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(As Per Latest CBSE and NCERT Syllabus)

1. Two Gentlemen of Verona (8 Test Papers) ………………………………..…….……01-24

2. Mrs Packletides Tigers (4 Test Papers) ………………………………...….…...……..25-35

3. The Letter (3 Test Papers) ……………………………………………..….…….…………..36-44

4. A Shady Plot (3 Test Papers) ………………………………….……………………….…. 45-54

5. Patol Babu Film Star (4 Test Papers) …………………………………..…….……..… 55-66

6. Virtually True (4 Test Papers) ….…………………..…………………….…..…...……… 67-77


7. The Dear Departed (3 Test Papers) ……………………..………………..….………… 78-88

8. Julius Caesar (3 Test Papers) …..…..…………………………………………….…..…… 89-98


9. The Frog and the Nightingale (3 Test Papers) …………………………………… 99-107

10. Mirror (4 Test Papers) ………………………………………………………………….… 108-119

11. Not Marble nor the Gilded Monuments (3 Test Papers) ………….………… 120-128

12. Ozymandias (4 Test Papers) ………………………………….….…….…..…………. 129-141

13. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (3 Test Papers) …….…….…………..……. 142-152

14. Snake (3 Test Papers) ………………………………..………….…….…………..……. 153-164


15. The Story of My Life (3 Test Papers) ……………...……….…….…………..……. 165-176

16. Diary of a Young Girl (3 Test Papers) …………….……….…….…………..……. 177-188

Class - 10 English Communicative
(Two Gentlemen of Verona)

General Instruction: -

Question No. 1 to 6 carry four marks

Question No. 7 carry eight marks.

1. As we made the rounds, my interest was again provoked by their demeanour

(a) What is so special in the appearance of the two boys?
(b) Why did the author get provoked?
(c) How can you successfully replace the word ‘demeanour’?
(d) Who made the rounds and for what purpose?

2. There was a pause. Nicola was glaring at his young brother in vexation. "We could not
think of troubling you, sir."
(a) Why was there a pause?
(b) Why did Nicola glare at his younger brother?
(c) Why should he glare at him in vexation?
(d) How did the narrator solve this delicate situation?

3. Why did the narrator blink on looking at the pleasant looking woman?
4. What made Nicola to grew pale and look down the ground?
5. Discuss the importance and significance of “Poleta” for the two boys?
6. What is the need for the boys to hide the reason for their hard earning?
7. Compare and contrast the character traits of Nicola and Jacopo?

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Class - 10English Communicative
(Two Gentlemen of Verona)

1. a. The two boys look so thin, shabby with worn out clothes but striving hard to earn
b. The narrator got provoked due to the curiosity of understanding the need for the
earning and hard work of the boys.
c. Character or Manner or Behaviour or Appearance or conduct (any other suitable
d. The narrator and his companion went on rounds to explore the place.

2. a. There was a pause as they had created a delicate situation for the narrator.
b. He glared at his younger brother as he asked for a help from the narrator.
c. He glared at him in vexation because their request literally had created the trouble of
driving the car by the narrator himself as he had given leave for his driver Luigi.
d. The narrator was kind enough to drive them all by himself.

3. The narrator blinked as he saw a pleasant looking woman with steel-rimmed spectacles
because she was dressed in the white uniform of a trained nurse. This brought a sudden
element of surprise and dismay to the narrator as he finally realized that he brought
those kids to the Hospital.

4. Nicola coloured deeply under his sunburn, then grew pale and looked down the ground
because of the embarrassing question that was asked by the narrator. He questioned the
need for the hard earning of the money as they were not found spending any of them for
even their basic needs.

5. The two boys felt that that visiting Poleta every Sunday which is situated 30 Kms from
Verona is more important in their life because they got only one day to visit their sister
who is admitted in a hospital at Poleta for getting treated for her tuberculosis of the

6. The boys felt that they should keep it a secret for they do not want people to look them

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down or feel sorry for their condition. As per the narrator, Nicola and Jacopo are the Two
Gentlemen of Verona for their attitude towards life because even war could not break
their spirit. They brought new mobility to human life by their selfless actions and gave
promise of greater hope for the human society.

7. Nicola is the elder brother who is 13 years and Jacopo is the younger one who is 12 years
old. Though they both had common goals and responsibilities, Nicola was more of a
strong personality whereas Jacopo showed little tolerance towards the ordeals of the
work. This was quite evidential when Jacopo asked the narrator to drop them in his car
while Nicola hesitated to open his mouth. Nicola apologized on behalf of his brother for
troubling the narrator which shows the contrast between the two brothers. Moreover,
Nicola used to be more contented in his communication with people around but the little
brother Jacopo used to loiter around the streets of Verona without considering the fact
that strangers might get to know their secret. But, the narrator was kind enough to help
the boys which made his the discover that they were the true “Gentlemen of Verona”

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Class - 10English Communicative
(Two Gentlemen of Verona)

General Instruction: -

Question No. 1 to 6 carry four marks.

Question No. 7 carry eight marks.

1. “Of course, everything is so different now, food so scarce and dear, we could not keep
going unless we charged a fee. But every week, Lucia ‘s brothers have made their
a) Who said this to whom?
b) What is the profession of the speaker?
c) What was the deteriorating situation mentioned in the extract?
d) Write few words about the speaker?
2. “He colored deeply under his sunburn, then grew pale. He looked to the ground.”
a) Who is ‘he’?
b) Why did he grew pale?
c) What does ‘under his sunburn’ mean?
d) Who is the narrator of the lesson “Two gentlemen of Verona”? What is his profession?
3. Which job done by the two gentlemen was considered as brisk business by the author?
Write about the meeting of the author with the children at that incident.

4. Describe the topography of Verona. Write about the life of slum children in Verona in
accordance with Nicola and Jacopo.

5. Bring out some of the incidents which show author’s generosity towards children.

6. “Jacopo was lively as a squirrel while Nicola’s smile was steady and engaging”. Describe
this statement.

7. If the father of Nicola and Jacopo was alive, what would be the feelings of his father by
seeing an uphill battle of the children? Write a diary entry in place of father.

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Class - 10English Communicative
(Two gentlemen of Verona)

1. a. Nurse to the narrator

b. Nurse
c. Food scarcity
d. The speaker is very generous towards the children. She understood the problem of
the children and help them in giving good treatment for Lucia.

2. a. Nicola
b. He grew pale because he was working hard under the hot burning sun.
c. It means that he was not ready to answer the question asked by the narrator.
d. A.J. Cronin. He is doctor in practice.

3. The author observed Nicola and Jacopo bent over shoeshine boxes beside the fountain in
the public square, doing a brisk business. Here the author meant brisk business as
cleaning shoes. The children greeted author with friendly faces. The author questioned
them about selling fruits and their present job. Nicola replied seriously, “We do many
things, sir”. They also told about their other job, that is, taking visitors through the Juliet’s’ tomb and other places of interest. The author smiled and asked the
gentlemen to take them through the town.

4. Verona is a city in Italy. Foothills of the alps are located on the outskirts of Verona.
Romeo and Juliet were believed to live there. The war changed the life of slum children in
Verona. It pushed them to poverty. The war ruined their life. It is clearly observed from
the two gentlemen. They usually wore torn clothes. They suffered from no food. They felt
difficulty in finding jobs. They did not get good education. Another reasons for this worse
situation are terrorism, poverty etc.

5. When the author reached the foothills of Verona two boys poorly dressed were selling
strawberries. His cautious driver, Luigi told not to buy those strawberries as they were
unhygienic and told that they would get better strawberries in the city of Verona. But the
author bought the biggest basket of strawberries. When the author saw the two

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gentlemen in the public square doing a brisk business, he spoke to them with a smiley
face and asked the children to take them through the town. One day the author said the
gentlemen that he was leaving on Monday and asked whether there was anything he
could do them. Suddenly Jacopo said that every Sunday they have a visit to the country to
Poleta, 30 kilometers from Verona and asked the author to take them there by car. The
author also accepted their appeal. These situations show author’s generosity towards

6. Nicola, the elder brother, was 13 years old. His smile was steady and engaging. Jacopo,
was nearly 12 and was lively as a squirrel. Yet in both these boyish faces there was a
seriousness which was far beyond their years. They do many odd jobs like shining shoes,
selling fruit, hawking newspapers, conducting tourists round the town and running
errands. They are self esteem and had willingness to do work. They were childish
enough and in many ways quite artless. They both worked for their sister Lucia for
treatment of tuberculosis. Their love towards their sister made them to engage in
different works. They are completely different from other children at this age.

7. 30th November
Dear Diary

I am very proud of my sons Nicola and Jacopo. At the same time I was deeply worried as
they are doing many odd jobs like shining shoes, sold fruit, hawking newspapers,
conducting tourists round the town and running errands. I know that they are self
esteem and had willingness to work. They were childish enough and in many ways quite
artless. They don’t have good clothes to wear. They eat black bread and figs. They earn
money not to spend for themselves but for their sister Lucia for the treatment. She is also
a good singer. If she gets cure, I am sure that she would become a famous singer, earn
money, give good education for my sons and run the family. I am very grateful to my
sons. They are embodiments of love, devotion and sincerity. Moreover, they are my
God on this earth. I am indebted to them for what they are doing forever. I owe them my
gratitude. War has not broken their spirit. Their selfless action brought a new nobility to
human life, gave promise of a greater hope for human society. May God bless these noble
souls long and happy life!

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Class - 10 English Communicative
(Two Gentlemen of Verona)

General Instruction: -

Question No. 1 to 6 carry four marks.

Question No. 7 carry eight marks.

1. Yet their devotion had touched me deeply. War had not broken their spirit. Their selfless
action brought a new mobility to human life, gave promise of a greater hope for human
a. What does the author mean by their devotion?
b. What was their selfless action?
c. How did the boys prove to be the real gentlemen?
d. Can you find a word similar to “expedite” from the above lines.

2. Next morning, coming out of our hotel, we saw our friends bent over shoeshine boxes
beside the fountain in the public square, doing a brisk business.
a. Who came out of the hotel the next morning?
b. What happens to the statement if the word ‘beside’ is changed to ‘besides’?
c. What is meant by public square?
d. What brisk business were they doing?

3. Why did the two boys survive only on black breads and figs, despite making a descent
4. They were among the first to join the resistance movement. Throw some light on the
above statement.
5. Explain the significance of the term ‘Juliet’s Tomb’ as per the ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’?
6. “You must be saving up to emigrate to America," I suggested. Why people craved to go to
7. “Where there is a will, there is a way”. Give anecdotes from the life the two boys to prove
the above statement.

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Class - 10 English Communicative
(Two Gentlemen of Verona)

1. a. The author meant their hard work and care by the word “Devotion”.
b. Their Selfless work was to earn money with the single aim of finding a cure for their
c. Despite the odds, the two boys stood above a earning their life which made them the
real gentlemen.
d. Expedite – Mobility

2. a. The narrator and his friend came out of the hotel.

b. Beside – By the side of (gives meaning to the sentence)
c. Besides – In Addition to (does not suit the context)
d. A junction point connecting at least two to four roads. Example – Times Square (New
e. They were doing the brisk business of shining the shoes.

3. The boys did not wish to spend the money on them and for their wants. They just ate far
the minimum required for survival and tried only to satisfy their basic needs. Their sister
Lucia’s treatment was quite expensive and the boys are now responsible and accountable
for saving such a huge amount. So, they willingly gave away all the money they earned
for her recuperation.

4. They did not wish to let go the opportunity to get even with the Germans and throw them
out of their country. Also, it reflects their hatred for the Germans for having brought the
curse and problems upon them. They considered the Germans as their personal enemy
for having shattered their lives.

5. The two boys work as tourist guide and help the tourists to visit the famous tourist spots
in Verona. One among those tourist spots is “Juliet Tomb” which is a symbolic benchmark

of the famous romantic play called Romeo and Juliet written by the great 16th century
legend of the English language, William Shakespeare.

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6. People on those days craved to go to the United States of America is mainly due to the
availability of jobs, good settlement of life, high earning potential and safety of their
family. The author mistook that the boys were also working hard and earning money to
go to America which was later discovered as wrong idea by the narrator.

7. Niclola and Jacopo faced a lot of hardship at a very young age. Their childhood was
marred by war, poverty, disease and ill-fortune. Yet they toiled and suffered for a better
Their house was shattered by the bombing in the war and they also lost their father in the
war. The odds were against them but they never gave up on life. They were exposed to
harsh weather and starvation. They had always known to a comfortable, cultured and
peaceful life but now they are out on the streets with stray dogs.
They built a shelter for themselves with the available rubble and managed to survive
there. After the got over, they discovered that their sister was affected by Tuberculosis in
the spine. To cure Tuberculosis, the two boys worked hard with will power and thus they
stood by the proverb.

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Class - 10 English Communicative
(Two Gentlemen of Verona)

General Instruction: -

Question No. 1 to 6 carry four marks.

Question No. 7 carry eight marks.

1. “Why are you out so late, Nicola? Waiting for the last bus from Padua.”
(a) Who asked Nicola the reason for being out so late?
(b) At which place the two boys were waiting?
(c) For what reason they are waiting for the bus?
(d) Who said this to whom?

2. I waited outside till the boys rejoined me, and then drove them back to the city. They sat
beside me not speaking.
(a) Why did the boys not speak?
(b) Who does ‘I’ refer to?
(c) To which city they return back?
(d) Whom did they meet?

3. What opinion did the narrator make of the two boys when they went on a round to visit

4. What did the narrator see through the glass partition?

5. Even if the boys were untidy, the narrator uses to call them as the Two Gentlemen of
Verona, Why?

6. Why did the two boys survive only on black bread and figs, despite making a decent

7. Did the family of the boys have a comfortable life before war? What made them

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Class - 10 English Communicative
(Two Gentlemen of Verona)

1. Answers

a. The narrator enquired Nicola the reason for being out so late.
b. The two boys were in the deserted square area at night.
c. They were waiting to sell all the remaining newspapers to people in the last bus.
d. The narrator questioned Nicola that why they were waiting for.

2. Answers

a. The boys did not want to disclose about their sister’s illness.
b. ‘I’ refer to the narrator.
c. To Verona they returned back.
d. They went to meet their sister.

3. As they went on a round, the narrator was very amazed to see the boys and found of
them. He found them childish enough and quite simple in many ways. Jacopo was a small
innocent boy and Nicola’s smile was stable and alluring. Yet in both of their faces there
was a seriousness which was far beyond their years.

4. The narrator saw that the Nicola and Jacopo were sitting at the beside a girl of about
twenty who was propped up on pillows, wearing a pretty lace jacket and were listening to
their chatter, her eyes soft and tender. She had a strong resemblance to their brothers.

5. The two boys, Nicola and Jacopo were in the situation in which they could not take care
and outfits. When the narrator saw them first time, they both were untidy and poorly
dressed. Despite of their shabbiness and poor appearance, something was special in
them, as they are ready to do any sort of jobs for money. As per the narrator, Nicola and
Jacopo are the Two Gentlemen of Verona for their attitude towards life because even
after war could not break their spirit.

6. The boys did not wish to spend any money on them. They just ate the minimum food for

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survival and they didn’t buy any clothes to wear. Lucia’s treatment was so expensive, so
they willingly gave away all the money they earned for recuperation. Their own poverty
did not mean anything to the boys.

7. Yes, the family was living a cultured and comfortable life. Their father had been a well
known singer and their sister Lucia had also been training as a singer. They had been
living a peaceful life until the war between Germany and Italy which took their
happiness. In this war, because of the bomb blast their father was perished and because
of the smoke of that bomb their sister was suffering from the deadly tuberculosis of the
spine. After this war Nicola, Jacopo and their sister Lucia was left alone and know one
was there to take care of them. Then Lucia was admitted in hospital at Poleta. Nicola and
Jacopo were working too hard to pay the medical fee to their sister.Nicola and Jacopo are
the boys who show the real love to their sister and they are ready to do any sort of job for
money. But, the narrator was kind enough to help the boys which made his the discover
that they were the true “Gentlemen of Verona”

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Class - 10 English Communicative
(Two Gentlemen of Verona)

General Instruction: -

Question No. 1 to 6 carry four marks.

Question No. 7 carry eight marks.

1. Next morning, coming out of our hotel, we saw our friends bent over shoe shine boxes
besides the fountain in the public square, doing a brisk business
a. Whom does 'we' stand for?
b. What were the boys doing?
c. What does the word 'brisk' mean?
d. Who is the speaker of these lines?

2. “Why are you so late, Nicola?”

“Waiting for the last bus from Padua”
a. The word ….......... in the extract is an antonym of leaving
b. At which place were the boys waiting for the last bus?
c. Why were the two boys waiting for the last bus?

3. “They were childish enough and in many ways quite artless”, who said these words and
4. “We do many things sir,” Nicola answered. Describe the difficult jobs undertaken by the
boys for their livelihood.
5. Why did Nicola and Jacopo go to Poleta every Sunday?
6. How did Nicola and Jacopo face the hardships of their life?
7. Why did Luigi, the driver cautioned the narrator not to buy the fruits from the children?
What would you suggest here?

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