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International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163

Issue 5, Volume 2 (May 2015)

A Study on Design of Prestressed Post-Tensioned Girder by

Morice-Little Method
D.Gouse Peera1 Mahendrakar Kiran Kumar2 Konge Praveen Kumar3
(Associate Professor, Civil Engineering, BITS Adoni, Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh, India)
(M.Tech student, Civil Engineering, BITS Adoni, Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh, India)
(M.Tech student, Civil Engineering, BITS Adoni, Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh, India)

ABSTRACT: Prestressed concrete is useful for big spans and rapid completion of construction works. Prestressed
concrete mainly used in buildings, bridges and towers. In this paper the design of prestressed girder elements are
discussed, various methods and their suitability for the design are discussed, mainly concentrated on Morice-Little
method. In our analysis, the effective width is divided into eight equal segments, the nine boundaries of which are
known as the standard positions, the loadings and deflections at these nine standard positions are considered and all
deflections are related to the average deflection. The design of a girder for a bridge taken as an example and results are
provided with neat sketches. Girders may be post-tensioned or pre-tensioned and also precast or cast-in-situ. With this
manuscript any structural engineer can get an succinct idea about how Morice-Little method implemented in the design
of a prestressed post-tensioned girder.
Keywords: Girder, Morrice-Little, Prestressed concrete, Cross beam.

There are various methods for design of girders of post-tensioned prestressed concrete road bridges. In India
Indian Road Congress publishes codes and specifications for design. Usually, concrete of grade M40 is used for post-
tensioned prestressed girders. Before start design dimensions are assumed based on experience. The design involves
calculation of the section properties, dead load moments, live load moments, magnitude and location of the prestressing
force, profile of the tendons, shear stresses at different sections. Finally design of end block and cross beams.


In order to compute the bending moment due to live load in a girder and slab bridge, the distribution of the live
loads among the longitudinal girders has to be determined. When there are only two longitudinal girders, the reactions on
the longitudinal can be found by assuming the supports of the deck slab as unyielding. With three or more longitudinal
girders, the load distribution is estimated using any one of the rational methods. Three of these are Courbon’s method,
Hendry-Jaegar method, Morice and little version of Guyon and Massonnet method.

2.1. Courbon’s Method

According to Courbon’s method, the reaction Ri of the cross beam on any girder I of a typical bridge consisting of
multiple parallel beams is computed assuming a linear variation of deflection in the transverse direction. The deflection will
be maximum on the exterior girder on the side of the eccentric load (or c.g. of loads if there is system of concentrated
loads) and minimum on the other exterior girder. The reaction R¡ is then given by (or)
where p, Li, e, are di total live load, Moment of inertia of longitudinal girder i, eccentricity of the live load (or C.G. of loads
in case of multiple loads) and distance of girder i from the axis of the bridge.When the intermediate and the end
longitudinal girders have the same moment of inertia, the quantity li in the second term within brackets of above equation
gets cancelled and the term outside the bracket now reduces to p/n, where n is the number of longitudinal girders. This
reduces the amount of computation considerably. In view of the simplicity in calculations, this method is very popular.
Courbon’s method is applicable only when the following conditions are satisfied. The ratio of span to width is greater than
2 but less than 4. The longitudinal beams are interconnected by symmetrically spaced cross girders of adequate stiffness.
The cross girders extend to a depth of at least 0.75 of the depth of the longitudinal girder. These conditions are usually
satisfied for majority of modern T-beam bridges.
3.2. Hendry-Jaegar Method
Hendry and Jaegar assume that the cross beams can be replaced in the analysis by a uniform continuous transverse
medium of equivalent stiffness. According to this method, the distribution of loading in an inter connected bridge deck
system depends on the following three dimensionless parameters.
A = 12 / π4 (L / h)3 n ElT / EI, F = π2 / 2n (h / L) CJ / EIT, C = EI1 / EI2
Here L, h and n are span of the bridge, spacing of longitudinal girders and n number of cross beams.
EI, CJ = Flexural and torsional rigidities, respectively, of one longitudinal girder.
EI1, EI2 = Flexural rigidities of the outer and inner longitudinal girders, where these are different
EIT = Flexural rigidity of one cross beam.
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International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163
Issue 5, Volume 2 (May 2015)

In case of beam and slab bridge without cross beams, n and EIT in above equations is to be replaced by L and EIT
where the latter gives the total flexural rigidity of the slab deck. Normally, for reinforced concrete T-beam bridges, the
flexural rigidities of the outer and inner longitudinal girders will be nearly equal. The parameter A is the most important of
the above three parameters. it is a function of the ratio of transverse to longitudinal flexural rigidity. The second parameter
F is a measure of the relative torsional rigidity of the longitudinal and is difficult to determine accurately, due to
uncertainties surrounding the CJ values for practical girder sections. For T-beam bridges having three or four longitudinal
with a number of cross beams, it is usually permissible to employ the distribution coefficients for F= ∞. The torsional
rigidity of the transverse system is neglected in the analysis. Graphs giving the values of the distribution coefficients (m)
for different conditions of number of longitudinal (two to six) and two extreme values of F, i.e. zero and infinity.
Coefficients for intermediate values of F may be obtained by interpolation from equation = +( ∞−
0F 3+F where MF is the required distribution coefficient and mo and m∞ are respectively the coefficients for F = 0 and F
= ∞.

3.3. Morice and little method

Morice and little have applied the orthotropic plate theory to concrete bridge systems, using the approach first
suggested by Guyon neglecting torsion and extended by Massonnet to include torsion. This approach has the merit that a
single set of distribution coefficients for two extreme cases of no torsion grillage and a full torsion slab enable the
distribution behavior of any type of bridge to be found. If the bridge deck consists of a number of longitudinal girders at a
spacing p, then the effective width 2b is defined as mp, where m is the number of girders. In some cases, this may lead to
an effective width greater than the actual width as in Fig.1.

Fig.1. Effective width for bridge decks

The actual span of the bridge is taken as 2a. The flexural property of the bridge deck as a whole may be expressed
by the bending stiffness parameter is given by equation θ = (b/2a)*(i/j)0.25. Where i, I, P, J, j and Q are longitudinal second
moment of area of the equivalent deck per unit width (l/p), second moment of area of each longitudinal girder, spacing of
longitudinal girders, transverse second moment of area of the equivalent deck per unit length, the second moment of area of
each transverse diaphragm or cross beam and spacing of diaphragms or cross beams.

The torsional properties of the bridge deck as a whole may be expressed by the single parameter α, given by
= ( + )/2E . Where E, G, iO, jO and α are young’s modulus of the material of deck, modulus of rigidity of the
material of the deck, longitudinal torsional stiffness per unit length (lo/q), Transverse torsional stiffness per unit length( j0/q)
and torsional stiffness constant of each diaphragm or cross beam. The Flexural parameter has fundamental effects on the
load distributing characteristics of the bridge deck structure. The values of α will be zero for a no-torsion grillage and unity
for a solid slab which has the maximum torsional stiffness. For all other forms of bridge deck, the parameter α will have a
value intermediate between 0 and 1. When a concentrated load is placed on a bridge deck, the transverse section of the deck
will tend to be distorted due to varying deflection across its width as shown in Fig. 2. However, the average deflection of
the deck will be the same as if the load were to be distributed uniformly across the full effective width of the deck. For a
given structure, the deflection of a point under a given load will depend upon the transverse as well as longitudinal position
of the load and also on the structural properties of the deck i.e., on the value of θ and α.

Fig. 2 Fig. 3

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International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163
Issue 5, Volume 2 (May 2015)

In the analysis, the effective width is divided into eight equal segments, the nine boundaries of which are known
as the standard positions as shown in Fig. 3. The loadings and deflections at these nine standard positions are considered
and all deflections are related to the average deflection. The actual deflection at each of these nine standard positions will
be given by an arithmetical coefficient, called distribution coefficient and denoted by the symbol K, multiplied by the
average deflection produced by the load distributed uniformly across the entire effective width. We can find values from
Morice-Little curves such as transverse moment coefficients µ0 at reference station 0, distribution coefficient K1 at
reference station b/2, b/4, 3b/4, distribution coefficients K1 at reference station 0, distribution coefficients K0 at reference
station b, b/2, b/4, 3b/4, distribution coefficients K0 at reference station 0, large range distribution coefficients K0. The
curves give the distribution coefficient at each standard reference point for a load applied at any of the nine standard
positions for a bridge deck with zero torsional stiffness. The value of K for α equal to zero is denoted by K0 and α equal to
1is denoted by K1. For an intermediate values of α, the distribution coefficient can be obtained from the interpolation
relationship given in equation Kα = k0 + (k1-k0)√α where Kα, K1 and K0 are the distribution coefficient for the actual value
of α, distribution coefficient for α equal to zero, distribution coefficient for equal to 1.

The above distribution coefficients have been derived for deflections. However these may also be applied for
longitudinal bending moments and, therefore to longitudinal bending stresses. Since the mathematical analysis used for the
preparation of the design curves used only the first term of the harmonic series, the bending moment and stress under a
concentrated load are to be increased by 10 percent for design. Transverse bending moments are caused by the unequal
deflections across a transverse section due to the application of a concentrated load. The transverse bending moment, My is
given by equation. = ∑∞ sin , where µnθ and rn are distribution coefficient analogous to K for deflection and
the n coefficient of the Fourier series representing the longitudinal position of the load.

In practice, it is normally adequate to consider only five terms of the series in equation, which would then reduce
to equation My = (µθr1 - µ3θr3 + µ5θr5), For the case of a concentrated load W at a distance u from the left support, rn is given
by equation = , the equation gets modified to equation = µØ sin − µ Ø +µ Ø the greatest
transverse moments occur with a concentrated load, when it is nearest to the longitudinal axis. In bridges with no central
islands, it is generally adequate to use the curves for the standard position only. The curves for µθ and µ1 for the standard
positions 0 for α equal to zero and unity, respectively, are find from curves. The values of µ corresponding to any
intermediate values of α can be evaluated using the interpolation relation in equationµ = µ + (µ − µ )√ .


3.1. Design of simply supported decks
Dimensions are assumed based on experience, such as the overall depth is usually about 75-85mm for every meter
of span. The thickness of deck slab is about 150-200mm with transverse prestressing and about 200-250mm in composite
construction. The minimum thickness of web of precast girder is 150mm plus the diameter of cable duct. The bottom width
of the precast beam may vary from 500-800mm. Compute the section properties based on the full section without deducting
for the cable ducts. Compute dead load moments, live load moments & corresponding stresses for girders, but the live load
moments is to be taken for the severest applicable condition of loading. Determine the magnitude and location of the
prestressing force at the point of maximum moment. The prestressing force must meet two conditions, viz. it must provide
sufficient compressive stress to offset the tensile stresses which will be caused by the bending moments, it must not induce
either tensile or compressive stresses which are in excess of those permitted by the specifications. Select the prestressing
tendons to be used and work out the details of their locations in the member. Avoid grouping of tendons, as grouting of
some after first stage ducts if the sheaths are not leak proof. If unavoidable, use group of two cables on vertically above the
other. Allow a minimum clear cover of 50 mm to the cables. Ensure that a normal needle vibrator can reach almost to the
bottom row of cables while placing the concrete for the girder. Determine the profile of the tendons, and check the stresses
at critical points along the member under initial and final conditions such as initial prestress plus dead load only & final
prestress plus full design load.
The profile of the tendons may be parabolic for the full length from one anchorage to the other. Alternatively, a
tendon may have a central straight portion with parabolic profile at either end. The draping of the tendons helps to bring the
stresses in concrete at every section within the permissible range. This also serves to reduce the net shear at any section.
While it is possible to anchor some of the draped tendons on the deck surface, recent practice is to avoid such deck-
anchored tendons. If necessary, the sizes of the tendons and the webs are suitably increased and the tendons are anchored at
the ends of the girder in the end blocks. The moment due to applied load is zero at the end of the girder. The anchorages
should be spread evenly over as large an area as possible. At the ends of the girders, the centre of gravity of steel should
ideally coincide with the total mass passing point of concrete. At every other section, the centre of gravity of steel must lie
in such a position that the internal moments of resistance balance the applied moments, so that the concrete stresses lie
within the permissible range. Check the ultimate strength to ensure that the requirements of IRC:18 are met. The ultimate
load under moderate exposure condition is to be taken as 1.25 G+2G+2.5Q where G, SG and Q denote permanent load,
superimposed load and live load including impact, respectively.
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Issue 5, Volume 2 (May 2015)

For severe exposure condition, the ultimate load is to be taken as 1.5G+2SG+2.5Q. Work out the shear stresses at
different sections and design the shear reinforcement. Check the stresses at the jacking end due to cable forces and these
should be within permissible limits. While designing the end block, the end block should be rectangular in section of width
equal to the bottom flange of the girder. Ensure the adequate un-tensioned reinforcement is provided as specified in section
12 of IRC: 18. The bars of such reinforcement should have a diameter not less than 8 mm and the spacing not more than
200 mm. The reinforcement in the vertical direction should be not less than 0.18 per cent of the plan area of web/bulb of
the girder. The longitudinal reinforcement should be not less than 0.15 per cent of the cross sectional area. The spacing
should be uniform to the extent possible. For the designing the deck slab, any rational method may be used. The design
may follow the procedure as for deck slab for R.C.T-beam bridge. For the design of cross beams, any rational method may
be used. In case of end cross beam, provision should be made for possible jacking for replacement of bearings. The length
of the end block should be about one-half of the depth of the girder, but not less than 600 mm or its width. The thickness of
the web of the girder towards the end block should be achieved gradually with a splay in plan of not more than 1 in 4. The
portion housing the anchorages should as far as possible be precast. The concentrated force at an anchorage causes bursting
tensile force and spalling tensile forces in the end block. The bursting tensile forces is estimated from tabular values given
in IRC:18 as a function of the forces in the tendons and the ratio of the loaded width to the total width at the anchorage
without overlap. The stress is maximum at a distance of about half the width of the end block behind the anchorage. In
rectangular end blocks, the bursting tensile force should be assessed in two principle directions. The reinforcement for the
bursting tensile forces should be provided in the region 0.1 b2 to b2 behind the anchorage, where b2 is the side of effective
anchor area. Spalling tensile forces occur immediately behind the anchorage and the anchorage and the end face of the
anchorage zone. The reinforcement is provided by two layers of meshes of small diameter. Also the end face of the
anchorage zone is continually reinforced to prevent edge spalling, the reinforcement being placed as close to the end as
possible. Additionally, spiral reinforcement is provided for embedded anchors.


4.1.1. Details of The Bridge
Length of bridge 2a is 25 m, width of bridge 2b is 8.7 m, number of main girders are 5, number of cross beams 6, main
girder spacing p is 1.74 m, cross beam spacing q is 5m and carriage way 7.5 m
4.1.2. Basic of Calculations
Live load as per IRC Class AA tracked loading and Regulation as per IRC: 5; IRC: 6; IRC: 18; IRC: 21.
4.1.3. Materials
Tensioned Steel as high tensile steel 5mm, 7mm and 8 mm dia. wires conforming to clause 4.3.2 of IS: 1342-1960.
Ultimate tensile strength is 1600 MPa for 5 mm wires and 1500 MPa for 7 mm and 8 mm wires. Modulus of Elasticity
2.1×105 MPa, un-tensioned steel: HYSD bars Grade Fe415 conforming to IS: 1786. Controlled concrete grade of M40,
permissible stresses as per section 7 of IRC: 18, maximum permanent compressive stress and temporary compressive stress
at transfer are 13.2 MPa and 0.50fcj respectively where fcj being the concrete strength at transfer, permissible permanent
tensile stress and permissible temporary flexural tensile stress 0 and 0.05fci and modulus of Elasticity Ec 5000√fck i.e,.
31620 MPa.


Overall depth required is to be taken as 70 to 85 mm per 1 m span i.e,. 1750mm, width of bridge is 8.7 m in which 5
longitudinal girders are provided each one having assumed depth of 1000 mm. Overall depth of girder 1000 mm, flange
thickness is 200 mm at free end and, 300 mm at fixed, thickness of web is 200 mm, spacing of main girder 1.74 m and
spacing of cross beam is 5 m. The cross section of bridge at end and mid span as shown in fig 4 and 5.

Fig.4 Fig.5

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Issue 5, Volume 2 (May 2015)


4.3.1. Section Properties
No deductions for holes are made in calculating the properties of girder and cross beam. This is permissible, since no
allowance for the transformed area of the prestressing tendons is included in the calculation. The cross-sectional
dimensions of a precast longitudinal girder can be obtained from fig. The section properties are then computed as below.
Here yt and yb denote the distance to extreme fiber of concrete at top and bottom respectively, from the neutral axis. ‘I’
denoted by the second moment of area. For design purpose we are taken only one main girder cross section as in Fig.6.
The section converted into rectangular flanges for simplification as shown in Fig. 7.

Fig.6 Fig.7

Section properties of girder like Section modules w.r.t to extreme fibers i.e,. Zt,Zb & torsional stiffness at mid span Io
are to be determined by means of calculating the area of cross section a, center of gravity y, neutral axis depth from bottom
yb and top yt, second moment of area of section at centroidal axis Ica etc for the cross section of main girder at mid span
section, end section and cross beam at mid span section are calculated. The respective fig is shown in Fig 6, 7 & 8.
4.3.2. Distribution coefficients by Morice-little method
The distributed longitudinal stiffness coefficient i (ratio of second moment of area of section for main girder I and
spacing of main girder p), distributed transverse stiffness coefficient j (the ratio of second moment of area of section for
cross beam J and Spacing of cross beam q), bending stiffness parameter θ, torsional Stiffness Parameter α, Distributed
Transverse Torsional Stiffness jo (ratio of torsional stiffness of cross beam Jo and cross beam spacing q), Distributed
Longitudinal Torsional Stiffness io (ratio of torsional stiffness of mid span section Io and main girder spacing p) are
37.758×106 mm3, 0.304×106 mm3, 0.58, 0.56, 0.24×106 mm3 and 8.45×106 mm3. The unit load distribution coefficient for
the bridge deck for θ = 0.58 and α = 0.56 are computed using Morice-Little curves and the procedure described. The final
distribution coefficients are shown in table 4.
Load Row
-b -3b/4 -b/2 -b/4 0 +b/4 +b/2 +3b/4 +b
Position integral
-b 5.40 3.60 2.23 1.18 0.32 -0.15 -0.53 -0.85 -1.09
-3b/4 4.00 2.89 2.06 1.33 0.73 0.24 -0.19 -0.49 -0.82
-b/2 2.18 2.08 1.84 1.44 1.02 0.61 0.21 -0.19 -0.52
-b/4 1.15 1.35 1.48 1.50 1.33 0.98 0.62 0.25 -0.13
0 0.33 0.73 1.03 1.31 1.42 1.31 1.03 0.73 0.33
+b/4 -0.13 0.25 0.62 0.98 1.33 1.50 1.48 1.35 1.15
+b/2 -0.52 -0.19 0.21 0.61 1.02 1.44 1.84 2.08 2.18
+3b/4 -0.82 -0.49 -0.19 0.24 0.73 1.33 2.06 2.89 4.00
+b -1.09 -0.85 -0.53 -0.15 0.32 1.18 2.23 3.60 5.40

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Load Row
-b -3b/4 -b/2 -b/4 0 +b/4 +b/2 +3b/4 +b
Position Integral
-b 2.40 1.94 1.43 1.10 0.81 0.62 0.46 0.36 0.31
-3b/4 1.90 1.72 1.45 1.15 0.90 0.71 0.57 0.44 0.37
-b/2 1.45 1.44 1.32 1.21 1.01 0.83 0.68 0.55 0.46
-b/4 1.08 1.15 1.2 1.23 1.12 0.97 0.82 0.70 0.62
0 0.81 0.90 1.01 1.13 1.20 1.13 1.01 0.9 0.81
+b/4 0.62 0.70 0.82 0.97 1.14 1.23 1.20 1.15 1.08
+b/2 0.46 0.55 0.68 0.83 1.01 1.21 1.32 1.44 1.45
+3b/4 0.37 0.44 0.57 0.71 0.90 1.15 1.45 1.72 1.90
+b 0.31 0.36 0.46 0.62 0.81 1.10 1.43 1.94 2.40


-b -3b/4 -b/2 -b/4 0 +b/4 +b/2 +3b/4 +b R.I
-b 3.005 2.357 1.644 1.120 0.686 0.426 0.210 0.055 -0.042
-3b/4 2.428 2.014 1.603 1.195 0.857 0.591 0.378 0.205 0.070
-b/2 1.633 1.601 1.450 1.267 1.012 0.774 0.561 0.363 0.213
-b/4 1.097 1.200 1.494 1.297 1.187 0.972 0.769 0.586 0.580
0 0.704 0.857 1.128 1.175 1.255 1.175 1.128 0.857 0.704
+b/4 0.580 0.586 0.769 0.972 1.187 1.297 1.494 1.200 1.097
+b/2 0.213 0.363 0.561 0.774 1.012 1.267 1.450 1.601 1.633
+3b/4 0.070 0.205 0.378 0.591 0.857 1.195 1.603 2.014 2.428
+b -0.042 0.055 0.210 0.426 0.686 1.120 1.644 2.357 3.005

4.3.3. Equivalent load λ P at the nine standard positions

Loadings are considered as shown in fig.4 and fig.5 Class AA tracked vehicle placed symmetrically. The
equivalent load coefficient λ for the standard positions corresponding to these loads are listed in table.4 Table.4 Equivalent
loads λ P at the standard positions as shown in Fig.9.

Load position -b -3b/4 -b/2 -b/4 0 +b/4 +b/2 +3b/4 +b

Class AA - - 0.954 0.115 0.931 - - - -

4.3.4. Actual distribution coefficient “K”
The equivalent load multiplier λ as obtained from table.4 are applied to the corresponding coefficient of table.3 to
obtain the coefficient “K”. The detailed working Class AA tracked Vehicle shown in table.5 The actual distribution
coefficient “K” are tabulated in table.6. as shown in Fig.10.
Load Equivalent load
-b 3b/4 -b/2 -b/4 0 +b/4 +b/2 +3b/4 +b
Position multiplies
-b - - - - - - - - - -
-3b/4 - - - - - - - - - -
-b/2 0.954P 1.537 1.513 1.367 1.19 0.95 0.72 0.527 0.323 0.183
-b/4 0.115P 0.106 0.124 0.156 0.13 0.12 0.10 0.066 0.044 0.044
0 0.931P 0.637 0.784 1.037 1.08 1.15 1.08 1.037 0.773 0.633
+b/4 - - - - - - - - - -
+b/2 - - - - - - - - - -
+3b/4 - - - - - - - - - -
+b - - - - - - - - - -

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Issue 5, Volume 2 (May 2015)

∑λka - 2.28 2.42 2.56 2.40 2.22 1.90 1.62 1.14 0.86
K1 = - 1.14 1.21 1.28 1.20 1.11 0.95 0.81 0.57 0.43


Load position -b -3b/4 -b/2 -b/4 0 +b/4 +b/2 +3b/4 +b
Class AA 1.14 1.21 1.28 1.20 1.11 0.95 0.81 0.57 0.43

4.4. Dead Load and Live Load Moments
For the design of longitudinal girder we take only one maximum live load bending moment from intermediate
girder ( i.e., Girder-B ) and one maximum dead load bending moment from end girder (i.e., Girder-A ). In our case dead
load moment and live load moment are 1722 kN-m, 1135 kN-m respectively.
4.5. Design of Girder
By the design the numbers of cables required for the main girder section are 10 cables are necessary for the
effective transfer of stresses to the cables the cable pattern as shown in Fig.11.

4.5.1. Stress at Mid Span Section
For mid span section stresses at top ftt , bottom fbt at transfer are 3.42 N/mm2, 16.93 N/mm2. Stresses at top ftw,
bottom fbw under full load (Stress due to dead & Live load BM) are 10.13 N/mm2, – 0.5 N/mm2. Similarly for stresses at
support section stresses at top ftt , bottom fbt at transfer are 2.79 N/mm2,13.75 N/mm2. Stresses at top ftw, bottom fbw under
full load (Stress due to dead & Live load BM) are 11.27 N/mm2, 2.29 N/mm2. Stress distribution diagrams are as shown in
Fig.12 and 13. The negative value is represents tension due to allowing maximum live load on the bridge. But modulus of
rupture is 5N/mm2, so that the value of “fbw” can be acceptable. However, un-tensioned reinforcement is provided to resist
cracking of members.

Fig.12 Fig.13

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International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163
Issue 5, Volume 2 (May 2015)

4.6. Calculation of Losses of Prestressing Force

The total loss prestress over the all the cables due to the Elastic shortening, Shrinkage in concrete, Creep in
concrete, Relaxation of steel & friction. The loss of prestress due to friction is neglected, because of in post-tensioned
prestressed concrete members before prestressing force applied one end of the member be the anchored. After that the
prestressing force is applied to another side of the member through cables, which are tightly stretch and then anchored
simultaneously. So that the loss of prestress due to friction should be rectifying by first anchorage side again applied to
prestressing force. Total loss of prestress is 168.811 N/mm2 i.e,. Percentage of loss is 18.75%.
4.7. Check for Ultimate Strength of Girder
Ultimate moment carrying capacity of girder should be less than that of least of the ultimate moment of resistance
due to yielding of steel & crushing of concrete. In our design ultimate moment carrying capacity of girder is 5365 kN-m &
yielding of steel, crushing of concrete are 6661.14 kN-m 6634 kN-m respectively.
4.8. Design of Shear
For the Shear Reinforcement Provide 10 mm ø 2-legged stirrups @ 300 mm c/c, it is designed taking the
following two conditions into the consideration i.e,. Shear force at working loading conditions (dead load and live load
Class AA tracked loading which is equal to 181.44 kN) and Shear force at ultimate load condition (814.66 kN) as shown in

Fig.14 Fig.15
Shear resistance Vu is taken as the smaller value of resistance of uncracked section Vuo and cracked section Vcr.
Shear resistance is computed at a section “d” from the support as shown in Fig.15. The cross section just beyond the end
block is used for calculating the resistance, as an approximate but conservative step. Resistance of section uncracked in
flexure (web shear crack), finally allowable shear resistance Vcr which is equal to 814.66 kN.

4.9. Un-Tensioned Reinforcement

Provide 12 mm ø 2-legged stirrups at 250 mm c/c in vertical direction (stirrups) and 20 nos. of 12 mm ø at 200 mm c/c as
longitudinal steel in girder. Minimum reinforcement at near support 0.18% of plan area provided as shown in fig 16 and 17.

Fig.16 Fig.17
4.10. Design of End Block
The end block is design for the arrangement of 10 cables is placed in girder which is to be anchorage of the
member. Provide 6nos of 10 mm ø 3- legged vertical stirrups @ 150 mm c/c for bursting force on horizontal plane and 6
nos of 10 mm ø in each leg @ 171 mm c/c bursting force on vertical plane as shown in Fig 18 and 19.

Fig.18 Fig.19

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International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163
Issue 5, Volume 2 (May 2015)

4.11. Design of Cross Beam

Two cables of 12 mm ø -5 are provided in the web and the flange has cables of 12 mm ø -5 at 835 mm c/c.
Straight cables be provided for cross beams and top flanges which are connect to form a monolithic structure. As shown in
Fig.20 and 21.

Fig.20 and 21

For Nations development different states are to be connected by highways for proper transportation. So bridges
play a significant role for the land transportation. Now a days bridges are being constructed either of ordinary reinforced
concrete or of prestressed concrete. Generally these bridges will have longitudinal and transverse girder, over which deck
slab rests. In order to design these girders, load distribution on these girders due to loads passing over the bridge, is to be
determined which is very complex phenomenon. The available load distribution methods are Pieguard’s method, Hendry-
Jaegar method, Morice and little version of Guyon and Massonnet method. Courboun’s method which is simple when
compared to other methods is dealt in graduate syllabus on bridges. In the present work, Morice-little version of Guyon and
Massonnet method is used for the distribution of loads on to longitudinal and cross girders. Design of two lanes Highway
Bridge with five prefabricated, precast longitudinal girders, and five cross girders, with the required transverse pre-stressing
in dealt.

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