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Epic Poem for North America

02. The plow and the Bible forged your marrow out of eagle, of machine, of factory, people of iron,
……………………………………………………………………………………………………...made of fire and honeysuckles,
03. and your republican conviction emerged from the holy blows of the lumberjacks,
04. as a volcano inside a blonde tear, in the blue pupil of the puritans;
05. sweet and strong of condition, agriculture
06. shines in the sacred fame of your immortal cities, tentacular, abundant,
07. and God flashes through your neighbors,
08. with shrieks from the immortal individual for the infinite, as the most quotidian of democratic
09. among the goodwill of your fair, wide laws;
10. the resounding sun’s pigeon pecks the monumental epic poem of your heroes,
11. those who reappear alive, from death and Earth’s heart, to inhabit immortality, eternal, fully
………………………………………………………………………………………………………….bathed for centuries to come.

12. Decorated with simplicity, Lincoln, Jefferson, Jackson and the stupendous farmer Franklin
13. join definitive humankind
14. riding one of the four horses of Apocalypse, with righteous and primitive tone,
15. holding the world’s globe in each white hand.

16. Country whose industry roars, and the cow of its agriculture shouts,
17. in which huge masses already sing the victory of their democratic flags under the cherry trees of
…...Washington, fulfilling the terrible duty of smiling to the mutilation of their young heroes,
18. or hold struggle in the trenches, embracing the star-spangled banner,
19. united, for the salvation of the world, with the golden sword of the Soviet Armies from the USSR,
………………………………………………………………………………………….or with the great armed will of England;
20. you cry out for the quiet life of winter’s chimneys, for the home and love where only fragrant
...granates burst, rural, acolytes of rustic firewood, drenched in resin as a naked woman’s body, Commented [1]: reformular
21. you long for the republican peace of your universities,
22. you love the handplane and the hoe, the stupendous, infinite tools of men, the axes, levers,
………………………………………………………………………………………………..shovels, the sickle and the hammer,
23. and, although from deep inside your loins the negro weeps the imperial curse of his melancholic
24. and the great capital howls at the backs of workers unions, who are the barns of freedom and
……………………………………………………………………………………………...dignity to come, you, your spirit, you,
25. the pots and beauty of your sacred mothers, North America, spilling religious contents, you extend
…………………………………………………………………………………………...your priestly attitude on top of history,
26. and Roosevelt is the great prophet, the great commander, the great patriarch who blesses from
…………………………………………………………..within the White House (Sinaí of contemporary epic poetry)
27. a pure nation of citizens who are soldiers, unaware, for they achieved happiness, Commented [2]: posible?
28. peaceful republic taking over a mighty war
29. vigorously, you rose against fascism, crowned with field poppies and dew bleats of rural people,
……………………………………………………………………………………………...with the smell of beasts and prayers,
30. wielding the most sacred sword of General George Washington, with a single blow you split the
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….head of the Fifth Column,
31. and you charged to the battle for the world, for the liberation of every nation, Whitman’s land,
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Soldier of God.

32. Ancient and dark male from Chile, full of nations in telluric-cyclopean-dramatic gestation,
…………………………………………………………………………………………………….great-grandchild of Dionysius,
33. I steadily set my sole of strong American ensemble
34. upon your land, currently in mourning for so many of your children’s children, and I embrace you
…… military gesture, North America, crying on the inside to spare the shame to my gunpowder
35. son to the myth, I am overwhelmed by amazement, father of love, before your flag,
36. I walk your mountains on my knees, and I sing with the open chest of Chilean bulls to your women
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...and cities,
37. or I sob in your cemeteries of eternity and tears.

38. Only the greatest among the great are great and simple,
39. and only you give the sensation of a plant watered with horror, but giving sweet fruits,
40. the roar of Californian feral steel and its most beautiful rags
41. bathe the agrarian peace of your Protestantism, and the colossal howl of the rational citizen,
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...grinded by the factory,
42. is the bitter, weeping song of your proletariat;
43. head-on, you seem like a God showing his back, whose right and whose left gives birth to the
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………, Commented [3]: reformular
44. and the world belongs to you, relatively,
45. because of the surplus value’s great yellow ballad.

46. Your social masses wave like flags, under the century’s hurricane,
47. and many millions of workers postpone their class consciousness, heroic and definitive,
48. for the conquer of the beautiful rose of peace and victory;
49. public unemployment does not frighten your multitudes, nor your postwar crowds with its fiddles
……………………………………………………………………………………………………...of hunger and yellow skeletons,
50. because the world’s cripple will plow the land with their stumps
51. and the home village, upon receiving the shattered crucifix delivered by the fascist war, will plant
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… in her chest as a tree.

52. Your republican architecture is a steel sonnet, in which faith blossoms with precision, a
53. and the communist is the enormous man at the service of his homeland,
54. of the working class and the popular citizenry, Roosevelt’s citizenry, on the back of the Atlantic
………………………………………………………………………………….Charter, the citizenry of Chicago’s martyrs,
55. most eminent, as the trophies of Independence,
56. creator of skyscrapers, to whose domes the sun rises and moan the violins of the moon,
57. your banking-economic-industrial potential bathes the political come abouts, Commented [4]: alternativas
58. and your financial situation already daunts your oceans with its oceans of wealth in a formidable
…………………………………………………………………………………………………..tides of great blood great,
59. if the axe of the Quaker preacher sings from the bottom of your commercial world as a pure
60. or the colossal corn of Henry Wallace outlines the agrarian problem with the augural emphasis of Commented [5]: acento
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..the Last Meal,
61. among great men of speculation and finance;
62. your multimillionaires suspect that Jesus Christ was an honorable Galilean merchant
63. and they deliver to capitalist society the paintings bought with proletarian sweat, because they are
…..good and fair men, whom are being used by the currency as middleman for the regime, and the
………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Earth undermine their entrails,
64. and one day, eternal as God’s eyes, they go to the courthouse of posterity, sitting in white marble,
65. terrible, omnipotent, triumphant, but corroded and empty as the holm oak’s bark or as great flags
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..of absence,
66. because death is not subject to the laws of purchase and sale of stock markets;
67. beside the church lies the power plant, the plain-song of Sandburg emerges from the stupendous
…………………………………………………………..womb of the sausage monopoly, and the American maiden,
68. nobody absolutely knows if she’s more of a soldier when she’s a mother, or more mother when
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..she’s a soldier,
69. but she is humanly divine, because she is divinely human, all loved, all fruit, all hurt by God on the
…………………………………………………………………………...entrails with the flower of democratic maternity,
70. she gives birth to great and simple men as a bundle of mature sprigs,
71. and she is the drop of water and pain upon which the honor of North America rests.

72. Push, and your cart of barley sweats, and an imperial plane pecks your hair,
73. barrels of burning whisky and Walter Raleigh’s tobacco give comfort to your urban sunsets,
74. and the farm embraces the city with her milky roar,
75. jackets of foal leather shelter the chauffeur, snow-capped as a wide battlefield,
76. and bring the standardized joy of discipline,
77. truly, as great cans of food, seeking the childish health of your contemporaries.

78. Inhabiting your skyscrapers are millions of millions of anonymous hearts,

79. they are the frozen, cramped humanity, looking for shelter and meaning and refuge, back to back, Commented [6]: atedido
80. solitude to solitude, rubbing up,
81. weep to weep and dream to dream in the infinite solitude of everything
82. under a firmament inhabited by businessmen
83. on top of a great land, populated by ghosts, populated only by dreams of the dead and
………………………………………………………………………………………...expectations that belong to the past,
84. populated by funeral preterit and great, sad cries, North America;
85. pierced by village mysticism, studded with eternal mystery, roaring, your voice of countryside,
……………………………………………………of mountain, of lake, afflicted and yellow because of the spirit
86. faced technique and created your myths, uprooting them from your heart,
87. your culture, your freedom, your greatness, to which we stand stupefied, face to face,
88. we, the illiterates from the South, North America,
89. owners of raw materials and the great Spaniard ocean, raised among gold and iron, which starve
90. hunched over by singular heroism, at the feet of the mountains that our ancestors dominated,
91. yes, North America, I praise your democracy of steel and cement, the triangle of the great Powers
….of antifascism, and the three triangled star through which Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill flashes
92. (your Roosevelt, the “fisher of men”, according to the Gospel),
93. but remember that Jesus from Nazareth was righteous and was not rich, and that the rich crucified
……………………………………………………………………………………him, the rich against the rich in great battle,
94. remember God, and give credit to your brother’s industrialization,
95. remember that the greatness of the stars define the greatness of the sun, father of men and the
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...light.that illuminates us,
96. and remember the vanitas vanitatum et omnio vanitas from the Ecclesiastes of ash

97. And do not oppose history, Oh! Democratic empire,

98. because history is made by men, as much as men are made by history, do not oppose history,
99. assert it with the definitive maturation of the regime.

100. As an oceanic eye, Chile smiles to you, with the face of its mountains of indefinite duration,
101. (my childish country, earnest and righteous by the national handling of the sword and horse and
… the customary ascension of volcanoes), and Spanish America understands the popular policy
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..of the “New Deal”,
102. Oh! Great friend, how hard it is to have rich friends, Oh! Great friend of your friends, North
103. the flag of the immortal star speaks to you from its soul, through my throat.

104. I hear the rumor of your footsteps above the century,

105. Roosevelt’s voice as Ezekiel’s voice in ancient
106. Mesopotamia, the shriek from New York’s violoncellos
107. and the international gasping of your great poets.

108. All races coexist, sharing your bread with you,

109. your fraternal bread, which is your people, your people and your substantial bread for American
110. and your soldiers fight for the freedom of the world
111. as the bison is a lion of agriculture, he is the tutelary god of your shield and the eagles your flag
112. rigorous and collective in Democracy
113. loaded with eminent ecumenical order, you advance “on the road of progress”, decorated with
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...American dollars
114. and, from the entrails of overproduction yell the contradictions of the regime
115. from the sensation of greatness, your quiet and democratic people and your capital, on which the
…………….canvases of Rembrandt are hanged in the streets, above the arch-melodic conjunction of
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..madness and conduct, Commented [7]: reformular
116. in great barrels of sun you save the wonderful foam of the ancient vases,
117. and through your traditions walks Don Quixote, wielding his sword, giving two-handed blows to
…………………………………………………………………………………....the left and right flanks of the despicable,
118. because your height is great and your grandfathers are the yellow knights of Cromwell,
119. your Democracy belongs to you, it is yours, and you must improve it by yourself
120. Oh! Loving, flashing country
121. Oh! Dear and fraternal giant from the North, the problem of men is your problem and your destiny
…………………is the destiny of men, the destiny of men and their great circulatory and solved enigma
122. that is why my social accent surrounds and anoints you with holy oil and feral grapes,
123. my song, the most ancient and contemporary of songs
124. my song of energy and adventure where an unprecedented order is imposed to nature
125. and what is troublesome takes the patriarchal shape of the fruit.

126. Gargantuan, monopolies collide as crocodiles between supply and demand, Commented [8]: referencia literaria
127. from overproduction emerges social hunger, within the heart of huge product stocks, and
…………………………………………………………………………………………..unemployment opens its fauces,
128. showing its mighty, horrendous teeth to the great government of Roosevelt,
129. colossal wealth creates the conditions for colossal misery
130. in the dark womb of the regime,
131. and the regime wields the sword of antagonism against itself
132. because poverty does not fulfill the humanistic end of supplying common society with energy and
…………………………………………………………………………………collective platforms, the blood base of value,
133. and it burns as a great flame of autumn leaves, in anarchy, among organized disorder. Commented [9]: se consume

134. Here the worker and the young mistress sweat, beautiful as a hundred oranges,
135. work is sacred as the afternoon prayer
136. and the American miss has never looked as gorgeous as in that instant when she sparked among
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...the definitive vegetables,
137. like a great golden apple, fragrant of villages and happy domesticity
138. cooking for her sweetheart mutilated in the trenches, the flowery stews of their ancestors
139. but, amongst the bureaucratic shooting, foolish prosper and genius flounder
140. because you, immortal country, allow the murder of your lions, the goose fattened with
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...standardized rhetoric,
141. which is on sale, surrounded by tin plates, like an old island of dread;
142. sober and righteous, professorial nation, woodcutter and puritan, visionary and
143. dazzled by idealism and great capital, simultaneously
144. great capital is your crown and your horizon of servitude
145. great land, loaded with military fruit on top of planned industry
146. your naïve being sets the age’s melody
147. and your cannons, the roar of contemporary immortality.

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