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Dr. Tompos Aniko - Andrew Neville Arguments and K Discussion (az angol emelt szintu érettségire és nemzetkozi nyelvvizsgakra) (B2-G1 szint) 76 topics, pictures and graphs a i Tartalomjegyzék Elész6 . 7 Az emelt szinta sz6beli érettségi vizsga feladatainak leirasa és hasznos tandcsok a feladatok megoldasiara illetve a felkésziilésre 9 TOPICS - PROS AND CONS. 1. Digital whiteboards at school .. 2. Mopeds for young people 3. House swap during holidays 4. Grades / Marks in sports class 5. Establishing wind energy 6. Zoos 7. Class trips 8. Atomic energy 9. Day boarding schools ... 10. Organic products / food 11. Host families 12. Saunas 13. Tuition fees 14. City trips . - E 15. Last-minute trips 21 16. Travelling alone or with a companion 22 17. Video surveillance ....... i 23 18. Using public transport 23 19 Wikipedia pee 24 20. Holidays with or without children 25 21. Camping 25 22. Living in a dormitory 27 23. Summer jobs 27 24. Travel blogs - 28 25. Project / temporary work . 29 26. Doing it yourself or calling a specialist? 30 27. Pension at 65, meaning work until 65 30 28. Hiking 31 29, E-shopping — shopping online or in a store 32 30. Only children 33 31. Long-distance relationships 34 32. Money makes you happy 35 33. Cosmetic surgery . 35 34. Doing sports in a fitness club or outdoors .. 7 36 35. Class trips in the countryside or in a city 37 36. Buying a second-hand or a new car 38 37. Short weekend breaks or a longer holiday 38 38. Ski holiday or winter holiday indoors 39 39. Online chat occ S 40 40. E-books or printed books ... 2 41 41. Casting shows (Britain’s got talent) ok 42 42. A real pine tree or a plastic one for Christmas. 43 43. Traditions from other cultures 43 44. E-mail or post... 44 45. Pre-paid card or long-term contract for mobile phones 7 45 46. Online dating . 7 46 47. Reading newspapers or reading online news websites 46 48. Sunday opening hours for supermarkets - 47 49. Going to the cinema or watching a film at home 48 50. School uniforms 49 51. E-cards (electronic greeting cards) 00000 ceccccssessseseeseees . 50 52. Form classrooms or teachers’ rooms? —— 51 53. Ban on mobile phones at school... : 52 54. Space research ccs . 33 55. 3D cinema is trendy , 53: 56. Should students be allowed to do homework on their computers? oe 57. Skype calls or phone calls 1... eee, an 35 58. Distance learning . 59. Teleworking at home ooo ccccccccccssseecseseeee 60. Eating in the cafeteria / dining hall instead of dining at home 61. Keeping pets 62. Giving cash or handmade presents ae = wn 58 63. Ordering meals online or eating homemade food __ FE 59 64. Living in a city / in the countryside a ee 65. Shopping in a supermarket ; 60 66. Children with grandparents / day care 61 67. Working mothers... = a 61 68. Separate education 62 69. Extreme sports 62 70. Individual learning a a 71. Detached house with a garden __. 7s 72. Performance sports 64 73. Marriage at a young age 65 74. Holidays abroad 65 75. Working abroad .... 66 76. Buying or having a new house built or r renovating an old one 67 Tasks - Arguments and Discussion 69 1. Grouping discussion points and collecting further arguments. 69 2. Role play... B 3. Stating opinion ona situation... 74 4. Pair work: Stating opinion on a topic oe 15 5, Summarising and Discussing 7 7 6. Staged debate a 81 7. Silent debate n : 81 Basic expressions for discussion 7 83 Interpretation of graphs, charts and statistics 7 85 Pictures and Graphs 1. Digital whiteboards at school 2. Establishing wind energy 3. Zoos 4. Using public transport 5. Shopping online or in a store 6. Wikipedia 7. E-books or printed books ......... 8. Holiday with or without children 7 9. Going to the cinema or watching a film at home 10. School uniforms 11. E-cards or posteards 2... 12. Ban on mobile phones at school 13. Teleworking at home 14. Working mothers 15. Keeping pets 16. Marriage at a young age 17. City trips .. : 18. Reading newspapers or reading online news websites 19. Traditions from other cultures (Valentin’s day, Halloween) A vizsgafeladatok leirasa és hasznos tanacsok Az emelt szintii sz6beli érettségi vizsga feladatainak leirdsa és hasznos tanacsok a feladatok megoldasara illetve a felkésziilésre Angol emelt szintii érettségi Beszédkészség A feladatsor hairom részbél all: 1.A vizsgaztat6 tarsalgdst kezdeményez a vizsgazéval. 2. A vizsgaz6 egy vitaban vesz részt a vizsgaztatoval. (A részfeladat tanulmanyozasdra a vizsgazénak kb. fél perc All a rendelkezésére.) 3. A vizsgaz6 képek alapjan dnélléan beszél egy témardl. A téma kifejtése utan a vizsgaztato még kiegészité kérdéseket tehet fel. (A részfeladat tanulmanyozasara kb. fél perc all rendelkezésre.) A vizsga idétartama 20 pere 1. feladat: Bevezetés (nem értékelik a vizsgdn) Mielétt a tényleges szébeli vizsga elkezdédik, egy révid (kb. egy perces) bemelegi- 16 beszélgetés sziikséges A 2, feladattal értékelik a vizsgat. 2. A vizsgaz6 egy vitaban vesz részt a vizsgaztatoval. (A részfeladat tanulmanyozasara a vizsgazénak kb. fél perc All a rendelkezésére.) 3. A vizsgaz6 képek alapjan dnalldan beszél egy témarél. A téma kifejtése utan a vizsgaztaté még kiegészité kérdéseket tehet fel. (A részfeladat tanulmanyozasara kb. fél perc all rendelkezésre.) * Az emelt szintii sz6beli vizsga leiriisa: Azemelt szintii szébeli vizsga célja annak mérése, hogy a vizsgiz6 képes-e az érett- ségi kévetelményekben megfogalmazott nyelvi szinten gondolatait idegen nyelven szdban kifejezni és valds kommunikaciés szindékoknak megfeleld beszélgetést foly- tatni, A vizsgazénak képesnek kell lennie mind az énall6 témakifejtésre, mind a be- szélgetésben vald interaktiv részvételre. A vizsgarész rovid bevezet6 tarsalgassal kezdédik. Ebben a vizsgdz6 néhany olyan kérdésre valaszol, ami kézvetleniil 6t érinti, A kérdések célja az, hogy a vizsgaz6 ré- hangolédjon a német nyelv hasznélatéra. Az itt elhangzottak nem szimitanak be a vizsgaeredménybe. A vizsga két feladatbol all. A feladatokat a vizsgaz6 huzza, és kidolgozdsukhoz fel- késziilési idé nem all rendelkezésére. A vizsgafeladatok leirdsa és hasznos tanacsok Az els6 feladatban a vizsgaz6 egy vagy tébb német nyelvii, egy adott témahoz kap- csoléd6 kijelentést vagy idézetet értelmez és kifejti a veleményét, mikdzben a vizsgaz- tat6 vitdra serkenté kijelentéseire is reagalnia kell. A misodik feladatban a vizsgéiz6nak hitom megadott iranyité seempont alapjan kell kifejtenie egy adott témaval kapesolatos gondolatait. Ehhez verbilis és / vagy vizui- lis segédanyagok allnak rendelkezésére. A vizsgaztato elére meghatirozott, tovabbi vélemény-nyilvanitsra 6szténz6 kérdéseket tehet fel. Az egységes megfogalmazasti feladat-meghatérozésok német nyelviiek, amelyek nyelvi szintje azonban alacsonyabb a feladatok megoldasahoz szitkséges nyelvi szintnél. A feladatok megoldasahoz sz6tar nem haszndlhato, A részletes kévetelmények, tehat hogy mit és hogyan értékelnek az emelt szintii sretiségin (Ertékelési, pontozasi titmutat6 és k6vetelmények), az OM honlapjin tanul- manyozhatdk. ( Néhiiny hasznos taniies az emelt szintii érettségi sz6beli feladatainak megoldasih Akényv gyakorlékonyv, melynek feladatai mintéul szolgalnak az emelt szintti sz6- beli vizsgdn varhaté feladatokhoz. Ajénljuk az érettségire késztil6 didkoknak, hogy oldjék meg végig az dsszes feladatot. A megadott szélistakkal ismételjék t az eddigi ismereteiket illetve bévitsék ki azt, ha sziikséges. Mindkét feladat megoldasandl tand- csoljuk, hogy a nagyon bonyolult szerkezeteket kertilje a vizsgdz6, foleg ha nem biztos benne. Ugyeljen arra, hogy tigy kezdje a mondatot, hogy be is tudja fejezni! Vita: Nagyon figyeljen arra, hogy beszélgetdtarsa, azaz vizsgaztatéja mit mond! Ellen- érveit, valaszait ennek megfeleléen fogalmazza meg, megfeleléen reagaljon arra! Fi velése legyen logikus, viligos! Nyelvhasznélata legyen helyes, valasztékos, lehetdleg keriilje a nyelvi pontatlansagokat! Ugyeljen a folyékony és értheté beszédre! Ervelésnél alkalmazza a mar tanult formulakat! [eyekezzen gondolatat, élkispont- Jat kovetkezetesen, folyamatosan kifejteni! Legyen egyértelmti, ne maradjon semle- ges! Védje Alléspontjat, de maradjon a kulturalt vita keretein beliil! Az érvelésben, ellenérvelésben hasznélja a konyvben két oszlopban megadott hasz- hos sz6listikat, s2égyijteményeket! Osszegydjtottik az érvelés, ellenérvelés kifejezé- seit is. Ezeket épitse be vitéjéba! Onaillé temakifejtés: A kérdésekre adott vilaszok kapesolédjanak egymashoz, legyen kiejtése vildgos, lo- sikus felépitésti, jl szerkesztett! Nyelvhaszndlata legyen helyes és valasztékos, kerilje a nyelvi pontatlanségokat! Probiljon folyékonyan és érthetéen beszéini! A vizsgdn nem kap az érettségiz6 tovabbi segitséget. De ha az eléadas nem elég béséges, vagy ha a vizs- 426 megakad, akkor a vizsgaztat6k tesznek fel néhany kérdést az érettségizének. KOnyviinkben taldlhaté sz6listék, sz6kines viszont sok segitséget nytijtanak ezen feladat begyakorlésdhoz, a meglévé székincs tismétlés¢hez illetve tovabbi bévitéséhez. 10 Topics ~ Pros and Cons TOPICS — PROS AND CONS You will have a conversation with your examiner about the above statement. Give your opinion and argue for or against the proposition. Your examiner will sometimes contradict you. React to the counter-arguments of your examiner too. You have 30 seconds to think your points over. 1. Digital whiteboards at school “Is the good old blackboard on the verge of extinction? More and more schools are starting to invest in digital whiteboards.’ Pros. = this is a board which displays all written notes clearly, and can also store them and display them again at any time * computers and multimedia projectors can be attached to the digital board, which offers great possibilities in class + the board is clean, there is no dust or chalk, and it doesn’t need to be wiped at all = water, chalk and a lot of paper can be spared (eco-friendly) = contents can be uploaded onto the Internet: the teacher can prepare more easily; no copying is needed, no paper needs to be wasted Cons: = the introduction of the digital whiteboard may mean that the personality of the teacher will be less important + the computer is increasingly taking over the role of the teacher = — students may forget how to write, because they get used to using the keyboard and mouse = students already sit in front of the computer too much; should we encourage it at school too? = if there is a powercut, you can’t use a digital whiteboard 2. Mopeds for young people ‘Many young people drive mopeds, because it’s practical and cheap.’ Pros: + amoped is very practical: you can get from one place to another quickly and save time + the prime costs of a moped compared to a car are somewhat cheaper, that’s why lots of young people get a driving licence for a moped when they are only 15, instead of a driving licence for a car at 17 ——O——EE_ Md Topics ~ Pros and Cons a moped is certainly well-suited for getting around in the city, because you can find a parking place very easily it's very helpful for later on, when you start driving a car, because you learn how to deal with traffic better Cons. there are many accidents involving mopeds people often drive mopeds too fast, or misjudge road conditions it’s not so comfortable to sit on a moped for a long time, or when it rains a moped can only carry two people legally | mopeds are noisy and produce a lot of exhaust fumes mopeds are small and can be easily overlooked by car drivers if you have a moped you may decide to get a motorbike next, instead of a car, which is even more dangerous in winter it’s too cold to drive a moped and in summer you could catch a cold easily by wearing clothing that’s too light 3. House swap during holidays ‘Anew trend in tourism: more and more people swap their houses during holidays Pros. 10 save on accommodation costs.” you can browse a list of houses to swap on the internet and choose somewhere in comfort at home using your computer the coordination of the swap, the scheduling and handing over keys are organised independently and with no extra costs by the swap partners there is a basic fee, but there are no additional costs you can stay somewhere for free but it’s still comfortable you don’t stay in a typical tourist ghetto, and your host’s home will be well looked after you can take out insurance for any damages there are more and more people all over the world offering their homes for a holi- day swap Cons. something can easily go wrong it’s easy to do damage in a property you're not familiar with you have to organise your own journey you can only see once you get there whether you really made a good swap you might have loud neighbours you may find it difficult to find swap partners at the place where you want to travel to Topics ~ Pros and Cons * you are opening up your home to strangers and you may worry about your privacy + if your swap partners furn out to be loud, you can make yourself unpopular in your own neighbourhood 4. Grades / Marks in sports class ‘Students need grades — even in sports class — to be motivated.’ + having grades for sports makes them more equal to other school subjects * — without grades, students will think sports are less important and can be skipped + — grades have a motivating effect on students * students will be motivated to improve their performance as a result of the evalu- ation * good students will be rewarded and lazy ones punished, which is only right + — students can get a good grade easily — this increases the value of their certificate Cons: Sports grades give the impression that they are pure performance grades, which raises questions especially in the field of ball games at school sports the element of fun should be the main focus sports education should help students learn to like sports and enjoy exercising, which is easier to achieve when they are not being evaluated it is important that students develop a lifelong motivation to do sport and are not deterred from sports through the use of grades grades at sports often contribute to anxiety many students are put at a disadvantage from the beginning through their differ- ent abilities and shapes (especially during puberty) veight and weak students are further disadvantaged through grades for sports 5. Establishing wind energy “Today more and more wind power plants are being built, as traditional energy sources are diminishing.” fossil fuel (oil, coal and gas) will not be available forever; sources aren’t infinite; once reserves are exhausted, we will need renewable energy sources among other renewable energy sources, wind energy can be produced very efficiently wind turbines can supply houses with electricity easily and relatively cheaply 13 = Topics ~ Pros and Cons by establishing wind energy networks we can help to protect the environment wind turbines don’t produce exhaust fumes there is no need for large buildings, just a mast, which is low-maintenance there is a lot of space at sea and fields can be used later on there is no dangerous radiation as with atomic power plants Cons: many turbines would be located in the sea where the wind blows more strongly — this has negative effects on nature, e.g. migrating birds will be diverted from their routes: wind power plants at sea can scare off diving sea birds from their food source wind turbines could cause fatal accidents small whales and fish are also endangered the noise of explosions during bedding works could frighten away whales and seals too many wind turbines destroy the landscape rotors cause noise while spinning, which is disturbing in the neighbourhood of such plants the television picture can be affected, be- cause TV sets are in a wind shadow wind doesn’t blow all the time, and during calm weather, the masts will look like a ‘ghost forest” 6. Zoos ‘Zoos are important, because people can observe animals close up.’ Pros: 14 there are conservation programmes for about 140 endangered animal species; certain species can be protected through this Zo0s help to educate people about animals and the environment they offer a break from routine for young and old alike they offer a great day out they provide an opportunity for research into and conservation of rare animals modern zoos cannot be compared with old-fashioned Zoos where displaying animals ‘0 visitors was the most important consideration; today most cages have been re- Placed by free ranges, so that animals can move more freely and find a hiding place animals in zoos accept the limits of their habitat Z008 breed many rare animals which can later be relocated to their natural habitat animals in modern zoos have enough space to live in and places where they can withdraw to dangerous animals (c.g. tigers, sharks) can be observed close up, which would be unthinkable in their natural environment children without pets can experience animals; pet zoos encourage love for ani- mals in a playful way Topics ~ Pros and Cons animals that discover a food source don’t move away from it in their natural environment the setting of the ranges is important: animals must be able to follow their natural behaviour, for example dig holes, build nests, swim, play or hunt. Many zoos therefore have developed activities which are modelled on the natural behaviour of the animals. z00s have taken up a new role, becoming protection and reservation centres for spe- cies. Today, thanks to successful breeding projects, worldwide 126 species have been restored (e.g. the Mauritius kestrel, which was on the verge of extinction in the 70s), for many city dwellers, especially for children, the zoo is the first and sometimes the only access to nature 200s offer many job and training opportunities Cons: animals suffer when they are not free to go where they want animals are disturbed by the constant attention from visitors their natural instincts for things like hunting and breeding can be affected by long captivity animals don’t always have enough space animals can become submissive and dependent a 200 is basically a prison for animals, it takes away their right to be free animals in zoos can get depressed, they often close their eyes, look uninterested and apathetic animals cannot live and flourish in captivity living creatures are locked in and their natural habitat is taken away children often treat animals in pet zoos carelessly and badly 7. Class trips ‘Class trips are a necessary part of education.’ unlike in a school setting, children and youngsters can live and learn together they can practice normal social behaviour students have the chance to see other places and encounter different cultures they can experience nature and natural environment firsthand a trip can offer an opportunity to become part of a different community visiting places of historical importance can bring history to life and refresh their knowledge a class trip can encourage students to get more exercise students are likely to be more active in organising their free time on a class trip a trip offers a break from the routine where children can have fun together Topics ~ Pros and Cons a trip together helps to improve the social cohesion of the group students form stronger bonds with each other they get to know each other better independence is strengthened switching off school routine possibility to see and learn something new even a two-day trip costs a lot of money during a class trip youngsters often drink too much escorting teachers have a lot of problems, they have to take on a lot of responsibility youngsters and children are more careless and easy-going, they can take risks they would not normally take there can be conflicts among children / youngsters accidents can happen easily, kids can get lost often there is a lack of discipline 8. Atomic energy ‘Most people consider atomic energy too dangerous.’ oil and gas prices are rising accelerating climate change — nuclear power does not directly affect climate change lack of viable alternatives modern technologies offer an adequate level of safety, which is continuously im- proving clean, green atomic energy can stop global warming absolutely eco-friendly an atomic power plant generates for example a thousand times as much electricity as a coal power plant with the extension of atomic energy, the energy demands of the world can be satisfied in the long run, and at the same time, further warming through burning fossil resources can be prevented atomic energy is the only clean and efficient alternative which we will have at our disposal in industrial quantities in the coming decades during atomic fission there is no burning process — meaning no sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide in the air Cons: regular breakdowns, even in European reactors (e.g. the dramatic results of Cher- nobyl in 1986); many people fell sick and died ‘Pros: Topics ~ Pros and Cons atomic power is a high-risk technology which people will never be able to fully control the atomic waste problem is not solved, there is no adequate end repository / stor- age there is no way of ensuring that in centuries to come our atomic waste will not endanger our descendants apart from heat, atomic fission also produces strong radiation burnt out heating units are very dangerous, as they are still radioactive and there is no system for recycling them atomic weapons give dictators an uncontrollable power: it is a danger for the entire human race the most modern and best prepared technology can go wrong, plus there is the human factor: negligence, tiredness, routine, which leads to mistakes atomic waste transportation: it costs a lot of energy, probably more than the elec- tricity produced security questions: external (terrorist attack) or internal security breach (technical equipment, storage repository) 9. Day boarding schools ‘It is more convenient and reassuring for parents if their children go to a day boarding school.” it is very practical, as parents are in general both at work: schoolchildren get lunch at the canteen and will be overseen in the afternoon the family can sit at the table in the evenings and everyone can talk about how the day went schoolchildren are overseen at school all day, instead of spending the afternoon at home in front of the television useful activities are undertaken children do their homework at school, and the teacher can also help if they don’t understand something children can also play until they are picked up by the parents or go home on their own children can be taken into consideration: learning, fun and movement can be bal- anced in a way that is ideal for them as the day is broken up more, unlike now when they have to sit through hours of continuous lessons Cons: school children’s time is fully booked, their free time is limited they cannot do anything outside there are too many barriers in the classroom 81 Kee sanawio[ty Jo spuesnoyy pouodsuen sjonpoad ‘orejd sno uo Suipuey as0jaq 20] 8 payjaavan aavy eqnd 40 puvjeaz Man Woy KouoY s[ULBI0 ‘B'9 ‘sjonpord awwos —« snonLynu a10u! jou ase sjonpoid sayy 01 paredwioo pur s08u0] 40J uoyo o10ys ay 1e punose ay] sJonpoid sueBIO symispooy Areurpso wey os0w yonut ys09 sionpoud a1uRB10 ronpoid ay JO [eas o1ueB10 ap ySnouyp soyuwsENd v SJ JWNsUOD snorssUOD-Ip[eay e+ ue oy) WY Kpoap pooy 18 sjeumue — uononpoad a1ey ysnosy) poyojord osye st yuoUTUOMAUa oy) e ase} jeanjeu AIOUL PUR S[RIOUIL ‘SUILURTA a1OUH ssoUYsoM st YSNOMP sueIUOD pooy o1ueBIO + saourysgns 91X0} Joy} pur sopronsad ‘sinoary, pue smojoo ‘saanearasaid se yons saanippe [emmyeuuN OU sUTeIUOD poo} d1URBIO Jeuoseas are pue var oy) wo 209 sionpoud “3-9 ‘o10y ueyodutT are sassaooud jemeU JB] SOUL PUL J9yeAA sso] SUTEIUOD ‘ONBUNOIe SLOW SI OU DUTIO —s yeu S1UeZIO UL SOHOIgHUR Jo sooeN OU OIE Q1OyY + pjorqueyodunt ue Xejd syd jeune (2a0Uut 0} woos Aue aavy A[prey pue passans are sjewtue) pamoyye 10U axe [IU pue wow ‘sB3o sonpord-sseu eI SUUIRY pur saLioneg uy auny[noUsTe s1ueB10 10J SUTJapINS JLNs 01 BuIps0d9e poonpoud axe Koy « Joag Yanut st pooy a1ueB10 Jo Appenb aup ‘Auypyeay axe sionpord oye uononpoad o1uesi0 ut ooge} are Apog uBWINY ay} Joy [NFULeY axe Yory suostod pur suasipnzgy [ROWAYD —« soplonsad Pue sJost[May [eANVeU ‘;eUONIPeN [PIM poyeayfno ase sajqeyado puv yn sueTIO —« uay ay Woy Ysoxy axe SBBo ‘moo ay) Woy Ysary st Y|ILU dy) :ysayy are sjonpoud ayy se ‘saSeiueape Jo 20] v sey sdonpoad ay way Kjjoautp BuL days swa|qord apni FaAo9sIp 01 19prEy $1 FuNvaYy sou MMOWIP UL Wy djay 0} Japrey st “yon souued snoX sayeur JeYM MOUY },UOp Nok JT oiiny woutttios ano Jo worrepunoy ayy st apt] Yons YSnowp “iouused p MIM apy Avp&raao pareys @ PLING 01 aqIssoduur 11 soyeU JayI980) au, 2]HI] pur syista may Jouyed 0X YM aq 1,ue9 Nok uayar AJauoy [aay uayo Kew nok Apppinb 1000 048) ueo Asnopear ve :suoQ, Joppp] arezodio9 ay quis OF Sontunuioddo azout aq Kew axayp os ‘a}qrxay azul aq UeD ajIp [LOM INO suBsUE ¥ ‘diysuonejar e ur une ureZoD v sueat diysuonvjar aourrsip v yBnomp uede ory soured ayy Joy uon ~eroaudde s9yeax8 s} axon uayo ssa] 1910 Yowa 208 siouyzed auayan diysuonejas v ut Ajeansalgo pue <2e9]9 syou Jounied axp Ypta 2A0] pur diysuorejas aqp 29s 0} aoueyo e s1ayo aourysip arp diysuonejas jeuonuaauos e out dojaaap lm diysuonejes eouersip-B8u0] ayp yey Auiqissod Sunioxa ayy sempe st asamp lteuus 20 a8se] “swrajqord due Jopisuod oy ainb pue aovad axey nok “ysay pue mau s]ay diysuonejar au} pub |Yo1nb sv ut 39s rou woparog ‘drysuonejax souEysIp - Buo] v ut dojaaap 204 S20p aunnoy Jo puny sip asnesog -Xjoiajdusoo saumnowios “Auuange Jo waned Pareifs Jo PUPY siup Syoe] diysuonejar eouersIp-Bu0] Y -IoA0 Soyer uoOs ounnos Aepsroaa ‘taunted anos yaio pjoyasnoy v axeys nox jr :[[euis st wopasog Jo ysu1 ay 4aupeo} quads aun ay} 07 PABALIOJ Yoo] Nok WE JueM NOK J! Wopaay Jo Aua}d aay Nos 80g « pannoyduios uarfo st n pun — aovjd fo a8uny PAmDjas-Y4ow D 40 Jay Aopyoy v sayfo ‘Aupuuay uy diysuoymas a0un{sip-Suo] v spy ardnos ynjdte A12sa wouyy zaoursstp » wos 240] — sdiysuonnjas aounssip-Su0y, Sdrysuoneyjas 9dUBjSIP-BU0T “1 ¢ SUOD pub SoIg —SsIdOL Topics ~ Pros and Cons there is a certain amount of loneliness involved in long-distance relationships, and it can often lead to a break-up. If there’s too much time between two visits, the feeling of loneliness can become unbearable 32. Money makes you happy ‘Money and happiness go hand-in-hand.’ money can make you satisfied money makes nations as well as individuals happy the feeling of financial uncertainty creates frustration having debts leads to anxiety being penniless is depressing you can donate to good causes and receive gratitude from the recipients having plenty of money makes life easier; lack of money puts you at odds with the world with money, taking care of your own family or a clean environment is much easier it boosts your self-esteem there’s a connection between money and health, because you can buy good medi- cal care Cons. wealthy people can earn millions, but their quality of life doesn’t increase rich people are lonely well-paid people know that their wealth creates a distance from others peace, real friends and family cannot be bought money changes your attitude: rich people are less tolerant and understanding of others a harmonious family, relationship and secure future are much more important you feel more independent with less money money makes people happy only for a while, then they become afraid of losing it 33. Cosmetic surgery “Cosmetic surgery — a culture of plastic? Many patients dream of perfect breasts, a straight nose or a tight bottom, but afier the surgery there are complaints of strong pain, ugly scars or the need for corrective surgery.’ Pros: an attractive appearance is nowadays a basic requirement for a job, career and relationship 35 219 zou dyealid ‘aotape ia1p— a]qe[feae A|jeULOU JOU are YoY saoiaros snosowmnU 198 nok Buluorpuos-e axp 01 anp stoopino weYp yWEseayd axoU s,11 “104 $.11 uayN aun Aue qe ‘royeom ue ur aiqejreae (212 yupean ‘Suruuids) ajqe|pere quowudinba yo aBues any st aioup 9¢ OI \Somau ay). Aynoas ionaq Jomo] ome suredas pur saxey AaUOUL MOK OJ aNpeA e1OW JaB Nok 201U sjatisaw> Moue Ajjeuoiseoso aBere3 ayy 01 1 aye 01 poou K[uo NOK swio|qoud jearuyoa) ou sey ‘umop-und joUsa aiqerios sow s,11 ‘aarsuodxe azour st ze9 Mou e Yano LD Many Ajaay 11 YIM quawtadxa Pue jr astwojsno urs nok =. SiaysBuno4 10J seo ISI vse yeapr—« Uostreduios Aq ‘ApyoInb 419A anpeA sasoj so MIU souid pos v ye urede pjos oq urs zeo pasiedas-UNUDI~A + SUOD pub Sorg —sordoy, Topics ~ Pros and Cons + especially nowadays when everyone only writes e-mails it is special to get a handwritten letter + you can attach a drawing or a little present, scent it with a drop of perfume if you are romantic + itis more exciting to open a letter + sometimes it is necessary to send a signed, stamped letter which cannot be sent via e-mail + handwritten letters are normally longer as well 45. Pre-paid card or long-term contract for mobile phones ‘Life without a mobile doesn’t seem possible for anyone. Mobile phones are not luxury items anymore, like they were a decade ago. They have become an everyday necessity. But we still need to answer one question: shall we get a mobile with a pre-paid card or a contract?” Pre-paid card: + it’s quick: you just go to the shop, buy a SIM card and you can use the phone, even abroad + there is no contract, no obligation and no monthly bill to pay * you can talk until your money runs out; keep costs under control + those who want to top up their account don’t need to go to a newsstand round the corner anymore, they can choose an automatic payment from a bank account Long-term contract: + pre-paid offers are inconvenient + you don’t need to top up all the time, it’s less hassle * rates are cheaper than pre-paid. + you can upgrade to a new mobile phone free + those who want to use a mobile phone for work need to have a regular invoice where all the calls are itemised + pre-paid cards can be messy and annoying when the money is used up, and there’s nothing more embarrassing than not being able to use the phone when needed + all services are possible, for example Blackberry, multicard, home zones etc. 45 oF Ajsea se saynd uioo Aareo Aiea1,ue9 NOX weseajd xo Cownof axp soeUL YoIyan “Ute / sng ( PunoxBlapun ayy UO 10m o1 Kea axp UO 40 (ye B Se) sepyBaIg SULAEY apy Peau Soup sauunauos ‘aunmno4 jeuonngnsuca ey) ‘e.Dns| e1padiy!M 4200 Auom ayy oe) BIpodryi AA “9 Syeda puv Soimoig Pictures and Graphs Unique visitors to Wikipedia monthly a +mittion visits Why do students use Wikipedia for course-related research?| (2010, UK) Obtain a summary |S Get started on assignment <<" Interface is easy to use = | Find the meaning of terms | Comprehensible explanations —" Citations at bottom of entry | mummy Figure out search torms | mmm Current, upo- y (s1e0h p-¢) woyo> gM SADYJOUI SULDFAOAA “PT sydeip pue SomMIdig Pictures and Graphs [Source: U.S., Department of Labor * (Children Under Age 8 #22 #28 Working proportion of mothers with children under 6 years old 2001 i stuapuodsar Aanins AyD a\p ut stad fq patioday surajqosd uoww0 mm wy ae @ Sunon 212M Nop spuauyAnuey ‘Ajauo} pue pasog se /60p 341 sewue say spn 2166 Bop 24, Aypus 36/6094, yy 6unapa.senbng >pewregord 5] Buyuren apo) atdoad aos spenoa a4s0166e511/60p 24, uo 3p ue 60934 00 soy, smoueyaq 2uesny/ant>nasp 520 6p 24 abedstoopuno sums 1 se 6a ney 009 spine ybnous yun 3/609 appoid on ouyg suet Gop ou, sun ‘Suippays eH a a o nS syod Surdaay “ST SqdeIp pue SamMIDIg Pictures and Graphs 16. Marriage at a young age Age of Marriage, USA 28 5 a4 a B 3 a4 ; Men 2B ae —®— Women 21 = = sdiay AWD *L] syd pue somidid Pictures and Graphs 18. Reading newspapers or reading online news websites yn i Me Ann A ee YN ARBOR NE (usamoreH ‘Aep s,uuaye,A) Sd1nj[Nd 194}0 WOIJ SUOHIPEAL “6 T sqdeiy puesameig = j

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