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JPY $ rate Euro r

1 Coca Cola 500ml コカコーラ 150 93 124

2 Coca Cola 500ml コカコーラ 100 93 124
3 Umbrella 傘 1,000 93 124
4 Brush for floor cleaning 掃除用ブラシ 497 93 124
5 Wire-brush ワイヤーブラシ 140 93 124
6 Weekly newspaper for kids 読売コドモ新聞 500 93 124
7 Toothpaste 歯磨き粉 500 93 124
8 Copy of my family register 戸籍謄本 450 93 124
9 Kid's socks for basketball バスケットボール用靴下 735 93 124
10 Real estate acquisition tax 不動産取得税 10,500 93 124
11 Chocolate チョコレート 100 93 124
12 Mobile phone bill 携帯電話通話料 3,012 93 125
13 Mobile phone bill 携帯電話通話料 5,500 93 125
14 A fine for speeding スピード違反の罰金 9,000 93 125
15 A fine for speeding スピード違反の罰金 80,000 93 125
16 Rice pudding 米プリン 128 92 124
17 Blood test 血液検査 4,000 92 124
18 Admission fee of an aquarium 水族館入館料 1,300 92 124
19 Admission fee of an aquarium 水族館入館料 800 92 124
20 Noodles in a cup カップめん そば 150 92 124
21 Electric bill 電気料金 11,532 92 124
22 Hamburger steak ハンバーグステーキ 599 93 125
23 Round loaf of bread 石窯パン 180 93 125
24 Dinner at restaurant 夕食 2,400 93 125
25 Stationery compasses コンパス 105 93 125
26 Web Camera Webカメラ 1,806 93 125
27 Web Camera Webカメラ 250 93 125
28 Drinking with friends 飲み会 4,000 93 125
29 Yogurt with fruit フルーツヨーグルト 128 93 125
30 Pepsi White 500ml ペプシホワイト 150 93 125
31 Delonghi oil heater デロンギ 36,178 93 125
32 McDonald's french fries medium size マックフライポテト 270 93 125
33 McDonald's french fries medium size マックフライポテト 190 93 125
34 Almond jelly 杏仁豆腐 128 93 125
35 Apple pie アップルパイ 850 93 125
36 Potato chips ポテトチップ 100 93 124
37 Gas bill payment ガス料金 11,001 93 124
38 Gas bill payment ガス料金 8,168 93 124
39 Hina doll ひな人形 100,000 93 124
40 Hina doll ひな人形 400,000 93 124
41 Mushroom shape snack なめこスナック 100 93 124
42 Peach soda 500ml 桃ソーダ 150 93 121
43 Cherry soda 500ml さくらんぼソーダ 150 93 121
44 Gastroscopy 胃カメラ 11,000 92 121
Surgery of removing a polyp of the 37,800 92 121
colon 大腸ポリープ摘出
Entrance fee of a prestigious
46 有名幼稚園入園料 900,000 95 125
47 Entrance fee of a kindergarten 幼稚園入園料 80,000 95 125
48 Admission fee of a small zoo 生物園入園料 300 95 125
49 Admission fee of an aquarium 水族館入館料 1,000 95 125
50 Disposable face mask 使い捨てマスク 30 95 125
51 In a rich city, doctor's bill for kids 子供医療費 0 95 125
52 Water bill 水道料金 3,000 95 125
53 Chocolate cake チョコレートケーキ 98 95 125
54 TDK blank DVD-R DVD-R 100 95 125
55 Hair cut 散髪 1,000 95 125
56 Hair cut 散髪 4,000 95 125
57 Water cistern (fish tank) 水槽 525 95 125
58 Feed (food) of gold fish 金魚のえさ 105 94 122
59 Chocolate ice cream チョコ味アイスクリーム 98 94 122
60 Kitchen sponge スポンジ 105 94 122
61 Cream puf シュークリーム 38 94 122
62 Nogeyama zoo admission fee 野毛山動物園入園料 0 94 122
63 Kanazawa zoo admission fee 金沢動物園入園料 500 94 122
64 Zoorasia admission fee ズーラシア入園料 600 94 122
65 Ring potato chips ポテコ 60 94 122
66 Disaster Prevention handbook 防災ハンドブック 0 94 122
67 Postage charge 郵便料金封書 80 94 122
68 Postage charge 郵便料金はがき 50 94 122
69 Milk pudding ミルクプリン 50 94 122
70 Men's shoes ウォーキングシューズ 3,990 94 122
71 Boiled soybean 枝豆 145 94 122
72 Dorayaki どらやき 48 94 122
73 Admission fee of Idemitsu museum 出光美術館 1,000 94 122
74 Bean sprouts もやし 28 94 122
75 Parking lot Times駐車場 200 94 122
76 Calculator 電卓 105 94 121
Admission fee of Shinagawa historical
77 品川歴史観入館料 100 94 120
78 Electronic dictionary 電子辞書 13,800 94 120
79 Birthday cake 誕生日のケーキ 5,000 94 120
80 Glue for rubber ゴム用ボンド 105 94 120
81 Telephone bill 電話料金 6,026 93 119
82 Japan Atlas (map book) 日本大地図 29,000 93 119
83 Japan Atlas (map book) 日本大地図 500 93 119
Yakitori (grilled pieces of chicken on a
84 やきとり 88 93 119
85 Éclair エクレア 79 95 122
86 Medicine for high-blood pressure 高血圧の薬 1,020 95 122
87 Rent money for an apartment house 家賃 113,000 95 122
88 Land price (real estate) 宅地 30,000,000 97 126
89 School backpack ランドセル 42,000 97 126
90 School indoor shoes 上履き 900 97 126
91 Textbook for elementary school 教科書 0 98 126
92 Small stones for a fish tank 金魚用小石 105 99 130
93 Notebook ノート 85 99 130
94 Admission fee of Tokyo Sea Life Park 葛西臨海水族園入園料 700 99 130
95 Frying pan フライパン 590 99 130
96 Bath mat バスマット 500 98 128
97 Anti hay fever glasses 花粉症用メガネ 1,260 97 127
98 Condolence money for a funeral 香典 5,000 97 127
99 Supplemental textbook 教科書ガイド 2,100 98 128
### Hook on the wall フック 105 98 128
### Bus fare from Tokyo to near Mt. Fuji 高速バス 東京-富士 2,240 98 128
Bullet train (Shinkansen) fare from
### 新幹線 新富士-東京 4,930 98 128
Shin-Fuji to Tokyo
Admission fee of Tei-Park
### ていぱーく入場料 100 98 128
(Communications museum)
### Nasal breathing improvement patch ブリーズライト 700 98 128
### Rental DVD DVDレンタル 100 98 128
Examination fee of an English
### 英検受験料 1,300 98 128
proficiency exam
### Treatment for high-blood pressure 高血圧医療費 2,710 98 128
Admission fee of Institute of Nature 300 97 127
Study 自然教育園入園料
### Tarte cake タルトケーキ 1,800 97 127
### Small stufed animal of turtle 亀のぬいぐるみ 360 97 127
111 Admission fee of Enoshima Aquarium 江ノ島水族館入園料 2,000 97 127
### Pencil sharpener 鉛筆削り 497 97 127
### Train fare from Tokyo to Enoshima 江ノ島までの鉄道運賃 1,100 97 127
Admission fee of Tokyo Port Wild Birds
### 東京港野鳥公園入園料 300 97 127
### Hamburg steak with rice ハンバーグステーキ 1,134 97 127
### Parts of a train engine (for rail fan) 機関車の部品 1,000 97 127
### Parts of a train engine (for rail fan) 機関車の部品 280,000 97 127
Admission fee of Sakata Seed
### サカタのタネグリーンハウ 200 97 127
Corporation Greenhouse
### Sliced bread 食パン 158 97 127
Annual membership fee of a school 5,000 98 128
club 部費
### Workbook for STEP test 英検問題集 1,000 98 128
### Portable umbrella 折りたたみ傘 105 100 130
### Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes® コーンフロスト 288 100 130
### Carnation flower カーネーション 997 100 130
### CD player CDプレーヤー 3,980 101 130
### Plastic sheet 下敷き 236 101 130
Compensatory payment, if your dog bit
### 犬が隣人にかみついた 300,000 101 130
your neighbor
### Hot dog ホットドッグ 138 102 132
### A set of futon ふとん 10,900 102 132
### Tissue paper ティッシュペーパー 228 102 132
### Lunch box sold at stations シウマイ弁当 750 102 132
### Admission fee of Yumemigasaki Zoo 夢見ヶ崎公園 0 102 132
### Dental floss フロス 650 102 132
### Tape measure メジャー 105 102 132
### Sweet bun with chocolate チョコチップパン 99 102 132
### Stereo earphones イヤホン 105 102 132
Examination fee of Japan Kanji Aptitude
### 漢検テスト代 1,500 102 132
### Ramen ラーメン 720 100 130
### Travel guidebook 旅行ガイドブック 800 100 130
### Compartment of graveyard 墓地一区画 980,000 100 130
### Coca Cola 500ml コカコーラ 110 102 130
### Eye-drops 目薬 455 102 130
### Rechargeable battery 充電池 1,050 102 130
### Drinking at a Japanese pub 居酒屋 5,000 102 130
### Simple wardrobe ワードローブ 10,500 102 130
### Ironing board アイロン台 770 102 130
### School trip to Nikkou 修学旅行 6,000 100 131
### Anti-allergy drug アレルギー薬クラリチン 850 100 131
### Annual membership fee of PTA PTA会費 2,000 100 131
### Bouchée ブッセ 49 96 127
### Pork cutlet with rice @restaurant ヒレカツ定食 1,459 96 127
### Soba (buckwheat) noodle @restaurant ざるそば 619 96 127
### Kitchen sponge brush スポンジブラシ 105 98 130
To listen the prime minister's speech
### 首相街頭演説 0 98 130
### Hardcover novel ハードカバー小説 1,700 98 130
### Correspondence study course for kids 通信教育ベネッセ 5,000 95 127
### TV Receiving Fee NHK受信料 14,160 94 126
To see a sports festival of an
### 運動会参観 0 94 126
elementary school
### Kid's underwear 子どもランニングシャツ 597 94 126
### Kid's pants (trousers) 子どもズボン 1,690 94 126
### Backpack リュック 4,935 94 126
### Cup sweet 99
MEGMILK 重ねドルチェ とけあう、うららか 94 126
### School-provided lunch 給食費 53,240 94 126
### School-provided lunch 給食費 60,160 94 126
Nomination deposit for Tokyo
### 供託金 600,000 94 126
Metropolitan Assembly
### Disposable razor かみそり 105 94 126
### Fancy memo pad メモ帳 250 94 126
### Strawberry cake イチゴもち 250 94 126
### Sponge cake カステラ 520 94 126
### Water spray bottle 霧吹き 105 94 126
### Borrowing DVD from city library 図書館からDVD借りる 0 94 126
### Imported DVD (Herculoids) 輸入DVD 2,877 94 126
### Admission fee of Omori Nori Museum 大森海苔のふるさと館 0 94 126
### Nintendo Prepaid Card 任天堂プリペイドカード 1,000 99 130
### Admission fee of Inogashira zoo 井の頭動物園 400 99 130
### Real estate tax 固定資産税 106,300 99 130
Nomination deposit for the House of
### 供託金 3,000,000 99 130
### Imported DVD (Mighty Hercules) 輸入DVD 687 100 130
### Saisen (money ofered to the gods) 賽銭 20 100 130
### Strapping tape 手首固定テープ 105 100 130
Official newsletter from Tokyo
### 広報東京 0 100 130
### Men's pants (trousers) ズボン 1,990 100 130
### Taxi 20 minutes ride タクシー 2,060 100 130
Administrative maintenance fee of a
### 管理費 18,840 100 130
Monthly payment of reserve fund for
### 修繕積立金 15,510 100 130
building repairs
### Men's pants (trousers) ズボン 850 100 130
Anti-earthquake bookshelf holder, prop
### 突っ張り棒 1,100 100 130
### Anti-earthquake shelf holder, glue type 耐震家具固定装置 2,470 100 130
### Neck cooler どこでもアイスノン 598 100 130
### Electric fan 扇風機 1,990 100 130
### Admission fee of Yusyukan museum 800 100 130
### Map, book type 23区地図帳 1,260 100 130
### Guidebook of high schools 高校受験ガイド 1,900 100 130
### Men's sandals サンダル 398 100 130
### Study-aid book for civics 公民参考書 1,400 100 130
### Commuter pass 通勤定期 24,190 100 130
### Kindergarten class reunion 幼稚園同窓会 800 100 130
### Door stopper ドアストッパー 1,500 100 130
### Kid's shoes 子どもの靴 1,990 100 130
Attending a lecture
### 講習会参加費 0 100 130
presentation@elementary school
### Cram school summer session 塾夏期講習 37,800 100 130
### Secondhand comics 中古マンガ 6,295 100 130
### Go to a school pool on weekends 学校プール一般公開 0 100 130
### Admission fee of Insect Specimen Show 大昆虫展 1,000 100 130
### Replacing screens of windows 網戸張替え 46,000 97 130
Shaved ice@community summer
### カキ氷 100 97 130
### Catching a crab @ Tokyo bay カニつり 0 97 130
### Portable shrine parade, kids version 子ども神輿 0 97 130
### Medicine for a canker sore 口内炎薬 768 97 130
One day unlimited ride pass, for Tokyo
### 都区内パス 720 97 130
downtown area
### Ice cream アイスクリーム 198 97 130
### Thermometer 温度計 997 97 128
### Lunch plate, Minced meat cutlet メンチカツ定食 800 97 128
### Backpack リュックサック 3,465 97 128
Bullet train (Shinkansen) from Nagoya
### 新幹線東京名古屋間 10,980 97 128
to Tokyo
USB Cable Power Adapter for Apple 1,280 97 128
iPod iPod用充電器
### Nagoya to Inuyama 名古屋-犬山 540 97 128
### Fancy pouch ポーチ 1,260 97 128
Udon noodle (wheat noodle) at 600 97 128
restaurant うどん
### Admission fee of Little World museum リトルワールド入園料 1,600 97 128
### City pool 菊名池プール 800 97 128
### To see real scale Gundam 等身大ガンダム見物 0 97 128
### Borscht lunch ボルシチ定食 800 97 128
### Wallet 財布 1,000 97 128
### City pool 東調布公園プール 360 97 130
### Fruit jelly ゼリー 142 97 130
### Newspaper, morning edition only 新聞 3,720 97 130
### City pool 品川区民公園プール 400 97 130
Admission fee of Thunderbirds
### サンダーバード博 1,300 97 130
### Ramen ラーメン 830 97 130
### Thunderbirds sweets サンダーバードまんじゅう 840 97 130
### Admission fee of Nagoya TV Tower 名古屋テレビ塔 600 98 130
### X-ray & teeth cleaning at a dentist 歯科 2,990 98 130
### Print out photo from digital device 写真プリント 37 98 130
### Donation to the local community 夏祭り寄付 15,000 98 130
### Drinking with friends 飲み会 3,300 98 130
### Clean upper teeth 歯科 970 98 130
### Pudding with fruits プリン 198 98 130
### Roadshow Movie 映画 1,800 98 130
### Cram school September session 塾 28,100 98 130
### Secondhand book, novel 古本 105 100 130
### Menma メンマ 198 100 130
Attending a lecture of safety riding for
### 自転車教室 0 100 130
### 3 way socket adaptor 電源タップ 105 100 130
### Small doggy bag (plastic food pack) フードパック 105 100 130
### Correction fluid (White out) 修正液 279 99 132
### Correction tape (White out) 修正テープ 199 99 132
### Spare ink for a ballpoint pen ボールペン換えインク 87 99 132
### Umbrella for kids 子供用かさ 980 99 132
### kids shoes 子供用靴 1,990 99 132
### notebook for Kanji ノート 120 99 132
### notebook ノート 348 99 132
### Medical exam for a lump in the thyroid 甲状腺検査 5,160 99 132
### Parking lot for bicycle 自転車駐車場 300 99 134
### Parking lot for bicycle 自転車駐車場 10,800 99 134
### Hamster cage ハムスターケージ 2,980 99 134
### Golden hamster ゴールデンハムスター 1,200 99 134
### hamser foods ハムスター餌 498 99 134
### Men's sneakers スニーカー 998 99 134
### Documents box A4書類箱 498 99 134
Admission fee of Port of Nagoya Public
### 名古屋港水族館 2,000 99 134
### Laser surgery for nose allergy レーザー手術鼻アレルギ 16,820 99 134
### Fried noodle lunch box やきそば 397 99 134
### Nose drops, spray type 鼻炎用スプレー 560 98 132
### Fluorescent lamp 蛍光灯 105 98 132
### Furikake powder ふりかけ 208 98 132
### Fried noodle in a cup カップやきそば 87 98 132
### White board ホワイトボード 105 97 132
### Seeing school festival 高校文化祭 0 97 132
### Vitamin C tablets ビタミンC錠剤 1,680 97 132
### Cram School October Session 塾 25,600 97 132
### Let's experience a school lunch 給食試食会 280 97 132
### Fixing a cavity 虫歯治療 5,940 97 132
### Hamster running wheel ハムスター回し車 850 97 132
### Green Tea Pudding 抹茶プリン 99 97 132
### Coca Cola Zero コカコーラ 178 97 132
### Study-aid book of history 歴史参考書 1,400 97 132
### Fixing a cavity 虫歯治療 6,340 97 132
Study-aid book of studying English
### 英語単語帳参考書 800 97 132
### Hamster food ハムスター餌 368 97 132
Supplemental tuition fee at an
### 教材費 14,810 98 134
elementary school
### Kid's windbreaker 子どもジャンバー 1,990 98 134
### Staying at Homeless Shelter 山谷地域越年越冬宿泊援 0 98 134
### Woodchip for hamsters ハムスター用おがくず 298 98 134
### Kid's fleece jacket 子どもジャンバー 1,990 98 134
### Eye drops 目薬 198 98 134
### Cleaning upper teeth 上の歯スケーリング 1,210 98 134
### AA batteries 単三電池 105 98 134
### Lubricant 呉556 397 98 134
### Waffle ワッフル 108 98 134
### Hamamatsucho-Haneda Airport 浜松町-羽田 470 98 134
### Scale model of MiG 29 プラモデル ミグ29 661 98 134
### Blanket 毛布 1,600 98 134
### Baseball magazine 雑誌、野球 950 98 134
### Adhesive 接着剤 105 98 134
### Froggy bank 貯金箱 105 98 134
Participation fee of an elementary
### 謝恩会 12,000 98 134
school's graduation party
### Walnuts くるみ 780 98 134
### Fixing a cavity (small one) 虫歯治療 3,380 98 134
### Water bill 水道料金 7,824 98 134
### School graduation album (Yearbook) 卒業アルバム 15,000 99 133
### Marking pen サインペン 227 99 133
### Ham ハム 298 99 133
### Inhaled bronchodilator 気管支拡張剤 1,610 99 133
### Water tank for hamster ハムスター給水器 297 99 133
### Helicobacter pylori test ピロリ菌検査 700 99 133
### Study kit for calligraphy 習字セット 3,000 99 133
### Fleece jacket フリースジャンバー 990 99 133
### Tea bag 紅茶ティーバッグ 268 101 136
### Green Tea Bag 緑茶ティーバッグ 284 101 136
### Kid's Glove 子供用手袋 105 101 136
### Mechanical pencil lead シャープペンの芯 105 101 136
### Night bus fare from Toyama to Tokyo 夜行バス富山-東京 7,000 101 136
### Apple Pie アップルパイ 190 101 136
### Immunization shot for flu インフルエンザ予防注射 2,500 101 136
### Shinagawa to Tsukuihama 京急品川-津久井浜 830 102 136
### Hamster Running Wheel ハムスター回し車 800 102 136
### Beef stew lunch ビーフィシチューランチ 700 104 142
### Meguro Parasitological Museum 目黒寄生虫館 0 104 142
### Men's underwear 下着男性用 700 104 142
### Drinking with friends 飲み会 7,300 104 142
### Parts of a decoration cake ケーキ材料 1,700 104 142
### New Year's greeting card 年賀状 50 104 142
### New Year's Decoration on the gate 正月飾り 1,800 104 142
### New Year's gift money to my nephew お年玉 5,000 104 142
### Envelope of New Year's gift money お年玉袋 105 104 142
### Saisen (money ofered to the gods) 賽銭 100 104 142
### Cleaner for glass ガラスクリーナー 258 104 142
### Sasagemame (Sasage beans) ささげ豆 198 104 142
Collecting stamps at "visit to seven
### 七福神色紙 1,000 104 142
### Paper fortune おみくじ 100 104 142
### Precooked seasoning for fried rice チャーハンの素 97 104 142
### Admission fee of Cup Noodle Museum カップヌードルミュージア 500 104 142
Admission fee of Kanagawa Prefectural
### 神奈川県立博物館 300 104 142
Museum of Cultural History
### Admission fee of Tokyo Motor Show モータショー 1,500 104 142
### Incandescent filament lamp 白熱電球60W 105 104 141
### Stufed animal of Chikin Ramen Bird チキンラーメンぬいぐるみ 200 104 141
### Sponge cake (Castella) カステラ 298 104 141
### Huggable pillow 抱き枕 1,000 104 141
### Hamburger steak ハンバーグステーキ 1,312 104 141
### Women's Socks 靴下 380 102 137
### Power strip テーブルタップ 105 102 137
### Study-aid book of English 英語基本構文参考書 497 102 137
### School indoor shoes 上履き 498 102 137
### School indoor shoes 上履き 2,500 102 137
### Men's Socks 靴下 1,000 102 137
### Knife for bread パン用ナイフ 105 102 137
### Men's underwear 下着 790 102 137
### Blank Blu Ray disc BD-R ディスク 105 102 137
### Stomach medicine 胃薬 1,047 102 137
### Hair Iron ヘアアイロン 3,200 101 140
### Cigarette, SevenStar たばこ 440 101 140
### Gloves for Smartphone スマートフォン用手袋 105 101 140
### Stufed Toy ぬいぐるみ 970 101 140
Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial 500 101 140
Museum 三菱みなとみらい技術館
### Diary 日記帳 1,400 103 143
### One dozen pencils 鉛筆 105 103 143
### Admission fee of Tokyo Disneyland ディズニーランドパスポー 6,400 103 143
### Tokyo Disneyland cookies ディズニーランドクッキー 550 103 143
### Knitting wool 毛糸 105 103 143
### Pass case 定期入れ 105 103 143
### Tension rod 突っ張り棒 297 103 143
Kid's Clothes for the Graduation
### 卒業式服 8,000 101 141
### Dedicated school bag 指定の学校鞄 5,730 101 141
### Dedicated socks 指定の靴下 1,000 101 141
### Dedicated indoor shoes 指定の上履き 2,400 101 141
### Dedicated long sleeve gym uniform 指定の長そで体操服 6,300 101 141
### Dedicated gym pants 指定の体操服下 5,250 101 141
### Dedicated short sleeve gym uniform 指定の半そで体操服 2,000 101 141
### Dedicated gym short pants 指定の半ズボン体操服 2,900 101 141
### Uniform 中学校制服 30,870 101 141
### Dedicated tie 指定のネクタイ 1,470 101 141
### Dedicated shirts (2 shirts) 指定のYシャツ 5,460 101 141
### Dedicated belt 指定のベルト 2,100 101 141
### Dedicated sweater 指定のセーター 5,250 101 141
### Dedicated summer pants 指定の夏ズボン 10,260 101 141
### Dedicated short sleeve shirts (2 shirts) 指定の半そでYシャツ 5,400 101 141
### Dedicated gym shoes 指定の体育館ばき 2,900 101 141
Entering a hospital with intestinal
### 腸閉塞で入院 100,000 101 141
### Electric Shaver Replacement Blade 電気カミソリ替刃 770 101 141
### Stafed Animal of Chip (Chip and Dale) ぬいぐるみ(チップ) 1,000 101 141
### Chewing wood for hamster ハムスターかじり木 473 101 141
chewing dishcloth gourd for the
### ハムスターかじり用ヘチマ 242 101 141
Admission fee of Hanayashiki
### 花やしき 1,000 103 141
Amusement Park
### Pen Case 筆箱 1,007 103 141
### Kid's shoes 靴 4,320 103 141
### School Trip Expense 修学旅行費用 69,800 101 141
Charge to get a refund on the unused
### 切符払い戻し手数料 220 101 141
period of train pass
### Membership fee of a school tennis club テニス部部費 1,000 102 141
### Pilow 枕 997 102 141
### Pilow cover 枕カバー 300 102 141
### Micro SD Card マイクロSDカード 780 102 141
Roadshow movie ticket for junior high
### 映画中学生料金 1,000 102 141
school students
### Clothes Locker ロッカー 10,489 102 141
### LED ceiling light LEDライト 8,072 102 141
### LED ceiling light LEDライト 6,436 102 141
### Carnation in a pot カーネーション 400 102 141
Cost of installing a ceiling light adapter
### 引掛シーリング取付工事 5,000 102 141
on the ceiling
### Tablet PC タブレットPC 17,300 102 141
### Disposal charge for a ceiling light 粗大ごみ手数料照明器具 300 102 141
### Woman's Shoes 運動靴 3,500 102 141
### School Trip to Nagano 林間学校 10,000 102 141
### All-you-can-eat sweets restaurant ケーキ食べ放題 1,530 102 141
### Tennis shoes テニスシューズ 3,999 102 141
### Tennis racket テニスラケット 7,999 102 141
### Rain boots 長靴 2,550 102 141

### Boy's School Swim Shorts 学校指定水着 1,900 102 141

### Boy's Swimming Cap 学校指定水泳帽子 500 102 141

### Curtain rail カーテンレール 1,048 102 138
### Curtain カーテン 1,821 102 138
### Men's sandals サンダル 108 102 138
### Chocolate cake デコレーションケーキ 2,207 102 138
### Electric fan 扇風機 2,052 102 138
### Water bottle 水筒 1,500 102 138
### Molecule model card (Molka) モルカ 1,620 102 138
Shinkansen Fare Tokyo to Echigo-
### 新幹線東京-越後湯沢 6,870 102 138
Cram School Summer Session Tuition
### 塾夏期講習 86,400 102 138
### Craft Paper 画用紙 102 102 138
### Glue stick のり 82 102 138

### Demo Lesson at a Cram School 塾体験授業 0 102 138

### Delivery Pizza 宅配ピザ 3,456 102 137

### Enrollment fee of a cram school 塾入学金 22,000 102 137

### Toothpaste for kids 歯磨き粉 162 102 137

### Kids Socks 靴下 257 102 137
### Tennis cap 帽子 2,500 102 137
### Kitchen Timer キッチンタイマー 650 102 137
Admission fee of Yomiuriland includes
### よみうりランド入場料 4,700 102 137
pool admission

Fee of a mock examination for senior

### 模試 4,000 102 137
high school examinations

### Fruit jelly フルーツゼリー 520 102 137

### Hamster Potty ハムスタートイレ 287 105 137
### Sand for hamster potty ハムスタートイレ砂 166 105 137

Workbook collecting questions of the

### 高校入試問題集 1,080 106 137
high school entrance examination

### Disposal charge for an electric fan 粗大ごみ代 300 106 137

### Lunch box sold at stations シウマイ弁当 800 106 137

### Blu-ray Disc Recorder ブルーレイディスクレコー 36,446 106 137

### HDMI Cable HDMI ケーブル 1,684 106 137
### Men's Shirt シャツ 1,080 106 137
### Men's Shoes 靴 980 106 137

### Frozen (2013 film) Potato Chips アナと雪の女王ポテトチッ 179 108 137

### Floor Pillow (cushion) 座布団 1,598 113 142

### Men's Shoes 靴 1,522 113 142
Annual Membership Fee of Rental DVD
### ツタヤ年会費 216 113 142

### Medical Charge For a Hamster ハムスター診察代 4,806 113 142

### Medical Charge For a Hamster ハムスター診察代再診 885 113 142

### Girl's socks 靴下 800 117 145

### Boy's jacket ジャンバー 1,513 117 145
### Glasses メガネ 5,000 117 145

Repairing a Minor Malfunction of The

### ワンプッシュ水栓修理代 11,000 121 149
Bath Tub

### Protective injection for flu インフルエンザ予防注射 2,600 121 149

### Gas fan heater ガスファンヒーター 24,000 120 147

### Oil Fan heater 石油ファンヒーター 12,480 120 147
### 10L of kerosene 灯油 1,050 120 147
### Oil plastic tank 灯油ポリタンク 754 120 147
### Oil pump 灯油ポンプ 99 120 147
### Color Inkjet Printer カラープリンタ 3,454 120 147
### Color Inkjet Printer カラープリンタ 3,118 120 147
### Color Ink Cartridge プリンターカートリッジカラ 2,218 120 147
### Black Ink Cartridge プリンターカートリッジ黒 2,058 120 147

### Mickey Mouse Osechi Meal ミッキーおせち 10,800 120 147

### Papers for Calligraphy 半紙 203 120 144

### Plastic string ひも 108 120 144
### Washing machine 洗濯機 49,000 120 144
### Blu-Ray Blank Disc ブルーレイディスク 1,151 120 144

Entrance examination fee of a Tokyo

### 都立高校受験料 2,200 120 144
metropolitan senior high school

Entrance examination fee of a private

### 私立高校受験料 20,000 120 144
senior high school

### Rubber band 輪ゴム 108 117 132

### Ear mufs 耳あて 108 117 132
### Pants ズボン 1,620 117 132
### Socks 靴下 313 117 132
### Shoes 靴 2,036 117 132

Enrollment fee of a private senior high

### 私立高校入学金 355,000 117 132

### Birthday Ice Cream Cake 誕生日アイスケーキ 2,900 119 135

Enrollment fee of a Tokyo Metropolitan

### 都立高校入学金 5,650 119 135
senior high school

Tuition Fee of Cram School Spring Break

### 塾春期講習代1教科 39,042 119 135

### Combined Plate Dish トルコライス 1,296 119 129

### hamburg steak ハンバーグステーキ 972 119 129
### High School Uniform 高校制服 27,000 119 129
### Textbooks 高校教科書 21,416 119 129
### Girl's School Shirt 高校Yシャツ 3,200 118 130
### Girl's School Shirt 高校Yシャツ 2,500 118 130
### Folding Umbrella 折りたたみ傘 1,065 118 130
### School Sports Uniform 高校体操服 26640 118 130

### Train Fare Asakura to Kinugawa-Onsen 浅草-鬼怒川温泉 2,980 118 130

### High School Swimsuit 高校水着 3,180 118 130

### Girl's School Shirt 高校Yシャツ 5,295 118 130
### Girl's School Shirt 高校Yシャツ 2,047 118 130
### Pan case 筆箱 1,842 118 130
### Pan case 筆箱 1,310 118 130
### Calligraphy brush 書道筆 1,008 118 130
### School sweater vest ベスト 4,644 118 130
### School sweater セーター 7,128 118 130
### Tennis Uniform テニスユニフォーム 8,986 118 130
### Student commuter pass 通学定期 12,710 118 130
### Backpack 通学用リュック 5,292 118 130
### Socks 靴下 313 118 130
### Tobu World Square 東武ワールドスクウェア 2,500 118 130

### Admission Fee of Sarushima Island 猿島渡航料 1,500 118 130

### Tennis Shoes テニス靴 3,999 118 130

### High School Uniform, Summer Skirt 制服夏スカート 7,830 118 130

### Men's Shoes 靴 3,132 118 130

### Tennis Racket テニスラケット 7,999 118 130
### Carnation Pod カーネーション 540 126 139
### Fancy umbrella かさ 1,080 126 139
### Sunscreen spray 日焼け止め 670 126 139

### 3 days school study camp 高校合宿 32,000 126 139

Disposal charge for a baby

### 粗大ごみ手数料 300 126 139

### Ribbon for school uniform 制服用リボン 2,052 126 139

### Cram School Summer Session 塾夏期講習 64,476 126 139

### Fancy umbrella 傘 1,080 126 139

Guidebooks of Colleges and
### 大学案内 0 126 139
Sushi dish at a sushi-go-round
### 回転ずし 108 122 136
### Umbrella 傘 1,015 122 136
### Fruits Tart タルトケーキ 2,095 122 136
### Udon + Sushi Plate うどん+すし 620 122 136

### Movie Ticket (Night Time Discount) 映画 1,300 122 136

### Toaster oven トースター 1,536 123 136

### Large towel with fasteners まきタオル 980 123 136

### Nursery plant of eggplant ナス苗 73 123 136

### Nursery plant of cucumber キュウリ苗 73 123 136

### Fertilizer for home gardening トマト肥料 100 123 136

### Gardening Soil 土 108 123 136

### Admission Fee of Shinagawa Aquarium しながわ水族館 1,350 123 136

### Handgrip for grip strength training 握力トレーニング用グリッ 190 123 136

With 16 Pinches Laundry Clothes

### 洗濯物干し16ピンチ 626 123 136
### Pain relief patch しっぷ 537 123 136
### Cucumber pole 園芸用支柱 108 121 136
### Gardening Planter プランター 216 121 136

Eye test and a prescription for glasses

### 視力検査 2,820 121 136
at a doctor

### X-ray & teeth cleaning at a dentist 歯科歯石除去 3,040 121 136

### Goggles for near sight person 度付きゴーグル 2,678 121 136

### Glasses メガネ 5,378 121 136

### HDMI Cable HDMI ケーブル 1,058 121 136

### Second-hand 17 inches LCD Monitor 17インチ中古モニタ 3,400 121 136

### Entrance Fee for a Tennis School テニススクール入会金 11,340 123 132

Admission Fee of Yokohama History

### 横浜歴史博物館 400 123 132

Admission Fee of National Museum of

### 420 123 132
Japanese History

### Heating oil 灯油 944 123 132

### Concert Ticket for a Pop Idol コンサート代 9,000 123 132

### Checking Muscle Pain at an Orthopedist 整形外科受診料 850 123 132

### Charge for Use a Community Gym 区立ジム使用料 500 123 132

### Umbrella 傘 324 123 132

### Gloves 手袋 108 123 132
### Drinking with friends 4,500 123 132

Examination fee of an English

### 4,500 123 132
proficiency exam

Examination fee of Japan Kanji Aptitude

### 2,500 123 132

### LED Light 1,922 123 132

### New Year's Decoration 648 123 132
### Coix seed tablet 1,780 117 128
### Bag parts 300 118 128
### Text Books for Senior High School 24,130 112 125
US$ Euro per
$1.61 € 1.21 500 ml drink Coca Cola
$1.08 € 0.81 discount drink Coca Cola
$10.75 € 8.06 home Umbrella
$5.34 € 4.01 home Cleaning brush
$1.51 € 1.13 home Wire-brush
$5.38 € 4.03 month education Newspaper for kids
$5.38 € 4.03 home Toothpaste
$4.84 € 3.63 official Family register
$7.90 € 5.93 Outfit & Gear Basketball socks
$112.90 € 84.68 official Real estate acquisition tax
$1.08 € 0.81 food Chocolate
$32.39 € 24.10 month utilities Mobile phone bill
$59.14 € 44.00 month average utilities Mobile phone bill
$96.77 € 72.00 low official Speeding penalty
$860.22 € 640.00 high official Speeding penalty
$1.39 € 1.03 food Rice pudding
$43.48 € 32.26 Health & Beauty Blood test
$14.13 € 10.48 entertainment Shinagawa Aquarium
$8.70 € 6.45 discount entertainment Shinagawa Aquarium
$1.63 € 1.21 food Cup noodles
$125.35 € 93.00 month utilities Electric bill
$6.44 € 4.79 food Hamburger steak
$1.94 € 1.44 food Bread
$25.81 € 19.20 food Dinner
$1.13 € 0.84 education Compasses
$19.42 € 14.45 electronics Web Camera
$2.69 € 2.00 discount electronics Web Camera
$43.01 € 32.00 entertainment Drinking
$1.38 € 1.02 food Yogurt
$1.61 € 1.20 500 ml drink Pepsi
$389.01 € 289.42 home Oil heater
$2.90 € 2.16 food French fries
$2.04 € 1.52 discount food French fries
$1.38 € 1.02 food Almond jelly
$9.14 € 6.80 small food Apple pie
$1.08 € 0.81 60g food Potato chips
$118.29 € 88.72 month utilities Gas bill
$87.83 € 65.87 month utilities Gas bill
$1,075.27 € 806.45 culture Hina doll
$4,301.08 € 3,225.81 expensive one culture Hina doll
$1.08 € 0.81 food Snack
$1.61 € 1.24 500 ml drink Soda
$1.61 € 1.24 500 ml drink Soda
$119.57 € 90.91 Health & Beauty Gastroscopy
$410.87 € 312.40 Health & Beauty Surgery, polyp
$9,473.68 € 7,200.00 education Kindergarten
$842.11 € 640.00 education Kindergarten
$3.16 € 2.40 entertainment Adachi Zoo
$10.53 € 8.00 entertainment Tokyo tower Aquarium
$0.32 € 0.24 Health & Beauty Mask
$0.00 € 0.00 Health & Beauty Doctor's bill
$31.58 € 24.00 month utilities Water bill
$1.03 € 0.78 small food Chocolate cake
$1.05 € 0.80 electronics DVD-R
$10.53 € 8.00 cheapest Health & Beauty Hair cut
$42.11 € 32.00 Health & Beauty Hair cut
$5.53 € 4.20 home Fish tank
$1.12 € 0.86 home Gold fish feed
$1.04 € 0.80 food Ice cream
$1.12 € 0.86 home Kitchen sponge
$0.40 € 0.31 food Cream puf
$0.00 € 0.00 entertainment Nogeyama zoo
$5.32 € 4.10 entertainment Kanazawa zoo
$6.38 € 4.92 entertainment Zoorasia
$0.64 € 0.49 small food Potato chips
$0.00 € 0.00 official Disaster Prevention handbook
$0.85 € 0.66 utilities Postage
$0.53 € 0.41 utilities Postage
$0.53 € 0.41 food Milk pudding
$42.45 € 32.70 Outfit & Gear Men's shoes
$1.54 € 1.19 123 g food Boiled soybean
$0.51 € 0.39 food Dorayaki
$10.64 € 8.20 entertainment Idemitsu museum
$0.30 € 0.23 food Bean sprouts
$2.13 € 1.64 30 min transport Parking lot
$1.12 € 0.87 home Calculator
$1.06 € 0.83 entertainment Shinagawa historical museum
$146.81 € 115.00 education Electronic dictionary
$53.19 € 41.67 food Birthday cake
$1.12 € 0.88 home Glue
$64.80 € 50.64 month utilities Telephone bill
$311.83 € 243.70 education Japan Atlas
$5.38 € 4.20 2nd-hand education Japan Atlas
$0.95 € 0.74 food Yakitori
$0.83 € 0.65 food Éclair
$10.74 € 8.36 month Health & Beauty High-blood pressure drug
$1,189.47 € 926.23 month home Apartment house
$309,278.35 ### home Real estate
$432.99 € 333.33 education School backpack
$9.28 € 7.14 education School indoor shoes
$0.00 € 0.00 education Textbook
$1.06 € 0.81 recreation Small stone
$0.86 € 0.65 education Notebook
$7.07 € 5.38 entertainment Tokyo Sea Life Park
$5.96 € 4.54 home Frying pan
$5.10 € 3.91 home Bath mat
$12.99 € 9.92 Health & Beauty Anti hay fever glasses
$51.55 € 39.37 culture Funeral condolence money
$21.43 € 16.41 education Textbook
$1.07 € 0.82 home Hook
$22.86 € 17.50 transport Bus fare
$50.31 € 38.52 transport Bullet train

$1.02 € 0.78 entertainment Communications museum

$7.14 € 5.47 Health & Beauty Breathing improvement patch
$1.02 € 0.78 entertainment Rental DVD
$13.27 € 10.16 education Examination fee
$27.65 € 21.17 month Health & Beauty High-blood pressure Treatment
$3.09 € 2.36 entertainment Institute of Nature Study
$18.56 € 14.17 food Tarte cake
$3.71 € 2.83 recreation Stufed animal
$20.62 € 15.75 entertainment Enoshima Aquarium
$5.12 € 3.91 education Pencil sharpener
$11.34 € 8.66 transport Train fare
$3.09 € 2.36 entertainment Tokyo Port Wild Birds Park
$11.69 € 8.93 food Hamburg steak
$10.31 € 7.87 recreation Train parts
$2,886.60 € 2,204.72 recreation Train parts
$2.06 € 1.57 entertainment Sakata Seed Corporation Greenhouse
$1.63 € 1.24 food Sliced bread
$51.02 € 39.06 recreation Membership fee, school club
$10.20 € 7.81 education Workbook
$1.05 € 0.81 home Portable umbrella
$2.88 € 2.22 food Kellogg’s
$9.97 € 7.67 home Carnation flower
$39.41 € 30.62 electronics CD player
$2.34 € 1.82 education Plastic sheet
$2,970.30 € 2,307.69 misc Dog bit your neighbor
$1.35 € 1.05 food Hot dog
$106.86 € 82.58 home Futon
$2.24 € 1.73 home Tissue paper
$7.35 € 5.68 food Ekiben
$0.00 € 0.00 entertainment Yumemigasaki Zoo
$6.37 € 4.92 Health & Beauty Floss
$1.03 € 0.80 home Tape measure
$0.97 € 0.75 food Sweet bun
$1.03 € 0.80 electronics Earphone
$14.71 € 11.36 education Kanji Kentei
$7.20 € 5.54 food Ramen
$8.00 € 6.15 entertainment Travel guidebook
$9,800.00 € 7,538.46 culture Graveyard
$1.08 € 0.85 discount drink Coca Cola
$4.46 € 3.50 Health & Beauty Eye-drops
$10.29 € 8.08 electronics Rechargeable battery
$49.02 € 38.46 entertainment Japanese pub
$102.94 € 80.77 home Wardrobe
$7.55 € 5.92 home Ironing board
$60.00 € 45.80 education School trip
$8.50 € 6.49 week Health & Beauty Anti-allergy drug
$20.00 € 15.27 year education PTA fee
$0.51 € 0.39 food Bouchée
$15.20 € 11.49 food Pork cutlet combination mea
$6.45 € 4.87 drink Soba
$1.07 € 0.81 home Sponge
$0.00 € 0.00 official Prime Minister's speech
$17.35 € 13.08 entertainment Novel
$52.63 € 39.37 month education Correspondence study
$150.64 € 112.38 year official TV Receiving Fee
$0.00 € 0.00 education Sports festival
$6.35 € 4.74 Outfit & Gear Kid's underwear
$17.98 € 13.41 Outfit & Gear Kid's pants (trousers)
$52.50 € 39.17 Outfit & Gear Backpack
$1.05 € 0.79 food Cup sweet
$566.38 € 422.54 year education School lunch
$640.00 € 477.46 year education School lunch
$6,382.98 € 4,761.90 official Nomination deposit
$1.12 € 0.83 Health & Beauty Razor
$2.66 € 1.98 stationery Memo pad
$2.66 € 1.98 food Sweet
$5.53 € 4.13 food Sweet
$1.12 € 0.83 home Spray bottle
$0.00 € 0.00 entertainment DVD at library
$30.61 € 22.83 entertainment Imported DVD
$0.00 € 0.00 entertainment Omori Nori Museum
$10.10 € 7.69 recreation Nintendo Prepaid Card
$4.04 € 3.08 entertainment Inogashira zoo
$1,073.74 € 817.69 year official Real estate tax
$30,303.03 € 23,076.92 official Nomination deposit
$6.87 € 5.28 entertainment Imported DVD
$0.20 € 0.15 culture Saisen
$1.05 € 0.81 Health & Beauty Strapping tape
$0.00 € 0.00 official Newsletter
$19.90 € 15.31 Outfit & Gear Pants
$20.60 € 15.85 transport Taxi
$188.40 € 144.92 month home Maintenance fee
$155.10 € 119.31 month home Reserve fund for building repairs
$8.50 € 6.54 Outfit & Gear Pants
$11.00 € 8.46 home Anti-earthquake prop
$24.70 € 19.00 home Anti-earthquake holder
$5.98 € 4.60 Outfit & Gear Neck cooler
$19.90 € 15.31 electronics Electric fan
$8.00 € 6.15 culture Yusyukan museum
$12.60 € 9.69 recreation Map book
$19.00 € 14.62 education High school guide
$3.98 € 3.06 Outfit & Gear Sandal
$14.00 € 10.77 education Study-aid book
$241.90 € 186.08 transport Commuter pass
$8.00 € 6.15 education Kindergarten class reunion
$15.00 € 11.54 home Door stopper
$19.90 € 15.31 Outfit & Gear Shoes
$0.00 € 0.00 education Lecture presentation
$378.00 € 290.77 education Cram school
$62.95 € 48.42 21 recreation Secondhand comics
$0.00 € 0.00 recreation School pool
$10.00 € 7.69 entertainment Insect Specimen Show
$474.23 € 353.85 9 home Replacing screens of windows
$1.03 € 0.77 food Shaved ice
$0.00 € 0.00 recreation Catching a crab
$0.00 € 0.00 culture Portable shrine parade
$7.92 € 5.91 Health & Beauty Canker sore medicine
$7.42 € 5.54 transport Unlimited ride pass
$2.04 € 1.52 food Ice cream
$10.28 € 7.79 home Themometer
$8.25 € 6.25 food Minced meat cutlet
$35.72 € 27.07 Outfit & Gear Backpack
$113.20 € 85.78 transport Shinkansen
$13.20 € 10.00 electronics USB Cable Power Adapter
$5.57 € 4.22 transport Nagoya to Inuyama
$12.99 € 9.84 Outfit & Gear Pouch
$6.19 € 4.69 food Udon
$16.49 € 12.50 entertainment Little World museum
$8.25 € 6.25 day entertainment City pool
$0.00 € 0.00 entertainment To see real scale Gundam
$8.25 € 6.25 food Borscht lunch
$10.31 € 7.81 Outfit & Gear Wallet
$3.71 € 2.77 entertainment City pool
$1.46 € 1.09 food Fruit jelly
$38.35 € 28.62 utilities Newspaper
$4.12 € 3.08 entertainment City pool
$13.40 € 10.00 entertainment Thunderbirds exhibition
$8.56 € 6.38 food Ramen
$8.66 € 6.46 food Thunderbirds sweets
$6.12 € 4.62 entertainment Nagoya TV Tower
$30.51 € 23.00 Health & Beauty Dentist
$0.38 € 0.28 one sheet recreation Print out photo
$153.06 € 115.38 one festival culture Donation to the local community
$33.67 € 25.38 drink Drinking with friends
$9.90 € 7.46 Health & Beauty Dentist
$2.02 € 1.52 food Pudding
$18.37 € 13.85 entertainment Movie
$286.73 € 216.15 education Cram school
$1.05 € 0.81 entertainment Secondhand book
$1.98 € 1.52 food Menma
$0.00 € 0.00 education lecture of safety cycling
$1.05 € 0.81 electronics socket adaptor
$1.05 € 0.81 home food pack
$2.82 € 2.11 stationery Correction fluid
$2.01 € 1.51 stationery Correction tape
$0.88 € 0.66 stationery Spare ink
$9.90 € 7.42 home Umbrella
$20.10 € 15.08 Outfit & Gear shoes
$1.21 € 0.91 stationery notebook
$3.52 € 2.64 5 69.6 stationery notebook
$52.12 € 39.09 Health & Beauty exam thyroid
$3.03 € 2.24 month transport Parking lot for bicycle
$109.09 € 80.60 year transport Parking lot for bicycle
$30.10 € 22.24 recreation Hamster cage
$12.12 € 8.96 recreation Hamster
$5.03 € 3.72 recreation hamser foods
$10.08 € 7.45 Outfit & Gear Sneakers
$5.03 € 3.72 home Documents box
$20.20 € 14.93 entertainment Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium
$169.90 € 125.52 Health & Beauty Laser surgery
$4.01 € 2.96 food Fried noodle
$5.71 € 4.24 Health & Beauty Nose drops
$1.07 € 0.80 electronics Fluorescent lamp
$2.12 € 1.58 food Furikake powder
$0.89 € 0.66 food Fried noodle in a cup
$1.08 € 0.80 stationery White board
$0.00 € 0.00 education School festival
$17.32 € 12.73 100 Health & Beauty Vitamin C tablets
$263.92 € 193.94 education Cram School
$2.89 € 2.12 food school lunch
$61.24 € 45.00 Health & Beauty Fixing a cavity
$8.76 € 6.44 recreation Hamster running wheel
$1.02 € 0.75 food Green Tea Pudding
$1.84 € 1.35 1.5 L drink Cola
$14.43 € 10.61 education Study-aid book of history
$65.36 € 48.03 Health & Beauty Fixing a cavity
$8.25 € 6.06 education Study-aid book of English
$3.79 € 2.79 recreation hamser foods
$151.12 € 110.52 education Supplemental tuition fee
$20.31 € 14.85 Outfit & Gear Kid's windbreaker
$0.00 € 0.00 official Staying at Homeless Shelter
$3.04 € 2.22 recreation Woodchip for hamsters
$20.31 € 14.85 Outfit & Gear Kid's fleece jacket
$2.02 € 1.48 Health & Beauty Eye drops
$12.35 € 9.03 Health & Beauty Cleaning upper teeth
$1.07 € 0.78 electronics AA batteries
$4.05 € 2.96 home Lubricant
$1.10 € 0.81 food Waffle
$4.80 € 3.51 transport Hamamatsucho-Haneda Airport
$6.74 € 4.93 recreation Scale model
$16.33 € 11.94 home Blanket
$9.69 € 7.09 recreation Baseball magazine
$1.07 € 0.78 home Adhesive
$1.07 € 0.78 stationery Froggy bank
$122.45 € 89.55 education graduation party
$7.96 € 5.82 food Walnuts
$34.49 € 25.22 Health & Beauty Fixing a cavity
$79.84 € 58.39 2months utilities Water bill
$151.52 € 112.78 education Student yearbook
$2.29 € 1.71 3 stationery Marking pen
$3.01 € 2.24 food Ham
$16.26 € 12.11 Health & Beauty Inhaled bronchodilator
$3.00 € 2.23 recreation Water tank for hamster
$7.07 € 5.26 Health & Beauty Helicobacter pylori test
$30.30 € 22.56 education Study kit for calligraphy
$10.00 € 7.44 Outfit & Gear Fleece jacket
$2.65 € 1.97 25 drink Tea bag
$2.81 € 2.09 20 drink Green Tea Bag
$1.04 € 0.77 Outfit & Gear Kid's Glove
$1.04 € 0.77 stationery Mechanical pencil lead
$69.31 € 51.47 transport Night bus fare from Toyama to Tokyo
$1.88 € 1.40 food Apple Pie
$24.75 € 18.38 Health & Beauty Immunization shot for flu
$8.14 € 6.10 transport Shinagawa to Tsukuihama
$7.84 € 5.88 recreation Hamster Running Wheel
$6.73 € 4.93 food Beef stew lunch
$0.00 € 0.00 entertainment Meguro Parasitological Museum
$6.73 € 4.93 Outfit & Gear Men's underwear
$70.19 € 51.41 drink Drinking with friends
$16.35 € 11.97 food Parts of a decoration cake
$0.48 € 0.35 culture New Year's greeting card
$17.31 € 12.68 culture New Year's Decoration on the gate
$48.08 € 35.21 culture New Year's gift money to my nephew
$1.01 € 0.74 culture Envelope of New Year's gift money
$0.96 € 0.70 culture Saisen (money ofered to the gods)
$2.48 € 1.82 home Cleaner for glass
$1.90 € 1.39 food Sasagemame (Sasage beans)
$9.62 € 7.04 culture Collecting stamps at "visit to seven gods"
$0.96 € 0.70 culture Paper fortune
$0.93 € 0.68 food Precooked seasoning for fried rice
$4.81 € 3.52 entertainment Admission fee of Cup Noodle Museum
$2.88 € 2.11 entertainment Admission fee of Kanagawa Prefectural Mu
$14.42 € 10.56 entertainment Admission fee of Tokyo Motor Show
$1.01 € 0.74 electronics Incandescent filament lamp
$1.92 € 1.42 recreation Stufed animal of Chikin Ramen Bird
$2.87 € 2.11 food Sponge cake (Castella)
$9.62 € 7.09 home Huggable pillow
$12.62 € 9.30 food Hamburger steak
$3.73 € 2.77 Outfit & Gear Women's Socks
$1.03 € 0.77 electronics Power strip
$4.87 € 3.63 education Study-aid book of English
$4.88 € 3.64 Outfit & Gear School indoor shoes
$24.51 € 18.25 Outfit & Gear School indoor shoes
$9.80 € 7.30 4 pair Outfit & Gear Men's Socks
$1.03 € 0.77 home Knife for bread
$7.75 € 5.77 Outfit & Gear Men's underwear
$1.03 € 0.77 electronics Blank Blu Ray disc
$10.26 € 7.64 Health & Beauty Stomach medicine
$31.68 € 22.86 electronics Hair Iron
$4.36 € 3.14 20 recreation Cigarette, SevenStar
$1.04 € 0.75 Outfit & Gear Gloves for Smartphone
$9.60 € 6.93 recreation Stufed Toy
$4.95 € 3.57 entertainment Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum
$13.59 € 9.79 stationery Diary
$1.02 € 0.73 stationery One dozen pencils
$62.14 € 44.76 entertainment Admission fee of Tokyo Disneyland
$5.34 € 3.85 food Tokyo Disneyland cookies
$1.02 € 0.73 home Knitting wool
$1.02 € 0.73 stationery Pass case
$2.88 € 2.08 home Tension rod
$79.21 € 56.74 Outfit & Gear Kid's Clothes for the Graduation Ceremony
$56.73 € 40.64 Outfit & Gear Dedicated school bag
$9.90 € 7.09 Outfit & Gear Dedicated socks
$23.76 € 17.02 Outfit & Gear Dedicated indoor shoes
$62.38 € 44.68 Outfit & Gear Dedicated long sleeve gym uniform
$51.98 € 37.23 Outfit & Gear Dedicated gym pants
$19.80 € 14.18 Outfit & Gear Dedicated short sleeve gym uniform
$28.71 € 20.57 Outfit & Gear Dedicated gym short pants
$305.64 € 218.94 Outfit & Gear Uniform
$14.55 € 10.43 Outfit & Gear Dedicated tie
$54.06 € 38.72 Outfit & Gear Dedicated shirts (2 shirts)
$20.79 € 14.89 Outfit & Gear Dedicated belt
$51.98 € 37.23 Outfit & Gear Dedicated sweater
$101.58 € 72.77 Outfit & Gear Dedicated summer pants
$53.47 € 38.30 Outfit & Gear Dedicated short sleeve shirts (2 shirts)
$28.71 € 20.57 Outfit & Gear Dedicated gym shoes
$990.10 € 709.22 Health & Beauty Entering a hospital with intestinal obstructi
$7.62 € 5.46 electronics Electric Shaver Replacement Blade
$9.90 € 7.09 recreation Stafed Animal of Chip (Chip and Dale)
$4.68 € 3.35 recreation Chewing wood for hamster
$2.40 € 1.72 recreation chewing dishcloth gourd for the hamster
$9.71 € 7.09 entertainment Admission fee of Hanayashiki Amusement P
$9.78 € 7.14 stationery Pen Case
$41.94 € 30.64 Outfit & Gear Kid's shoes
$691.09 € 495.04 education School Trip Expense
$2.18 € 1.56 transport Charge to get a refund on the unused perio
$9.80 € 7.09 education Membership fee of a school tennis club
$9.77 € 7.07 home Pilow
$2.94 € 2.13 home Pilow cover
$7.65 € 5.53 electronics Micro SD Card
$9.80 € 7.09 entertainment Roadshow movie ticket for junior high scho
$102.83 € 74.39 home Clothes Locker
$79.14 € 57.25 electronics LED ceiling light
$63.10 € 45.65 electronics LED ceiling light
$3.92 € 2.84 home Carnation in a pot
$49.02 € 35.46 electronics Cost of installing a ceiling light adapter on t
$169.61 € 122.70 electronics Tablet PC
$2.94 € 2.13 home Disposal charge for a ceiling light
$34.31 € 24.82 Outfit & Gear Woman's Shoes
$98.04 € 70.92 education School Trip to Nagano
$15.00 € 10.85 food All-you-can-eat sweets restaurant
$39.21 € 28.36 Outfit & Gear Tennis shoes
$78.42 € 56.73 recreation Tennis racket
$25.00 € 18.09 Outfit & Gear Rain boots
Boy's School Swim
$18.63 € 13.48 Outfit & Gear Shorts
$4.90 € 3.55 Outfit & Gear Boy's Swimming Cap
$10.27 € 7.59 home Curtain rail
$17.85 € 13.19 home Curtain
$1.06 € 0.78 Outfit & Gear Men's sandals
$21.64 € 15.99 food Chocolate cake
$20.12 € 14.87 electronics Electric fan
$14.71 € 10.87 home Water bottle
$15.88 € 11.74 education Molecule model card (Molka)
$67.35 € 49.78 transport Shinkansen Fare Tokyo to Echigo-yuzawa
Cram School Summer
$847.06 € 626.09 education Session Tuition Fee
$1.00 € 0.74 stationery Craft Paper
$0.80 € 0.59 stationery Glue stick
Demo Lesson at a
$0.00 € 0.00 education Cram School
$33.88 € 25.23 Large food Delivery Pizza
Enrollment fee of a
$215.69 € 160.58 education cram school
$1.59 € 1.18 medical Toothpaste for kids
$2.52 € 1.88 Outfit & Gear Kids Socks
$24.51 € 18.25 Outfit & Gear Tennis cap
$6.37 € 4.74 home Kitchen Timer
Admission fee of
$46.08 € 34.31 entertainment Yomiuriland includes
pool admission

Fee of a mock
examination for
$39.22 € 29.20 education senior high school
$5.10 € 3.80 food Fruit jelly
$2.74 € 2.10 recreation Hamster Potty
$1.58 € 1.21 recreation Sand for hamster
Workbook collecting
questions of the high
$10.19 € 7.88 education school entrance
Disposal charge for an
$2.83 € 2.19 home electric fan
Lunch box sold at
$7.55 € 5.84 food stations
$343.83 € 266.03 electronics Blu-ray Disc Recorder
$15.89 € 12.29 electronics HDMI Cable
$10.19 € 7.88 outfit & Gear Men's Shirt
$9.25 € 7.15 Outfit & Gear Men's Shoes
Frozen (2013 film)
$1.66 € 1.31 food
Potato Chips
$14.14 € 11.25 home Floor Pillow (cushion)
$13.47 € 10.72 Outfit & Gear Men's Shoes
Annual Membership
$1.91 € 1.52 entertainment Fee of Rental DVD
Medical Charge For a
$42.53 € 33.85 recreation Hamster
Medical Charge For a
$7.83 € 6.23 recreation Hamster
$6.84 € 5.52 Outfit & Gear Girl's socks
$12.93 € 10.43 Outfit & Gear Boy's jacket
$42.74 € 34.48 Outfit & Gear Glasses
Repairing a Minor
$90.91 € 73.83 home Malfunction of The
Bath Tub
Protective injection
$21.49 € 17.45 medical for flu
$200.00 € 163.27 home Gas fan heater
$104.00 € 84.90 home Oil Fan heater
$8.75 € 7.14 home 10L of kerosene
$6.28 € 5.13 home Oil plastic tank
$0.83 € 0.68 home Oil pump
$28.78 € 23.50 electronics Color Inkjet Printer
$25.98 € 21.21 electronics Color Inkjet Printer
$18.48 € 15.09 electronics Color Ink Cartridge
$17.15 € 14.00 electronics Black Ink Cartridge
Mickey Mouse Osechi
$90.00 € 73.47 food Meal
$1.69 € 1.41 stationery Papers for Calligraphy
$0.90 € 0.75 home Plastic string
$408.33 € 340.28 electronics Washing machine
$9.59 € 7.99 electronics Blu-Ray Blank Disc
Entrance examination
fee of a Tokyo
$18.33 € 15.28 education metropolitan senior
high school

Entrance examination
$166.67 € 138.89 education fee of a private senior
high school
$0.92 € 0.82 stationery Rubber band
$0.92 € 0.82 Outfit & Gear Ear mufs
$13.85 € 12.27 Outfit & Gear Pants
$2.68 € 2.37 Outfit & Gear Socks
$17.40 € 15.42 Outfit & Gear Shoes
Enrollment fee of a
$3,034.19 € 2,689.39 education private senior high
Birthday Ice Cream
$24.37 € 21.48 food Cake
Enrollment fee of a
$47.48 € 41.85 education Tokyo Metropolitan
senior high school
Tuition Fee of Cram
$328.08 € 289.20 education School Spring Break
$10.89 € 10.05 food Combined Plate Dish
$8.17 € 7.53 food hamburg steak
$226.89 € 209.30 education High School Uniform
$179.97 € 166.02 education Textbooks
$27.12 € 24.62 Outfit & Gear Girl's School Shirt
$21.19 € 19.23 Outfit & Gear Girl's School Shirt
$9.03 € 8.19 Outfit & Gear Folding Umbrella
$225.76 € 204.92 Outfit & Gear School Sports Uniform
Train Fare Asakura to
$25.25 € 22.92 transport Kinugawa-Onsen
$26.95 € 24.46 education High School Swimsuit
$44.87 € 40.73 Outfit & Gear Girl's School Shirt
$17.35 € 15.75 Outfit & Gear Girl's School Shirt
$15.61 € 14.17 stationery Pan case
$11.10 € 10.08 stationery Pan case
$8.54 € 7.75 stationery Calligraphy brush
$39.36 € 35.72 Outfit & Gear School sweater vest
$60.41 € 54.83 Outfit & Gear School sweater
$76.15 € 69.12 Outfit & Gear Tennis Uniform
Student commuter
$107.71 € 97.77 transport pass
$44.85 € 40.71 Outfit & Gear Backpack
$2.65 € 2.41 Outfit & Gear Socks
$21.19 € 19.23 entertainment Tobu World Square
Admission Fee of
$12.71 € 11.54 entertainment Sarushima Island
$33.89 € 30.76 Outfit & Gear Tennis Shoes
High School Uniform,
$66.36 € 60.23 Outfit & Gear Summer Skirt
$26.54 € 24.09 Outfit & Gear Men's Shoes
$67.79 € 61.53 recreation Tennis Racket
$4.29 € 3.88 home Carnation Pod
$8.57 € 7.77 Outfit & Gear Fancy umbrella
$5.32 € 4.82 home Sunscreen spray
3 days school study
$253.97 € 230.22 education camp
Disposal charge for a
$2.38 € 2.16 home baby
Ribbon for school
$16.29 € 14.76 Outfit & Gear uniform
Cram School Summer
$511.71 € 463.86 education Session
$8.57 € 7.77 home Fancy umbrella
Guidebooks of
$0.00 € 0.00 education Colleges and
Sushi dish at a sushi-
$0.89 € 0.79 food go-round restaurant
$8.32 € 7.46 home Umbrella
$17.17 € 15.40 food Fruits Tart
$5.08 € 4.56 food Udon + Sushi Plate
Movie Ticket (Night
$10.66 € 9.56 entertainment Time Discount)
$12.49 € 11.29 electronics Toaster oven
Large towel with
$7.97 € 7.21 Outfit & Gear fasteners
Nursery plant of
$0.59 € 0.54 recreation eggplant
Nursery plant of
$0.59 € 0.54 recreation cucumber
Fertilizer for home
$0.81 € 0.74 recreation gardening
$0.88 € 0.79 recreation Gardening Soil
Admission Fee of
$10.98 € 9.93 entertainment Shinagawa Aquarium

Health & Beauty Handgrip for grip

$1.54 € 1.40 strength training
With 16 Pinches
$5.09 € 4.60 home Laundry Clothes
$4.37 € 3.95 Health & Beauty Pain relief patch
$0.89 € 0.79 recreation Cucumber pole
$1.79 € 1.59 recreation Gardening Planter
Eye test and a
$23.31 € 20.74 Health & Beauty prescription for
glasses at a doctor

Health & Beauty X-ray & teeth cleaning

$25.12 € 22.35 at a dentist
Goggles for near sight
$22.13 € 19.69 recreation person
$44.45 € 39.54 Outfit & Gear Glasses
$8.75 € 7.78 electronics HDMI Cable
Second-hand 17
$28.10 € 25.00 electronics inches LCD Monitor
Entrance Fee for a
$92.20 € 85.91 recreation Tennis School
Admission Fee of
$3.25 € 3.03 entertainment Yokohama History
Admission Fee of
$3.41 € 3.18 entertainment National Museum of
Japanese History
$7.67 € 7.15 10L home Heating oil
Concert Ticket for a
$73.17 € 68.18 entertainment Pop Idol

$6.91 € 6.44 Health & Beauty Checking Muscle Pain

at an Orthopedist
Charge for Use a
$4.07 € 3.79 recreation
Community Gym
$2.63 € 2.45 home Umbrella
$0.88 € 0.82 Outfit & Gear Gloves
$36.59 € 34.09 drink Drinking with friends
Examination fee of an
$36.59 € 34.09 education English proficiency
Examination fee of
$20.33 € 18.94 education Japan Kanji Aptitude
$15.63 € 14.56 home LED Light
$5.27 € 4.91 home New Year's Decoration
$15.21 € 13.91 medical
$2.54 € 2.34 Outfit & Gear
$215.45 € 193.04 education
acquisition tax

vention handbook

istorical museum

pressure drug
dolence money

tions museum
mprovement patch

pressure Treatment
Nature Study

Wild Birds Park

Corporation Greenhouse

p fee, school club

ombination mea

ter's speech
epaid Card

d for building repairs

uake holder

n class reunion

reens of windows

ine parade
ower Adapter

cale Gundam

s exhibition

the local community

fety cycling
ya Public Aquarium

ning wheel

ok of history

ok of English

al tuition fee

omeless Shelter
or hamsters

cho-Haneda Airport
or hamster
r pylori test

pencil lead
re from Toyama to Tokyo

n shot for flu

o Tsukuihama
nning Wheel

asitological Museum

coration cake
greeting card
Decoration on the gate
gift money to my nephew
New Year's gift money
ey ofered to the gods)

e (Sasage beans)
amps at "visit to seven gods"

easoning for fried rice

ee of Cup Noodle Museum
ee of Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Cultural History
ee of Tokyo Motor Show
t filament lamp
mal of Chikin Ramen Bird

ok of English

Minatomirai Industrial Museum

ee of Tokyo Disneyland
yland cookies

s for the Graduation Ceremony

door shoes
ng sleeve gym uniform

hort sleeve gym uniform

ym short pants

hirts (2 shirts)

ummer pants
hort sleeve shirts (2 shirts)

ospital with intestinal obstruction

ver Replacement Blade
mal of Chip (Chip and Dale)
od for hamster
hcloth gourd for the hamster
ee of Hanayashiki Amusement Park
t a refund on the unused period of train pass
p fee of a school tennis club

movie ticket for junior high school students

lling a ceiling light adapter on the ceiling

rge for a ceiling light

eat sweets restaurant

odel card (Molka)

Fare Tokyo to Echigo-yuzawa
290 313
291 314
292 315
293 316
294 318
295 319
296 320
297 321
298 322

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