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License Agr eement
gtOJtbiJij'UiE!itJfijllj License Agreement No, A4Q6 - 0 GG-:0 8Wl Date : "2't - 4-- 2c~
*g"fOJ AjiW4 Licensee Information
~iS I i:>- aJiSfJll (CP X:l
Name I Company Name (English) s:t:.g..V (CR.? HK CEN]1<f"lL LiQ
Address utttll;) : LU'E L n 1\& c \ t-.IT L tp...h-NCE [1& <a D NM (f ~r. C~TKI1L
~~8m:~li Contact Tel : J..'2..s \ <trs~ 6 /9 I 33S \ ~ '(
Reference No : V406 - aDCl <...
-t- o "\ q "2 o \ \
Wig"fOJ Af.El.,EW~if.4 Agreement t erms by Licenser and Licensee
ril(1Ll)}E~ Unit No : :*: *-,".)iIDffi Approxim ate Size :\l \) 1
B IlJl Term : H:! From : II -S-2Dj] ~ To : \ 0- G- ~ \ B
Fee and Charges Monthly License fee
Standard Fee (HKS)

Promotion Fee (HK$)

Deposit (HK$) j.t; HK$ ~ ~

c a rd ~* ( Di!i ~ Card No : ~ HK$ ~~i

Kt-: Others (HK$) ~ HK $ ~ffl

I fiif,X1J;E: Payment Method :

o fJ1.~ Cash D 1i.mCheque 0 iff 6.l¥P.R Bank Transfer :!t:{1 Paid HK$ i!%'
D M 13 if~ Transfer from No :!t:f1 Paid HK$ if!'!I't
~~ Balance HK$ ii!W
I ~f1ll (Not ice)
• ~ ~ RI1i~.R{EJtll~jfl@]~MiE'f OJAf!"JmfJ p D . ~fJpo;g !Ill1.\
Deposit will be refunded 10!he licensee' s bank accountonly when the term expired ;
r SER." COR? HK C'E.Nl""RJ\-L l.i'Q
• i!1lJtll ~ W~~~f1:X~f!"J 5% f'F~ WlWm : additional 5% of the lotal overdue balance will be applied as a late charge ;
• €;~"J Jtll i£: . F1 i1( tf l1i tl ~f t&ll'X :
Standard fee will be appliedalter the contract expired,
• Jltlilfj'nlUrfFD\lm~ ,
Theflat is restricted for industrial usage;

01; Signat ure:

I I We have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions in this License Agreement annexed here 10 which this agreement is subject and my
signature below indicates acceptable thereof Likewise. I have read and understood the provision and declarations on this page 10 whieh this
agreement is also subject and my signature below indicates there of :
;1. A/* ajt'.tffilla&. B)j o ;$:j'f OJ bibm (t,JMi~ &.f'J1H1IJrfi 7') ~;$:ty,mf!"J ~ i,'BMi#.t&t,jlHl1J.;$: AI;$: ajifT ~f!"JQ~'t<7f;;$:Am~~~ Mix &.§ 8jj •

/llit'f0J A ~t& licensee Signature E'fOJA l6it& licen ser Signature

/IIi~CJA~Mm / il'li#!1!gc~~ : ~'TUJ Aj{lj~1!g c~~ : 639 57797
Li censee 10 Card No / B R No : licenser B R No :
RWl Date ElWl Date

a'fOJ A : LM Power li mited '!l!: ~i5 : 234S 934 5

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