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The Nudist on the Late Shift and Other Tales of Silicon

Valley (review)

Alun Owen

Leonardo, Volume 34, Number 1, February 2001, pp. 79-80 (Review)

Published by The MIT Press

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by Po Bronson. Random House, New
York, 1999. 248 pp. ISBN: 0-375-50277-7.

Reviewed by Alun Owen, 56 Swansea Road,

Llangyfelach, Swansea, SA5 7JA, Wales,
U.K. E-mail: <>.

If one mentions Silicon Valley, people

invariably picture wealth beyond imagi-
nation in a fantasy-land where every
other resident is a computer geek with

Leonardo Reviews 79
a billion-dollar idea, a Bill Gates in wait- the successes of the likes of Microsoft,
ing in the valley of dreams. Silicon Val- Oracle, Cisco and Novell—they may not
ley now rivals, maybe surpasses, Holly- be glamorous, but they are certainly prof-
wood as a magnet for those with talent, itable. Opportunities also exist for
initiative and a good idea. They come smaller players to share the spoils.
from near and far, eager to share in the Among the unusual trades exposed
Gold Rush of the information age. in the book, the most opportunistic is
Po Bronson, a graduate of Stanford that of the “cubicle guy,” who buys used
University (which is in Silicon Valley), cubicles from faltering or failed busi-
knows the physical terrain of this ill-de- nesses in order to refurbish and sell
fined area south of San Francisco well. them. This trade is as ruthless as any in
However, he realizes that the search for the Valley, with much competition and
a single place that encapsulates or ex- keen prices; a used cubicle sells for
plains the Valley experience is fruitless little more than half that of a new one.
and that insight is built up over time, in The cubicle guy’s success is due to his
many layers, by many small hints. For awareness of the first signs of business
the follow-up to his novel The First $20 failure—faltering share prices and re-
Million Is Always the Hardest, Bronson re- dundancies—-and his speed of action.
turns to Silicon Valley to give us the Ambulance-chasing lawyers have noth-
real story in this collection of essays. ing on this character. His trade, how-
To Bronson, there are two principal ever, can be seen as a microcosm of the
problems in attempting to portray Sili- computer industry in the area where a
con Valley: that there is “very little good idea, vigorous research and rapid
there, there” and that the real business implementation are essential precur-
of the Valley, the creation of tomorrow’s sors to success. The recycling of cu-
technology, proceeds behind a forbid- bicles also parallels the recycling of
ding legal firewall policed by some of staff, where the rapid rate of re-employ-
the world’s most expensive lawyers. The ment of employees gives the Valley a
tightest of non-disclosure agreements near-zero unemployment rate.
and strictest of employee contracts pre- Bronson does not look to answer the
clude the escape of even the most trivial question of how Silicon Valley became
of whispers, that is, until a product is what it is, where it is. He instead uses
ready to ship, when the publicity flood the differing perspectives of his subjects
gates are thrown open. to emphasize that Silicon Valley is a
Bronson does not focus on big names state of mind perpetuated by an evolu-
known to every man in the street but tionary culture. To quote the nudist
turns instead to the less famous, endeav- himself, “work today has to be half
oring to find out what makes them tick. work, half play. We spend our whole
The impetus for Bronson’s approach was lives at the workplace.” Bronson takes
a Valley rumor—the rumor that some- us into this melting pot of innovation
where, after dark, an eccentric program- and high finance and engagingly por-
mer works in his cubicle and very little trays this new culture. This book leaves
else. Bronson’s determination to validate one fascinated by the irresistible draw
this urban myth forced him to conclude that Silicon Valley poses to the highly
that money was not the only motivator in talented and highly ambitious, lured
Silicon Valley, just as nudism relegates not just by money but by the drive to re-
materialism in favor of self-expression. alize ideas and make a difference.
In his quest to discover the nature of
Valley life, Bronson sees through the
veneer of money without being dis-
tracted or envious. He does not ask the
obvious questions asked by those who
cannot see through the dollar signs.
Rather than asking David Filo, co-
founder of Yahoo, about the feeling of
being worth five hundred million dol-
lars, he asks him if he still sleeps under
his desk and observes that he is wearing
an Excite T-shirt.
In the 1848 California Gold Rush, it
was not starry-eyed prospectors making
the real money, but entrepreneurs selling
picks and shovels. This is echoed today in

80 Leonardo Reviews

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