Instruction: Please: How Long That You Have Been Here?

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We would appreciate your time in completing the following survey. The purpose of this survey
is to find out the Facilities of Condominium Mutiara. Your feedback will help our group in
getting the information and be used to complete our mini project for DUE5012 (Communicative
English 3). It should take about five minutes of your time. If you have any questions or
concerns, please contact Mr. Syakir .

We thank you for your contribution to our project.

Instruction: Please tick (√) or circle the answers of the following questions. Do not leave
blanks. Your responses are voluntary and will be confidential. Responses will not be identified
by individual. All responses will be compiled together and analyzed as a group.

Section A: Demographic Information

Gender: Male Female

Age: 18- 21 22 – 29 30 above

How long that you have been here?

a. Less than six months b. Six months to a year

c. 3- 5 years d. above 10 years

Which of the following best describes your current housing situation?

a. House owner b. House rental

c. Room rental d. Others:_______________

Section B: Feedback

Question 1
Which facilities you frequently use? (please pick TWO)

a. Security b. Elevators

c. Restaurants d. Parking Lot

e. Swimming Pool f. Environment

g. Religion, Prayer & Spirituality h. Neighbour

i. Others:___________________

Question 2
Which of the following would you use to describe our condominium? (please pick TWO)

a. Affordable b. Great Location

c. Good value for the money d. Overpriced

e. Well Maintained f. Others: _________________

Question 3
What facilities do you need to see more improvement?

a. Hallway & Door Painting b. Free wifi

c. More parking lots d. Other:_________________

Question 4

How frequent the main rubbish box were collected?

a. Every hour b. Daily

c. Weekly d. Monthly

e. Others: _____________

Question 5

How frequent security patrol around the condominium area?

a. Once an hours b. Once a day

c. Twice a days d. Other: ________________

Question 6

How often did you see cleaner did it job?

a. Once a day b. Once a week

c. Once a month d. Other: ______________

Question 7

How frequent the facilities are being maintain or checked?

a. Every 6 month b. Once a year

c. Other: ________________
Please tick the following statement that describe your reading habits.

Strongly Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly

disagree agree
Question 8
Was the neighbour friendly?
Question 9
How about of the cleanness of
restaurant in condominium?
Question 10
Was the parking lot provided
Question 11
Maintenance staff was
courteous & professional
Question 12
My overall experience was
Question 13
Did the elevators works

Question 14

Do you have any comments about facilities Condominium Mutiara that you would like to share?





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