hours travelling blessing.” ents, meanwhile can com-
conducted by DNA and AZ Re- within a few months after she’s change in our lifestyle.” between office and home on week- Its probably one reason why pensate for lost time, by
search, testifies this, finding the had a baby. I had planned to take Karmakar recently resumed days and they’re sapped of all en- very few respondents employ a making most of the week-
pattern similar across Mumbai. a break for at least 2-3 years. But working after a hiring a domes- ergy by the time they return domestic help for their child. end in spending time with
Navi Thane leads the way where my mother’s presence here as- tic help and says it would cer- home. “Shreyan will miss out a lot What’s more, only a fraction of their children.
Mumbai parents and the spouse take equal sured me that my child would be tainly be an advantage if their on spending time with his parents. those surveyed said they use a
responsibility for the child. taken care of.” parents — currently in Kolkata It will be a very different child- creche for their kids when Dr Anjali Chhabria,

32% Couples in the city admit that ex-

penses are such that unless the
Goregaon resident Bonani
Gupta Karmakar, mother of two-
— could stay with her.
Agrawal has been fortunate to
hood, not like mine,” says Mitra.
He adds, “Although my maid
they’re away at work.
practicing consultant and

Milk, diapers, temptation: Confessions of a baby-sitter

My first tryst with baby-sitting was plore the house by yourself. But
about six years ago, when I was en- My job is a strange one. I’m constantly anyone would do such a thing. SUCH IS LIFEI Sudhir Shetty
trusted with the responsibility of a working towards helping the kid grow up, I’ve never stolen money, but fin-
one-year-old toddler. Her parents, ishing a pack of chips or tasting
Thane who were my neighbours in Parel, with the knowledge that the moment it does, some exotic chocolates is com-
wanted to attend a funeral of a rel- I won’t be required anymore monplace. I’ve heard of stories

43% ative and did not wish to take her

along. I was 16 then. And, to add to
my nerves, the baby cried all day
A babysitter at Mulund
where the nanny has stolen eata-
bles, cash, clothes, pickles and
spoons. I know someone who
long. However, by evening, just takes a relaxed hot-water bath the
when I’d lost all hope about my The lady was clearly desperate. I’m also paid to cook and stay with moment she puts the kids to sleep.
ability to play nanny, she mellowed Initially, I thought she was lazy, the family on weekdays. I won’t Initially, such indulgences can
down and was even playful when running away from her responsi- call myself a pro, since I’ve not ex- be tempting, but after some months
her parents turned up. bility of bringing up a cranky new- perienced motherhood myself. I you develop a certain bond with the
Her mother appreciated my ef- born, but later I learnt she was soon will, hopefully when I get children and stop. I was once look-
forts. And as it happens in close- planning to take up a full-time job. married by the end of this year. ing after a two-year-old girl who
knit societies, word spread quick- She’d pay me Rs2,000 per month. I’d But right now, there are only some once choked on some upma I’d fed
ly about how I’d kept the kid play- look after her son from Monday to things I can teach a baby — disci- her. Although she was alright in a
ful all day! (laughs) Soon, women Friday and would receive two full pline and cleanliness being the few minutes, I still haven’t mus-
in the society began to entrust me meals prepared by the cook. It was most important. Family values, tered the courage to tell her parents
with the responsibility of taking a good start, but largely led by des- culture, respect have to be taught about it. But I was really worried
IFEEDBACKI care of their children.
What began as a favour, slowly
peration on her part of finding
someone to take charge of her baby
by the family. If you ask me, I
wouldn’t ever keep my kid with a
— not just of the consequences, but
also about the girl.
turned into a barter where some as soon as possible. baby-sitter. I’d give up my job to en- My job is a strange one. I’m con-
How has your experience been bringing of them handed over the day’s un- Since then I’ve been hired by sure he/she grows in front of me. stantly working towards helping
up your child in this city? What kind of sold vegetables to my mother. It three different families — mostly I’d be lying if I say I haven’t the kid grow up little by little, with
lifestyle changes have you made for was only when a lady in our soci- working couples — in Matunga, done anything unethical while on the knowledge that the moment it
him/her? Share your story with us at ety told her employer in Dadar Thane and my current job in Mu- the job. For the first few days in a does, I won’t be required anymore.
speakup@dnaindia.net about my skills, that I was offered lund. Over a period of time, I’ve new family, when you’ve put the (Name withheld on request)
the role of a baby-sitter. seen my skills improve and now kids to bed, you’re tempted to ex- (As told to Arcopol Chaudhuri)

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1 Weather sets problem for loved ones hard work (7)
(11) 7 Courses in aviation (6,5) How to Fill each of the blank boxes with the number grid from 1-9, and the
letter grid from A-I with no letters or numbers repeating in vertical,
9 Time free for making wreath secure 8 See 17 Down play horizontal rows or 3x 3 grids. Do not repeat any letters in a line.
(7) 13 Break one’s nose perhaps (8) Each puzzle has only one solution.
Crossword no 1728

10 Number have a light grip (5) 15 Mother’s driving in fourth gear and
11 Musical soldiers in line (4) all at sea (7)
Yesterday’s solution

12 Uplift spiritually? (8) 17 and 8 Down: Be smart and continue

14 Tone adopted by doctor coming in to work in the theatre (4,2,11)
weary (6) 20 Musical composition from more
16 Underground source of salt? (6) remote times (5)
18 Shaken and upset (8) 21 I’m in a new car (4)
19 A sign that Verne’s captain has Solution No: 1727
returned (4) Across: 1 Spring, 4 Escapade, 9
22 Something wrong with a knot? (5) Rotary, 10 Resident, 12 Rate, 13
23 Strain we hear inducing love? (7) Writs, 14 Dent, 17 Tropical fish, 20
24 Fit to take possession (11) Moneylending, 23 Nuts, 24 Warms,
Down 25 So-so, 28 Ordering, 29 Top hat, 30
2 Call we hear to help with the laundry Moondust, 31 Poetic.
(5) Down: 1 Sorority, 2 Rotation, 3 Nero, 5
3 Where needles are kept just in case Sheet of flame, 6 Arid, 7 Aneled, 8
(4) Estate, 11 Greasepaints, 15 Minor, team speak up
4 He’d caught the fish having leaned Brinda Majithia, Meghna Sharma and Nitin Kumar
16 Using, 18 Ricochet, 19
over (6) Agnostic, 21 Inform, 22 Studio, 26 GET IN TOUCH: Please email us your views at speakup@dnaindia.net , or call on 022- 43888455 or post
5 A writer’s attributes (8) Grid, 27 Polo. feedback to DNA Wing, 1st Floor, Oasis Complex, Kamala Mills Compound,
PB Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400 013

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