TOPIC IMPACT SOCIAL Economical Political Technological Changes On Education and Current Trends and Issues On Education

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The history of education is believed to as old as history of mankind. Available literature suggests
the formal education in the form of schooling was started in Egypt between 3000 and 500
BC.The history of mankind because human beings pass knowledge, skills and attitude from one
generation to other.

The word education is derived from Latin word “educare”.which means ‘leads out’.
This derivation connotes growth from the within. The idea of education is not merely to impart
knowledge to the pupil in some subjects but to develop in him those habits and attitudes with
which he may successfully face the future. In narrow or technical sense, education stands for
deliberate instruction or training providing to the child by the society through it various
institutions during a particular time in order to modify his behavior.


According to Pestalozzi,

“Education is the natural, harmonious and progressive development of man’s innate


According to John Dewey,

“Education is the development of all those capacities in the individual which will enable
him to control his environment and fulfill his possibilities”

According to Mahatma Gandhi,

Education is the all-round drawing out of the best in child and man body, mind and

Social change refers to an alteration in the social order of a society. It may refer
to the notion of social progress or socio cultural evolution, the philosophical idea that society
moves forward by dialectical or evolutionary means. It may refer to a paradigmatic change in the
socio-economic structure, for instance a shift away from feudalism and towards capitalism.
Accordingly it may also refer to social revolution, such as the Socialist revolution presented in
Marxism, or to other social movements, such as Women's suffrage or the Civil rights movement.
Social change may be driven by cultural, religious, economic, scientific or technological forces.
More generally, social change may include changes in nature, social institutions, social
behavior’s or social relations.


The role of education as an agent or instrument of social change and social development is
widely recognized today. Social change may take place - when humans need change. When the
existing social system or network of social institutions fails to meet the existing human needs
and when new materials suggest better ways of meeting human needs.
Education can initiate social changes by bringing about a change in outlook and attitude of man.
It can bring about a change in the pattern of social relationships and thereby it may cause social
Earlier educational institutions and teachers used to show a specific way of life to the students
and education was more a means of social control than an instrument of social change. Modern
educational institutions do not place much emphasis upon transmitting a way of life to the
students. The traditional education was meant for an unchanging static society not marked by
any change. But today education aims at imparting knowledge. Education was associated with
Education encompasses teaching and learning specific skills and also something less tangible but
more profound: the imparting of knowledge good judgment and wisdom. Durkheim sees
education as the socialization of the younger generation .It is a continuous effort to impose on
the child ways of seeing, feeling and acting which he could not have arrived at spontaneously.
Education has as one of its fundamental goals the imparting of culture from generation to
generation. Culture is a growing whole. There can be no break in the continuity of culture. The
cultural elements are passed on through the agents like family, school and other associations. All
societies maintain themselves through their culture. Culture here refers to a set of beliefs, skills,
art, literature, philosophy, religion, music etc. which must be learned. This social heritage must
be transmitted through social organizations.
Education has this function of cultural transmission in all societies. The curriculum of a school,
its extra-curricular activities and the informal relationships among students and teachers
communicate social skills and values. Through various activities school imparts values such as
co-operation, team spirit, obedience, discipline etc. Education acts an integrative force in the
society by communicating values that unites different sections of society. The school teaches
skills to the children which help them later to integrate within the culture of the society.
Education in its formal or informal pattern has been performing this role since time immemorial.
Education can be looked upon as process from this point of view also. Education has brought
phenomenal changes in every aspect of man's life.


· Civilization change.
It refers to the dress, food habits, production technologies, communication system, etc.
· Cultural change
It is associated with new knowledge. Religion, rituals, arts, literature etc.
· Change in social relationship.
It is the relationship between the father and son, teacher and student, husband and wife, etc.
· Geographical factors like climatic conditions that influence the climatic conditions.
· Psychological factors like motivation, individualization etc.
· Sociological factors like social conflicts, social oppressions, modernization etc.
· Explosion of population
· The environmental factors like newly built cities, industrialized and urbanized natural
· The scientific and technological factors like technical advancements, new inventions, modern
machineries, tools, etc.
· The ideological factors like social philosophy, political philosophy and religious philosophy.
· The legislative factors like legislation on temple entry, banning child marriages etc.
· The impact of western civilization and cultural diffusion
· Contact of people with different countries
· The level of education and literacy attained by the society
· Modernization of the society
· New attitudes to wealth, work, saving and risk taking
· War, natural calamities, revolutions, migration of people, etc


According to V.R.Taneja "Education and social change is a two - way traffic. While education
preserves, transmits and disseminates the whole culture, social change is the instrument and
precondition of educational thought.
It is noted that social change is impossible without education. Education makes the people aware
of the inadequacies of the existing system and creates a craze for social reform. Many of the old
superstition s, beliefs and outdated customs. Which is retard social progress, can be prevented
by education. It is to be noted that many progressive reforms like Hindu Code Bill and
Untouchability Removal Act remained ineffective due to the illiteracy of a large number of
Indian people.
Education is considered as a powerful instrument for social change, because it deals mainly with
the thought patterns and behavior patterns of younger generation. The axe of education can cut
down the thick roots of traditional superstitions, ignorance and the backwardness. Education
prepares the people for social change.
In the wake of social change, people become aware of the need for educational progress. The
changes caused by the political upheaval, industrialization, technological progress and religious
reform movements naturally demands more education in order to maintain social equilibrium. In
India the enrolment in educational institutions has increased enormously since independence.

We can summarize the following relationship between education and social change in the
following way:
· Education initiates the social change and gives them direction and purpose.
· Education creates the social reformers and leaders who consciously make all the efforts to bring
about social changes.
· Education prepares the individual for social changes. It brings a change in the need -
dispositions and also creates frustrations with the status quo.
· Education determines the nature of social changes, which ought to be brought about.


When we take for granted the phenomena of one question arise. Does the change take
place in society stand for progress? Is it in the right direction? A change may not always be
towards progress. Therefore, can education allow the society to go adrift? The answer is ‘no’.
Education must be used as an instrument in relation to social progress. This means the problem
of education in relation to social change is twofold.

1. Adjustment to the changing situation.

2. Creation of a new order or education for social progress.

Education is not only concerned with the perpetuation of society but with its improvement

Education is both retrospective and prospective. It is both conservative and progressive

.Education transmits the culture of one generation to another. The education activates and
experiences of the past generation and asked to carry on those activities and experiences to meet
the new situations which it will meet. Education must also provide situations at all age levels but
within the maturity and ability of the individual to stimulate a creative ness of mind, which can
explore new horizons and bring the vision of the future into a living reality.

1) Conservation of social heritage:

Human race by its own action an d interaction on the environment has

accumulated through ages a rich heritage which goes by the name of culture. This culture consist
of the knowledge and experience and it has molded man’s mode of life and is manifested in the
ways of life of the people .if culture is not preserved, all human knowledge and experience
would be lost to successive generation and each generation would have to being fresh.

Culture is becoming more and more complex with the advancement of civilization and
this necessitates the conservation of culture. This product of the past culture provides the subject
of instruction for the present generation. Conservation of the past culture will take place in the
best form only when we need out from the accumulated knowledge of the past what is observe,
wrong and misfit in the present.

2) Progress of civilization:

The child is to be led towards a better and happier future. The needs of the
society are ever changing. Every successive generation aims at making improvement in the
existing pattern. Education helps in reconstructing and reorganizing the experiences of needs of
the society and thus eliminates the unworthy features of the society and builds up a happier and
better world.

Dewey says “By various agencies, unintentional and designed, a society transforms uninitiated
and seemingly alien beings into robust trustees of its own resources and ideals. Education is thus
a fostering, adventuring and a cultivating process. All of these words mean that it implies
attention to the condition of growth’’-“When we have the outcome of the process in mind we
speak of education as shaping ,forming , molding activity that is shaping into the standard form
of social activity”.


1) Simplifying and ordering the environment:

A Complex civilization is difficult to assimilated in has to broke up into

portions, as it were, assimilated piecemeal in a gradual and a graded way. Thus the first duty of
the school is to provide simplified environment .it should select is to provide simplified should select the features which are fairly fundamental and capable of being
grasped by the this way it can establish a progressive order using the factor first
acquired as means of gaining insight into what is more complicated.

2) Purifying and idealizing environment:

We cannot import into school life all the exit’s outside. We shall have to eliminate evil
features of the existing environment. By selecting the best for its exclusive uses it’s strives to re
enforce the power of this best.

3) Wider and better balanced environment:

In the school there are children of diverse races, communities, religions etc. They come
from different home back we should try to eliminate the tendency to justify one’s
language, speech, community or race but should train children intolerance towards other
communities, races and religions. The caste o, creed and color should not be a bar to healthy
conjoint living in the school.

4) School as miniature communities:

School should be miniature community. The should be a living traffic with outside


The MC Nair report on the training of teachers which says, It is a truism to say that every
teacher, in how ever humble a capacity he or she may be serving is directly and vocationally
involved in molding the shape of things to come, “if that truism be true “observes prof
W.O.Lester Smith of the London university, the unsettled times in which our young citizens are
going to live their lives make it necessary that those who aspire to teach should have though and
should continue to think about the problems of society with all the intelligence at their work.

Prof.Ottaway thinks that teacher in the schools can have the most powerful influence in
the community if they choose. Teacher’s professional organization and unions are among the
orthodox pressure groups and they can bring their views before the public opinion and


The constitution with its statements of fundamental rights, Directive principles and preamble
can be said to represent one broad consensus on the type of society which Indians wish to create.

The goals placed before the people by the constitution are those of a democratic society
which recognizes the dignity and the basic rights of the individual and holds the promise of an
order in which, political and economic justice and equality will prevail.


The education of the future providing for man’s total life span must be oriented to his
fulfillment as an individual person, as a creative worker, and as a member of his society at local,
national, and global levels. The educational programs and process should be related to the needs
of contemporary man, achieved through an appropriate system of education is the most precious
asset of individual and his society, and it is the aim which needs now to be translated into
curricular content. Such a curricular content of educational program me and experience need to
be conserved and planned in the context of educational program me and experience needs to be
conceived and planned in the context of life long education and the capacity to adapt and
innovate now requires more than ever, an overriding stress on the building of character and the
strengthening of the moral and spiritual dimension of personality.


Education in unfolding future in our country calls for at least five new linkages. Embodying
national tasks and objectives of important to our own model of development.

Firstly; we should try to link our great and authentic past with the living present of existing
realities and the emerging future of goals and aspirations in the search of a national identity.

Secondly; a linkage of the urban elite and the rural people through educational opportunities and
suitable institutions and programs of formal and non-formal learning is necessary for achieving
some real and meaningful national integration.

Thirdly; youth need a closer sense of belonging and fuller involvement with the making of the
larger society; youth power and people power can together achieve the developmental tasks for a
better quality of life.

Fourthly; a linkage of science and spirituality implies that living traditions from the past should
function along with the appropriate technologies of modern science that we choose consciously
for our own way of life and our indigenous model of development.

Lastly; The world of formal education should be linked to the world of the work and the world
of culture top serve the needs of life long education and the making of the integrated man. This is
the most promising direction of educational change. In addition to formal education and culture
learning we need education through work, for work and from work to add to the wholeness of
life, to the flowering of integrated personality and harmonious society.


The right to vote, the right to participate intelligently in shaping the policies of the state,
demands not merely the right of education, but the right to education in the language of people.
The major failure of the government of independent India lies in the fact that it has not fulfilled
even some of the major democratic promises. It policy of transacting political, administrative and
economic functions in a language which is foreign to the people denies them the right to
understand and actively help in shaping these policies. The problem of the medium of
instruction, as well as medium of administration and economic exchange, it is vitally bound up
with the very development of the human personality and very notion of respect for the individual
dignity of the man considered so essential for is also vitally linked with augmenting
and unfolding the potential creative power of the citizen, who is the ultimate source of power for
building and enriching material and spiritual culture.


The existence of a chain of English medium schools at all levels of education has been an
instrument for creating a small privileged group of English knowing elite. The new and
expanding job opportunities are thus monopolized by the members of this group who are getting
wealthy in emerging economic order.


Economic conditions, economic policies and the economic system are important external
factors that constitute educational environment in a country. Income of people and their
purchasing power influences that demand for education. In countries where investment and
income are steadily and rapidly increasing, educational prospects are generally bright. The
economic policies of the government influence the education environment in a country.
Education the up of collaboration with foreign universities, exchange of students and faculty
members from one country to another country also influence of education environment.
Economic conditions of a country determine infrastructure educational oriented development

 Trends in domestic trade, export, inflation, money supply, foreign exchange, reserved
growth of industry, agriculture and service sector determine status of education and its
 Students pursuing higher studies come forward to get education loan from public sector
banks to meet the expenditure on education. Loans also provide for education institution
for constructing required infrastructure.

Government also frequently interferes to fix various types of fees to be collected from
students of professional education. Modern infrastructure in education increase cost of education
to students. Modern teaching methods and technologies increase the cost of diversified courses
offered by educational institutions and the need to increase the students competitive skills also
increase the cost of education.


UGC has no funds of its own. It receives both planned and non-planned grand from the central
government, through the ministry of human resource development to carry out the
responsibilities assigned to it by law. The UGC also has variety of programs under which
financial assistance is available for promoting career advancement and research.

Investment in education is of vital significant especially in the developing countries for

enriching the quality of human life which in turn can promote economic development.

The funding from the government sources is drying up in the context of new economic and
industrial policies which call for privatization and a decreased role for government in higher
education. The universities and technical institutions have to be prepared to market and offer
their strengths to earn the enhanced funding.


There are essentially two strategies for resource management namely increase in revenues and
reduce in cost. Universities can succeed in increasing revenue by offering some of the following
services to industries

 Consultancy
 Research and development services
 Short term specialized courses
 Technology transfer
 Running continuing education courses on commercial basis
 Developing workshops as training cum production centers.
 Corpus fund
 Utilization of available resources by industries.

Development of appropriate management information system, cost analysis, approaches to

budgeting, comparative studies of cost and expenditures, strategic planning and several
incentives and structures.

However the higher education institutions can think of introducing reforms with regards to

 Better management of physical resources

 Equipment of resources
 Use of new techniques

Education is an economically and socially productive many developing countries

education is financed and providing predominantly by the is widely accepted that the state
of higher education is an indicator of future progress and prosperity of the country. Higher
technical and professional education has the power to produce change agents for moving the
country along the development continuum.

Political environment consist of the political system (i.e. democracy and autocracy, etc.) The
political institutions the national and regional parties, their structure and their style of functioning
etc. ,The political ideologies of the parties , power, continuance of same policies pursued by the
party. Strength of opposition and political culture of parties ,Along as there is no absolute
majority for the ruling party in the parliament , support of the opposition and supporting political
parties becomes essential for introducing any new policies or enacting any new laws relating to
any matter.

Government policies in education are based on the prevailing environment

 Dual degree courses, job oriented courses ,vocational courses, short term courses relating
to information technology, specific courses or studies needed to get employment
opportunities abroad are planned based government policies in education
 Uniform curriculum in all educational institutions and uniformity in conducting
examinations and publishing results are also the outcome of government policies in
 Government provides financial support and other infra structural facilities for organizing
training programs to improve teaching skills to the teachers.

The central government is taking strenuous effort to provide education to all by

implementing various programs on education.


It is a recently introduced in selected schools in India. The primary

objective of this program is to provide required infrastructures in school for providing basic
education to the children are objective of this program.


National policy on education is a basic document for taking steps and planning programs for
uplifting of education sector in India.

 Stream lining higher secondary education , common entrance test for profession
 Centralized admission for professional education
 Medium of instruction in educational institutions is also based on the education and
language policies of the government.
 Reservation policy to follow in educational institutions is decided by the government.
 Some of the programs at elementary education stage are DPEP, Mid day meal scheme
and Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana etc

3)District Primary Education Programme

The Centrally-Sponsored Scheme of District Primary Education Programme (DPEP)(External
website that opens in a new window) was launched in 1994 as a major initiative to revitalise the
primary education system and to achieve the

Major Achievements of DPEP:

i. DPEP has so far opened more than 1,60,000 new schools, including almost 84,000
alternative schooling (AS) centres. The AS centres cover nearly 3.5 million children,
while another two lakh children are covered by Bridge Courses of different types;
ii. The school infrastructure created under DPEP has been remarkable. Works either
complete or in progress include 52758 school buildings, 58,604 additional classrooms,
16,619 resource centers, 29,307 repair works, 64,592 toilets, and 24,909 drinking water
iii. The Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) for Phase-I states was around 93 to 95 per cent for the
last three years. After the adjustment for the Alternative Schools/Education Guarantee
Centers enrolment, the GER in the 2001-02 works out above 100 per cent. In the districts
covered under subsequent phases of DPEP, the GER including enrolment of AS/EGS was
above 85 per cent;
iv. The enrolment of girls has shown significant improvement. In DPEP-I districts, the share
of girls enrolment in relation to total enrolment has increased from 48 per cent to 49 per
cent, while this increase in the subsequent phases of DPEP districts has been from 46 per
cent to 47 per cent;
v. The total number of differently bled children enrolled is now more than 4,20,203 which
represents almost 76 per cent of the nearly 5,53,844 differently-abled children identified
in the DPEP States;
vi. Village Education Committees/School Management Committees have been setup in
almost all project villages/habitations/schools,
vii. About 1,77,000 teachers, including Para-teachers/Shiksha Karmis have been appointed;
viii. About 3,380 resource centers at block level and 29,725 centers at cluster level have been
set-up for providing academic support and teacher training facilities.
Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana
(PMAGY) is a rural development programme launched by the Central government in India in the
financial year 2009–10 for the development of villages having a higher ratio (over 50%) of
people belonging to the scheduled castes through convergence of central and state schemes and
allocating financial funding on a per village basis.[1]The plan is considered ambitious as it aimed
to bring a number of development programs to the villages. Some of these programs are Bharat
Nirman, Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana(PMGSY) for rural roads, water supply, housing,
electrification and other big-ticket schemes like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Mahatma Gandhi
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, ICDS, sanitation. This program would be applicable
to around 44,000 villages which had a scheduled castes population above 50% and so qualified
for PMAGY.
The ‘mid-day meal in schools’ programme in India that started in 1960 had the main objectives
of protecting children against hunger and increasing school-enrolment and/or attendance. Other
than these main objectives, mid-day meal programme had also aimed to
achieve equality or social harmony among children of various classes and castes, and to provide
employment to the unprivileged women. Though the key objectives are still valid in the changed
scenario of today’s world, the promotion of social harmony or equality is still a myth


The objectives of the mid day meal scheme are:

 Improving the nutritional status of children in class’s I-V in Government, Local Body and
Government aided schools, and EGS and AIE centres.
 Encouraging poor children, belonging to disadvantaged sections, to attend school more
regularly and help them concentrate on classroom activities.
 Providing nutritional support to children of primary stage in drought affected areas during
summer vacation.

Entitlement norm per child per day under MDM

Item Primary (Class I to V) Upper Primary(Class VI to VIII)

Calories 550 700

Protein (in Grams ) 12 20

Rice / Wheat (in Grams ) 100 150

Dal (in Grams ) 20 30

Vegetables (in Grams ) 50 75

Oil and Fat (in Grams ) 5 7.5



Educational technology is a system in education in which machines, materials, media, men

and methods are interrelated and work together for the fulfillment of specific educational
objectives. Technology explosion has yielded several new machines, materials and media which
have great potential for use in the educational enterprise. A judicious use of these together with
new functions and roles of educational personnel can bring about more efficient and effective
teaching learning. A adequate knowledge of theory and practices of educational technology and
their proper use would enable the teacher to understand and effectively discharge his or her new
roles in the educational system in an age of information explosion, knowledge explosion,
population explosion and expectation explosion.


B C Mathis
Education technology refers to the development of set systemic methods, practical knowledge
for the designing, operating and testing in schools.

Nature &characteristics of educational technology:

1 .It is the application of scientific principles of education.

2. It lays stress on development of methods and techniques for effective teaching.

3. It stresses the organization of learning situations for effective realization of the goals of
4. It emphasizes the designing and measuring instruments for testing learning outcomes.
5. Involves input, output and process aspect of education.
6. It is not confined to the use of electronic media in education, it includes system approach
7. It is important media of communication.
8. It is not taken a synonym to audio visual aids in education.
9. It is very comprehensive term and is not to be viewed in terms of its parts or
includes Instructional, Teaching technology, Programmed learning, micro teaching and system


1. Transmitting information
2. Serving as role
3. Assisting the practice of specific skills
4. Contributing to the provision of feed back



1. The need to reach more students.

2. To reach them with an improved range of learning materials.
3. To offer greater opportunities for independent study.
4. To permit at least a limited student response


1. Identification of educational needs and aspirations of the community

2. Determination of the aims of education, broad strategies and structure of education

3. Developing a suitable curriculum with interaction of arts, human values and sciences.
4. Identification of material resources and strategies for the desired aims of education
5. Developing certain models leading to improvement in the process of teaching learning.
6. Identification of major constraints in the environment and the ways and means of tackling

7. Assisting in extending vocational opportunities to masses especially neglected sector of


8. Managing the entire educational system covering planning, implementation and evaluation


1. Identifying and analyzing the characteristics and educational needs of the students
2. Determining the specific classroom objectives and starting them in behavioral terms
3. Analyzing the contents of instruction and organizing them in proper sequence.
4. Identifying the nature of the interaction of the sub-systems like students’ performance or
change in behavior.
5. Identifying the available teaching-learning materials and resources.
6. Evaluating the effectiveness of the class room teaching in terms of the students’
performance or change in behavior.
7. Providing appropriate feed back to the students as well as teachers to bring modification
in the teaching learning process.


Scope of educational technology is wide as education scope ranges from the concrete
educational process to the most abstract and subtle ones. It includes the use of hard ware and
software and system analysis in various educational operations. There are major areas in
education in which its scope is very wide. These are

1. Technology related to general educational administration and management.

2. Technology related to general educational testing
3. Technology related to the instructional process


Mackenic and others (1980) classify the devices on basic of information resources.
1. Television, language laboratory and other audio-visual resources.
2. Feedback devices including machines.
3. Reprographic equipment like computers ‘and programmed learning material.
Percival and Ellington (1984) classify techniques.
1. Mass instructional techniques
2. Individualized instructional techniques.


Identification of educational goals and objectives of the community.

Developing appropriate curriculum for the achievement of stipulated goals.
Developing suitable teaching learning materials
Analyzing the process of teaching learning materials.
Selecting and developing proper teaching learning strategies for obtaining optimum
 Developing and selecting appropriate audio-visual aids
* Utilizing effectively the hardware and software media.

* Providing essential feedback and control through evaluation.

* Preparing teachers in the new technology of teaching


Education technology has great potential for improving the teaching learning process among the
important advantages
1. Individualized instructions: Education technology is very helpful in individualizing instruction
by enabling as to make use of self-instruction programs.

2. Improvement in the quality of teaching: Education technology assist in the improvement of

teaching learning process by enabling use to use more valid, rich and motivational programs
through TV and other media.

3. Meeting the problem of mass education: Education technology helps in programs developed
by experts for a large population of students with the use of computer and TV etc

4. Equalizing educational opportunity: Educational technology assist as in making efforts for

equalizing educational opportunities irrespective of economic, social and geographical status of

5. Providing continuing education: TV lessons and self-instructional programmed material send

to keep themselves abreast of the latest material.

Following are the important technologies in education that have combined to make the
communication revolution and information age a challenging era for educators.

1. Artificial intelligence:
Artificial is the branch of computer science that’s deals with the task of making
intelligence machines that can perform better than what humans are capable of. AI
is a computational technology that involves the symbolic representations and
processing of knowledge.
2. CD-ROM (Compact Disk – Read Only Memory ):
ROM is semi-conducted memory device which is used to store of a permanent
3. Dial Access:
It is round the clock delivery system through which caller can get access to vast
library of audio cassettes.
4. E-Mail:
It is natural to communicate with our friends and business associates based at
distant locations and this is the essence of networking.
5. Teleconferencing or Interactive television:
It is two way electronic communications between two or more groups or three or
more individuals who are at separate locations.
6. Telelecture:
It is primarily a one way information transmission takes by his teacher with a very
limited opportunity of questions or comments.
7. Teletutorial:

It is a more focused instructional section involving demonstration and explanation

by a tutor, practice by the participants and evaluation and corrective feedback by
the teacher.
8. Teleseminar

It is characterized by intensive participant’s involvement owning to a small

number of groups it leads to much focused, in-depth discussion on a topic where
previous experience is shared.

9. Internet

10. Wireless class room microphones

11. Interactive white boards

12. Video conferencing


The changes that are occurring in the social and culture life of the society as a result of
the impact of advancements in the science based technology are broadly describes as
modernization. Since education is a multipolar process, it is infused by modernization in
different ways. Due to globalization and liberalization changes occurring in other parts of the
world will also influence the education pattern of the country. Even though certain aspects in the
new trend are painful to those who viewed education as a noble process, they are irresistible in
the current contests.


 Student is the focus of present day education system. The interest is shifted from subject
matter to the student and the teaching learning process is largely directed by the nature
and needs of learner

 The basic shift in emphasis from the subject of instruction to nature &needs of learner is
based on math etic principle.

 Math tics is the science of behavior of pupil undergoing the process of learning.

 Educationist like Rousseay, Pestalozzi, John Dewey and others have contributed to the
development of child centered education. As a result, education has become more
interested in the whole child, all the thoughts, feeling and actions of the individual pupil,
in his mental and social development rather than presenting some information to him in a
readymade form. In accordance with this trend, student is motivated to participate
actively in the teaching learning process. This way of teaching by eliciting maximum
student participation is called Participatory approach in teaching.

 The shift is emphasis from teacher to people in the process of education and carrying out
of Instructional activities with the realization of specific and clear cut the learning
outcomes has inevitably to a reassessment of teachers role in the classroom.

 The model of teacher as the pivotal and dominate figure in education, presenting a variety
of information to pupils has practically disappeared.

 Modern education transformed the teacher role from a Dictator to friend of students.

 To prepare student for learning by enabling them to actively participate in teaching

learning process rather than simply spoon feeding.

 Creation of environment.

 The future of education directly depends upon the quality of the intermediary inventive
minds of teacher and their ability to invent and innovative.


Modern education is activity centered. We are currently giving more emphasis to

learning by doing. Curriculum of today is organized in terms of the task to be performed and
goal to be reached rather than in terms of lessons to learned. This will provide knowledge
and skills essential for leading a good life. Teachers have to motivate the children to do
experiment, search out fact for themselves and undertake projects.


One of the most significant trends in today’s school is the encouragement of

creativity. Human advances come through original thought and intervention. Creative
education is a good medium to develop original thought and intervention.


Considering the resipoactive relationship between education and society, this is a

expected trend. Education is seeking more community participation for solving its problems.

E.g.: Parent teacher association

Funding of various projects in the technical institute by the industrial sector


Technology exceeds great influence on education as a tool for teaching and

learning. Judicious use of educational psychology in the development and practice of educational
technology has increased its use friendly nature considerably. Cost effectiveness of technology is
based educational programme is a good when compared to cost of traditional programme.
Education system prefers technology not because it signifies the teaching learning process, but
because technology empowers new solutions. Technology will help the teachers to solve the
emerging educational problems created by factors like growing school population, heterogeneity
of pupil in schools, divergent and even confusing needs of learner, rapid development of new
information, expanding curriculum and the social changes arising from modernization. The
facility for online education through informational technology enabled services has defined and
concepts of non-formal education. The wide spread use of computers in education, computer
assisted learning and computer assisted instruction are becoming common even in the lower
level of education.


Universities and other elite educational organization has come out from glass
towers for providing non-formal education through study centers and regional centers.

E.g.: Correspondence education and distance education


In order to meet the challenges of globalization, education system is restructuring

the traditional programme by integrating and co-relating various subjects.

E.g.: BSC Botany programme has converted to applied botany.


In the present situation a talented student can do the higher studies irrespective of
the economic status. Door of all elite universities in the world are kept open for the talented
young people and flexible educational loan are available for meeting the expense of education.


Because of the multiple education goals, a comprehensive system of evaluation is

being evolved. The child’s progress judged by the comparison of his on work and achievement.
Latest methods of evaluation are based on a vision of learning and well defined performance
indicator. In addition to cognitive abilities, other abilities are also evaluated in a more objective

Lot of innovation are taking place in teaching and learning on a regular basis.
These innovations will help in the intellectual development, personal development and career
development of the youth.


Present day education systems are more concerned about quality, cost
effectiveness and accountability. It is a process of monitoring and evaluating efficiency and
effectiveness of educational provision and to institute remedial measures as and when needed


Class as a unit of teaching is disappearing. As a result of the advancement in

instructional planning and evaluation of learning, teachers realize the existence of widely
different backgrounds, differences in student abilities and interests. Hence the teacher of today
realized the made for presenting learning experience to suite individual difference existing
among pupils by using the media and methods generated by educational technology.



Due to the misappropriation of funds and scarcity of resources, government is

finding it difficult to meet the educational demand of society, there by denying opportunity for
education to a vast majority of people. This has motivated the government to concentrate more
on the basic education. Now, government is withdrawing slowly from providing higher
education and allowing private sector to play a major role, subjected to certain social control
measures. If the government implements the social control measures properly, this approach
would bring spectacular changes in an otherwise gloomy education scenario. Foreign universities
are now attracting Indian students by offering job oriented programme and very much reluctant
to change according to the new trends in the international level, India has become a gold mine
for the foreign university.


A number of issues and controversies now face educators and communities. Among them
are discipline and security; race, ethnicity, and equality; mainstreaming; and public versus
private education.

Discipline and security

Expressions of violence have increased in the culture, and so has violence in the schools. In the
past, only urban or poor inner‐city schools worried about serious violence. With recent school
shootings in small towns from Kentucky to Oregon, all U.S. schools and districts, however
small, must now directly address the increased incidence of school violence. Teachers have
found children as young as kindergarten coming to school armed.

Schools have reacted decisively. To reduce the threat from strangers or unauthorized persons,
many have closed campuses. Others require all persons on campus to wear identification at all
times. When the students themselves come to school armed, however, the schools have been
forced to take more drastic measures. Many have installed metal detectors or conduct random
searches. Although some people question whether the searches constitute illegal search and
seizure, most parents, students, administrators, and teachers feel that, given the risk involved, the
infringement on civil liberties is slight.

Educators recognize that metal detectors alone will not solve the problem. Society must address
the underlying issues that make children carry weapons. Many schools include anger
management and conflict resolution as part of the regular curriculum. They also make counseling
more available, and hold open forums to air differences and resolve conflicts.

Bilingual education,
Which means offering instruction in a language other than English, constitutes
another attempt to equalize education for minority students. Federally mandated in 1968,
bilingual education has generated considerable debate. Supporters argue that students whose first
language is not English deserve an equal educational opportunity unavailable to them unless they
can receive instruction in their first language. Opponents counter that students not taught in
English will lack the fluency needed to function in daily life. Numerous studies support
conclusions on both sides of the issue, and, as funding becomes scarce, the debate will intensify.

The practice of placing physically, emotionally, or mentally challenged students in
a regular classroom instead of a special education classroom. Educators continue to debate the
merits and problems of mainstreaming. In general, the practice seems to work best for students
who can still keep pace with their peers in the classroom, and less well for students with more
severe challenges. Experts note that exceptions do occur on both accounts and recommend
careful consideration on a case‐by‐case basis.

Public versus private

Most of the public‐versus‐private discussion centers on public education. One cannot

ignore the effect of private education and home schooling on American education, however.
Many parents who are dissatisfied with the quality of public education, who are afraid of rising
violence in the schools, or who want specific personal or religious values integrated into the
curriculum, turn to private and parochial schools. The majority of private schools are religious,
with the majority of those being Catholic.
Studies have found that private schools maintain higher expectations and that students in these
schools generally outperform their public school peers. These findings support the Rist and
Rosenthal‐Jacobson studies.

Because of the success of private schools in educating at‐risk students, more parents are seeking
ways to afford these institutions, which have been largely available only to affluent white
families who can pay the tuition costs. One proposed solution is a voucher system. The
government would issue parents credit worth a dollar amount to take to the school of their
choice, public or private. Advocates argue that this program would make private schooling more
available to poorer families and create more equal opportunities. Critics charge that such a policy
would drain public schools of needed funding and further erode public schools. The vouchers
would not cover the entire cost of private school, and therefore still would not put private
schooling within the reach of poorer families. The program would result, opponents argue, in
further segregation of schooling. Other public school solutions include magnet schools that
provide a selective academically demanding education and superior facilities for qualified
students, charter schools that offer flexible and innovative education independent of the
traditional rules and regulations governing public schools, and interdistrict and intradistrict
enrollments that permit any eligible student in one school district to apply for enrollment in any
district school or program.

Some of our educators think that now this problem is an issue for education system but when a
youth looks his or her brother or sister unemployed even after getting bachelor or post graduate
degree , they are unemployed, this give the birth to a revolt.


The cost of getting education is very high so poor of our society find themselves lost
in getting education.



The national policy of education envisages that free and compulsory education of satisfactory
quality should be provided to all school age children’s up to the age of 14 years before the
commencement of 21st century. The target of universalizing elementary education has been
divided into three broad parameters i.e.

1) Universal access

2) Universal retention

3) Universal achievement
The central government and state government have over a period of time, evolved strategies
to check dropout rates and improve level of achievements in the school, the key elements of
which include

1.Creating parental awareness and community mobilization

2.Involvement of communities
3.Economic incentives
4.Improvement in the content and process of schooling(minimum level of learning)
5.District primary educations program.
6.National program of nutritional support.

The central government plays important roles in funding expenditure on elementary education.


The government of India, department of education has running since 1979-80,a programme of
non-formal education for children of 6-14 age group remain outside the formal system due to
various reasons. These include drop outs of formal schools, children’s from habitations without
schools, working children who assist performing domestic chores like fetching fuel, fodder,
water, attending to siblings, grazing cattle’s, etc and girls who are unable to attend formal
schools. Though the focus of the scheme is only educationally back ward status, it also covers
urban slums, hilly, tribal and desert areas.


DPEP is a special thrust and a new initiative to achieve universalization of elementary education
.the programme takes a holistic view of primary education development and seeks to
operationalize the strategy of UEE through district specific planning with emphasis on
decentralized management, participatory process empowerment and capacity building at all
levels. The programme is implemented through the state level registered societies.


Mahila Samakhya programme is a women’s empowerment project which aims at creating an

environment for women to seek knowledge and information with a view to bringing about
change in their perception about themselves and that of society. Mahila Samakhya launched in
1989is being implemented in about 5,500 villages spread over 38 districts of Uttar Pradesh,
Gujarat, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh. The programme has been able to lay the foundation for
women’s empowerment at the grass root level and make strategic interventions to support
education of adolescent girls and adult women.


The national policy on education, 1986 accords high priority to vocationalisation of education at
the secondary stage. The NPE as revised in1992 set of target of achieving diversion of 10 percent
of students at the plus two level to the vocational stream I 1995 and 25% by 2000 AD.
Accordingly, a centrally sponsored scheme of vocationalisation of secondary was launched in
February 1998. Under the scheme of vocational courses in classes xi and xii of the schools

About 150 vocational courses have been introduced in six major areas.

1. Agriculture

2. Business and commerce

3. Engineering and technology

4. Health and paramedical

5. Home science

6. Humanities


The scheme of integrated education for disabled children was launched in 1974 to provide
educational opportunities for disable children in the general school system so as to facilities their
and integration in the system. Under the scheme 100 percent financial assistance towards books
and stationary, uniform, transport allowance, readers allowance for blind children, escort
allowance for severally handicapped children’s, boarding and loading charges for disabled
children’s residing in hostel.


The government of India in 1985-86 a scheme to establish navodaya vidyalayas on and

average of one in each district to provide good quality modern education to the talented children
predominately from the rural areas. The addition to navodaya vidyalayas at the level of class vi
based on an admission test conducted by NCERT. The medium of test is mother tongue or
regional language of the children.


The scheme for the establishment of the central school was approved by the government of
India in 1962 and its implementation was started by the ministry of education in1963, when 20
regimental school run by the ministry of defense where taken over and converted into central
school or kendriya vidyalayas.


Coordination and determination of standard’s in higher education is a subject of the union list
and in hence a special responsibility of the central government. This responsibility is discharged
mainly through UGC.Which was established in 1956 under an act of parliament to take measures
for promotion and coordination of university education and determination and maintenance of
standards in teaching examination and research in universities. To fulfill its objectives, the
commission can enquire among other things into financial needs of universities; allocate and
disperse grants to them; establish and maintain common service and facilities recommend
measures for improvement of university education and give advice on allocation of the grants
and establishments of new universities.


Indira Gandhi national Open University (IGNOU) was established act of parliament in
September 1985 for the introduction and promotion of Open University and distance education
system in the education pattern of the country and for the coordination and determination of
standards in such systems. The major objectives of the university include widening access to
higher education and initiating special programme of higher education for specific target groups
like women, people living in backing regions, hilly areas etc.


Education is a purposeful process aimed at the development of is concerned

with directing the child in the matter of bringing out of his hidden talents. Educative process is
best considered as a multipolar process. Components of educative process are knowledge
application of skills, understanding, comprehension, expression, appreciation, and teaching,
learning initiation, instruction, training and indoctrination. Education is a planned activity and
based on objectives. Educative process is influenced by society, social changes and technological


1) B.Sankaranarayan, B Sindhu, Learning and Teaching Nursing, Third edition Brain fill
publication’s page no: 1-21, 195-225

2) J C Aggarwal, Essentials of Educational Technology, second edition vikas publications page

no: 387-408.

3)B K Mishra, R K Mohanty, Trends and Issues in Indian Education, edition 2009, published by
Vinay Rakhja C/O R Lall book depot, page no:347-368.

4) Sudha, Nursing Communication and Educational Technology, Jaypee publications, first

edition, page no 20-26.
5) Pramilaa.R, Nursing communication and educational technology, Jaypee publications, first
edition, page no: 218-222

6) J C Aggarwal, Theory and Principles of Education 13th edition, vikas publishing house page
no: 137-142.

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