1-Click Actions BW Conversion Action: Please Do Not Copy o

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1-click actions

BW Conversion action

The action set comprises 4 separate actions.

General use

Same as above but

smoother tones—good for

Same as above but add a

“skin-improvement” layer.

Harsher tones than above

The action works on RGB images in 8 or 16 bit mode. The image should be flattened to start with.

Turn on these layers to add warm or cool tones to your image,

you can adjust the opacity to suit

Converts to BW—reduce the opacity for partially desaturated

images or turn off for color. sdftas gdsg adsg sdfh dsh

Paint on the layer mask to soften/lighten skin tones (do this last!”)

fgh dfgh dgfh dfgh dfhAdjust opacity to control highlight

detaifh sdfh dfgh fgh dgfls. By default the images are slightly
HighKey—adjust this layer’s
opacity to modify the strength of the HighKey effect.
Change the opacity of this layer to modify contrast.

If you use the Skin Improver layer m hdf ghgdfh dgfh dfake sure you paint on the mask as a last step—ie
after using HL Control etc).

Please do not copy ofgj dfgj fj fgj ghj r redistribute this action which is copyright 1clickactions 2007

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